Internet DRAFT - draft-chen-detnet-automation


DetNet                                                   Guangshuo Chen
Internet-Draft                                                 Yuyin Ma
Intended status: Informational                           Liang Wang
                                                              Ying Zhou
Expires: 22 May 2024                                   22 November 2023

      Deterministic Networks - Navigating Precision in Communication


   This document offers a comprehensive overview of deterministic 
   networks,    elucidating their significance, key characteristics, 
   and the challenges they address in comparison to 
   non-deterministic counterparts. With a focus on Time-Sensitive 
   Networking (TSN) and Precision Time Protocol (PTP), 
   the technological aspects are explored, encompassing 
   synchronization mechanisms, traffic shaping, and security 
   considerations. Real-world applications in industrial automation,
   control systems, and multimedia streaming underscore the practical
   relevance of deterministic networks. The document emphasizes the
   importance of precise time synchronization, security measures, 
   and collaboration within the networking community. Through 
   acknowledgments, the collaborative efforts of the Deterministic 
   Networking (DetNet) Working Group, authors of relevant standards, 
   and the broader community are recognized, highlighting the 
   collective dedication to advancing deterministic networking 

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other 
   documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 22 May 2024.

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Internet-Draft             Detnet Automation           November 2023

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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction
   2. Terminology
   3. Problem Statement
   4. Technologies and Standards
      4.1. Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)
         4.1.1. Overview
         4.1.2. Key Components
         4.1.3. Synchronization Mechanisms
         4.1.4. Traffic Shaping and Scheduling
         4.1.5. Quality of Service (QoS) in TSN
      4.2. Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
         4.2.1. Overview
         4.2.2. PTP Message Types
         4.2.3. Grandmaster Clock
         4.2.4. Best Practices for PTP Deployment
   5. Security Considerations
   6. IANA Considerations
   7. Acknowledgments
   8. References
      8.1. Normative References
      8.2. Informative References
   Authors' Addresses

1.  Introduction

   Deterministic networks play a pivotal role in meeting the evolving 
   demands of modern communication systems, especially in scenarios 
   where precise timing, low-latency, and high reliability are 
   paramount. This chapter provides an introductory overview of 
   deterministic networks, outlining their significance, 
   key characteristics, and the fundamental challenges 
   they aim to address.

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2. Terminology

   This chapter establishes a set of terms and definitions to 
   facilitate a   clear understanding of the concepts discussed 
   throughout this document. The terminology presented here aims
   to provide a common language for discussing deterministic 
   networks and related technologies.

   2.1. Deterministic Network

      A deterministic network refers to a communication infrastructure
      where the behavior and performance are predictable and 
      consistent. In such networks, the timing and order of events 
      can be precisely determined, allowing for reliable and 
      deterministic communication.

   2.2. Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)

      Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a set of IEEE standards
      designed to enhance Ethernet networks' capabilities to meet
      the stringent requirements of deterministic communication. 
      TSN introduces mechanisms such as time synchronization, 
      traffic shaping, and scheduling to ensure predictable 
      and low-latency communication.

   2.3. Precision Time Protocol (PTP)

      Precision Time Protocol (PTP), defined in IEEE 1588, is a 
      protocol used to synchronize clocks across a network with 
      high accuracy. PTP is a key component in achieving precise
      time synchronization within deterministic networks, 
      ensuring coordinated timing across devices.

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3. Problem Statement

   The traditional Internet architecture, while robust and widely 
   adopted, faces challenges when it comes to meeting the stringent 
   requirements of applications and services that demand deterministic
   behavior. This chapter outlines the key problems addressed by 
   deterministic networks and provides insights into the limitations 
   of non-deterministic networks.

   3.1. Network Congestion and Variable Delays

      In non-deterministic networks, congestion and variable delays are
      common occurrences due to the shared nature of network resources.
      As a result, applications with strict timing constraints, such as
      real-time control systems and industrial automation, 
      may experience performance degradation and unpredictable 
      communication delays.

   3.2. Unpredictable Event Handling

      Non-deterministic networks may struggle with the unpredictable 
      handling of events, leading to difficulties in ensuring timely
      and synchronized communication. In applications where precise 
      coordination is crucial, such as distributed control systems,
      unpredictable event handling can introduce uncertainties and 
      compromise system reliability.

   3.3. Lack of Precise Time Synchronization

      Precise time synchronization is a fundamental requirement for
      deterministic communication. Non-deterministic networks often 
      lack mechanisms to ensure consistent and accurate time 
      synchronization across devices. This limitation hinders the 
      ability to coordinate actions and events with high precision.

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4. Technologies and Standards

   4.1. Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)

      4.1.1. Overview

         Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a set of IEEE standards 
         designed to enhance the capabilities of standard Ethernet 
         networks to meet the stringent requirements of deterministic
         communication. TSN enables precise timing, low-latency 
         communication, and reliability in scenarios where time 
         synchronization and deterministic behavior are critical.

