Internet DRAFT - draft-ar-pquip-pqc-engineers


PQUIP                                                        A. Banerjee
Internet-Draft                                                  T. Reddy
Intended status: Informational                          D. Schoinianakis
Expires: 11 February 2024                                          Nokia
                                                            T. Hollebeek
                                                          10 August 2023

                Post-Quantum Cryptography for Engineers


   The presence of a Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computer (CRQC)
   would render state-of-the-art, public-key cryptography deployed today
   obsolete, since all the assumptions about the intractability of the
   mathematical problems that offer confident levels of security today
   no longer apply in the presence of a CRQC.  This means there is a
   requirement to update protocols and infrastructure to use post-
   quantum algorithms, which are public-key algorithms designed to be
   secure against CRQCs as well as classical computers.  These
   algorithms are just like previous public key algorithms, however the
   intractable mathematical problems have been carefully chosen, so they
   are hard for CRQCs as well as classical computers.  This document
   explains why engineers need to be aware of and understand post-
   quantum cryptography.  It emphasizes the potential impact of CRQCs on
   current cryptographic systems and the need to transition to post-
   quantum algorithms to ensure long-term security.  The most important
   thing to understand is that this transition is not like previous
   transitions from DES to AES or from SHA-1 to SHA2, as the algorithm
   properties are significantly different from classical algorithms, and
   a drop-in replacement is not possible.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Status information for this document may be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the pquip Working Group
   mailing list (, which is archived at  Subscribe at

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Internet-Draft              PQC for Engineers                August 2023

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 11 February 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Contributing to This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Traditional Cryptographic Primitives that Could Be Replaced by
           PQC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   5.  Invariants of Post-Quantum Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   6.  NIST PQC Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     6.1.  NIST candidates selected for standardization  . . . . . .   7
       6.1.1.  PQC Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) . . . . . . .   7
       6.1.2.  PQC Signatures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     6.2.  Candidates advancing to the fourth-round for
           standardization at NIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   7.  Threat of CRQCs on Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     7.1.  Symmetric cryptography  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     7.2.  Asymmetric cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

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   8.  Timeline for transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   9.  Post-quantum cryptography categories  . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     9.1.  Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptography . . . . . . . . . .  11
     9.2.  Hash-Based Public-Key Cryptography  . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     9.3.  Code-Based Public-Key Cryptography  . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   10. KEMs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     10.1.  What is a KEM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       10.1.1.  Interactivity in PQC KEM and Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key
               Exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     10.2.  HPKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     10.3.  Security property  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   11. PQC Signatures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     11.1.  What is a Post-quantum Signature . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     11.2.  Security property  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     11.3.  Details of FALCON, Dilithium, and SPHINCS+ . . . . . . .  15
     11.4.  Details of XMSS and LMS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     11.5.  Hash-then-Sign Versus Sign-then-Hash . . . . . . . . . .  17
   12. Recommendations for Security / Performance Tradeoffs  . . . .  18
   13. Comparing PQC KEMs/Signatures vs Traditional KEMs
           (KEXs)/Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   14. Post-Quantum and Traditional Hybrid Schemes . . . . . . . . .  22
     14.1.  PQ/T Hybrid Confidentiality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     14.2.  PQ/T Hybrid Authentication   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     14.3.  Additional Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   15. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     15.1.  Cryptanalysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     15.2.  Cryptographic Agility  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     15.3.  Hybrid Key Exchange : Bridging the Gap Between
            Post-Quantum and Traditional Cryptography  . . . . . . .  26
   16. Further Reading & Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     16.1.  Reading List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     16.2.  Developer Resources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   17. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32

1.  Introduction

   Quantum computing is no longer perceived as a conjecture of
   computational sciences and theoretical physics.  Considerable
   research efforts and enormous corporate and government funding for
   the development of practical quantum computing systems are being
   invested currently.  For instance, Google’s announcement on achieving
   quantum supremacy [Google], IBM’s latest 433-qubit processor Osprey
   [IBM] or even Nokia Bell Labs' work on topological qubits [Nokia]

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   signify, among other outcomes, the accelerating efforts towards
   large-scale quantum computers.  At the time of writing the document,
   Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computers (CRQCs) that can break
   widely used public-key cryptographic algorithms are not yet
   available.  However, it is worth noting that there is ongoing
   research and development in the field of quantum computing, with the
   goal of building more powerful and scalable quantum computers.  As
   quantum technology advances, there is the potential for future
   quantum computers to have a significant impact on current
   cryptographic systems.  Forecasting the future is difficult, but the
   general consensus is that such computers might arrive some time in
   the 2030s, or might not arrive until 2050 or later.

   Extensive research has produced several post-quantum cryptographic
   algorithms that offer the potential to ensure cryptography's survival
   in the quantum computing era.  However, transitioning to a post-
   quantum infrastructure is not a straightforward task, and there are
   numerous challenges to overcome.  It requires a combination of
   engineering efforts, proactive assessment and evaluation of available
   technologies, and a careful approach to product development.  This
   document aims to provide general guidance to engineers who utilize
   public-key cryptography in their software.  It covers topics such as
   selecting appropriate post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) algorithms,
   understanding the differences between PQC Key Encapsulation
   Mechanisms (KEMs) and traditional Diffie-Hellman style key exchange,
   and provides insights into expected key sizes and processing time
   differences between PQC algorithms and traditional ones.
   Additionally, it discusses the potential threat to symmetric
   cryptography from Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computers
   (CRQCs).  It is important to remember that asymmetric algorithms are
   largely used for secure communications between organizations that may
   not have previously interacted, so a significant amount of
   coordination between organizations, and within and between ecosystems
   needs to be taken into account.  Such transitions are some of the
   most complicated in the tech industry.  It might be worth mentioning
   that recently NSA released an article on Future Quantum-Resistant
   (QR) Algorithm Requirements for National Security Systems [CNSA2-0]
   based on the need to protect against deployments of CRQCs in the

   It is crucial for the reader to understand that when the word "PQC"
   is mentioned in the document, it means Asymmetric Cryptography (or
   Public key Cryptography) and not any algorithms from the Symmetric
   side based on stream, block ciphers, etc.  It does not cover such
   topics as when traditional algorithms might become vulnerable (for
   that, see documents such as [QC-DNS] and others).  It also does not
   cover unrelated technologies like Quantum Key Distribution or Quantum
   Key Generation, which use quantum hardware to exploit quantum effects

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   to protect communications and generate keys, respectively.  Post-
   quantum cryptography is based on standard math and software and can
   be run on any general purpose computer.

   Please note: This document does not go into the deep mathematics of
   the PQC algorithms, but rather provides an overview to engineers on
   the current threat landscape and the relevant algorithms designed to
   help prevent those threats.

