This Internet-Draft has been deleted. Unrevised documents placed in the Internet-Drafts directories have a maximum life of six months. After that time, they are deleted. This Internet-Draft was not published as an RFC. The name of the internet-draft was draft-mrose-impp-common-00.txt Internet-Drafts are not an archival document series, and expired drafts, such as this one, are not available; please do not ask for copies... they are not available. The Secretariat does not have information as to future plans of the authors or working groups WRT the deleted Internet-Draft. For more information or a copy of the document, contact the author directly. Draft Author(s): Jonathan Rosenberg , Marshall T. Rose , Christian Huitema , Graham Klyne , Dave Crocker , Hiroyasu Sugano , Robert Sparks , Florencio Mazzoldi , Athanassios Diacakis