Internet DRAFT - draft-bagnulo-congress-cci


Network Working Group                                         M. Bagnulo
Internet-Draft                                                      UC3M
Intended status: Informational                             6 August 2023
Expires: 7 February 2024

                     Congestion Control Invariants


   This document initiates the discussion about Congestion Control
   Invariants, that is, mechanisms that several CCAs implement and that
   would benefit from a common specification for all CCAs to improve
   their interoperability

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 7 February 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Periodic Slow Down Invariant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       1.1.1.  Motivation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       1.1.2.  Proposed invariant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     1.2.  Other potential invariants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   2.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   3.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   5.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7

1.  Introduction

   Over the last decade, we have witnessed a refreshing spring in
   congestion control research, resulting in a number of novel
   congestion control algorithms (CCAs).  Indeed, in addition to the
   traditional congestion control algorithms such as New Reno and Cubic,
   we can now observe in that at least, the following algorithms are
   being used in parts of the Internet:

      BBR (Bottleneck Bandwidth and Round-trip propagation time)
      [I-D.cardwell-iccrg-bbr-congestion-control] is a model-based
      congestion control algorithm that attempts to improve the
      performance of Internet communications by reducing the delay (when
      bottleneck buffers are large) and increase the throughput (when
      bottleneck buffers are small).

      LEDBAT/LEDBAT++ (Low Extra Delay Background Transport)
      )[I-D.irtf-iccrg-ledbat-plus-plus] is a CCA that implements a
      less-than-best-effort (LBE) traffic class.  When LEDBAT()++)
      traffic shares a bottleneck with one or more TCP connections using
      Cubic or other loss-based congestion control algorithms, it
      reduces its sending rate earlier and more aggressively than
      competing flows, allowing Cubic traffic to use more of the
      available capacity.

      DCTCP (Data-Center TCP) [I-D.ietf-tcpm-dctcp] is a CCA developed
      by Microsoft to reduce the latency for data center communications.
      DCTCP relies on AccECN to quantify the amount of inflight traffic
      that is experiencing congestion and reduced the sending rate
      accordingly.  This allows DCTCP to operate with small queues,
      oscillating around the optimal operation point. while DCTP was
      originally designed for its use within data center networks, the
      L4S (Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput) architecture
      extends the use of DCTCP to the Internet.

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      MPTCP (MultiPath TCP) [RFC8684] is an extension to TCP to support
      multiple concurrent paths in a single TCP connection.  MPTCP
      includes a novel CCA that allows the coupling of the CCAs used in
      the different paths [RFC6356].  Through the coupled CCA, MPTCP
      manages to offload traffic from paths that are experiencing
      congestion towards path that are less congested.

   The adoption of the aforementioned CCA has not been uneventful.  The
   roll-outs of some CCA have been problematic
   [_10.1145_3355369.3355604] than others.  Specifically, the wide
   deployment of BBR(v1) attracted a fair amount of attention due to the
   (un)fairness issues that arise when BBR(v1) competes against legacy
   CCAs such as Cubic and New Reno . As it has been repeatedly reported,
   BBR(v1) does not react to packet losses, which results in large
   packet loss rate for itself and other competing flows using
   alternative CCAs.  Since other CCAs (such as Cubic) do react to
   packet losses, this BBR(v1) behaviour resulted in BBR(v1) seizing
   more than its fair share of capacity when competing with CCAs that do
   react against packet losses. these fairness issues are now being
   corrected with the new version of BBR (BBRv2) and also triggered the
   community to re-think the fairness requirements imposed to novel CCAs
   in order to be deployed in the public Internet.