2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

3.  Contributing to This Document

   The guide was inspired by a thread in September 2022 on the ( mailing list.  The document is
   being collaborated on through a GitHub repository

   The editors actively encourage contributions to this document.
   Please consider writing a section on a topic that you think is
   missing.  Short of that, writing a paragraph or two on an issue you
   found when writing code that uses PQC would make this document more
   useful to other coders.  Opening issues that suggest new material is
   fine too, but relying on others to write the first draft of such
   material is much less likely to happen than if you take a stab at it

4.  Traditional Cryptographic Primitives that Could Be Replaced by PQC

   Any asymmetric cryptographic algorithm based on integer
   factorization, finite field discrete logarithms or elliptic curve
   discrete logarithms will be vulnerable to attacks using Shor's
   Algorithm on a sufficiently large general-purpose quantum computer,
   known as a CRQC.  This document focuses on the principal functions of
   asymmetric cryptography:

   *  Key Agreement: Key Agreement schemes are used to establish a
      shared cryptographic key for secure communication.  They are one
      of the mechanisms that can be replaced by PQC, as this is based on
      public key cryptography and is therefore vulnerable to the Shor's
      algorithm.  An CRQC can find the prime factors of the large public
      key, which can be used to derive the private key.

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   *  Digital Signatures: Digital Signature schemes are used to
      authenticate the identity of a sender, detect unauthorized
      modifications to data and underpin trust in a system.  Similar to
      Key Agreement, signatures also depend on public-private key pair
      and hence a break in public key cryptography will also affect
      traditional digital signatures, hence the importance of developing
      post quantum digital signatures.

5.  Invariants of Post-Quantum Cryptography

   In the context of PQC, symmetric-key cryptographic algorithms are
   generally not directly impacted by quantum computing advancements.
   Symmetric-key cryptography, such as block ciphers (e.g., AES) and
   message authentication mechanisms (e.g., HMAC-SHA2), rely on secret
   keys shared between the sender and receiver.  HMAC is a specific
   construction that utilizes a cryptographic hash function (such as
   SHA-2) and a secret key shared between the sender and receiver to
   produce a message authentication code.  CRQCs, in theory, do not
   offer substantial advantages in breaking symmetric-key algorithms
   compared to classical computers (see Section 7.1 for more details).

6.  NIST PQC Algorithms

   In 2016, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
   started a process to solicit, evaluate, and standardize one or more
   quantum-resistant public-key cryptographic algorithms, as seen here
   (  The
   first set of algorithms for standardization
   ( were
   selected in July 2022.

   NIST announced as well that they will be opening a fourth round
   fourth-round.pdf) to standardize an alternative KEM, and a call
   call-for-proposals-dig-sig-sept-2022.pdf) for new candidates for a
   post-quantum signature algorithm.

   These algorithms are not a drop-in replacement for classical
   asymmetric cryptographic algorithms.  RSA [RSA] and ECC [RFC6090] can
   be used for both key encapsulation and signatures, while for post-
   quantum algorithms, a different algorithm is needed for each.  When
   upgrading protocols, it is important to replace the existing use of
   classical algorithms with either a PQC key encapsulation method or a
   PQC signature method, depending on how RSA and/or ECC was previously
   being used.

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6.1.  NIST candidates selected for standardization

6.1.1.  PQC Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs)

   *  CRYSTALS-Kyber ( Kyber is a module
      learning with errors (MLWE)-based key encapsulation mechanism
      (Section 9.1).

6.1.2.  PQC Signatures

   *  CRYSTALS-Dilithium ( CRYSTALS-
      Dilithium is a lattice signature scheme (Section 9.1 and
      Section 11.3).

   *  Falcon ( Falcon is a lattice signature
      scheme (Section 9.1 and Section 11.3).

   *  SPHINCS+ ( SPHINCS+ is a stateless hash-
      based signature scheme (Section 9.2 and Section 11.3).

6.2.  Candidates advancing to the fourth-round for standardization at

   The fourth-round of the NIST process focuses only on KEMs.  The goal
   of that round is to select an althernative algorithm that is based on
   different hard problem than Kyber.  The candidates still advancing
   for standardization are:

   *  Classic McEliece ( Based on the
      hardness of syndrome decoding of Goppa codes.  Goppa codes are a
      class of error-correcting codes that can correct a certain number
      of errors in a transmitted message.  The decoding problem involves
      recovering the original message from the received noisy codeword.

   *  BIKE ( Based on the the hardness of
      syndrome decoding of QC-MDPC codes.  Quasi-Cyclic Moderate Density
      Parity Check (QC-MDPC) code are a class of error correcting codes
      that leverages bit flipping technique to efficiently correct

   *  HQC ( : Based on the hardness of syndrome
      decoding of Quasi-cyclic concatenated Reed Muller Reed Solomon
      (RMRS) codes in the Hamming metric.  Reed Muller (RM) codes are a
      class of block error correcting codes used especially in wireless
      and deep space communications.  Reed Solomon (RS) are a class of
      block error correcting codes that are used to detect and correct
      multiple bit errors.

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   *  SIKE ( (Broken): Supersingular Isogeny Key
      Encapsulation (SIKE) is a specific realization of the SIDH
      (Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman) protocol.  Recently, a
      mathematical attack ( based
      on the "glue-and-split" theorem from 1997 from Ernst Kani was
      found against the underlying chosen starting curve and torsion
      information.  In practical terms, this attack allows for the
      efficient recovery of the private key.  NIST announced that SIKE
      was no longer under consideration, but the authors of SIKE had
      asked for it to remain in the list so that people are aware that
      it is broken.

7.  Threat of CRQCs on Cryptography

   Post-quantum cryptography or quantum-safe cryptography refers to
   cryptographic algorithms that are secure against cryptographic
   attacks from both CRQCs and classic computers.

   When considering the security risks associated with the ability of a
   quantum computer to attack traditional cryptography, it is important
   to distinguish between the impact on symmetric algorithms and public-
   key ones.  Dr. Peter Shor and Dr. Lov Grover developed two algorithms
   that changed the way the world thinks of security under the presence
   of a CRQC.

7.1.  Symmetric cryptography

   Grover's algorithm is a quantum search algorithm that provides a
   theoretical quadratic speedup for searching an unstructured database
   compared to classical algorithms.  Grover’s algorithm theoretically
   requires doubling the key sizes of the algorithms that one deploys
   today to achieve quantum resistance.  This is because Grover’s
   algorithm reduces the amount of operations to break 128-bit symmetric
   cryptography to 2^{64} quantum operations, which might sound
   computationally feasible.  However, 2^{64} operations performed in
   parallel are feasible for modern classical computers, but 2^{64}
   quantum operations performed serially in a quantum computer are not.
   Grover's algorithm is highly non-parallelizable and even if one
   deploys 2^c computational units in parallel to brute-force a key
   using Grover's algorithm, it will complete in time proportional to
   2^{(128−c)/2}, or, put simply, using 256 quantum computers will only
   reduce runtime by 1/16, 1024 quantum computers will only reduce
   runtime by 1/32 and so forth (see [NIST] and [Cloudflare]).

