Internet DRAFT - draft-aw-metaverse-icn


Network Working Group                                        C. Westphal
Internet-Draft                                                 Futurewei
Intended status: Informational                                 H. Asaeda
Expires: 25 April 2024                                              NICT
                                                            October 2023

              Metaverse and ICN: Challenges and Use Cases


   This document considers some challenges for ICN support of Metaverse-
   type applications from a networking perspective.  Also, one use case
   is presented to promote one of our future visions.

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 3 April 2024.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Definitions and Acronyms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Metaverse Definition and Use Cases  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  Definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.2.  Taxonomy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  ICN Challenges  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  Metaverse Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  Centralization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.3.  Interoperability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.1.  Moonshot Project  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   9.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   10. Informative References (TBD)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11

1.  Introduction

   The experience of a virtual world, simulated online, with
   interactions with other people distributed over the real, physical
   world, is close to being supported by networking technologies in the
   near future.  It is widely believed 6G networks will support enough
   bandwidth and short enough RTTs to enable such Metaverse

   However, there are challenges to deploy this type of application at
   scale, due to their distributed and shared nature.  A Metaverse
   application will combine the properties of several existing
   applications: the rendering of a virtual world on a display (either a
   screen or a head-mounted display) draws similarity from streaming a
   video (albeit with additional requirements); the interactions between
   the users are related to social media as well as to video-

   While the Metaverse application has different requirements from
   social media, video streaming or video-conferencing, it inherits some
   of their properties.  In a Metaverse, two people can isolate in a
   room and draw on a board to recreate a Zoom call with avatars.  And
   indeed, this type of collaboration is one of the potential use cases
   brought forward by the Meta company.  People would be connected with
   their friends, and could grant access to their virtual world based
   upon social connections.  And a virtual world could be imagined that
   recreates the design look and feel, the architecture of a movie, be
   it that of a dark Gotham or the Paris of Amelie.

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   Since applications such as video streaming, video conference, or
   social media sharing have been considered as potential use cases for
   ICN architecture, it seems natural to investigate if such
   architecture would benefit the Metaverse use case.

   This document attempts to define the framework for such an
   investigation, from a networking perspective.  This is similar to
   RFC7933 which considers the interaction of ICN with adaptive video

2.  Definitions and Acronyms


3.  Metaverse Definition and Use Cases

   First we need to define what we mean by "metaverse" and introduce
   some taxonomy to help us refine the architectural requirements of
   such an application.

3.1.  Definition

   We present here three definitions.  We do not settle on one specific
   definition, as it is not our scope to offer a definitive definition
   of the metaverse, or to settle any debate about what is/what isn't a
   metaverse.  Rather we see in the different definitions a different
   set of implications for the design of the application.

   Defnition #1: “a 3D virtual shared world where all activities can be
   carried out with the help of augmented and virtual reality services”
   (Damar 2021)

   Definition #2: “an integrated immersive ecosystem where the barriers
   between the virtual and real worlds are seamless to users, allowing
   the use of avatars and holograms to work, interact and socialize with
   simulated shared experience” (Meta 2022)

   Definition #3: “the next generation Internet that is always real-time
   and mostly 3d, mostly interactive, mostly social and mostly
   persistent” (John Riccitiello)

   Note that the first definition is an extension of an AR/VR framework;
   the second definition includes an ecosystem, which assumes a set of
   API to integrate multiple elements into the ecosystem; the last
   definition views the metaverse as the replacement of the Internet,
   that is a global scale infrastructure that supports an unlimited
   range of applications and functions, with a requirement of
   persistence for each end user's application states.

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3.2.  Taxonomy

   As with the definition of the metaverse, we can try to better define
   what a metaverse is by way of a taxonomy that differentiates
   according to different criteria.  Depending on where the metaverse
   application falls within these criteria will have an impact on the
   architectural design, to some extent, as well as the design and user
   experience of the application itself.

   The dimensions that we consider are listed below.  This list is
   inspired by [dwivedi2022] but includes additional dimensions.

      Environment: the environment can be realistic, unrealistic, fused;
      the more realistic (or detailed) the more bandwidth is required;
      conversely, some unrealistic environment can be generated and
      rendered from some basic models that can be distributed ahead of
      time.  Part of the environment is also if it is generated anew or
      permanent.  In the latter case, it can be cached at the edge or on
      the device.

