draft-irtf-cfrg-kangarootwelve-17.txt | KangarooTwelve and TurboSHAKE | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-cose-hash-envelope-02.txt | COSE Hash Envelope | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-emailcore-rfc5321bis-41.txt | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-bgp-rib-stats-07.txt | Definition For New BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) Statistics Types | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-ht-00.txt | The Hashed Token SASL Mechanism | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lisp-rfc8378bis-02.txt | Signal-Free Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Multicast | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lsr-igp-ureach-prefix-announce-04.txt | IGP Unreachable Prefix Announcement | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lsr-multi-tlv-10.txt | Multi-Part TLVs in IS-IS | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netconf-udp-notif-19.txt | UDP-based Transport for Configured Subscriptions | 21/02/2025 |
draft-karboubi-spring-sidlist-optimized-cs-sr-02.txt | Circuit Style Segment Routing Policies with Optimized SID List Depth | 21/02/2025 |
draft-templin-6man-omni3-37.txt | Transmission of IP Packets over Overlay Multilink Network (OMNI) Interfaces | 21/02/2025 |
draft-templin-6man-aero3-32.txt | Automatic Extended Route Optimization (AERO) | 21/02/2025 |
draft-xls-intarea-evn6-03.txt | EVN6: Mapping of Ethernet Virtual Network to IPv6 Underlay for Transmission | 21/02/2025 |
draft-harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode-considerations-01.txt | Considerations for Integrating Merkle Tree Ladder (MTL) Mode Signatures into Applications | 21/02/2025 |
draft-nottingham-public-resolver-errors-01.txt | DNS Filtering Details for Applications | 21/02/2025 |
draft-gao-panrg-network-awareness-ack-00.txt | QUIC network awareness Acknowledgements | 21/02/2025 |
draft-romijn-grow-rpsl-registry-scoped-members-01.txt | Registry scoped members for RPSL set objects | 21/02/2025 |
draft-lin-opsawg-ipfix-quic-header-00.txt | Export of QUIC Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) | 21/02/2025 |
draft-melnikov-smtp-iana-cleanup-00.txt | Updates to SMTP related IANA registries | 21/02/2025 |
draft-karboubi-spring-sr-policy-eligibility-00.txt | Eligibility Concept in Segment Routing Policies | 21/02/2025 |
draft-dunbar-ipsecme-lightweight-authenticate-00.txt | Lightweight Authentication Methods for IP Header | 21/02/2025 |
draft-many-tiptop-usecase-00.txt | IP in Deep Space: Key Characteristics,Use Cases and Requirements | 21/02/2025 |
draft-victortan-httpbis-chr-critical-ch-00.txt | Critical-CH for Client Hint Reliability | 21/02/2025 |
draft-victortan-httpbis-chr-accept-ch-frame-00.txt | Client Hint Reliability ACCEPT_CH Frame | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-oauth-rfc7523bis-00.txt | JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pim-jp-extensions-lisp-09.txt | PIM Join/Prune Attributes for LISP Environments using Underlay Multicast | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-radext-radiusdtls-bis-04.txt | (Datagram) Transport Layer Security ((D)TLS) Encryption for RADIUS | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-savnet-intra-domain-problem-statement-12.txt | Source Address Validation in Intra-domain Networks Gap Analysis,Problem Statement,and Requirements | 21/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-sipcore-siprec-fix-mediatype-01.txt | Updates to SIPREC correcting Metadata Media Type | 21/02/2025 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-rsa-guidance-03.txt | Implementation Guidance for the PKCS #1 RSA Cryptography Specification | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-cose-merkle-tree-proofs-08.txt | COSE Receipts | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-car-16.txt | BGP Color-Aware Routing (CAR) | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-sr-segtypes-ext-08.txt | Segment Routing Segment Types Extensions for BGP SR Policy | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-jose-fully-specified-algorithms-07.txt | Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lisp-geo-10.txt | LISP Geo-Coordinates | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netconf-transaction-id-08.txt | Transaction ID Mechanism for NETCONF | 20/02/2025 |
draft-sparks-test-async-submission-04.txt | Testing async submission | 20/02/2025 |
draft-lp-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-supplement-01.txt | Supplement of BGP-LS Distribution for SR Policies and State | 20/02/2025 |
draft-mohanty-idr-secondary-label-01.txt | The Secondary Label and its applications | 20/02/2025 |
draft-geng-sidrops-aspa-analysis-02.txt | An Analysis of ASPA-based AS_PATH Verification | 20/02/2025 |
draft-yan-detnet-oam-requirements-enhancement-01.txt | OAM Requirements for Enhanced DetNet OAM | 20/02/2025 |
draft-liu-idr-sr-segment-list-optimize-01.txt | BGP Extension for SRv6 Policy Segment List optimization | 20/02/2025 |
draft-lin-idr-sr-policy-admin-flags-01.txt | BGP SR Policy Extensions for Administrative Flags | 20/02/2025 |
draft-yx-hpwan-uc-requirements-public-operator-00.txt | High Performance Wide Area Network (HPWAN) Use Cases and Requirements -- From Public Operator's View | 20/02/2025 |
draft-smyslov-ipsecme-ikev2-prf-plus-00.txt | Use of Variable-Length Output Preudo-Random Functions (PRFs) in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) | 20/02/2025 |
draft-lin-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-admin-flag-00.txt | Advertisement of SR Policy Administative Flags using BGP Link-State | 20/02/2025 |
draft-herbert-ipv6-checksum-option-00.txt | IPv6 Checksum Option | 20/02/2025 |
draft-tsai-duration-00.txt | Date and Time on the Internet: Durations | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-alt-mark-02.txt | IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Alternate-Marking Information Elements | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-rats-eat-measured-component-02.txt | EAT Measured Component | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-roll-rnfd-06.txt | RNFD: Fast border router crash detection in RPL | 20/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ace-wg-coap-eap-15.txt | EAP-based Authentication Service for CoAP | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-asdf-sdf-21.txt | Semantic Definition Format (SDF) for Data and Interactions of Things | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-bier-frr-06.txt | BIER Fast ReRoute | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-core-cf-reg-update-04.txt | Update to the IANA CoAP Content-Formats Registration Procedures | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-raw-technologies-15.txt | Reliable and Available Wireless (RAW) Technologies | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ct-38.txt | BGP Classful Transport Planes | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-admin-tags-29.txt | Extensions to OSPF for Advertising Prefix Administrative Tags | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lsr-isis-sr-vtn-mt-09.txt | Applicability of IS-IS Multi-Topology (MT) for Segment Routing based Network Resource Partition (NRP) | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lsr-igp-flex-algo-reverse-affinity-05.txt | IGP Flexible Algorithms Reverse Affinity Constraint | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mls-extensions-06.txt | The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Extensions | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-bfd-11.txt | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Multipoint Networks over Point-to-Multi-Point MPLS Label Switched Path (LSP) | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-nmop-network-incident-yang-03.txt | A YANG Data Model for Network Incident Management | 19/02/2025 |
draft-eastlake-dnsop-rrtype-srv6-07.txt | The IPv6 Segment Routing (SRv6) Domain Name System (DNS) Resource Record | 19/02/2025 |
draft-mattsson-cfrg-aes-gcm-sst-18.txt | Galois Counter Mode with Strong Secure Tags (GCM-SST) | 19/02/2025 |
draft-lin-spring-srv6-aware-context-indicator-04.txt | SRv6 Context Indicator SIDs for SR-Aware Services | 19/02/2025 |
draft-zhang-rtgwg-ipv6-address-resolution-yang-02.txt | YANG Data Model for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery | 19/02/2025 |
draft-liu-grow-bmp-over-quic-02.txt | Using BMP over QUIC connection | 19/02/2025 |
draft-kao-idr-bitwise-ip-filters-00.txt | Bitwise IP Filters for BGP FlowSpec | 19/02/2025 |
draft-many-tiptop-quic-profile-00.txt | QUIC Profile for Deep Space | 19/02/2025 |
draft-pauly-happy-happyeyeballs-v3-00.txt | Happy Eyeballs Version 3: Better Connectivity Using Concurrency | 19/02/2025 |
draft-various-httpbis-h3-webtrans-00.txt | Forward and Reverse HTTP/3 over WebTransport | 19/02/2025 |
draft-sst-dnsop-probe-name-00.txt | Standardized Query Name for DNS Resolver Reachability Probes | 19/02/2025 |
draft-han-detnet-anomalous-packets-handling-00.txt | Anomalous Packets Handling for DetNet | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ntp-over-ptp-04.txt | NTP Over PTP | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-oauth-status-list-08.txt | Token Status List | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-sr-p2mp-policy-11.txt | PCEP extensions for P2MP SR Policy | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-extension-pce-controller-srv6-04.txt | PCE Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Using the PCE as a Central Controller (PCECC) for Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6) Segment Identifier (SID) Allocation and Distribution. | 19/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-anima-rfc8366bis-13.txt | A Voucher Artifact for Bootstrapping Protocols | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-bess-bgp-srv6-args-05.txt | SRv6 Argument Signaling for BGP Services | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-must-not-ecc-gost-03.txt | Deprecate usage of ECC-GOST within DNSSEC | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc8624-bis-06.txt | DNSSEC Cryptographic Algorithm Recommendation Update Process | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-must-not-sha1-03.txt | Deprecating the use of SHA-1 in DNSSEC signature algorithms | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dnssd-srp-27.txt | Service Registration Protocol for DNS-Based Service Discovery | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dtn-ari-04.txt | DTNMA Application Resource Identifier (ARI) | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dtn-amm-03.txt | DTNMA Application Management Model (AMM) and Data Models | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dtn-adm-yang-03.txt | DTNMA Application Data Model (ADM) YANG Syntax | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dtn-amp-01.txt | DTNMA Asynchronous Management Protocol (AMP) | 18/02/2025 |
draft-iab-nemops-workshop-report-01.txt | Report from the IAB Workshop on the Next Era of Network Management Operations (NEMOPS) | 18/02/2025 |
draft-schinazi-masque-proxy-05.txt | The MASQUE Proxy | 18/02/2025 |
draft-wesplaap-deleg-02.txt | Extensible Delegation for DNS | 18/02/2025 |
draft-gurel-moq-track-switching-01.txt | Track Switching in Media over QUIC Transport | 18/02/2025 |
draft-chins-dnsop-web3-wallet-mapping-02.txt | DNS to Web3 Wallet Mapping | 18/02/2025 |
draft-harrison-mlkem-ssh-01.txt | Module-Lattice Key Exchange in SSH | 18/02/2025 |
draft-paulwh-crypto-components-03.txt | Documenting and Referencing Cryptographic Components in IETF Documents | 18/02/2025 |
draft-hallambaker-any-01.txt | DNS Account Handles,A Whitepaper | 18/02/2025 |
draft-liu-opsawg-ipfix-path-segment-00.txt | Export of Path Segment Identifier Information in IPFIX | 18/02/2025 |
draft-zzhang-bess-dynamic-overlay-lb-00.txt | Dynamic Overlay Load Balancing | 18/02/2025 |
draft-lundberg-cose-two-party-signing-algs-00.txt | COSE Algorithms for Two-Party Signing | 18/02/2025 |
draft-pehlivanoglu-moq-shareplay-00.txt | Synchronized Video-on-Demand (VoD) Viewing with Media over QUIC Transport | 18/02/2025 |
draft-zhang-ippm-ioam-active-mp-00.txt | In Situ Operations,Administration,and Maintenance (IOAM) Active Measurement for Multi-path | 18/02/2025 |
draft-guo-sidrops-fc-profile-00.txt | A Profile for Forwarding Commitments (FCs) | 18/02/2025 |
draft-xu-sidrops-fc-verification-00.txt | BGP AS_PATH Verification Based on Forwarding Commitment (FC) Objects | 18/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ntp-roughtime-13.txt | Roughtime | 18/02/2025 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-aegis-aead-16.txt | The AEGIS Family of Authenticated Encryption Algorithms | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-generalized-notify-06.txt | Generalized DNS Notifications | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dnssd-update-lease-09.txt | An EDNS(0) Option to Negotiate Leases on DNS Updates | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-sdwan-edge-discovery-22.txt | BGP UPDATE for SD-WAN Edge Discovery | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-14.txt | Advertisement of Segment Routing Policies using BGP Link-State | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-qr-alt-06.txt | Mixing Preshared Keys in the IKE_INTERMEDIATE and in the CREATE_CHILD_SA Exchanges of IKEv2 for Post-quantum Security | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mailmaint-messageflag-mailboxattribute-02.txt | Registration of further IMAP/JMAP keywords and mailbox attribute names | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mpls-mna-hdr-11.txt | MPLS Network Action (MNA) Sub-Stack Solution | 17/02/2025 |
draft-gutmann-tls-lts-15.txt | TLS 1.2 Update for Long-term Support (LTS) | 17/02/2025 |
draft-pantos-hls-rfc8216bis-17.txt | HTTP Live Streaming 2nd Edition | 17/02/2025 |
draft-song-ippm-ioam-ipv6-support-05.txt | Approaches on Supporting IOAM in IPv6 | 17/02/2025 |
draft-song-mpls-flag-based-opt-05.txt | Flag-based MPLS Network Actions (MNA) for On-Path Telemetry | 17/02/2025 |
draft-gutmann-ssh-preauth-03.txt | A Pre-Authentication Mechanism for SSH | 17/02/2025 |
draft-linuxgemini-otpauth-uri-02.txt | Usage specification of the otpauth URI format for TOTP and HOTP token generators | 17/02/2025 |
draft-gutmann-pkcs15-02.txt | PKCS #15 Updates | 17/02/2025 |
draft-avrilionis-satp-asset-schema-architecture-06.txt | Asset Schema Architecture for Asset Exchange | 17/02/2025 |
draft-glctgp-lsr-l2-bundle-member-remote-id-02.txt | Advertisement of Remote Interface Identifiers for Layer 2 Bundle Members | 17/02/2025 |
draft-avrilionis-satp-asset-profiles-04.txt | Asset Profiles for Asset Exchange | 17/02/2025 |
draft-avrilionis-satp-setup-stage-02.txt | SATP Setup Stage | 17/02/2025 |
draft-wang-lsr-isis-big-tlv-01.txt | IS-IS Extension for Big TLV | 17/02/2025 |
draft-xsaopig-nmop-service-flow-modal-mapping-00.txt | Architecture for Service Flow Characteristics and Modal Mapping Based on SDN and ALTO Protocol | 17/02/2025 |
draft-livingood-meeting-network-00.txt | IETF Meeting Network Recommendations | 17/02/2025 |
draft-pantos-content-steering-00.txt | Content Steering | 17/02/2025 |
draft-wang-savnet-intra-domain-solution-bm-spf-00.txt | Intra-domain Source Address Validation (SAV) Solution Based on BM-SPF | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-nvo3-geneve-oam-15.txt | Active OAM for use in Geneve | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-color-11.txt | Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) Extension for Color | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pim-ipv6-zeroconf-assignment-03.txt | Zero-Configuration Assignment of IPv6 Multicast Addresses | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-sipcore-callinfo-rcd-14.txt | SIP Call-Info Parameters for Rich Call Data | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-tcpm-ack-rate-request-07.txt | TCP ACK Rate Request Option | 17/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-6man-icmpv6-reflection-02.txt | Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) Reflection | 16/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-bmwg-containerized-infra-05.txt | Considerations for Benchmarking Network Performance in Containerized Infrastructures | 16/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-grow-yang-bgp-communities-03.txt | A YANG Data Model for BGP Communities | 16/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mpls-ps-mna-hdr-00.txt | Post-Stack MPLS Network Action (MNA) Solution | 16/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-nmop-terminology-11.txt | Some Key Terms for Network Fault and Problem Management | 16/02/2025 |
draft-reddy-uta-pqc-app-06.txt | Post-Quantum Cryptography Recommendations for TLS-based Applications | 16/02/2025 |
draft-reddy-cose-jose-pqc-hybrid-hpke-07.txt | PQ/T Hybrid KEM: HPKE with JOSE/COSE | 16/02/2025 |
draft-wang-ppm-ecdh-psi-01.txt | PSI based on ECDH | 16/02/2025 |
draft-thomson-aipref-sup-00.txt | Short Usage Preference Strings for Automated Processing | 16/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-private-key-stmt-attr-00.txt | An Attribute for Statement of Possession of a Private Key | 15/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mboned-amt-yang-03.txt | YANG Data Model for Automatic Multicast Tunneling | 15/02/2025 |
draft-cheng-lsr-ospf-adjacency-suppress-04.txt | OSPF Adjacency Suppression | 15/02/2025 |
draft-wang-rtgwg-igp-pic-02.txt | IGP Prefix Independent Convergence | 15/02/2025 |
draft-liu-pce-sr-policy-cp-threshold-03.txt | PCEP Extensions to Support Signaling Candidate Path Threshold Constraints of SR Policy | 15/02/2025 |
draft-liu-bier-uloop-05.txt | BIER Loop Avoidance using Segment Routing | 15/02/2025 |
draft-liu-pim-msdp-sendholdtimer-03.txt | Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) Send Hold Timer | 15/02/2025 |
draft-lin-mpls-ldp-holdtimer-03.txt | Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) Send Hold Timer | 15/02/2025 |
draft-lin-pcep-sendholdtimer-02.txt | Path Computation Element (PCE) Communication Protocol (PCEP) Send Hold Timer | 15/02/2025 |
draft-cheng-savnet-intra-domain-oam-01.txt | Intra-domain Source Address Validation (SAVNET) OAM | 15/02/2025 |
draft-cheng-lsr-adv-savnet-capbility-01.txt | Signaling SAVNET Capability Using IGP | 15/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-6man-deprecate-router-alert-08.txt | Deprecation Of The IPv6 Router Alert Option | 14/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-13.txt | BRSKI Cloud Registrar | 14/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-source-15.txt | Multicast Source Redundancy in EVPN Networks | 14/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-cats-usecases-requirements-06.txt | Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS) Problem Statement,Use Cases,and Requirements | 14/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-core-dns-over-coap-12.txt | DNS over CoAP (DoC) | 14/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ipsecme-diet-esp-05.txt | ESP Header Compression Profile | 14/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-automation-keyusages-05.txt | X.509 Certificate Extended Key Usage (EKU) for Automation | 14/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-nmop-simap-concept-02.txt | SIMAP: Concept,Requirements,and Use Cases | 14/02/2025 |
draft-melnikov-imap-rememberme-00.txt | IMAP REMEMBERME extension for quick reauthentication token generation | 14/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dmarc-dmarcbis-39.txt | Domain-based Message Authentication,Reporting,and Conformance (DMARC) | 13/02/2025 |
draft-irtf-iccrg-ledbat-plus-plus-02.txt | LEDBAT++: Congestion Control for Background Traffic | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lsr-flex-algo-bw-con-22.txt | IGP Flexible Algorithms: Bandwidth,Delay,Metrics and Constraints | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-prefix-extended-flags-06.txt | Prefix Flag Extension for OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mpls-mna-ioam-00.txt | Supporting In Situ Operations,Administration and Maintenance Using MPLS Network Actions | 13/02/2025 |
draft-li-mpls-enhanced-vpn-vtn-id-05.txt | Carrying NRP related Information in MPLS Packets | 13/02/2025 |
draft-mpmz-bess-mup-safi-05.txt | BGP Extensions for the Mobile User Plane (MUP) SAFI | 13/02/2025 |
draft-jeong-opsawg-security-management-automation-01.txt | An I2NSF Framework for Security Management Automation in Cloud-Based Security Systems | 13/02/2025 |
draft-lingga-opsawg-analytics-interface-dm-01.txt | I2NSF Analytics Interface YANG Data Model for Closed-Loop Security Control in the I2NSF Framework | 13/02/2025 |
draft-nurpmeso-smtp-tls-srv-05.txt | Secure SMTP/TLS SRV Announcement | 13/02/2025 |
draft-rossi-svgsinrfcs-01.txt | SVGs in RFCs | 13/02/2025 |
draft-darling-key-directory-over-http-00.txt | Recommendations for Key Directories over HTTP | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ntp-ntpv5-03.txt | Network Time Protocol Version 5 | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-tacacs-tls13-18.txt | Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) over TLS 1.3 | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-sr-bidir-path-15.txt | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Associated Bidirectional Segment Routing (SR) Paths | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pquip-pqc-engineers-09.txt | Post-Quantum Cryptography for Engineers | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-rtgwg-vrrp-p2mp-bfd-12.txt | Applicability of Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Multi-point Networks in Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-teas-yang-path-computation-24.txt | A YANG Data Model for requesting path computation | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-tsvwg-udp-options-39.txt | Transport Options for UDP | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-tsvwg-careful-resume-14.txt | Convergence of Congestion Control from Retained State | 13/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-avtcore-rtcp-green-metadata-05.txt | RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Messages for Temporal-Spatial Resolution | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-dwdm-if-param-yang-12.txt | A YANG data model to manage configurable DWDM optical interfaces | 12/02/2025 |
draft-fluhrer-lms-more-parm-sets-19.txt | Additional Parameter sets for HSS/LMS Hash-Based Signatures | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-moq-transport-08.txt | Media over QUIC Transport | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-client-server-40.txt | RESTCONF Client and Server Models | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netconf-netconf-client-server-38.txt | NETCONF Client and Server Models | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netconf-http-client-server-25.txt | YANG Groupings for HTTP Clients and HTTP Servers | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netmod-system-config-12.txt | System-defined Configuration | 12/02/2025 |
draft-bormann-cbor-notable-tags-12.txt | Notable CBOR Tags | 12/02/2025 |
draft-hoffman-rfc9280-updates-02.txt | RFC Editor Model | 12/02/2025 |
draft-gougeon-imap-webpush-01.txt | The IMAP WEBPUSH extension | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ntp-nts-for-ptp-01.txt | NTS4PTP - Network Time Security for the Precision Time Protocol | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pals-ple-15.txt | Private Line Emulation over Packet Switched Networks | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-segment-routing-policy-cp-21.txt | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Segment Routing (SR) Policy Candidate Paths | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-pmtu-07.txt | Support for Path MTU (PMTU) in the Path Computation Element (PCE) Communication Protocol (PCEP) | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-rtgwg-segment-routing-ti-lfa-21.txt | Topology Independent Fast Reroute using Segment Routing | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-sidrops-rpki-crl-numbers-01.txt | Relying Party Handling of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Number Extensions | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-sidrops-rpki-ta-tiebreaker-01.txt | Tiebreaking Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Trust Anchors | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-tcpm-accurate-ecn-32.txt | More Accurate Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Feedback in TCP | 12/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-anima-brski-prm-18.txt | BRSKI with Pledge in Responder Mode (BRSKI-PRM) | 11/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-bier-bier-yang-10.txt | YANG Data Model for BIER Protocol | 11/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-cache-groups-03.txt | HTTP Cache Groups | 11/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgpls-inter-as-topology-ext-17.txt | BGP-LS Extension for Inter-AS Topology Retrieval | 11/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lake-ra-00.txt | Remote attestation over EDHOC | 11/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netconf-quic-client-server-00.txt | YANG Groupings for QUIC clients and QUIC servers | 11/02/2025 |
draft-liu-srv6ops-problem-summary-04.txt | SRv6 Deployment and Operation Problem Summary | 11/02/2025 |
draft-zhao-spring-srh-extended-srv6-policy-key-02.txt | The Correspondence between Packets and SRv6 Tunnels | 11/02/2025 |
draft-bmw-tls-pake13-01.txt | A Password Authenticated Key Exchange Extension for TLS 1.3 | 11/02/2025 |
draft-mahy-mimi-app-components-01.txt | Application State Components for More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) | 11/02/2025 |
draft-custura-tsvwg-careful-resume-qlog-00.txt | Quic Logging for Convergence of Congestion Control from Retained State | 11/02/2025 |
draft-gallagher-openpgp-user-attributes-00.txt | User Attributes in OpenPGP | 11/02/2025 |
draft-smith-rats-evidence-trans-00.txt | Evidence Transformations | 11/02/2025 |
draft-meunier-privacypass-reverse-flow-00.txt | Privacy Pass Reverse Flow | 11/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-bfd-parameters-00.txt | PCEP Extensions to support BFD parameters | 11/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-6man-vpn-dest-opt-02.txt | The IPv6 VPN Service Destination Option | 10/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-cats-framework-05.txt | A Framework for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS) | 10/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-cbor-cde-08.txt | CBOR Common Deterministic Encoding (CDE) | 10/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting-28.txt | Domain-based Message Authentication,Reporting,and Conformance (DMARC) Aggregate Reporting | 10/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ipsecme-g-ikev2-21.txt | Group Key Management using IKEv2 | 10/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-jose-hpke-encrypt-05.txt | Use of Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) with JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) | 10/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mailmaint-imap-uidbatches-07.txt | IMAP UIDBATCHES Extension | 10/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mops-network-overlay-impacts-00.txt | Network Overlay Impacts to Streaming Video | 10/02/2025 |