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   For unstructured data such as symmetric encrypted data or
   cryptographic hashes, although CRQCs can search for specific
   solutions across all possible input combinations (e.g., Grover's
   Algorithm), no CRQCs is known to break the security properties of
   these classes of algorithms.

   How can someone be sure that an improved algorithm won’t outperform
   Grover's algorithm at some point in time?  Christof Zalka has shown
   that Grover's algorithm (and in particular its non-parallel nature)
   achieves the best possible complexity for unstructured search

   Finally, in their evaluation criteria for PQC, NIST is considering a
   security level equivalent to that of AES-128, meaning that NIST has
   confidence in standardizing parameters for PQC that offer similar
   levels of security as AES-128 does [NIST]. As a result, 128-bit
   algorithms should be considered quantum-safe for many years to come.

7.2.  Asymmetric cryptography

   “Shor’s algorithm” on the other side, efficiently solves the integer
   factorization problem (and the related discrete logarithm problem),
   which offer the foundations of the public-key cryptography that the
   world uses today.  This implies that, if a CRQC is developed, today’s
   public-key cryptography algorithms (e.g., RSA, Diffie-Hellman and
   Elliptic Curve Cryptography) and protocols would need to be replaced
   by algorithms and protocols that can offer cryptanalytic resistance
   against CRQCs.  Note that Shor’s algorithm doesn’t run on any classic
   computer, it needs a CRQC.

   For example, to provide some context, one would need 20 million noisy
   qubits to break RSA-2048 in 8 hours [RSA8HRS] or 4099 stable qubits
   to break it in 10 seconds [RSA10SC].

   For structured data such as public-key and signatures, instead, CRQCs
   can fully solve the underlying hard problems used in classic
   cryptography (see Shor's Algorithm).  Because an increase of the size
   of the key-pair would not provide a secure solution in this case, a
   complete replacement of the algorithm is needed.  Therefore, post-
   quantum public-key cryptography must rely on problems that are
   different from the ones used in classic public-key cryptography
   (i.e., the integer factorization problem, the finite-field discrete
   logarithm problem, and the elliptic-curve discrete logarithm

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8.  Timeline for transition

   A malicious actor with adequate resources can launch an attack to
   store sensitive encrypted data today that can be decrypted once a
   CRQC is available.  This implies that, every day, sensitive encrypted
   data is susceptible to the attack by not implementing quantum-safe
   strategies, as it corresponds to data being deciphered in the future.

   |                        |                            |
   |         y              |           x                |
   |                                   | <--------------->
   |               z                   |   Security gap

                           Figure 1: Mosca model

   These challenges are illustrated nicely by the so called Mosca model
   discussed in [Threat-Report].  In the Figure 1, "x" denotes the time
   that our systems and data need to remain secure, "y" the number of
   years to migrate to a PQC infrastructure and "z" the time until a
   CRQC that can break current cryptography is available.  The model
   assumes that encrypted data can be intercepted and stored before the
   migration is completed in "y" years.  This data remains vulnerable
   for the complete "x" years of their lifetime, thus the sum "x+y"
   gives us an estimate of the full timeframe that data remain insecure.
   The model essentially asks how are we preparing our IT systems during
   those "y" years (or in other words, how can one minimize those "y"
   years) to minimize the transition phase to a PQC infrastructure and
   hence minimize the risks of data being exposed in the future.

   Finally, other factors that could accelerate the introduction of a
   CRQC should not be under-estimated, like for example faster-than-
   expected advances in quantum computing and more efficient versions of
   Shor’s algorithm requiring less qubits.  As an example, IBM, one of
   the leading actors in the development of a large-scale quantum
   computer, has recently published a roadmap committing to new quantum
   processors supporting more than 1000 qubits by 2025 and networked
   systems with 10k-100k qubits beyond 2026 [IBMRoadmap].  Innovation
   often comes in waves, so it is to the industry’s benefit to remain
   vigilant and prepare as early as possible.

9.  Post-quantum cryptography categories

   The current set of problems used in post-quantum cryptography can be
   currently grouped into three different categories: lattice-based,
   hash-based and code-based.

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9.1.  Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptography

   Lattice-based public-key cryptography leverages the simple
   construction of lattices (i.e., a regular collection of points in a
   Euclidean space that are regularly spaced) to build problems that are
   hard to solve such as the Shortest Vector or Closes Vector Problem,
   Learning with Errors, and Learning with Rounding.  All these problems
   have good proof for worst-to-average case reduction, thus equating
   the hardness of the average case to the worst-case.

   The possibility to implement public-key schemes on lattices is tied
   to the characteristics of the basis used for the lattice.  In
   particular, solving any of the mentioned problems can be easy when
   using reduced or "good" basis (i.e., as short as possible and as
   orthogonal as possible), while it becomes computationally infeasible
   when using "bad" basis (i.e., long vectors not orthogonal).  Although
   the problem might seem trivial, it is computationally hard when
   considering many dimensions.  Therefore, a typical approach is to use
   "bad" basis for public keys and "good" basis for private keys.  The
   public keys ("bad" basis) let you easily verify signatures by
   checking, for example, that a vector is the closest or smallest, but
   do not let you solve the problem (i.e., finding the vector).
   Conversely, private keys (i.e., the "good" basis) can be used for
   generating the signatures (e.g., finding the specific vector).
   Signing is equivalent to solving the lattice problem.

   Lattice-based schemes usually have good performances and average size
   public keys and signatures, making them good candidates for general-
   purpose use such as replacing the use of RSA in PKIX certificates.

   Examples of such class of algorithms include Kyber, Falcon and

   It is noteworthy that, lattice-based encryption schemes are often
   prone to decryption failures, meaning that valid encryptions are
   decrypted incorrectly; as such, an attacker could significantly
   reduce the security of lattice-based schemes that have a relatively
   high failure rate.  However, for most of the NIST Post-Quantum
   Proposals, the number of required oracle queries is above practical
   limits, as has been shown in [LattFail1].  More recent works have
   improved upon the results in [LattFail1], showing that the cost of
   searching for additional failing ciphertexts after one or more have
   already been found, can be sped up dramatically [LattFail2].
   Nevertheless, at this point in time (July 2023), the PQC candidates
   by NIST are considered secure under these attacks and we suggest
   constant monitoring as cryptanalysis research is ongoing.

