Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning (teep) Internet Drafts

 HTTP Transport for Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning: Agent Initiated Communication
 Date: 27/03/2023
 Authors: Dave Thaler
 Working Group: Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning (teep)
The Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning (TEEP) Protocol is used to manage code and configuration data in a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). This document specifies the HTTP transport for TEEP communication where a Trusted Application Manager (TAM) service is used to manage code and data in TEEs on devices that can initiate communication to the TAM.
 Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning (TEEP) Protocol
 Date: 05/11/2024
 Authors: Hannes Tschofenig, Mingliang Pei, David Wheeler, Dave Thaler, Akira Tsukamoto
 Working Group: Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning (teep)
This document specifies a protocol that installs, updates, and deletes Trusted Components in a device with a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). This specification defines an interoperable protocol for managing the lifecycle of Trusted Components.
 TEEP Usecase for Confidential Computing in Network
 Date: 01/01/2025
 Authors: Penglin Yang, Meiling Chen, Li Su, Ting Pang
 Working Group: Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning (teep)
Confidential computing is the protection of data in use by performing computation in a hardware-based Trusted Execution Environment. Confidential computing could provide integrity and confidentiality for users who want to run applications and process data in that environment. When confidential computing is used in scenarios which need network to provision user data and applications, TEEP architecture and protocol could be used. This usecase illustrates the steps of how to deploy applications, containers, VMs and data in different confidential computing hardware in network. This document is a use case and extension of TEEP architecture and could provide guidance for cloud computing, MEC (Multi-access Computing) and other scenarios to use confidential computing in network.


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Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning (teep)

WG Name Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning
Acronym teep
Area Security Area (sec)
State Active
Charter charter-ietf-teep-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Additional resources Issue tracker, Wiki, Zulip Stream
Personnel Chairs Nancy Cam-Winget, Tirumaleswar Reddy.K
Area Director Paul Wouters
Mailing list Address
To subscribe
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

The Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a secure area of a processor. The TEE provides security features such as isolated execution and integrity of Trusted Applications, along with provisions for maintaining the confidentiality of their assets. In general terms, the TEE offers an execution space that provides a higher level of security than a "rich" operating system and more functionality than a secure element. For example, implementations of the TEE concept have been developed by ARM and Intel, using the TrustZone and the SGX technology, respectively.

To programmatically install, update, and delete applications in a TEE, the Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning protocol runs between a service within the TEE on a given device, a relay application or service access point on the device's network stack and a server-side infrastructure that interacts with and optionally maintains the applications. Some tasks are security sensitive and the server side requires information about the device characteristics in the form of attestation and the device-side may require information about the server.

Privacy considerations have to be taken into account with authentication features and attestation.

This working group aims to develop an a protocol providing TEEs with lifecycle management and security domain management for trusted applications.

A security domain allows a service provider's applications to be isolated so that one security domain cannot be influenced by another domain, unless the domain exposes an API to allow inter-domain interactions.

The solution approach must take a wide range of TEE and relevant technologies into account and will focus on the use of public key cryptography.

The group will produce the following deliverables. The first document is on architecture, describing the involved entities, their relationships, assumptions, the keying framework, and relevant use cases. Second, a solution document that includes the above-described functionality in a protocol will be developed. The choice of encoding format(s) will be decided in the working group. The group may document several attestation technologies considering the different hardware capabilities, performance, privacy, and operational properties.

The group will maintain a close relationship with the IETF SUIT working group, GlobalPlatform, Trusted Computing Group, and other relevant standards groups to ensure interoperability, compatibility, and proper use of existing TEE-relevant application layer interfaces.


Date Milestone Associated documents
Mar 2021 Progress Solution document to the IESG for publication draft-ietf-teep-protocol
Nov 2020 Begin WGLC for Solution document draft-ietf-teep-protocol
Sep 2020 Progress HTTP transport for TEEP document to the IESG for publication draft-ietf-teep-otrp-over-http
Sep 2020 Progress Architecture document to the IESG for publication rfc9397 (was draft-ietf-teep-architecture)

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Begin WGLC for Architecture document rfc9397 (was draft-ietf-teep-architecture)
Done Adopt a solution document draft-ietf-teep-opentrustprotocol
Done Adopt an Architecture document rfc9397 (was draft-ietf-teep-architecture)