Internet DRAFT - draft-baum-jmap-portability-guide


JMAP                                                      J.M. Baum, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                          H.J. Happel, Ed.
Intended status: Informational                                   audriga
Expires: 13 May 2024                                    10 November 2023

             JMAP Guide for Migration and Data Portability


   JMAP (RFC8620) is a generic, efficient, mobile friendly and scalable
   protocol that can be used for data of any type.  This makes it a good
   fit for migrations or data portability use cases.  However, due to
   its large set of features, it is also quite complex, which makes it
   difficult to explore new application domains in practice.  The goal
   of this document is to provide guidelines on implementing essential
   parts of JMAP for a much lower entry barrier and more efficient
   implementation of the protocol.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 13 May 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Conventions Used In This Document . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Outline on RFC8620 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.1.  Use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.2.  Session Resource  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.3.  Structured Data exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.4.  Standard Methods and Naming Convention  . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.5.  Binary Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Implementation Details  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Overview Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Implementation considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       3.2.1.  All use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       3.2.2.  Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       3.2.3.  Paging  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       3.2.4.  Dynamic Session Resource  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       3.2.5.  Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     3.3.  Recommended functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   4.  Security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   6.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   7.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

1.  Introduction

   JMAP [RFC8620] is designed to be a generic, efficient, mobile
   friendly and scalable protocol.  This comes with the cost of high
   complexity, even though this is necessary to meet JMAP's design

   Migration and data portability is about moving arbitrary user data
   between services.  JMAP is a particularly good fit for satisfying
   basic data portability requirements.  It can be used as an open
   protocol in front of an application service, exposing data of any
   kind.  However, implementing JMAP correctly can be complicated, which
   makes it difficult to explore new application domains in practice.

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   For basic data portability requirements, users need to be able to
   export their data from a product or import it into a product in real
   time.  Providers that want to support JMAP for their service to meet
   data portability requirements likely do not want to implement the
   full feature set that JMAP currently defines.  Currently, there is no
   guidance on how to implement only parts of RFC8620's features.

   This specification aims to provide guidance to identify essential
   parts of the JMAP spec for more rapid development.  For the sole
   purpose of providing very basic data portability, there is no need to
   implement all parts of the JMAP protocol.  In a second iteration
   developers could then extend upon this basic version of JMAP.

1.1.  Conventions Used In This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   The definitions of JSON keys and datatypes in the document follow the
   conventions described in the core JMAP specification [RFC8620].

2.  Outline on RFC8620 Features

2.1.  Use cases

   Not all features of [RFC8620] are required for basic data portability
   use cases.  This document focuses on three scenarios:

   *  JMAP Minimum: Minimal JMAP implementation possible to show what
      needs to be implemented at the very least.  In practice,
      applications will choose to implement more than this bare minimum
      as this alone most likely does not satisfy any use case for JMAP.
   *  Export use cases: Minimal implementation for exporting data from
      an application server.  A common scenario for data portability.
   *  Import use cases: Minimal implementation for importing data into
      an application server.  A common scenario for data portability.

2.2.  Session Resource

   For a lot of basic portability use cases for existing application
   services the following constraints are typically acceptable:

   *  A single user login is tied to a single user account (this is then
      also the primary account).

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   *  Shared data shall not be exposed over the API.  The API will only
      provide access to data owned by the current user.
   *  Each user has the same set of capabilities and restrictions (e.g.
   *  apiUrl, downloadUrl, uploadUrl and eventSourceUrl are the same for
      ever user.

   For use cases adhering to those restrictions, the session resource
   can be modeled as a simple JSON file that only contains constant
   values.  This JSON then specifies a single accountId which is then
   assigned the value "self".

2.3.  Structured Data exchange

   While batching improves performance considerably, it imposes
   additional implementation effort on developers.  It is not essential
   for portability and can be left out.