      4.1.2. Key Components

         TSN comprises several key components that collectively 
         contribute to deterministic networking. These include 
         Time-Aware Shaper (TAS), Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP), 
         and Frame Preemption, among others. Each component plays 
         a crucial role in shaping network traffic, ensuring 
         predictable delivery and minimizing latency.

      4.1.3. Synchronization Mechanisms

         Achieving accurate time synchronization is fundamental to
         deterministic networks. TSN leverages synchronization 
         mechanisms such as IEEE 802.1AS, which defines the time 
         synchronization protocol for TSN networks. This ensures 
         that all devices within the TSN domain operate on a 
         shared and precise timeline.

      4.1.4. Traffic Shaping and Scheduling

         TSN introduces advanced traffic shaping and scheduling 
         mechanisms to prioritize critical traffic and ensure 
         timely delivery. The TimeAware Shaper (TAS) enables the 
         allocation of bandwidth and schedules transmission times
         for specific streams, preventing contention and
         guaranteeing determinism.

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      4.1.5. Quality of Service (QoS) in TSN

         Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms in TSN go beyond
         traditional Ethernet, providing the ability to differentiate
         between various traffic classes. TSN supports multiple 
         priority levels, allowing critical traffic to receive 
         preferential treatment and ensuring that latency-sensitive
         applications meet their requirements.

   4.2. Precision Time Protocol (PTP)

      4.2.1. Overview

         Precision Time Protocol (PTP), defined in IEEE 1588, 
         is a crucial component in achieving precise time 
         synchronization within deterministic networks. 
         PTP is specifically designed to synchronize clocks 
         across a network with high accuracy, making it an essential
         building block for applications demanding sub-microsecond

      4.2.2. PTP Message Types

         PTP relies on different message types to exchange timing 
         information among network devices. These include Announce, 
         Sync, Follow-Up, and Delay_Req/Resp messages. 
         The coordinated exchange of these messages ensures 
         that clocks across the network are aligned with minimal

      4.2.3. Grandmaster Clock

         In a PTP-enabled network, the Grandmaster Clock serves as the
         primary time reference. It is the device with the most accurate
         clock, and its time is distributed to other devices in the 
         network. Selection of the Grandmaster Clock is crucial to
         maintaining synchronization accuracy.

      4.2.4. Best Practices for PTP Deployment

         Successful deployment of PTP requires careful consideration of
         network topology, hardware capabilities, and environmental 
         factors. Best practices include selecting a reliable 
         Grandmaster Clock, optimizing network paths, and ensuring 
         proper configuration to minimize synchronization errors 
         and achieve optimal performance.

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5.  Security Considerations
This document does not contain any security considerations.

6.  IANA Considerations
   This document makes no IANA requests.

7.  Acknowledgements
   The creation of this document has been a collaborative effort, 
   and we extend our gratitude to individuals and organizations 
   whose contributions and insights have enriched the content 
   and quality of this work.

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8. References

   This chapter provides a comprehensive list of references that 
   readers can consult for further exploration of deterministic 
   networks, Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), Precision Time Protocol
   (PTP), and related topics. References are categorized into normative 
   references, which are essential for understanding and implementing 
   the concepts discussed, and informative references, which offer 
   additional insights and perspectives.

   8.1. Normative References

      [IEEE 802.1Q] - "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area 
         networks -- Bridges and Bridged Networks -- Amendment 28: 
         Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP) Enhancements and Performance 
         Improvements" This IEEE standard defines enhancements to the 
         Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP), a crucial component of 
         Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN).

   8.2. Informative References

      [IETF Journal - Deterministic Networking]
         This informative reference provides an in-depth exploration of
         deterministic networking, including use cases, challenges, and
         emerging trends. It serves as a valuable resource for readers 
         seeking a broader perspective on the topic.

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      [TSN Task Group - IEEE-SA]
         The Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group within the 
         IEEE-SA website offers additional documents, presentations, 
         and resources related to TSN standards development and 

      [PTP - Best Practices Guide]
         This informative guide offers best practices for deploying 
         Precision Time Protocol (PTP) in various network environments. 
         It provides practical insights into ensuring accurate time 

   Readers are encouraged to refer to the cited documents for a deeper
   understanding of deterministic networks and related technologies.

Authors' Addresses

   Guangshuo Chen
   BeiJing JiaoTong University
   Haidian District, Beijing

   Yuyin Ma
   BeiJing JiaoTong University
   Haidian District, Beijing
   Liang Wang
   BeiJing JiaoTong University
   Haidian District, Beijing
   Ying Zhou
   BeiJing JiaoTong University
   Haidian District, Beijing

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