Internet DRAFT - draft-bradleylundberg-cfrg-arkg


CFRG                                                    E. Lundberg, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                                J. Bradley
Intended status: Informational                                    Yubico
Expires: 2 September 2024                                   1 March 2024

        The Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG) algorithm


   Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG) is an abstract algorithm
   that enables delegation of asymmetric public key generation without
   giving access to the corresponding private keys.  This capability
   enables a variety of applications: a user agent can generate
   pseudonymous public keys to prevent tracking; a message sender can
   generate ephemeral recipient public keys to enhance forward secrecy;
   two paired authentication devices can each have their own private
   keys while each can register public keys on behalf of the other.

   This document provides three main contributions: a specification of
   the generic ARKG algorithm using abstract primitives; a set of
   formulae for instantiating the abstract primitives using concrete
   primitives; and an initial set of fully specified concrete ARKG
   instances.  We expect that additional instances will be defined in
   the future.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Status information for this document may be found at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 2 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     1.2.  The Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG)
           algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       1.2.1.  Notation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       1.2.2.  Instance parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       1.2.3.  The function ARKG-Generate-Seed . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       1.2.4.  The function ARKG-Derive-Public-Key . . . . . . . . .   9
       1.2.5.  The function ARKG-Derive-Secret-Key . . . . . . . . .  10
     1.3.  Generic ARKG instantiations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       1.3.1.  Using elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding  . .  12
       1.3.2.  Using ECDH as the KEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       1.3.3.  Using both elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding
               and ECDH as the KEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       1.3.4.  Using HMAC as the MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       1.3.5.  Using HKDF as the KDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     1.4.  Concrete ARKG instantiations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       1.4.1.  ARKG-P256-ECDH-P256-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256 . . . . .  15
     1.5.  COSE bindings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   2.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   3.  Privacy Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   4.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   5.  Design rationale  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     5.1.  Using a MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     5.2.  Implementation Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

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   6.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   7.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   Appendix A.  Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   Appendix B.  Test Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   Appendix C.  Document History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

1.  Introduction

   Asymmetric cryptography, also called public key cryptography, is a
   fundamental component of much of modern information security.
   However, even the flexibility of asymmetric cryptosystems is not
   always enough for all applications.  For the sake of privacy and
   forward secrecy it may be necessary to frequently generate new keys,
   but it is not always feasible for the holder of the private keys to
   be available whenever a new key pair is needed.  For example, this is
   often the case when using a hardware security device to hold private
   keys, where the device may be detached or locked at the time a new
   key pair is needed.

   The Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG) algorithm enables the
   holder of private keys to delegate generation of public keys without
   giving access to the corresponding private keys.  This enables a
   public key consumer to autonomously generate public keys whenever one
   is needed, while the private key holder can later derive the
   corresponding private key using a "key handle" generated along with
   the public key.

   The algorithm consists of three procedures: (1) the _delegating
   party_ generates a _seed pair_ and emits the _public seed_ to a
   _subordinate party_, (2) the subordinate party uses the public seed
   to generate a public key and a _key handle_ on behalf of the
   delegating party, and (3) the delegating party uses the key handle
   and the _private seed_ to derive the private key corresponding to the
   public key generated by procedure (2).  Procedure (1) is performed
   once, and procedures (2) and (3) may be repeated any number of times
   with the same seed pair.  The required cryptographic primitives are a
   public key blinding scheme, a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), a
   key derivation function (KDF) and a message authentication code (MAC)
   scheme.  Both conventional primitives and quantum-resistant
   alternatives exist that meet these requirements.  [Wilson]

   Some motivating use cases of ARKG include:

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   *  Efficient single-use signing keys.  The European Union has
      proposed a digital identity system which, in order to protect
      users' privacy, needs a unique key pair for each authentication
      signature.  In online usage the system could relatively easily
      create a key on demand, submit it to a certification authority to
      have a single-use certificate issued for that key, and then submit
      that certificate with an authentication signature to a third party
      to access a service.

      However, the proposed system also includes offline use cases: A
      user might for example need to use the system in a location with
      poor or no internet connectivity to present a digital driver's
      license or authorize a payment.  For this, the system may need to
      pre-emptively generate a large amount of single-use certificates
      to be used offline.

