Computing in the Network Research Group (coinrg) Internet Drafts

 Use Cases for In-Network Computing
 Date: 04/12/2024
 Authors: Ike Kunze, Klaus Wehrle, Dirk Trossen, Marie-Jose Montpetit, Xavier de Foy, David Griffin, Miguel Rio
 Working Group: Computing in the Network Research Group (coinrg)
Computing in the Network (COIN) comes with the prospect of deploying processing functionality on networking devices, such as switches and network interface cards. While such functionality can be beneficial, it has to be carefully placed into the context of the general Internet communication and it needs to be clearly identified where and how those benefits apply. This document presents some use cases to demonstrate how a number of salient COIN-related applications can benefit from COIN. Furthermore, to guide research on COIN, it identifies essential research questions and outlines desirable capabilities that COIN systems addressing the use cases may need to support. Finally, the document provides a preliminary categorization of the described research questions to source future work in this domain. It is a product of the Computing in the Network Research Group (COINRG). It is not an IETF product and it is not a standard.
 Use Case Analysis for Computing in the Network
 Date: 04/12/2024
 Authors: Ike Kunze, Jungha Hong, Klaus Wehrle, Dirk Trossen, Marie-Jose Montpetit, Xavier de Foy, David Griffin, Miguel Rio
 Working Group: Computing in the Network Research Group (coinrg)
Computing in the Network (COIN) has the potential to enable a wide variety of use cases. The diversity in use cases makes challenges in defining general considerations. This document analyzes the use cases described in a COINRG companion document and potentially explores additional settings, to identify general aspects of interest across all use cases. The insights gained from this analysis will guide future COIN discussions.