draft-reddy-ipsecme-ikev2-pqc-auth-04.txt | Signature Authentication in the Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) using PQC | 10/02/2025 |
draft-yang-tls-hybrid-sm2-mlkem-01.txt | Hybrid Post-quantum Key Exchange SM2-MLKEM for TLSv1.3 | 10/02/2025 |
draft-dawkins-avtcore-sdp-roq-00.txt | SDP Offer/Answer for RTP over QUIC (RoQ) | 10/02/2025 |
draft-gont-dhcwg-dhcpv6-iids-00.txt | A Method for Generating Semantically Opaque IPv6 Interface Identifiers (IIDs) with Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) | 10/02/2025 |
draft-wang-lsr-bidirectional-metric-spf-00.txt | Bidirectional Metric based Shortest Path First Mechanism | 10/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-vpn-prefix-orf-10.txt | VPN Prefix Outbound Route Filter (VPN Prefix ORF) for BGP-4 | 09/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lisp-ecdsa-auth-14.txt | LISP Control-Plane ECDSA Authentication and Authorization | 09/02/2025 |
draft-wang-bess-l3-accessible-evpn-07.txt | Layer-3 Accessible EVPN Services | 09/02/2025 |
draft-boucadair-teas-ietf-slicing-overview-07.txt | An Overview of Network Slicing Efforts in The IETF | 09/02/2025 |
draft-momoka-dnsop-3901bis-07.txt | DNS IPv6 Transport Operational Guidelines | 09/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-core-oscore-groupcomm-24.txt | Group Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (Group OSCORE) | 08/02/2025 |
draft-white-linklocal-capability-05.txt | Link-Local Next Hop Capability for BGP | 08/02/2025 |
draft-dai-sfc-fused-protocol-and-procedure-04.txt | Protocol extension and mechanism for fused service function chain | 08/02/2025 |
draft-abraitis-idr-addpath-paths-limit-03.txt | Paths Limit for Multiple Paths in BGP | 08/02/2025 |
draft-josefsson-sshsig-format-00.txt | Lightweight Secure Shell (SSH) Signature Format | 08/02/2025 |
draft-michaud-hcli-00.txt | Hypertext Command Line Interface | 08/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-cpr-07.txt | BGP Colored Prefix Routing (CPR) for SRv6 based Services | 07/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ospf-sr-yang-34.txt | A YANG Data Model for OSPF Segment Routing for the MPLS Data Plane | 07/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netmod-yang-semver-20.txt | YANG Semantic Versioning | 07/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netmod-schedule-yang-04.txt | A Common YANG Data Model for Scheduling | 07/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwcc-07.txt | Add LAYOUT_WCC to NFSv4.2's Flex File Layout Type | 07/02/2025 |
draft-sweet-iot-acme-07.txt | ACME-Based Provisioning of IoT Devices | 07/02/2025 |
draft-mcnally-deterministic-cbor-12.txt | dCBOR: A Deterministic CBOR Application Profile | 07/02/2025 |
draft-berra-dnsop-keystate-01.txt | Signalling Key State Via DNS EDNS(0) OPT | 07/02/2025 |
draft-parecki-oauth-client-id-scheme-01.txt | OAuth 2.0 Client ID Scheme | 07/02/2025 |
draft-pardue-httpbis-identity-digest-01.txt | HTTP Unencoded Digest | 07/02/2025 |
draft-leon-distributed-multi-signer-00.txt | Distributed DNSSEC Multi-Signer Bootstrap | 07/02/2025 |
draft-klensin-idna-rfc5891bis-10.txt | Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA): Registry Restrictions and Recommendations | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-asap-sip-auto-peer-18.txt | Automatic Peering for SIP Trunks | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-avtcore-abs-capture-time-00.txt | Absolute Capture Timestamp RTP header extension | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-drip-registries-23.txt | DRIP Entity Tags (DET) in the Domain Name System (DNS) | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-emu-bootstrapped-tls-08.txt | Bootstrapped TLS Authentication with Proof of Knowledge (TLS-POK) | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-emu-rfc7170bis-21.txt | Tunnel Extensible Authentication Protocol (TEAP) Version 1 | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-sr-policy-safi-13.txt | Advertising Segment Routing Policies in BGP | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-rename-esn-04.txt | Renaming Extended Sequence Number (ESN) Transform Type in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-rfc7030-csrattrs-16.txt | Clarification and enhancement of RFC7030 CSR Attributes definition | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-netmod-yang-module-versioning-13.txt | Updated YANG Module Revision Handling | 06/02/2025 |
draft-fv-rats-ear-05.txt | EAT Attestation Results | 06/02/2025 |
draft-hoffman-duj-02.txt | DNS Update with JSON | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-openpgp-pqc-07.txt | Post-Quantum Cryptography in OpenPGP | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-rats-ar4si-08.txt | Attestation Results for Secure Interactions | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-schc-architecture-04.txt | Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) Architecture | 06/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-bier-mldp-signaling-over-bier-04.txt | M-LDP Signaling Through BIER Core | 05/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-cats-metric-definition-01.txt | CATS Metrics Definition | 05/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-core-coap-pubsub-17.txt | A publish-subscribe architecture for the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) | 05/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ippm-capacity-protocol-12.txt | Test Protocol for One-way IP Capacity Measurement | 05/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-nmop-yang-message-broker-integration-06.txt | An Architecture for YANG-Push to Message Broker Integration | 05/02/2025 |
draft-lenders-core-dnr-04.txt | Discovery of Network-designated OSCORE-based Resolvers: Problem Statement | 05/02/2025 |
draft-xie-bess-evpn-extension-evn6-01.txt | EVPN Route Types and Procedures for EVN6 | 05/02/2025 |
draft-grayson-connectinfo-01.txt | A syntax for the RADIUS Connect-Info attribute used in Wi-Fi networks | 05/02/2025 |
draft-yuan-dmsc-technical-considerations-01.txt | Technical Considerations for Distributed Micro Services Communication | 05/02/2025 |
draft-bagnulo-iccrg-rledbat-quic-00.txt | rLEDBAT for QUIC | 05/02/2025 |
draft-yun-cfrg-arc-00.txt | Anonymous Rate-Limited Credentials | 05/02/2025 |
draft-yun-privacypass-arc-00.txt | Privacy Pass Issuance Protocol for Anonymous Rate-Limited Credentials | 05/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-prefix-lengths-01.txt | Publishing End-Site Prefix Lengths | 05/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pim-p2mp-policy-ping-09.txt | P2MP Policy Ping | 05/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-regext-rdap-extensions-05.txt | RDAP Extensions | 05/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking-13.txt | EVPN Interworking with IPVPN | 04/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-client-signal-yang-14.txt | A YANG Data Model for Transport Network Client Signals | 04/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ivy-network-inventory-topology-01.txt | A Network Data Model for Inventory Topology Mapping | 04/02/2025 |
draft-halen-fed-tls-auth-17.txt | Federated TLS Authentication | 04/02/2025 |
draft-barnes-mimi-identity-arch-02.txt | Identity for E2E-Secure Communications | 04/02/2025 |
draft-petithuguenin-computerate-specification-04.txt | Computerate Specification | 04/02/2025 |
draft-chen-cfrg-vdaf-pine-02.txt | Private Inexpensive Norm Enforcement (PINE) VDAF | 04/02/2025 |
draft-hmntsharma-bmp-over-tls-02.txt | BMPS: Transport Layer Security for BGP Monitoring Protocol | 04/02/2025 |
draft-schwenkschuster-wimse-credential-exchange-00.txt | WIMSE Credential Exchange | 04/02/2025 |
draft-josefsson-ssh-sphincs-00.txt | Stateless Hash-Based Signatures for the Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol | 04/02/2025 |
draft-pelov-schc-aggregation-rule-format-01.txt | SCHC Rule Format for Message Aggregation in Delay Tolerant Networks | 04/02/2025 |
draft-pelov-schc-rel-fragmentation-rule-format-01.txt | SCHC Rule Format for Reliability Fragmentation in Constrained Networks | 04/02/2025 |
draft-pelov-schc-process-stacking-routing-00.txt | SCHC Architecture for Process Stacking and Routing in Constrained Networks | 04/02/2025 |
draft-thomson-scone-merge-criticisms-00.txt | A comparative analysis of SCONE relative to TRAIN | 04/02/2025 |
draft-codere-ldapsyntax-01.txt | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Additional Syntaxes | 04/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-regext-rdap-rpki-00.txt | Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Extension for Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Registration Data | 04/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-teas-ns-models-applicability-00.txt | Applicability of IETF-Defined Service and Network Data Models for Network Slice Service Management | 04/02/2025 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-hybrid-kems-01.txt | Hybrid PQ/T Key Encapsulation Mechanisms | 03/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-core-href-18.txt | Constrained Resource Identifiers | 03/02/2025 |
draft-irtf-iccrg-rledbat-10.txt | rLEDBAT: receiver-driven Low Extra Delay Background Transport for TCP | 03/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as-set-confed-set-17.txt | Deprecation of AS_SET and AS_CONFED_SET in BGP | 03/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lake-edhoc-psk-02.txt | EDHOC PSK authentication | 03/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-modpod-group-processes-02.txt | IETF Community Moderation | 03/02/2025 |
draft-fz-spring-srv6-alt-mark-10.txt | Application of the Alternate Marking Method to the Segment Routing Header | 03/02/2025 |
draft-dkg-intarea-dangerous-labels-04.txt | Dangerous Labels in DNS and E-mail | 03/02/2025 |
draft-gallagher-openpgp-grease-00.txt | GREASE Code Points in OpenPGP | 03/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-openpgp-replacementkey-03.txt | OpenPGP Key Replacement | 03/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-ppm-dap-14.txt | Distributed Aggregation Protocol for Privacy Preserving Measurement | 03/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-regext-rdap-geofeed-09.txt | Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Extension for Geofeed Data | 03/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-bess-mvpn-evpn-sr-p2mp-12.txt | Multicast and Ethernet VPN with Segment Routing P2MP and Ingress Replication | 02/02/2025 |
draft-perkins-irtf-code-of-conduct-08.txt | IRTF Code of Conduct | 02/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-kyber-certificates-08.txt | Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure - Algorithm Identifiers for the Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM) | 02/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-dilithium-certificates-07.txt | Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Algorithm Identifiers for ML-DSA | 02/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-mailmaint-wrong-recipient-01.txt | Adding a Wrong Recipient URL for Handling Misdirected Emails | 02/02/2025 |
draft-eastlake-fnv-30.txt | The FNV Non-Cryptographic Hash Algorithm | 02/02/2025 |
draft-saum-nvo3-mtu-propagation-over-evpn-overlays-07.txt | MTU propagation over EVPN Overlays | 02/02/2025 |
draft-saumthimma-evpn-ip-binding-sync-05.txt | Secure IP Binding Synchronization via BGP EVPN | 02/02/2025 |
draft-davies-internal-tld-02.txt | A Top-level Domain for Private Use | 02/02/2025 |
draft-org-trust-relationship-protocol-01.txt | Organization Trust Relationship Protocol | 02/02/2025 |
draft-nurpmeso-dkim-hash-adaptivity-02.txt | DKIM Hash Algorithm Adaptivity | 02/02/2025 |
draft-nurpmeso-dkim-algo-adaed25519-02.txt | DKIM Signing Algorithm AdaEd25519-SHA256 | 02/02/2025 |
draft-gont-v6ops-multi-ipv6-01.txt | Problem Statement about IPv6 Support for Multiple Routers and Multiple Prefixes | 02/02/2025 |
draft-nurpmeso-dkim-access-control-diff-changes-02.txt | DKIM Access Control and Differential Changes | 02/02/2025 |
draft-gont-6man-multi-ipv6-spec-00.txt | Improving Support for Multi-Router and Multi-Prefix IPv6 Networks | 02/02/2025 |
draft-reddy-jose-detached-aad-00.txt | Enhanced JWE Security with Detached Additional Authenticated Data (AAD) | 02/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-pim-sr-p2mp-policy-11.txt | Segment Routing Point-to-Multipoint Policy | 02/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-csr-attestation-16.txt | Use of Remote Attestation with Certification Signing Requests | 01/02/2025 |
draft-ietf-6lo-path-aware-semantic-addressing-10.txt | Path-Aware Semantic Addressing (PASA) for Low power and Lossy Networks | 31/01/2025 |
draft-bucksch-sasl-rememberme-00.txt | SASL Remember Me | 31/01/2025 |
draft-hr-spring-intentaware-routing-using-color-04.txt | Problem statement for Inter-domain Intent-aware Routing using Color | 31/01/2025 |
draft-watal-spring-srv6-sfc-sr-aware-functions-02.txt | SRv6 SFC Architecture with SR-aware Functions | 31/01/2025 |
draft-si-service-mesh-dta-00.txt | Dynamic Trust Security Architecture for Distributed Service Mesh | 31/01/2025 |
draft-bucksch-sasl-passkey-00.txt | SASL Passkey | 31/01/2025 |
draft-sfluhrer-ipsecme-ikev2-mldsa-00.txt | IKEv2 Support of ML-DSA | 31/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-rtgwg-vrrp-bfd-p2p-02.txt | Fast failure detection in VRRP with Point to Point BFD | 31/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-emailcore-as-14.txt | Applicability Statement for IETF Core Email Protocols | 30/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-rfc4210bis-18.txt | Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure -- Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) | 30/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-netmod-acl-extensions-14.txt | Extensions to the Access Control Lists (ACLs) YANG Model | 30/01/2025 |
draft-denis-dprive-dnscrypt-05.txt | The DNSCrypt protocol | 30/01/2025 |
draft-cprjgf-bmwg-powerbench-04.txt | Characterization and Benchmarking Methodology for Power in Networking Devices | 30/01/2025 |
draft-jags-intarea-icmp-ext-underlay-info-01.txt | ICMP extension to include underlay information | 30/01/2025 |
draft-druta-scone-video-session-data-rate-00.txt | Video Session Data Rate for SCONE protocol | 30/01/2025 |
draft-yang-dmsc-distributed-model-00.txt | Distributed AI model architecture for microservices communication and computing power scheduling | 30/01/2025 |
draft-song-dmsc-scalable-name-forwarding-00.txt | Scalable Name-Based Packet Forwarding | 30/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-openpgp-persistent-symmetric-keys-01.txt | Persistent Symmetric Keys in OpenPGP | 30/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-emu-eap-arpa-06.txt | The eap.arpa domain and EAP provisioning | 29/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lisp-rfc6831bis-01.txt | The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) for Multicast Environments | 29/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-isis-sr-yang-24.txt | A YANG Data Model for IS-IS Segment Routing for the MPLS Data Plane | 29/01/2025 |
draft-dhody-teas-ietf-network-slice-mapping-06.txt | IETF Network Slice Service Mapping YANG Model | 29/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-scheduling-oam-tests-00.txt | A YANG Data Model for Network Diagnosis using Scheduled Sequences of OAM Tests | 29/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-pim-rfc1112bis-03.txt | Host Extensions for IP Multicasting and "Any Source Multicasting" (ASM) IP service | 29/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-sshm-mlkem-hybrid-kex-00.txt | PQ/T Hybrid Key Exchange in SSH | 29/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-suit-firmware-encryption-23.txt | Encrypted Payloads in SUIT Manifests | 29/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-teas-te-service-mapping-yang-17.txt | Traffic Engineering (TE) and Service Mapping YANG Data Model | 29/01/2025 |
draft-laari-asdf-relations-04.txt | Extended relation information for Semantic Definition Format (SDF) | 28/01/2025 |
draft-lbdd-cats-dp-sr-04.txt | Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS) Using Segment Routing | 28/01/2025 |
draft-netana-netconf-notif-envelope-02.txt | Extensible YANG Model for YANG-Push Notifications | 28/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-secure-tacacs-yang-05.txt | A YANG Data Model for Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) | 28/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-radext-reverse-coa-02.txt | Reverse CoA in RADIUS | 28/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-6man-rfc6724-update-17.txt | Prioritizing known-local IPv6 ULAs through address selection policy | 27/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ippm-qoo-02.txt | Quality of Outcome | 27/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lake-edhoc-grease-00.txt | Applying Generate Random Extensions And Sustain Extensibility (GREASE) to EDHOC Extensibility | 27/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-masque-connect-ethernet-06.txt | Proxying Ethernet in HTTP | 27/01/2025 |
draft-farinacci-lisp-satellite-network-06.txt | LISP for Satellite Networks | 27/01/2025 |
draft-nser-vrrp-sbfd-01.txt | Fast failure detection in VRRP with S-BFD | 27/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-nrp-01.txt | SR Policies Extensions for Network Resource Partition in BGP-LS | 26/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-diet-esp-extension-03.txt | Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) extension for Header Compression Profile (HCP) | 26/01/2025 |
draft-chen-lsr-dynamic-flooding-algorithm-02.txt | An Algorithm for Computing Dynamic Flooding Topologies | 26/01/2025 |
draft-lukianets-open-ethics-transparency-protocol-07.txt | Open Ethics Transparency Protocol | 26/01/2025 |
draft-petithuguenin-xml2rfc-asciidoc-06.txt | Mappings Between XML2RFC v3 and AsciiDoc | 26/01/2025 |
draft-lee-asdf-digital-twin-05.txt | Extended Semantic Definition Format (SDF) for Digital Twin | 26/01/2025 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-bbs-blind-signatures-00.txt | Blind BBS Signatures | 25/01/2025 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-bbs-per-verifier-linkability-00.txt | BBS per Verifier Linkability | 25/01/2025 |
draft-chen-bier-idr-bier-te-bgp-05.txt | BGP extensions for BIER-TE | 25/01/2025 |
draft-chen-spring-sr-policy-cp-validity-04.txt | Validity of SR Policy Candidate Path | 25/01/2025 |
draft-chen-rtgwg-cco-framework-and-definition-02.txt | A Framework and Definition for Collective Communication Offloading | 25/01/2025 |
draft-kiran-bess-service-carving-evpn-multi-homing-01.txt | Framework for efficient Service Carving in EVPN Multihoming | 25/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-intarea-rfc8335bis-00.txt | PROBE: A Utility for Probing Interfaces | 24/01/2025 |
draft-irtf-nmrg-network-digital-twin-arch-09.txt | Network Digital Twin: Concepts and Reference Architecture | 24/01/2025 |
draft-rpc-rfc7322bis-02.txt | RFC Style Guide | 24/01/2025 |
draft-hendrickson-privacypass-expiration-extension-03.txt | Privacy Pass Token Expiration Extension | 24/01/2025 |
draft-dunbar-neotec-net-adjust-cloud-scaling-02.txt | Dynamic Network Adjustments for Cloud Service Scaling | 24/01/2025 |
draft-aranalvi-s-url-scheme-00.txt | Introducing `s://` as a Secure URL Scheme to replace `https://` | 24/01/2025 |
draft-ashokm-ietf-httpbis-vcg-00.txt | HTTP Streaming: Standard for Age-Appropriate Video Content Guidelines (VCG) and Delivery | 24/01/2025 |
draft-stephan-green-use-cases-00.txt | Use Cases for Energy Efficiency Management | 24/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-6man-zone-ui-07.txt | Entering IPv6 Zone Identifiers in User Interfaces | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-anima-constrained-join-proxy-16.txt | Join Proxy for Bootstrapping of Constrained Network Elements | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-loc-peer-00.txt | BMP Loc-RIB: Peer address | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lsvr-bgp-spf-51.txt | BGP Link-State Shortest Path First (SPF) Routing | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lsvr-applicability-22.txt | Usage and Applicability of BGP Link-State Shortest Path Routing (BGP-SPF) in Data Centers | 23/01/2025 |
draft-mouris-cfrg-mastic-04.txt | The Mastic VDAF | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ar-emu-pqc-eapaka-03.txt | Enhancing Security in EAP-AKA' with Hybrid Post-Quantum Cryptography | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ra-emu-pqc-eapaka-02.txt | Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (PQ KEMs) in EAP-AKA prime | 23/01/2025 |
draft-sipos-cose-gmac-00.txt | AES-GMAC for COSE | 23/01/2025 |
draft-toutain-schc-universal-option-00.txt | Options representation in SCHC YANG Data Models | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-teas-common-ac-15.txt | A Common YANG Data Model for Attachment Circuits | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit-20.txt | YANG Data Models for Bearers and 'Attachment Circuits'-as-a-Service (ACaaS) | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-ntw-attachment-circuit-16.txt | A Network YANG Data Model for Attachment Circuits | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-ac-lxsm-lxnm-glue-14.txt | A YANG Data Model for Augmenting VPN Service and Network Models with Attachment Circuits | 23/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cose-tsa-tst-header-parameter-04.txt | COSE Header parameter for RFC 3161 Time-Stamp Tokens | 22/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-link-bandwidth-10.txt | BGP Link Bandwidth Extended Community | 22/01/2025 |
draft-richardson-anima-registrar-considerations-09.txt | Operational Considerations for BRSKI Registrar | 22/01/2025 |
draft-richardson-anima-masa-considerations-09.txt | Operational Considerations for Voucher infrastructure for BRSKI MASA | 22/01/2025 |
draft-gong-spring-ping-path-consistency-over-srv6-04.txt | Ping Path Consistency over SRv6 | 22/01/2025 |
draft-ramakrishna-satp-views-addresses-04.txt | Views and View Addresses for Secure Asset Transfer | 22/01/2025 |
draft-ramakrishna-satp-data-sharing-03.txt | Protocol for Requesting and Sharing Views across Networks | 22/01/2025 |
draft-liu-idr-bgp-rpki-yang-01.txt | YANG Data Model for BGP about RPKI | 22/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-dtn-eid-pattern-01.txt | Bundle Protocol Endpoint ID Patterns | 21/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-iotops-security-protocol-comparison-08.txt | Comparison of CoAP Security Protocols | 21/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-rfc9579bis-05.txt | Use of Password-Based Message Authentication Code 1 (PBMAC1) in PKCS #12 Syntax | 21/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-mlcodec-opus-extension-03.txt | Extension Formatting for the Opus Codec | 21/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-netconf-privcand-06.txt | NETCONF Private Candidates | 21/01/2025 |
draft-li-mpls-mna-nrp-selector-02.txt | MPLS Network Actions for Network Resource Partition Selector | 21/01/2025 |
draft-cds-rats-intel-corim-profile-03.txt | Intel Profile for Remote Attestation | 21/01/2025 |
draft-bormann-cbor-det-04.txt | CBOR: On Deterministic Encoding and Representation | 21/01/2025 |
draft-chung-ccwg-search-05.txt | SEARCH -- a New Slow Start Algorithm for TCP and QUIC | 21/01/2025 |
draft-bonica-gendispatch-exp-04.txt | IETF Experiments | 21/01/2025 |
draft-varmir-mpls-detnet-mna-01.txt | Deterministic Networking specific MNA | 21/01/2025 |
draft-zhang-sidrops-aspa-egress-01.txt | ASPA-based AS_PATH Verification for BGP Export | 21/01/2025 |
draft-stephan-green-ucs-and-reqs-02.txt | Requirements for Energy Efficiency Management | 21/01/2025 |
draft-ochkas-cose-ascon-01.txt | Ascon-AEAD128 for JOSE and COSE | 21/01/2025 |
draft-rossi-rpcresponsibilities-00.txt | RPC Roles and Responsibilities | 21/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-pim-mofrr-tilfa-09.txt | Multicast-only Fast Reroute Based on Topology Independent Loop-free Alternate Fast Reroute | 21/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-bier-te-yang-08.txt | A YANG data model for Tree Engineering for Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER-TE) | 20/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-mboned-redundant-ingress-failover-06.txt | Multicast Redundant Ingress Router Failover | 20/01/2025 |
draft-belchior-satp-gateway-recovery-03.txt | Secure Asset Transfer Protocol (SATP) Gateway Crash Recovery Mechanism | 20/01/2025 |
draft-levyabegnoli-bess-evpn-savi-04.txt | SAVI in an EVPN network | 20/01/2025 |
draft-wkumari-intarea-safe-limited-domains-03.txt | Safe(r) Limited Domains | 20/01/2025 |
draft-chroboczek-intarea-v4-via-v6-03.txt | IPv4 routes with an IPv6 next hop | 20/01/2025 |
draft-vaughan-aipref-vocab-00.txt | Vocabulary for Expressing Content Preferences for AI Training | 20/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-scim-use-cases-reloaded-00.txt | System for Cross-domain Identity Management: Definitions,Overview,Concepts,and Requirements | 20/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-stir-certificates-ocsp-09.txt | OCSP Usage for Secure Telephone Identity Certificates | 20/01/2025 |
draft-tang-ipv4plus-14.txt | IPv4+ The Extended Protocol Based On IPv4 | 19/01/2025 |
draft-petithuguenin-rfc-ontology-06.txt | An Ontology for RFCs | 19/01/2025 |
draft-eastlake-rfc9231bis-xmlsec-uris-05.txt | Additional XML Security Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) | 19/01/2025 |
draft-gomez-core-coap-bp-03.txt | Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) over Bundle Protocol (BP) | 19/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cose-hpke-10.txt | Use of Hybrid Public-Key Encryption (HPKE) with CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) | 18/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cose-bls-key-representations-06.txt | Barreto-Lynn-Scott Elliptic Curve Key Representations for JOSE and COSE | 18/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-tlv-15.txt | BMP v4: TLV support for BMP Route Monitoring and Peer Down Messages | 17/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-tlv-ebit-06.txt | Support for Enterprise-specific TLVs in the BGP Monitoring Protocol | 17/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-cms-ml-dsa-02.txt | Use of the ML-DSA Signature Algorithm in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) | 17/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-netconf-yang-notifications-versioning-07.txt | Support of Versioning in YANG Notifications Subscription | 17/01/2025 |
draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-multidomain-04.txt | DetNet multidomain extensions | 17/01/2025 |
draft-netana-netconf-yp-transport-capabilities-01.txt | YANG Notification Transport Capabilities | 17/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-oauth-browser-based-apps-22.txt | OAuth 2.0 for Browser-Based Applications | 17/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-rtgwg-net2cloud-problem-statement-42.txt | Dynamic Networks to Hybrid Cloud DCs: Problems and Mitigation Practices | 17/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-tsvwg-multipath-dccp-20.txt | DCCP Extensions for Multipath Operation with Multiple Addresses | 17/01/2025 |
draft-lcurley-moq-transfork-03.txt | Media over QUIC - Transfork | 16/01/2025 |
draft-sheth-dns-integration-03.txt | Integration of DNS Domain Names into Application Environments: Motivations and Considerations | 16/01/2025 |
draft-liu-lamps-certification-path-validation-06.txt | Technical guidelines of Web server certification path validation for Interent browser | 16/01/2025 |
draft-homburg-deleg-incremental-dnssec-00.txt | Incrementally Deployable DNSSEC Delegation | 16/01/2025 |
draft-lcurley-moq-use-cases-00.txt | Media over QUIC - Use Cases | 16/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ace-authcred-dtls-profile-00.txt | Additional Formats of Authentication Credentials for the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Profile for Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) | 15/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-acme-onion-07.txt | Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Extensions for ".onion" Special-Use Domain Names | 15/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-anima-jws-voucher-16.txt | JWS signed Voucher Artifacts for Bootstrapping Protocols | 15/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-bfd-large-packets-16.txt | BFD Encapsulated in Large Packets | 15/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-5g-edge-service-metadata-26.txt | BGP Extension for 5G Edge Service Metadata | 15/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-mailmaint-interoperable-addresses-00.txt | Interoperable Email Addresses for SMTPUTF8 | 15/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-mailmaint-smtputf8-syntax-00.txt | SMTPUTF8 address syntax | 15/01/2025 |
draft-happel-structured-email-trust-03.txt | Trust and security considerations for Structured Email | 15/01/2025 |
draft-jasdips-regext-rdap-rpki-01.txt | An RDAP Extension for RPKI Registration Data | 15/01/2025 |
draft-sheffer-oauth-rfc8725bis-00.txt | JSON Web Token Best Current Practices | 15/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-dtn-bp-sand-00.txt | BPv7 Secure Advertisement and Neighborhood Discovery (SAND) | 14/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-netmod-rfc8407bis-22.txt | Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of Documents Containing YANG Data Models | 14/01/2025 |
draft-lin-spring-srv6-across-untrusted-domain-04.txt | Considerations for SRv6 across Untrusted Domain | 14/01/2025 |
draft-lin-bfd-path-consistency-over-sr-04.txt | BFD Path Consistency over SR | 14/01/2025 |
draft-li-lsr-ospf-purge-originator-03.txt | Purge Originator Identification for OSPF | 14/01/2025 |
draft-li-lsr-igp-reverse-prefix-metric-01.txt | IGP Reverse Prefix Metric | 14/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-dtn-bpsec-cose-06.txt | DTN Bundle Protocol Security (BPSec) COSE Context | 13/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-cms-sphincs-plus-19.txt | Use of the SLH-DSA Signature Algorithm in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) | 13/01/2025 |
draft-zhang-pce-resource-sharing-17.txt | Extensions to the Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) to Support Resource Sharing-based Path Computation | 13/01/2025 |
draft-lee-pce-pcep-ls-optical-15.txt | PCEP Extension for Distribution of Link-State and TE Information for Optical Networks | 13/01/2025 |
draft-wang-idr-flowspec-dip-origin-as-filter-10.txt | Destination-IP-Origin-AS Filter for BGP Flow Specification | 13/01/2025 |
draft-lsr-interop-flood-reduction-architecture-00.txt | Flooding Reduction Algorithms Interoperability Framework | 13/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-state-sync-11.txt | Procedures for Communication between Stateful Path Computation Elements | 13/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-sid-algo-17.txt | Carrying SR-Algorithm in Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP). | 13/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-netmod-sub-intf-vlan-model-12.txt | Sub-interface VLAN YANG Data Models | 12/01/2025 |
draft-rivest-sexp-13.txt | Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI) S-Expressions | 10/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-yang-otn-slicing-08.txt | Framework and Data Model for OTN Network Slicing | 10/01/2025 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-vdaf-14.txt | Verifiable Distributed Aggregation Functions | 10/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-jmap-webpush-vapid-10.txt | Use of VAPID in JMAP WebPush | 10/01/2025 |
draft-abraitis-bgp-version-capability-17.txt | Software Version Capability for BGP | 10/01/2025 |
draft-rd-bess-evpn-mcast-leave-update-01.txt | Ethernet VPN (EVPN) Multicast Leave Synch Route Update | 10/01/2025 |
draft-banks-ecrit-lost-3d-profile-00.txt | A 3D Location Profile for the Location-to-Service Translation (LoST) Protocol | 10/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-pquip-pqt-hybrid-terminology-06.txt | Terminology for Post-Quantum Traditional Hybrid Schemes | 10/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-satp-core-08.txt | Secure Asset Transfer Protocol (SATP) Core | 10/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-more-control-08.txt | Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL): Additional Control Operators for the Conversion and Processing of Text | 09/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-dmarc-failure-reporting-12.txt | Domain-based Message Authentication,Reporting,and Conformance (DMARC) Failure Reporting | 09/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-rfc6712bis-10.txt | Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure -- HTTP Transfer for the Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) | 09/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-cms-kyber-08.txt | Use of ML-KEM in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) | 09/01/2025 |
draft-kohbrok-mimi-portability-03.txt | MIMI Portability | 09/01/2025 |
draft-robert-mimi-attachments-03.txt | MIMI Attachments | 09/01/2025 |
draft-sehgal-scim-delta-query-02.txt | SCIM Delta Query | 09/01/2025 |
draft-kohbrok-mls-virtual-clients-02.txt | MLS Virtual Clients | 09/01/2025 |
draft-parecki-oauth-client-id-metadata-document-02.txt | OAuth Client ID Metadata Document | 09/01/2025 |
draft-wilton-netconf-yp-observability-01.txt | YANG-Push Operational Data Observability Enhancements | 09/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-gtpu-03.txt | Export of GTP-U Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) | 09/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ace-oscore-gm-admin-13.txt | Admin Interface for the OSCORE Group Manager | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ace-oscore-gm-admin-coral-03.txt | Using the Constrained RESTful Application Language (CoRAL) with the Admin Interface for the OSCORE Group Manager | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-anima-constrained-voucher-26.txt | Constrained Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure (cBRSKI) | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cbor-edn-literals-16.txt | CBOR Extended Diagnostic Notation (EDN) | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-limits-04.txt | Key Usage Limits for OSCORE | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-core-oscore-id-update-02.txt | Identifier Update for OSCORE | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert-12.txt | CBOR Encoded X.509 Certificates (C509 Certificates) | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-dmm-tn-aware-mobility-16.txt | Mobility-aware Transport Network Slicing for 5G | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-ns-revalidation-08.txt | Delegation Revalidation by DNS Resolvers | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-wrap-up-00.txt | The HTTP Wrap Up Capsule | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-iotops-7228bis-01.txt | Terminology for Constrained-Node Networks | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ippm-alt-mark-yang-00.txt | A YANG Data Model for the Alternate Marking Method | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-e2e-mail-guidance-17.txt | Guidance on End-to-End E-mail Security | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-mailmaint-oauth-public-00.txt | OAuth Profile for Open Public Clients | 08/01/2025 |
draft-irtf-nmrg-green-ps-04.txt | Challenges and Opportunities in Management for Green Networking | 08/01/2025 |
draft-voit-rats-trustworthy-path-routing-11.txt | Trusted Path Routing | 08/01/2025 |
draft-amsuess-core-cachable-oscore-10.txt | Cacheable OSCORE | 08/01/2025 |
draft-saum-bess-dampening-backoff-09.txt | Defreezing Optimization post EVPN Mac Dampening | 08/01/2025 |
draft-saumvinayak-bess-all-df-bum-08.txt | All PEs as DF | 08/01/2025 |
draft-homburg-deleg-incremental-deleg-01.txt | Incrementally Deployable Extensible Delegation for DNS | 08/01/2025 |
draft-bormann-cbor-numbers-01.txt | On Numbers in CBOR | 08/01/2025 |
draft-kcrh-hpwan-state-of-art-01.txt | Current State of the Art for High Performance Wide Area Networks | 08/01/2025 |
draft-du-tsvwg-out-of-order-insensitive-traffic-00.txt | Out-of-order Insensitive Traffic In the Network | 08/01/2025 |
draft-irtf-pearg-safe-internet-measurement-11.txt | Guidelines for Performing Safe Measurement on the Internet | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-rats-network-device-subscription-06.txt | Attestation Event Stream Subscription | 08/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ace-pubsub-profile-11.txt | Publish-Subscribe Profile for Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) | 07/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-bess-bgp-multicast-controller-14.txt | Controller-based BGP Multicast Signaling | 07/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cdni-logging-extensions-01.txt | CDNI Logging Extensions | 07/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cdni-named-footprints-01.txt | Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Named Footprints | 07/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-compact-denial-of-existence-06.txt | Compact Denial of Existence in DNSSEC | 07/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-rfc6265bis-19.txt | Cookies: HTTP State Management Mechanism | 07/01/2025 |
draft-young-md-query-22.txt | Metadata Query Protocol | 07/01/2025 |
draft-young-md-query-saml-22.txt | SAML Profile for the Metadata Query Protocol | 07/01/2025 |
draft-jholland-quic-multicast-06.txt | Multicast Extension for QUIC | 07/01/2025 |
draft-mzbc-ippm-transit-measurement-option-05.txt | The Transit Measurement Option | 07/01/2025 |
draft-retana-idr-bgp-quic-06.txt | BGP over QUIC | 07/01/2025 |
draft-uttaro-idr-bgp-oad-05.txt | One Administrative Domain using BGP | 07/01/2025 |
draft-tomas-openroaming-04.txt | WBA OpenRoaming Wireless Federation | 07/01/2025 |
draft-ehlen-openpgp-nist-bp-comp-01.txt | PQ/T Composite Schemes for OpenPGP using NIST and Brainpool Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters | 07/01/2025 |
draft-wing-settle-referee-00.txt | A Referee to Authenticate Servers in Local Domains | 07/01/2025 |
draft-dong-fantel-state-of-art-00.txt | Current State of the Art for Routing in AI Networks | 07/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-regext-epp-ttl-18.txt | Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) mapping for DNS Time-To-Live (TTL) values | 07/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-scim-device-model-11.txt | Device Schema Extensions to the SCIM model | 07/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ecrit-lost-planned-changes-12.txt | Validation of Locations Around a Planned Change | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-ts-flowspec-srv6-policy-05.txt | Traffic Steering using BGP FlowSpec with SR Policy | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-sr-policy-nrp-02.txt | BGP SR Policy Extensions for Network Resource Partition | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-lamps-header-protection-25.txt | Header Protection for Cryptographically Protected E-mail | 06/01/2025 |
draft-sl-rtgwg-far-dcn-23.txt | Generic Fault-Avoidance Routing Protocol for Data Center Networks | 06/01/2025 |
draft-lapukhov-bgp-ecmp-considerations-13.txt | Equal-Cost Multipath Considerations for BGP | 06/01/2025 |
draft-miao-ccwg-hpcc-03.txt | HPCC++: Enhanced High Precision Congestion Control | 06/01/2025 |
draft-miao-ccwg-hpcc-info-04.txt | Inband Telemetry for HPCC++ | 06/01/2025 |
draft-liu-grow-bmp-rm-aggregated-02.txt | Definition for Aggregated BMP Route Monitoring Message | 06/01/2025 |
draft-matsuhira-oht-mh-01.txt | Outer Header Translator - multihoming | 06/01/2025 |
draft-bortzmeyer-more-edes-02.txt | Addition of Extended DNS Errors codes | 06/01/2025 |
draft-song-dmsc-promblem-and-requirements-00.txt | Problem Statements of Service Mesh Infrastructure and Requirements of DMSC | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ntp-update-registries-17.txt | Updating the NTP Registries | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-oauth-cross-device-security-09.txt | Cross-Device Flows: Security Best Current Practice | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-extension-pce-controller-sr-10.txt | PCE Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Using PCE as a Central Controller (PCECC) for Segment Routing (SR) MPLS Segment Identifier (SID) Allocation and Distribution. | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-stateful-interdomain-06.txt | PCEP Extension for Stateful Inter-Domain Tunnels | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-rift-sr-02.txt | SRIFT: Segment Routing in Fat Trees | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-sidrops-aspa-profile-19.txt | A Profile for Autonomous System Provider Authorization | 06/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-bfd-strict-mode-14.txt | BGP BFD Strict-Mode | 05/01/2025 |
draft-acee-idr-lldp-peer-discovery-19.txt | BGP Logical Link Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Peer Discovery | 05/01/2025 |
draft-dhody-pce-pcep-object-order-07.txt | Updated Rules for PCE Communication Protocol (PCEP) Object Ordering | 05/01/2025 |
draft-dong-pce-pcep-nrp-03.txt | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Network Resource Partition (NRP) | 05/01/2025 |
draft-lopez-opsawg-yang-provenance-04.txt | Applying COSE Signatures for YANG Data Provenance | 05/01/2025 |
draft-cheng-lsr-advertise-nrp-group-extensions-03.txt | Advertise NRP Group extensions for IGP | 05/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-haptics-02.txt | RTP Payload for Haptics | 04/01/2025 |
draft-eip-arch-05.txt | Extensible In-band Processing (EIP) Architecture and Framework | 04/01/2025 |
draft-xiong-hpwan-problem-statement-01.txt | Problem Statement for High Performance Wide Area Networks | 04/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cdni-cache-control-metadata-03.txt | CDNI Cache Control Metadata | 03/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cdni-edge-control-metadata-03.txt | CDNI Edge Control Metadata | 03/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cdni-protected-secrets-metadata-03.txt | CDNI Protected Secrets Metadata | 03/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-cdni-client-access-control-metadata-01.txt | CDNI Client Access Control Metadata | 03/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-manet-dlep-credit-flow-control-17.txt | Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) Credit-Based Flow Control Messages and Data Items | 03/01/2025 |
draft-dkg-openpgp-stateless-cli-13.txt | Stateless OpenPGP Command Line Interface | 03/01/2025 |
draft-yu-ccamp-resource-pm-yang-01.txt | A YANG Data Model for Resource Performance Monitoring | 03/01/2025 |
draft-ybb-ccamp-service-path-computation-01.txt | A YANG Data Model for Service Path Computation | 03/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-ifit-06.txt | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions to Enable IFIT | 03/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-bess-ebgp-dmz-06.txt | Cumulative DMZ Link Bandwidth and load-balancing | 02/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ecrit-emergency-registries-00.txt | Emergency Registries | 02/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-ippm-asymmetrical-pkts-03.txt | Performance Measurement with Asymmetrical Traffic Using STAMP | 02/01/2025 |
draft-cheng-spring-srv6-encoding-network-sliceid-10.txt | Encoding Network Slice Identification for SRv6 | 02/01/2025 |
draft-cheng-lsr-igp-shortcut-enhancement-05.txt | IGP Color-Aware Shortcut | 02/01/2025 |
draft-templin-6man-parcels2-21.txt | IPv6 Parcels and Advanced Jumbos (AJs) | 02/01/2025 |
draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-reverse-spf-algo-01.txt | IGP Reverse Metric Algorithm | 02/01/2025 |
draft-li-dmsc-architecture-00.txt | Distributed Micro Service Communication architecture based on Content Semantic | 02/01/2025 |
draft-diaz-lzip-11.txt | Lzip Compressed Format and the 'application/lzip' Media Type | 01/01/2025 |
draft-fu-sidrops-enhanced-slurm-filter-02.txt | Filtering Out RPKI Data by Type based on Enhanced SLURM Filters | 01/01/2025 |
draft-yu-spring-srv6-gbp-00.txt | SRv6 Group Based Policy | 01/01/2025 |
draft-gong-mdns-local-00.txt | Enhancing Local-Use Domain Name Resolution within Link-Local Scope | 01/01/2025 |
draft-ietf-rtgwg-arp-yang-model-05.txt | A YANG Data Model for ARP | 01/01/2025 |
draft-dulaunoy-misp-core-format-19.txt | MISP core format | 31/12/2024 |
draft-gallagher-openpgp-hkp-06.txt | OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver Protocol | 31/12/2024 |
draft-templin-intarea-parcels2-15.txt | IPv4 Parcels and Advanced Jumbos (AJs) | 31/12/2024 |
draft-templin-6man-ipid-ext2-05.txt | IPv6 Extended Fragment Header (EFH) | 31/12/2024 |
draft-dulaunoy-misp-taxonomy-format-10.txt | MISP taxonomy format | 30/12/2024 |
draft-zhang-idr-sr-policy-template-05.txt | BGP SR Policy Extensions for template | 30/12/2024 |
draft-dekater-scion-pki-08.txt | SCION Control Plane PKI | 30/12/2024 |
draft-gomez-core-coap-space-02.txt | CoAP in Space | 30/12/2024 |
draft-ftzhs-cats-industrial-requirement-01.txt | Problem statements and requirements of Deterministic CATS on the Industrial Internet | 30/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-cbor-edn-e-ref-01.txt | External References to Values in CBOR Diagnostic Notation (EDN) | 29/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-sr-policy-metric-02.txt | BGP SR Policy Extensions for metric | 29/12/2024 |
draft-schoen-intarea-unicast-240-08.txt | Unicast Use of the Formerly Reserved 240/4 | 29/12/2024 |
draft-schoen-intarea-unicast-lowest-address-07.txt | Unicast Use of the Lowest Address in an IPv4 Subnet | 29/12/2024 |
draft-wang-ippm-ipv6-flow-measurement-08.txt | Flow Measurement in IPv6 Network | 29/12/2024 |
draft-schoen-intarea-unicast-0-07.txt | Unicast Use of the Formerly Reserved 0/8 | 29/12/2024 |
draft-schoen-intarea-unicast-127-07.txt | Unicast Use of the Formerly Special-Cased 127/8 | 29/12/2024 |
draft-weng-ippm-srpm-path-consistency-over-srv6-08.txt | SRPM Path Consistency over SRv6 | 29/12/2024 |
draft-wang-ippm-ipv6-distributed-flow-measurement-06.txt | Distributed Flow Measurement in IPv6 | 29/12/2024 |
draft-cheng-savnet-intra-domain-sav-bgp-02.txt | Intra-domain SAV Support via BGP | 29/12/2024 |
draft-yang-idr-sr-policy-weight-timerange-01.txt | BGP SR Policy Extensions for Weight Time Range | 29/12/2024 |
draft-lxin-quic-socket-apis-01.txt | Sockets API Extensions for In-kernel QUIC Implementations | 29/12/2024 |
draft-wing-settle-public-key-hash-00.txt | Public Key Hash for Local Domains | 29/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-yang-augmentation-v1-14.txt | OSPF YANG Model Augmentations for Additional Features - Version 1 | 27/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-mpls-mna-fwk-15.txt | MPLS Network Actions (MNA) Framework | 27/12/2024 |
draft-farinacci-lisp-decent-16.txt | A Decent LISP Mapping System (LISP-Decent) | 27/12/2024 |
draft-rhl-dhc-dhcpv6-extensions-02.txt | DHCPv6 Extension Practices and Considerations | 27/12/2024 |
draft-pignataro-enviro-sustainability-architecture-01.txt | Architectural Considerations for Environmental Sustainability | 27/12/2024 |
draft-pignataro-enviro-sustainability-consid-01.txt | Sustainability Considerations for Networking Protocols and Applications | 27/12/2024 |
draft-pignataro-green-enviro-sust-terminology-01.txt | Environmental Sustainability Terminology and Concepts | 27/12/2024 |
draft-cenzano-moq-media-interop-01.txt | MoQ Media Interop | 27/12/2024 |
draft-joung-detnet-stateless-fair-queuing-04.txt | Latency Guarantee with Stateless Fair Queuing | 25/12/2024 |
draft-rly-savnet-inter-domain-as-relationships-02.txt | Inter-domain Source Address Validation based on AS relationships | 25/12/2024 |
draft-dekater-scion-controlplane-07.txt | SCION Control Plane | 24/12/2024 |
draft-dekater-scion-dataplane-04.txt | SCION Data Plane | 24/12/2024 |
draft-chen-ati-adaptive-ipv4-address-space-17.txt | Adaptive IPv4 Address Space | 23/12/2024 |
draft-peng-lsr-deterministic-traffic-engineering-03.txt | IGP Extensions for Deterministic Traffic Engineering | 23/12/2024 |
draft-fregly-research-agenda-for-pqc-dnssec-02.txt | Research Agenda for a Post-Quantum DNSSEC | 23/12/2024 |
draft-deepakarumugham-pcrp-spec-00.txt | PCRP Webhook Specification | 23/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-attacks-on-coap-05.txt | Attacks on the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) | 22/12/2024 |
draft-richardson-saag-onpath-attacker-04.txt | A taxonomy of eavesdropping attacks | 22/12/2024 |
draft-li-cats-task-segmentation-framework-01.txt | A Task Segmentation Framework for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering | 21/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-6man-eh-limits-18.txt | Limits on Sending and Processing IPv6 Extension Headers | 20/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-bgp-sdwan-usage-25.txt | BGP Usage for SD-WAN Overlay Networks | 20/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv4-over-dhcpv6-ra-01.txt | DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 (DHCP 4o6) with Relay Agent Support | 20/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpapi-api-catalog-08.txt | api-catalog: a well-known URI and link relation to help discovery of APIs | 20/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-madinas-use-cases-19.txt | Randomized and Changing MAC Address: Context,Network Impacts,and Use Cases | 20/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-mimi-content-05.txt | More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) message content | 20/12/2024 |
draft-demarco-oauth-status-assertions-03.txt | OAuth Status Assertions | 20/12/2024 |
draft-fz-ippm-on-path-telemetry-yang-01.txt | On-path Telemetry YANG Data Model | 20/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-idr-extensions-19.txt | BGP Extensions for BIER | 19/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-dnssd-multi-qtypes-06.txt | DNS Multiple QTYPEs | 19/12/2024 |
draft-jags-mpls-ps-mna-hdr-04.txt | Post-Stack MPLS Network Action (MNA) Solution | 19/12/2024 |
draft-vandermeulen-oauth-resource-helper-00.txt | OAuth Resource Helper | 19/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-savnet-inter-domain-problem-statement-06.txt | Source Address Validation in Inter-domain Networks Gap Analysis,Problem Statement,and Requirements | 19/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-vpws-fxc-12.txt | EVPN VPWS Flexible Cross-Connect Service | 18/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-corr-clar-01.txt | Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP): Corrections and Clarifications | 18/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-cose-dilithium-05.txt | ML-DSA for JOSE and COSE | 18/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-safe-method-w-body-07.txt | The HTTP QUERY Method | 18/12/2024 |
draft-liu-spring-sr-policy-flexible-path-selection-08.txt | Flexible Candidate Path Selection of SR Policy | 18/12/2024 |
draft-farrell-errata-02.txt | Something Better Than Errata | 18/12/2024 |
draft-schinazi-update-on-milestones-03.txt | An Update on Milestones | 18/12/2024 |
draft-varga-detnet-srv6-data-plane-01.txt | Deterministic Networking SRv6 Data Plane | 18/12/2024 |
draft-varga-spring-preof-sid-01.txt | Deterministic Networking specific SID | 18/12/2024 |
draft-beck-tls-trust-anchor-ids-03.txt | TLS Trust Anchor Identifiers | 18/12/2024 |
draft-bormann-what-is-tcp-00.txt | What is TCP? | 18/12/2024 |
draft-dong-spring-srv6-inter-layer-programming-10.txt | SRv6 for Inter-Layer Network Programming | 17/12/2024 |
draft-smn-idr-inter-domain-ibgp-06.txt | Interconnecting domains with IBGP | 17/12/2024 |
draft-xiao-rtgwg-rocev2-fast-cnp-02.txt | Fast Congestion Notification Packet (CNP) in RoCEv2 Networks | 17/12/2024 |
draft-davidben-x509-alg-none-01.txt | Unsigned X.509 Certificates | 17/12/2024 |
draft-zzhang-mboned-non-source-routed-sr-mcast-01.txt | Non-source-routed Multicast in SR Networks | 16/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-coap-dtls-alpn-01.txt | ALPN ID Specification for CoAP over DTLS | 16/12/2024 |
draft-lozano-icann-registry-interfaces-23.txt | ICANN Registry Interfaces | 16/12/2024 |
draft-li-istn-addressing-requirement-05.txt | Problems and Requirements of Addressing in Integrated Space-Terrestrial Network | 16/12/2024 |
draft-yang-spring-sid-as-source-address-05.txt | SID as source address in SRv6 | 16/12/2024 |
draft-vesely-fix-forwarding-02.txt | Agreements To Fix Forwarding | 16/12/2024 |
draft-brown-rdap-ttl-extension-02.txt | RDAP Extension for DNS Time-To-Live (TTL Values) | 16/12/2024 |
draft-xp-ippm-detnet-stamp-01.txt | STAMP Extensions for DetNet | 16/12/2024 |
draft-brw-scone-rate-policy-discovery-02.txt | Discovery of Network Rate-Limit Policies (NRLPs) | 16/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-cellar-codec-14.txt | Matroska Media Container Codec Specifications | 15/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-manet-dlep-da-credit-extension-20.txt | DLEP DiffServ Aware Credit Window Extension | 15/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-manet-dlep-ether-credit-extension-08.txt | DLEP IEEE 802.1Q Aware Credit Window Extension | 15/12/2024 |