      One candidate implementation under evaluation to provide signing
      and key management for this system is the W3C Web Authentication
      API [WebAuthn] (WebAuthn), which requires a user gesture whenever
      a WebAuthn operation is invoked.  A WebAuthn-based implementation
      of the proposed digital identity system could use ARKG to pre-
      emptively generate key pairs for offline use without the need to
      prompt for a user gesture for each key pair generated.

   *  Enhanced forward secrecy for encrypted messaging.  For example,
      section 8.5.4 of RFC 9052 (
      rfc9052.html#name-direct-key-agreement) defines COSE
      representations for encrypted messages and notes that "Since COSE
      is designed for a store-and-forward environment rather than an
      online environment, [...] forward secrecy (see [RFC4949]) is not
      achievable.  A static key will always be used for the receiver of
      the COSE object."  Applications could work around this limitation
      by exchanging a large number of keys in advance, but that number
      limits how many messages can be sent before another such exchange
      is needed.  This also requires the sender to allocate storage
      space for the keys, which may be challenging to support in
      constrained hardware.

      ARKG could enable the sender to generate ephemeral recipient
      public keys on demand.  This may enhance forward secrecy if the
      sender keeps the ARKG public seed secret, since each recipient key
      pair is used to encrypt only one message.

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   *  Generating additional public keys as backup keys.  For example,
      the W3C Web Authentication API [WebAuthn] (WebAuthn) generates a
      new key pair for each account on each web site.  This makes it
      difficult for users to set up a backup authenticator, because each
      time a key pair is created for the primary authenticator, another
      key pair also needs to be created for the backup authenticator,
      which may be stored in a safe but inconvenient location.

      ARKG could enable the primary authenticator to also generate a
      public key for a paired backup authenticator whenever it generates
      a key pair for itself, allowing the user to set up the pairing
      once and then leave the backup authenticator in safe storage until
      the primary authenticator is lost.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

1.2.  The Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG) algorithm

   The ARKG algorithm consists of three functions, each performed by one
   of two participants: the _delegating party_ or the _subordinate
   party_. The delegating party generates an ARKG _seed pair_ and emits
   the _public seed_ to the subordinate party while keeping the _private
   seed_ secret.  The subordinate party can then use the public seed to
   generate derived public keys and _key handles_, and the delegating
   party can use the private seed and a key handle to derive the
   corresponding private key.

   The following subsections define some notation and the abstract
   instance parameters used to construct the three ARKG functions,
   followed by the definitions of the three ARKG functions.

1.2.1.  Notation

   The following notation is used throughout this document:

   *  The symbol || represents octet string concatenation.

   *  When literal text strings are to be interpreted as octet strings,
      they are encoded using UTF-8.

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   *  Elliptic curve operations are written in multiplicative notation:
      * denotes point multiplication, i.e., the curve group operation; ^
      denotes point exponentiation, i.e., repeated point multiplication;
      and + denotes scalar addition modulo the curve order.

   *  Random(min_inc, max_exc) represents a cryptographically secure
      random integer greater than or equal to min_inc and strictly less
      than max_exc.

1.2.2.  Instance parameters

   ARKG is composed of a suite of other algorithms.  The parameters of
   an ARKG instance are:

   *  BL: An asymmetric key blinding scheme [Wilson], consisting of:

      -  Function BL-Generate-Keypair() -> (pk, sk): Generate a blinding
         key pair.

         No input.

         Output consists of a blinding public key pk and a blinding
         secret key sk.

      -  Function BL-Blind-Public-Key(pk, tau) -> pk_tau:
         Deterministically compute a blinded public key.

         Input consists of a blinding public key pk and a blinding
         factor tau.

         Output consists of the blinded public key pk_tau.

      -  Function BL-Blind-Secret-Key(sk, tau) -> sk_tau:
         Deterministically compute a blinded secret key.

         Input consists of a blinding secret key sk and a blinding
         factor tau.

         Output consists of the blinded secret key sk_tau.