      Interface: the environment can be interacted with through an
      interface that ranges from a simple phone screen to a 3D head-
      mounted display (HMD), from a window into the virtual world into
      an immersive experience; other physical methods to interface the
      virtual environment (such as haptics) can be included as well.
      Multi-modal interfaces would require synchronizing multiple
      datastreams, such as audio-channel, video-channel, haptic feedback
      channel, etc.  This could be an application-layer issue, or a
      network-layer issue.  The interaction with the interface will
      occur at different timescales.  Some timescales are below the RTT
      achievable by any general multi-hop technology (e.g. head
      tracking, eye tracking, possibly hand tracking).  Others are RTT
      constrained by propagation latency over even modest distances
      (e.g. multiple milliseconds to even a local base station on a
      cellular network).  Still others are constrained by factors like
      audio and video lag to 100–200ms at best.  Some are constrained by
      user QoE expectations (e.g. transaction delay), and yet others are
      explicitly non-interactive and intentionally time decoupled.  All
      of these can exist simultaneously in a rich Metaverse

      Interaction: the level of interaction can be specific to the
      virtual environment.  It can be in one extreme a solitary
      experience (such as playing game against a computer) and extend to
      social networking, and/or work collaboration.  The granularity of
      the interaction also impacts the infrastructure requirements.

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      Security: it is paramount to protect the security and privacy of
      the experience.  This includes data security, privacy,
      software/hardware/network security.  Further, the granularity of
      the security may include several layers, as for instance, only a
      given set of participants can access a given shared metaverse; and
      within this metaverse, only a subset can have access to objects or
      rooms within.  Meta-data needs to be protected, independently of
      any ability to participate.

      Centralization: this is not a characteristic of the metaverse
      itself, rather a design choice on how to deploy such an
      application over some infrastructure.  A logical administrative
      centralization is assumed, to ensure some global properties (say
      globally unique identities).  However, the technical
      implementation will have to decide some trade-off between
      centralized vs distributed.  This choice has an impact on the
      infrastructure and needs to be considered.  Centralization of the
      metaverse, by hosting it on a specific set of servers and have
      clients connect to these servers, facilitates some aspects of the
      metaverse: for instance, it requires N connections (at the
      transport layer for an active session) between a client and a
      centralized server, where N is the number of users (clients); such
      centralization facilitate access controls, as per the "security"
      item above.  It also facilitate the management of the user state.
      A fully distributed architecture that is fully meshed would
      require N^2 (potentially multicast) connections (for active
      sessions); further, these connections would need to be time-
      synchronized.  However, the latency of a direct path would be
      faster than a triangular routing through a central server
      (depending on the respective positions of the participants within
      the network topology), and therefore the interactions could be

   This list may be modified with other important dimensions based upon
   further discussion.

4.  ICN Challenges

   ICN Challenges for the Metaverse

   ICN (cf [ahlgren2012survey] for a survey) is a novel network
   architecture that considers objects as the organizationary principle
   for the network infrastructure.  Instead of connecting to a server,
   ICN attempts to dissociate the objects from the server that could be
   hosting them, and attempts to route requests for an object directly
   to that object, rather than to a server that contains that object.

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   From the infrastructure perspective, a metaverse would be a
   distributed system that shares content in real time on a massive
   global scale, with some QoE requirements for the users, and in a
   secure way with complex ownership/access privileges/management of
   trust.  This is exactly the type of problem that ICN sets out to

   ICN has nice properties for fetching objects.  In the case of
   Adaptive Video streaming, where a video stream is decomposed into
   chunks that correspond to a resolution and a time segment of the
   original video, fetching these objects directly is attractive.
   Popular videos will be distributed throughout the network, and
   therefore, can be encountered before getting it from a high level
   cache or an origin server.

   RFC7933 considered the challenges of using ICN for video streaming
   and immersive streaming applications.  The objective of this document
   is to similarly consider the impact of ICN on multiverse
   applications, and conversely, the requirements of multiverse
   applications on ICN architectures.

