Calendaring Extensions (calext) Internet Drafts

 JSCalendar: Converting from and to iCalendar
 Date: 12/11/2024
 Authors: Robert Stepanek
 Working Group: Calendaring Extensions (calext)
This document defines how to convert calendaring information between the JSCalendar and iCalendar data formats. It considers every JSCalendar and iCalendar element registered at IANA at the time of publication. It defines conversion rules for all elements that are common to both formats, as well as how convert arbitrary or unknown JSCalendar and iCalendar elements. Note This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC. This document is unfinished. The term TBD stands for any unknown item.
 Calendar subscription upgrades
 Date: 01/12/2024
 Authors: Michael Douglass
 Working Group: Calendaring Extensions (calext)
This specification updates RFC5545 to add the value DELETED to the STATUS property. This specification also adds values to the Preferences Registry defined in RFC7240 to add the subscribe-enhanced-get and limit preferences and to the link relations directory defined in RFC8288.
 VPOLL: Consensus Scheduling Component for iCalendar
 Date: 14/10/2024
 Authors: Eric York, Michael Douglass
 Working Group: Calendaring Extensions (calext)
This specification introduces a new RFC5545 iCalendar component which allows for consensus scheduling, that is, voting on a number of alternative meeting or task alternatives.
 Task Extensions to iCalendar
 Date: 01/12/2024
 Authors: Adrian Apthorp, Michael Douglass
 Working Group: Calendaring Extensions (calext)
The Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) (RFC5545) VTODO calendar component has been seen as the poor relation of VEVENT - useful only for personal reminders and to- do lists. This document updates and defines extensions to VTODO to provide improved status tracking, scheduling and specification of tasks to allow its use in other contexts, such as process control and project management. It also defines how Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) (RFC 4791) servers can be extended to support certain automated task management behaviours.
 iTip using PARTICIPANT only
 Date: 01/12/2024
 Authors: Michael Douglass
 Working Group: Calendaring Extensions (calext)
This specification defines updates to RFC5546 iTip which allow scheduling using the "PARTICIPANT" calendar components specified in RFC9073. New properties are also defined for use within the "PARTICIPANT" calendar component.


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Calendaring Extensions (calext)

WG Name Calendaring Extensions
Acronym calext
Area Applications and Real-Time Area (art)
State Active
Charter charter-ietf-calext-02 Approved
Document dependencies
Additional resources Issue tracker, Wiki, Zulip Stream
Personnel Chairs Bron Gondwana, Daniel Migault
Area Director Orie Steele
Mailing list Address
To subscribe
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

The CALEXT working group is chartered to maintain and extend the specifications for formats and protocols related to calendaring and contacts within the IETF, starting from the basis of:

and the many existing extensions and companion documents to these.

This working group is envisaged to be long-running, and deal with a steady flow of changes. Experience has shown that these specifications are still seeing significant need for updates, as new use-cases are identified and user requirements change.

This working group will do the following:

  • maintain existing standards and proposed standards, processing errata and refreshing them as required

  • evaluate and develop extensions to the existing standards to provide for new use-cases where there is demand

  • generate documents describing existing vendor extensions which are in common usage, and likely to be encountered in the wild.

The working group will work under the following parameters:

  • The extensions developed are expected to be backwards-compatible with the existing standards. Incompatibilities must be identified, minimized, and justified.

  • Any extensions to icalendar or jscalendar must include a representation in both formats, and define a robust mapping between them.

  • Any extensions to vcard or jscontact must include a representation in both formats, and define a robust mapping between them.

  • All calendar extensions must examine their impact on the iTIP protocol (RFC 5546), and define any necessary extensions to iTIP to accommodate such impact.

The working group will maintain relationships with other working groups:

  • HTTPBIS and HTTPAPI: when extending the CalDAV or CardDAV protocols to ensure that changes are consistent with good http practices.

  • JMAP: when making updates to JSCalendar and JSContact to ensure that the changes are compatible with the JMAP methods for managing data in these formats.

  • EXTRA, DMARC and EMAILCORE: for changes related to iTIP delivery via email.

  • TZDIST and SEDATE for date, time, and timezone related issues.

  • Other IETF working groups as appropriate, when their work interacts with ours.

  • Other standards organisations like CalConnect and M3AAWG that are doing work in the same fields.

The following are out of scope for the working group:

  • Any attempt to develop non-Gregorian calendar systems/calculations.

  • Work which is in scope for any other ART area working group, and better suited to that group.

  • Work which is unrelated to anything that this group is currently maintaining.


Date Milestone Associated documents
Dec 2025 Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication draft-ietf-calext-icalendar-series
Jun 2025 Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication draft-ietf-calext-vpoll
Mar 2025 Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication draft-ietf-calext-jscalendar-icalendar
Dec 2024 Submit subscription upgrade document to IESG draft-ietf-calext-subscription-upgrade
Dec 2024 Submit task draft to IESG draft-ietf-calext-ical-tasks
Nov 2024 Adopt a draft for Participant mapping in iTip

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Submit JSON Contact document to IESG draft-ietf-jmap-jscontact
rfc9554 (was draft-ietf-calext-vcard-jscontact-extensions)
rfc9555 (was draft-ietf-calext-jscontact-vcard)

On Hold milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
On Hold Adopt a draft updating iTIP