      -  Integer L_bl: The length of the blinding factor tau in octets.

      pk and pk_tau are opaque octet strings of arbitrary length. tau is
      an opaque octet string of length L_bl.  The representations of sk,
      sk_tau and L_bl are an undefined implementation detail.

      See [Wilson] for definitions of security properties required of
      the key blinding scheme BL.

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   *  KEM: A key encapsulation mechanism, consisting of the functions:

      -  KEM-Generate-Keypair() -> (pk, sk): Generate a key
         encapsulation key pair.

         No input.

         Output consists of public key pk and secret key sk.

      -  KEM-Encaps(pk) -> (k, c): Generate a key encapsulation.

         Input consists of an encapsulation public key pk.

         Output consists of a shared secret k and an encapsulation
         ciphertext c.

      -  KEM-Decaps(sk, c) -> k: Decapsulate a shared secret.

         Input consists of encapsulation secret key sk and encapsulation
         ciphertext c.

         Output consists of the shared secret k on success, or an error

      pk, k and c are opaque octet strings.  The representation of sk is
      an undefined implementation detail.

      See [Wilson] for definitions of security properties required of
      the key encapsulation mechanism KEM.

   *  MAC: A message authentication code (MAC) scheme, consisting of:

      -  Function MAC-Tag(k, m) -> t: Generate a message authentication
         tag for a given message using a given key.

         Input consists of the shared MAC key k and the message m.

         Output consists of the MAC tag t.

      -  Function MAC-Verify(k, m, t) -> { 0, 1 }: Verify a message
         authentication tag.

         Input consists of the shared MAC key k, the message m and the
         MAC tag t.

         Output is 1 if and only if MAC-Tag(k, m) = t.

      -  Integer L_mac: The length of the MAC key k in octets.

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      k is an opaque octet string of length L_mac. m and t are opaque
      octet strings of arbitrary length.  The representation of L_mac is
      an undefined implementation detail.

      See [Frymann2020] for definitions of security properties required
      of the message authentication code scheme MAC.

   *  KDF: A variable-length key derivation function with the signature:
      KDF(info, ikm, L) -> okm

      Input consists of a domain separation parameter info, input key
      material ikm and output length L.

      Output consists of output key material okm of length L in octets.

      info and ikm are opaque octet strings of arbitrary length. okm is
      an opaque octet string of length L.  L is an integer with
      undefined representation.

      See [Frymann2020] for definitions of security properties required
      of the key derivation function KDF.

   A concrete ARKG instantiation MUST specify the instantiation of each
   of the above functions and values.

   The output keys of the BL scheme are also the output keys of the ARKG
   instance as a whole.  For example, if BL-Blind-Public-Key and BL-
   Blind-Secret-Key output ECDSA keys, then the ARKG instance will also
   output ECDSA keys.

   Instantiations MUST satisfy the following compatibility criteria:

   *  The output shared secret k of KEM-Encaps and KEM-Decaps is a valid
      input key material ikm of KDF.

   *  Output key material okm of length L_bl of KDF is a valid input
      blinding factor tau of BL-Blind-Public-Key and BL-Blind-Secret-

      It is permissible for some KDF outputs to not be valid blinding
      factors, as long as this happens with negligible probability - see
      section [Design Rationale: Using a MAC].

   *  Output key material okm of length L_mac of KDF is a valid input
      MAC key k of MAC-Tag(k, m) and MAC-Verify(k, m, t).

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      It is permissible for some KDF outputs to not be valid MAC keys,
      as long as this happens with negligible probability - see section
      [Design Rationale: Using a MAC].

   We denote a concrete ARKG instance by the pattern ARKG-BL-KEM-MAC-
   KDF, substituting the chosen instantiation for the BL, KEM, MAC and
   KDF parts.  Note that this pattern cannot in general be unambiguously
   parsed; implementations MUST NOT attempt to construct an ARKG
   instance by parsing such a pattern string.  Concrete ARKG instances
   MUST always be identified by lookup in a registry of fully specified
   ARKG instances.  This is to prevent usage of algorithm combinations
   that may be incompatible or insecure.

