Routing In Fat Trees (rift) Internet Drafts

 RIFT: Routing in Fat Trees
 Date: 23/05/2024
 Authors: Tony Przygienda, Jordan Head, Alankar Sharma, Pascal Thubert, Bruno Rijsman, Dmitry Afanasiev
 Working Group: Routing In Fat Trees (rift)
This document defines a specialized, dynamic routing protocol for Clos, fat tree, and variants thereof. These topologies were initially used within crossbar interconnects, and consequently router and switch backplanes, but their characteristics make them ideal for constructing IP fabrics as well. The protocol specified by this document is optimized toward the minimization of control plane state to support very large substrates as well as the minimization of configuration and operational complexity to allow for simplified deployment of said topologies.
 YANG Data Model for Routing in Fat Trees (RIFT)
 Date: 24/06/2024
 Authors: Zheng Zhang, Yuehua Wei, Shaowen Ma, Xufeng Liu, Bruno Rijsman
 Working Group: Routing In Fat Trees (rift)
This document defines a YANG data model for the configuration and management of Routing in Fat Trees (RIFT) Protocol. The model is based on YANG 1.1 as defined in RFC7950 and conforms to the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) as described in RFC8342.
 RIFT Applicability and Operational Considerations
 Date: 17/06/2024
 Authors: Yuehua Wei, Zheng Zhang, Dmitry Afanasiev, Pascal Thubert, Tony Przygienda
 Working Group: Routing In Fat Trees (rift)
This document discusses the properties, applicability and operational considerations of RIFT in different network scenarios. It intends to provide a rough guide how RIFT can be deployed to simplify routing operations in Clos topologies and their variations.
 Date: 29/02/2024
 Authors: Jordan Head, Tony Przygienda, Wen Lin
 Working Group: Routing In Fat Trees (rift)
This document specifies procedures that allow an EVPN overlay to be fully and automatically provisioned when using RIFT as underlay by leveraging RIFT's no-touch ZTP architecture.
 RIFT Key/Value TIE Structure and Processing
 Date: 04/03/2024
 Authors: Jordan Head, Tony Przygienda
 Working Group: Routing In Fat Trees (rift)
The RIFT (Routing in Fat-Trees) protocol allows for key/value pairs to be advertised within Key-Value Topology Information Elements (KV- TIEs). The data contained within these KV-TIEs can be used for any imaginable purpose. This document defines the various Key-Types (i.e. Well-Known, OUI, and Experimental) and a method to structure corresponding values.

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Routing In Fat Trees (rift)

WG Name Routing In Fat Trees
Acronym rift
Area Routing Area (rtg)
State Active
Charter charter-ietf-rift-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Additional resources Wiki, Zulip steam
Personnel Chairs Jeff Tantsura, Zhaohui (Jeffrey) Zhang
Area Director Jim Guichard
Mailing list Address
To subscribe
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

Data Centers have been steadily growing to commonly host tens of thousands
of end points, or more, in a single network. Because of their topologies
(traditional and emerging), traffic patterns, need for fast restoration,
and for low human intervention, data center networks have a unique set of
requirements that is resulting in the design of routing solutions specific
to them. Clos and Fat-Tree topologies have gained popularity in data center
networks as a result of a trend towards centralized data center network
architectures that may deliver computation and storage services.

The Routing in Fat Trees (RIFT) protocol addresses the demands of routing in
Clos and Fat-Tree networks via a mixture of both link-state and distance-vector
techniques colloquially described as 'link-state towards the spine and distance
vector towards the leafs'. RIFT uses this hybrid approach to focus on networks
with regular topologies with a high degree of connectivity, a defined
directionality, and large scale.

The RIFT Working Group will work on a standards track specification of a
specialized, dynamic routing protocol for Clos and fat-tree network topologies.
The protocol will:

  • deal with automatic construction of fat-tree topologies based on detection
    of links,

  • minimize the amount of routing state held at each topology level,

  • automatically prune topology distribution exchanges to a sufficient subset
    of links,

  • support automatic disaggregation of prefixes on link and node failures to
    prevent black-holing and suboptimal routing,

  • allow traffic steering and re-routing policies,

  • and provide mechanisms to synchronize a limited key-value data-store that
    can be used after protocol convergence.

It is important that nodes participating in the protocol should need only very
light configuration and should be able to join a network as leaf nodes simply
by connecting to the network using default configuration.

The protocol must support IPv6 and should also support IPv4.

The Working Group may establish additional requirements to constrain and inform
their work.

The RIFT Working Group is chartered for the following list of items:

  • A Standards Track specification that will include:
  • an Implementation Status section as described in RFC 7942
  • an Operational Considerations section to explain how the protocol is
    configured, deployed, and diagnosed, security and privacy mitigations for the protocol as identified in the threat analysis document. (q.v.)

  • A YANG module focused on configuration and monitoring of protocol instances

  • An Applicability Statement that describes how to deploy and configure the
    protocol in networks with different topologies

  • A Security Threat Analysis document that describes the attack vectors, which shall be sent for publication at the same time as the protocol specification


Date Milestone Associated documents
Aug 2020 Submit Applicability Statement to IESG for publication draft-ietf-rift-applicability
Aug 2020 Submit YANG module to IESG for publication draft-ietf-rift-yang
Apr 2020 Submit protocol specification to IESG for publication draft-ietf-rift-rift

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Adopt a protocol specification document draft-ietf-rift-rift