Internet DRAFT - draft-chaudhari-client-access-control-metadata


Content Delivery Networks Interconnection                   P. Chaudhari
Internet-Draft                                                    Disney
Intended status: Standards Track                            G. Goldstein
Expires: 5 September 2024                                       W. Power
                                                      Lumen Technologies
                                                           A. Warshavsky
                                                            4 March 2024

                  CDNI Client Access Control Metadata


   This specification adds to the basic client access control metadata
   in RFC8006, providing content providers and upstream content delivery
   networks (uCDNs) extended capabilities in defining location and time
   window restrictions.  Support is also provided to define required
   Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates and encryption levels.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components

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Internet-Draft     CDNI Client Access Control Metadata        March 2024

   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   3.  MI.LocationACLExtended  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  MI.LocationRuleExtended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  MI.TimeWindowACLExtended  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  MI.TimeWindowRuleExtended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  MI.CertificateMetadata  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.1.  MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.2.  MI.CertificateCredentialsMetadata . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  MI.ClientAuthMetadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   8.  Iana Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     8.1.  CDNI Payload Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     8.2.  "CDNI Metadata Protocol Types" Registry . . . . . . . . .  13
   9.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   10. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   11. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

   The [RFC8006] LocationACL and TimeWindowACL objects provide basic
   capabilities to gate a client's access to content.  This
   specification details alternatives to these objects (using
   LocationACLExtended and TimeWindowACLExtended), that allow for the
   configuration of a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response in
   cases where requests are denied.  Additional objects allow for the
   specification of required TLS certificates and encryption levels for
   content access.

2.  Requirements

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

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3.  MI.LocationACLExtended

   MI.LocationACLExtended is an alternative to the Content Delivery
   Network Interconnection (CDNI) standard MI.LocationACL object that
   defines the locations (footprints) a User Agent needs to be in, in
   order to be able to receive the associated content.
   MI.LocationACLExtended uses ACL rules of type
   MI.LocationRuleExtended, providing rules for handling denied

   This object conforms to the specification defined for the behavior of
   MI.LocationACL and the two are mutually exclusive.  Note that
   MI.LocationACLExtended instances that deny access are handled as
   terminating objects [SVTA2032] in that processing is terminated upon

   Property: rules

   *  Description: List of allow/deny rules per user location.

   *  Type: array of MI.LocationRuleExtended objects.

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   The following is an example of MI.LocationACLExtended with "allow/
   deny" rules:

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     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.LocationACLExtended",
     "generic-metadata-value": {
       "rules": [
           "locations": [
               "footprint-type": "ipv4cidr",
               "footprint-value": [
           "action": "allow",
           "comment": "Support team"
           "locations": [
               "footprint-type": "asn",
               "footprint-value": [
           "action": "deny",
           "comment": "Viewers from Antarctica",
           "deny-response": {
             "response-status": "302",
             "headers": [
                 "name": "Location",
                 "value": "https: //"
                 "name": "Content-Type",
                 "value": "text/html"

                                  Figure 1

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3.1.  MI.LocationRuleExtended

   MI.LocationRuleExtended is a subobject of MI.LocationACLExtended that
   defines pairs of user locations and allow/deny actions.

   Property: locations

   *  Description: An array of client footprints to match against.
      These footprints, defined by pairs of MI_footprinttype_ex and
      MI_footprintvalue_ex respectively, extend the CDNI
      MI_footprinttype and MI_footprintvalue On top of the four
      footprint types defined by the CDNI in [RFC8006]
      (ipv4cidr,ipv6cidr,asn,countrycode), three new types are
      added:(ipv4range, ipv6range, subdivisioncode)

   *  Type: Array of MI.Footprint objects

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   Property: action

   *  Description: The action to take place upon a location match.

   *  Type: String, one of (allow | deny)

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  The default is "deny".

   Property: comment

   *  Description: An optional text comment for user readability and for
      incorporating in logging.

   *  Type: String

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: No

   Property: deny-response

   *  Description: The configuration of the entire response to the
      client in case of a "Deny" action.

   *  Type: MI.SyntheticResponse

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  The default is { "response-status" :
      403 }.

   Property: match-all-locations

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   *  Description: The ACL rule match will take place only if all
      locations In the rule are matched, e.g., both asn and

   *  Type: Boolean

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  The default is "False".

4.  MI.TimeWindowACLExtended

   MI.TimeWindowACLExtended is an alternative to the CDNI standard
   MI.TimeWindow object for implementing time-based access restrictions.
   It uses ACL rules of type MI.TimeWindowRuleExtended to provide rules
   for handling denied requests.

   This object conforms to the specification defined for the behavior of
   MI.TimeWindowACL and the two are mutually exclusive.  Note that
   MI.TimeWindowACLExtended instances that deny access are handled as
   terminating objects [SVTA2032] in that processing is terminated upon

   Property: rules

   *  Description: List of time window allow deny rules.

   *  Type: An array of MI.TimeWindowRuleExtended objects.