1.2.3.  The function ARKG-Generate-Seed

   This function is performed by the delegating party.  The delegating
   party generates the ARKG seed pair (pk, sk) and keeps the private
   seed sk secret, while the public seed pk is provided to the
   subordinate party.  The subordinate party will then be able to
   generate public keys on behalf of the delegating party.

   ``` ARKG-Generate-Seed() -> (pk, sk) Options: BL The key blinding
   scheme chosen for the ARKG instantiation.  KEM The key encapsulation
   mechanism chosen for the ARKG instantiation.

Inputs: None

  (pk, sk)  An ARKG seed key pair with public key pk and private key sk.

   The output (pk, sk) is calculated as follows:

   (pk_kem, sk_kem) = KEM-Generate-Keypair() (pk_bl, sk_bl) = BL-
   Generate-Keypair() pk = (pk_kem, pk_bl) sk = (sk_kem, sk_bl) ```

1.2.4.  The function ARKG-Derive-Public-Key

   This function is performed by the subordinate party, which holds the
   ARKG public seed pk = (pk_kem, pk_bl).  The resulting public key pk'
   can be provided to external parties to use in asymmetric cryptography
   protocols, and the resulting key handle kh can be used by the
   delegating party to derive the private key corresponding to pk'.

   This function may be invoked any number of times with the same public
   seed, in order to generate any number of public keys.

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   ``` ARKG-Derive-Public-Key((pk_kem, pk_bl), info) -> (pk', kh)
   Options: BL The key blinding scheme chosen for the ARKG
   instantiation.  KEM The key encapsulation mechanism chosen for the
   ARKG instantiation.  MAC The MAC scheme chosen for the ARKG
   instantiation.  KDF The key derivation function chosen for the ARKG
   instantiation.  L_bl The length in octets of the blinding factor tau
   of the key blinding scheme BL.  L_mac The length in octets of the MAC
   key of the MAC scheme MAC.

       pk_kem     A key encapsulation public key.
       pk_bl      A key blinding public key.
       info       Optional context and application specific information
                    (can be a zero-length string).

       pk'        A blinded public key.
       kh         A key handle for deriving the blinded
                    secret key sk' corresponding to pk'.

   The output (pk, sk) is calculated as follows:

   (k, c) = KEM-Encaps(pk_kem)
   tau = KDF("arkg-blind" || 0x00 || info, k, L_bl)
   mk  = KDF("arkg-mac"   || 0x00 || info, k, L_mac)
   tag = MAC-Tag(mk, c || info)

   pk' = BL-Blind-Public-Key(pk_bl, tau)
   kh = (c, tag) ```

   If this procedure aborts due to an error, for example because KDF
   returns an invalid tau or mk, the procedure can safely be retried
   with the same arguments.

1.2.5.  The function ARKG-Derive-Secret-Key

   This function is performed by the delegating party, which holds the
   ARKG private seed (sk_kem, sk_bl).  The resulting secret key sk' can
   be used in asymmetric cryptography protocols to prove possession of
   sk' to an external party that has the corresponding public key.

   This function may be invoked any number of times with the same
   private seed, in order to derive the same or different secret keys
   any number of times.

   ``` ARKG-Derive-Secret-Key((sk_kem, sk_bl), kh, info) -> sk' Options:
   BL The key blinding scheme chosen for the ARKG instantiation.  KEM
   The key encapsulation mechanism chosen for the ARKG instantiation.

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   MAC The MAC scheme chosen for the ARKG instantiation.  KDF The key
   derivation function chosen for the ARKG instantiation.  L_bl The
   length in octets of the blinding factor tau of the key blinding
   scheme BL.  L_mac The length in octets of the MAC key of the MAC
   scheme MAC.

       sk_kem     A key encapsulation secret key.
       sk_bl      A key blinding secret key.
       kh         A key handle output from ARKG-Derive-Public-Key.
       info       Optional context and application specific information
                    (can be a zero-length string).

       sk'        A blinded secret key.