2.4.  Standard Methods and Naming Convention

   JMAP core defines 6 standard methods.  Not all JMAP Methods are
   required to provide essential portability.  For some use-cases where
   the data is expected to be small, */set* and */get* should be enough.
   In case a large amount of data shall be supported, paging can be
   achieved via the */query* method.  Note that some specifications
   require specific IDs for /get .

   */changes*, */copy* as well as */queryChanges* are not required as
   all data can already be imported and exported with above's three

2.5.  Binary Data

   The advanced Blob/copy method call is not essential.  Not all
   applications support attachments for their specific kind of data.
   Additionally, some data types allow having attachments as base64
   enconded strings inside a JMAP object.  In those cases, it is not
   required to implement a download or upload endpoint.

3.  Implementation Details

3.1.  Overview Tables

   Tables 1-4 list the required features for a minimal implementation of
   JMAP for Migration and Portability in more detail.  The next section
   provides more implementation considerations.  It references the three
   use cases defined in Section 2.1.  The value for each table cell
   details what is required at minimum for an implementation:

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   *  *-* : Not required
   *  *constant value(s)*: RFC 8620 requires that at least a constant
      value will be returned by an application
   *  *error response*: RFC 8620 requires that a minimal implementation
      emits an error response signalling that a feature is not supported
   *  *""*: Same as JMAP Minimum

    | JMAP Core     | JMAP     | JMAP Portability | JMAP Portability |
    | Feature       | Minium   | export use cases | import use cases |
    | Session       | constant | ""               | ""               |
    | Object        | values^1 |                  |                  |
    | Service       | -        | ""               | ""               |
    | Autodiscovery |          |                  |                  |

       Table 1: Session Object features essential for Migration and
                          Portability use cases

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     | JMAP Core Feature | JMAP     | JMAP Portability | JMAP        |
     |                   | Minimum  | export use cases | Portability |
     |                   |          |                  | import use  |
     |                   |          |                  | cases       |
     | Invocation (all   | required | ""               | ""          |
     | properties)       |          |                  |             |
     | Request (using)   | required | ""               | ""          |
     | Request           | required | ""               | ""          |
     | (methodCalls)     |          |                  |             |
     | Request           | -        | ""               | ""          |
     | (createdIds)      |          |                  |             |
     | Response          | required | ""               | ""          |
     | (methodResponses) |          |                  |             |
     | Response          | -        | ""               | ""          |
     | (createdIds)      |          |                  |             |
     | Response          | constant | ""               | ""          |
     | (sessionState)    | value    |                  |             |
     | Errors            | required | ""               | ""          |
     | References to     | -        | ""               | ""          |
     | Previous Method   |          |                  |             |
     | Results           |          |                  |             |
     | Localisation of   | -        | ""               | ""          |
     | User-Visible      |          |                  |             |
     | String            |          |                  |             |

          Table 2: Structured Data Exchange features essential for
                    Migration and Portability use cases

   | JMAP Core Feature     | JMAP     | JMAP             | JMAP        |
   |                       | Minimum  | Portability      | Portability |
   |                       |          | export use       | import use  |
   |                       |          | cases            | cases       |
   | Core/echo             | required | ""               | ""          |

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   | /get method Request   | error    | required         | ""          |
   |                       | response |                  |             |
   | /get method Request   | -        | constant         | ""          |
   | (accountId)           |          | value^1          |             |
   | /get method Request   | -        | error response,  | ""          |
   | (ids)                 |          | required for     |             |
   |                       |          | listing/         |             |
   |                       |          | paging^2         |             |
   | /get method Request   | -        | error response   | ""          |
   | (properties)          |          |                  |             |
   | /get method Response  | -        | required         | ""          |
   | /get method Response  | -        | constant         | ""          |
   | (accountId)           |          | value^1          |             |
   | /get method Response  | -        | constant value   | ""          |
   | (state)               |          |                  |             |
   | /get method Response  | -        | required         | ""          |
   | (list)                |          |                  |             |
   | /get method Response  | -        | constant value,  | ""          |
   | (notFound)            |          | required for     |             |
   |                       |          | listing/         |             |
   |                       |          | paging^2         |             |
   | /changes method       | error    | ""               | ""          |
   | (full)                | response |                  |             |
   | /set method Request   | error    | ""               | required    |
   |                       | response |                  |             |
   | /set method Request   | -        | ""               | constant    |
   | (accountId)           |          |                  | value^1     |
   | /set method Request   | -        | ""               | constant    |
   | (ifInState)           |          |                  | value       |
   | /set method Request   | -        | ""               | required    |
   | (create, only single  |          |                  |             |
   | id)                   |          |                  |             |
   | /set method Request   | -        | ""               | ""          |
   | (create, multiple     |          |                  |             |

