OAuth Working Group | M.B. Jones |
Internet-Draft | Microsoft |
Intended status: Standards Track | J. Bradley |
Expires: May 11, 2013 | Ping Identity |
N. Sakimura | |
NRI | |
November 07, 2012 |
JSON Web Token (JWT)
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. The claims in a JWT are encoded as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object that is digitally signed or MACed using JSON Web Signature (JWS) and/or encrypted using JSON Web Encryption (JWE).
The suggested pronunciation of JWT is the same as the English word "jot".
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JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact token format intended for space constrained environments such as HTTP Authorization headers and URI query parameters. JWTs encode claims to be transmitted as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) [RFC4627] object that is base64url encoded and digitally signed or MACed and/or encrypted. Signing and MACing is performed using JSON Web Signature (JWS) [JWS]. Encryption is performed using JSON Web Encryption (JWE) [JWE].
The suggested pronunciation of JWT is the same as the English word "jot".
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels [RFC2119].
JWTs represent a set of claims as a JSON object that is base64url encoded and digitally signed or MACed and/or encrypted. The JWT Claims Set represents this JSON object. As per RFC 4627 [RFC4627] Section 2.2, the JSON object consists of zero or more name/value pairs (or members), where the names are strings and the values are arbitrary JSON values. These members are the claims represented by the JWT.
The member names within the JWT Claims Set are referred to as Claim Names. The corresponding values are referred to as Claim Values.
The bytes of the UTF-8 representation of the JWT Claims Set are digitally signed or MACed in the manner described in JSON Web Signature (JWS) [JWS] and/or encrypted in the manner described in JSON Web Encryption (JWE) [JWE].
The contents of the JWT Header describe the cryptographic operations applied to the JWT Claims Set. If the JWT Header is a JWS Header, the claims are digitally signed or MACed. If the JWT Header is a JWE Header, the claims are encrypted.
A JWT is represented as a JWS or JWE. The number of parts is dependent upon the representation of the resulting JWS or JWE.
The following example JWT Header declares that the encoded object is a JSON Web Token (JWT) and the JWT is MACed using the HMAC SHA-256 algorithm:
{"typ":"JWT", "alg":"HS256"}
Base64url encoding the bytes of the UTF-8 representation of the JWT Header yields this Encoded JWS Header value, which is used as the Encoded JWT Header:
The following is an example of a JWT Claims Set:
{"iss":"joe", "exp":1300819380, "http://example.com/is_root":true}
Base64url encoding the bytes of the UTF-8 representation of the JSON Claims Set yields this Encoded JWS Payload (with line breaks for display purposes only):
eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly 9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ
Signing the Encoded JWS Header and Encoded JWS Payload with the HMAC SHA-256 algorithm and base64url encoding the signature in the manner specified in [JWS], yields this Encoded JWS Signature:
Concatenating these parts in this order with period ('.') characters between the parts yields this complete JWT (with line breaks for display purposes only):
eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9 . eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFt cGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ . dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk
This computation is illustrated in more detail in Appendix A.1 of [JWS]. See Appendix A for an example of an encrypted JWT.
The JWT Claims Set represents a JSON object whose members are the claims conveyed by the JWT. The Claim Names within this object MUST be unique; JWTs with duplicate Claim Names MUST be rejected. Note however, that the set of claims that a JWT must contain to be considered valid is context-dependent and is outside the scope of this specification. When used in a security-related context, implementations MUST understand and support all of the claims present; otherwise, the JWT MUST be rejected for processing.
There are three classes of JWT Claim Names: Reserved Claim Names, Public Claim Names, and Private Claim Names.
The following claim names are reserved. None of the claims defined below are intended to be mandatory, but rather, provide a starting point for a set of useful, interoperable claims. All the names are short because a core goal of JWTs is for the tokens to be compact. Additional reserved claim names MAY be defined via the IANA JSON Web Token Claims registry Section 9.1.
The exp (expiration time) claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the token MUST NOT be accepted for processing. The processing of the exp claim requires that the current date/time MUST be before the expiration date/time listed in the exp claim. Implementers MAY provide for some small leeway, usually no more than a few minutes, to account for clock skew. Its value MUST be a number containing an IntDate value. This claim is OPTIONAL.
