Internet DRAFT - draft-cheng-savnet-intra-domain-sav-igp


LSR Working Group                                              W. Cheng
Internet-Draft                                             China Mobile
Intended status: Standards Track                                  D. Li
Expires: August 23, 2024                            Tsinghua University
                                                                 C. Lin
                                                   New H3C Technologies
                                                                 S. Yue
                                                           China Mobile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       February 23,2024

                     Intra-domain SAV Support via IGP

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   This document describes a Dynamic calculation SAVNET mechanism by
   extending IGP protocol in intra-domain scenarios. This mechanism can
   propagate SAV-related information through IGP messages to help
   routers automatically generate accurate SAV rules which are for
   checking the validity of data packets.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................3
   2. Terminology....................................................4
   3. Design Goals...................................................5
   4. Solution.......................................................6
      4.1. Overview..................................................6
      4.2. SAVA RULE.................................................8
         4.2.1. Composition of the SAVNET Rule.......................8
         4.2.2. Origin of the Source Prefix..........................8
         4.2.3. Advertisement of the Source Prefix...................9
      4.3. Procedure................................................12
   5. Protocol Extension............................................15
      5.1. IS-IS Protocol Extension.................................15
         5.1.1. IS-IS Extended Source Prefix sub-TLV................15
      5.2. OSPF Protocol Extension..................................15
         5.2.1. OSPF Extended Source Prefix sub-TLV.................15
      5.3. OSPFv3 Protocol Extension................................16
         5.3.1. OSPFv3 Extended Source Prefix sub-TLV...............16
   6. Example.......................................................16
   7. Manageability Considerations..................................18
   8. Deployment Considerations.....................................18
   9. IANA Considerations...........................................19
   10. Security Considerations......................................19
   11. References...................................................19
      11.1. Normative References....................................19
      11.2. Informative References..................................20
   Authors' Addresses...............................................20

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   1. Introduction

   In communication networks, network devices typically forward packets
   based only on their destination addresses, without verifying the
   authenticity of the source addresses. As a result, forging the
   source addresses raises a large number of network security problems.
   The main problems are as follows, as shown in Figure 1:

   * Attackers attack important websites, causing them to be
   inaccessible and interfering with the normal use of important
   services by legitimate user.

   * Attackers conceal their true identity and location, making it
   difficult to trace the source of illegal network activities.

   * Attackers interfere with the normal operation of services such as
   accounting, management, and security authentication based on real
   source addresses, causing a large amount of network resources to be

   |   +---------+         +-----------+          +------+       |
   |   |Important|         |Supervision|          |Toll  |       |
   |   |Websites |         |Platform   |          |System|       |
   |   +---------+         +-----------+          +------+       |
   |            /\               /\                /\            |
   |             \                \                /             |
   |              \                \              /              |
   |            +-----------------------------------+            |
   |            |             Internet              |            |
   |            +-----------------------------------+            |
   |                             /\                              |
   |                              \                              |
   |                               \                             |
   |                      +--------------+                       |
   |                      |Access Network|                       |
   |                      +--------------+                       |
   |                       /\         /\                         |
   |                       /           \                         |
   |                      /             \                        |
   |            +-----------+         +---------------+          |
   |            |Attack Host|         |Legitimate Host|          |
   |            +-----------+         +---------------+          |
   |       Impersonate Legitimate Host                           |

              Figure 1: Scenario of source address spoofing.

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   Before SAVNET was proposed [I-D.ietf-savnet-intra-domain-problem-
   statement], several Source Address Validation (SAV) technical
   schemes have been proposed, such as ACL, uRPF, etc., which are
   dedicated to solving the illegal attacks based on source address
   spoofing. However, these SAV technologies still have limitations,
   which restrict the application of SAV technology in existing

   ACL SAV: This scheme can be used for both outbound traffic
   verification and inbound traffic verification. The ACL rules need to
   be updated manually in time to make them consistent with the latest
   filter conditions [RFC2827] [RFC3704].

   Strict uRPF SAV: This scheme is typically used for outbound traffic
   verification. The SAV rules can be automatically generated and
   updated, but there is a serious problem of inappropriate blocking in
   asymmetric routing scenarios [RFC3704].