   Some of the points discussed in RFC7933 can be straightforwardly
   mapped from video streaming to metaverse applications.  For instance,
   the interactions of video streaming and ICN maps to interactions of
   metaverse applications on ICN; the integration of video streaming and
   ICN similarly maps to a possible integration of metaverse application
   with ICN.  Encodings are also relevant in both contexts.

   RFC7933 also discusses P2P video distribution, which could be map to
   a distributed embodiment of the metaverse.  IPTV in RFC7933 brings up
   issues of multipath and multicast transport.  Finally, digital rights
   management translate into how to manage access in the metaverse.

   We can list some of the research challenges for the Metaverse in ICN:
   scalability; privacy/trust/security.  Low-latency would be required
   for such an interactive real-time application.  As a corollary, high
   precision transport layer, such as DetNet or any transport layer
   providing some latency guarantees, could be an interesting challenge.

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   Machine learning could help with identifying behaviors within a
   Metaverse to allow better operations (say by filtering out data that
   is unlikely to be consumed, or by pre-fetching data that is likely to
   be consumed; or by anticipating users' behavior).  ML can be used to
   optimize various aspects of the system at multiple layers, and where
   both training and inference operations happen.  Particularly for
   processing input video (as opposed to streaming it out), the
   placement of the computations strongly affect what the feasible
   topologies and deployment options are.  There are of course also
   strong interactions with security and privacy.

   One important question is the benefit overall of ICN for such an
   application in terms of sustainability.  Is an ICN-supported
   Metaverse greener or more energy efficient than legacy applications?

   Some other challenges are detailed a bit more in the following

4.1.  Metaverse Objects

   Objects in the metaverse have different properties than for typical
   ICN objects.  Usually, as is the case in video streaming, an ICN
   object is fetched as part of a group of objects.  The application
   layer then uses it as it chooses.  A content owner provides keys for
   the user to access/decrypt the data.

   It sees the metaverse semantics impose other requirements on the
   objects.  In particular, the content ownership is more diffuse.
   There are several layers into it, with different access rules.

   For instance, in a virtual world, there is a provider of a virtual
   world service, that would own objects pertaining to that virtual
   world infrastructure; this world is populated by people/avatars and
   objects that may want to control to whom they are visible; then they
   can use/create/purchase/sell virtual objects, granting new set of
   permissions to another layer of data.

   Permissions to view, use, operate, modify, take or remove a virtual
   object becomes a more complex operation than just setting access
   rights.  Then meta-data should be associated with virtual objects to
   keep track of events, accounting, transactions, etc, associated with
   that virtual object.

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   Data pertaining to a virtual world could be collected into a
   (potentially supercharged) FLIC collection, or grouped together using
   some form of manifest (similar to that used by DASH video streaming
   for instance).  Other data however would need to perform several
   level of access controls; how to represent and organize such
   ownership levels, especially in a distributed manner, seems like an
   interesting challenge for ICN.

4.2.  Centralization

   Centralization vs Distributed is one of the dimensions in the
   taxonomy discussed above.  If the metaverse is implemented as an
   application overlay, then it can be easily centralized.  However, if
   the goal to to embed metaverse support into the network, then a
   decentralized implementation may be necessary.

   An application overlay could be distributed, as with current CDNs for
   instance; or a network function could be centralized, as with SDN.
   Finding the right balance is an open challenge.

   A hierarchical structure would be required to support the scale of
   such application.  This yields questions and challenges regarding
   edge nodes running independently; or whether a part of the metaverse
   can keep running if disconnected from a central authority.

   ICN decouples objects from the origin server.  This is a step towards
   running a metaverse independently of a centralized server; however,
   can the whole application be decoupled from an origin server?  The
   challenge would be to run Named Function Networking services for such
   an application.

4.3.  Interoperability

   A metaverse should interoperate along multiple dimensions.  John
   Radoff lists as domains of interoperability: connectivity
   (networking, communications); persistence (identity, ownership,
   accounting, history); presentation (graphics models, physical
   properties); meaning (metadata, semantics, ontologies); behavior
   (rules, economies, consequences, power).

   This documents focuses only on the lower layer, connectivity.  One
   key issue is to propose a common framework in ICN that would support
   interoperability for communications.