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   The following is an example of MI.TimeWindowACLExtended with "allow"

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     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.TimeWindowACLExtended",
     "generic-metadata-value": {
       "rules": [
           "windows": [
               "start": 1670976000,
               "end": 4294967295
           "action": "allow",
           "comment": "episode 1 launch"

                                  Figure 2

4.1.  MI.TimeWindowRuleExtended

   Property: windows

   *  Description: Array of time windows to which the rule applies.

   *  Type: Array of MI.TimeWindow objects, as defined in RFC8006],
      using time values expressed in seconds since the UNIX epoch (i.e.,
      zero hours, zero minutes, zero seconds, on January 1, 1970)
      Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   Property: action

   *  Description: The action to take place upon a time window match.

   *  Type: String, one of (allow | deny)

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  The default is "deny".

   Property: comment

   *  Description: An OPTIONAL text comment for user readability and for
      incorporating in logging.

   *  Type: String

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   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: No

   Property: deny-response

   *  Description: The configuration of the entire response to the
      client in case of a "Deny" action.

   *  Type: MI.SyntheticResponse

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  The default is { "response-status" :
      403 }.

5.  MI.CertificateMetadata

   To allow for secure delivery of content, a downstream CDN (dCDN) MUST
   be configured to support Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPs).
   The MI.CertificateMetadata object is used to configure the dCDN's
   HTTPs attributes, such as TLS certificate credentials, encryption
   levels, protocols, and ciphers.

   Property: encryption-level

   *  Description: A reference to an MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata object
      that specifies the TLS protocols and ciphers to use.

   *  Type: MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   Property: delegated-credentials

   *  Description: A reference to the certificate's delegated
      credentials to use when establishing a TLS session with the

   *  Type: MI.CertificateCredentialsMetadata

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   Property: ocsp-enabled

   *  Description: When ocsp-enabled is set to "True", the dCDN will
      check the revocation status of the configured certificate and
      include that information with the response to the client.  See
      [RFC6066], section 8

   *  Type: Boolean

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   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  The default is "False".

   Property: prefer-server-ciphers

   *  Description: When prefer-server-ciphers is set to "False" (the
      default), the dCDN will prefer to use cipher suites in the order
      presented by the client when negotiating the TLS handshake.  When
      prefer-server-ciphers is set to "True", cipher suites will be
      selected in the order preferred by the dCDN server.

   *  Type: Boolean

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  The default is "False".

   The following is an example of MI.CertificateMetadata:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.CertificateMetadata",
     "generic-metadata-value": {
       "encryption-level": {
         "generic-metadata-type": "MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata",
         "generic-metadata-value": {
           "encryption-level-name": "modern",
           "protocols": [
           "ciphers": [
       "delegated-credentials": {
         "generic-metadata-type": "MI.CertificateCredentialsMetadata",
         "generic-metadata-value": {
           "delegated-credentials-type": "MI.ConfDelegatedCredentials",
           "delegated-credentials-value": {
       "ocsp-enabled": "false",
       "prefer-server-ciphers": "false"

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                                  Figure 3

5.1.  MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata

   MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata is a subobject of MI.CertificateMetadata
   to support HTTPS content delivery.  MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata
   specifies the protocols and ciphers to be used by the associated
   MI.CertificateMetadata object.  Externalizing
   MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata from MI.CertificateMetadata allows
   security policy (TLS protocols and ciphers) to be defined once and
   referenced by many configurations.

   Property: encryption-level-name

   *  Description: A descriptive name for the MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata
      object.  This name is expected to be used by operators to
      reference the MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata configuration.

   *  Type: String

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   Property: protocols

   *  Description: An array that lists the allowed protocols for the TLS

   *  Type: Array of enumerated values.  Must be one of: "TLSv1.0",
      "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2" , "TLSv1.3", "SSLv3".

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   Property: ciphers

   *  Description: An array that lists the allowed ciphers for the TLS

   *  Type: Array of strings

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   The following is an example of MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata:

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     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata",
     "generic-metadata-value": {
       "encryption-level-name": "modern-version-1.2",
       "protocols": [
       "ciphers": [

                                  Figure 4

5.2.  MI.CertificateCredentialsMetadata

   MI.CertificateCredentialsMetadata is a subobject of
   MI.CertificateMetadata and defines the credentials to use when
   establishing a TLS session between a dCDN and a client.

   Note: This document does not define any DelegatedCredentials methods.
   Individual DelegatedCredentials methods are defined separately, e.g.,
   MI.DelegatedCredentials and Acme-Delegations (see CDNI Metadata for
   Delegated Credentials [ietf-cdni-https-delegation-subcerts] and CDNI
   extensions for HTTPS delegation

   Property: delegated-credentials-type

   *  Description: The DelegatedCredentials type (the CDNI Payload Type
      [RFC7736] of the GenericMetadata object contained in the
      delegated-credentials-value property).

   *  Type: String

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   Property: delegated-credentials-value

   *  Description: An object conforming to the specification associated
      with the DelegatedCredentials type.

   *  Type: GenericMetadata object

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   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   The following is an example of MI.CertificateCredentialsMetadata:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.CertificateCredentialsMetadata",
     "generic-metadata-value": {
         <CDNI Payload Type of this DelegatedCredentials object>,
       "delegated-credentials-value": {
         <Properties of this DelegatedCredentials object>

                                  Figure 5

6.  MI.ClientAuthMetadata

   The MI.ClientAuthMetadata object defines how a dCDN authenticates
   client requests.