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9.2.  Hash-Based Public-Key Cryptography

   Hash based PKC has been around since the 70s, developed by Lamport
   and Merkle which creates a digital signature algorithm and its
   security is mathematically based on the security of the selected
   cryptographic hash function.  Many variants of hash based signatures
   have been developed since the 70s including the recent XMSS
   [RFC8391], HSS/LMS [RFC8554] or BPQS schemes.  Unlike digital
   signature techniques, most hash-based signature schemes are stateful,
   which means that signing necessitates the update of the secret key.

   SPHINCS on the other hand leverages the HORS (Hash to Obtain Random
   Subset) technique and remains the only hash based signature scheme
   that is stateless.

   SPHINCS+ is an advancement on SPHINCS which reduces the signature
   sizes in SPHINCS and makes it more compact.  SPHINCS+ was recently
   standardized by NIST.

9.3.  Code-Based Public-Key Cryptography

   This area of cryptography stemmed in the 1970s and 80s based on the
   seminal work of McEliece and Niederreiter which focuses on the study
   of cryptosystems based on error-correcting codes.  Some popular error
   correcting codes include the Goppa codes (used in McEliece
   cryptosystems), encoding and decoding syndrome codes used in Hamming
   Quasi-Cyclic (HQC) or Quasi-cyclic Moderate density parity check (QC-
   MDPC) codes.

   Examples include all the NIST Round 4 (unbroken) finalists: Classic
   McEliece, HQC, BIKE.

10.  KEMs

10.1.  What is a KEM

   Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) is a cryptographic technique used
   for securely exchanging symmetric keys between two parties over an
   insecure channel.  It is commonly used in hybrid encryption schemes,
   where a combination of asymmetric (public-key) and symmetric
   encryption is employed.  The KEM encapsulation results in a fixed-
   length symmetric key that can be used in one of two ways: (1) Derive
   a Data Encryption Key (DEK) to encrypt the data (2) Derive a Key
   Encryption Key (KEK) used to wrap the DEK.

   KEM relies on the following primitives [PQCAPI]:

   *  def kemKeyGen() -> (pk, sk)

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   *  def kemEncaps(pk) -> (ct, ss)

   *  def kemDecaps(ct, sk) -> ss

   where pk is public key, sk is secret key, ct is the ciphertext
   representing an encapsulated key, and ss is shared secret.  The
   following figure illustrates a sample flow of KEM:

                         +---------+ +---------+
                         | Client  | | Server  |
                         +---------+ +---------+
     -----------------------\ |           |
     | sk, pk = kemKeyGen()   |-|         |
     |----------------------| |           |
                              |           |
                              | pk        |
                              |           | -------------------------\
                              |           |-| ss, ct = kemEncaps(pk) |
                              |           | |------------------------|
                              |           |
                              |        ct |
   -------------------------\ |           |
   | ss = kemDecaps(ct, sk) |-|           |
   |------------------------| |           |
                              |           |

10.1.1.  Interactivity in PQC KEM and Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key Exchange

   PQ KEMs are interactive in nature because it involves back-and-forth
   communication to negotiate and establish the shared secret key and
   unlike Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key exchange (KEX) which provides non-
   interactive key exchange (NIKE) property.  NIKE is a cryptographic
   primitive which enables two parties, who know each others public
   keys, to agree on a symmetric shared key without requiring any
   interaction.  The following figure illustrates a sample flow of DH:

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                         +---------+ +---------+
                         | Client  | | Server  |
                         +---------+ +---------+
     -----------------------\ |           |
     | sk1, pk1 = KeyGen()  |-|           |
     |----------------------| |           |
                              |           |
                              | pk1       |
                              |           | -------------------------\
                              |           |-| sk2, pk2 = KeyGen()    |
                                          | | ss = Combine(pk1, sk2) |
                              |           | |------------------------|
                              |           |
                              |        pk2|
   -------------------------\ |           |
   | ss = Combine(pk2, sk1) |-|           |
   |------------------------| |           |
                              |           |

10.2.  HPKE

   HPKE (Hybrid public key encryption) [RFC9180] deals with a variant of
   KEM which is essentially a PKE of arbitrary sized plaintexts for a
   recipient public key.  It works with a combination of KEMs, KDFs and
   AEAD schemes (Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data).  HPKE
   includes three authenticated variants, including one that
   authenticates possession of a pre-shared key and two optional ones
   that authenticate possession of a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM)
   private key.  Kyber, which is a KEM does not support the static-
   ephemeral key exchange that allows HPKE based on DH based KEMs its
   (optional) authenticated modes as discussed in Section 1.2 of

10.3.  Security property

   *  IND-CCA2 : IND-CCA2 (INDistinguishability under adaptive Chosen-
      Ciphertext Attack) is an advanced security notion for encryption
      schemes.  It ensures the confidentiality of the plaintext,
      resistance against chosen-ciphertext attacks, and prevents the
      adversary from forging new ciphertexts.  An appropriate definition
      of IND-CCA2 security for KEMs can be found in [CS01] and [BHK09].
      Kyber, Classic McEliece and Saber provide IND-CCA2 security.

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   Understanding IND-CCA2 security is essential for individuals involved
   in designing or implementing cryptographic systems to evaluate the
   strength of the algorithm, assess its suitability for specific use
   cases, and ensure that data confidentiality and security requirements
   are met.

11.  PQC Signatures

11.1.  What is a Post-quantum Signature

   Any digital signature scheme that provides a construction defining
   security under post quantum setting falls under this category of PQ

11.2.  Security property

   *  EUF-CMA : EUF-CMA (Existential Unforgeability under Chosen Message
      Attack) [GMR88] is a security notion for digital signature
      schemes.  It guarantees that an adversary, even with access to a
      signing oracle, cannot forge a valid signature for an arbitrary
      message.  EUF-CMA provides strong protection against forgery
      attacks, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of digital
      signatures by preventing unauthorized modifications or fraudulent
      signatures.  Dilithium, Falcon and Sphincs+ provide EUF-CMA

   Understanding EUF-CMA security is essential for individual involved
   in designing or implementing cryptographic systems to ensure the
   security, reliability, and trustworthiness of digital signature
   schemes.  It allows for informed decision-making, vulnerability
   analysis, compliance with standards, and designing systems that
   provide strong protection against forgery attacks.

11.3.  Details of FALCON, Dilithium, and SPHINCS+

   Dilithium [Dilithium] is a digital signature algorithm (part of the
   CRYSTALS suite) based on the hardness lattice problems over module
   lattices (i.e., the Module Learning with Errors problem(MLWE)).  The
   design of the algorithm is based on Fiat Shamir with Abort method
   that leverages rejection sampling to render lattice based FS schemes
   compact and secure.  Additionally, Dilithium offers both
   deterministic and randomized signing.  Security properties of
   Dilithium are discussed in Section 9 of

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   Falcon [Falcon] is based on the GPV hash-and-sign lattice-based
   signature framework introduced by Gentry, Peikert and Vaikuntanathan,
   which is a framework that requires a class of lattices and a trapdoor
   sampler technique.