   In this note, we focus in a different aspect of the interaction
   between different CCAs.  Specifically, we posit that several of these
   CCAs implement similar functionalities in different ways which pose
   challenges to the correct interaction between these CCAs.  The goal
   of this note is to initiate a line of research to identify potential
   invariants in CCAs, meaning, mechanisms that several CCAs implement
   and that would benefit from a common specification for all CCAs to
   improve their interoperability.  Such standardised mechanisms could
   serve as building blocks for novel CCAs, so that when a new CCA needs
   to implement one of such functions, it re-uses the specified building
   block, rather than re-inventing it.  To bootstrap the proposed work,
   we motivate and propose a first Congestion Control algorithm
   Invariant (CC), namely, periodic slow downs.

1.1.  Periodic Slow Down Invariant

1.1.1.  Motivation

   Both BBR and LEDBAT++ estimate the base RTT as part of their
   operations.  The base RTT is the RTT in the absence of queueing
   delay, which means it is the minimum RTT observable in a given path.
   LEDBAT++ uses the base RTT to determine the current queuing delay,
   which is computed as the difference between the current RTT and the
   base RTT.  BBR uses the base RTT to determine the Bandwidth Delay
   Product (BDP) which affects the flight-size a flow is able to inject

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   in the network.

   In order to have visibility of the base RTT, both protocols perform
   periodic slow downs as an attempt to empty the queues and expose the
   base RTT.  Because there may be multiple flows contributing to the
   queue, both protocols include some form of synchronisation logic,
   that allows multiple competing flows to slow down at the same time,
   increasing the chances to empty the queue and expose the base RTT.
   While both protocols implement the periodic slow down, the actual
   implementation details differ.

   In the case of LEDBAT++, it performs a slow-start increase at the
   beginning of the connection.  Then, LEDBAT++ executes periodic slow-
   downs to obtain more accurate measurements of the base RTT.
   Specifically LEDBAT++ sets the Congestion Window (CW) to 2 MSS during
   2 RTTs and then performs a slow-start increase back to the value that
   it was using before the periodic decrease.  An initial slow-down is
   performed 2 RTTs after exiting the initial slow-start.  This process
   is performed periodically.  If we call Tss the time that it takes for
   the slow-start to ramp back up, then LEDBAT++ performs the next
   periodic slow down after a period equal to 9Tss.

   This mechanism effectively empties the queue when there is a single
   LEDBAT++ flow contributing to the queue (i.e. there is no other
   traffic, LEDBAT++ or otherwise).  If there are other competing
   LEDBAT++ flows, this mechanism, albeit counter-intuitively, actually
   works.  Where there is a single flow int he bottleneck and it is
   using LEDBAT++, it will correctly estimate the base RTT.  If later
   on, another LEDBAT++ joins, the base RTT measured will include the
   added queueing delay T generated by the previous flow.  This will
   trigger than the second flow will attempt to generate an additional
   queueing delay T on top of that, outcasting the first flow.  This is
   called late-comer advantage and has been documented extensively
   [_10.1145_3355369.3355604].  At this point, only the second flow
   prevails.  This is when the initial slow down of the second flow
   kicks in.  Since the second flow has outcasted the first flow, when
   the second flow slows down, it exposes the base RTT.

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   In the base of BBRv1, if during the last 10s, a BBRv1 flow has not
   observed an RTT smaller than its current estimation of the base RTT
   (called RTprop), BBRv1 enters in the ProbeRTT state, reducing the
   inflight to only 4 packets during at least 200 ms and one RTT.
   RTprop is set to the minimum RTT observed during the last 10 s.  This
   mechanism naturally embeds synchronisation of slow-downs across
   multiple flows.  Suppose there are N uncoordinated BBRv1 flows
   competing in the bottleneck.  When the first one of them performs a
   slow down, it is likely that the rest of the flows record a minimum
   value for the RTT, which would likely cause than the next slow down
   will occurs 10 s after this for all flows.

   We have described how both LEDBAT++ and BBRv1 periodic slow down
   mechanism work when there are multiple LEDBAT++/BBRv1 flows
   respectively.  We next consider how the slow down mechanism perform
   when there is a mix of BBRv1 and LEDBAT++ flows.  Based on the logic
   of each of the mechanisms, we can easily conclude that will not
   synchronise their slow downs.  The reason for this is that the period
   of the slowdowns does not match.  In the case of BBR is a fixed
   period of 10 s, while in the LEDBAT++ case, the period depends both
   on the RTT and in the targeted CW.  This lack of synchronisation has
   been verified experimentally in [COMNET].

