DNS Extensions (dnsext) Internet Drafts

 Signaling Cryptographic Algorithm Understanding in DNSSEC
 Date: 08/04/2013
 Authors: Steve Crocker, Scott Rose
 Working Group: DNS Extensions (dnsext)
 Formats: xml txt
The DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) were developed to provide origin authentication and integrity protection for DNS data by using digital signatures. These digital signatures can be generated using different algorithms. This draft sets out to specify a way for validating end-system resolvers to signal to a server which digital signature and hash algorithms they support. The proposed extensions allow the signaling of new algorithm uptake in client code to allow zone administrators to know when it is possible to complete an algorithm rollover in a DNSSEC signed zone.

DNS Extensions (dnsext)

Last Modified: 2009-04-13

Additional information is available at tools.ietf.org/wg/dnsext


  • Olafur Gudmundsson <ogud@ogud.com>

  • Andrew Sullivan <ajs@shinkuro.com>

    Internet Area Director(s):

  • Ralph Droms <rdroms@cisco.com>
  • Jari Arkko <jari.arkko@piuha.net>

    Internet Area Advisor:

  • Ralph Droms <rdroms@cisco.com>

    Mailing Lists:

    General Discussion: namedroppers@ops.ietf.org
    To Subscribe: namedroppers-request@ops.ietf.org
    Archive: http://ops.ietf.org/lists/namedroppers/

    Description of Working Group:

    The DNS has a large installed base and repertoire of protocol
    specifications. The DNSEXT WG group will actively advance DNS
    protocol-related RFCs on the standards track while thoroughly
    reviewing further proposed extensions. The scope of the DNSEXT WG is
    confined to the DNS protocol, particularly changes that affect DNS
    protocols "on the wire" or the internal processing of DNS data. DNS
    operations are out of scope for the WG.

    The WG will limit itself to review of proposals for new extensions,
    clarification to the DNS protocol, including DNSSEC, and review of
    DNS protocol related work which may originate elsewhere in the IETF,
    including AD-sponsored submissions or drafts in other working groups.
    Adoption of new DNSEXT standards track working group items will require
    changes to this charter. The WG does not intend to hold face to face
    meetings, though may do so if deemed necessary for resolution of a
    specific issue at hand.

    The DNSEXT WG will conduct the specified RFC2929bis review of RR
    templates as they are posted and also maintain a living ID of errata
    for the DNSSEC document set.

    Goals and Milestones:

    Done  Forward NSEC rdata to IESG for Proposed Standard
    Done  Forward RFC2535-bis to IESG for proposed standard
    Done  Forward Case Insensitive to IESG for Proposed Standard
    Done  Forward LLMNR to IESG for Proposed Standard
    Done  Update boilerplate text on OPT-IN
    Done  Forward Wildcard clarification to IESG for proposed standard
    Feb 2007  Submit KEY algorithm documents RFC253[69]bis and RFC3110 to IESG for proposed standard
    Done  Finalize Zone Enumeration Requirements
    Jun 2007  Start of process of reviewing the following RFCs and to move them to Draft Standard status
    Jul 2007  RFC2930 (TKEY) to Draft standard
    Jul 2007  RFC2181 (Clarify) to Draft Standard
    Jul 2007  RFC2136 (Dynamic Update) to Draft Standard
    Jul 2007  RFC2308 (Neg Caching) to Draft Standard
    Jul 2007  RFC3007 (Secure Update) to Draft Standard
    Jul 2007  RFC2782 (SRV RR) to Draft Standard
    Jul 2007  RFC2671 (EDNS0) to Draft Standard
    Jul 2007  RFC1995 (IXFR) to Draft standard
    Jul 2007  RFC2672 (DNAME) to Draft Standard or revision
    Jul 2007  RFC1996 (Notify) to Draft Standard
    Jul 2007  Submit to IESG RFC2845 (TSIG)to Draft standard
    Jul 2007  RFC1982 (Serial Number Arithmetic)
    Jul 2007  FRC2539 (DH Key RR) to Draft Standard
    Jul 2007  RFC3226 (Message Size) to Draft Standard
    Done  RFC2538 (CERT RR) to Draft Standard
    Done  Forgery Resilience advanced to IESG
    Oct 2008  DNAMEbis advanced to IESG
    Nov 2008  ENDS0bis advanced to IESG
    Nov 2008  AXFR-clarify advanced to IESG
    Dec 2008  DNS-profile advanced to IESG
    Feb 2009  RFC2536bis and RFC2539bis advanced to IESG.