   Loose uRPF SAV This scheme is typically used for inbound traffic
   verification. The SAV rules can be automatically generated and
   updated, but most spoofed data will be inappropriately allowed to
   forward [RFC3704].

   In order to optimize the limitations of the above schemes, the
   SAVNET mechanisms based on SAV-related information is proposed. The
   SAVNET mechanisms, working in an incremental or partial deployment
   manner, can automatically adapt to network dynamics such as routing
   changes or prefix changes, instead of purely relying on manual
   update. The SAVNET mechanisms also improve the verification accuracy
   upon existing intra-domain SAVNET mechanisms, and allow for rapid
   updating of SAV rules so as to minimize the impact of improper block
   and permit during the convergence process [I-D.ietf-savnet-intra-
   domain-problem-statement] [].

   This document introduces a new method for generating SAV rules based
   on the SAVNET mechanism. This method generates SAV rules layer by
   layer through the topology of the link state database formed by the
   IGP protocol.

   2. Terminology

   The following terminologies are used in this document.

   SAV Rule: The rule that indicates the source validity of a specific
   IP address or an IP prefix.

   SAV Table: The table or data structure that implements the SAV rules
   and is used for source address validation in the data plane.

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   IGP: Interior Gateway Protocol.

   IGP LSDB: IGP Link-State Database.

   IGP node: It is anchored by a Router-ID that is used by the
   underlying IGP, i.e., a 48-bit ISO System-ID for IS-IS and a 32-bit
   Router-ID for OSPFv2 and OSPFv3.

   IGP link Each link is anchored by a pair of Router-IDs that are used
   by the underlying IGP, i.e., a 48-bit ISO System-ID for IS-IS and a
   32-bit Router-ID for OSPFv2 and OSPFv3.

   Source prefix: The source prefixes are used to validate source
   addresses in the data plane.

   BFS: Breadth-First Search, a graph search algorithm. It starts at
   the source node and explores all the neighbor nodes at the present
   depth prior to moving on to nodes at the next depth level. BSF uses
   a queue to aid in the search.

   3. Design Goals

            |             +--------+                          |
            |             |Subnet 3|                          |
            |             +--------+                          |
            |                 \                               |
            |                  \                              |
            |                  \/                             |
            |            +-----------+                        |
            |            |   AS Y    |                        |
            |            +-----------+                        |
            |                  /\                             |
            |                  /                              |
            |                 /                               |
            |            +-----------+                        |
            |            |   AS X    |                        |
            |            +-----------+                        |
            |             /\       /\ Spoofing Packets can be |
            |             /         \ blocked inside AS X     |
            |            /           \                        |
            |      +--------+     +--------+                  |
            |      |Subnet 1|     |Subnet 2|                  |
            |      +--------+     +--------+                  |

            Figure 2: The case of outbound traffic verification

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   This method is designed to enhance the intra-domain SAVNET and
   achieve the following goals:

   * Outbound traffic verification. As shown in Figure 2, Subnet 2 of
   AS X sends packets which spoof the source addresses of Subnet 1 or
   Subnet 3. If AS X deploys the intra-domain SAVNET solution, the
   spoofing packet from Subnet 2 can be blocked inside AS X.

   * Incoming traffic verification. As shown in Figure 3, AS X would
   receive incoming traffic packets which spoofs source addresses of AS
   X. If AS X also can deploy intra-domain SAVNET solution, the
   spoofing packets from AS Y could be blocked by AS X.

            |            +-----------+                        |
            |            |   AS Y    |                        |
            |            +-----------+                        |
            |                  /                              |
            |                 /                               |
            |                \/        Spoofing Packets can be|
            |            +-----------+ blocked by AS X        |
            |            |   AS X    |                        |
            |            +-----------+                        |

            Figure 3: The case of incoming traffic verification

   4. Solution

   4.1. Overview

   This section introduces a new approach for generating SAV rules
   within intra-domain scenarios using the SAVNET mechanism.

   The method relies on two essential pieces of information: source
   prefix information and reachability information.

