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Internet Draft I. Castineyra
Nimrod J. N. Chiappa
March 1995 M. Steenstrup
draft-ietf-nimrod-routing-arch-00.txt Expires September 1995
The Nimrod Routing Architecture
Status of this Memo
This document is an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working documents
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We present a scalable internetwork routing architecture, called Nimrod. The
Nimrod architecture is designed to accommodate a dynamic internetwork of
arbitrary size with heterogeneous service requirements and restrictions and
to admit incremental deployment throughout an internetwork. The key to
Nimrod's scalability is its ability to represent and manipulate
routing-related information at multiple levels of abstraction.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
1 Introduction 1
2 Overview 1
2.1 Constraints of the Internetworking Environment . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 The Basic Routing Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Scalability Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3.1Clustering and Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3.2Restricting Information Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3.3Local Selection of Feasible Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3.4Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3.5Limiting Forwarding Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Architectural Overview 7
3.1 Endpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.1Connectivity Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Nodes and Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4 BTEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.5 Locators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.6 Node Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.6.1Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.6.2Internal Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.6.3Transit Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.6.4Inbound Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.6.5Outbound Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
4 Physical Realization 12
4.1 Contiguity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3 Multiple Locator Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5 Forwarding 20
5.1 Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.2 Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.3 Connectivity Specification (CSC) Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.4 Flow Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.5 Datagram Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6 Connectivity Specification Sequence Mode 26
7 Renumbering 26
8 Security Considerations 27
9 Authors' Addresses 27
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
1 Introduction
Nimrod is a scalable routing architecture designed to accommodate a
continually expanding and diversifying internetwork. First suggested by
Chiappa in [1], the Nimrod architecture has undergone revision and
refinement through the efforts of the Nimrod working group of the IETF. In
this document, we present a detailed description of this architecture.
The goals of Nimrod are as follows:
1. To support a dynamic internetwork of arbitrary size by providing
mechanisms to control the amount of routing information that must be
known throughout an internetwork.
2. To provide service-specific routing in the presence of multiple
constraints imposed by service providers and users.
3. To admit incremental deployment throughout an internetwork.
We have designed the Nimrod architecture to meet these goals. The key
features of this architecture include:
1. Representation of internetwork connectivity and services in the form of
maps at multiple levels of abstraction.
2. User-controlled route generation and selection based on maps and
traffic service requirements.
3. User-directed packet forwarding along established paths.
Nimrod is a general routing architecture that can be applied to routing both
within a single routing domain and among multiple routing domains. As a
general internetwork routing architecture designed to deal with increased
internetwork size and diversity, Nimrod is equally applicable to both the
TCP/IP and OSI environments.
2 Overview
Before describing the Nimrod architecture in detail, we provide an overview.
We begin with the internetworking requirements, followed by the routing
functions, and concluding with Nimrod's scaling characteristics.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
2.1 Constraints of the Internetworking Environment
Internetworks are growing and evolving systems, in terms of number,
diversity, and interconnectivity of service providers and users, and
therefore require a routing architecture that can accommodate internetwork
growth and evolution. A complicated mix of factors such as technological
advances, political alliances, and service supply and demand economics will
determine how an internetwork will change over time. However, correctly
predicting all of these factors and all of their effects on an internetwork
may not be possible. Thus, the flexibility of an internetwork routing
architecture is its key to handling unanticipated requirements.
In developing the Nimrod architecture, we first assembled a list of
internetwork environmental constraints which have implications for routing.
This list, enumerated below, includes observations about the present
Internet; it also includes predictions about internetworks five to ten years
in the future.
1. The Internet will grow to include O(10^9) networks.
2. The number of internetwork users may be unbounded.
3. The capacity of internetwork resources is steadily increasing but so is
the demand for these resources.
4. Routers and hosts have finite processing capacity and finite memory,
and networks have finite transmission capacity.
5. Internetworks comprise different types of communications media --
including wireline and wireless, terrestrial and satellite, shared
multiaccess and point-to-point -- with different service
characteristics in terms of throughput, delay, error and loss
distributions, and privacy.
6. Internetwork elements -- networks, routers, hosts, and processes -- may
be mobile.
7. Service providers will specify offered services and restrictions on
access to those services. Restrictions may be in terms of when a
service is available, how much the service costs, which users may
subscribe to the service and for what purposes, and how the user must
shape its traffic in order to receive a service guarantee.
8. Users will specify traffic service requirements which may vary widely
among sessions. These specifications may be in terms of requested
qualities of service, the amounts they are willing to pay for these
services, the times at which they want these services, and the
providers they wish to use.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
9. A user traffic session may include m sources and n destinations, where
m, n > or = 1.
10. Service providers and users have a synergistic relationship. That is,
as users develop more applications with special service requirements,
service providers will respond with the services to meet these demands.
Moreover, as service providers deliver more services, users will
develop more applications that take advantage of these services.
11. Support for varied and special services will require more processing,
memory, and transmission bandwidth on the part of both the service
providers offering these services and the users requesting these
services. Hence, many routing-related activities will likely be
performed not by routers and hosts but rather by independent devices
acting on their behalf to process, store, and distribute routing
12. Users requiring specialized services (e.g., high guaranteed throughput)
will usually be willing to pay more for these services and to incur
some delay in obtaining them.
13. Service providers are reluctant to introduce complicated protocols into
their networks, because they are more difficult to manage.
14. Vendors are reluctant to implement complicated protocols in their
products, because they take longer to develop.