The nbf (not before) claim identifies the time before which the token MUST NOT be accepted for processing. The processing of the nbf claim requires that the current date/time MUST be after or equal to the not-before date/time listed in the nbf claim. Implementers MAY provide for some small leeway, usually no more than a few minutes, to account for clock skew. Its value MUST be a number containing an IntDate value. This claim is OPTIONAL.
The iat (issued at) claim identifies the time at which the JWT was issued. This claim can be used to determine the age of the token. Its value MUST be a number containing an IntDate value. This claim is OPTIONAL.
The iss (issuer) claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT. The processing of this claim is generally application specific. The iss value is a case sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value. This claim is OPTIONAL.
The aud (audience) claim identifies the audience that the JWT is intended for. The principal intended to process the JWT MUST be identified with the value of the audience claim. If the principal processing the claim does not identify itself with the identifier in the aud claim value then the JWT MUST be rejected. The interpretation of the audience value is generally application specific. The aud value is a case sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value. This claim is OPTIONAL.
The prn (principal) claim identifies the subject of the JWT. The processing of this claim is generally application specific. The prn value is a case sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value. This claim is OPTIONAL.
The jti (JWT ID) claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT. The identifier value MUST be assigned in a manner that ensures that there is a negligible probability that the same value will be accidentally assigned to a different data object. The jti claim can be used to prevent the JWT from being replayed. The jti value is a case sensitive string. This claim is OPTIONAL.
The typ (type) claim is used to declare a type for the contents of this JWT Claims Set. The typ value is a case sensitive string. This claim is OPTIONAL.
The values used for the typ claim come from the same value space as the typ header parameter, with the same rules applying.
Claim names can be defined at will by those using JWTs. However, in order to prevent collisions, any new claim name SHOULD either be registered in the IANA JSON Web Token Claims registry Section 9.1 or be a URI that contains a Collision Resistant Namespace.
A producer and consumer of a JWT may agree to any claim name that is not a Reserved Name Section 4.1 or a Public Name Section 4.2. Unlike Public Names, these private names are subject to collision and should be used with caution.
The members of the JSON object represented by the JWT Header describe the cryptographic operations applied to the JWT and optionally, additional properties of the JWT. The member names within the JWT Header are referred to as Header Parameter Names. These names MUST be unique; JWTs with duplicate Header Parameter Names MUST be rejected. The corresponding values are referred to as Header Parameter Values.
Implementations MUST understand the entire contents of the header; otherwise, the JWT MUST be rejected for processing.
JWS Header Parameters are defined by [JWS]. JWE Header Parameters are defined by [JWE]. This specification further specifies the use of the following header parameter in both the cases where the JWT is a JWS and where it is a JWE.
The typ (type) header parameter is used to declare the type of this object. If present, it is RECOMMENDED that its value be either "JWT" or "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt" to indicate that this object is a JWT. The typ value is a case sensitive string. This header parameter is OPTIONAL.
The cty (content type) header parameter is used to declare structural information about the JWT. Its value MUST be a string.
In the normal case where nested signing or encryption operations are not employed, the use of this header parameter is NOT RECOMMENDED. In the case that nested signing or encryption is employed, the use of this header parameter is REQUIRED; in this case, the value MUST be "JWT", to indicate that a nested JWT is carried in this JWT.
The values used for the cty header parameter come from the same value space as the typ header parameter, with the same rules applying.
To support use cases where the JWT content is secured by a means other than a signature and/or encryption contained within the token (such as a signature on a data structure containing the token), JWTs MAY also be created without a signature or encryption. A plaintext JWT is a JWS using the none JWS alg header parameter value defined in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) [JWA]; it is a JWS with an empty JWS Signature value.
The following example JWT Header declares that the encoded object is a Plaintext JWT:
Base64url encoding the bytes of the UTF-8 representation of the JWT Header yields this Encoded JWT Header:
The following is an example of a JWT Claims Set:
{"iss":"joe", "exp":1300819380, "http://example.com/is_root":true}
Base64url encoding the bytes of the UTF-8 representation of the JSON Claims Set yields this Encoded JWS Payload (with line breaks for display purposes only):
eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFt cGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ
The Encoded JWS Signature is the empty string.
Concatenating these parts in this order with period ('.') characters between the parts yields this complete JWT (with line breaks for display purposes only):
eyJhbGciOiJub25lIn0 . eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFt cGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ .
To create a JWT, one MUST perform these steps. The order of the steps is not significant in cases where there are no dependencies between the inputs and outputs of the steps.
When validating a JWT the following steps MUST be taken. The order of the steps is not significant in cases where there are no dependencies between the inputs and outputs of the steps. If any of the listed steps fails then the token MUST be rejected for processing.
Processing a JWT inevitably requires comparing known strings to values in the token. For example, in checking what the algorithm is, the Unicode string encoding alg will be checked against the member names in the JWT Header to see if there is a matching header parameter name. A similar process occurs when determining if the value of the alg header parameter represents a supported algorithm.
Comparisons between JSON strings and other Unicode strings MUST be performed as specified below:
JWTs use JSON Web Signature (JWS) [JWS] and JSON Web Encryption (JWE) [JWE] to sign and/or encrypt the contents of the JWT.
Of the JWS signing algorithms, only HMAC SHA-256 and none MUST be implemented by conforming JWT implementations. It is RECOMMENDED that implementations also support the RSA SHA-256 and ECDSA P-256 SHA-256 algorithms. Support for other algorithms and key sizes is OPTIONAL.
If an implementation provides encryption capabilities, of the JWE encryption algorithms, only RSA-PKCS1-1.5 with 2048 bit keys, AES-128-KW, AES-256-KW, AES-128-CBC, and AES-256-CBC MUST be implemented by conforming implementations. It is RECOMMENDED that implementations also support ECDH-ES with 256 bit keys, AES-128-GCM, and AES-256-GCM. Support for other algorithms and key sizes is OPTIONAL.
This specification establishes the IANA JSON Web Token Claims registry for reserved JWT Claim Names. The registry records the reserved Claim Name and a reference to the specification that defines it. This specification registers the Claim Names defined in Section 4.1.
Values are registered with a Specification Required [RFC5226] after a two-week review period on the [TBD]@ietf.org mailing list, on the advice of one or more Designated Experts. However, to allow for the allocation of values prior to publication, the Designated Expert(s) may approve registration once they are satisfied that such a specification will be published.
Registration requests must be sent to the [TBD]@ietf.org mailing list for review and comment, with an appropriate subject (e.g., "Request for access token type: example"). [[ Note to RFC-EDITOR: The name of the mailing list should be determined in consultation with the IESG and IANA. Suggested name: claims-reg-review. ]]
Within the review period, the Designated Expert(s) will either approve or deny the registration request, communicating this decision to the review list and IANA. Denials should include an explanation and, if applicable, suggestions as to how to make the request successful.
IANA must only accept registry updates from the Designated Expert(s) and should direct all requests for registration to the review mailing list.
This specification registers the value token-type:jwt in the IANA urn:ietf:params:oauth registry established in An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth [RFC6755].
This specification registers the JWT type value in the IANA JSON Web Signature and Encryption Type Values registry [JWS]:
This specification registers the application/jwt Media Type [RFC2046] in the MIME Media Type registry [RFC4288] to indicate that the content is a JWT.
All of the security issues faced by any cryptographic application must be faced by a JWT/JWS/JWE/JWK agent. Among these issues are protecting the user's private key, preventing various attacks, and helping the user avoid mistakes such as inadvertently encrypting a message for the wrong recipient. The entire list of security considerations is beyond the scope of this document, but some significant concerns are listed here.
All the security considerations in the JWS specification also apply to JWT, as do the JWE security considerations when encryption is employed. In particular, the JWS JSON Security Considerations and Unicode Comparison Security Considerations apply equally to the JWT Claims Set in the same manner that they do to the JWS Header.
[RFC3275] | Eastlake, D., Reagle, J. and D. Solo, "(Extensible Markup Language) XML-Signature Syntax and Processing", RFC 3275, March 2002. |
[RFC4122] | Leach, P., Mealling, M. and R. Salz, "A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace", RFC 4122, July 2005. |
[OASIS.saml-core-2.0-os] | Cantor, S., Kemp, J., Philpott, R. and E. Maler, "Assertions and Protocol for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0", OASIS Standard saml-core-2.0-os, March 2005. |
[W3C.CR-xml11-20021015] | Cowan, J, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1", W3C CR CR-xml11-20021015, October 2002. |
[SWT] | Hardt, D. and Y.Y. Goland, "Simple Web Token (SWT)", Version, November 2009. |
[MagicSignatures] | Panzer (editor), J., Laurie, B. and D. Balfanz, "Magic Signatures", January 2011. |
[JSS] | Bradley, J. and N. Sakimura (editor), "JSON Simple Sign", September 2010. |
[CanvasApp] | Facebook, , "Canvas Applications", 2010. |
This example encrypts the same claims as used in Section 3.1 to the recipient using RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5 and AES CBC. AES CBC does not have an integrated integrity check, so a separate integrity check calculation is performed using HMAC SHA-256, with separate encryption and integrity keys being derived from a master key using the Concat KDF with the SHA-256 digest function.