   The source prefix information indicates the origin of the source
   address. Nodes that support this method disseminate their source
   address to the entire domain using a new flag in the IGP protocol
   extension information, as described in Section 5 Alternatively, for
   nodes that do not support this method, the source prefix information
   can be manually configured. In such cases, the calculation and
   classification of source address prefixes (e.g., intra-area, inter-
   area, or external routes) can be managed through configuration

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   Leveraging the acquired source prefix and reachability information,
   the method dynamically calculates the inbound interface information
   for the source addresses within the domain and generates the
   corresponding Source Address Validation (SAV) Rule. The general
   process framework of the method is illustrated in Figure 4, where
   the SAVNET Agent acts as the processing unit responsible for
   generating SAV rules.

            |    +---------+   +-------------+                |
            |    |static   |   | IGP         |                |
            |    |configure|   | LSDB        |                |
            |    +---------+   +-------------+                |
            |         \         /       \                     |
            |          \       /         \                    |
            |          \/     \/         \/                   |
            |      +--------------+   +-----------------+     |
             |   | source prefix|  | reachability       |     |
            |      | information  |   | information     |     |
            |      +--------------+   +-----------------+     |
            |             \          /                        |
            |              \         /                        |
            |              \/       \/                        |
            |          +-----------------------------+        |
            |          |         SAVNET Agent        |        |
            |          +-----------------------------+        |
            |                          /                      |
            |                         /                       |
            |                        \/                       |
            |                 +----------------+              |
            |                 |   SAV Table    |              |
            |                 +----------------+              |

                  Figure 4: The overall process framework

   SAV Agent first selects the checking node, which can be triggered by
   specific nodes actively requesting it or in response to changes in
   the topology, thereby re-checking the corresponding affected nodes.

   The SAV checking node extracts connection information between nodes
   from the IGP Link State Database (LSDB). It traverses each link of
   the SAV checking node and, using topology information, determines
   all the node information that can be reached via that link. Finally,
   the source prefix address ranges of the nodes are obtained to
   generate SAV Rule entries for that link. During the traversal
   process, topology information should not loop back to the SAV
   checking node.

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   As depicted in Figure 5, when considering the topology information
   of Node A, it includes the link connection L1 between A and B, as
   well as the link connection L2 between A and C. Upon calculating
   this information on Node A, the result indicates that LINK L1 can
   reach Node B, while LINK L2 connects to Node C.

           |                    +--------+                     |
           |                    | Node A |                     |
           |                    +1------2+                     |
           |                     /      \                      |
           |                  L1...     ...L2                  |
           |                   /          \                    |
           |            +--------+      +--------+             |
           |            | Node B |      | Node C |             |
           |            +--------+      +--------+             |
               Figure 5:  Example 1 of Topology Calculation

   This method can solve the problem of intra-domain outbound and
   inbound traffic mentioned in Section 3, and it can automatically
   adjust SAV table entries according to topology changes to achieve
   security protection of intra-domain source addresses.

   4.2. SAVA RULE

   4.2.1. Composition of the SAVNET Rule

   The composition of the SAVNET rule is illustrated in Figure 6, with
   each SAVNET rule comprising a source prefix and a list of IGP

   SAVA Rule 1              SAVA Rule 2
   |                        |
   +----Source prefix1      +----Source prefix2
           |                     |
           +----IGP Interface1   +----IGP Interface1
           +----IGP Interface2   +----IGP Interface2
           ...                   ...
              Figure 6:  Composition of the IGP SAVNET Table

   4.2.2. Origin of the Source Prefix

   If an IGP node supports SAVNET source prefix advertisement, it
   advertises the source prefix through the IGP LSDB. A detailed
   explanation of the process through which IGP nodes advertise various
   types of prefixes is provided in Section 4.2.3.

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   However, if an IGP node does not support SAVNET source prefix
   advertisement, the SAVNET Agent can manually configure the source
   prefix for each IGP node. Alternatively, the source prefix can be
   extracted from the LSDB advertised by each IGP node. This means that
   the source prefix information can be generated from the routing
   information advertised by each IGP node.