   The output sk' is calculated as follows:

   (c, tag) = kh
   k = KEM-Decaps(sk_kem, c)
   mk = KDF("arkg-mac" || 0x00 || info, k, L_mac)

   If MAC-Verify(mk, c || info, tag) = 0:
       Abort with an error.

   tau = KDF("arkg-blind" || 0x00 || info, k, L_bl)
   sk' = BL-Blind-Secret-Key(sk_bl, tau) ```

   Errors in this procedure are typically unrecoverable.  For example,
   KDF might return an invalid tau or mk, or the tag may be invalid.
   ARKG instantiations SHOULD be chosen in a way that such errors are
   impossible if kh was generated by an honest and correct
   implementation of ARKG-Derive-Public-Key. Incorrect or malicious
   implementations of ARKG-Derive-Public-Key do not degrade the security
   of a correct and honest implementation of ARKG-Derive-Secret-Key. See
   also section [Design Rationale: Using a MAC].

1.3.  Generic ARKG instantiations

   This section defines generic formulae for instantiating the
   individual ARKG parameters, which can be used to define concrete ARKG

   TODO: IANA registry?  COSE/JOSE?

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1.3.1.  Using elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding

   Instantiations of ARKG whose output keys are elliptic curve keys can
   use elliptic curve arithmetic as the key blinding scheme BL.
   Frymann2020 [Wilson] This section defines a general formula for such
   instantiations of BL.

   Let crv be an elliptic curve.  Then the BL parameter of ARKG may be
   instantiated as follows:

   *  Elliptic curve points are encoded to and from octet strings using
      the procedures defined in sections 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 of SEC 1

   *  Elliptic curve scalar values are encoded to and from octet strings
      using the procedures defined in sections 2.3.7 and 2.3.8 of SEC 1

   *  N is the order of crv.

   *  G is the generator of crv.

   ``` BL-Generate-Keypair() -> (pk, sk)

   sk = Random(1, N)
   pk_tmp = G^sk
   If pk_tmp equals the point at infinity, abort with an error.
   pk = pk_tmp

   TODO: Also reject G?

   BL-Blind-Public-Key(pk, tau) -> pk_tau

   If tau = 0 or tau >= N, abort with an error.
   pk_tau_tmp = pk * (G^tau)
   If pk_tau_tmp equals the point at infinity, abort with an error.
   pk_tau = pk_tau_tmp

   TODO: Also reject G?

   BL-Blind-Secret-Key(sk, tau) -> sk_tau

   If tau = 0 or tau >= N, abort with an error.
   sk_tau_tmp = sk + tau
   If sk_tau_tmp = 0, abort with an error.
   sk_tau = sk_tau_tmp

   TODO: Also reject 1? ```

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1.3.2.  Using ECDH as the KEM

   Instantiations of ARKG can use ECDH [RFC6090] as the key
   encapsulation mechanism.  This section defines a general formula for
   such instantiations of KEM.

   Let crv be an elliptic curve used for ECDH.  Then the KEM parameter
   of ARKG may be instantiated as follows:

   *  Elliptic curve points are encoded to and from octet strings using
      the procedures defined in sections 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 of SEC 1

   *  Elliptic curve coordinate field elements are encoded to and from
      octet strings using the procedures defined in sections 2.3.5 and
      2.3.6 of SEC 1 [SEC1].

   *  Elliptic curve scalar values are encoded to and from octet strings
      using the procedures defined in sections 2.3.7 and 2.3.8 of SEC 1

   *  ECDH(pk, sk) represents the compact output of ECDH [RFC6090] using
      public key (curve point) pk and secret key (exponent) sk.

   *  N is the order of crv.

   *  G is the generator of crv.

   ``` KEM-Generate-Keypair() -> (pk, sk)

   sk = Random(1, N)
   pk_tmp = G^sk
   If pk_tmp equals the point at infinity, abort with an error.
   pk = pk_tmp

   TODO: Also reject G?

   KEM-Encaps(pk) -> (k, c) (pk', sk') = KEM-Generate-Keypair()

   k = ECDH(pk, sk')
   c = pk'

   KEM-Decaps(sk, c) -> k

   pk' = c
   k = ECDH(pk', sk) ```

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1.3.3.  Using both elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding and ECDH
        as the KEM

   If elliptic curve arithmetic is used for key blinding and ECDH is
   used as the KEM, as described in the previous sections, then both of
   them MAY use the same curve or MAY use different curves.  If both use
   the same curve, then it is also possible to use the same public key
   as both the key blinding public key and the KEM public key.