Collectively, these constraints imply that a successful internetwork routing
architecture must support special features, such as service-specific routing
and component mobility in a large and changing internetwork, using simple
procedures that consume a minimal amount of internetwork resources. We
believe that the Nimrod architecture meets these goals, and we justify this
claim in the remainder of this document.
2.2 The Basic Routing Functions
The basic routing functions provided by Nimrod are those provided by any
routing system, namely:
1. Collecting, assembling, and distributing the information necessary for
route generation and selection.
2. Generating and selecting routes based on this information.
3. Establishing in routers information necessary for forwarding packets
along the selected routes.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
4. Forwarding packets along the selected routes.
The Nimrod approach to providing this routing functionality includes map
distribution according to the "link-state" paradigm, localization of route
generation and selection at traffic sources and destinations, and
specification of packet forwarding through path establishment by the sources
and destinations.
Link-state map distribution permits each service provider to have control
over the services it offers, through both distributing restrictions in and
restricting distribution of its routing information. Restricting
distribution of routing information serves to reduce the amount of routing
information maintained throughout an internetwork and to keep certain
routing information private. However, it also leads to inconsistent routing
information databases throughout an internetwork, as not all such databases
will be complete or identical. We expect routing information database
inconsistencies to occur often in a large internetwork, regardless of
whether privacy is an issue. The reason is that we expect some devices to
be incapable of maintaining the complete set of routing information for the
internetwork. These devices will select only some of the distributed
routing information for storage in their databases.
Route generation and selection, based on maps and traffic service
requirements, may be completely controlled by the users or, more likely, by
devices acting on their behalf and does not require global coordination
among routers. Thus these devices may generate routes specific to the
users' needs, and only those users pay the cost of generating those routes.
Locally-controlled route generation allows incremental deployment of and
experimentation with new route generation algorithms, as these algorithms
need not be the same at each location in an internetwork.
Packet forwarding, according to paths, may be completely controlled by the
users or the devices acting on their behalf. These paths may be specified
in as much detail as the maps permit. Such packet forwarding provides
freedom from forwarding loops, even when routers in a path have inconsistent
routing information. The reason is that the forwarding path is a route
computed by a single device and based on routing information maintained at a
single device.
We note that the Nimrod architecture and Inter-Domain Policy Routing (IDPR)
[2] share in common link-state routing information distribution, localized
route generation and path-oriented message forwarding. In developing the
Nimrod architecture, we have drawn upon experience gained in developing and
experimenting with IDPR.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
2.3 Scalability Features
Nimrod must provide service-specific routing in arbitrarily large
internetworks and hence must employ mechanisms that help to contain the
amount of internetwork resources consumed by the routing functions. We
provide a brief synopsis of such mechanisms below, noting that arbitrary use
of these mechanisms does not guarantee a scalable routing architecture.
Instead, these mechanisms must be used wisely, in order enable a routing
architecture to scale with internetwork growth.
2.3.1 Clustering and Abstraction
The Nimrod architecture is capable of representing an internetwork as
clusters of entities at multiple levels of abstraction. Clustering reduces
the number of entities visible to routing. Abstraction reduces the amount
of information required to characterize an entity visible to routing.
Clustering begins by aggregating internetwork elements such as hosts,
routers, and networks according to some predetermined criteria. These
elements may be clustered according to relationships among them, such as
"managed by the same authority", or so as to satisfy some objective
function, such as "minimize the expected amount of forwarding information
stored at each router". Nimrod does not mandate a particular cluster
formation algorithm.
New clusters may be formed by clustering together existing clusters.
Repeated clustering of entities produces a hierarchy of clusters with a
unique universal cluster that contains all others. The same clustering
algorithm need not be applied at each level in the hierarchy.
All elements within a cluster must satisfy at least one relation, namely
connectivity. That is, if all elements within a cluster are operational,
then any two of them must be connected by at least one route that lies
entirely within that cluster. This condition prohibits the formation of
certain types of separated clusters, such as the following. Suppose that a
company has two branches located at opposite ends of a country and that
these two branches must communicate over a public network not owned by the
company. Then the two branches cannot be members of the same cluster,
unless that cluster also includes the public network connecting them.
Once the clusters are formed, their connectivity and service information is
abstracted to reduce the representation of cluster characteristics. Example
abstraction procedures include elimination of services provided by a small
fraction of the elements in the cluster or expression of services in terms
of average values. Nimrod does not mandate a particular abstraction
algorithm. The same abstraction algorithm need not be applied to each
cluster, and multiple abstraction algorithms may be applied to a single
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
A particular combination of clustering and abstraction algorithms applied to
an internetwork results in an organization related to but distinct from the
physical organization of the component hosts, routers, and networks. When a
clustering is superimposed over the physical internetwork elements, the
cluster boundaries may not necessarily coincide with host, router, or
network boundaries. Nimrod performs its routing functions with respect to
the hierarchy of entities resulting from clustering and abstraction, not
with respect to the physical realization of the internetwork. In fact,
Nimrod need not even be aware of the physical elements of an internetwork.
2.3.2 Restricting Information Distribution
The Nimrod architecture supports restricted distribution of routing
information, both to reduce resource consumption associated with such
distribution and to permit information hiding. Each cluster determines the
portions of its routing information to distribute and the set of entities to
which to distribute this information. Moreover, recipients of routing
information are selective in which information they retain. Some examples
are as follows. Each cluster might automatically advertise its routing
information to its siblings (i.e., those clusters with a common parent
cluster). In response to requests, a cluster might advertise information
about specific portions of the cluster or information that applies only to
specific users. A cluster might only retain routing information from
clusters that provide universal access to their services.