draft-sun-nmrg-hybrid-switching-11.txt | Resource Allocation Model for Hybrid Switching Networks | 15/12/2024 |
draft-eastlake-6man-hide-options-08.txt | Transient Hiding of Hop-by-Hop Options | 15/12/2024 |
draft-tgraf-netconf-yang-push-observation-time-03.txt | Support of Observation Timestamp in YANG-Push Notifications | 14/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-sidrops-spl-verification-01.txt | Signed Prefix List (SPL) Based Route Origin Verification and Operational Considerations | 14/12/2024 |
draft-kdyxy-rats-tdx-eat-profile-02.txt | EAT profile for Intel(r) Trust Domain Extensions (TDX) attestation result | 13/12/2024 |
draft-dearlove-manet-olsrv2-responsive-01.txt | Responsive Use of the Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Routing Protocol OLSRv2 | 13/12/2024 |
draft-brw-scone-throughput-advice-blob-02.txt | Throughput Advice Object for SCONE | 13/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-6man-icmpv6-ioam-conf-state-07.txt | IPv6 Query for Enabled In-situ OAM Capabilities | 12/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-cdni-capacity-insights-extensions-12.txt | CDNI Capacity Capability Advertisement Extensions | 12/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-dhc-rfc8415bis-07.txt | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) | 12/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-x509-shbs-13.txt | Use of the HSS and XMSS Hash-Based Signature Algorithms in Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure | 12/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension-03.txt | NETCONF Extension to support Trace Context propagation | 12/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-trace-ctx-headers-04.txt | RESTCONF Extension to Support Trace Context Headers | 12/12/2024 |
draft-yang-spring-sr-policy-intelligent-routing-03.txt | Intelligent Routing Method of SR Policy | 12/12/2024 |
draft-lim-apv-03.txt | Advanced Professional Video | 12/12/2024 |
draft-gong-spring-sr-policy-group-yang-01.txt | YANG Data Model for SR Policy Group | 12/12/2024 |
draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-01.txt | Segment Routing based Solution for Hierarchical IETF Network Slices | 12/12/2024 |
draft-barnes-mls-appsync-01.txt | A Safe Application Interface to Messaging Layer Security | 12/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-6man-addr-assign-02.txt | Clarification of IPv6 Address Assignment Policy | 11/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-anima-grasp-distribution-12.txt | Information Distribution over GRASP | 11/12/2024 |
draft-bray-unichars-10.txt | Unicode Character Repertoire Subsets | 11/12/2024 |
draft-dejong-remotestorage-24.txt | remoteStorage | 11/12/2024 |
draft-boucadair-tcpm-rst-diagnostic-payload-10.txt | TCP RST Diagnostic Payload | 11/12/2024 |
draft-duffy-csmp-08.txt | Cisco's CoAP Simple Management Protocol | 11/12/2024 |
draft-xing-nmop-sdn-controller-aware-mptcp-mpquic-02.txt | The SDN-based MPTCP-aware and MPQUIC-aware Transmission Control Model using ALTO | 11/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-bfd-unaffiliated-echo-14.txt | Unaffiliated Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Echo | 10/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-conditional-attributes-10.txt | Conditional Attributes for Constrained RESTful Environments | 10/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-keytrans-protocol-00.txt | Key Transparency Protocol | 10/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-lake-app-profiles-00.txt | Coordinating the Use of Application Profiles for Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC) | 10/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-cert-binding-for-multi-auth-06.txt | Related Certificates for Use in Multiple Authentications within a Protocol | 10/12/2024 |
draft-peetterr-dnsop-parent-side-auth-types-01.txt | Parent-side authoritative DNS records for enhanced delegation | 10/12/2024 |
draft-huang-savnet-sav-table-08.txt | General Source Address Validation Capabilities | 10/12/2024 |
draft-fondevik-mls-pairedmls-02.txt | Paired MLS - PCS in Limited Modes | 10/12/2024 |
draft-deeglaze-amd-sev-snp-corim-profile-02.txt | CoRIM profile for AMD SEV-SNP attestation report | 10/12/2024 |
draft-alvestrand-avtcore-abs-capture-time-01.txt | Absolute Capture Timestamp RTP header extension | 10/12/2024 |
draft-birkholz-cose-receipts-ccf-profile-03.txt | COSE Receipts with CCF | 10/12/2024 |
draft-white-ippm-stamp-ecn-00.txt | Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) Extension for DSCP and ECN Traversal Measurement | 10/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-ohai-chunked-ohttp-03.txt | Chunked Oblivious HTTP Messages | 10/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-virtual-eth-segment-19.txt | EVPN Virtual Ethernet Segment | 09/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-nvo3-21.txt | BGP Dissemination of Flow Specification Rules for Tunneled Traffic | 09/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-ivy-network-inventory-software-00.txt | A YANG Network Data Model of Network Inventory Software Extensions | 09/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-ls-link-infinity-02.txt | Advertising Unreachable Links in OSPF | 09/12/2024 |
draft-josefsson-chempat-02.txt | Chempat: Generic Instantiated PQ/T Hybrid Key Encapsulation Mechanisms | 09/12/2024 |
draft-cheshire-sbm-00.txt | Source Buffer Management | 09/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-sshm-ntruprime-ssh-01.txt | Secure Shell (SSH) Key Exchange Method Using Hybrid Streamlined NTRU Prime sntrup761 and X25519 with SHA-512: sntrup761x25519-sha512 | 09/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-transport-instance-08.txt | OSPF-GT (Generalized Transport) | 08/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-nmop-network-anomaly-semantics-00.txt | Semantic Metadata Annotation for Network Anomaly Detection | 08/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-nmop-network-anomaly-lifecycle-00.txt | An Experiment: Network Anomaly Lifecycle | 08/12/2024 |
draft-eastlake-lldp-mac-03.txt | MAC Address for Layer 3 Link Local Discovery Protocol (LLDP) | 08/12/2024 |
draft-farinacci-lisp-lispers-net-nat-09.txt | lispers.net LISP NAT-Traversal Implementation Report | 08/12/2024 |
draft-smyslov-ipsecme-ikev2-reliable-transport-03.txt | Use of Reliable Transport in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) | 08/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-grow-ixp-ext-comms-01.txt | Recommendation to avoid use of BGP Extended Communities at Internet Exchange Route Servers | 07/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-grow-peering-api-00.txt | Peering API | 07/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-acme-ari-07.txt | Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Renewal Information (ARI) Extension | 06/12/2024 |
draft-moskowitz-hip-fast-mobility-09.txt | Fast HIP Host Mobility | 06/12/2024 |
draft-bormann-asdf-sdf-mapping-05.txt | Semantic Definition Format (SDF): Mapping files | 06/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-mh-pa-13.txt | EVPN Port-Active Redundancy Mode | 05/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-mpls-1stnibble-13.txt | IANA Registry and Processing Recommendations for the First Nibble Following a Label Stack | 05/12/2024 |
draft-koch-openpgp-webkey-service-19.txt | OpenPGP Web Key Directory | 05/12/2024 |
draft-wang-tcpm-tcp-service-affinity-option-06.txt | Service Affinity Solution for TCP based Application | 05/12/2024 |
draft-liu-lamps-mechanism-updates-to-rfc-5280-06.txt | Certificate Status Information Mechanism Description Updates to RFC 5280 | 05/12/2024 |
draft-abraitis-idr-maximum-prefix-orf-00.txt | Maximum Prefix Outbound Route Filter for BGP | 05/12/2024 |
draft-vangeest-lamps-cms-euf-cma-signeddata-00.txt | EUF-CMA for the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) SignedData | 05/12/2024 |
draft-annevk-johannhof-httpbis-cookies-00.txt | Cookies: HTTP State Management Mechanism | 05/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce-autobw-update-01.txt | Update to Automatic Bandwidth Adjustment procedure of Stateful PCE | 05/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-6man-snac-router-ra-flag-03.txt | SNAC Router Flag in ICMPv6 Router Advertisement Messages | 04/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-21.txt | Extended Mobility Procedures for EVPN-IRB | 04/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-php-16.txt | BIER Penultimate Hop Popping | 04/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-rfc9093-bis-12.txt | Common YANG Data Types for Layer 0 Networks | 04/12/2024 |
draft-irtf-coinrg-use-cases-07.txt | Use Cases for In-Network Computing | 04/12/2024 |
draft-irtf-coinrg-use-case-analysis-02.txt | Use Case Analysis for Computing in the Network | 04/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-mpls-stamp-pw-00.txt | Encapsulation of Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol for Pseudowires and LSPs in MPLS Networks | 04/12/2024 |
draft-liu-lamps-browser-webpki-cert-preservation-01.txt | Simple Local Web PKI Certificate Resource Preservation Management for Internet Browser | 04/12/2024 |
draft-rjt-scone-conformance-signal-00.txt | Client Conformance Signal for SCONE | 04/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-spice-sd-cwt-02.txt | SPICE SD-CWT | 04/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-suit-trust-domains-09.txt | SUIT Manifest Extensions for Multiple Trust Domains | 04/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-tether-08.txt | Tethering A BIER Router To A BIER Incapable Router | 03/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-otn-tunnel-model-22.txt | A YANG Data Model for Optical Transport Network (OTN) Tunnels and Label Switched Paths | 03/12/2024 |
draft-li-rtgwg-tte-02.txt | Tactical Traffic Engineering (TTE) | 03/12/2024 |
draft-jeong-opsawg-intent-based-sdv-framework-03.txt | An Intent-Based Management Framework for Software-Defined Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems | 03/12/2024 |
draft-hs-rtgwg-wan-lossless-uc-00.txt | Use Cases and Requirements for Implementing Lossless Techniques in Wide Area Networks | 03/12/2024 |
draft-bormann-nemops-coreconf-00.txt | CORECONF: Managing IoT Devices with YANG Models | 03/12/2024 |
draft-rfcxml-general-template-standard-00.txt | hardware divvying | 03/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-kitten-scram-2fa-05.txt | Extensions to Salted Challenge Response (SCRAM) for 2 factor authentication | 02/12/2024 |
draft-melnikov-scram-sha-512-05.txt | SCRAM-SHA-512 and SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanisms | 02/12/2024 |
draft-melnikov-scram-sha3-512-05.txt | SCRAM-SHA3-512 and SCRAM-SHA3-512-PLUS Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanisms | 02/12/2024 |
draft-bichot-msync-17.txt | MSYNC | 02/12/2024 |
draft-melnikov-scram-bis-05.txt | Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) SASL and GSS-API Mechanisms | 02/12/2024 |
draft-melnikov-sasl2-02.txt | Extensible Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) | 02/12/2024 |
draft-wang-idr-next-next-hop-nodes-02.txt | BGP Next-next Hop Nodes | 02/12/2024 |
draft-cao-v6ops-ipv6-monitoring-deployment-01.txt | IPv6 Network Monitoring Deployment Analysis | 02/12/2024 |
draft-brw-scone-analysis-00.txt | SCONE Solution Analysis | 02/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-scim-events-07.txt | SCIM Profile for Security Event Tokens | 02/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-calext-subscription-upgrade-12.txt | Calendar subscription upgrades | 01/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-calext-ical-tasks-11.txt | Task Extensions to iCalendar | 01/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-calext-itip-participants-00.txt | iTip using PARTICIPANT only | 01/12/2024 |
draft-ietf-mpls-mldp-yang-12.txt | YANG Data Model for MPLS mLDP | 01/12/2024 |
draft-denis-tls-aegis-03.txt | AEGIS-based Cipher Suites for TLS 1.3,DTLS 1.3 and QUIC | 01/12/2024 |
draft-farrell-tls-pemesni-08.txt | PEM file format for ECH | 30/11/2024 |
draft-spaghetti-sidrops-aspa-slurm-03.txt | Simplified Local Internet Number Resource Management (SLURM) with RPKI Autonomous System Provider Authorizations (ASPA) | 29/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-actn-optical-transport-mgmt-02.txt | Integrating YANG Configuration and Management into an Abstraction and Control of TE Networks (ACTN) System for Optical Networks | 28/11/2024 |
draft-storey-smtp-client-id-18.txt | SMTP Service Extension for Client Identity | 28/11/2024 |
draft-yu-imap-client-id-13.txt | IMAP Service Extension for Client Identity | 28/11/2024 |
draft-irtf-nmrg-ai-challenges-04.txt | Research Challenges in Coupling Artificial Intelligence and Network Management | 28/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-sr-te-policy-attr-01.txt | Advertising SID Algorithm Information in BGP | 27/11/2024 |
draft-zhou-ippm-enhanced-alternate-marking-16.txt | Enhanced Alternate Marking Method | 27/11/2024 |
draft-xu-savax-control-08.txt | Control Plane of Source Address Validation Architecture-eXternal (SAVA-X) | 27/11/2024 |
draft-xu-savax-data-07.txt | Data Plane of Source Address Validation Architecture-eXternal (SAVA-X) | 27/11/2024 |
draft-xu-savax-protocol-07.txt | Communication Protocol Between the AD Control Server and the AD Edge Router of Source Address Validation Architecture-eXternal (SAVA-X) | 27/11/2024 |
draft-lin-lsr-srv6-service-sid-04.txt | IS-IS and OSPFv3 Extensions to Advertise SRv6 Service SID | 27/11/2024 |
draft-peng-detnet-packet-timeslot-mechanism-10.txt | Timeslot Queueing and Forwarding Mechanism | 27/11/2024 |
draft-lin-lsr-igp-car-02.txt | IGP Color-Aware Routing | 27/11/2024 |
draft-bradleylundberg-cfrg-arkg-03.txt | The Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG) algorithm | 27/11/2024 |
draft-interop-mimi-discovery-requirements-02.txt | User Discovery Requirements | 27/11/2024 |
draft-hou-rtgwg-satellite-ground-routing-00.txt | Satellite Ground Routing Architecture Based on Access Satellite Prediction | 27/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce-optional-13.txt | Extension for Stateful PCE to allow Optional Processing of PCE Communication Protocol (PCEP) Objects | 27/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-acme-client-09.txt | ACME End User Client and Code Signing Certificates | 26/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-structured-dns-error-10.txt | Structured Error Data for Filtered DNS | 26/11/2024 |
draft-bryce-cose-merkle-mountain-range-proofs-02.txt | Merkle Mountain Range for Immediately Verifiable and Replicable Commitments | 26/11/2024 |
draft-liu-ippm-srv6-bandwidth-measurement-00.txt | Measurement Method for Bandwidth of SRv6 Forwarding Path | 26/11/2024 |
draft-li-tiptop-address-space-00.txt | IP Address Space for Outer Space | 26/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-6lo-nd-gaao-01.txt | Generic Address Assignment Option for 6LowPAN Neighbor Discovery | 25/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-flexe-yang-cm-05.txt | YANG Data Model for FlexE Management | 25/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-rt-derived-community-04.txt | Extended Communities Derived from Route Targets | 25/11/2024 |
draft-bi-intarea-savi-wlan-04.txt | A SAVI Solution for WLAN | 25/11/2024 |
draft-boucadair-nmop-rfc3535-20years-later-06.txt | RFC 3535,20 Years Later: An Update of Operators Requirements on Network Management Protocols and Modelling | 25/11/2024 |
draft-filsfils-ippm-path-tracing-02.txt | Path Tracing in SRv6 networks | 25/11/2024 |
draft-jiang-sidrops-psvro-01.txt | Route Origin Registry Problem Statement | 25/11/2024 |
draft-reddy-tls-composite-mldsa-01.txt | Use of Composite ML-DSA in TLS 1.3 | 25/11/2024 |
draft-valin-opus-scalable-quality-extension-00.txt | Scalable Quality Extension for the Opus Codec | 25/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce-vendor-13.txt | Conveying Vendor-Specific Information in the Path Computation Element (PCE) Communication Protocol (PCEP) extensions for Stateful PCE. | 25/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-cellar-tags-15.txt | Matroska Media Container Tag Specifications | 24/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-6man-ipv6-over-wireless-07.txt | Architecture and Framework for IPv6 over Non-Broadcast Access | 23/11/2024 |
draft-intesigroup-dlts-10.txt | Distributed Ledger Time-Stamp | 23/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-x509-slhdsa-03.txt | Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Algorithm Identifiers for SLH-DSA | 22/11/2024 |
draft-perkins-manet-aodvv2-05.txt | Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector Version 2 (AODVv2) Routing | 22/11/2024 |
draft-saum-evpn-lsp-ping-extension-06.txt | EVPN Mpls Ping Extension | 22/11/2024 |
draft-burleigh-regions-00.txt | Bundle Protocol Regions for Network Scaling | 22/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-pcaplinktype-08.txt | Link-Layer Types for PCAP and PCAPNG Capture File Formats | 22/11/2024 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-opaque-18.txt | The OPAQUE Augmented PAKE Protocol | 21/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-jmap-filenode-00.txt | JMAP File Storage extension | 21/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-mimi-arch-01.txt | An Architecture for More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) | 21/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-nfsv4-layrec-04.txt | Reporting of Errors via LAYOUTRETURN in NFSv4.2 | 21/11/2024 |
draft-bft-rats-kat-05.txt | An EAT-based Key Attestation Token | 21/11/2024 |
draft-lemieux-doi-uri-scheme-08.txt | The "doi" URI Scheme | 21/11/2024 |
draft-bwbh-digital-emblem-model-01.txt | Conceptual Model for Digitized Emblems | 21/11/2024 |
draft-bonica-intarea-icmp-exten-hdr-len-02.txt | ICMP Extension Header Length Field | 21/11/2024 |
draft-tulshibagwale-wimse-crest-00.txt | The Contextualized REST Architecture | 21/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-fast-df-recovery-12.txt | Fast Recovery for EVPN Designated Forwarder Election | 20/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-detnet-scaling-requirements-07.txt | Requirements for Scaling Deterministic Networks | 20/11/2024 |
draft-liu-spring-nrp-id-in-srv6-segment-05.txt | NRP ID in SRv6 segment | 20/11/2024 |
draft-cheng-spring-service-interworking-srv6-03.txt | Service Interworking between SRv6 | 20/11/2024 |
draft-brown-rdap-referrals-01.txt | Efficient RDAP Referrals | 20/11/2024 |
draft-andersson-mpls-rfc8029-lsp-ping-naming-01.txt | Naming the Protocol specified RFC 8029 | 20/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-manet-dlep-traffic-classification-13.txt | Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) Traffic Classification Data Item | 19/11/2024 |
draft-peng-detnet-deadline-based-forwarding-13.txt | Deadline Based Deterministic Forwarding | 19/11/2024 |
draft-sfluhrer-cfrg-ml-kem-security-considerations-02.txt | ML-KEM Security Considerations | 19/11/2024 |
draft-duan-bess-mvpn-ipv6-infras-07.txt | BGP MVPN in IPv6 Infrastructure Networks: Problems and Solution Approaches | 18/11/2024 |
draft-wang-bess-mvpn-upstream-df-selection-10.txt | Multicast VPN Upstream Designated Forwarder Selection | 18/11/2024 |
draft-haberman-digital-emblem-ps-03.txt | Problem Statement for Digitized Emblems | 18/11/2024 |
draft-amsuess-t2trg-onion-coap-03.txt | Using onion routing with CoAP | 17/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-avtcore-hevc-webrtc-06.txt | H.265 Profile for WebRTC | 15/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-drip-dki-03.txt | The DRIP DET public Key Infrastructure | 15/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-mimi-room-policy-00.txt | Room Policy for the More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) Protocol | 15/11/2024 |
draft-irtf-nmrg-ai-deploy-00.txt | Considerations of network/system for AI services | 15/11/2024 |
draft-hares-idr-fsv2-more-ip-filters-04.txt | BGP Flow Specification Version 2 - More IP Filters | 15/11/2024 |
draft-seemann-tsvwg-udp-fragmentation-00.txt | Controlling IP Fragmentation on Common Platforms | 15/11/2024 |
draft-tls-westerbaan-mldsa-00.txt | Use of ML-DSA in TLS 1.3 | 15/11/2024 |
draft-reddy-tls-slhdsa-00.txt | Use of SLH-DSA in TLS 1.3 | 15/11/2024 |
draft-lopresti-open-cloud-mesh-00.txt | Open Cloud Mesh | 15/11/2024 |
draft-ruas-cfrg-ecdp-00.txt | ECDP: Elliptic Curve Data Protocol | 15/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-oauth-v2-1-12.txt | The OAuth 2.1 Authorization Framework | 15/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-raw-architecture-22.txt | Reliable and Available Wireless Architecture | 14/11/2024 |
draft-lin-pce-sr-policy-headend-behavior-00.txt | PCEP Extensions of SR Policy for Headend Behavior | 14/11/2024 |
draft-birgelee-lamps-caa-security-00.txt | CAA Security Tag for Cryptographic Domain Validation | 14/11/2024 |
draft-wang-lsr-network-computing-optimization-00.txt | IGP based Network Computing Combined Optimization | 14/11/2024 |
draft-jenkins-emailpush-00.txt | JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP) Email Delivery Push Notifications | 14/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-acme-dns-account-label-00.txt | Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) DNS Labeled With ACME Account ID Challenge | 13/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-extra-6855bis-04.txt | IMAP Support for UTF-8 | 13/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-grow-nrtm-v4-05.txt | Near Real Time Mirroring (NRTM) version 4 | 13/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-jmap-calendars-22.txt | JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP) for Calendars | 13/11/2024 |
draft-rabnag-bess-evpn-anycast-aliasing-03.txt | EVPN Anycast Multi-Homing | 13/11/2024 |
draft-yang-rtgwg-srv6-sfc-reliability-framework-03.txt | Reliability Framework for SRv6 Service Function Chaining | 13/11/2024 |
draft-rsalz-crypto-registries-00.txt | A Template for IANA Cryptographic Registries | 13/11/2024 |
draft-connolly-cfrg-hybrid-sig-considerations-00.txt | Hybrid Signature Considerations | 13/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-unequal-lb-24.txt | Weighted Multi-Path Procedures for EVPN Multi-Homing | 12/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-calext-jscalendar-icalendar-09.txt | JSCalendar: Converting from and to iCalendar | 12/11/2024 |
draft-eastlake-sfc-parallel-09.txt | Service Function Chaining (SFC) Parallelism and Diversions | 12/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-iana-update-03.txt | Update to the IANA PCE Communication Protocol (PCEP) Registration Procedures and Allowing Experimental Error Codes | 12/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-te-path-02.txt | Advertisement of Traffic Engineering Paths using BGP Link-State | 11/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-lisp-group-mapping-01.txt | LISP Multicast Overlay Group to Underlay RLOC Mappings | 11/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-mpls-spring-lsp-ping-path-sid-03.txt | Label Switched Path (LSP) Ping for Segment Routing (SR) Path Segment Identifier with MPLS Data Planes | 11/11/2024 |
draft-mirsky-mpls-stamp-10.txt | Simple Two-way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) for MPLS Label Switched Paths (LSPs) | 11/11/2024 |
draft-kunze-ark-40.txt | The ARK Identifier Scheme | 10/11/2024 |
draft-mwag-dske-01.txt | The Distributed Symmetric Key Establishment (DSKE) Protocol | 10/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-6lo-prefix-registration-06.txt | IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix Registration | 09/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ct-srv6-06.txt | BGP CT - Adaptation to SRv6 dataplane | 09/11/2024 |
draft-kaliraj-bess-bgp-sig-private-mpls-labels-09.txt | BGP Signaled MPLS Namespaces | 09/11/2024 |
draft-filsfils-spring-path-tracing-srmpls-05.txt | Path Tracing in SR-MPLS networks | 09/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-ping-15.txt | BIER Ping and Trace | 08/11/2024 |
draft-irtf-hrpc-ipvc-01.txt | Intimate Partner Violence Digital Considerations | 08/11/2024 |
draft-cheng-rtgwg-srv6-multihome-egress-protection-07.txt | SRv6 Egress Protection in Multi-homed scenario | 08/11/2024 |
draft-liu-spring-bfd-srv6-policy-encap-04.txt | Encapsulation of BFD for SRv6 Policy | 08/11/2024 |
draft-liu-idr-bgp-sr-policy-cp-threshold-02.txt | BGP Extension for Distributing CP Threshold Constraints of SR Policy | 08/11/2024 |
draft-liu-teas-yang-srv6-te-topo-02.txt | YANG Data Model for SR and SR TE Topologies on IPv6 Data Plane | 08/11/2024 |
draft-lin-idr-cats-flowspec-ts-01.txt | BGP Flowspec for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering | 08/11/2024 |
draft-lin-idr-distribute-service-metric-04.txt | Distribute Service Metric by BGP | 08/11/2024 |
draft-gong-spring-nd-advertise-srv6-locator-00.txt | Advertise SRv6 Locator Information by IPv6 Neighbor Discovery | 08/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-rats-endorsements-05.txt | RATS Endorsements | 08/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-spring-stamp-srpm-17.txt | Performance Measurement Using Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) for Segment Routing Networks | 08/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-acme-dtnnodeid-16.txt | Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) Node ID Validation Extension | 07/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-secure-evpn-02.txt | Secure EVPN | 07/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-pmmm-oam-16.txt | Performance Measurement (PM) with Marking Method in Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER) Layer | 07/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-otn-topo-yang-20.txt | A YANG Data Model for Optical Transport Network Topology | 07/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-dance-client-auth-06.txt | TLS Client Authentication via DANE TLSA records | 07/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-dance-tls-clientid-04.txt | TLS Extension for DANE Client Identity | 07/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-dtn-udpcl-00.txt | Delay-Tolerant Networking UDP Convergence Layer Protocol Version 2 | 07/11/2024 |
draft-lenders-dns-cbor-10.txt | A Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) of DNS Messages | 07/11/2024 |
draft-liu-sm-for-openpgp-01.txt | Abstract | 07/11/2024 |
draft-qu-identifier-sm3-for-tsig-01.txt | Abstract | 07/11/2024 |
draft-colitti-ipsecme-esp-ping-03.txt | ESP Echo Protocol | 07/11/2024 |
draft-sbriz-identity-trust-system-02.txt | Identity Trust System | 07/11/2024 |
draft-mishra-v6ops-variable-iids-problem-statement-02.txt | SLAAC Prefixes with Variable Interface ID (IID) Problem Statement | 07/11/2024 |
draft-mishra-6man-variable-iids-02.txt | SLAAC Prefixes with Variable Interface ID (IID) | 07/11/2024 |