   TODO: Caveats?  I think I read in some paper or thesis about specific
   drawbacks of using the same key for both.

1.3.4.  Using HMAC as the MAC

   Let Hash be a cryptographic hash function.  Then the MAC parameter of
   ARKG may be instantiated using HMAC [RFC2104] as follows:

   ``` MAC-Tag(k, m) -> t

   t = HMAC-Hash(K=k, text=m)

   MAC-Verify(k, m, t) -> { 0, 1 }

   t' = HMAC-Hash(K=k, text=m)
   If t = t':
       return 1
       return 0 ```

1.3.5.  Using HKDF as the KDF

   Let Hash be a cryptographic hash function.  Then the KDF parameter of
   ARKG may be instantiated using HKDF [RFC5869] as follows:

   ``` KDF(info, ikm, L) -> okm

   PRK = HKDF-Extract with the arguments:
       Hash: Hash
       salt: not set
       IKM: ikm

   okm = HKDF-Expand with the arguments:
       Hash: Hash
       PRK: PRK
       info: info
       L: L ```

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1.4.  Concrete ARKG instantiations

   This section defines an initial set of concrete ARKG instantiations.

   TODO: IANA registry?  COSE/JOSE?

1.4.1.  ARKG-P256-ECDH-P256-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256

   The identifier ARKG-P256-ECDH-P256-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256 represents
   the following ARKG instantiation:

   *  BL: Elliptic curve arithmetic as described in section [Using
      elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The NIST curve secp256r1 [SEC2].

   *  KEM: ECDH [RFC6090] as described in section [Using ECDH as the
      KEM] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The NIST curve secp256r1 [SEC2].

   *  MAC: HMAC as described in section [Using HMAC as the MAC] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-256 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  KDF: HKDF as described in section [Using HKDF as the KDF] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-256 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  L_bl: 32

   *  L_mac: 32  ARKG-P384-ECDH-P384-HMAC-SHA384-HKDF-SHA384

   The identifier ARKG-P384-ECDH-P384-HMAC-SHA384-HKDF-SHA384 represents
   the following ARKG instantiation:

   *  BL: Elliptic curve arithmetic as described in section [Using
      elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The NIST curve secp384r1 [SEC2].

   *  KEM: ECDH [RFC6090] as described in section [Using ECDH as the
      KEM] with the parameter:

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      -  crv: The NIST curve secp384r1 [SEC2].

   *  MAC: HMAC as described in section [Using HMAC as the MAC] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-384 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  KDF: HKDF as described in section [Using HKDF as the KDF] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-384 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  L_bl: 48

   *  L_mac: 48  ARKG-P521-ECDH-P521-HMAC-SHA512-HKDF-SHA512

   The identifier ARKG-P521-ECDH-P521-HMAC-SHA512-HKDF-SHA512 represents
   the following ARKG instantiation:

   *  BL: Elliptic curve arithmetic as described in section [Using
      elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The NIST curve secp521r1 [SEC2].

   *  KEM: ECDH [RFC6090] as described in section [Using ECDH as the
      KEM] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The NIST curve secp521r1 [SEC2].

   *  MAC: HMAC as described in section [Using HMAC as the MAC] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-512 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  KDF: HKDF as described in section [Using HKDF as the KDF] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-512 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  L_bl: 64

   *  L_mac: 64

Lundberg & Bradley      Expires 2 September 2024               [Page 16]
Internet-Draft                    ARKG                        March 2024  ARKG-P256k-ECDH-P256k-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256

   The identifier ARKG-P256k-ECDH-P256k-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256
   represents the following ARKG instantiation:

   *  BL: Elliptic curve arithmetic as described in section [Using
      elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The SECG curve secp256k1 [SEC2].

   *  KEM: ECDH [RFC6090] as described in section [Using ECDH as the
      KEM] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The SECG curve secp256k1 [SEC2].