2.3.3 Local Selection of Feasible Routes
Generating routes that satisfy multiple constraints is usually an
NP-complete problem and hence a computationally intensive procedure. With
Nimrod, only those entities that require routes with special constraints
need assume the computational load associated with generation and selection
of such routes. Moreover, the Nimrod architecture allows individual
entities to choose their own route generation and selection algorithms and
hence the amount of resources to devote to these functions.
2.3.4 Caching
The Nimrod architecture encourages caching of acquired routing information
in order to reduce the amount of resources consumed and delay incurred in
obtaining the information in the future. The set of routes generated as a
by-product of generating a particular route is an example of routing
information that is amenable to caching; future requests for any of these
routes may be satisfied directly from the route cache. However, as with any
caching scheme, the cached information may become stale and its use may
result in poor quality routes. Hence, the routing information's expected
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
duration of usefulness must be considered when determining whether to cache
the information and for how long.
2.3.5 Limiting Forwarding Information
The Nimrod architecture supports two separate approaches for containing the
amount of forwarding information that must be maintained per router. The
first approach is to multiplex, over a single path (or tree, for multicast),
multiple traffic flows with similar service requirements. The second
approach is to install and retain forwarding information only for active
traffic flows.
With Nimrod, the service providers and users share responsibility for the
amount of forwarding information in an internetwork. Users have control
over the establishment of paths, and service providers have control over the
maintenance of paths. This approach is different from that of the current
Internet, where forwarding information is established in routers independent
of demand for this information.
3 Architectural Overview
Nimrod is a hierarchical, map-based routing architecture that has been
designed to support a wide range of user requirements and to scale to very
large dynamic internets. Given a traffic stream's description and
requirements (both quality of service requirements and usage-restriction
requirements), Nimrod's main function is to manage in a scalable fashion how
much information about the internetwork is required to choose a route for
that stream. In other words, to manage the trade-off between amount of
information about the internetwork and the quality of the computed route.
Nimrod is implemented as a set of protocols and distributed databases. The
following sections describe the basic architectural concepts used in Nimrod.
The protocols and databases are specified in other documents.
3.1 Endpoints
The basic entity in Nimrod is the endpoint. An endpoint represents a user
of the internetwork layer: for example, a transport connection. Each
endpoint has at least one endpoint identifier (EID). Any given EID
corresponds to a single endpoint. EIDs are globally unique, relatively
short "computer-friendly" bit strings---for example, small multiples of 64
bits. EIDs have no topological significance whatsoever. For ease of
management, EIDs might be organized hierarchically, but this is not
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
In practice, EIDs will probably have a second form, which we can
call the endpoint label (EL). ELs are ASCII strings of unlimited
length, structured to be used as keys in a distributed database
(much like DNS names). Information about an endpoint---for
example, how to reach it---can be obtained by querying this
distributed database using the endpoint's label as key.
3.2 Maps
The basic data structure used for routing is the map. A map expresses the
available connectivity between different points of an internetwork.
Different maps can represent the same region of a physical network at
different levels of detail.
A map is a graph composed of nodes and arcs. Properties of nodes are
contained in attributes associated with them. Arcs have no attributes.
Arcs appear in maps as attributes of nodes. Nimrod defines languages to
specify attributes and to describe maps.
Maps are used by routers to generate routes. In general, it is not required
that different routers have consistent maps.
In this document we speak only of routers. By "router" we mean a physical
device that implements functions related to routing: for example,
forwarding, route calculation, path set-up. A given device need not be
capable of doing all of these to be called a router. Later---for example,
in protocol specification documents---it might be convenient to explicitly
split these functionalities. We might then speak of forwarding engines,
path set-up agents, route servers, etc.
Nimrod has been designed so that there will be no routing loops
even when the routing databases of different routers are not
consistent. A consistency requirement would not permit
representing the same region of the internetwork at different
levels of detail. Also, a routing-database consistency
requirement would be hard to guarantee in the very large internets
Nimrod is designed to support.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
3.2.1 Connectivity Specifications
By connectivity between two points we mean the available services and the
restrictions on their use. Connectivity specifications are among the
attributes associated with nodes. The following are informal examples of
connectivity specifications:
o "Between these two points, there exists best-effort service with no
o "Between these two points, guaranteed 10 ms delay can be arranged for
traffic streams whose data rate is below 1 Mbyte/sec and that have low
(specified) burstiness."
o "Between these two points, best-effort service is offered, as long as
the traffic originates in and is destined to research organizations."
Connectivity specifications can be defined not only between two
points, but also between sets of points. Nimrod includes a
language to define connectivity specifications.
3.3 Nodes and Arcs
A node represents a region of the physical network. The region of the
network represented by a node can be as large or as small as desired: a
node can represent a continent or a process running inside a host.
Moreover, as explained in section 4, a region of the network can
simultaneously be represented by more than one node.
Arcs are unidirectional. An arc has two distinguishable ends: a head and a
tail. (Arcs are often visualized and drawn as arrows; the head of the arc
corresponds to the head of the arrow.) The head and tail of an arc are each
connected to a node.
The presence of an arc between two nodes specifies that traffic can flow
between those two points in the direction indicated by the arc (from tail to
head). Between two given nodes, there can be only one arc in each
direction. Arcs always connect different nodes.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
3.4 BTEs
The distinguishable components of a map are called basic topological
entities (BTEs): nodes and connectivity specifications.