draft-mishra-srv6ops-inter-domain-routing-03.txt | SRv6 Inter Domain Routing | 07/11/2024 |
draft-maldant-spice-oidc-cwt-01.txt | OpenID Connect standard claims registration for CBOR Web Tokens | 07/11/2024 |
draft-kriswamy-idr-route-type-capability-01.txt | BGP Route Type Capability | 07/11/2024 |
draft-mishra-spring-inter-domain-routing-arch-01.txt | SRv6 Inter Domain Routing Architecture | 07/11/2024 |
draft-bortzmeyer-add-resinfo-dnssecval-dns64-01.txt | Two DNS Resolver Information Keys for DNSSEC and DNS64 | 07/11/2024 |
draft-hendrickson-pp-attesterissuer-00.txt | Attester Issuer Protocol | 07/11/2024 |
draft-gallagher-openpgp-signatures-00.txt | OpenPGP Signatures and Signed Messages | 07/11/2024 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-det-sigs-with-noise-04.txt | Hedged ECDSA and EdDSA Signatures | 06/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpapi-privacy-00.txt | API Keys and Privacy | 06/11/2024 |
draft-amsuess-core-resource-directory-extensions-11.txt | CoRE Resource Directory Extensions | 06/11/2024 |
draft-eckert-pim-rts-forwarding-02.txt | Stateless Multicast Replication with Segment Routed Recursive Tree Structures (RTS) | 06/11/2024 |
draft-connolly-tls-mlkem-key-agreement-05.txt | ML-KEM Post-Quantum Key Agreement for TLS 1.3 | 06/11/2024 |
draft-antony-ipsecme-iekv2-beet-mode-03.txt | IKEv2 negotiation for Bound End-to-End Tunnel (BEET) mode ESP | 06/11/2024 |
draft-antony-ipsecme-encrypted-esp-ping-05.txt | Encrypted ESP Echo Protocol | 06/11/2024 |
draft-cheng-spring-stateless-nd-srv6-locator-00.txt | Distribute SRv6 Locator by IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration | 06/11/2024 |
draft-jimenez-tbd-robotstxt-update-00.txt | Robots.txt update proposal | 06/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-ntp-interleaved-modes-08.txt | NTP Interleaved Modes | 06/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-privacypass-auth-scheme-extensions-01.txt | The PrivateToken HTTP Authentication Scheme Extensions Parameter | 06/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-ivy-network-inventory-yang-04.txt | A Base YANG Data Model for Network Inventory | 05/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-attestation-freshness-03.txt | Nonce-based Freshness for Remote Attestation in Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) for the Certification Management Protocol (CMP) and for Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) | 05/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-manet-dlep-radio-quality-01.txt | DLEP Radio Quality Extension | 05/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-manet-dlep-radio-band-01.txt | DLEP Radio Band Extension | 05/11/2024 |
draft-polli-restapi-ld-keywords-05.txt | REST API Linked Data Keywords | 05/11/2024 |
draft-snijders-constraining-rpki-trust-anchors-07.txt | Constraining RPKI Trust Anchors | 05/11/2024 |
draft-haynes-nfsv4-erasure-encoding-03.txt | Erasure Encoding of Files in NFSv4.2 | 05/11/2024 |
draft-zdm-tvr-applicability-01.txt | Applicability of TVR YANG Data Models for Scheduling of Network Resources | 05/11/2024 |
draft-prorock-spice-cwt-traceability-claims-00.txt | SPICE Traceability CWT Claims | 05/11/2024 |
draft-kerr-everybodys-shuffling-00.txt | DNS Servers MUST Shuffle Answers | 05/11/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-palimpsest-00.txt | Palimpsest | 05/11/2024 |
draft-saucez-lisp-8111bis-00.txt | Locator/ID Separation Protocol Delegated Database Tree (LISP-DDT) | 05/11/2024 |
draft-pelov-sid-procedure-00.txt | Procedure for YANG SID Allocation | 05/11/2024 |
draft-eknb-srv6ops-interdomain-sidspace-00.txt | SID Space (5f00::/16) Inter-domain Addressing Recommendations | 05/11/2024 |
draft-lucente-grow-bmp-offline-00.txt | Making BMP fruible offline | 05/11/2024 |
draft-ma-cats-computing-authenticity-evaluation-00.txt | Computing Resource Authenticity Evaluation in Computing-Aware Traffic Steering | 05/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-circuit-style-pcep-extensions-07.txt | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) extensions for Circuit Style Policies | 05/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-stir-certificates-shortlived-02.txt | Short-Lived Certificates for Secure Telephone Identity | 05/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ip-aliasing-02.txt | EVPN Support for L3 Fast Convergence and Aliasing/Backup Path | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-oam-requirements-16.txt | Operations,Administration and Maintenance (OAM) Requirements for Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER) Layer | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpapi-digest-fields-problem-types-00.txt | HTTP Problem Types for Digest Fields | 04/11/2024 |
draft-iab-ai-control-report-00.txt | IAB AI-CONTROL Workshop Report | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-lisp-te-20.txt | LISP Traffic Engineering | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-lisp-eid-mobility-15.txt | LISP L2/L3 EID Mobility Using a Unified Control Plane | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-lisp-map-server-reliable-transport-05.txt | LISP Map Server Reliable Transport | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-manet-dlep-channel-utilization-01.txt | DLEP Radio Channel Utilization Extension | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-mediaman-6838bis-00.txt | Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures | 04/11/2024 |
draft-brotman-ietf-bimi-guidance-11.txt | General Guidance for Implementing Branded Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) | 04/11/2024 |
draft-svg-tiny-ps-abrotman-09.txt | SVG Tiny Portable/Secure | 04/11/2024 |
draft-vandijk-dnsop-ds-digest-verbatim-02.txt | The VERBATIM Digest Algorithm for DS records | 04/11/2024 |
draft-fetch-validation-vmc-wchuang-08.txt | Fetch and Validation of Verified Mark Certificates | 04/11/2024 |
draft-adams-bimi-reporting-08.txt | BIMI Reporting | 04/11/2024 |
draft-menon-svr-07.txt | Juniper's Secure Vector Routing (SVR) | 04/11/2024 |
draft-brand-indicators-for-message-identification-08.txt | Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) | 04/11/2024 |
draft-jeong-nmrg-ibn-network-management-automation-05.txt | Intent-Based Network Management Automation in 5G Networks | 04/11/2024 |
draft-sajassi-bess-rfc8317bis-03.txt | Ethernet-Tree (E-Tree) Support in Ethernet VPN (EVPN) and Provider Backbone Bridging EVPN (PBB-EVPN) | 04/11/2024 |
draft-xu-idr-bgp-route-broker-05.txt | BGP Route Broker for Hyperscale SDN | 04/11/2024 |
draft-xu-idr-route-target-orf-02.txt | Route Target ORF | 04/11/2024 |
draft-kawakami-dmm-srv6-gtp6e-reduced-02.txt | SRH Reduction for SRv6 End.M.GTP6.E Behavior | 04/11/2024 |
draft-lamps-okubo-certdiscovery-05.txt | A Mechanism for X.509 Certificate Discovery | 04/11/2024 |
draft-kampanakis-ml-kem-ikev2-09.txt | Post-quantum Hybrid Key Exchange with ML-KEM in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) | 04/11/2024 |
draft-dcn-dmm-cats-mup-04.txt | Computing Aware Traffic Steering Consideration for Mobile User Plane Architecture | 04/11/2024 |
draft-oiwa-secure-hybrid-network-01.txt | Securing hybrid network - criteria and requirements | 04/11/2024 |
draft-petithuguenin-ufmrg-formal-sexpr-05.txt | A Formalization of Symbolic Expressions | 04/11/2024 |
draft-rbw-add-encrypted-dns-forwarders-02.txt | Hosting Encrypted DNS Forwarders on CPEs | 04/11/2024 |
draft-jeong-cats-its-use-cases-04.txt | Applicability of Computing-Aware Traffic Steering to Intelligent Transportation Systems | 04/11/2024 |
draft-sidor-pce-lsp-state-reporting-extensions-01.txt | LSP State Reporting Extensions in Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ymbk-opsawg-rpsl-extref-02.txt | Generalized RPSL External Reference | 04/11/2024 |
draft-mcbride-srv6ops-srv6-deployment-01.txt | SRv6 Deployment Options | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ali-pce-srv6-policy-sid-list-optimization-01.txt | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) extensions for SRv6 Policy SID List Optimization | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ali-idr-srv6-policy-sid-list-optimization-01.txt | BGP SRv6 Policy SID List Optimization | 04/11/2024 |
draft-mahy-vcon-mimi-messages-01.txt | VCON for MIMI Messages | 04/11/2024 |
draft-joras-scone-video-optimization-requirements-00.txt | SCONE Video Optimization Requirements | 04/11/2024 |
draft-soares-nmrg-green-security-00.txt | Future Research Directions on Energy-Aware Security Mechanisms | 04/11/2024 |
draft-mishra-srv6ops-inter-domain-routing-use-case-00.txt | SRv6 Inter Domain Routing Use Cases | 04/11/2024 |
draft-kb-capsule-conversion-00.txt | HTTP Version Translation of the Capsule Protocol | 04/11/2024 |
draft-wiethuechter-drip-det-moc-00.txt | Means of Compliance for DRIP Entity Tags as UAS RID Identifiers | 04/11/2024 |
draft-dutt-nvo3-rfc7348bis-00.txt | Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN): A Framework for Overlaying Virtualized Layer 2 Networks over Layer 3 Networks | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-on-path-telemetry-14.txt | Export of Delay Performance Metrics in IP Flow Information eXport (IPFIX) | 04/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-6man-enhanced-vpn-vtn-id-09.txt | Carrying Network Resource (NR) related Information in IPv6 Extension Header | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-comi-19.txt | CoAP Management Interface (CORECONF) | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-dult-finding-00.txt | Finding Tracking Tags | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-dult-accessory-protocol-00.txt | Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers Accessory Protocol | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgpls-sr-vtn-mt-07.txt | Applicability of BGP-LS with Multi-Topology (MT) for Segment Routing based Network Resource Partitions (NRP) | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-intarea-tunnels-14.txt | IP Tunnels in the Internet Architecture | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-jose-pqc-kem-00.txt | Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (PQ KEMs) for JOSE and COSE | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-jose-deprecate-none-rsa15-00.txt | JOSE: Deprecate 'none' and 'RSA1_5' | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-isis-pics-yang-00.txt | YANG Model for IS-IS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-isis-pics-l2member-attr-yang-00.txt | YANG Data Model for IS-IS L2 Bundle Member Link Attributes PICS | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-isis-pics-srmpls-yang-00.txt | YANG Data Model for IS-IS Segment Routing MPLS PICS | 03/11/2024 |
draft-mzanaty-moq-loc-04.txt | Low Overhead Media Container | 03/11/2024 |
draft-dong-spring-sr-4map6-segments-03.txt | 4map6 Segments for IPv4 Service delivery over IPv6-only underlay networks | 03/11/2024 |
draft-cheng-rtgwg-ai-network-reliability-problem-02.txt | Reliability in AI Networks Gap Analysis,Problem Statement,and Requirements | 03/11/2024 |
draft-venhoek-nts-pool-01.txt | NTS extensions for enabling pools | 03/11/2024 |
draft-carter-high-assurance-dids-with-dns-06.txt | High Assurance DIDs with DNS | 03/11/2024 |
draft-zhang-ippm-stamp-mp-02.txt | Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) Extensions for Multi-path | 03/11/2024 |
draft-jeong-opsawg-i2inf-problem-statement-02.txt | Interface to In-Network Functions (I2INF): Problem Statement | 03/11/2024 |
draft-jeong-opsawg-i2inf-framework-02.txt | A Framework for the Interface to In-Network Functions (I2INF) | 03/11/2024 |
draft-hu-ipsecme-pqt-hybrid-auth-01.txt | Post-Quantum Traditional (PQ/T) Hybrid PKI Authentication in the Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) | 03/11/2024 |
draft-zzd-idr-flowspec-scheduling-02.txt | BGP Flow Specification Extensions for Scheduling | 03/11/2024 |
draft-many-deepspace-ip-architecture-01.txt | An Architecture for IP in Deep Space | 03/11/2024 |
draft-gondwana-dkim2-motivation-01.txt | DKIM2 Why DKIM needs replacing,and what a replacement would look like | 03/11/2024 |
draft-liu-sidrops-rpki-rtr-over-quic-00.txt | RPKI to Router Protocol over QUIC | 03/11/2024 |
draft-venhoek-tls-client-puzzles-00.txt | TLS Client Puzzles Extension | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ywj-opsawg-i2inf-data-center-networking-00.txt | Interfaces of In-Network Functions in Data Center Networking | 03/11/2024 |
draft-tomar-scone-privacy-00.txt | SCONE Privacy Properties and Incentives for Abuse | 03/11/2024 |
draft-eddy-scone-api-00.txt | APIs To Expose SCONE Metadata to Applications | 03/11/2024 |
draft-tan-scone-netneutrality-00.txt | SCONE Net Neutrality | 03/11/2024 |
draft-tomar-scone-ecn-00.txt | SCONE Need for Defining A New On-Path Signaling Mechanism | 03/11/2024 |
draft-many-deepspace-dns-isolated-networks-00.txt | Domain Name System in Mostly Isolated Networks | 03/11/2024 |
draft-zzn-authcodesec-00.txt | Domain Transfer Authorization Using Cryptographic Signatures | 03/11/2024 |
draft-pwouters-crypto-current-practices-00.txt | Current practices for new cryptography at the IETF | 03/11/2024 |
draft-mcd-ivy-entitlements-inventory-00.txt | A YANG module for entitlement inventory | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-pim-updt-ipv6-dyn-mcast-addr-grp-id-03.txt | Updates to Dynamic IPv6 Multicast Address Group IDs | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-pim-pfm-forwarding-enhancements-01.txt | PIM Flooding Mechanism and Source Discovery Enhancements | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-rats-uccs-12.txt | A CBOR Tag for Unprotected CWT Claims Sets | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12.txt | EAT Media Types | 03/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-mpbgp-extension-4map6-03.txt | MP-BGP Extension and the Procedures for IPv4/IPv6 Mapping Advertisement | 02/11/2024 |
draft-mishra-idr-v4-islands-v6-core-4pe-08.txt | Connecting IPv4 Islands over IPv6 Core using IPv4 Provider Edge Routers (4PE) | 02/11/2024 |
draft-gao-cats-service-announcement-00.txt | Service Announcement Methods for CATS | 02/11/2024 |
draft-ramanathan-lisp-savi-00.txt | SAVI in a LISP network | 02/11/2024 |
draft-ietf-6man-slaac-renum-08.txt | Improving the Robustness of Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) to Flash Renumbering Events | 21/10/2024 |
draft-clw-6man-rfc8504-bis-01.txt | IPv6 Node Requirements | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ace-edhoc-oscore-profile-06.txt | Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC) and Object Security for Constrained Environments (OSCORE) Profile for Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ace-coap-est-oscore-06.txt | Protecting EST Payloads with OSCORE | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ace-workflow-and-params-03.txt | Alternative Workflow and OAuth Parameters for the Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) Framework | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ace-group-oscore-profile-03.txt | The Group Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (Group OSCORE) Profile of the Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) Framework | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-add-encrypted-dns-server-redirection-01.txt | Encrypted DNS Server Redirection | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-anima-brski-discovery-05.txt | BRSKI discovery and variations | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-asdf-nipc-03.txt | An Application Layer Interface for Non-IP device control (NIPC) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-over-quic-12.txt | RTP over QUIC (RoQ) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-extended-evpn-optimized-ir-07.txt | Extended Procedures for EVPN Optimized Ingress Replication | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-weighted-hrw-01.txt | Weighted HRW and its applications | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bfd-optimizing-authentication-21.txt | Optimizing BFD Authentication | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bfd-secure-sequence-numbers-18.txt | Meticulous Keyed ISAAC for BFD Authentication | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bmwg-mlrsearch-08.txt | Multiple Loss Ratio Search | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bmwg-network-tester-cfg-05.txt | A YANG Data Model for Network Tester Management | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-optical-impairment-topology-yang-17.txt | A YANG Data Model for Optical Impairment-aware Topology | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-otn-path-computation-yang-04.txt | A YANG Data Model for requesting Path Computation in an Optical Transport Network (OTN) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-wdm-tunnel-yang-03.txt | A YANG Data Model for WDM Tunnels | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-actn-poi-pluggable-usecases-gaps-00.txt | Use cases,Network Scenarios and gap analysis for Packet Optical Integration (POI) with coherent plugables under ACTN Framework | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccwg-bbr-01.txt | BBR Congestion Control | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-cdni-ci-triggers-rfc8007bis-15.txt | Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Control Interface / Triggers 2nd Edition | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-groupcomm-bis-12.txt | Group Communication for the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-observe-multicast-notifications-10.txt | Observe Notifications as CoAP Multicast Responses | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-09.txt | Key Update for OSCORE (KUDOS) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-transport-indication-07.txt | CoAP Transport Indication | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-oscore-capable-proxies-03.txt | OSCORE-capable Proxies | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-groupcomm-proxy-03.txt | Proxy Operations for CoAP Group Communication | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-domain-verification-techniques-06.txt | Domain Control Validation using DNS | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-emu-eap-edhoc-02.txt | Using the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) with Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman over COSE (EDHOC) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-resumable-upload-05.txt | Resumable Uploads for HTTP | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-connect-tcp-06.txt | Template-Driven HTTP CONNECT Proxying for TCP | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-optimistic-upgrade-01.txt | Security Considerations for Optimistic Protocol Transitions in HTTP/1.1 | 21/10/2024 |
draft-irtf-icnrg-flic-06.txt | File-Like ICN Collections (FLIC) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-hong-icn-metaverse-interoperability-00.txt | ICN Challenges for Metaverse Platform Interoperability | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-model-18.txt | YANG Model for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP-4) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ifit-capabilities-06.txt | Advertising In-situ Flow Information Telemetry (IFIT) Capabilities in BGP | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-iotops-security-summary-03.txt | A summary of security-enabling technologies for IoT devices | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ippm-responsiveness-05.txt | Responsiveness under Working Conditions | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-jose-json-proof-token-07.txt | JSON Proof Token | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-jose-json-web-proof-07.txt | JSON Web Proof | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-jose-json-proof-algorithms-07.txt | JSON Proof Algorithms | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-lake-authz-03.txt | Lightweight Authorization using Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (ELA) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-lake-edhoc-impl-cons-02.txt | Implementation Considerations for Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-pq-composite-kem-05.txt | Composite ML-KEM for use in X.509 Public Key Infrastructure and CMS | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-pq-composite-sigs-03.txt | Composite ML-DSA For use in X.509 Public Key Infrastructure and CMS | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-lisp-yang-22.txt | LISP YANG Model | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-mimi-protocol-02.txt | More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) using HTTPS and MLS | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-mlcodec-opus-dred-02.txt | Deep Audio Redundancy (DRED) Extension for the Opus Codec | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-list-pagination-05.txt | List Pagination for YANG-driven Protocols | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-list-pagination-nc-05.txt | NETCONF Extensions to Support List Pagination | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-list-pagination-rc-05.txt | RESTCONF Extensions to Support List Pagination | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-configuration-tracing-03.txt | External Trace ID for Configuration Tracing | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-over-quic-01.txt | NETCONF over QUIC | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-yang-library-augmentedby-01.txt | Augmented-by Addition into the IETF-YANG-Library | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6991-bis-17.txt | Common YANG Data Types | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netmod-yang-packages-04.txt | YANG Packages | 21/10/2024 |
draft-kdj-nmrg-ibn-usecases-02.txt | Use Cases and Practices for Intent-Based Networking | 21/10/2024 |
draft-palet-v6ops-ipv6-only-08.txt | IPv6-only Terminology Definition | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf0-idr-srv6-flowspec-path-redirect-12.txt | Flowspec Indirection-id Redirect for SRv6 | 21/10/2024 |
draft-li-rtgwg-enhanced-ti-lfa-11.txt | Enhanced Topology Independent Loop-free Alternate Fast Re-route | 21/10/2024 |
draft-li-rtgwg-protocol-assisted-protocol-06.txt | Protocol Assisted Protocol (PASP) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-zhu-lsr-isis-sr-vtn-flexalgo-08.txt | Using Flex-Algo for Segment Routing (SR) based Network Resource Partition (NRP) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-dong-lsr-l2bundle-srv6-02.txt | Advertising SRv6 SIDs for Layer 2 Bundle Member Links in IGP | 21/10/2024 |
draft-bormann-asdf-sdf-compact-07.txt | Semantic Definition Format (SDF) for Data and Interactions of Things: Compact Notation | 21/10/2024 |
draft-tllq-tsr-05.txt | Multicast DNS conflict resolution using the Time Since Received (TSR) EDNS option | 21/10/2024 |
draft-burdet-bess-evpn-fast-reroute-08.txt | EVPN Fast Reroute | 21/10/2024 |
draft-xiong-pce-detnet-bounded-latency-05.txt | PCEP Extension for Bounded Latency | 21/10/2024 |
draft-liu-ccamp-optical2cloud-problem-statement-07.txt | Problem Statement and Gap Analysis for Connecting to Cloud DCs via Optical Networks | 21/10/2024 |
draft-hong-nmrg-ai-deploy-07.txt | Considerations of network/system for AI services | 21/10/2024 |
draft-li-rtgwg-generalized-ipv6-tunnel-04.txt | Generalized IPv6 Tunnel (GIP6) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-fossati-tls-attestation-08.txt | Using Attestation in Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-xz-pim-flex-algo-03.txt | Multi-Topology in PIM | 21/10/2024 |
draft-piraux-quic-additional-addresses-03.txt | Additional addresses for QUIC | 21/10/2024 |
draft-li-rtgwg-gip6-protocol-ext-requirements-02.txt | Protocol Extension Requirements of Generalized IPv6 Tunnel | 21/10/2024 |
draft-liu-sidrops-rtr-yang-06.txt | YANG Data Model for RPKI to Router Protocol | 21/10/2024 |
draft-cheng-spring-sr-policy-group-06.txt | SR Policy Group | 21/10/2024 |
draft-eastlake-dnsop-rfc2930bis-tkey-01.txt | Secret Key Agreement for DNS: The TKEY Resource Record | 21/10/2024 |
draft-cx-mpls-mna-inband-pm-05.txt | MNA for Performance Measurement with Alternate Marking Method | 21/10/2024 |
draft-poidt-teas-actn-poi-assurance-04.txt | Applicability of Abstraction and Control of Traffic Engineered Networks (ACTN) for Packet Optical Integration (POI) service assurance | 21/10/2024 |
draft-bonnell-lamps-chameleon-certs-05.txt | A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in Paired Certificates | 21/10/2024 |
draft-zzd-idr-sr-policy-scheduling-06.txt | BGP SR Policy Extensions for Path Scheduling | 21/10/2024 |
draft-tuexen-tsvwg-rfc6083-bis-06.txt | Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) 1.3 for Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-edm-protocol-greasing-04.txt | Maintaining Protocols Using Grease and Variability | 21/10/2024 |
draft-contreras-pim-multiif-config-02.txt | Signaling-based configuration for supporting multiple upstream interfaces in IGMP/MLD proxies | 21/10/2024 |
draft-rfcxml-rfc-swl-103k-02.txt | SW103K PROTOCOL | 21/10/2024 |
draft-gupta-httpbis-per-resource-events-03.txt | Per Resource Events | 21/10/2024 |
draft-johani-dnsop-delegation-mgmt-via-ddns-04.txt | Automating DNS Delegation Management via DDNS | 21/10/2024 |
draft-piraux-tcp-ao-tls-02.txt | Opportunistic TCP-AO with TLS | 21/10/2024 |
draft-wirtgen-bgp-tls-02.txt | BGP over TLS/TCP | 21/10/2024 |
draft-lai-bmwg-istn-transport-01.txt | Benchmarking Methodology for Reliable Transport Protocols in Integrated Space and Terrestrial Networks | 21/10/2024 |
draft-rcr-opsawg-operational-compute-metrics-08.txt | Joint Exposure of Network and Compute Information for Infrastructure-Aware Service Deployment | 21/10/2024 |
draft-westerlund-tsvwg-sctp-dtls-handshake-03.txt | Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) DTLS Chunk | 21/10/2024 |
draft-westerlund-tsvwg-sctp-dtls-chunk-03.txt | Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) DTLS Chunk | 21/10/2024 |
draft-pardue-capsule-ext-guidance-01.txt | Guidance for HTTP Capsule Protocol Extensibility | 21/10/2024 |
draft-connolly-cfrg-xwing-kem-06.txt | X-Wing: general-purpose hybrid post-quantum KEM | 21/10/2024 |
draft-sarischo-6gip-aiml-security-privacy-03.txt | Security and Privacy Implications of 3GPP AI/ML Networking Studies for 6G | 21/10/2024 |
draft-welzl-ccwg-ratelimited-increase-03.txt | Increase of the Congestion Window when the Sender Is Rate-Limited | 21/10/2024 |
draft-cheng-idr-conformance-forwarding-01.txt | Definition and Problem Statement of consistent inter-domain routing and forwarding | 21/10/2024 |
draft-liu-bess-srv6-service-sid-nffrr-flag-02.txt | No Further Fast Reroute for SRv6 Service SID | 21/10/2024 |
draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-02.txt | Modeling the Digital Map based on RFC 8345: Sharing Experience and Perspectives | 21/10/2024 |
draft-mhkk-dmm-mup-architecture-01.txt | Mobile User Plane Architecture for Distributed Mobility Management | 21/10/2024 |