    DNS Zone Transfer Protocol (AXFR) (49974 bytes)
    Clarifications and Implementation Notes for DNSSECbis (25844 bytes)
    Use of SHA-2 algorithms with RSA in DNSKEY and RRSIG Resource Records for DNSSEC (20005 bytes)
    Update to DNAME Redirection in the DNS (35995 bytes)
    Deprecation of HMAC-MD5 in DNS TSIG and TKEY Resource Records (10284 bytes)
    DNS Proxy Implementation Guidelines (27928 bytes)

    Request For Comments:

    A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV) (RFC 2782) (24013 bytes) obsoletes RFC 2052
    Secret Key Transaction Authentication for DNS (TSIG) (RFC 2845) (32272 bytes) updates RFC 1035/ updated by RFC 3645
    Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations (RFC 2929) (22454 bytes) obsoleted by RFC 5395
    Secret Key Establishment for DNS (TKEY RR) (RFC 2930) (34894 bytes)
    DNS Request and Transaction Signatures ( SIG(0)s ) (RFC 2931) (19073 bytes) updates RFC 2535
    Domain Name System Security (DNSSEC) Signing Authority (RFC 3008) (13484 bytes) obsoleted by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035/ updates RFC 2535/ updated by RFC 3658
    Secure Domain Name System (DNS) Dynamic Update (RFC 3007) (18056 bytes) obsoletes RFC 2535,RFC 2136/ updates RFC 2137/ updated by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035
    DNS Security Extension Clarification on Zone Status (RFC 3090) (24166 bytes) obsoleted by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035/ updated by RFC 3658
    RSA/SHA-1 SIGs and RSA KEYs in the Domain Name System (DNS) (RFC 3110) (14587 bytes)
    A DNS RR Type for Lists of Address Prefixes (APL RR) (RFC 3123) (14648 bytes)
    Applicability Statement for DNS MIB Extensions (RFC 3197) (8610 bytes)
    DNSSEC and IPv6 A6 aware server/resolver message size requirements (RFC 3226) (12078 bytes) updates RFC 2874,RFC 2535/ updated by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035
    Indicating Resolver Support of DNSSEC (RFC 3225) (11548 bytes) updated by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035
    Representing IPv6 addresses in DNS (RFC 3363) (11055 bytes) updates RFC 2673,RFC 2874
    Tradeoffs in DNS support for IPv6 (RFC 3364) (26544 bytes) updates RFC 2874
    Obsoleting IQUERY (RFC 3425) (8615 bytes) updates RFC 1035
    Limiting the Scope of the KEY Resource Record out (RFC 3445) (20947 bytes) obsoleted by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035/ updates RFC 2535
    Handling of Unknown DNS Resource Record (RR) Types (RFC 3597) (17559 bytes) updated by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035,RFC 5395
    DNS Extensions to support IP version 6 (RFC 3596) (14093 bytes)
    GSS Algorithm for TSIG (GSS-TSIG) (RFC 3645) (56162 bytes) updates RFC 2845
    Redefinition of DNS AD bit (RFC 3655) (15646 bytes) obsoletes RFC 2535/ obsoleted by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035
    Delegation Signer Resource Record (RFC 3658) (42120 bytes) obsoleted by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035/ updates RFC 3090,RFC 3008,RFC 2535,RFC 1035/ updated by RFC 3755
    KEY RR Secure Entry Point Flag (RFC 3757) (16868 bytes) obsoleted by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035/ updates RFC 3755,RFC 2535