3.5 Locators
A locator is a string of binary digits that identifies a basic topological
entity (BTE) in a map. Different BTEs have necessarily different locators.
A given BTE is assigned only one locator. Locators identify BTEs and
specify *where* a BTE is in the network. Locators do *not* specify a path
to the BTE.
In this document locators are written as ASCII strings that include colons
to underline node structure: for example, a:b:c. This does not mean that
the representation of locators in packets or in databases will necessarily
have something equivalent to the colons.
A given physical element of the network might implement more than one
BTE---for example, a router that is part of two different nodes. Though
this physical element might therefore be associated with more than one
locator, the BTEs that this physical element implements have each only one
A node is said to own those locators that have as a prefix the locator of
the node. In a node that has an internal map, the locators of all BTEs in
this internal map are prefixed by the locator of the original node.
Specifically, the locators of nodes appearing in the internal map of a node
are prefixed by the locator of that node.
Arcs do not have locators.
The locators of all connectivity specifications associated with a node are
also prefixed by the node's locator.
All routing map information is expressed in terms of locators, and routing
selections are based on locators. EIDs are *not* used in making routing
decisions---see section 5.
3.6 Node Attributes
The following are node attributes defined by Nimrod.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
3.6.1 Arcs
Arcs appear in maps as attributes of their tail node---the "from" node.
Every arc associated with a node identifies a neighboring node to which the
original node can send data to. Given a node, an "adjacent source" is a
node that can send data to the original node. That is, a node that has an
arc with the original node as its head. Similarly, an "adjacent
destination" is a node to which the original node can send data. That is,
a node that is the head of one of the orignal node's arcs.
3.6.2 Internal Maps
As part of its attributes, a node can have internal maps. A router can
obtain a node's internal maps---or any other of the node's attributes, for
that matter---by requesting that information from a representative of that
node. (A router associated with that node can be such a representative.) A
node's representative can in principle reply with different internal maps to
different requests---for example, because of security concerns. This
implies that different routers in the network might have different internal
maps for the same node.
Given a map, a router can obtain a more detailed map by substituting one of
the map's nodes by one of that node's internal maps. This process can be
continued recursively. (Presumably, a router would expand nodes in the
region of the map of its current interest.) Nimrod defines standard
internal maps that are intended to be used for specific purposes. A node's
"detailed map" gives more information about the region of the network
represented by the original node. Typically, it is closer to the physical
realization of the network than the original node. The nodes of this map
can themselves have detailed maps.
3.6.3 Transit Connectivity
For a given node, this attribute specifies the services available between
adjacent sources and adjacent destinations. This attribute is requested and
used when a router intends to route traffic *through* a node. Conceptually,
the traffic connectivity attribute is a matrix that is indexed by a pair of
locators: the locator of an adjacent source and the locator of an adjacent
destination. The entry indexed by such a pair contains the connectivity
specifications of the services available across the given node for traffic
entering from the adjacent source going to the adjacent destination.
The actual format of this attribute need not be a matrix. This document
does not specify the format for this attribute, nor for the next two
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
3.6.4 Inbound Connectivity
For a given node, this attribute represents connectivity from adjacent
sources to points within the node. This attribute is requested and used
when a router intends to route traffic to a point within the node but does
not have, and either cannot or does not want to obtain, a detailed map of
the node. The inbound connectivity attribute identifies what connectivity
specifications are available between pairs of locators. The first element
of the pair is the locator of an adjacent source, node, the second is a
locator owned by the node.
3.6.5 Outbound Connectivity
For a given node, this attribute represents connectivity from points within
the node to adjacent destinations. This attribute identifies what
connectivity specifications are available between pairs of locators. The
first element of the pair is a locator owned by the node, the second is the
locator of an adjacent destination.
The Transit, Inbound and Outbound connectivities attributes are also known
as "abstract maps."
4 Physical Realization
A network is modeled as being composed of physical elements: routers,
hosts, and communication links. The links can be either
point-to-point---e.g., T1 links---or multi-point---e.g., ethernets, X.25
networks, IP-only networks, etc.
The physical representation of a network can have associated with it one or
more Nimrod maps. A Nimrod map is a function not only of the physical
network, but also of the configured clustering of elements (locator
assignment) and of the configured connectivity.
Nimrod has no pre-defined "lowest level": for example, it is possible to
define and advertise a map that is physically realized inside a CPU. In this
map, a node could represent, for example, a process or a group of processes.
The user of this map need not necessarily know or care. ("It is turtles
all the way down!", in [3] page 63.)
4.1 Contiguity
Locators sharing a prefix must be assigned to a contiguous region of a map.
That is, two elements (BTEs) of a map that have been assigned locators
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
sharing a prefix should be connected to each other with elements that
themselves have been assigned locators with that prefix. The main
consequence of this requirementD is that "you cannot take your locator with
As an example of this, see figure 1, consider two providers and
(these designations are *not* locators but DNS names) which appear in a
Nimrod map as two nodes with locators A and B. Assume that corporation
(also not a locator) was originally connected to Locators
corresponding to elements in are, in this example, A-prefixed.