   4.2.3. Advertisement of the Source Prefix

   1) IS-IS Protocol

   For the IS-IS protocol, IPv4 source prefixes are advertised using
   the "IP Extended Reach TLV", while IPv6 source prefixes are
   advertised using the "IPv6 Reachability TLV", without specific
   distinction between different types of source prefixes. The "Source
   Prefix Flag" is utilized to indicate that the advertised information
   represents a source prefix rather than a route, as explained in
   section 5.1.1.

   The source prefixes are categorized into Level-1 prefixes and Level-
   2 prefixes. When a Level-1/Level-2 node learns a Level-1 or Level-2
   source prefix, it redistributes this prefix into Level-2 or Level-1
   through route leaking and copies the "Source Prefix Flag" marking
   from the source prefix.

   When computing source prefixes, only the source prefixes advertised
   by the current node need to be taken into account. The "Source
   Prefix Flag" is optional. When this flag is not included, the
   calculation of the source prefix can still be selected through

   2) OSPF Protocol

   The OSPF source prefixes can be further categorized into intra-area
   source prefixes, inter-area source prefixes, and external source

   * intra-area source prefix:
   When advertising an intra-area route, if the SAVNET source prefix
   advertisement is supported, the corresponding source prefix for this
   route is advertised using the "OSPFv2 Extended Prefix Opaque LSA"
   with the "Source Prefix Flag" set.

   When computing the Intra-area source prefixes for the current node,
   the "Source Prefix Flag" is optional. When this flag is not included,
   the calculation of the source prefix can still be selected through
   configuration, the intra-area source prefix can be extracted from
   the Router LSA and Network LSA of OSPF.

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   When configuring to calculate only the source prefix with the
   "Source Prefix Flag" flag included, only the "OSPFv2 Extended Prefix
   Opaque LSA" advertisements with the "Source Prefix Flag" issued by
   the current ABR node need to be processed.

   * Inter-area Source Prefix:
   Inter-area routes are advertised by ABRs. When an ABR advertises an
   inter-area route, if the ABR supports the SAVNET source prefix
   advertisement, the corresponding source prefix is advertised using
   the "OSPFv2 Extended Prefix Opaque LSA" with the "Source Prefix
   Flag" set.

   When computing the Inter-area source prefixes for the current node,
   the "Source Prefix Flag" is optional. When this flag is not included,
   the calculation of the source prefix can still be selected through
   configuration, the inter-area source prefix can be extracted from
   the Summary LSA of OSPF.

   When configuring to calculate only the source prefix with the
   "Source Prefix Flag" flag included, only the "OSPFv2 Extended Prefix
   Opaque LSA" advertisements with the "Source Prefix Flag" issued by
   the current node need to be processed.

   * External Source Prefix:
   External routes are advertised by ASBRs. When an ASBR advertises an
   external route, if the ASBR supports the SAVNET source prefix
   advertisement, the corresponding source prefix is advertised using
   the "OSPFv2 Extended Prefix Opaque LSA" with the "Source Prefix
   Flag" set. The "Opaque Type" is set to AS-Wide (11) to indicate that
   this source prefix is an external prefix [RFC7684].

   When computing the external source prefixes for the current node,
   the "Source Prefix Flag" is optional. When this flag is not included,
   the calculation of the source prefix can still be selected through
   configuration, the external source prefix can be extracted from the
   AS-External LSA of OSPF.

   When configuring to calculate only the source prefix with the
   "Source Prefix Flag" flag included, only the "OSPFv2 Extended Prefix
   Opaque LSA" advertisements with the "Source Prefix Flag" issued by
   the current ASBR node need to be processed.

   3) OSPFv3 Protocol

   Similar to the OSPF protocol, OSPFv3 source prefixes are also
   categorized into intra-area source prefixes, inter-area source
   prefixes, and external source prefixes.

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   * Intra-area Source Prefix:
   When advertising an intra-area route, if SAVNET source prefix
   advertisement is supported, the corresponding source prefix of this
   route is advertised through "E-Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA" with the
   "Source Prefix Flag" set.

   When calculating the intra-area source prefixes for the current node,
   the "Source Prefix Flag" is optional. When this flag is not included,
   the calculation of the source prefix can still be selected through
   configuration, the intra-area source prefix can be extracted from
   the Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA.