5.  Use Cases

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5.1.  Moonshot Project

   Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) has launched a project,
   Moonshot Research and Development Program [Moonshot] (called Moonshot
   program, hereafter).  The Moonshot program tackles important social
   issues, global climate change and extreme natural disasters, the
   Moonshot program is pursuing disruptive innovations in Japan and
   promoting challenging research and development based on revolutionary
   concepts.  In one of the goals of the Moonshot program, one concrete
   research target is defined, which is "Reliability-ensuring cybernetic
   avatar infrastructure allowing interactive teleoperation
   [Moonshot.TG]".  This research target consists of several sub-
   projects, such as "Development of Smart Spot Cell", "Local Network
   Intelligentization Algorithms", and "Reliable low-latency
   communications leveraged by information-centric networking

   "Reliable low-latency communications leveraged by information-centric
   networking technology" will be conducted research and development of
   ICNx, which is an extension/enhancement of ICN.  ICNx realizes highly
   reliable, low-latency, and highly efficient communications between
   humans (i.e., operators) and Cybernetic Avatars (CAs) over the wired
   and wireless networks.  ICNx uses content identifiers (e.g., content
   names) for communication, exchanges data without relying on the
   locations of servers or clouds, and enables multicast that copies and
   transfers data within the network.  It also provides a connectionless
   transport that improves throughput while suppressing congestion and a
   user-driven many-to-many multicast (M × N communication) that
   performs data transfer and sharing between multiple users and
   multiple CAs.

   ICNx is a communication network architecture that provides
   interactive communications with the data transfer throughput of 100
   Mbps and latency of 100 ms or lower, which are the requirements for a
   smooth communication between humans and CAs, in the condition that
   underlying wired and wireless networks have enough bandwidth.  In
   order to achieve highly reliable communication, they will develop a
   mechanism to compensate for any data loss by transferring redundant
   data according to the network conditions and potentially considering
   advanced methods using network coding.  To realize and verify the
   proposed technology, they will develop an ICNx communication platform
   using open-source software, called Cefore [Cefore].  Cefore complies
   with CCNx version 1 protocol messages specified in RFCs 8569
   [RFC8569] and 8609 [RFC8609] published by the IRTF ICN Research
   Group, and runs on Linux (Ubuntu), macOS, and Raspberry Pi OS.  In
   this project, they will develop an ICNx communication platform using
   Cefore, as well as Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for ICNx

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6.  Conclusions

   This document attempts to present some of the challenges of
   supporting a Metaverse application within an ICN architecture.  We
   presented a taxonomy and listed some of the challenges.  This is an
   initial draft to initiate a discussion with the ICNRG.

7.  IANA Considerations

   This document does not have any IANA requests.

8.  Security Considerations

   No particular security considerations at this point.

9.  Acknowledgments

   We thank Dave Oran for providing valuable comments on an earlier
   version of this document.

10.  Informative References (TBD)

              Ahlgren, B., Dannewitz, C., Imbrenda, C., Kutscher, D.,
              and B. Ohlman, "A survey of information-centric
              networking", IEEE Communications Magazine Vol.50 No.7,

   [Cefore]   "Cefore Home Page", <>.

              al, Y. K. D. E., "Metaverse beyond the hype:
              Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges,
              opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and
              policy", (Elsevier) International Journal of Information
              Management Vol. 66, Oct 2022, 2022.

   [Moonshot] "Realization of a society in which human beings can be
              free from limitations of body, brain, space, and time by
              2050.", <>.

              "Reliability-ensuring cybernetic avatar infrastructure
              allowing interactive teleoperation",

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   [RFC7933]  Westphal, C., Ed., Lederer, S., Posch, D., Timmerer, C.,
              Azgin, A., Liu, W., Mueller, C., Detti, A., Corujo, D.,
              Wang, J., Montpetit, M., and N. Murray, "Adaptive Video
              Streaming over Information-Centric Networking (ICN)",
              RFC 7933, DOI 10.17487/RFC7933, August 2016,

   [RFC8569]  Mosko, M., Solis, I., and C. Wood, "CCNx Semantics",
              RFC 8569, July 2019,

   [RFC8609]  Mosko, M., Solis, I., and C. Wood, "CCNx Messages in TLV
              Format", RFC 8609, July 2019,

Authors' Addresses

   Cedric Westphal

   Hitoshi Asaeda
   National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
   4-2-1 Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei,
   Tokyo 184-8795

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