Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet) Internet Drafts

 DLEP DiffServ Aware Credit Window Extension
 Date: 15/12/2024
 Authors: Bow-Nan Cheng, David Wiggins, Lou Berger, Donald Eastlake
 Working Group: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet)
This document defines an extension to the Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) that enables a DiffServ aware credit-window scheme for destination-specific and shared flow control.
 Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) Credit-Based Flow Control Messages and Data Items
 Date: 03/01/2025
 Authors: Bow-Nan Cheng, David Wiggins, Lou Berger, Stan Ratliff, Eric Kinzie
 Working Group: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet)
This document defines new Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) Data Items that are used to support credit-based flow control. Credit window control is used to regulate when data may be sent to an associated virtual or physical queue. The Data Items are extensible and reusable.
 Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) Traffic Classification Data Item
 Date: 19/11/2024
 Authors: Bow-Nan Cheng, David Wiggins, Lou Berger, Don Fedyk
 Working Group: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet)
This document defines a new Data Item for the Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) to support traffic classification. Traffic classification information identifies traffic flows based on frame/ packet content such as destination address. The Data Item is defined in an extensible and reusable fashion. Its use will be mandated in other documents defining specific DLEP extensions. This document also introduces DLEP Sub-Data Items, and Sub-Data Items are defined to support DiffServ and Ethernet traffic classification.
 DLEP IEEE 802.1Q Aware Credit Window Extension
 Date: 15/12/2024
 Authors: David Wiggins, Lou Berger, Donald Eastlake
 Working Group: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet)
This document defines an extension to the Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) that enables an Ethernet IEEE 802.1Q aware credit- window scheme for destination-specific and shared flow control.
 DLEP Radio Quality Extension
 Date: 05/11/2024
 Authors: Henning Rogge
 Working Group: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet)
This document defines an extension to the Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) to provide the quality of incoming radio signals.
 DLEP Radio Band Extension
 Date: 05/11/2024
 Authors: Henning Rogge
 Working Group: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet)
This document defines an extension to the Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) to provide the frequency bands used by the radio.
 DLEP Radio Channel Utilization Extension
 Date: 04/11/2024
 Authors: Henning Rogge
 Working Group: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet)
This document defines an extension to the Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) to provide the utilization of a radio channel.


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Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet)

WG Name Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Acronym manet
Area Routing Area (rtg)
State Active
Charter charter-ietf-manet-04 Approved
Document dependencies
Additional resources Zulip Stream
Personnel Chairs Donald E. Eastlake 3rd, Don Fedyk, Ronald in 't Velt
Area Director Jim Guichard
Mailing list Address
To subscribe
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

The purpose of the MANET working group is to standardize IP routing
protocol functionality suitable for wireless routing applications within
both static and dynamic topologies with increased dynamics due to
node motion or other factors.

Approaches are intended to be relatively lightweight in nature, suitable
for multiple hardware and wireless environments, and address
scenarios where MANETs are deployed at the edges of an IP
infrastructure. Hybrid mesh infrastructures (e.g., a mixture of fixed
and mobile routers) should also be supported by MANET specifications and
management features.

When routing devices rely on modems to effect communications over
wireless links, they need timely and accurate knowledge of the
characteristics of the link (speed, state, etc.) in order to make
routing decisions. In mobile or other environments where these
characteristics change frequently, manual configurations or the
inference of state through routing or transport protocols does not
allow the router to make the best decisions. The WG will put
special attention on the standardization of a bidirectional,
dynamic link exchange protocol (DLEP) between the router and the modem.

The MANET WG will coordinate with other Working Groups, such as the
pim WG for multicast support, the Routing Area WG (rtgwg), OSPF
WG and Babel WG on the general use of DLEP, as well as the IPPM WG
on topics related to traffic classification.

The MANET WG is responsible for the maintenance of OLSRv2 [RFC 7181],
NHDP [RFC 6130] and the Generalized MANET Packet/Message Format
[RFC5444], and their extensions.

Work Items:

  • Develop a dynamic link exchange protocol (DLEP).

  • DLEP extension to provide a credit-windowing scheme for
    destination-specific flow control.

  • DLEP extensions for reporting statistics by traffic classification.

  • Multicast MANET protocol framework based on Simplified Multicast
    Forwarding [RFC 6621] for scoped forwarding within MANET networks.
    As part of this framework the WG will produce a well defined MANET
    multicast forwarding information base (FIB).

  • Document outlining challenges and best practices for deploying and
    managing MANET networks.


Date Milestone Associated documents
Nov 2017 Multicast FIB (Standards Track)
Jul 2017 DLEP traffic extensions (Standards Track)
Nov 2016 DLEP (Standards Track)
Nov 2016 DLEP Credit Windowing Extensions (Standards Track)
Nov 2016 MANET Management Document (Informational)