   The main design principle of Falcon is compactness, i.e. it was
   designed in a way that achieves minimal total memory bandwidth
   requirement (the sum of the signature size plus the public key size).
   This is possible due to the compactness of NTRU lattices.  Falcon
   also offers very efficient signing and verification procedures.  The
   main potential downsides of Falcon refer to the non-triviality of its
   algorithms and the need for floating point arithmetic support.

   Access to a robust floating-point stack in Falcon is essential for
   accurate, efficient, and secure execution of the mathematical
   computations involved in the scheme.  It helps maintain precision,
   supports error correction techniques, and contributes to the overall
   reliability and performance of Falcon's cryptographic operations as
   well makes it more resistant to side-channel attacks.

   Falcon's signing operations require constant-time, 64-bit floating
   point operations to avoid catastrophic side channel vulnerabilities.
   Doing this correctly (which is also platform-dependent to an extreme
   degree) is very difficult, as NIST's report noted.  Providing a
   masked implementation of Falcon also seems impossible, per the
   authors at the RWPQC 2023 symposium earlier this year.

   The performance characteristics of Dilithium and Falcon may differ
   based on the specific implementation and hardware platform.
   Generally, Dilithium is known for its relatively fast signature
   generation, while Falcon can provide more efficient signature
   verification.  The choice may depend on whether the application
   requires more frequent signature generation or signature
   verification.  For further clarity, please refer to the tables in
   sections Section 12 and Section 13.

   SPHINCS+ [SPHINCS] utilizes the concept of stateless hash-based
   signatures, where each signature is unique and unrelated to any
   previous signature (as discussed in Section 9.2).  This property
   eliminates the need for maintaining state information during the
   signing process.  SPHINCS+ was designed to sign up to 2^64 messages
   and it offers three security levels.  The parameters for each of the
   security levels were chosen to provide 128 bits of security, 192 bits
   of security, and 256 bits of security.  SPHINCS+ offers smaller key
   sizes, larger signature sizes, slower signature generation, and
   slower verification when compared to Dilithium and Falcon.  SPHINCS+
   does not introduce a new intractability assumption.  It builds upon
   established foundations in cryptography, making it a reliable and

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   robust digital signature scheme for a post-quantum world.  The
   advantages and disadvantages of SPHINCS+ over other signature
   algorithms is disussed in Section 3.1 of

11.4.  Details of XMSS and LMS

   The eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme (XMSS) [RFC8391] and Leighton-
   Micali Signature (LMS) [RFC8554] are stateful hash-based signature
   schemes, where the secret key changes over time.  In both schemes,
   reusing a secret key state compromises cryptographic security

   Multi-Tree XMSS and LMS can be used for signing a potentially large
   but fixed number of messages and the number of signing operations
   depends upon the size of the tree.  XMSS and LMS provide
   cryptographic digital signatures without relying on the conjectured
   hardness of mathematical problems, instead leveraging the properties
   of cryptographic hash functions.  XMSS and Hierarchical Signature
   System (HSS) use a hierarchical approach with a Merkle tree at each
   level of the hierarchy.  [RFC8391] describes both single-tree and
   multi-tree variants of XMSS, while [RFC8554] describes the Leighton-
   Micali One-Time Signature (LM-OTS) system as well as the LMS and HSS
   N-time signature systems.  Comparison of XMSS and LMS is discussed in
   Section 10 of [RFC8554].

   The number of tree layers in XMSS^MT provides a trade-off between
   signature size on the one side and key generation and signing speed
   on the other side.  Increasing the number of layers reduces key
   generation time exponentially and signing time linearly at the cost
   of increasing the signature size linearly.

   XMSS and LMS can be applied in various scenarios where digital
   signatures are required, such as software updates.

11.5.  Hash-then-Sign Versus Sign-then-Hash

   Within the hash-then-sign paradigm, the message is hashed before
   signing it.  Hashing the message before signing it provides an
   additional layer of security by ensuring that only a fixed-size
   digest of the message is signed, rather than the entire message
   itself.  By pre-hashing, the onus of resistance to existential
   forgeries becomes heavily reliant on the collision-resistance of the
   hash function in use.  As well as this security goal, the hash-then-
   sign paradigm also has the ability to improve performance by reducing
   the size of signed messages.  As a corollary, hashing remains
   mandatory even for short messages and assigns a further computational
   requirement onto the verifier.  This makes the performance of hash-

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   then-sign schemes more consistent, but not necessarily more
   efficient.  Using a hash function to produce a fixed-size digest of a
   message ensures that the signature is compatible with a wide range of
   systems and protocols, regardless of the specific message size or
   format.  Hash-then-Sign also greatly reduces the amount of data that
   needs to be processed by a hardware security module, which sometimes
   have somewhat limited data processing capabilities.

   Protocols like TLS 1.3 and DNSSEC use the Hash-then-Sign paradigm.
   TLS 1.3 [RFC8446] uses it in the Certificate Verify to proof that the
   endpoint possesses the private key corresponding to its certificate,
   while DNSSEC [RFC4033] uses it to provide origin authentication and
   integrity assurance services for DNS data.

   In the case of Dilithium, it internally incorporates the necessary
   hash operations as part of its signing algorithm.  Dilithium directly
   takes the original message, applies a hash function internally, and
   then uses the resulting hash value for the signature generation
   process.  In case of SPHINCS+, it internally performs randomized
   message compression using a keyed hash function that can process
   arbitrary length messages.  In case of Falcon, a hash function is
   used as part of the signature process, it uses the SHAKE-256 hash
   function to derive a digest of the message being signed.  Therefore,
   the hash-then-sign paradigm is not needed for Dilithium, SPHINCS+ and

12.  Recommendations for Security / Performance Tradeoffs

   The table below denotes the 5 security levels provided by NIST
   required for PQC algorithms.  Users can leverage the required
   algorithm based on the security level based on their use case.  The
   security is defined as a function of resources required to break AES
   and SHA2/SHA3 algorithms, i.e., exhaustive key recovery for AES and
   optimal collision search for SHA2/SHA3.