Corporation decides to change providers---severing its physical
connection to The connectivity requirement described in this section
implies that, after the provider change has taken place, elements in
will have been, in this example, assigned B-prefixed locators and that it is
not possible for them to receive data destined to A-prefixed locators
The contiguity requirement simplifies routing information exchange: if it
were permitted for to receive A-prefixed locators through, it
would be necessary that a map that contains node B include information about
the existence of a group of A-prefixed locators inside node B. Similarly, a
map including node A would have to include information that the set of
A-prefixed locators asigned to is not to be found within A. The more
situations like this happen, the more the hierarchical nature of Nimrod is
subverted to "flat routing." The contiguity requirement can also be
expressed as "EIDs are stable; locators are ephemeral."
The contiguity requirement rules out some approaches to implementing
mobility in Nimrod. For example, a mobile host cannot advertise its
"home" locator from its new location. For more on mobility see [4].
4.2 An Example
Figure 2 shows a physical network. Hosts are drawn as squares, routers as
diamonds, and communication links as lines. The network shown has the
following components: five ethernets ---EA through EE; five routers---RA
through RE; and four hosts---HA through HD. Routers RA, RB, and RC
interconnect the backbone ethernets---EB, EC and ED. Router RD connects
backbone EC to a network consisting of ethernet EA and hosts HA and HB.
Router RE interconnects backbone ED to a network consisting of ethernet EE
and hosts HC and HD. The assigned locators appear in lower case beside the
corresponding physical entity.
Figure 3 shows a Nimrod map for that network. The nodes of the map are
represented as squares. Lines connecting nodes represent two arcs in
opposite directions. Different regions of the network are represented at
different detail. Backbone b1 is represented as a single node. The region
of the network with locators prefixed by "a" is represented as a single
node. The region of the network with locators prefixed by "c" is
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
+-------+ +-------+
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
+-------+ +-------+
| |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 1: Connectivity after switching providers
represented in full detail.
4.3 Multiple Locator Assignment
Physical elements can form part of, or implement, more than one BTE. In this
sense it can be said that they can be assigned more than one locator.
Consider figure 4, which shows a physical network. This network is composed
of routers (RA, RB, RC, and RD), hosts (HA, HB, and HC), and communication
links. Routers RA, RB, and RC are connected with point-to-point links. The
two horizontal lines in the bottom of the figure represent ethernets. The
figure also shows the locators assigned to hosts and routers.
In figure 4, RA and RB have each been assigned one locator (a:t:r1 and
b:t:r1, respectively). RC has been assigned locators a:y:r1 and b:d:r1; one
of these two locators shares a prefix with RA's locator, the other shares a
prefix with RB's locator. Hosts HA and HB have each been assigned three
locators. Host HC has been assigned one locator. Depending on what
communication paths have been set up between points, different Nimrod maps
result. A possible Nimrod map for this network is given in figure 5.
Nodes and arcs represent the *configured* clustering and connectivity of the
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
a:h1 +--+ a:h2 +--+
|HA| |HB|
| | | |
+--+ +--+
a:e1 | |
--------------------- EA
/\ /\
/RB\ b1:r1 /RD\ b2:r1
/\ /\ \ /
/ \/ \ \/
EB b1:t:e1 / \ | EC
------------------------ -------------------------- b2:e1
/ \
/ \
/\ \
/RA\ b1:r2 \/\
\ / /RC\ b2:t:r2
\/ \ /
\ \/
\ / ED
----------------------------------- b3:t:e1
/RE\ b3:t:r1
\ /
EE \/
----------------------------- c:e1
| |
+--+ +--+
|HC| c:h1 |HD| c:h2
| | | |
+--+ +--+
Figure 2: Example Physical Network
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
+-----+ +-----+
+----------+ | | | |
| |--------------| b2:t| --------------| a |
| | | | | |
| b1 | +-----+ +-----+
| | |
| | |
| | |
+----------+ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
\ +--------+
\ | |
------- | b3:t:e1|
| |
| |
| |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| | | | | |
| c:h1|-------| c:e1|-----| c:h2|
| | | | | |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
Figure 3: Nimrod Map
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
a:t:r1 b:t:r1
+--+ +--+
+--+ +--+
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
|RC| a:y:r1
+--+ b:d:r1
a:y:h1 +--+ +--+ +--+ a:y:h2
b:d:h2 |HA| |RD| c:r1 |HB| b:d:h1
c:h1 +--+ +--+ +--+ c:h2
|HC| c:h3
Figure 4: Multiple Locators
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
a b c
+-------------+ +-------------+ +---------------+
| | | | | |
| a:t | | b:t | | |
| +--+ | | +--+ | | |
| | |--------------|--| | | | |
| +--+ | | +--+ | | |
| | | | | | | |
| +--+ | | +--+ | | |
| + + | | + + | | |
| +--+ a:y | | +--+ b:d | | |
| | | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +---------------+
Figure 5: Nimrod Map
network. Notice that even though a:y and b:d are defined on the same
hardware, the map shows no connection between them: this connection has not
been configured. A packet given to node `a' addressed to a locator prefixed
with "b:d" would have to travel from node a to node b via the arc joining
them before being directed towards its destination. Similarly, the map
shows no connection between the c node and the other two top level nodes.
If desired, these connections could be established, which would necessitate
setting up the exchange of routing information. Figure 6 shows the map when
these connections have been established.
In the strict sense, Nimrod nodes do not overlap: they are distinct
entities. But, as we have seen in the previous example, a physical element
can be given more than one locator, and, in that sense, participate in
implementing more than one node. That is, two different nodes might be
defined on the same hardware. In this sense, Nimrod nodes can be said to
overlap. But to notice this overlap one would have to know the
physical-to-map correspondence. It is not possible to know when two nodes
share physical assets by looking only at a Nimrod map.