   *  MAC: HMAC as described in section [Using HMAC as the MAC] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-256 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  KDF: HKDF as described in section [Using HKDF as the KDF] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-256 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  L_bl: 32

   *  L_mac: 32  ARKG-Ed25519-X25519-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256

   The identifier ARKG-Ed25519-X25519-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256 represents
   the following ARKG instantiation:

   *  BL: Elliptic curve arithmetic as described in section [Using
      elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The curve Ed25519 [REF?].

   *  KEM: ECDH [RFC6090] as described in section [Using ECDH as the
      KEM] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The curve X25519 [REF?].

   *  MAC: HMAC as described in section [Using HMAC as the MAC] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-256 [FIPS 180-4].

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   *  KDF: HKDF as described in section [Using HKDF as the KDF] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-256 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  L_bl: 32

   *  L_mac: 32  ARKG-X25519-X25519-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256

   The identifier ARKG-X25519-X25519-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256 represents
   the following ARKG instantiation:

   *  BL: Elliptic curve arithmetic as described in section [Using
      elliptic curve arithmetic for key blinding] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The curve X25519 [REF?].

   *  KEM: ECDH [RFC6090] as described in section [Using ECDH as the
      KEM] with the parameter:

      -  crv: The curve X25519 [REF?].

   *  MAC: HMAC as described in section [Using HMAC as the MAC] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-256 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  KDF: HKDF as described in section [Using HKDF as the KDF] with the

      -  Hash: SHA-256 [FIPS 180-4].

   *  L_bl: 32

   *  L_mac: 32

1.5.  COSE bindings

   TODO?: Define COSE representations for interoperability: - ARKG
   public seed (for interoperability between different implementers of
   ARKG-Generate-Seed and ARKG-Derive-Public-Key) - ARKG key handle (for
   interoperability between different implementers of ARKG-Derive-
   Public-Key and ARKG-Derive-Secret-Key)

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2.  Security Considerations


3.  Privacy Considerations


4.  IANA Considerations


5.  Design rationale

5.1.  Using a MAC

   The ARKG construction by Wilson [Wilson] omits the MAC and instead
   encodes application context in the PRF labels, arguing this leads to
   invalid keys/signatures in cases that would have a bad MAC.  We
   choose to keep the MAC from the construction by Frymann et al.
   [Frymann2020] for two purposes.

   The first is so that the delegating party can distinguish between key
   handles addressed to it and those addressed to other delegating
   parties.  We anticipate use cases where a private key usage request
   may contain key handles for several delegating parties eligible to
   fulfill the request, and the delegate party to be used can be chosen
   opportunistically depending on which are available at the time.
   Without the MAC, choosing the wrong key handle would cause the ARKG-
   Derive-Secret-Key procedure to silently derive the wrong key instead
   of returning an explicit error, which would in turn lead to an
   invalid signature or similar final output.  This would make it
   difficult or impossible to diagnose the root cause of the issue and
   present actionable user feedback.  The MAC also allows ARKG key
   handles to be transmitted via heterogeneous data channels, possibly
   including a mix of ARKG key handles and similar values used for other

   The second purpose is so that the delegating party can be assured
   that no errors should happen during the execution of ARKG-Derive-
   Secret-Key, such as out-of-range or invalid key values.  For example,
   key generation in ARKG-Derive-Public-Key might be done by randomly
   testing candidates [NIST.SP.800-56Ar3] and retrying ARKG-Derive-
   Public-Key until a valid candidate is found.  A MAC enables ARKG-
   Derive-Secret-Key to assume that the first candidate from a given
   pseudo-random seed will be successful, and otherwise return an
   explicit error rejecting the key handle as invalid.  ARKG-Derive-
   Public-Key is likely to run on powerful general-purpose hardware,

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   such as a laptop, smartphone or server, while ARKG-Derive-Secret-Key
   might run on more constrained hardware such as a cryptographic smart
   card, which benefits greatly from such optimizations.

