Network File System Version 4 (nfsv4) Internet Drafts

 Extending the Opening of Files in NFSv4.2
 Date: 02/10/2024
 Authors: Thomas Haynes, Trond Myklebust
 Working Group: Network File System Version 4 (nfsv4)
The Network File System v4 (NFSv4) allows a client to both open a file and be granted a delegation of that file. This delegation provides the client the right to authoritatively cache metadata on the file locally. This document presents several extensions for both the opening and delegating of the file to the client. This document extends NFSv4.2 (see RFC7863).
 Internationalization for the NFSv4 Protocols
 Date: 22/08/2024
 Authors: David Noveck
 Working Group: Network File System Version 4 (nfsv4)
This document describes the handling of internationalization for all NFSv4 protocols, including NFSv4.0, NFSv4.1, NFSv4.2 and extensions thereof, and future minor versions. It updates RFC7530 and RFC8881.
 Add LAYOUT_WCC to NFSv4.2's Flex File Layout Type
 Date: 07/02/2025
 Authors: Thomas Haynes, Trond Myklebust
 Working Group: Network File System Version 4 (nfsv4)
This document specifies extensions to the parallel Network File System (NFS) version 4 (pNFS) for improving write cache consistency. These extensions introduce mechanisms that ensure partial writes performed under a pNFS layout remain coherent and correctly tracked. The solution addresses concurrency and data integrity concerns that may arise when multiple clients write to the same file through separate data servers. By defining additional interactions among clients, metadata servers, and data servers, this specification enhances the reliability of NFSv4 in parallel-access environments and ensures consistency across diverse deployment scenarios.
 Network File System (NFS) Version 4 Minor Version 1 Protocol
 Date: 19/10/2024
 Authors: David Noveck
 Working Group: Network File System Version 4 (nfsv4)
This document describes the Network File System (NFS) version 4 minor version 1, including features retained from the base protocol (NFS version 4 minor version 0, which is specified in RFC 7530) and protocol extensions made subsequently. The later minor version has no dependencies on NFS version 4 minor version 0, and was, until recently, documented as a completely separate protocol. This document is part of a set of documents which collectively obsolete RFCs 8881 and 8434. In addition to many corrections and clarifications, it will rely on NFSv4-wide documents to substantially revise the treatment of protocol extension, internationalization, and security, superseding the descriptions of those aspects of the protocol appearing in RFCs 5661 and 8881.
 Reporting of Errors via LAYOUTRETURN in NFSv4.2
 Date: 21/11/2024
 Authors: Thomas Haynes, Trond Myklebust
 Working Group: Network File System Version 4 (nfsv4)
The Parallel Network File System (pNFS) allows for a file's metadata (MDS) and data (DS) to be on different servers. When the metadata server is restarted, the client can still modify the data file component. During the recovery phase of startup, the metadata server and the data servers work together to recover state (which files are open, last modification time, size, etc.). If the client has not encountered errors with the data files, then the state can be recovered, avoiding resilvering of the data files. With any errors, there is no means by which the client can report errors to the metadata server. As such, the metadata server has to assume that file needs resilvering. This document presents an extension to RFC8435 to allow the client to update the metadata and avoid the resilvering.


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Network File System Version 4 (nfsv4)

WG Name Network File System Version 4
Acronym nfsv4
Area Web and Internet Transport (wit)
State Active
Charter charter-ietf-nfsv4-07 Approved
Document dependencies
Additional resources Issue tracker, Wiki, Zulip stream
Personnel Chairs Brian Pawlowski, Christopher Inacio
Area Director Zaheduzzaman Sarker
Tech Advisor Leif Johansson
Secretary Thomas Haynes
Mailing list Address
To subscribe
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

Network File System version 4 (NFSv4) is an IETF standard for file

To maintain NFS Version 4's utility and currency, the NFSv4 working
group is chartered to maintain the existing NFSv4.0, NFSv4.1, and
NFSv4.2 protocols and specifications of related ONC components, such as
those defining RPC, XDR, and RPCSECGSS.

The NFSv4 working group is also responsible for maintenance and
extension of the RDMA protocols originally developed by the
now-concluded RDDP WG (RFCs 5040-5045, e.g., RDMAP, DDP and MPA) ,
whose maintenance and extension were previously handled by the
now-concluded STORM WG.

In addition, extensions will be developed, as necessary, to correct
problems with the protocols as currently specified, to accommodate
needed file system semantics, and to respond to technological
developments in the areas of networking and persistent storage/memory.


The working group's experience has been that, as NFSv4 implementations
mature and deployments continue, clarifications and corrections to
existing RFCs are needed.

These specification updates help vendors in delivering high-quality and
interoperable implementations.

The NFSv4 working group is chartered with vetting reported issues and
determining correctness of submitted errata.

In addition, some areas may need more concentrated work to correct the
specifications already published, to deal with unanticipated
interactions between features, or to respond to evolving expectations
with regard to areas such as security. Since necessary changes in such
cases are generally not appropriate for the errata system, the working
group will assist in publication of new RFCs that provide implementation
guidance, editorial modification or technical updates to existing RFCs.

Since the new NFSv4 versioning framework has been approved, these
technical updates to NFSv4 minor versions could include limited XDR


The NFSv4 protocol is designed to allow extension by the definition of
new operations, new attributes, and new Parallel NFS layout types, as
well as the creation of minor versions.

Similarly, associated ONC protocol components that have a versioning/
extension framework can be incrementally extended, when necessary.

The working group will discuss proposals for such extensions and assure
that they have adequate technical review, including discussion of their
interaction with existing features, before adopting them as working
group items and helping to draft specification documents.

Some likely motivations for such extensions would be to:

  • Maximize NFS performance on advanced network fabrics.

  • Accommodate new storage technologies.

  • Provide facilities useful in management of NFS-accessed storage in
    large-scale virtualization environments.

  • Provide more effective NFS response to security challenges.

New milestones that fall within the scope specified in this charter can
be added to the list below after working group consensus and upon
approval by the responsible Area Director.

The WG will extend RDMA to enhance the Memory Placement operations
such as Flush, Atomic Write and Validation using Integrity Signatures.


Date Milestone Associated documents
Nov 2026 Submit Flex File v2 to IESG for publication draft-haynes-nfsv4-flex-filesv2
Jul 2026 Submit final draft of rfc5661bis draft-ietf-nfsv4-rfc5661bis
Dec 2025 Submit POSIX ACL to IESG for publication draft-rmacklem-nfsv4-posix-acls
Aug 2025 Submit final document describing NFSv4 security.
Dec 2024 NFSv4 Internationalization draft-ietf-nfsv4-internationalization