A contiguous region of the network that is not Nimrod-aware can be
represented as node with associated transit connectivity
specifications that describe the connectivity offered by this
region of the network. An example of this is an IP-only network
that is connected to the Nimrod internetwork via Nimrod routers.
Nimrod-aware hosts connected to this network are represented as
nodes connected to this node. Nimrod packets destined for Nimrod
hosts, or for Nimrod routers "on the other side of the network,"
could, for example, be encapsulated inside IP packets.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
+--------+ +--------+
| | | |
| a:t:r1 |-----------------------------------------------| b:t:r1 |
| | | |
+--------+ +--------+
| |
| |
| /-----------------------------------------\ |
| | | |
| | | |
| +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ |
| | | | | | | |
| | a:y:h1 --------| c:h1 |--------------------| b:d:h1 | |
| | | | | | | |
| +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ |
| | | | | | | |
+--------+ | | +------+ +------+ | +--------+
| | | | | | | | | | |
| a:y:r1 | | | | c:r1 |--| c:h3 | | | b:d:r1 |
| | | | | | | | | | |
+--------+ | | +------+ +------+ | +--------+
| | | | | | | |
| +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ |
| | | | | | | |
| | a:y:h2 |-------- c:h2 |--------------------| b:d:h2 | |
| | | | | | | |
| +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| \-----------------------------------------/ |
Figure 6: Nimrod Map II
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
IP-only hosts connected to this network can be reached from other
IP-only clouds by, for example, encapsulating IP packets inside
packets of the format being used by Nimrod. Nimrod routers
connecting the IP network to the Nimrod internetwork would
"de-capsulate" packets destined to IP-only hosts. IP-only hosts
could, for example, be given locators prefixed by the locator of a
Nimrod router that knows how to get packets to them, this way
putting them "inside" the associated Nimrod router. Other
treatments are possible: for example, they could be given
locators prefixed with the locator of the node that represents the
IP network. In the first case, "within" a router, only that
router needs to know how to forward packets to IP hosts; however,
this makes this router a single point of failure. In the second
case, all Nimrod routers connected to this node need to know how
to forward IP packets to IP-only hosts. To simplify packet
forwarding, the locator for an IP-only host might include the IP
address of the host.
5 Forwarding
Nimrod does not specify a packet format. It is possible to use Nimrod with
different formats, conceivably simultaneously, in the same network. This
section specifies Nimrod's requirements on the packet-forwarding mechanism.
Nimrod supports four forwarding modes:
1. Connectivity Specification Chain (CSC) mode: in this mode, packets
carry a list of connectivity specification locators. The packet is
required to go through the nodes that own the connectivity
specifications using the services specified. The nodes associated with
the listed connectivity specifications should define a continuous path
in the map. A more detailed description of the requirements of this
mode is given in section 5.3.
2. Connectivity Specifications Sequence (CSS) mode: in this mode, packets
carry a list of connectivity specification locators. The packet is
supposed to go sequentially through the nodes that own each one of the
listed connectivity specifications in the order they were specified.
The nodes need not be neighbours. This mode can be seen as a
generalization of the CSC mode. Notice that CSCs are said to be a
*chains* of locators, CSSs are *sequence* of locators. This difference
emphasizes the contiguity requirement in CSCs. A detailed description
of this mode is in section 6.
3. Flow mode: in this mode, the packet header includes a path-id that
indexes state that has been previously set up in routers along the
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
path. Packet forwarding when flow state has been established is
relatively simple: follow the instructions in the routers' state.
Nimrod includes a mechanism for setting up this state. A more detailed
description of this mode can be found in section 5.4.
4. Datagram mode: in this mode, every packet header carries source and
destination locators. This mode can be seen as a special case of the
CSS mode. Forwarding is done following procedures as indicated in
section 5.5.
The obvious parallels are between CSC mode and IPV4's strict
source route and between CSS mode and IPV4's loose source route.
In all of these modes, the packet header also carries locators and EIDs for
the source and destinations. In normal operation, forwarding does not take
the EIDs into account, only the receiver does. EIDs are carried for
demultiplexing at the receiver, and to detect certain error conditions. For
example, if the EID is unknown at the receiver, the locator and EID of the
source included in the packet could be used to generate an error message to
return to the source (as usual, this error message itself should probably
not be allowed to be the cause of other error messages). Forwarding can
also use the source locator and EID to respond to error conditions, for
example, to indicate to the source that the state for a path-id cannot be
Packets can be visualized as moving between nodes in a map. A packet's
header indicates, implicitly or explicitly, a destination locator. In a
packet that uses the datagram, CSC, or CSS forwarding mode, the destination
locator is explicitly indicated in the header. In a packet that uses the
flow forwarding mode, the destination locator is implied by the path-id and
the distributed state in the network (it might also be included explicitly).
Given a map, a packet moves to the node in this map to which the associated
destination locator belongs. If the destination node has a "detailed"
internal map, the destination locator must belong to one of the nodes in
this internal map (otherwise it is an error). The packet goes to this node
(and so on, recursively).
5.1 Policy
CSC and CSS mode packets implement policy by specifying the connectivity
specifications associated with those nodes that the packet should traverse.
Strictly speaking, there is no policy information included in the packet
header. That is, in principle, it is not possible to determine what
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
criteria were used to select the route by looking at the header. The packet
header only contains the results of the route generation process.