   Property: delivery-auth

   *  Description: Authentication method to use when granting access to
      a resource requested by a client.

   *  Type: MI.Auth object, as defined in [RFC8006] section 4.2.7

   *  Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes

   Following is a simple example:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.ClientAuthMetadata",
     "generic-metadata-value": {
       "delivery-auth": {
         "generic-metadata-type": "MI.Auth",
         "generic-metadata-value": {
           "auth-type": <CDNI Payload Type of this Auth object>,
           "auth-value": {}

                                  Figure 6

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7.  Security Considerations

   The FCI and MI objects defined in the present document are
   transferred via the interfaces defined in CDNI [RFC8006] which
   describes how to secure these interfaces protecting integrity and
   confidentiality while ensuring the authenticity of the dCDN and uCDN.

8.  Iana Considerations

8.1.  CDNI Payload Types

   This document requests the registration of the following entries
   under the "CDNI Payload Types" registry hosted by IANA:

           | Payload Type                      | Specification |
           | MI.LocationACLExtended            | RFCthis       |
           | MI.LocationRuleExtended           | RFCthis       |
           | MI.TimeWindowACLExtended          | RFCthis       |
           | MI.TimeWindowRuleExtended         | RFCthis       |
           | MI.CertificateMetadata            | RFCthis       |
           | MI.EncryptionLevelMetadata        | RFCthis       |
           | MI.CertificateCredentialsMetadata | RFCthis       |
           | MI.ClientAuthMetadata             | RFCthis       |

                                  Table 1

8.2.  "CDNI Metadata Protocol Types" Registry

   The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) "CDNI Metadata
   Protocol Types" subregistry in the "Content Delivery Network
   Interconnection Parameters" registry defines the valid Protocol
   object values used by the ProtocolACL object defined in [RFC8006]

   The following table defines the new protocol values needed for the
   ProtocolACL object defined in [RFC8006] such that CDN delivery
   restrictions can be configured for these protocols.

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     | Protocol | Description        | Type          | Protocol      |
     | Type     |                    | Specification | Specification |
     | http/2   | Hypertext Transfer | RFCthis       | [RFC9113]     |
     |          | Protocol Version 2 |               |               |
     |          | (unencrypted)      |               |               |
     | https/2  | Hypertext Transfer | RFCthis       | [RFC9113]     |
     |          | Protocol Version 2 |               |               |
     |          | (encrypted)        |               |               |
     | h2       | Hypertext Transfer | RFCthis       | [RFC9113]     |
     |          | Protocol Version   |               |               |
     |          | 2, alternate name  |               |               |
     | https/3  | Hypertext Transfer | RFCthis       | [RFC9114]     |
     |          | Protocol Version 3 |               |               |
     | h3       | Hypertext Transfer | RFCthis       | [RFC9114]     |
     |          | Protocol Version   |               |               |
     |          | 3, alternate name  |               |               |

                                  Table 2

9.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to express their gratitude to the members of
   the Streaming Video Technology Alliance [SVTA] Open Caching Working
   Group for their guidance / contribution / reviews ...)

   Particulary the following people contribute in one or other way to
   the content of this draft:

   *  Guillaume Bichot - Broadpeak

   *  Christoph Neumann - Broadpeak

   *  Chris Lemmons - Comcast

   *  Rajeev RK - picoNETS

   *  Shmuel Asafi - Qwilt

   *  Yoav Gressel - Qwilt

   *  Nir Sopher - Qwilt

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   *  Alfonso Siloniz - Telefonica

   *  Ben Rosenblum - Vecima

10.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC6066]  Eastlake 3rd, D., "Transport Layer Security (TLS)
              Extensions: Extension Definitions", RFC 6066,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6066, January 2011,

   [RFC8006]  Niven-Jenkins, B., Murray, R., Caulfield, M., and K. Ma,
              "Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI)
              Metadata", RFC 8006, DOI 10.17487/RFC8006, December 2016,

   [RFC9113]  Thomson, M., Ed. and C. Benfield, Ed., "HTTP/2", RFC 9113,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9113, June 2022,

   [RFC9114]  Bishop, M., Ed., "HTTP/3", RFC 9114, DOI 10.17487/RFC9114,
              June 2022, <>.

11.  Informative References

              IETF, "CDNI Metadata for Delegated Credentials",

              IETF, "CDNI extensions for HTTPS delegation",

   [RFC7736]  Ma, K., "Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI)
              Media Type Registration", RFC 7736, DOI 10.17487/RFC7736,
              December 2015, <>.

   [SVTA]     SVTA, "Streaming Video Technology Alliance Home Page",

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   [SVTA2032] SVTA, "Processing Stages Metadata Specification",

Authors' Addresses

   Pankaj Chaudhari
   United States of America

   Glenn Goldstein
   Lumen Technologies
   United States of America

   Will Power
   Lumen Technologies
   United States of America

   Arnon Warshavsky

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