   When configuring to calculate only the source prefix with the
   "Source Prefix Flag" flag included, only the "E-Intra-Area-Prefix-
   LSA" advertisements with the "Source Prefix Flag" issued by the
   current node need to be processed.

   * Inter-area Source Prefix:
   Inter-area routes are advertised by ABRs. When an ABR advertises an
   inter-area route, if the ABR supports the SAVNET source prefix
   advertisement, the corresponding source prefix is advertised through
   "E-Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA" with the "Source Prefix Flag" set.

   When calculating the inter-area source prefixes for the current
   node, the "Source Prefix Flag" is optional. When this flag is not
   included, the calculation of the source prefix can still be selected
   through configuration, the inter-area source prefix can be extracted
   from the Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA.

   When configuring to calculate only the source prefix with the
   "Source Prefix Flag" flag included, only the "E-Inter-Area-Prefix-
   LSA" advertisements with the "Source Prefix Flag" issued by the
   current node need to be processed.

   * External Source Prefix:
   External routes are advertised by ASBRs. When an ASBR advertises an
   external route, if the ASBR supports the SAVNET source prefix
   advertisement, the corresponding source prefix is advertised through
   "E-AS-External-LSA" with the "Source Prefix Flag" set.

   When calculating the external source prefixes for the current node,
   the "Source Prefix Flag" is optional. When this flag is not
   included, the calculation of the source prefix can still be selected
   through configuration, the external source prefix can be extracted
   from the AS-External-LSA.

   When configuring to calculate only the source prefix with the
   "Source Prefix Flag" flag included, only the "E-AS-External-LSA"

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   advertisements with the "Source Prefix Flag" issued by the current
   ASBR node need to be processed.

   4.3. Procedure

   The SAVNET Agent is responsible for generating SAV rules based on
   the source prefix and topology information. The source prefix
   information can be dynamically disseminated by nodes that support
   SAVNET functionality or manually configured on inspection nodes.

   The principle for calculating topology information is as follows:

   Starting from the designated start node, the SAVNET rules for each
   interface are calculated sequentially. For a specific interface, the
   calculation begins from that interface and traverses to find out all
   reachable nodes. The SAVNET rules for this interface, (Prefix, IF),
   are then generated based on the source prefixes advertised by these
   reachable nodes. Finally, the interface SAVNET rules are merged
   based on prefixes. The entries with the same prefix are merged into
   one entry indexed by the prefix with a list of interfaces. This
   process ensures the comprehensive generation of SAV rules based on
   source prefixes and reachability information, allowing for effective
   security enforcement within the domain.

   Here is the refined and optimized process of computation based on
   the Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm:

   Step 1: Before initiating the SAVNET rule calculation, save the
   existing SAVNET rule table to facilitate the identification of
   changes in SAVNET rule table entries.

   Step 2: Traverse all interfaces of the starting node and perform
   SAVNET rule calculation for each interface. Choose an interface as
   the calculating interface in a sequential manner, following steps 3
   to 8; calculate all the reachable nodes through this interface.
   Based on the source prefixes advertised by each reachable node,
   compute the SAVNET rule (Prefix, IF) for this interface.

   Step 3: Clear the visited flag for all nodes and mark the starting
   node as visited to initialize the BFS traversal.

   Step 4: Add the neighboring nodes of the calculated interface to the
   queue and mark them as visited. These neighbor nodes must be in a
   bidirectional connected state.

   Step 5: Retrieve the first node from the queue.

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   Step 6: Process current node, add all adjacent unvisited nodes to
   the queue, and mark them as visited.

   Step 7: Generate SAVNET rules for the calculated interface based on
   the source prefixes of current node. If the current node supports
   SAVNET, it will advertise the SAVNET source prefix in the link state
   information. Otherwise, the source prefix can be manually configured
   on the computing node. The SAVNET rules are indexed by prefix.
   Firstly, process the source prefix: If the source prefix does not
   exist in the SAVNET rules, add a new SAVNET rule. Then, process the
   interface under the source prefix: If the interface is not in the
   interface list, add the new interface to the list. Refer to section
   4.2 for detailed information on obtaining the source prefixes for
   different types of prefixes.