Similarly, in a flow mode packet, policy is implicit in the chosen route.
A datagram-mode packet can indicate a limited form of policy routing by the
choice of destination and source locators. For this choice to exist, the
source or destination endpoints must have several locators associated with
them. This type of policy routing is capable of, for example, choosing
5.2 Trust
A node that does not divulge its internal map can work internally any way
its administrators decide, as long as the node satisfies its external
characterization as given in its Nimrod map advertisements. Therefore, the
advertised Nimrod map should be consistent with a node's actual
capabilities. For example, consider the network shown in figure 7 which
shows a physical network and the advertised Nimrod map. The physical
network consists of hosts and a router connected together by an ethernet.
This node can be sub-divided into component nodes by assigning locators as
shown in the figure and advertising the map shown. The map seems to imply
that it is possible to send packets to node a:x without these being
observable by node a:y; however, this is actually not enforceable.
In general, it is reasonable to ask how much trust should be put in the maps
obtained by a router. Even when a node is "trustworthy," and the
information received from the node has been authenticated, there is always
the possibility of an honest mistake. These are difficult issues that are
not unique to Nimrod. Many research and standards groups are addressing
them. We plan to incorporate the output of these groups into Nimrod as they
become available.
5.3 Connectivity Specification (CSC) Mode
Routing for a CSC packet is specified by a list of locators carried in the
packet header. The locators correspond to connectivity specifications that
make the specified path, in the order that they appear along the path.
These connectivity specifications are attributes of nodes. Note that the
route indicated by a CSC packet is specifed in terms of connectivity
specifications rather than physical entities: a locator in the CSC header
could correspond to a type of service between two points of the network
without specifying the physical path.
Given two connectivity specification locators that appear consecutively in
the header of a CSC mode packet, there should exist an arc going from the
node corresponding to the first connectivity specification to the node
corresponding to the second connectivity specification. The first
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
|RA| a:r1
+--+ +--+
|Ha| a:x:h1 |Ha| a:y:h2
+--+ +--+
Physical Network
a |
| | |
| +----+ |
| |a:r1| |
| a:x +----+ a:y |
| +------+ / \ +-------+ |
| | | / \| | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| +------+ +-------+ |
| |
+ -----------------------------------+
Advertised Nimrod Map
Figure 7: Example of Misleading Map
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
connectivity specification referenced in a CSC mode header should be an
outbound connectivity specification; similarly, the last connectivity
specification referenced in a CSC mode header should be an indicated
connectivity specification; the rest should be transit connectivity
5.4 Flow Mode
The header of a flow mode packet includes a path-id field. This field
identifies state that has been established in intermediate routers. This
header might also contain locators and EIDs for the source and destination.
Nimrod includes protocols to set up and modify flow-related state in
intermediate routers. These protocols not only identify the requested
route, but also describe the resources requested by the flow---e.g.,
bandwidth, delay, etc. The result of a set-up attempt might be either
confirmation of the set-up or notification of its failure. The
source-specified routes in flow mode are specified in terms of CSCs.
5.5 Datagram Mode
A realistic routing architecture must include an optimization for datagram
traffic, by which we mean user transactions which consist of single packets,
such as a lookup in a remote translation database. Either of the two
previous modes contains unacceptable overhead if much of the network traffic
consists of such datagram transactions. A mechanism is needed which is
approximately as efficient as the existing IPV4 "hop-by-hop" mechanism.
Nimrod has such a mechanism.
The scheme can be characterized by the way it divides the state in a
datagram network, between routers and the actual packets. Most packets
currently contain only a small amount of state associated with the
forwarding process ("forwarding state")---the hop count. Nimrod proposes
that enlarging the amount of forwarding state in packets can produce a
system with useful properties. It was partially inspired by the efficient
source routing mechanism in SIP ( [5]), and the locator pointer mechanism in
PIP ( [6]).
Nimrod datagram mode uses pre-set flow-mode state to support a strictly
non-looping path, but without a source-route. In the datagram mode, the
packet contains, in addition to a locally usable path-id field:
o the source and destination locators, and
o a pointer into the locators.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
The pointer starts out at the lowest level of the source locator, and moves
"up" that locator, then to the destination locator, and then "down". In
addition to these extra fields in the packet, all routers have to contain a
minimal set of "pre-setup" flows, or be prepared to set these flows on
demand, to certain routers which are at critical places in the abstraction
The "pre-setup" flows do not actually have to be set up in advance, but
can be created on demand. There is a minimum set of flows which do have to
be *able* to be set up for the system to operate, however. It is purely a
local decision, which, if any, of those flows to set up before there is an
actual traffic requirement for them. As an efficiency move, when a datagram
requires that a flow actually be set up to handle it, the data packet could
be sent along with the flow setup request, avoiding the round-trip delay.
We call these flows "datagram mode flows", or "DMFs", realizing that
none of them need be created until actually needed.
The actual operation of the mechanism is fairly simple. While going up the
source locator, each "active" router (i.e., one that actually makes a
decision about where to send the packet, as opposed to handling it as part
of a flow) selects a DMF which will take the packet to the "next higher"
level object in the source locator, advances the pointer, and sends the
packet off along that DMF. When it gets to the end of that DMF, the process
repeats, until the packet reaches a router which is at the least common
intersection of the two locators. (e.g., for A:P:Q:R and A:X:Y:Z, this
would be when the packet reaches A).