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   | PQ Security | AES/SHA(2/3) hardness     | PQC Algorithm          |
   | Level       |                           |                        |
   | 1           | Atleast as hard as to     | Kyber512, Falcon512,   |
   |             | break AES-128 (exhaustive | Sphincs+SHA-256 128f/s |
   |             | key recovery)             |                        |
   | 2           | Atleast as hard as to     | Dilithium2             |
   |             | break SHA-256/SHA3-256    |                        |
   |             | (collision search)        |                        |
   | 3           | Atleast as hard as to     | Kyber768, Dilithium3,  |
   |             | break AES-192 (exhaustive | Sphincs+SHA-256 192f/s |
   |             | key recovery)             |                        |
   | 4           | Atleast as hard as to     | No algorithm tested at |
   |             | break SHA-384/SHA3-384    | this level             |
   |             | (collision search)        |                        |
   | 5           | Atleast as hard as to     | Kyber1024, Falcon1024, |
   |             | break AES-256 (exhaustive | Dilithium5,            |
   |             | key recovery)             | Sphincs+SHA-256 256f/s |

                                 Table 1

   Please note the Sphincs+SHA-256 x"f/s" in the above table denotes
   whether its the Sphincs+ fast (f) version or small (s) version for
   "x" bit AES security level.  Refer to
   [I-D.ietf-lamps-cms-sphincs-plus-02] for further details on Sphincs+

   The following table discusses the signature size differences for
   similar SPHINCS+ algorithm security levels with the "simple" version
   but for different categories i.e., (f) for fast verification and (s)
   for compactness/smaller.  Both SHA-256 and SHAKE-256 parametrisation
   output the same signature sizes, so both have been included.

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   | PQ       | Algorithm                  |Public|Private| Signature |
   | Security |                            |key   |key    | size (in  |
   | Level    |                            |size  |size   | bytes)    |
   |          |                            |(in   |(in    |           |
   |          |                            |bytes)|bytes) |           |
   | 1        | SPHINCS+-{SHA2,SHAKE}-128f |32    |64     | 17088     |
   | 1        | SPHINCS+-{SHA2,SHAKE}-128s |32    |64     | 7856      |
   | 3        | SPHINCS+-{SHA2,SHAKE}-192f |48    |96     | 35664     |
   | 3        | SPHINCS+-{SHA2,SHAKE}-192s |48    |96     | 16224     |
   | 5        | SPHINCS+-{SHA2,SHAKE}-256f |64    |128    | 49856     |
   | 5        | SPHINCS+-{SHA2,SHAKE}-256s |64    |128    | 29792     |

                                 Table 2

   The following table discusses the impact of performance on different
   security levels in terms of private key sizes, public key sizes and
   ciphertext/signature sizes.

   | PQ       | Algorithm  | Public key | Private    | Ciphertext/    |
   | Security |            | size (in   | key size   | Signature size |
   | Level    |            | bytes)     | (in bytes) | (in bytes)     |
   | 1        | Kyber512   | 800        | 1632       | 768            |
   | 1        | Falcon512  | 897        | 1281       | 666            |
   | 2        | Dilithium2 | 1312       | 2528       | 2420           |
   | 3        | Kyber768   | 1184       | 2400       | 1088           |
   | 5        | Falcon1024 | 1793       | 2305       | 1280           |
   | 5        | Kyber1024  | 1568       | 3168       | 1588           |

                                 Table 3

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13.  Comparing PQC KEMs/Signatures vs Traditional KEMs (KEXs)/Signatures

   In this section, we provide two tables for comparison of different
   KEMs and Signatures respectively, in the traditional and Post
   scenarios.  These tables will focus on the secret key sizes, public
   key sizes, and ciphertext/signature sizes for the PQC algorithms and
   their traditional counterparts of similar security levels.

   The first table compares traditional vs. PQC KEMs in terms of
   security, public, private key sizes, and ciphertext sizes.

   | PQ Security | Algorithm           | Public | Private | Ciphertext |
   | Level       |                     | key    | key     | size (in   |
   |             |                     | size   | size    | bytes)     |
   |             |                     | (in    | (in     |            |
   |             |                     | bytes) | bytes)  |            |
   | Traditional | P256_HKDF_SHA-256   | 65     | 32      | 65         |
   | Traditional | P521_HKDF_SHA-512   | 133    | 66      | 133        |
   | Traditional | X25519_HKDF_SHA-256 | 32     | 32      | 32         |
   | 1           | Kyber512            | 800    | 1632    | 768        |
   | 3           | Kyber768            | 1184   | 2400    | 1088       |
   | 5           | Kyber1024           | 1568   | 3168    | 1588       |

                                  Table 4

   The next table compares traditional vs. PQC Signature schemes in
   terms of security, public, private key sizes, and signature sizes.

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    | PQ Security | Algorithm  | Public key | Private    | Signature |
    | Level       |            | size (in   | key size   | size (in  |
    |             |            | bytes)     | (in bytes) | bytes)    |
    | Traditional | RSA2048    | 256        | 256        | 256       |
    | Traditional | P256       | 64         | 32         | 64        |
    | 1           | Falcon512  | 897        | 1281       | 666       |
    | 2           | Dilithium2 | 1312       | 2528       | 768       |
    | 3           | Dilithium3 | 1952       | 4000       | 3293      |
    | 5           | Falcon1024 | 1793       | 2305       | 1280      |

                                 Table 5

   As one can clearly observe from the above tables, leveraging a PQC
   KEM/Signature significantly increases the key sizes and the
   ciphertext/signature sizes as well as compared to traditional
   KEM(KEX)/Signatures.  But the PQC algorithms do provide the
   additional security level in case there is an attack from a CRQC,
   whereas schemes based on prime factorization or discrete logarithm
   problems (finite field or elliptic curves) would provide no level of
   security at all against such attacks.

14.  Post-Quantum and Traditional Hybrid Schemes

   The migration to PQC is unique in the history of modern digital
   cryptography in that neither the traditional algorithms nor the post-
   quantum algorithms are fully trusted to protect data for the required
   lifetimes.  The traditional algorithms, such as RSA and elliptic
   curve, will fall to quantum cryptalanysis, while the post-quantum
   algorithms face uncertainty about the underlying mathematics,
   compliance issues, unknown vulnerabilities, and hardware and software
   implementations that have not had sufficient maturing time to rule
   out classical cryptanalytic attacks and implementation bugs.

   During the transition from traditional to post-quantum algorithms,
   there may be a desire or a requirement for protocols that use both
   algorithm types.  [I-D.ietf-pquip-pqt-hybrid-terminology] defines the
   terminology for the Post-Quantum and Traditional Hybrid Schemes.

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14.1.  PQ/T Hybrid Confidentiality

   The PQ/T Hybrid Confidentiality property can be used to protect from
   a "Harvest Now, Decrypt Later" attack, which refers to an attacker
   collecting encrypted data now and waiting for quantum computers to
   become powerful enough to break the encryption later.  Two types of
   hybrid key agreement schemes are discussed below:

   1.  Concatenate hybrid key agreement scheme: The final shared secret
       that will be used as an input of the key derivation function is
       the result of the concatenation of the secrets established with
       each key agreement scheme.  For example, in
       [I-D.ietf-tls-hybrid-design], the client uses the TLS supported
       groups extension to advertise support for a PQ/T hybrid scheme,
       and the server can select this group if it supports the scheme.
       The hybrid-aware client and server establish a hybrid secret by
       concatenating the two shared secrets, which is used as the shared
       secret in the existing TLS 1.3 key schedule.