draft-pan-ipsecme-anti-replay-notification-01.txt | IKEv2 Support for Anti-Replay Status Notification | 21/10/2024 |
draft-dong-idr-bgp-ls-scalable-nrp-02.txt | BGP Link State Extensions for Scalable Network Resource Partition | 21/10/2024 |
draft-lin-ccamp-gmpls-fgotn-applicability-02.txt | Applicability of GMPLS for fine grain Optical Transport Network | 21/10/2024 |
draft-lcmw-cats-midhaul-02.txt | Compute-Aware Traffic Steering for Midhaul Networks | 21/10/2024 |
draft-kiefer-mls-light-01.txt | Light MLS | 21/10/2024 |
draft-johansson-ccwg-rfc8298bis-screamv2-02.txt | Self-Clocked Rate Adaptation for Multimedia | 21/10/2024 |
draft-cbs-teas-5qi-to-dscp-mapping-03.txt | 5QI to DiffServ DSCP Mapping Example for Enforcement of 5G End-to-End Network Slice QoS | 21/10/2024 |
draft-wang-cats-security-considerations-01.txt | Security Considerations for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering | 21/10/2024 |
draft-marcas-nmop-knowledge-graph-yang-05.txt | Knowledge Graphs for YANG-based Network Management | 21/10/2024 |
draft-hcl-idr-extend-tunnel-egress-point-03.txt | Bgp Extension for Tunnel Egress Point | 21/10/2024 |
draft-joshco-wpadng-02.txt | Web Proxy Auto Discovery Next Generation | 21/10/2024 |
draft-zhang-dnsop-ns-selection-01.txt | Secure Nameserver Selection Algorithm for DNS Resolvers | 21/10/2024 |
draft-zhang-rats-multiverifiers-01.txt | Handling Multiple Verifiers in the RATS Architecture | 21/10/2024 |
draft-labiod-rats-attester-groups-01.txt | Attester Groups for Remote Attestation | 21/10/2024 |
draft-zhu-anima-lightweight-grasp-01.txt | Lightweight GeneRic Autonomic Signaling Protocol | 21/10/2024 |
draft-zundel-spice-glue-id-01.txt | SPICE GLUE: GLobal Unique Enterprise Identifiers | 21/10/2024 |
draft-welzl-iccrg-pacing-01.txt | Pacing in Transport Protocols | 21/10/2024 |
draft-tan-ccamp-fgotn-yang-01.txt | YANG Data Models for fine grain Optical Transport Network | 21/10/2024 |
draft-fujiwara-dnsop-dns-upper-limit-values-01.txt | Upper limit values for DNS | 21/10/2024 |
draft-dong-idr-bgp-nrp-policy-01.txt | Advertising Network Resource Partition (NRP) Policy in BGP | 21/10/2024 |
draft-tong-savnet-sav-enhanced-by-controller-01.txt | Source Address Validation Enhanced by Network Controller | 21/10/2024 |
draft-saxe-wimse-token-exchange-and-translation-01.txt | WIMSE Token Exchange and Translation Protocol | 21/10/2024 |
draft-toomim-httpbis-versions-02.txt | HTTP Resource Versioning | 21/10/2024 |
draft-kleidl-digest-fields-problem-types-01.txt | HTTP Problem Types for Digest Fields | 21/10/2024 |
draft-jenkins-cnsa2-pkix-profile-01.txt | Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite Certificate and Certificate Revocation List Profile | 21/10/2024 |
draft-liebsch-dmm-mts-01.txt | Mobile Traffic Steering | 21/10/2024 |
draft-mackey-nmop-kg-for-netops-01.txt | Knowledge Graph Framework for Network Operations | 21/10/2024 |
draft-yang-pce-pcep-over-quic-01.txt | PCEP over QUIC | 21/10/2024 |
draft-gong-spring-lldp-srv6-extensions-01.txt | Link Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Extensions for Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-sriram-sidrops-asra-verification-01.txt | Autonomous System Relationship Authorization (ASRA) as an Extension to ASPA for Enhanced AS Path Verification | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ihlar-scone-masque-mediabitrate-01.txt | MASQUE extension for signaling throughput advice | 21/10/2024 |
draft-joshco-symmetric-h2-01.txt | Symmetric HTTP/2 Extension | 21/10/2024 |
draft-zhao-hpwan-scenarios-deployment-00.txt | Scenarios and Deployment Considerations for High Performance Wide Area Network | 21/10/2024 |
draft-zx-neotec-net4cloud-usecase-00.txt | A Use Case of Network Operation for Telecom Cloud | 21/10/2024 |
draft-xiao-ippm-ioam-trace-extensions-00.txt | Extensions to IOAM Trace Option for Carrying Fixed-Size Data | 21/10/2024 |
draft-hs-rtgwg-wan-lossless-framework-00.txt | Framework for Implementing Lossless Techniques in Wide Area Networks | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ma-netmod-yang-config-template-00.txt | YANG Templates | 21/10/2024 |
draft-du-rtgwg-in-network-congestion-notification-00.txt | In-Network Congestion Notification | 21/10/2024 |
draft-yoon-ccamp-pm-streaming-00.txt | A YANG Data Model of Performance Management Streaming | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ruan-scone-use-cases-and-requirements-00.txt | Use Cases and Requirements for SCONE in Massive Data Transmission | 21/10/2024 |
draft-gao-neotec-interface-cnc-00.txt | Analysis of Service Management Interface for Cloud-network Convergence | 21/10/2024 |
draft-guo-pake-pha-tls-00.txt | Post-Handshake Authentication via PAKE for TLS 1.3 | 21/10/2024 |
draft-han-pce-fgotn-pcep-extension-00.txt | PCEP Extension for Fine Grain Optical Transport Network (fgOTN) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-zhang-srv6ops-abn-mon-data-circulation-00.txt | IFIT-based anomaly monitoring and tracing in data circulation | 21/10/2024 |
draft-serafin-lake-ta-hint-00.txt | Trust Anchor Hints in Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-rajaram-netmod-yang-cfg-template-framework-00.txt | Populating a list of YANG data nodes using templates | 21/10/2024 |
draft-shi-scone-rtc-requirement-01.txt | SCONE Real Time Communication Requirement | 21/10/2024 |
draft-wullink-rpp-json-00.txt | EPP XML to RPP JSON conversion rules | 21/10/2024 |
draft-yu-ccamp-service-automation-00.txt | Automation Scenarios and Requirements for Level 4 Autonomous Networking (AN) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ji-ccwg-distributed-lossless-mechanism-00.txt | A congestion control mechanism based on distributed AIDC lossless network | 21/10/2024 |
draft-li-lsvr-bgp-spf-sr-00.txt | Applying BGP-LS Segment Routing Extensions to BGP-LS SPF | 21/10/2024 |
draft-fft-architecture-00.txt | Fast Fault Tolerance Architecture for Programmable Datacenter Networks | 21/10/2024 |
draft-jennings-moq-file-00.txt | Serialization of MoQ Objects to Files | 21/10/2024 |
draft-welzl-panrg-oppd-00.txt | On-Path Proxy Discovery | 21/10/2024 |
draft-li-rtgwg-distributed-lossless-framework-00.txt | Framework of Distributed AIDC Network | 21/10/2024 |
draft-contreras-bmwg-calibration-00.txt | Calibration of Measured Time Values between Network Elements | 21/10/2024 |
draft-fluechter-bier-bierte-subset-tunneling-00.txt | Extensions to BIER Tree Engineering (BIER-TE) for Large Multicast Domains and 1:1 Protection | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ywj-i2inf-data-center-networking-00.txt | Interfaces of In-Network Functions in Data Center Networking | 21/10/2024 |
draft-cheng-savnet-inter-domain-oam-00.txt | Inter-domain Source Address Validation (SAVNET) OAM | 21/10/2024 |
draft-kohbrok-mls-associated-parties-00.txt | MLS Associated parties | 21/10/2024 |
draft-navarre-quic-flexicast-00.txt | Flexicast QUIC: combining unicast and multicast in a single QUIC connection | 21/10/2024 |
draft-liu-pim-msr6-encapsulation-and-forwarding-00.txt | Encapsulation and Forwarding Process for IPv6 Multicast Source Routing (MSR6) Data Plane | 21/10/2024 |
draft-lai-ccwg-lsncc-00.txt | Analysis for the Adverse Effects of LEO Mobility on Internet Congestion Control | 21/10/2024 |
draft-mularczyk-mls-splitcommit-00.txt | MLS Split Commits | 21/10/2024 |
draft-equinox-intarea-dhcpv4-route4via6-00.txt | DHCPv4 Option for IPv4 routes with IPv6 nexthops | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ygb-ivy-passive-network-inventory-00.txt | A YANG Data Model for Passive Network Inventory | 21/10/2024 |
draft-pham-mls-additional-wire-formats-00.txt | MLS Wire Formats for PublicMessage and PrivateMessage without authenticated_data | 21/10/2024 |
draft-petra-green-api-00.txt | Path Energy Traffic Ratio API (PETRA) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-wang-green-framework-00.txt | Framework for Getting Ready for Energy-Efficient Networking(GREEN) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-wang-cats-usecase-green-00.txt | A Use case for Green Computing-Aware Traffic Steering | 21/10/2024 |
draft-danet-qkdn-considerations-00.txt | Initial Considerations about QDKN Protocols | 21/10/2024 |
draft-joras-scone-quic-protocol-00.txt | A new QUIC version for network property communication | 21/10/2024 |
draft-jiang-tsvwg-5gxrm-metadata-00.txt | UDP Option Extension for 5G XR Media Services | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ccc-v6ops-address-accountability-00.txt | IPv6 Address Accountability Considerations | 21/10/2024 |
draft-hu-opsawg-sec-config-yang-00.txt | YANG Data Models for Security Configuration Check | 21/10/2024 |
draft-westerbaan-secdispatch-mpic-00.txt | Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration (MPIC) Service | 21/10/2024 |
draft-mahy-mls-gce-diff-00.txt | Efficient Updates to Messaging Layer Security GroupContext Extension | 21/10/2024 |
draft-shamim-moq-time-00.txt | Simple Time Over MoQ Protocol (STOMP) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-westerbaan-alldispatch-mpic-00.txt | Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration (MPIC) Service | 21/10/2024 |
draft-lemmons-cose-composite-claims-00.txt | Composite Token Claims | 21/10/2024 |
draft-nandakumar-deepspace-moq-00.txt | SPACE - Scalable Pubsub,Asymmetric and CachEd transport for Deep Space communications | 21/10/2024 |
draft-link-6man-gulla-00.txt | Using Prefix-Specific Link-Local Addresses to Improve SLAAC Robustness | 21/10/2024 |
draft-rc-detnet-data-unit-groups-00.txt | Data Unit Groups for DetNet-Enabled Networks | 21/10/2024 |
draft-frindell-moq-chat-00.txt | MoQ Chat | 21/10/2024 |
draft-eastlake-dnsop-rfc2931bis-sigzero-00.txt | Domain Name System (DNS) Public Key Based Request and Transaction Authentication ( SIG(0) ) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-tojens-dhcp-option-concat-considerations-00.txt | DHCP Option Concatenation Considerations | 21/10/2024 |
draft-canel-robots-ai-control-00.txt | Robots Exclusion Protocol Extension to manage AI content use | 21/10/2024 |
draft-cx-green-green-metrics-00.txt | Green Networking Metrics for Environmentally Sustainable Networking | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-oauth-attestation-based-client-auth-04.txt | OAuth 2.0 Attestation-Based Client Authentication | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-ol-07.txt | Ownership and licensing statements in YANG | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-collected-data-manifest-05.txt | A Data Manifest for Contextualized Telemetry Data | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-discardmodel-04.txt | An Information Model for Packet Discard Reporting | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-controlled-id-space-01.txt | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) extension to advertise the PCE Controlled Identifier Space | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-pim-multipath-igmpmldproxy-01.txt | Multipath Support for IGMP/MLD Proxy | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-quic-qlog-main-schema-10.txt | qlog: Structured Logging for Network Protocols | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-quic-qlog-quic-events-09.txt | QUIC event definitions for qlog | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-quic-qlog-h3-events-09.txt | HTTP/3 qlog event definitions | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-rats-posture-assessment-01.txt | Remote Posture Assessment for Systems,Containers,and Applications at Scale | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-rtgwg-dst-src-routing-revive-02.txt | Destination/Source Routing | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-sidrops-bar-sav-05.txt | Source Address Validation Using BGP UPDATEs,ASPA,and ROA (BAR-SAV) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-schc-8824-update-03.txt | Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) for the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-sidrops-vrp-notation-02.txt | Human Readable Validate ROA Payload Notation | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-sidrops-aspa-notation-02.txt | Human Readable ASPA Notation | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-sml-structured-email-use-cases-02.txt | Structured Email: Use cases | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-spring-srv6-security-01.txt | Segment Routing IPv6 Security Considerations | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-stir-rfc4916-update-06.txt | Connected Identity for STIR | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-suit-report-10.txt | Secure Reporting of Update Status | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-suit-mti-08.txt | Mandatory-to-Implement Algorithms for Authors and Recipients of Software Update for the Internet of Things manifests | 21/10/2024 |
draft-irtf-t2trg-rest-iot-15.txt | Guidance on RESTful Design for Internet of Things Systems | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-teas-nrp-scalability-06.txt | Scalability Considerations for Network Resource Partition | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-teas-ns-controller-models-03.txt | IETF Network Slice Controller and its Associated Data Models | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-teas-te-topology-profiles-02.txt | Profiles for Traffic Engineering (TE) Topology Data Model and Applicability to non-TE Use Cases | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-tls-extended-key-update-03.txt | Extended Key Update for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc4895-bis-04.txt | Authenticated Chunks for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-v6ops-claton-02.txt | 464XLAT Customer-side Translator (CLAT): Node Recommendations | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-v6ops-rfc7084bis-01.txt | Basic Requirements for IPv6 Customer Edge Routers | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-webtrans-http3-11.txt | WebTransport over HTTP/3 | 21/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-6lo-owc-02.txt | Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Short-Range Optical Wireless Communications | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-cose-sphincs-plus-05.txt | SLH-DSA for JOSE and COSE | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-detnet-dataplane-taxonomy-02.txt | Dataplane Enhancement Taxonomy | 20/10/2024 |
draft-mosko-icnrg-ccnxchunking-03.txt | CCNx Content Object Chunking | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-network-slice-ts-03.txt | BGP Flowspec for IETF Network Slice Traffic Steering | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-intarea-proxy-config-02.txt | Communicating Proxy Configurations in Provisioning Domains | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-anycast-flag-01.txt | Updates to Anycast Property advertisement for OSPFv2 | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-nmop-network-anomaly-architecture-01.txt | An Architecture for a Network Anomaly Detection Framework | 20/10/2024 |
draft-gao-flexible-session-protocol-13.txt | Flexible Session Protocol | 20/10/2024 |
draft-wang-iot-devices-security-06.txt | Security Technical Specification for Smart Devices of IoT | 20/10/2024 |
draft-wang-data-transmission-security-irii-06.txt | Data Transmission Security of Identity Resolution in Industrial Internet | 20/10/2024 |
draft-pedro-nmrg-ai-framework-05.txt | Artificial Intelligence Framework for Network Management | 20/10/2024 |
draft-dhody-teas-te-traffic-yang-05.txt | Traffic Mapping YANG model for Traffic Engineering (TE) | 20/10/2024 |
draft-eastlake-dnsop-svcb-rr-tunnel-06.txt | A Domain Name System (DNS) Service Parameter and Resource Record for Tunneling Information | 20/10/2024 |
draft-cheng-savnet-proactive-defense-network-03.txt | Network Proactive Defense based on Source Address Validation | 20/10/2024 |
draft-moskowitz-drip-a2x-adhoc-session-05.txt | Aircraft to Anything AdHoc Broadcasts and Session | 20/10/2024 |
draft-klensin-iana-consid-hybrid-03.txt | Hybrid IANA Registration Policy | 20/10/2024 |
draft-mankamana-pim-pfm-sd-extension-evpn-mh-01.txt | PFM-SD extension for EVPN multi-homing | 20/10/2024 |
draft-cxx-ippm-ioamaggr-02.txt | Aggregation Trace Option for In-situ Operations,Administration,and Maintenance (IOAM) | 20/10/2024 |
draft-schmutzer-pals-ple-signaling-02.txt | LDP Extensions to Support Private Line Emulation (PLE) | 20/10/2024 |
draft-liu-nasr-requirements-03.txt | NASR Use Case and Requirements | 20/10/2024 |
draft-parecki-oauth-identity-assertion-authz-grant-02.txt | Identity Assertion Authorization Grant | 20/10/2024 |
draft-jennings-moq-secure-objects-01.txt | End-to-End Secure Objects for Media over QUIC Transport | 20/10/2024 |
draft-lrss-bess-evpn-group-policy-01.txt | EVPN Group Policy | 20/10/2024 |
draft-mahy-mls-ratchet-tree-options-01.txt | Ways to convey the Ratchet Tree in Messaging Layer Security | 20/10/2024 |
draft-li-lsr-igp-based-intra-domain-savnet-03.txt | IGP-based Source Address Validation in Intra-domain Networks (Intra-domain SAVNET) | 20/10/2024 |
draft-sawant-eap-ppt-01.txt | Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Using Privacy Pass Token | 20/10/2024 |
draft-cheng-rtgwg-adaptive-routing-framework-03.txt | Adaptive Routing Framework | 20/10/2024 |
draft-liu-rtgwg-adaptive-routing-notification-01.txt | Adaptive Routing Notification for Load-balancing | 20/10/2024 |
draft-wang-lamps-root-ca-cert-rekeying-01.txt | Root CA Certificate Rekeying in the Scenario of Post Quantum Migration | 20/10/2024 |
draft-li-savnet-source-prefix-advertisement-01.txt | Source Prefix Advertisement for Intra-domain SAVNET | 20/10/2024 |
draft-mahy-mls-semiprivatemessage-04.txt | Semi-Private Messages in the Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol | 20/10/2024 |
draft-liu-nasr-architecture-01.txt | Network Attestation for Secure Routing (NASR) Architecture | 20/10/2024 |
draft-tschofenig-cose-cek-hkdf-sha256-02.txt | Encryption Key Derivation in the COSE using HKDF with SHA-256 | 20/10/2024 |
draft-wang-sidrops-route-partial-visibility-00.txt | Issue in Route Origin Validation from Route Partial Visibility | 20/10/2024 |
draft-zhao-nmop-network-management-agent-00.txt | AI based Network Management Agent(NMA): Concepts and Architecture | 20/10/2024 |
draft-kowalik-domainconnect-00.txt | Domain Connect Protocol - DNS provisioning between Services and DNS Providers | 20/10/2024 |
draft-jaked-cared-00.txt | Client Authentication Recommendations for Encrypted DNS | 20/10/2024 |
draft-yuan-idr-generic-metric-cats-00.txt | Computing Aware Traffic Steering (CATS) with Generic Metric | 20/10/2024 |
draft-pang-v6ops-usecases-ipv6-monitoring-00.txt | Use Cases for IPv6 Network End to End Monitoring | 20/10/2024 |
draft-deng-rtgwg-sr-loop-free-00.txt | SR based Loop-free implementation | 20/10/2024 |
draft-liu-acme-rats-00.txt | Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) rats Identifier and Challenge Type | 20/10/2024 |
draft-chen-spring-srv6-compressed-bsid-insertion-00.txt | SRv6 NET-PGM extension: Compressed BSID Insertion | 20/10/2024 |
draft-akiyama-cmg-00.txt | Content-based IP-Multicast Grouping Framework for Real-time Spatial Sensing and Control Applications with Edge Computing | 20/10/2024 |
draft-lu-srv6ops-srv6-for-power-grid-00.txt | SRv6 for Power Grid | 20/10/2024 |
draft-tong-idr-bgp-ls-sav-rule-00.txt | Advertisement of Multi-Sourced SAV Rules using BGP Link-State | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-ls-02.txt | PCEP extensions for Distribution of Link-State and TE Information | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-pim-bdr-02.txt | PIM Backup Designated Router Procedure | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-tcpm-generalized-ecn-16.txt | ECN++: Adding Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to TCP Control Packets | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-tvr-schedule-yang-03.txt | YANG Data Model for Scheduled Attributes | 20/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-automation-03.txt | DNSSEC automation | 19/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ippm-hybrid-two-step-03.txt | Hybrid Two-Step Performance Measurement Method | 19/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-distoptflood-07.txt | IS-IS Distributed Flooding Reduction | 19/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-nfsv4-rfc5661bis-09.txt | Network File System (NFS) Version 4 Minor Version 1 Protocol | 19/10/2024 |
draft-amsuess-core-coap-kitchensink-06.txt | Everything over CoAP | 19/10/2024 |
draft-mcfadden-consolidation-taxonomy-05.txt | A Taxonomy of Internet Consolidation | 19/10/2024 |
draft-mcfadden-cnsldtn-effects-04.txt | On the Effects of Internet Consolidation | 19/10/2024 |
draft-amsuess-t2trg-raytime-03.txt | Raytime: Validating token expiry on an unbounded local time interval | 19/10/2024 |
draft-amsuess-cbor-packed-by-reference-03.txt | Packed CBOR: Table set up by reference | 19/10/2024 |
draft-cheng-spring-srv6-policy-resource-gurantee-04.txt | Resource Guarantee for SRv6 Policies | 19/10/2024 |
draft-bless-rtgwg-kira-01.txt | Kademlia-directed ID-based Routing Architecture (KIRA) | 19/10/2024 |
draft-he-ippm-ioam-extensions-incorporating-am-02.txt | IOAM Trace Option Extensions for Incorporating the Alternate-Marking Method | 19/10/2024 |
draft-yang-rtgwg-arn-framework-02.txt | Application-Responsive Network Framework | 19/10/2024 |
draft-rokui-ccamp-actn-wdm-pluggable-modelling-01.txt | Data Modelling and Gap Analysis of Optical Pluggables in Packet Over Optical Network | 19/10/2024 |
draft-illyes-repext-02.txt | Robots Exclusion Protocol Extension for URI Level Control | 19/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-pia-00.txt | Provider Independent Addresses Aggregation | 19/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-srv6-yang-06.txt | A YANG Data Model for Segment Routing (SR) Policy and SR in IPv6 (SRv6) support in Path Computation Element Communications Protocol (PCEP) | 19/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-payload-registry-05.txt | Closing the RTP Payload Format Media Types IANA Registry | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-vpws-seamless-01.txt | EVPN-VPWS Seamless Integration with L2VPN VPWS | 18/10/2024 |
draft-iana-7120bis-00.txt | Early IANA Code Point Allocation for IETF Stream Internet-Drafts | 18/10/2024 |
draft-irtf-icnrg-reflexive-forwarding-00.txt | Reflexive Forwarding for CCNx and NDN Protocols | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-sr-policy-ifit-09.txt | BGP SR Policy Extensions to Enable IFIT | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-masque-quic-proxy-04.txt | QUIC-Aware Proxying Using HTTP | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-masque-connect-udp-listen-04.txt | Proxying Bound UDP in HTTP | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-distributed-notif-10.txt | Subscription to Distributed Notifications | 18/10/2024 |
draft-icann-registrar-interfaces-13.txt | ICANN Registrar Interfaces | 18/10/2024 |
draft-rbickhart-evpn-ip-mac-proxy-adv-03.txt | Proxy MAC-IP Advertisement in EVPNs | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ma-teas-ietf-network-slice-deployment-03.txt | IETF Network Slice Deployment Status and Considerations | 18/10/2024 |
draft-pauly-httpbis-geoip-hint-01.txt | The IP Geolocation HTTP Client Hint | 18/10/2024 |
draft-aft-detnet-bound-delay-queue-03.txt | Enforcing end-to-end delay bounds via queue resizing | 18/10/2024 |
draft-schmutzer-bess-bitstream-vpws-signalling-02.txt | Ethernet VPN Signalling Extensions for Bit-stream VPWS | 18/10/2024 |
draft-zhao-detnet-enhanced-use-cases-01.txt | Enhanced Use Cases for Scaling Deterministic Networks | 18/10/2024 |
draft-lamps-bonnell-keyusage-crl-validation-03.txt | Clarification to processing Key Usage values during CRL validation | 18/10/2024 |
draft-connolly-cfrg-hpke-mlkem-04.txt | ML-KEM for HPKE | 18/10/2024 |
draft-hz-ippm-cei-02.txt | Customer Experience Index for Evaluating Network Quality for Cloud Applications | 18/10/2024 |
draft-wang-hybrid-kem-ikev2-frodo-02.txt | Post-quantum Hybrid Key Exchange in the IKEv2 with FrodoKEM | 18/10/2024 |
draft-liu-mboned-adaptive-utom-01.txt | Adaptive Unicast to Multicast Forwarding | 18/10/2024 |
draft-han-rtgwg-wan-lossless-terms-00.txt | Terminology for Implementing Lossless Techniques in Wide Area Networks | 18/10/2024 |
draft-suyue-networkmulticonnection-00.txt | Requirements of NGN evolution to support multi-connection for network and cloud interworking | 18/10/2024 |
draft-hegdearavind-idr-bgp-ls-flex-algo-ext-00.txt | Advertising Flexible Algorithm Extensions in BGP Link-State | 18/10/2024 |
draft-chen-tsvwg-updated-ack-00.txt | An Updated ACK mechanism based on RDMA | 18/10/2024 |
draft-li-ppm-homomorphic-encryption-00.txt | Homomorphic Cryptography Protocols for Measurement Information Collection | 18/10/2024 |
draft-he-ippm-ioam-dex-extensions-incorporating-am-00.txt | IOAM Direct Exporting (DEX) Option Extensions for Incorporating the Alternate-Marking Method | 18/10/2024 |
draft-zhou-rtgwg-perceptive-routing-information-00.txt | Perceptive Routing Information Model | 18/10/2024 |
draft-zheng-pisces-00.txt | Pisces: Real-Time Video Transport Framework | 18/10/2024 |
draft-bastian-jose-dvs-00.txt | Designated Verifier Signatures for JOSE | 18/10/2024 |
draft-illyes-rep-purpose-00.txt | Robots Exclusion Protocol User Agent Purpose Extension | 18/10/2024 |
draft-becker-cnsa2-tls-profile-00.txt | Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite Profile for TLS 1.3 | 18/10/2024 |
draft-lennox-sdp-raw-key-fingerprints-00.txt | Session Description Protocol Fingerprints for Raw Public Keys in (Datagram) Transport Layer Security | 18/10/2024 |
draft-hsyang-avtcore-rtp-vdmc-00.txt | RTP Payload for V-DMC | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-radext-radiusv11-11.txt | RADIUS/1.1,Leveraging ALPN to remove MD5 | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-rats-corim-06.txt | Concise Reference Integrity Manifest | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-ghost-acks-01.txt | Improve TCP Handling of Out-of-Window Packets to Mitigate Ghost ACKs | 18/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-grease-00.txt | Greasing Protocol Extension Points in the DNS | 17/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-masque-connect-ip-dns-01.txt | DNS Configuration for Proxying IP in HTTP | 17/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-mpls-rfc6374-sr-17.txt | Performance Measurement for Segment Routing Networks with MPLS Data Plane | 17/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-udp-client-server-05.txt | YANG Groupings for UDP Clients and UDP Servers | 17/10/2024 |
draft-celi-wiggers-tls-authkem-04.txt | KEM-based Authentication for TLS 1.3 | 17/10/2024 |
draft-cui-savnet-anti-ddos-05.txt | SAV-based Anti-DDoS Architecture | 17/10/2024 |
draft-livingood-low-latency-deployment-07.txt | ISP Dual Queue Networking Deployment Recommendations | 17/10/2024 |
