Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (roll) Internet Drafts

 Root initiated routing state in RPL
 Date: 30/11/2023
 Authors: Pascal Thubert, Rahul Jadhav, Michael Richardson
 Working Group: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (roll)
This document extends RFC 6550, RFC 6553, and RFC 8138 to enable a RPL Root to install and maintain Projected Routes within its DODAG, along a selected set of nodes that may or may not include itself, for a chosen duration. This potentially enables routes that are more optimized or resilient than those obtained with the classical distributed operation of RPL, either in terms of the size of a Routing Header or in terms of path length, which impacts both the latency and the packet delivery ratio.
 Supporting Asymmetric Links in Low Power Networks: AODV-RPL
 Date: 10/12/2024
 Authors: Charles Perkins, S.V.R Anand, Satish Anamalamudi, Bing Liu
 Working Group: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (roll)
Route discovery for symmetric and asymmetric Peer-to-Peer (P2P) traffic flows is a desirable feature in Low power and Lossy Networks (LLNs). For that purpose, this document specifies a reactive P2P route discovery mechanism for both hop-by-hop routes and source routing: Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) based RPL protocol (AODV-RPL). Paired Instances are used to construct directional paths, for cases where there are asymmetric links between source and target nodes.
 RNFD: Fast border router crash detection in RPL
 Date: 08/09/2024
 Authors: Konrad Iwanicki
 Working Group: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (roll)
By and large, a correct operation of a RPL network requires border routers to be up. In many applications, it is beneficial for the nodes to detect a crash of a border router as soon as possible to trigger fallback actions. This document describes RNFD, an extension to RPL that expedites border router failure detection, even by an order of magnitude, by having nodes collaboratively monitor the status of a given border router. The extension introduces an additional state at each node, a new type of RPL Control Message Options for synchronizing this state among different nodes, and the coordination algorithm itself.


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Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (roll)

WG Name Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks
Acronym roll
Area Routing Area (rtg)
State Active
Charter charter-ietf-roll-06 Approved
Status update Show Changed 2024-01-31
Document dependencies
Additional resources Issue tracker, Wiki, Zulip Stream
Personnel Chairs Dominique Barthel, Ines Robles, Remous-Aris Koutsiamanis
Area Director John Scudder
Delegate Michael Richardson
Secretary Michael Richardson
Liaison Contacts Dominique Barthel, Ines Robles
Mailing list Address
To subscribe
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

Low-power and Lossy Networks (LLNs ) are made up of many embedded
devices with limited power, memory, and processing resources. They are
interconnected by a variety of links, such as IEEE 802.15.4, Bluetooth,
Low Power Wi-Fi, wired or other low-power PLC (Powerline Communication)
links. LLNs are transitioning to an end-to-end IP-based solution to
avoid the problem of non-interoperable networks interconnected by
protocol translation gateways and proxies.

RFC 7102 discusses ROLL-specific aspects of LLNs, and RFC 7228 provides
additional terminology for constrained devices. RFC 5548, RFC 5673, RFC
5826, and RFC 5876 describe the requirements for LLNs from several
application perspectives.

The Working Group has focused on routing solutions for the areas:
connected home, building, and urban sensor networks. It has developed a
framework that takes into consideration various aspects including high
reliability in the presence of time-varying loss characteristics and
connectivity while permitting low-power operation with very modest
memory and CPU pressure in networks potentially comprising a very large
number (several thousands) of nodes.

The Working Group continues to focus on routing issues for LLN and to
maintain, improve, and streamline the protocols already developed,
including RPL (RFC 6550) and MPL (RFC 7731). The focus is on IPv6 work
only. The Working Group will pay particular attention to routing
security and manageability (e.g., self-configuration) issues. The
working group will consider the transport characteristics that routing
protocol messages will experience.

ROLL will coordinate closely with the working groups in other areas that
focus on constrained networks and/or constrained nodes, such as 6lo and
CoRE. Other working groups such as pim, bier, and manet will be
consulted as needed. The Working group will align with the 6man WG when

Work Items are:

  • Protocol elements to enhance parent node selection and improve route
    discovery efficiency

  • Network resilience and fault management in RPL-based networks

  • Secure network enrollment and access control mechanisms for RPL

  • Data models for RPL and MPL management

  • Additional protocol elements to optimize operational efficiency


Date Milestone Associated documents
Dec 2025 Recharter WG or close
Nov 2025 Common Ancestor Objective Function and Parent Set DAG Metric Container Extension to the IESG (charter: "Protocol elements to enhance...") draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension
Nov 2025 Initial submission of a proposal to augment DIS flags and options to the IESG (charter: "Protocol elements to enhance...") draft-ietf-roll-dis-modifications
Oct 2025 Initial submission of Capabilities for RPL to the IESG (charter: "Additional Protocol elements...") draft-ietf-roll-capabilities
Jun 2025 Initial submission of Mode of Operation extension for RPL to the IESG (charter: "Additional Protocol elements...") draft-ietf-roll-mopex
Jan 2025 Initial submission of Controlling Secure Network Enrollment in RPL networks draft to the IESG (charter: "Secure network enrollment...") draft-ietf-roll-enrollment-priority
Oct 2024 Submit Fast border router crash detection in RPL to the IESG (charter: "Network resilience and fault management...") draft-ietf-roll-rnfd