   2.  Cascade hybrid key agreement scheme: The final shared secret is
       computed by applying as many iterations of the key derivation
       function as the number of key agreement schemes composing the
       hybrid key agreement scheme.  For example, [RFC9370] extends the
       Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) to allow one or
       more PQC algorithms in addition to the traditional algorithm to
       derive the final IKE SA keys using the cascade method as
       explained in Section 2.2.2 of [RFC9370].

14.2.  PQ/T Hybrid Authentication 

   The PQ/T Hybrid Authentication property can be utilized in scenarios
   where an on-path attacker possesses network devices equipped with
   CRQCs, capable of breaking traditional authentication protocols.
   This property ensures authentication through a PQ/T hybrid scheme or
   a PQ/T hybrid protocol, as long as at least one component algorithm
   remains secure to provide the intended security level.  For instance,
   a PQ/T hybrid certificate can be employed to facilitate a PQ/T hybrid
   authentication protocol.  However, a PQ/T hybrid authentication
   protocol does not need to use a PQ/T hybrid certificate
   [I-D.ounsworth-pq-composite-keys]; separate certificates could be
   used for individual component algorithms

   The frequency and duration of system upgrades and the time when CRQCs
   will become widely available need to be weighed in to determine
   whether and when to support the PQ/T Hybrid Authentication property.

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14.3.  Additional Considerations

   It is also possible to use more than two algorithms together in a
   hybrid scheme, and there are multiple possible ways those algorithms
   can be combined.  For the purposes of a post-quantum transition, the
   simple combination of a post-quantum algorithm with a single
   classical algorithm is the most straightforward, but the use of
   multiple post-quantum algorithms with different hard math problems
   has also been considered.  When combining algorithms, it is possible
   to require that both algorithms validate (the so-called "and" mode)
   or that only one does (the "or" mode), or even some more complicated
   scheme.  Schemes that do not require both algorithms to validate only
   have the strength of the weakest algorithm, and therefore offer
   little or no security benefit.  Since such schemes generally also
   require both keys to be distributed (e.g.
   hybrid-x509-01), there are substantial performance costs in some
   scenarios.  This combination of properties makes optionally including
   post-quantum keys without requiring their use to be generally
   unattractive in most use cases.

   When combining keys in an "and" mode, it may make more sense to
   consider them to be a single composite key, instead of two keys.
   This generally requires fewer changes to various components of PKI
   ecosystems, many of which are not prepared to deal with two keys or
   dual signatures.  To them, a "composite" algorithm composed of two
   other algorithms is simply a new algorithm, and support for adding
   new algorithms generally already exists.  All that needs to be done
   is to standardize the formats of how the two keys from the two
   algorithms are combined into a single data structure, and how the two
   resulting signatures are combined into a single signature.  The
   answer can be as simple as concatenation, if the lengths are fixed or
   easily determined.

   One last consideration is the pairs of algorithms that can be
   combined.  A recent trends in protocols is to only allow a small
   number of "known good" configurations that make sense, instead of
   allowing arbitrary combinations of individual configuration choices
   that may interact in dangerous ways.  The current consensus is that
   the same approach should be followed for combining cryptographic
   algorithms, and that "known good" pairs should be explicitly listed
   ("explicit composite"), instead of just allowing arbitrary
   combinations of any two crypto algorithms ("generic composite").

   The same considerations apply when using multiple certificates to
   transport a pair of related keys for the same subject.  Exactly how
   two certificates should be managed in order to avoid some of the
   pitfalls mentioned above is still an active area of investigation.

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   Using two certificates keeps the certificate tooling simple and
   straightforward, but in the end simply moves the problems with
   requiring that both certs are intended to be used as a pair, and both
   must validate, to the certificate management layer, where they still
   need to be addressed.

   At least one scheme has been proposed that allows the pair of
   certificates to exist as a single certificate when being issued and
   managed, but dynamically split into individual certificates when
   needed (

   Many of these points are still being actively explored and discussed,
   and the consensus may change over time.

15.  Security Considerations

15.1.  Cryptanalysis

   Classical cryptanalysis exploits weaknesses in algorithm design,
   mathematical vulnerabilities, or implementation flaws, whereas
   quantum cryptanalysis harnesses the power of CRQCs to solve specific
   mathematical problems more efficiently.  Both pose threats to the
   security of cryptographic algorithms, including those used in PQC.
   Developing and adopting new cryptographic algorithms resilient
   against these threats is crucial for ensuring long-term security in
   the face of advancing cryptanalysis techniques.  Recent attacks on
   the side-channel implementations using deep learning based power
   analysis have also shown that one needs to be cautious while
   implementing the required PQC algorithms in hardware.  Two of the
   most recent works include: one attack on Kyber [KyberSide] and one
   attack on Saber [SaberSide].  Evolving threat landscape points to the
   fact that lattice based cryptography is indeed more vulnerable to
   side-channel attacks as in [SideCh], [LatticeSide].  Consequently,
   there were some mitigation techniques for side channel attacks that
   have been proposed as in [Mitigate1], [Mitigate2], and [Mitigate3].

15.2.  Cryptographic Agility

   Cryptographic agility is relevant for both classical and quantum
   cryptanalysis as it enables organizations to adapt to emerging
   threats, adopt stronger algorithms, comply with standards, and plan
   for long-term security in the face of evolving cryptanalytic
   techniques and the advent of CRQCs.  Several PQC schemes are
   available that need to be tested; cryptography experts around the
   world are pushing for the best possible solutions, and the first
   standards that will ease the introduction of PQC are being prepared.
   It is of paramount importance and a call for imminent action for

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   organizations, bodies, and enterprises to start evaluating their
   cryptographic agility, assess the complexity of implementing PQC into
   their products, processes, and systems, and develop a migration plan
   that achieves their security goals to the best possible extent.

15.3.  Hybrid Key Exchange : Bridging the Gap Between Post-Quantum and
       Traditional Cryptography

   Post-quantum algorithms selected for standardization are relatively
   new and they they have not been subject to the same depth of study as
   traditional algorithms.  In addition, certain deployments may need to
   retain traditional algorithms due to regulatory constraints, for
   example FIPS compliance.  Hybrid key exchange enables potential
   security against "Harvest Now, Decrypt Later" attack while not fully
   abandoning traditional cryptosystems.