   It is straightforward to see that adding the MAC to the construction
   by Wilson does not weaken the security properties defined by Frymann
   et al.  [Frymann2020]: the construction by Frymann et al. can be
   reduced to the ARKG construction in this document by instantiating
   KEM as group exponentiation and instantiating BL as group
   multiplication to blind public keys and modular integer addition to
   blind secret keys.  The MAC and KDF parameters correspond trivially
   to the MAC and KDF parameters in [Frymann2020], where KDF_1(_k_) =
   KDF(_k_, _l__1) and KDF_2(_k_) = KDF(_k_, _l__2) with fixed labels
   _l__1 and _l__2.  Hence if one can break PK-unlinkability or SK-
   security of the ARKG construction in this document, one can also
   break the same property of the construction by Frymann et al.

5.2.  Implementation Status


6.  References


   TODO: Ask authors for canonical reference addresses

7.  References

7.1.  Normative References

   [BIP32]    Wuille, P., "BIP 32 Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets",
              2012, <

   [hkdf]     Krawczyk, H. and P. Eronen, "HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand
              Key Derivation Function (HKDF)", RFC 5869,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5869, May 2010,

   [RFC2104]  Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-
              Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2104, February 1997,

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   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3279]  Bassham, L., Polk, W., and R. Housley, "Algorithms and
              Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 3279, DOI 10.17487/RFC3279, April
              2002, <>.

   [RFC4949]  Shirey, R., "Internet Security Glossary, Version 2",
              FYI 36, RFC 4949, DOI 10.17487/RFC4949, August 2007,

   [RFC5869]  Krawczyk, H. and P. Eronen, "HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand
              Key Derivation Function (HKDF)", RFC 5869,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5869, May 2010,

   [RFC6090]  McGrew, D., Igoe, K., and M. Salter, "Fundamental Elliptic
              Curve Cryptography Algorithms", RFC 6090,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6090, February 2011,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [SEC1]     Certicom Research, "SEC 1 Elliptic Curve Cryptography",
              2020, <>.

7.2.  Informative References

   [Clermont] Clermont, S. A. and Technische Universität Darmstadt,
              "Post Quantum Asynchronous Remote Key Generation. Master's
              thesis", 2022, <https://www.cryptoplexity.informatik.tu-

              Frymann, N., Gardham, D., Kiefer, F., Lundberg, E.,
              Manulis, M., and D. Nilsson, "Asynchronous Remote Key
              Generation: An Analysis of Yubico's Proposal for W3C
              WebAuthn. CCS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC
              Conference on Computer and Communications Security", 2020,

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              Frymann, N., Gardham, D., and M. Manulis, "Asynchronous
              Remote Key Generation for Post-Quantum Cryptosystems from
              Lattices. 2023 IEEE 8th European Symposium on Security and
              Privacy", 2023, <>.

              Lundberg, E. and D. Nilsson, "WebAuthn recovery extension:
              Asynchronous delegated key generation without shared
              secrets. GitHub", 2019,

   [Wilson]   Wilson, S. M. and University of Waterloo,, "Post-Quantum
              Account Recovery for Passwordless Authentication. Master's
              thesis", 2023, <>.

Appendix A.  Acknowledgements

   ARKG was first proposed under this name by Frymann et al.
   [Frymann2020], who analyzed a proposed extension to W3C Web
   Authentication by Lundberg and Nilsson [WebAuthn-Recovery], which was
   in turn inspired by a similar construction by Pieter Wuille [BIP32]
   used to create privacy-preserving Bitcoin addresses.  Frymann et al.
   [Frymann2020] generalized the constructions by Lundberg, Nilsson and
   Wuille from elliptic curves to any discrete logarithm (DL) problem,
   and also proved the security of arbitrary asymmetric protocols
   composed with ARKG.  Further generalizations to include quantum-
   resistant instantiations were developed independently by Wilson
   [Wilson], Clermont [Clermont] and Frymann et al.  [Frymann2023].

   This document adopts the construction proposed by Wilson [Wilson],
   modified by the inclusion of a MAC in the key handles as done in the
   original construction by Frymann et al.  [Frymann2020].

   The authors would like to thank all of these authors for their
   research and development work that led to the creation of this

Appendix B.  Test Vectors


Appendix C.  Document History

   -00 Initial Version


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   Dain Nilsson

Authors' Addresses

   Emil Lundberg (editor)
   Kungsgatan 44

   John Bradley

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