The process then inverts, with each active router selecting a DMF which
takes the packet to the next lower object in the destination locator. So, A
would select a flow to A:X, and once it got to A:X, A:X would select a flow
to A:X:Y, etc.
It can easily be seen that the process guarantees that the resulting path is
loop-free. Each flow selected must necessarily get the packet closer to its
destination (since each flow selection results in the pointer being
monotonically advanced through the locator), and the flows themselves are
guaranteed not to loop when their paths are selected, prior to being set up.
If the system keeps more than the minimal set of DMFs (which is just up to
one border router in internal routers, and down to each object one level
down for each border router), and keep the table sorted for efficient
lookups (e.g., in much the same way as the current routing table for
hop-by-hop datagrams), routing can be more efficient.
For example, using the case above (a packet from A:P:Q:R to A:X:Y:Z), if
A:P:Q is actually a neighbour to A:X:Y, and maintains a flow directly from
A:P:Q to A:X:Y, then when the packet reaches A:P:Q, instead of going the
rest of the way up and down, the pointer can be set into the destination
locator at A:X:Y, and the packet sent there directly.
Traffic monitoring and analysis (again, using purely local algorithms) can
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
result in a database being created over time, which shows which DMFs above
and beyond the minimal set are worth keeping around. This traffic
monitoring would also show which flows from the required minimal set of DMFs
would be useful to set up in advance of actual traffic which needed them.
Again, however, all these sets can be changed in a local, incremental way,
without disturbing the operation of the system as a whole.
These new fowarding state fields would not be covered by an end-end
authentication system, any more than the existing hop count field (which is
also forwarding state) would be. This would prevent problems caused by the
fact that the contents of these fields change as the packet traverses the
The forwarding of these packets can be quite efficient (possibly more so
than even standard hop-by-hop). In the non-active routers, the packet is
associated with a flow in a way that makes possible hardware processing
without any software involvement at all. In active routers, the process of
looking up the next DMF would be about as expensive as the current routing
table lookup, and the main difference would be that the result of that
lookup would have to be stored in the packet, not a great expense.
6 Connectivity Specification Sequence Mode
The connectivity specification sequence mode specifies a route by a list of
connectivity specification locators. There are no contiguity restrictions
on consecutive locators.
The CSS and CSC modes can be seen as combination of the datagram
and flow modes. Therefore, in a sense, the basic forwarding modes
of Nimrod are just these last two.
7 Renumbering
This section presents an example of how to renumber a Nimrod network.
Figure 8 shows a network halfway in the process of being renumbered. The
figure shows the physical network and the associated locators. The network
is formed by router RA which is connected to three ethernets. The figure
shows five hosts, "HA" to "HE". To the right of each host two locators
are shown. The first locator shown corresponds to the old numbering; the
second, to the new numbering. Renumbering has consisted of adding a new
level of hierarchy---to simplify the work of RA, say.
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
Because it is possible for a network element to have more than one locator,
the two sets of locators can be active at the same time. Initially, only
the first set of locators is active. It means that Router RA knows to which
ethernet a packet should be directed given the locator in the header.
(Given a packet destined to one of the hosts, the router would pick one of
the three interfaces based on the "host part" of the locator---i.e.,
"h1" in locator a:h1.) When the second set of locators is introduced, for
a time, Router RA would forward based on the two sets of locators---because
the first set of locators might still be cached by some sources.
Eventually, RA would de-activate the original set of locators.
Presumably, RA would be prepared to forward messages to the new set of
locators before the DNS (or its equivalent) is instructed to use them. If a
packet containing an old locator is given to RA after the locator has been
de-activated, an error message would be generated. There exists the
possibility that the old locators might be re-assigned. If a packet is
received by the wrong endpoint, this situation can be detected by looking at
the destination EID which is included in the packet header.
The renumbering scheme described above implies that it should be possible to
update the DNS (or its equivalent) securely and, relatively, dynamically.
However, because renumbering will, most likely, be infrequent and carefully
planned, we expect that the load on this updating mechanism should be
A second implication of this renumbering scheme is a requirement for a
secure and simple way to update hosts' and routers' locators.
8 Security Considerations
Security Considerations are not addressed in this document.
9 Authors' Addresses
Isidro Castineyra
BBN Systems and Technologies
10 Moulton Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 873-6233
Martha Steenstrup
BBN Systems and Technologies
10 Moulton Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 873-3192
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
| | a:r1
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
----------------- --------- ---------------------------
+--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
| | a:h5 | | a:h1 | | a:h2 | | a:h4 | | A:h3
|HD| a:a:h1 |HA| a:a:h2 |HB| a:a:h1 |HC| a:c:h1 |HE| A:c:h3
+--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
Figure 8: Renumbering a Network
Internet Draft Nimrod Architecture March 1995
Noel Chiappa
[1] J. N. Chiappa, "A New IP Routing and Addressing Architecture," IETF
Internet Draft, 1991.
[2] M. Steenstrup, "Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol Specification:
version 1," RFC 1479, June 1993.
[3] R. Wright, Three Scientists and their Gods Looking for Meaning in an
Age of Information. New York: Times Book, first ed., 1988.
[4] S. Ramanathan, "Mobility Support for Nimrod: Requirements and
Approaches.," Working Draft, June 1994.
[5] S. Deering, "SIP: Simple Internet Protocol," IEEE Network, vol. 7,
May 1993.
[6] P. Francis, "A Near-Term Architecture for Deploying Pip," IEEE
Network, vol. 7, May 1993.