16.  Further Reading & Resources

16.1.  Reading List

   (A reading list.  Serious Cryptography (
   seriouscrypto).  Pointers to PQC sites with good explanations.  List
   of reasonable Wikipedia pages.)

16.2.  Developer Resources

   *  Open Quantum Safe ( and corresponding
      github (

17.  Contributors

   The following individuals have contributed to this document:

   Kris Kwiatkowski

   PQShield, LTD

   United Kingdom.


   It leverages text from
   for-engineers/blob/main/  Thanks to Dan Wing,
   Florence D, Thom Wiggers, Sophia Grundner-Culemann, Sofia Celi,
   Melchior Aelmans, and Falko Strenzke for the discussion, review and

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Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8391]  Huelsing, A., Butin, D., Gazdag, S., Rijneveld, J., and A.
              Mohaisen, "XMSS: eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme",
              RFC 8391, DOI 10.17487/RFC8391, May 2018,

   [RFC8554]  McGrew, D., Curcio, M., and S. Fluhrer, "Leighton-Micali
              Hash-Based Signatures", RFC 8554, DOI 10.17487/RFC8554,
              April 2019, <>.

Informative References

   [BHK09]    "Subtleties in the Definition of IND-CCA: When and How
              Should Challenge-Decryption be Disallowed?",

              "NIST’s pleasant post-quantum surprise",

   [CNSA2-0]  "Announcing the Commercial National Security Algorithm
              Suite 2.0", <

   [CS01]     "Design and Analysis of Practical Public-Key Encryption
              Schemes Secure against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack",

              "Cryptographic Suite for Algebraic Lattices (CRYSTALS) -

   [Falcon]   "Fast Fourier lattice-based compact signatures over NTRU",

Banerjee, et al.        Expires 11 February 2024               [Page 27]
Internet-Draft              PQC for Engineers                August 2023

   [GMR88]    "A digital signature scheme secure against adaptive
              chosen-message attacks.",

   [Google]   "Quantum Supremacy Using a Programmable Superconducting
              Processor", <

              "C. Zalka, “Grover’s quantum searching algorithm is
              optimal,” Physical Review A, vol. 60, pp. 2746-2751,

              Prorock, M., Steele, O., Misoczki, R., Osborne, M., and C.
              Cloostermans, "JOSE and COSE Encoding for SPHINCS+", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-cose-sphincs-plus-
              01, 9 July 2023, <

              Becker, A., Guthrie, R., and M. J. Jenkins, "Related
              Certificates for Use in Multiple Authentications within a
              Protocol", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              lamps-cert-binding-for-multi-auth-01, 26 June 2023,

              Housley, R., Fluhrer, S., Kampanakis, P., and B.
              Westerbaan, "Use of the SPHINCS+ Signature Algorithm in
              the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lamps-cms-sphincs-plus-02, 17
              May 2023, <

              Massimo, J., Kampanakis, P., Turner, S., and B.
              Westerbaan, "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure:
              Algorithm Identifiers for Dilithium", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lamps-dilithium-certificates-
              02, 7 August 2023, <

Banerjee, et al.        Expires 11 February 2024               [Page 28]
Internet-Draft              PQC for Engineers                August 2023

              D, F., "Terminology for Post-Quantum Traditional Hybrid
              Schemes", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              pquip-pqt-hybrid-terminology-00, 4 May 2023,

              Stebila, D., Fluhrer, S., and S. Gueron, "Hybrid key
              exchange in TLS 1.3", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design-06, 27 February 2023,

              Ounsworth, M., Gray, J., Pala, M., and J. Klaußner,
              "Composite Public and Private Keys For Use In Internet
              PKI", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ounsworth-
              pq-composite-keys-05, 29 May 2023,

              Westerbaan, B. and C. A. Wood, "X25519Kyber768Draft00
              hybrid post-quantum KEM for HPKE", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-westerbaan-cfrg-hpke-xyber768d00-02,
              4 May 2023, <

   [IBM]      "IBM Unveils 400 Qubit-Plus Quantum Processor and Next-
              Generation IBM Quantum System Two",

              "The IBM Quantum Development Roadmap",

              "A Side-Channel Attack on a Hardware Implementation of
              CRYSTALS-Kyber", <>.

              "Decryption Failure Attacks on IND-CCA Secure Lattice-
              Based Schemes", <

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Internet-Draft              PQC for Engineers                August 2023

              "(One) Failure Is Not an Option: Bootstrapping the Search
              for Failures in Lattice-Based Encryption Schemes.",

              "Generic Side-channel attacks on CCA-secure lattice-based
              PKE and KEM schemes", <>.

              "POLKA: Towards Leakage-Resistant Post-Quantum CCA-Secure
              Public Key Encryption",

              "Leakage-Resilient Certificate-Based Authenticated Key
              Exchange Protocol",

              "Post-Quantum Authenticated Encryption against Chosen-
              Ciphertext Side-Channel Attacks",

   [NIST]     "Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization",

   [Nokia]    "Interference Measurements of Non-Abelian e/4 & Abelian
              e/2 Quasiparticle Braiding",

   [PQCAPI]   "PQC - API notes",

   [QC-DNS]   "Quantum Computing and the DNS",

   [RFC4033]  Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S.
              Rose, "DNS Security Introduction and Requirements",
              RFC 4033, DOI 10.17487/RFC4033, March 2005,

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Internet-Draft              PQC for Engineers                August 2023

   [RFC6090]  McGrew, D., Igoe, K., and M. Salter, "Fundamental Elliptic
              Curve Cryptography Algorithms", RFC 6090,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6090, February 2011,

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

   [RFC9180]  Barnes, R., Bhargavan, K., Lipp, B., and C. Wood, "Hybrid
              Public Key Encryption", RFC 9180, DOI 10.17487/RFC9180,
              February 2022, <>.

   [RFC9370]  Tjhai, CJ., Tomlinson, M., Bartlett, G., Fluhrer, S., Van
              Geest, D., Garcia-Morchon, O., and V. Smyslov, "Multiple
              Key Exchanges in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol
              Version 2 (IKEv2)", RFC 9370, DOI 10.17487/RFC9370, May
              2023, <>.

   [RSA]      "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key

   [RSA10SC]  "Breaking RSA Encryption - an Update on the State-of-the-
              Art", <

   [RSA8HRS]  "How to factor 2048 bit RSA integers in 8 hours using 20
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              "A side-channel attack on a masked and shuffled software
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   [SideCh]   "Side-Channel Attacks on Lattice-Based KEMs Are Not
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   [SPHINCS]  "SPHINCS+", <>.

              "Quantum Threat Timeline Report 2020",

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Authors' Addresses

   Aritra Banerjee

   Tirumaleswar Reddy

   Dimitrios Schoinianakis

   Timothy Hollebeek
   United States of America

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