draft-wiggers-tls-authkem-psk-02.txt | KEM-based pre-shared-key handshakes for TLS 1.3 | 17/10/2024 |
draft-liu-opsawg-cco-cm-requirement-02.txt | Requirements from Control and Management Viewpoint for Collective Communication Optimization | 17/10/2024 |
draft-gueron-cfrg-dndkgcm-01.txt | Double Nonce Derive Key AES-GCM (DNDK-GCM) | 17/10/2024 |
draft-hares-idr-fsv2-more-ip-actions-03.txt | BGP Flow Specification Version 2 - More IP Actions | 17/10/2024 |
draft-zhang-rtgwg-collaboration-app-net-01.txt | Deep Collaboration between Application and Network | 17/10/2024 |
draft-li-green-power-00.txt | A YANG model for Power Management | 17/10/2024 |
draft-aaron-acme-profiles-00.txt | Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Profiles Extension | 17/10/2024 |
draft-doujiali-cloudnetwork-intelligentoperation-00.txt | An requirement of Cloud Network Intelligent Operation and Maintenance. | 17/10/2024 |
draft-lu-cats-smam-security-00.txt | A mechanism of security monitoring and management for service resources in Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS) | 17/10/2024 |
draft-gong-lsr-flex-algo-exclude-node-00.txt | Flexible Algorithms Exclude Node | 17/10/2024 |
draft-thomson-ppm-l1-bound-sum-00.txt | A Prio Instantiation for Vector Sums with an L1 Norm Bound on Contributions | 17/10/2024 |
draft-thomson-ppm-dap-dp-ext-00.txt | Distributed Aggregation Protocol (DAP) Extensions for Improved Application of Differential Privacy | 17/10/2024 |
draft-thomson-ppm-dap-bulk-00.txt | Bulk Report Submission for Distributed Aggregation Protocol (DAP) | 17/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-regext-rdap-x-media-type-02.txt | An RDAP With Extensions Media Type | 17/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-satp-usecases-04.txt | Secure Asset Transfer (SAT) Use Cases | 17/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-spring-srv6-mpls-interworking-00.txt | SRv6 and MPLS interworking | 17/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-srv6-06.txt | BGP Flow Specification for SRv6 | 16/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsvr-l3dl-13.txt | Layer-3 Discovery and Liveness | 16/10/2024 |
draft-wang-ippm-stamp-hbh-extensions-08.txt | Simple Two-way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) Extensions for Hop- by-Hop Data Collection | 16/10/2024 |
draft-sajassi-bess-evpn-umr-mobility-02.txt | Mobility Procedures in Presence of Unknown MAC Route | 16/10/2024 |
draft-shi-cats-analysis-of-metric-distribution-03.txt | Design analysis of methods for distributing the computing metric | 16/10/2024 |
draft-shi-quic-structured-connection-id-03.txt | Structured Connection ID Carrying Metadata | 16/10/2024 |
draft-shi-ippm-congestion-measurement-data-02.txt | Data Fields for Congestion Measurement | 16/10/2024 |
draft-yi-cats-hierarchical-metric-distribution-01.txt | Hierarchical methods of computing metrics distribution | 16/10/2024 |
draft-amsuess-core-stateless-oscore-01.txt | Stateless OSCORE | 16/10/2024 |
draft-xiong-green-host-power-monitoring-yang-00.txt | A YANG Data Model for Host Power Monitoring | 16/10/2024 |
draft-lizihan-hybrid-cloudlargelanguagemodel-00.txt | A method for evaluating the capabilities of large language models deployed on hybrid cloud | 16/10/2024 |
draft-chenruihao-globalaccelerator-00.txt | An method of evaluating global accelerator based on cloud networking. | 16/10/2024 |
draft-dejong-decentralized-cycle-detection-00.txt | Decentralized Cycle Detection | 16/10/2024 |
draft-martin-grow-rpki-generated-loa-00.txt | Generating a Letter of Agency to reflect RPKI Validity | 16/10/2024 |
draft-moskowitz-drip-stateless-nrid-00.txt | Secure UAS Stateless Network RID | 16/10/2024 |
draft-hy-srv6ops-sfc-in-cloud-uc-00.txt | Use Cases and Requirements for Service Function Chaining based on SRv6 in cloud. | 16/10/2024 |
draft-sun-lamps-hybrid-scheme-00.txt | Convertible Forms with Multiple Keys and Signatures For Use In Internet X.509 Certificates | 16/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-dance-architecture-07.txt | An Architecture for DNS-Bound Client and Sender Identities | 15/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-srmpls-elp-02.txt | BGP Extension for SR-MPLS Entropy Label Position | 15/10/2024 |
draft-liu-teas-transport-network-slice-yang-11.txt | IETF Network Slice Topology YANG Data Model | 15/10/2024 |
draft-sajassi-bess-evpn-first-hop-security-03.txt | EVPN First Hop Security | 15/10/2024 |
draft-law-moq-warpstreamingformat-03.txt | WARP Streaming Format | 15/10/2024 |
draft-lencse-bmwg-multiple-ip-addresses-03.txt | Recommendations for using Multiple IP Addresses in Benchmarking Tests | 15/10/2024 |
draft-yy-hpwan-transport-gap-analysis-00.txt | Gap analysis of transport protocols of high performance wide area network | 15/10/2024 |
draft-kazuho-httpbis-incremental-http-00.txt | Incremental HTTP Messages | 15/10/2024 |
draft-liu-idr-bgpls-epe-te-pm-00.txt | BGP - Link State (BGP-LS) Advertisement of BGP Egress Peer Engineering Performance Metric Extensions | 15/10/2024 |
draft-haynes-nfsv4-mojette-encoding-00.txt | The Mojette Transformation for the Erasure Encoding of Files in NFSv4.2 | 15/10/2024 |
draft-hu-bfd-network-device-authentication-00.txt | Application of BFD in Network Device Interconnection Authentication | 15/10/2024 |
draft-wang-savnet-remote-measurement-osav-00.txt | Remote Measurement of Outbound Source Address Validation Deployment | 15/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-oauth-resource-metadata-13.txt | OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata | 15/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-calext-vpoll-07.txt | VPOLL: Consensus Scheduling Component for iCalendar | 14/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-eth-client-te-topo-yang-07.txt | A YANG Data Model for Ethernet TE Topology | 14/10/2024 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-cpace-13.txt | CPace,a balanced composable PAKE | 14/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-fsv2-ip-basic-02.txt | BGP Flow Specification Version 2 - for Basic IP | 14/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ippm-stamp-ext-hdr-01.txt | Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) Extensions for Reflecting STAMP Packet Headers | 14/10/2024 |
draft-gredler-idr-bgplu-epe-16.txt | Egress Peer Engineering using BGP-LU | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-architecture-23.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part I: Architecture Guide | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-developer-12.txt | Mathematical Mesh: Reference Implementation | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-platform-08.txt | Mathematical Mesh: Platform Configuration | 14/10/2024 |
draft-zheng-ccamp-client-tunnel-yang-15.txt | A YANG Data Model for Client-layer Tunnel | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-web-service-discovery-10.txt | DNS Web Service Discovery | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-udf-19.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part II: Uniform Data Fingerprint. | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-dare-18.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part III : Data At Rest Encryption (DARE) | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-cryptography-12.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part VIII: Cryptographic Algorithms | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-protocol-16.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part V: Protocol Reference | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-schema-13.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part IV: Schema Reference | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-presence-03.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part XI: Mesh Presence Service | 14/10/2024 |
draft-wang-secure-access-of-iot-terminals-07.txt | Technical Requirements for Secure Access and Management of IoT Smart Terminals | 14/10/2024 |
draft-wang-open-service-access-protocol-06.txt | Open Service Access Protocol for IoT Smart Devices | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-callsign-04.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part VII: Mesh Callsign Service | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-rud-04.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part VI: Reliable User Datagram | 14/10/2024 |
draft-cz-bier-bgp-ls-bier-te-ext-04.txt | BGP-LS extensions for BIER-TE | 14/10/2024 |
draft-xu-spring-segment-twod-ip-routing-03.txt | Segment Routing in Two Dimensional IP Routing | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-everything-02.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part X: Everything | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hallambaker-mesh-notarization-02.txt | Mathematical Mesh 3.0 Part IX: Mesh Notarized Signatures | 14/10/2024 |
draft-zhu-detnet-cycle-mapping-learning-02.txt | Cycle Mapping Learning Method for Scaling DetNet | 14/10/2024 |
draft-qian-detnet-preof-ioam-02.txt | PREOF IOAM Method for Deterministic Network Service Sub-layer | 14/10/2024 |
draft-kwbdgrr-tsvwg-net-collab-rqmts-04.txt | Requirements for Host-to-Network Collaboration Signaling | 14/10/2024 |
draft-fioccola-ippm-on-path-active-measurements-01.txt | On-Path Telemetry for Active Performance Measurements | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hares-idr-bgp-community-attribute-01.txt | BGP Community Container Attribute | 14/10/2024 |
draft-klassert-ipsecme-eesp-01.txt | Enhanced Encapsulating Security Payload (EESP) | 14/10/2024 |
draft-prabel-jose-pq-composite-sigs-00.txt | PQ/T Hybrid Composite Signatures for JOSE and COSE | 14/10/2024 |
draft-bogdanovic-green-energy-metrics-00.txt | Energy Metrics For Data Networks | 14/10/2024 |
draft-hoffman-deleg-roles-00.txt | Resolvers and Servers for DELEG | 14/10/2024 |
draft-dxs-neotec-crossdomain-net-mgnt-dm-00.txt | Cross-Domain Cloud and Network Resource Management Data Model | 14/10/2024 |
draft-levine-6man-repsize-00.txt | Publishing boundaries for IPv6 reputation | 14/10/2024 |
draft-thomson-scone-train-protocol-00.txt | Transparent Rate Adaptation Indications for Networks (TRAIN) Protocol | 14/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment-12.txt | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extension for Path Segment in Segment Routing (SR) | 14/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-privacypass-public-metadata-issuance-01.txt | Privacy Pass Issuance Protocols with Public Metadata | 14/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpapi-rest-api-mediatypes-06.txt | REST API Media Types | 13/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-legacy-rtc-11.txt | Automatic Route Target Filtering for legacy PEs | 13/10/2024 |
draft-xiao-nvo3-pm-geneve-10.txt | Performance Measurement for Geneve | 13/10/2024 |
draft-mzhang-nfsv4-recursively-setting-06.txt | Recursively Setting Attributes of Subdirectories and files | 13/10/2024 |
draft-haynes-nfsv4-uncacheable-01.txt | Adding an Uncacheable Attribute to NFSv4.2 | 13/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-bgp-ls-bier-ext-19.txt | BGP Link-State extensions for BIER | 12/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-deleg-requirements-02.txt | Problem Statement and Requirements for an Improved DNS Delegation Mechanism abbrev: DNS DELEG Requirements | 12/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-secondary-server-certs-01.txt | Secondary Certificate Authentication of HTTP Servers | 12/10/2024 |
draft-geng-idr-flowspec-sav-04.txt | BGP Flow Specification for Source Address Validation | 12/10/2024 |
draft-equinox-v6ops-icmpext-xlat-v6only-source-00.txt | Using Dummy IPv4 Address and Node Identification Extensions for IP/ICMP translators (XLATs) | 12/10/2024 |
draft-ginsberg-lsr-flex-soft-dataplane-00.txt | IGP Flex Soft Dataplane | 12/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-spring-resource-aware-segments-10.txt | Introducing Resource Awareness to SR Segments | 12/10/2024 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-aead-properties-09.txt | Properties of AEAD Algorithms | 11/10/2024 |
draft-geng-sidrops-rtr-selective-sync-04.txt | Selective Synchronization for RPKI to Router Protocol | 11/10/2024 |
draft-geng-idr-bgp-savnet-04.txt | BGP Extensions for Source Address Validation Networks (BGP SAVNET) | 11/10/2024 |
draft-seemann-quic-address-discovery-04.txt | QUIC Address Discovery | 11/10/2024 |
draft-gong-spring-srv6-nrp-flavor-01.txt | SRv6 Resource Programming with NRP flavor | 11/10/2024 |
draft-fiebig-grow-routing-ops-terms-03.txt | Currently Used Terminology in Global Routing Operations | 11/10/2024 |
draft-head-rift-auto-is-is-00.txt | RIFT Auto-IS-IS | 11/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-ucl-acl-06.txt | A YANG Data Model and RADIUS Extension for Policy-based Network Access Control | 11/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-rats-pkix-evidence-00.txt | PKI-based Attestation Evidence | 11/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-regext-rdap-versioning-02.txt | Versioning in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) | 11/10/2024 |
draft-huang-detnet-rdi-02.txt | BFD Extension for DetNet Remote Defect Indication (RDI) | 10/10/2024 |
draft-tan-detnet-cap-discovery-02.txt | Echo Request/Reply for DetNet Capability Discovery | 10/10/2024 |
draft-yuan-cats-hierarchical-loop-prevention-02.txt | Microloop Prevention in a Hierarchical Segment Routing Solution for CATS | 10/10/2024 |
draft-pb-6man-deterministic-crh-01.txt | Deterministic Routing Header | 10/10/2024 |
draft-p-6man-deterministic-eh-01.txt | Deterministic Source Route Header | 10/10/2024 |
draft-rsalz-2026bis-12.txt | The Internet Standards Process | 10/10/2024 |
draft-rsalz-2418bis-06.txt | IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures | 10/10/2024 |
draft-templin-6man-dhcpv6nd-01.txt | DHCPv6 Option for IPv6 ND (DHCPv6ND) | 10/10/2024 |
draft-bclp-green-terminology-00.txt | Terminology for Energy Efficiency Network Management | 10/10/2024 |
draft-choi-6lo-owc-security-00.txt | Security considerations for IPv6 Packets over Short-Range Optical Wireless Communications | 10/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-bier-te-01.txt | PCEP Extensions for Tree Engineering for Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER-TE) | 10/10/2024 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-aead-limits-09.txt | Usage Limits on AEAD Algorithms | 09/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ippm-alt-mark-deployment-02.txt | Alternate Marking Deployment Framework | 09/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ivy-network-inventory-location-00.txt | A YANG Data Model for Network Inventory Location | 09/10/2024 |
draft-moskowitz-drip-crowd-sourced-rid-13.txt | Crowd Sourced Remote ID | 09/10/2024 |
draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-cp-validity-02.txt | Advertisement of Candidate Path Validity Control Parameters using BGP-LS | 09/10/2024 |
draft-li-sidrops-rpki-moasgroup-01.txt | A Profile for Signed Group of Multiple-Origin Autonomous Systems for Use in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) | 09/10/2024 |
draft-jiang-cats-usecase-5gedge-00.txt | Computing-Aware 5G Edge Enhancement | 09/10/2024 |
draft-aft-ai-traffic-00.txt | Handling inter-DC/Edge AI-related network traffic: Problem statement | 09/10/2024 |
draft-ledvina-apple-google-unwanted-trackers-00.txt | Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers | 09/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-sidrops-moa-profile-00.txt | A Profile for Mapping Origin Authorizations (MOAs) | 09/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-6man-pio-pflag-12.txt | Signaling DHCPv6 Prefix per Client Availability to Hosts | 08/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-j2k-scl-04.txt | RTP Payload Format for sub-codestream latency JPEG 2000 streaming | 08/10/2024 |
draft-lz-bess-srv6-service-capability-06.txt | SRv6-based BGP Service Capability | 08/10/2024 |
draft-salih-spring-srv6-inter-domain-sids-07.txt | SRv6 inter-domain mapping SIDs | 08/10/2024 |
draft-chen-idr-bgp-sr-policy-cp-validity-03.txt | Validity of SR Policy Candidate Path | 08/10/2024 |
draft-chen-lsr-mpls-mna-capability-02.txt | Signaling MNA Capability Using IGP and BGP-LS | 08/10/2024 |
draft-rathnayake-xml2rfc-unicode-01.txt | Experiment with Unicode characters in xml2rfc | 08/10/2024 |
draft-ounsworth-lamps-pq-external-pubkeys-05.txt | External Keys For Use In Internet X.509 Certificates | 08/10/2024 |
draft-song-savnet-inter-domain-bgp-ops-03.txt | BGP Operations for Inter-domain SAVNET | 08/10/2024 |
draft-fregly-dnsop-slh-dsa-mtl-dnssec-03.txt | Stateless Hash-Based Signatures in Merkle Tree Ladder Mode (SLH-DSA-MTL) for DNSSEC | 08/10/2024 |
draft-peng-detnet-policing-jitter-control-01.txt | Mechanism to control jitter caused by policing in Detnet | 08/10/2024 |
draft-wang-sidrops-fcbgp-protocol-02.txt | FC-BGP Protocol Specification | 08/10/2024 |
draft-geng-acme-public-key-00.txt | Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Extension for Public Key Challenges | 08/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-multipath-12.txt | PCEP Extensions for Signaling Multipath Information | 08/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bfd-stability-16.txt | BFD Stability | 07/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpapi-ratelimit-headers-08.txt | RateLimit header fields for HTTP | 07/10/2024 |
draft-wkumari-not-a-draft-21.txt | Just because it's an Internet-Draft doesn't mean anything... at all... | 07/10/2024 |
draft-xu-ipsecme-esp-in-udp-lb-13.txt | Encapsulating IPsec ESP in UDP for Load-balancing | 07/10/2024 |
draft-oran-icnrg-flowbalance-12.txt | Maintaining CCNx or NDN flow balance with highly variable data object sizes | 07/10/2024 |
draft-smyslov-ipsecme-ikev2-cookie-revised-08.txt | Revised Cookie Processing in the IKEv2 Protocol | 07/10/2024 |
draft-tu-nmrg-blockchain-trusted-protocol-04.txt | A Blockchain Trusted Protocol for Intelligent Communication Network | 07/10/2024 |
draft-defoy-moq-relay-network-handling-02.txt | MoQ relays for Support of High-Throughput Low-Latency Traffic in 5G | 07/10/2024 |
draft-eastlake-secdispatch-tenantid-consid-05.txt | Security Considerations for Tenant ID and Similar Fields | 07/10/2024 |
draft-albanna-regext-rdap-deleg-01.txt | RDAP Extension for DNS DELEG | 07/10/2024 |
draft-gudi-t2trg-senml-as-coreconf-00.txt | SenML is CORECONF (almost) | 07/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-l2vpn-24.txt | BGP Dissemination of L2 Flow Specification Rules | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-me6e-fp-18.txt | Multiple Ethernet - IPv6 address mapping encapsulation - fixed prefix | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-me6e-pr-18.txt | Multiple Ethernet - IPv6 address mapping encapsulation - prefix resolution | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-m46a-17.txt | Multiple IPv4 - IPv6 mapped IPv6 address (M46A) | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-m46e-fp-17.txt | Multiple IPv4 - IPv6 address mapping encapsulation - fixed prefix (M46E-FP) | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-m46e-pr-17.txt | Multiple IPv4 - IPv6 address mapping encapsulation - prefix resolution (M46E-PR) | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-m46e-pt-17.txt | Multiple IPv4 - IPv6 address mapping encapsulation - prefix translator (M46E-PT) | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-m46t-17.txt | Multiple IPv4 - IPv6 address mapping translator (M46T) | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-m4p6e-17.txt | Multiple IPv4 address and port number - IPv6 address mapping encapsulation (M4P6E) | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-mslb-17.txt | Multi-Stage Transparent Server Load Balancing | 06/10/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-me6a-17.txt | Multiple Ethernet - IPv6 mapped IPv6 address (ME6A) | 06/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-sfc-nsh-ecn-support-14.txt | Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) and Congestion Feedback Using the Network Service Header (NSH) and IPFIX | 06/10/2024 |
draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-joint-selection-raw-mec-02.txt | Terminal-based joint selection and configuration of MEC host and DETNET-RAW network | 06/10/2024 |
draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-mec-02.txt | Extensions to enable wireless reliability and availability in multi-access edge deployments | 06/10/2024 |
draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-mobility-02.txt | MIPv6 DETNET-RAW mobility | 06/10/2024 |
draft-bormann-gendispatch-with-expert-review-01.txt | Registry policies "... with Expert Review" | 06/10/2024 |
draft-kohbrok-mimi-metadata-minimalization-01.txt | MIMI Metadata Minimalization (MIMIMI) | 06/10/2024 |
draft-james-privacy-primer-vcon-00.txt | Privacy Primer for vCon Developers | 06/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-ippm-encrypted-pdmv2-09.txt | IPv6 Performance and Diagnostic Metrics Version 2 (PDMv2) Destination Option | 05/10/2024 |
draft-lan-nvo3-qtp-20.txt | QoS-level aware Transmission Protocol (QTP) for virtual networks | 05/10/2024 |
draft-lan-sfp-establishment-18.txt | Service Function Path Establishment | 05/10/2024 |
draft-lanzhangwang-rtgwg-npmnrp-18.txt | Node Potential Oriented Multi-NextHop Routing Protocol | 05/10/2024 |
draft-wang-cats-awareness-system-for-casfc-02.txt | Information Awareness System for Computing-Aware Service Function Chain (IAS-CASFC): Security Service Aspect | 05/10/2024 |
draft-crocker-dnsop-dnssec-algorithm-lifecycle-01.txt | Documenting and Managing DNSSEC Algorithm Lifecycles | 04/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-core-coap-pm-03.txt | Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Performance Measurement Option | 03/10/2024 |
draft-mediaman-6838bis-00.txt | Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures | 03/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-iot-dns-considerations-19.txt | Operational Considerations for Use of DNS in IoT Devices | 03/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-6lo-schc-15dot4-07.txt | Transmission of SCHC-compressed packets over IEEE 802.15.4 networks | 02/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-peer-up-05.txt | BMP Peer Up Message Namespace | 02/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-sr-policy-path-segment-13.txt | SR Policy Extensions for Path Segment and Bidirectional Path | 02/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-path-segment-08.txt | SR Policies Extensions for Path Segment and Bidirectional Path in BGP-LS | 02/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-nfsv4-delstid-08.txt | Extending the Opening of Files in NFSv4.2 | 02/10/2024 |
draft-lehmann-idmefv2-04.txt | The Incident Detection Message Exchange Format version 2 (IDMEFv2) | 02/10/2024 |
draft-lehmann-idmefv2-https-transport-03.txt | Transport of Incident Detection Message Exchange Format version 2 (IDMEFv2) Messages over HTTPS | 02/10/2024 |
draft-fiebig-grow-routing-ops-sec-inform-01.txt | Current Options for Securing Global Routing | 02/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-regext-rdap-jscontact-19.txt | Using JSContact in Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) JSON Responses | 02/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-bmwg-sr-bench-meth-02.txt | Benchmarking Methodology for Segment Routing | 01/10/2024 |
draft-taylor-dtn-demux-02.txt | Bundle Protocol Version Demultiplexing | 01/10/2024 |
draft-wang-v6ops-industrial-translation-00.txt | Protocol Translation Between Industrial Field Network and Backbone Network Based on IPv6 | 01/10/2024 |
draft-ietf-spring-segment-protection-sr-te-paths-07.txt | Segment Protection for SR-TE Paths | 01/10/2024 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-partially-blind-rsa-00.txt | Partially Blind RSA Signatures | 30/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-grow-bgpopsecupd-04.txt | Updated BGP Operations and Security | 30/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-intarea-extended-icmp-nodeid-00.txt | Extending ICMP for Node Identification | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-ipv4-flowlabel-40.txt | An IPv4 Flowlabel Option | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-rserpool-applic-distcomp-37.txt | Applicability of Reliable Server Pooling for Real-Time Distributed Computing | 30/09/2024 |
draft-hohendorf-secure-sctp-38.txt | Secure SCTP | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-rserpool-applic-mobility-36.txt | Applicability of Reliable Server Pooling for SCTP-Based Endpoint Mobility | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-rserpool-score-35.txt | Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) Bakeoff Scoring | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-rserpool-asap-hropt-35.txt | Handle Resolution Option for ASAP | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-rserpool-delay-34.txt | Definition of a Delay Measurement Infrastructure and Delay-Sensitive Least-Used Policy for Reliable Server Pooling | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-rserpool-enrp-takeover-32.txt | Takeover Suggestion Flag for the ENRP Handle Update Message | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-tsvwg-sctpsocket-multipath-29.txt | SCTP Socket API Extensions for Concurrent Multipath Transfer | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-tsvwg-sctpsocket-sqinfo-29.txt | Sender Queue Info Option for the SCTP Socket API | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-rserpool-nextgen-ideas-22.txt | Ideas for a Next Generation of the Reliable Server Pooling Framework | 30/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-tsvwg-sctp-nextgen-ideas-20.txt | Ideas for a Next Generation of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) | 30/09/2024 |
draft-yao-regext-epp-quic-03.txt | Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Transport over QUIC | 30/09/2024 |
draft-carpenter-gendispatch-org-proc-docs-01.txt | Organization of IETF Process Documents | 30/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-source-protection-07.txt | BIER (Bit Index Explicit Replication) Redundant Ingress Router Failover | 29/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-rfc5272bis-01.txt | Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) | 29/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-rfc5273bis-01.txt | Certificate Management over CMS (CMC): Transport Protocols | 29/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-rfc5274bis-01.txt | Certificate Management Messages over CMS (CMC): Compliance Requirements | 29/09/2024 |
draft-bourbaki-6man-classless-ipv6-11.txt | IPv6 is Classless | 29/09/2024 |
draft-liu-6man-aggregate-header-limit-problem-00.txt | Problem Statement with Aggregate Header Limit | 29/09/2024 |
draft-yuan-rtgwg-hfc-framework-00.txt | Hybrid-Function-Chain (HFC) Framework | 29/09/2024 |
