RFC Series Working Group (rswg) Internet Drafts

 RFC Formats and Versions
 Date: 06/08/2024
 Authors: Paul Hoffman, Heather Flanagan
 Working Group: RFC Series Working Group (rswg)
In order to improve the readability of RFCs while supporting their archivability, the definitive version of the RFC Series transitioned from plain-text ASCII to XML using the RFCXML vocabulary; different publication versions are rendered from that base document. This document describes how RFCs are published. This document obsoletes RFC 7990. This document also updates the stability policy in RFC 9280.
 The Use of Non-ASCII Characters in RFCs
 Date: 11/08/2024
 Authors: Paul Hoffman
 Working Group: RFC Series Working Group (rswg)
The RFC Series has evolved to allow for the use of non-ASCII characters in RFCs. While English remains the required language of the Series, the encoding of RFCs is now in UTF-8, allowing for a broader range of characters than typically used in the English language. This document describes requirements and guidelines for the RFC Editor regarding the use of non-ASCII characters in RFCs. This document obsoletes RFC 7997. The differences reflect changes in the practices of the RFC series since RFC 7997 was published, and makes further changes based on agreements in the IETF community about what characters are allowed in RFCs. [[ A repository for this draft can be found here (https://github.com/ paulehoffman/7997bis). ]]