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   | ids)                  |          |                  |             |
   | /set method Request   | -        | ""               | error       |
   | (update)              |          |                  | response    |
   | /set method Request   | -        | ""               | error       |
   | (destroy)             |          |                  | response    |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | required    |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | constant    |
   | (accountId)           |          |                  | value^1     |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | constant    |
   | (oldState)            |          |                  | value       |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | constant    |
   | (newState)            |          |                  | value       |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | required    |
   | (created)             |          |                  |             |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | constant    |
   | (updated)             |          |                  | value       |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | constant    |
   | (destroyed)           |          |                  | value       |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | required    |
   | (notCreated)          |          |                  |             |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | error       |
   | (notUpdated)          |          |                  | response    |
   | /set method Response  | -        | ""               | error       |
   | (notDestroyed)        |          |                  | response    |
   | /set method SetError  | -        | ""               | required    |
   | /copy method (full)   | error    | ""               | ""          |
   |                       | response |                  |             |
   | /query method Request | error    | required for     | ""          |
   |                       | response | listing/         |             |
   |                       |          | paging^2         |             |
   | /query method Request | -        | constant value   | ""          |
   | (accountId)           |          | for listing      |             |

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   |                       |          | /paging^(1,2)    |             |
   | /query method Request | -        | error response   | ""          |
   | (filter)              |          | for listing      |             |
   |                       |          | /paging^2        |             |
   | /query method Request | -        | error response   | ""          |
   | (sort)                |          | for listing      |             |
   |                       |          | /paging^2        |             |
   | /query method Request | -        | error response   | ""          |
   | (position)            |          | for listing,     |             |
   |                       |          | required for     |             |
   |                       |          | paging^2         |             |
   | /query method Request | -        | error response   | ""          |
   | (anchor)              |          | for listing      |             |
   |                       |          | /paging^2        |             |
   | /query method Request | -        | ""               | ""          |
   | (anchorOffset)        |          |                  |             |
   | /query method Request | -        | error response   | ""          |
   | (limit)               |          | for listing      |             |
   |                       |          | /paging^2        |             |
   | /query method Request | -        | error response   | ""          |
   | (calculateTotal)      |          | for listing,     |             |
   |                       |          | required for     |             |
   |                       |          | paging^2         |             |
   | /query method         | -        | required for     | ""          |
   | Response              |          | listing          |             |
   |                       |          | /paging^2        |             |
   | /query method         | -        | constant value   | ""          |
   | Response (accountId)  |          | for listing      |             |
   |                       |          | /paging^(1,2)    |             |
   | /query method         | -        | required for     | ""          |
   | Response (queryState) |          | listing/         |             |
   |                       |          | paging^2         |             |
   | /query method         | -        | constant value   | ""          |
   | Response              |          |                  |             |
   | (canCalculateChanges) |          |                  |             |
   | /query method         | -        | required for     | ""          |

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   | Response (position)   |          | paging           |             |
   | /query method         | -        | required for     | ""          |
   | Response (ids)        |          | listing/         |             |
   |                       |          | paging^2         |             |
   | /query method         | -        | required for     | ""          |
   | Response (total)      |          | paging           |             |
   | /query method         | -        | required for     | ""          |
   | Response (limit)      |          | listing/         |             |
   |                       |          | paging^2         |             |
   | /query method         | -        | ""               | ""          |
   | FilterCondition       |          |                  |             |
   | /query method         | -        | ""               | ""          |
   | FilterOperator        |          |                  |             |
   | /query method         | -        | ""               | ""          |
   | Comparator            |          |                  |             |
   | /queryChanges method  | error    | ""               | ""          |
   | (full)                | response |                  |             |