    Legacy Resolver Compatibility for Delegation Signer (RFC 3755) (19812 bytes) obsoleted by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035/ updates RFC 3658,RFC 2535/ updated by RFC 3757,RFC 3845
    DNS Security (DNSSEC) NextSECure (NSEC) RDATA Format (RFC 3845) (14793 bytes) obsoleted by RFC 4033,RFC 4034,RFC 4035/ updates RFC 3755,RFC 2535
    Threat Analysis Of The Domain Name System (RFC 3833) (39303 bytes)
    DNS Security Introduction and Requirements (RFC 4033) (52445 bytes) obsoletes RFC 2535,RFC 3008,RFC 3090,RFC 3445,RFC 3655,RFC 3658,RFC 3755,RFC 3757,RFC 3845/ updates RFC 1034,RFC 1035,RFC 2136,RFC 2181,RFC 2308,RFC 3225,RFC 3007,RFC 3597,RFC 3226
    Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions (RFC 4034) (63879 bytes) obsoletes RFC 3845,RFC 2535,RFC 3008,RFC 3090,RFC 3445,RFC 3655,RFC 3658,RFC 3755,RFC 3757/ updates RFC 1034,RFC 1035,RFC 2136,RFC 2181,RFC 2308,RFC 3225,RFC 3007,RFC 3597,RFC 3226/ updated by RFC 4470
    Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions (RFC 4035) (130589 bytes) obsoletes RFC 3845,RFC 2535,RFC 3008,RFC 3090,RFC 3445,RFC 3655,RFC 3658,RFC 3755,RFC 3757/ updates RFC 1034,RFC 1035,RFC 2136,RFC 2181,RFC 2308,RFC 3225,RFC 3007,RFC 3597,RFC 3226/ updated by RFC 4470
    Domain Name System (DNS) Case Insensitivity Clarification (RFC 4343) (22899 bytes) updates RFC 1034,RFC 1035,RFC 2181
    Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System (DNS) (RFC 4398) (35652 bytes) obsoletes RFC 2538
    Minimally Covering NSEC Records and DNSSEC On-line Signing (RFC 4470) (17471 bytes) updates RFC 4035,RFC 4034
    Use of SHA-256 in DNSSEC Delegation Signer (DS) Resource Records (RRs) (RFC 4509) (14155 bytes)
    The Role of Wildcards in the Domain Name System (RFC 4592) (43991 bytes) updates RFC 1034,RFC 2672
    HMAC SHA (Hashed Message Authentication Code, Secure Hash Algorithm) TSIG Algorithm Identifiers (RFC 4635) (16533 bytes)
    Derivation of DNS Name Predecessor and Successor (RFC 4471) (42430 bytes)
    A DNS Resource Record (RR) for Encoding Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Information (DHCID RR) (RFC 4701) (24570 bytes) updated by RFC 5494
    Link-local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) (RFC 4795) (71969 bytes)
    DNS Security (DNSSEC) Experiments (RFC 4955) (15417 bytes)
    DNS Security (DNSSEC) Opt-In (RFC 4956) (32033 bytes)
    DNS Name Server Identifier Option (NSID) (RFC 5001) (23754 bytes)
    Requirements Related to DNS Security (DNSSEC) Trust Anchor Rollover (RFC 4986) (22647 bytes)
    Automated Updates of DNS Security (DNSSEC) Trust Anchors (RFC 5011) (30138 bytes)
    DNS Security (DNSSEC) Hashed Authenticated Denial of Existence (RFC 5155) (112140 bytes)
    Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations (RFC 5395) (33725 bytes) obsoletes RFC 2929/ updates RFC 1183,RFC 3597
    Measures for Making DNS More Resilient against Forged Answers (RFC 5452) (37432 bytes) updates RFC 2181

    IETF Secretariat - Please send questions, comments, and/or suggestions to ietf-web@ietf.org.

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