1.1.2.  Proposed invariant

   Having two CCAs such as LEDBAT++ and BBR implementing two different
   slow down mechanisms is clearly counterproductive, since neither of
   them is able to perform concurrently and expose the base RTT when
   there is a mix of both types of flows competing in a bottleneck.
   Having a single slow down mechanism standardised that should be used
   as a building block by every CCA that requires a periodic slow down
   mechanism would naturally bring interoperability between the
   different CCAs, avoiding interference when they need to expose and
   measure the base RTT.

   Regarding the specific mechanism, we believe that the one specified
   by BBR has merits over the one of LEDBAT++. Specifically, the one
   specified by BBR is able to synchronise the slowdowns of multiple
   flows, which seems challenging for the LEDBAT++ mechanism, especially
   when the different flows have different characteristics. for
   instance, if there are different LEDBAT++ flows with different RTTs
   competing in the same bottleneck, the periods of the slow downs of
   the different flows is likely to be different as the Tss for each
   flow will be different (because the RTTs are different).

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1.2.  Other potential invariants

   As next steps, we propose to identify other potential invariants by
   identifying basic building blocks used in different CCAs and that if
   implemented in different ways would result in interference between
   the different flavours.

2.  Security Considerations

3.  IANA Considerations

4.  Acknowledgements

   This work was supported by the EU through the StandICT CCI project.

5.  Informative References

   [COMNET]   Bagnulo, M.B. and A.G. Garcia-Martinez, "When less is
              more: BBR versus LEDBAT++", Computer Networks Volume 219,

              Cardwell, N., Cheng, Y., Yeganeh, S. H., Swett, I., and V.
              Jacobson, "BBR Congestion Control", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-cardwell-iccrg-bbr-congestion-
              control-02, 7 March 2022,

              Bensley, S., Thaler, D., Balasubramanian, P., Eggert, L.,
              and G. Judd, "Data Center TCP (DCTCP): TCP Congestion
              Control for Data Centers", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-tcpm-dctcp-10, 28 August 2017,

              Balasubramanian, P., Ertugay, O., and D. Havey, "LEDBAT++:
              Congestion Control for Background Traffic", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-irtf-iccrg-ledbat-plus-
              plus-01, 25 August 2020,

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   [RFC6356]  Raiciu, C., Handley, M., and D. Wischik, "Coupled
              Congestion Control for Multipath Transport Protocols",
              RFC 6356, DOI 10.17487/RFC6356, October 2011,

   [RFC6817]  Shalunov, S., Hazel, G., Iyengar, J., and M. Kuehlewind,
              "Low Extra Delay Background Transport (LEDBAT)", RFC 6817,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6817, December 2012,

   [RFC8684]  Ford, A., Raiciu, C., Handley, M., Bonaventure, O., and C.
              Paasch, "TCP Extensions for Multipath Operation with
              Multiple Addresses", RFC 8684, DOI 10.17487/RFC8684, March
              2020, <>.

              Carofiglio, G., Muscariello, L., Rossi, D., Testa, C.,
              Valenti, S., and Elsevier BV, "Rethinking the Low Extra
              Delay Background Transport (LEDBAT) Protocol", Computer
              Networks, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 1838-1852,
              DOI 10.1016/j.comnet.2013.02.020, June 2013,

              Ware, R., Mukerjee, M. K., Seshan, S., Sherry, J., and
              ACM, "Modeling BBR's Interactions with Loss-Based
              Congestion Control", Proceedings of the Internet
              Measurement Conference, DOI 10.1145/3355369.3355604, 21
              October 2019, <>.

Author's Address

   Marcelo Bagnulo

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