      Table 3: Method features essential for Migration and Portability

   | JMAP Core   | JMAP    | JMAP Portability | JMAP Portability       |
   | Feature     | Minimum | export use cases | import use cases       |
   | Uploading   | -       | ""               | required for           |
   | Binary Data |         |                  | importing              |
   |             |         |                  | attachments^3          |
   | Downloading | -       | required for     | ""                     |
   | Binary Data |         | exporting        |                        |
   |             |         | attachments^3    |                        |
   | Blob/copy   | -       | ""               | ""                     |
   | (full)      |         |                  |                        |
   | Push        | -       | ""               | ""                     |

        Table 4: Blob and Push features essential for Migration and

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   *  1: Can be modeled as a JSON file with only constant values for a
      lot of scenarios.  Section 2.2 details for which use cases such a
      JSON file should be sufficient.
   *  2: maxObjectsInGet might not be sufficiently high in some
      products.  In this case, /query is required.  Similarly, paging
      might be required in case a query might exceed the limit for the
      maximum amount of results for /query.
   *  3: Some data types allow having attachments as base64 enconded
      strings inside a JMAP object.  In those cases it is not necessary
      to implement a download or upload endpoint.

3.2.  Implementation considerations

3.2.1.  All use cases  Bare Minimum

   For a bare minimum Session object, choose the following to return a
   static JSON, which is the same for every user:

   *  maxSizeRequest
   *  maxConcurrentRequests
   *  apiUrl
   *  additional capabilities and their configuration

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     "capabilities": {
       "urn:ietf:params:jmap:core": {
         "maxSizeUpload": 0,
         "maxConcurrentUpload": 0,
         "maxSizeRequest": <maxSizeRequest>,
         "maxConcurrentRequests": <maxConcurrentRequests>,
         "maxCallsInRequest": 1,
         "maxObjectsInGet": 0,
         "maxObjectsInSet": 0,
         "collationAlgorithms": []
       "urn:ietf:params:jmap:<other-capability>": {},
     "accounts": {
       "self": {
         "name": "",
         "isPersonal": true,
         "isReadOnly": true,
         "accountCapabilities": {
           "urn:ietf:params:jmap:<other-capability>": {
             "<key>": <value>,
     "primaryAccounts": {
       "urn:ietf:params:jmap:<other-capability>": "self"
     "username": "",
     "apiUrl": "<apiUrl>",
     "downloadUrl": "",
     "uploadUrl": "",
     "eventSourceUrl": "",
     "state": ""

   Implement the following for Structured Data Exchange:

   *  Invocation (all properties) - *required*
   *  Request (using) - *required*; Make sure to keep capabilities
      simple to keep implementation complexity low.
   *  Request (methodCalls) - *required*; No logic for batching, because
      maxCallsInRequest is set to 1.

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   *  Request (createdIds) - not required; Only required in conjunction
      with batching.
   *  Response (methodResponses) - *required*
   *  Response (createdIds) - not required; See createIds.
   *  Response (sessionState) - _constant value_; Set to "".
   *  Errors - *required*; Implement serverFail as the most basic of all
      error types.  Make sure to implement its description property to
      clarify the error context.  Additional error types are very useful
      for debugging.
   *  References to Previous Method Results - not required; This is,
      because batching is not advertised.
   *  Localisation of User-Visible String - not required

   For Methods:

   *  Core/echo method (full) - *required*; Core/echo is useful for
      basic connection testing and requires very low implementation
   *  /get method (full) - _error response_; always reply with
      requestTooLarge error.
   *  /set method (full) - _error response_; always reply with
      accountReadOnly error.
   *  /changes method (full) - _error response_; always reply with
      cannotCalculateChanges error.
   *  /copy method (full) - _error response_; always reply with
      serverFail error.  Its description should explain that the method
      is merely not supported.
   *  /query method (full) - _error response_; same as /copy.
   *  /queryChanges method (full) - _error response_; always reply with
      cannotCalculateChanges error.