draft-zzd-spring-schedule-sr-policy-00.txt | Schedule for Segment Routing Policy | 29/09/2024 |
draft-li-savnet-srsav-00.txt | Segment Routing Policy-Based Source Address Validation (SAV) Mechanism | 29/09/2024 |
draft-guo-pake-in-tls-00.txt | PAKE Usage in TLS 1.3 | 29/09/2024 |
draft-hu-opsawg-network-element-tsm-yang-00.txt | A YANG Data Model for Network Element Threat Surface Management | 29/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-dtn-ipn-update-14.txt | Update to the ipn URI scheme | 27/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpapi-deprecation-header-09.txt | The Deprecation HTTP Header Field | 27/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-no-vary-search-00.txt | No-Vary-Search | 27/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-netmod-immutable-flag-02.txt | YANG Metadata Annotation for Immutable Flag | 27/09/2024 |
draft-acee-rtgwg-vrrp-rfc8347bis-06.txt | A YANG Data Model for the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) | 27/09/2024 |
draft-li-sidrops-rpki-repository-problem-statement-00.txt | RPKI Repository Problem Statement and Analysis | 27/09/2024 |
draft-wiethuechter-drip-det-registration-coap-cwt-00.txt | DRIP Entity Tag (DET) Registration using CoAP & CWTs | 27/09/2024 |
draft-wiethuechter-drip-det-diff-access-rdap-00.txt | DRIP Entity Tag (DET) Differentiated Access using RDAP | 27/09/2024 |
draft-richardson-netmod-atrest-extensions-00.txt | Extending YANG modules at runtime | 27/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-entropy-label-16.txt | BGP Next Hop Dependent Characteristics Attribute | 26/09/2024 |
draft-hale-mls-combiner-01.txt | Flexible Hybrid PQ MLS Combiner | 26/09/2024 |
draft-liu-6man-icmp-verification-06.txt | Extending ICMPv6 for SRv6-related Information Validation | 26/09/2024 |
draft-chen-bmwg-savnet-sav-benchmarking-02.txt | Benchmarking Methodology for Source Address Validation | 26/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-bfd-08.txt | EVPN Network Layer Fault Management | 25/09/2024 |
draft-amsuess-core-coap-over-gatt-07.txt | CoAP over GATT (Bluetooth Low Energy Generic Attributes) | 25/09/2024 |
draft-chen-sidrops-sispi-02.txt | A Profile of Signed SAVNET-Peering Information (SiSPI) Object for Deploying Inter-domain SAVNET | 25/09/2024 |
draft-contario-totp-secure-enrollment-00.txt | TOTP Secure Enrollment | 25/09/2024 |
draft-engelbart-avtcore-rtcp-point-cloud-roi-00.txt | RTCP Messages for Point Cloud Prioritization | 25/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-sr-policy-path-mtu-10.txt | Segment Routing Path MTU in BGP | 24/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lisp-site-external-connectivity-01.txt | LISP Site External Connectivity | 24/09/2024 |
draft-loffredo-regext-epp-over-http-05.txt | Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Transport over HTTPS | 24/09/2024 |
draft-chen-lsr-adv-ni-05.txt | IGP Extensions for Advertising Node Index | 24/09/2024 |
draft-chen-lsr-adv-lkno-05.txt | IGP Extensions for Advertising Link Numbers | 24/09/2024 |
draft-chen-pim-be-mrh-05.txt | Stateless Best Effort Multicast Using MRH | 24/09/2024 |
draft-chen-pim-be-mrh-simu-04.txt | Stateless Best Effort Multicast Simulations | 24/09/2024 |
draft-mcnally-envelope-08.txt | The Gordian Envelope Structured Data Format | 24/09/2024 |
draft-wiggers-hbs-state-01.txt | Hash-based Signatures: State and Backup Management | 24/09/2024 |
draft-templin-6man-mla-25.txt | IPv6 Addresses for Ad Hoc Networks | 24/09/2024 |
draft-ll-idr-cats-bgp-extension-00.txt | CATS BGP Extension | 24/09/2024 |
draft-ihle-mpls-mna-stateless-egress-protection-00.txt | Stateless MNA-based Egress Protection (SMEP) | 24/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-pim-igmp-mld-snooping-yang-l2vpn-ext-05.txt | IGMP and MLD Snooping Yang Module Extension for L2VPN | 24/09/2024 |
draft-irtf-t2trg-security-setup-iot-devices-03.txt | Terminology and processes for initial security setup of IoT devices | 24/09/2024 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-signature-key-blinding-07.txt | Key Blinding for Signature Schemes | 23/09/2024 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures-07.txt | The BBS Signature Scheme | 23/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-gnap-resource-servers-09.txt | Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol Resource Server Connections | 23/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-mpls-mna-usecases-15.txt | Use Cases for MPLS Network Action Indicators and MPLS Ancillary Data | 23/09/2024 |
draft-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24.txt | Arm's Platform Security Architecture (PSA) Attestation Token | 23/09/2024 |
draft-psarkar-lsvr-bgp-spf-impl-02.txt | BGP Shortest Path Routing Extension Implementation Report | 23/09/2024 |
draft-liu-idr-bgpls-sr-p2mp-policy-distribution-04.txt | Distribution of SR P2MP Policies and State using BGP-LS | 23/09/2024 |
draft-jiang-bfd-multi-hop-unaffiliate-01.txt | Multiple Hop Unaffiliate BFD | 23/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-ace-revoked-token-notification-09.txt | Notification of Revoked Access Tokens in the Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) Framework | 22/09/2024 |
draft-trossen-rtgwg-impact-of-dlts-04.txt | Impact of DLTs on Provider Networks | 22/09/2024 |
draft-mcbride-rtgwg-bgp-blockchain-04.txt | BGP Blockchain | 22/09/2024 |
draft-xiao-mpls-lsp-ping-ioam-conf-state-04.txt | LSP Ping/Traceroute for Enabled In-situ OAM Capabilities | 22/09/2024 |
draft-parecki-oauth-global-token-revocation-04.txt | Global Token Revocation | 22/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-multinexthop-attribute-03.txt | BGP MultiNexthop Attribute | 21/09/2024 |
draft-blanchet-dtn-email-over-bp-04.txt | Encapsulation of Email over Delay-Tolerant Networks(DTN) using the Bundle Protocol | 21/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-mailmaint-autoconfig-00.txt | Mail Autoconfig | 20/09/2024 |
draft-augustyn-intarea-ipref-04.txt | IP Addressing with References (IPREF) | 20/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-v3c-07.txt | RTP Payload Format for Visual Volumetric Video-based Coding (V3C) | 19/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lisp-predictive-rlocs-15.txt | LISP Predictive RLOCs | 19/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lisp-eid-anonymity-17.txt | LISP EID Anonymity | 19/09/2024 |
draft-yan-dmm-man-14.txt | Mobility Capability Negotiation | 19/09/2024 |
draft-taylor-uuid-ncname-04.txt | Compact UUIDs for Constrained Grammars | 19/09/2024 |
draft-schott-sip-avors-02.txt | Avoiding Registration Storms by adapted Registration Behavior for Voice Cloud Applications | 19/09/2024 |
draft-lanov-email-retention-period-00.txt | Email Retention Extensions | 19/09/2024 |
draft-sabitzer-sapi-password-change-00.txt | Standard API Password Change Interface (SAPI) for Password Change Procedures | 19/09/2024 |
draft-rbw-home-servers-00.txt | Identifying and Authenticating Home Servers: Requirements and Solution Analysis | 19/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-v4-v6-pe-all-safi-02.txt | IPv4-Only and IPv6-Only PE Design DESIGN ALL SAFI | 18/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-dnsop-cds-consistency-05.txt | Clarifications on CDS/CDNSKEY and CSYNC Consistency | 18/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-dult-threat-model-00.txt | DULT Threat Model | 18/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-netmod-syslog-model-33.txt | A YANG Data Model for Syslog Configuration | 18/09/2024 |
draft-eastlake-dnsop-expressing-qos-requirements-05.txt | Expressing Quality of Service Requirements (QoS) in Domain Name System (DNS) Queries | 18/09/2024 |
draft-dnoveck-nfsv4-rfc5662bis-05.txt | Network File System (NFS) Version 4 Minor Version 1 External Data Representation Standard (XDR) Description | 18/09/2024 |
draft-li-6lo-pasa-reliability-04.txt | Reliability Considerations of Path-Aware Semantic Addressing | 18/09/2024 |
draft-zzhang-rtgwg-router-info-01.txt | Advertising Router Information | 18/09/2024 |
draft-galvin-regext-epp-variants-00.txt | Domain variant support for EPP | 18/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-anima-brski-ae-13.txt | BRSKI-AE: Alternative Enrollment Protocols in BRSKI | 17/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-link-mtu-08.txt | Signaling Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) using BGP-LS | 17/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-fwd-rr-03.txt | BGP Route Reflector with Next Hop Self | 17/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lisp-nexagon-54.txt | Network-Hexagons:Large-Area Dynamic Comprehension Based On H3 and LISP | 17/09/2024 |
draft-harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode-04.txt | Merkle Tree Ladder (MTL) Mode Signatures | 17/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-path-marking-tlv-02.txt | BMP Extension for Path Status TLV | 16/09/2024 |
draft-rankin-ccsv-02.txt | Common Format and Media Type for Control-Character-Separated Values (CCSV) Files | 16/09/2024 |
draft-frochet-quicwg-reverso-for-quic-00.txt | Reverso for the QUIC protocol | 16/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-sidrops-rpki-prefixlist-04.txt | A profile for Signed Prefix Lists for Use in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) | 16/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-teas-yang-te-mpls-topology-01.txt | A YANG Data Model for MPLS-TE Topology | 16/09/2024 |
draft-moskowitz-drip-operator-privacy-15.txt | UAS Operator Privacy for RemoteID Messages | 15/09/2024 |
draft-moskowitz-drip-secure-nrid-c2-15.txt | Secure UAS Network RID and C2 Transport | 15/09/2024 |
draft-moskowitz-drip-efficient-a2g-comm-03.txt | Efficient Air-Ground Communications | 15/09/2024 |
draft-lin-lsr-flex-algo-metric-05.txt | Advertisement of Dedicated Metric for Flexible Algorithm in IGP | 14/09/2024 |
draft-cheng-rift-srv6-extensions-03.txt | RIFT extensions for SRv6 | 14/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lamps-rfc5019bis-12.txt | Updates to Lightweight OCSP Profile for High Volume Environments | 13/09/2024 |
draft-chen-pce-sr-mpls-sid-verification-09.txt | PCEP Extensions for sid verification for SR-MPLS | 13/09/2024 |
draft-iplir-protocol-06.txt | IPlir network layer security protocol | 13/09/2024 |
draft-joung-detnet-asynch-detnet-framework-05.txt | Asynchronous Deterministic Networking Framework for Large-Scale Networks | 13/09/2024 |
draft-nir-ipsecme-big-payload-04.txt | A Larger Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) Payload | 13/09/2024 |
draft-chen-pce-sr-policy-cp-validity-02.txt | PCEP extension to support Candidate Paths validity | 13/09/2024 |
draft-wh-rtgwg-adaptive-routing-arn-03.txt | Adaptive Routing Notification | 13/09/2024 |
draft-liu-rtgwg-path-aware-remote-protection-02.txt | Path-aware Remote Protection Framework | 13/09/2024 |
draft-ys-savnet-use-cases-01.txt | SAVNET Use Cases | 13/09/2024 |
draft-wendt-stir-certificate-transparency-04.txt | STI Certificate Transparency | 13/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-tls-tlsflags-14.txt | A Flags Extension for TLS 1.3 | 13/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-yang-17.txt | A YANG Data Model for Flexi-Grid Optical Networks | 12/09/2024 |
draft-zhang-idr-bgp-flowspec-extension-00.txt | BGP FlowSpec Extension for Traffic Scheduling | 12/09/2024 |
draft-habib-voxelvideo-00.txt | VoxelVideo Format | 12/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-netconf-adaptive-subscription-06.txt | Adaptive Subscription to YANG Notification | 11/09/2024 |
draft-lihawi-ancp-protocol-access-extension-13.txt | Access Extensions for ANCP | 10/09/2024 |
draft-li-spring-sr-sfc-control-plane-framework-11.txt | A Framework for Constructing Service Function Chaining Systems Based on Segment Routing | 10/09/2024 |
draft-lh-spring-srv6-sfc-csid-03.txt | Compressed SID (C-SID) for SRv6 SFC | 10/09/2024 |
draft-many-deepspace-ip-assessment-02.txt | Revisiting the Use of the IP Protocol Stack in Deep Space: Assessment and Possible Solutions | 10/09/2024 |
draft-rmacklem-nfsv4-posix-acls-10.txt | POSIX Draft ACL support for Network File System Version 4,Minor Version 2 | 10/09/2024 |
draft-pelov-schc-fragmentation-fec-rule-format-00.txt | SCHC Rule Format for Forward Error Correction (FEC) in Fragmentation | 10/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-extension-native-ip-40.txt | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Native IP Networks | 10/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-spice-use-cases-00.txt | Use Cases for SPICE | 10/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-spring-bfd-12.txt | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) in Segment Routing Networks Using MPLS Dataplane | 10/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-bierin6-10.txt | Supporting BIER in IPv6 Networks (BIERin6) | 09/09/2024 |
draft-irtf-cfrg-dnhpke-05.txt | Deterministic Nonce-less Hybrid Public Key Encryption | 09/09/2024 |
draft-mackenzie-bess-evpn-l3mh-proto-05.txt | EVPN multi-homing support for L3 services | 09/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-redirect-ip-03.txt | BGP Flow-Spec Redirect-to-IP Action | 08/09/2024 |
draft-lin-idr-bgpls-te-policy-pm-04.txt | BGP-LS Advertisement of TE Policy Performance Metric | 08/09/2024 |
draft-puhl-6man-ndp-vba-00.txt | IPv6 Voucher-Based Addressing for Neighbor Discovery Address Resolution | 08/09/2024 |
draft-tuexen-tsvwg-sctp-udp-encaps-cons-10.txt | Additional Considerations for UDP Encapsulation of Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Packets | 07/09/2024 |
draft-tuexen-tsvwg-rfc6951-bis-06.txt | UDP Encapsulation of Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Packets for End-Host to End-Host Communication | 07/09/2024 |
draft-tuexen-tsvwg-sctp-init-fwd-04.txt | INIT Forwarding for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol | 07/09/2024 |
draft-dkg-openpgp-1pa3pc-02.txt | First-Party Approved Third-Party Certifications in OpenPGP | 06/09/2024 |
draft-malhotra-bess-evpn-centralized-anycast-gw-02.txt | Centralized Anycast Gateway in Ethernet VPN(EVPN) | 06/09/2024 |
draft-johnson-dtn-interplanetary-dns-02.txt | An Interplanetary DNS Model | 06/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-acceptable-urls-12.txt | Authorized update to MUD URLs | 06/09/2024 |
draft-tuexen-tsvwg-sctp-multipath-28.txt | Load Sharing for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) | 05/09/2024 |
draft-touch-tcpm-tcp-syn-ext-opt-13.txt | TCP SYN Extended Option Space Using an Out-of-Band Segment | 05/09/2024 |
draft-dreibholz-taps-neat-socketapi-15.txt | NEAT Sockets API | 05/09/2024 |
draft-zhu-intarea-gma-control-07.txt | A UDP-based GMA (Generic Multi-Access) Protocol | 05/09/2024 |
draft-duan-bess-simplified-mvpn-for-bier-and-ir-03.txt | Simplified MVPN for BIER and IR | 05/09/2024 |
draft-rabadan-bess-evpn-inter-domain-opt-b-04.txt | EVPN Inter-Domain Option-B Solution | 05/09/2024 |
draft-davidben-tls-merkle-tree-certs-03.txt | Merkle Tree Certificates for TLS | 05/09/2024 |
draft-chen-bier-anycast-label-02.txt | BIER Anycast MPLS Label | 05/09/2024 |
draft-varga-detnet-mobile-latency-analysis-01.txt | Latency analysis of mobile transmission | 05/09/2024 |
draft-cui-dots-extended-yang-02.txt | Extended YANG Data Model for DOTS | 05/09/2024 |
draft-zhu-gma-tsc-03.txt | GMA Traffic Splitting Control | 05/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-rats-daa-06.txt | Direct Anonymous Attestation for the Remote Attestation Procedures Architecture | 05/09/2024 |
draft-tiloca-core-oscore-discovery-16.txt | Discovery of OSCORE Groups with the CoRE Resource Directory | 04/09/2024 |
draft-zheng-ccamp-client-pm-yang-11.txt | A YANG Data Model for Client Signal Performance Monitoring | 04/09/2024 |
draft-wang-rtgwg-dragonfly-routing-problem-02.txt | Routing mechanism in Dragonfly Networks Gap Analysis,Problem Statement,and Requirements | 04/09/2024 |
draft-wang-pce-vlan-based-traffic-forwarding-12.txt | PCEP Procedures and Extension for VLAN-based Traffic Forwarding | 03/09/2024 |
draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-security-capability-04.txt | the extensions of BGP-LS to carry security capabilities | 03/09/2024 |
draft-cheng-6man-source-address-programmability-03.txt | Source IPv6 Address Programmability | 03/09/2024 |
draft-li-savnet-sav-yang-05.txt | YANG Data Model for Intra-domain and Inter-domain Source Address Validation (SAVNET) | 03/09/2024 |
draft-power-metadata-expression-language-02.txt | CDNI Metadata Expression Language | 03/09/2024 |
draft-goldstein-processing-stages-metadata-02.txt | CDNI Processing Stages Metadata | 03/09/2024 |
draft-lopez-qirg-qi-multiplane-arch-02.txt | A Multiplane Architecture Proposal for the Quantum Internet | 03/09/2024 |
draft-bernardos-cats-ip-address-anchoring-02.txt | Computing Aware Traffic Steering using IP address anchoring | 03/09/2024 |
draft-bernardos-cats-anchoring-service-mobility-01.txt | Service Mobility-Enabled Computing Aware Traffic Steering using IP address anchoring | 03/09/2024 |
draft-chaudhari-source-access-control-metadata-01.txt | CDNI Source Access Control Metadata | 03/09/2024 |
draft-warshavsky-private-features-metadata-01.txt | CDNI Private Features Metadata | 03/09/2024 |
draft-burleigh-deepspace-ip-assessment-00.txt | Revisiting the Use of the IP Protocol Stack in Deep Space | 03/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-teas-gmpls-controller-inter-work-17.txt | Interworking of GMPLS Control and Centralized Controller Systems | 03/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-sr-epe-over-l2bundle-00.txt | Segment Routing BGP Egress Peer Engineering over Layer 2 Bundle Members | 02/09/2024 |
draft-perkins-role-of-irtf-02.txt | The Role of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) | 02/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-isis-yang-augmentation-v1-08.txt | IS-IS YANG Model Augmentations for Additional Features - Version 1 | 02/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-srv6-yang-06.txt | YANG Data Model for OSPF SRv6 | 02/09/2024 |
draft-viathinksoft-oidip-10.txt | Retrieving information about Object Identifiers in a consistent way that is both human-readable and machine-readable. | 02/09/2024 |
draft-schanzen-r5n-06.txt | The R5N Distributed Hash Table | 02/09/2024 |
draft-cheng-savnet-intra-domain-sav-igp-03.txt | Intra-domain SAVNET Support via IGP | 02/09/2024 |
draft-liu-bess-srv6-service-sid-anycast-flag-01.txt | SRv6 Service SID Anycast Flag | 02/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-cbor-packed-13.txt | Packed CBOR | 01/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-modules-03.txt | CDDL Module Structure | 01/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-lsr-isis-srv6-yang-06.txt | YANG Data Model for IS-IS SRv6 | 01/09/2024 |
draft-bormann-core-responses-03.txt | CoAP: Non-traditional response forms | 01/09/2024 |
draft-bormann-t2trg-deref-id-04.txt | The "dereferenceable identifier" pattern | 01/09/2024 |
draft-xu-lsr-fare-03.txt | Fully Adaptive Routing Ethernet using LSR | 01/09/2024 |
draft-guo-ipsecme-ikev2-using-shangmi-01.txt | Using ShangMi in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) | 01/09/2024 |
draft-xu-idr-fare-02.txt | Fully Adaptive Routing Ethernet using BGP | 01/09/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-generic-metric-00.txt | Accumulated Metric in NHC attribute | 30/08/2024 |
draft-bormann-dispatch-modern-network-unicode-05.txt | Modern Network Unicode | 30/08/2024 |
draft-fdb-rats-psa-endorsements-05.txt | Arm's Platform Security Architecture (PSA) Attestation Verifier Endorsements | 30/08/2024 |
draft-li-mpls-mna-entropy-03.txt | MPLS Network Action for Entropy | 30/08/2024 |
draft-bormann-restatement-02.txt | The Restatement Anti-Pattern | 30/08/2024 |
draft-geng-bmwg-srv6-service-guideline-01.txt | SRv6 Service Benchmarking Guideline | 30/08/2024 |
draft-cisco-skip-00.txt | Secure Key Integration Protocol (SKIP) | 30/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccamp-optical-path-computation-yang-04.txt | YANG Data Models for requesting Path Computation in WDM Optical Networks | 29/08/2024 |
draft-dulaunoy-dnsop-passive-dns-cof-13.txt | Passive DNS - Common Output Format | 29/08/2024 |
draft-li-idr-bgpls-sr-policy-composite-path-07.txt | Signaling Composite Candidate Path of SR Policy using BGP-LS | 29/08/2024 |
draft-dnoveck-nfsv4-security-11.txt | Security for the NFSv4 Protocols | 29/08/2024 |
draft-bormann-cbor-draft-numbers-04.txt | Managing CBOR codepoints in Internet-Drafts | 29/08/2024 |
draft-rpc-errata-process-02.txt | Current Process for Handling RFC Errata Reports | 29/08/2024 |
draft-liu-idr-bgp-ls-srp-flexible-path-selection-01.txt | Advertisement of SR Policy Flexible Candidate Path Selection Result using BGP Link-State | 29/08/2024 |
draft-fu-cats-oam-fw-01.txt | Operations,Administration and Maintenance (OAM) for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering | 29/08/2024 |
draft-fu-cats-muti-dp-solution-01.txt | Analysis for Multiple Data Plane Solutions of Computing-Aware Traffic Steering | 29/08/2024 |
draft-tailhardat-nmop-incident-management-noria-01.txt | Knowledge Graphs for Enhanced Cross-Operator Incident Management and Network Design | 29/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-bier-prefix-redistribute-07.txt | BIER Prefix Redistribute | 28/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-httpbis-compression-dictionary-19.txt | Compression Dictionary Transport | 28/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data-integrity-12.txt | Integrity Protection of In Situ Operations,Administration,and Maintenance (IOAM) Data Fields | 28/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-mboned-multicast-yang-model-11.txt | Multicast YANG Data Model | 28/08/2024 |
draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-freezer-14.txt | A feature freezer for the Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) | 28/08/2024 |
draft-zhang-sidrops-vrp-aggregation-01.txt | Enhancing Route Origin Validation by Aggregating Validated ROA Payloads | 28/08/2024 |
draft-tlmd-push-dnssd-additional-01.txt | Including Additional Records for DNSSD in DNS Push Subscriptions | 28/08/2024 |
draft-heiwin-intarea-reverse-traceroute-stateless-03.txt | Stateless Reverse Traceroute | 28/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-cellar-control-05.txt | Matroska Media Container Control Track Specifications | 27/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-cellar-chapter-codecs-05.txt | Matroska Media Container Chapter Codecs Specifications | 27/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-idr-performance-routing-04.txt | Performance-based BGP Routing Mechanism | 27/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-ippm-connectivity-monitoring-09.txt | A Connectivity Monitoring Metric for IPPM | 27/08/2024 |
draft-li-spring-srh-tlv-processing-programming-07.txt | SRH TLV Processing Programming | 27/08/2024 |
draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-2-draft-05.txt | CDDL 2.0 and beyond -- a draft plan | 27/08/2024 |
draft-bormann-cbor-rfc-cddl-models-04.txt | CDDL models for some existing RFCs | 27/08/2024 |
draft-nh-sr-hsfc-usecases-requirements-02.txt | Problem Statement,Use Cases,and Requirements of Hierarchical SFC with Segment Routing | 27/08/2024 |
draft-matsuhira-oht-02.txt | Outer Header Translator | 27/08/2024 |
draft-ryoo-detnet-ontime-forwarding-01.txt | On-time Forwarding with Push-In First-Out (PIFO) queue | 27/08/2024 |
draft-yl-cats-data-model-01.txt | Data Model for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS) | 27/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-pim-3810bis-12.txt | Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6 | 27/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-pim-3376bis-12.txt | Internet Group Management Protocol,Version 3 | 27/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-grow-route-leak-detection-mitigation-11.txt | Methods for Detection and Mitigation of BGP Route Leaks | 26/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-keytrans-architecture-02.txt | Key Transparency Architecture | 26/08/2024 |
draft-song-network-aware-dns-05.txt | The Architecture of Network-Aware Domain Name System (DNS) | 26/08/2024 |
draft-coretta-oiddir-roadmap-01.txt | The OID Directory: A Technical Roadmap | 26/08/2024 |
draft-coretta-oiddir-schema-02.txt | The OID Directory: The Schema | 26/08/2024 |
draft-coretta-oiddir-radua-01.txt | The OID Directory: The RA DUA | 26/08/2024 |
draft-coretta-oiddir-radsa-01.txt | The OID Directory: The RA DSA | 26/08/2024 |
draft-coretta-oiddir-radit-01.txt | The OID Directory: The RA DIT | 26/08/2024 |
draft-shi-ippm-congestion-measurement-ipv6-options-01.txt | IPv6 Options for Congestion Measurement | 26/08/2024 |
draft-madi-sidrops-partial-validation-01.txt | A Reference Implementation of Ascertaining RPKI Signed Objects to be Validated in Incremental Updates | 26/08/2024 |
draft-acme-device-attest-03.txt | Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Device Attestation Extension | 25/08/2024 |
draft-hcl-rtgwg-ai-network-problem-01.txt | Gap Analysis,Problem Statement,and Requirements in AI Networks | 23/08/2024 |
draft-hcl-rtgwg-osf-framework-01.txt | A OSF Framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Network | 23/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-tls-18.txt | Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) (D)TLS Profiles for IoT Devices | 23/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-tcp-ao-00.txt | TCP-AO Protection for BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) | 22/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-nfsv4-internationalization-11.txt | Internationalization for the NFSv4 Protocols | 22/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-ccwg-rfc5033bis-08.txt | Specifying New Congestion Control Algorithms | 21/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-mh-split-horizon-11.txt | BGP EVPN Multi-Homing Extensions for Split Horizon Filtering | 17/08/2024 |
draft-spinosa-urn-lex-24.txt | A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for Sources of Law (LEX) | 17/08/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-tsvwg-udp-ipfix-14.txt | Export of UDP Options Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) | 22/07/2024 |
draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-tcpo-v6eh-18.txt | Extended TCP Options and IPv6 Extension Headers IPFIX Information Elements | 22/07/2024 |
draft-ietf-stir-servprovider-oob-06.txt | Out-of-Band STIR for Service Providers | 08/07/2024 |
draft-ietf-suit-update-management-07.txt | Update Management Extensions for Software Updates for Internet of Things (SUIT) Manifests | 08/07/2024 |
draft-ietf-i2nsf-nsf-facing-interface-dm-29.txt | I2NSF Network Security Function-Facing Interface YANG Data Model | 01/06/2022 |
draft-edwards-telnet-xon-xoff-state-control-00.txt | Xon/Xoff State Control for Telnet Com Port Control Option | 23/03/2010 |