The following example JWE Header (with line breaks for display purposes only) declares that:
Other than using the bytes of the UTF-8 representation of the JSON Claims Set from Section 3.1 as the plaintext value, the computation of this JWT is identical to the computation of the JWE in Appendix A.2 of [JWE], including the keys used.
The final result in this example (with line breaks for display purposes only) is:
eyJhbGciOiJSU0ExXzUiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDK0hTMjU2In0. pwaFh7yJPivLjjPkzC-GeAyHuy7AinGcS51AZ7TXnwkC80Ow1aW47kcT_UV54ubo nONbeArwOVuR7shveXnwPmucwrk_3OCcHrCbE1HR-Jfme2mF_WR3zUMcwqmU0RlH kwx9txo_sKRasjlXc8RYP-evLCmT1XRXKjtY5l44Gnh0A84hGvVfMxMfCWXh38hi 2h8JMjQHGQ3mivVui5lbf-zzb3qXXxNO1ZYoWgs5tP1-T54QYc9Bi9wodFPWNPKB kY-BgewG-Vmc59JqFeprk1O08qhKQeOGCWc0WPC_n_LIpGWH6spRm7KGuYdgDMkQ bd4uuB0uPPLx_euVCdrVrA. AxY8DCtDaGlsbGljb3RoZQ. 7MI2lRCaoyYx1HclVXkr8DhmDoikTmOp3IdEmm4qgBThFkqFqOs3ivXLJTku4M0f laMAbGG_X6K8_B-0E-7ak-Olm_-_V03oBUUGTAc-F0A. OwWNxnC-BMEie-GkFHzVWiNiaV3zUHf6fCOGTwbRckU
SAML 2.0 [OASIS.saml-core-2.0-os] provides a standard for creating tokens with much greater expressivity and more security options than supported by JWTs. However, the cost of this flexibility and expressiveness is both size and complexity. In addition, SAML's use of XML [W3C.CR-xml11-20021015] and XML DSIG [RFC3275] only contributes to the size of SAML tokens.
JWTs are intended to provide a simple token format that is small enough to fit into HTTP headers and query arguments in URIs. It does this by supporting a much simpler token model than SAML and using the JSON [RFC4627] object encoding syntax. It also supports securing tokens using Message Authentication Codes (MACs) and digital signatures using a smaller (and less flexible) format than XML DSIG.
Therefore, while JWTs can do some of the things SAML tokens do, JWTs are not intended as a full replacement for SAML tokens, but rather as a compromise token format to be used when space is at a premium.
Both JWTs and Simple Web Tokens SWT [SWT], at their core, enable sets of claims to be communicated between applications. For SWTs, both the claim names and claim values are strings. For JWTs, while claim names are strings, claim values can be any JSON type. Both token types offer cryptographic protection of their content: SWTs with HMAC SHA-256 and JWTs with a choice of algorithms, including HMAC SHA-256, RSA SHA-256, and ECDSA P-256 SHA-256.
The authors acknowledge that the design of JWTs was intentionally influenced by the design and simplicity of Simple Web Tokens [SWT] and ideas for JSON tokens that Dick Hardt discussed within the OpenID community.
Solutions for signing JSON content were previously explored by Magic Signatures [MagicSignatures], JSON Simple Sign [JSS], and Canvas Applications [CanvasApp], all of which influenced this draft. Dirk Balfanz, Yaron Y. Goland, John Panzer, and Paul Tarjan all made significant contributions to the design of this specification.
Hannes Tschofenig and Derek Atkins chaired the OAuth working group and Sean Turner and Stephen Farrell served as Security area directors during the creation of this specification.
[[ to be removed by the RFC editor before publication as an RFC ]]
The following items remain to be considered or done in this draft:
[[ to be removed by the RFC editor before publication as an RFC ]]