   Note that there are some caveats when implementing the bare minimum
   of JMAP.  Setting downloadUrl and uploadUrl to an empty string might
   be incompatible with some existing JMAP implementations as they are
   defined as "MUST contain variables", which an empty string does not
   contain.  Also, some errors recommended in this document, like
   serverFail or invalidArgument, typically signal to clients that
   something unexpected has happened, when in fact servers can expect
   clients to call any standard JMAP method or property.  Due to this
   the description property is used to clarify the context of errors
   like serverFail and invalidArgument.  However, its value is a free-
   text string and therefore not machine-processable in an interoperable
   way.  Exporting data

   The Session Object now additional requires:

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   *  maxObjectsInGet

   For Methods:

   *  /get method Request - *required*
   *  /get method Request (accountId) - _constant value_; Is always
      "self".  Can therefore be ignored on the server side.
   *  /get method Request (ids) - _error response_; Always respond with
      invalidArguments.  Its description property MUST explain that the
      ids property is merely not supported.  The ids property is
      formally required by RFC8920, but in practice applications will
      not use the ids fields without retrieving ids via /query or /set
   *  /get method Request (properties) - _error response_; Always
      respond with invalidArguments.  Its description property MUST
      explain that the properties property is merely not supported.
   *  /get method Response
   *  /get method Response (accountId) - _constant value_; Always set to
   *  /get method Response (state) - _constant value_; Always set to
      empty string.
   *  /get method Response (list) - *required*
   *  /get method Response (notFound) - _constant value_; Always set to
      empty array, see ids.  Importing data

   The Session Object now additional requires:

   *  isReadOnly = false
   *  maxObjectsInSet

   For methods:

   *  /set method Request - *required*
   *  /set method Request (accountId) - _constant value_; Is always
      "self".  Can therefore be ignored on the server side.
   *  /set method Request (ifInState) - _constant value_; State is
      always empty string, so a simple check if this is empty string
      should suffice.
   *  /set method Request (create, only single id) - *required*
   *  /set method Request (create, multiple ids) - not required; Only
      required if maxObjectsInSet > 1.
   *  /set method Request (update) - _error response_; Always place in
      notUpdated and reply with forbidden SetError.  Its description
      property MUST explain that the update property is merely not

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   *  /set method Request (destroy) - _error response_; Always place in
      notDestroyed and reply with forbidden SetError.  Its description
      property MUST explain that the update property is merely not
   *  /set method Response - *required*
   *  /set method Response (accountId) - _constant value_; Is always
      "self".  Can therefore be ignored on the server side.
   *  /set method Response (oldState) - _constant value_; Is always
      empty string.
   *  /set method Response (newState) - _constant value_; Is always
      empty string.
   *  /set method Response (created) - *required*
   *  /set method Response (updated) - _constant value_; Is always an
      empty array.
   *  /set method Response (destroyed) - _constant value_; Is always
      empty array.
   *  /set method Response (notCreated) - *required*
   *  /set method Response (notUpdated) - _error response_; In case
      update was not empty.
   *  /set method Response (notDestroyed) - _error response_; In case
      destroy was not empty.
   *  /set method SetError - *required*; Implement forbidden to signal
      update and destroy are not supported.

3.2.2.  Listing


   *  /get method Request (ids) - *required*
   *  /get method Response (notFound) - *required*
   *  /query method Request - *required*
   *  /query method Request (accountId) - _constant value_; Is always
      "self".  Can therefore be ignored on the server side.
   *  /query method Request (filter) - _error response_; Always return
   *  /query method Request (sort) - _error response_; Always return
   *  /query method Request (position) - _error response_; always return
      invalidArgument.  Its description property MUST explain that the
      position property is merely not supported.
   *  /query method Request (anchor) - _error response_; always return
      invalidArgument.  Its description property MUST explain that the
      anchor property is merely not supported.
   *  /query method Request (anchorOffset) - not required; This is
      because anchor is not supported.
   *  /query method Request (limit) - _error response_; Always return
      invalidArgument.  Its description property MUST explain that the
      limit property is merely not supported.

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   *  /query method Request (calculateTotal) - _error response_; Always
      return invalidArgument.  Its description property MUST explain
      that the calculateTotal property is merely not supported.
   *  /query method Response - *required*
   *  /query method Response (accountId) - _constant value_; Is always
      "self".  Can therefore be ignored on the server side.
   *  /query method Response (queryState) - *required*
   *  /query method Response (canCalculateChanges) - _constant value_;
      Is always false.
   *  /query method Response (position) - not required; position not
   *  /query method Response (ids) - *required*
   *  /query method Response (total) - not required
   *  /query method Response (limit) - *required*
   *  /query method FilterCondition - not required
   *  /query method FilterOperator - not required
   *  /query method Comparator - not required

3.2.3.  Paging

   Regarding methods, all requirements of Section 3.2.2, as well as:

   *  /query method Request (position) - *required*
   *  /query method Request (calculateTotal) - *required*
   *  /query method Response (position) - *required*
   *  /query method Response (total) - *required*

3.2.4.  Dynamic Session Resource  Multi-Account Scenario

   A user might have access to more than one account.  In this case, the
   constraints defined in Section 2.2 no longer apply.

   For the Session Object:

   *  choose how to determine accountId (e.g. base64-encode the
   *  make sure that accounts returns more than a single account if a
      user has more


   *  method Request (accountId) - *required*; Can no loner be a
      constant value or ignored on the server side as a user might have
      multiple accounts.
   *  method Response (accountId) - *required*; Can no longer be the
      constant value "self".

Baum & Happel              Expires 13 May 2024                 [Page 16]
Internet-Draft           JMAP Portability Guide            November 2023  Varying Capabilities or Server configuration between users

   Each user might have different restrictions regarding account
   capabilities.  In this case, accounts will may differ from one user
   to another, and the constraints defined in Section 2.2 no longer

   Other properties like uploadUrl, apiUrl etc. might change
   dynamically.  It may no longer be possible to choose static values
   for them.

3.2.5.  Attachments  Exporting attachments

   For exporting data, choose for the Session Object:

   *  downloadUrl


   *  actual download endpoint  Importing attachments

   For importing data, choose for the Session Object:

   *  uploadUrl
   *  maxSizeUpload
   *  maxConcurrentUpload


   *  actual upload endpoint

3.3.  Recommended functionality

   Autodiscovery is useful, so clients can use the endpoint more easily.

   Destroying objects via /set is very valuable functionality for
   testing.  Without it, JMAP cannot be used to remove data.  It
   requires the following method implementation:

   *  /set method Request (destroy) - *required*
   *  /set method Response (destroyed) - *required*
   *  /set method Response (notDestroyed) - *required*

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   The filter functionality of /query may be relevant for your use case.
   Filters allow listing objects of a specific kind.

4.  Security considerations

   All security considerations of JMAP [RFC8620] apply to this

5.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

6.  Acknowledgements

   Bron Gondwana, Neil Jenkins, Alexey Melnikov, Ken Murchison, Robert
   Stepanek and the JMAP working group at the IETF.

7.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8620]  Jenkins, N. and C. Newman, "The JSON Meta Application
              Protocol (JMAP)", RFC 8620, DOI 10.17487/RFC8620, July
              2019, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Joris Baum (editor)
   Alter Schlachthof 57
   76137 Karlsruhe

   Hans-Joerg (editor)
   Alter Schlachthof 57
   76137 Karlsruhe

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