   Step 8: Repeat steps 5 to 7 until the queue is empty.

   Step 9: Repeat steps 2 to 8 until SAVNET rules for each interface
   are individually calculated.

   Step 10: Merge the SAVNET rule entries obtained by all interfaces,
   combining entries with the same prefix into a single entry and
   consolidating the interfaces from each entry into the interface list
   of the merged entry.

   Step 11: Deploy SAVNET rules. By comparing the newly generated
   SAVNET rules with the saved old SAVNET rules, perform
   add/modify/delete operations on SAVNET rule entries.

   An example of the above process is shown in Figure 7 below.

           |                        P4                    AS   |
           | Node A SAV Rule:   +--------+                     |
           | (P1, A-1)          | Node A |                     |
           | (P2, A-1)          +1------2+                     |
           | (P3, A-2)           /      \                      |
           |                    /        \                     |
           |                   /          \                    |
           |            +--------+      +--------+             |
           |            | Node B |      | Node E |             |
           |            +--------+      +--------+             |
           |              /     \              \               |
           |             /       \              \              |
           |            /         \              \             |
           |      +--------+   +--------+      +--------+      |
           |      | Node C |   | Node D |      | Node F |      |
           |      +--------+   +--------+      +--------+      |

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           |          P1           P2              P3          |

                Figure 7: The case of the SAVNET Procedure

   The steps provided illustrate the procedure for Node A to obtain SAV
   rules based on the source prefix and reachability information
   obtained through the IGP protocol extension. The process involves
   traversing the network topology to gather source prefix information
   and generate SAVNET rules for each interface separately.

   Based on the information presented, the following SAVNET rules are
   generated for Node A:

   1) Before initiating the SAVNET rule calculation, save the existing
      SAVNET rule table of Node A to facilitate the identification of
      changes in SAVNET rule table entries

   2) Traverse all the IGP links of Node A and generate SAVNET rules
      for each interface separately. Select interface 1 first.

   3) Clear the visited flag for all notes. Mark Node A as visited.

   4) Add node B to the queue and mark it as visited.

   5) Retrieve node B from the queue.

   6) Add all adjacent nodes of node B that have not been visited to
      the queue and mark them as visited. Node C and Node D are added to
      the queue and marked as visited.

   7) Process the source prefix information of the current node to
      generate SAVNET rules. For node B, there is no source prefix

   8) Retrieve node C from the queue.

   9) Add all adjacent nodes of node C that have not been visited to
      the queue and mark them as visited. No adjacent nodes were added
      to the queue.

   10)  Process the source prefix information of node C to generate
      SAVNET rules. Generate SAVNET rule of prefix P1 according to the
      source prefix advertised by Node C, and add interface A-1 to
      interface list.

   11)  Retrieve node D from the queue.

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   12)  Add all adjacent nodes of node D that have not been visited to
      the queue and mark them as visited. No adjacent nodes were added
      to the queue.

   13)  Process the source prefix information of node D to generate
      SAVNET rules, Generate SAVNET rule of P2 according to the source
      prefix advertised by Node D, and add interface A-1 to interface

   Through the above calculation process, generate SAVNET rules (P1, A-
   1) and (P2, A-1) for interface 1 of node A.

   Similarly, for interface 2 of node A, the SAVNET rule (P3, A-2) can
   be generated.

   5. Protocol Extension

   5.1. IS-IS Protocol Extension

   5.1.1. IS-IS Extended Source Prefix sub-TLV

   IPv4 SAVNET source prefixes are advertised using "IP Extended Reach
   TLV" (type 135), while IPv6 SAVNET source prefixes are advertised
   using "IPv6 Reachability TLV" (type 236, RFC5308).

   A new bit in the IPv4/IPv6 Extended Reachability Attribute Flags
   [RFC7794] is defined:

   S-Flag: Source Prefix Flag (Bit TBD)

   When set, it indicates that the prefix is used for source address
   validation in the data plane.

   5.2. OSPF Protocol Extension

   5.2.1. OSPF Extended Source Prefix sub-TLV

   SAVNET source prefixes are advertised using "OSPFv2 Extended Prefix
   Opaque LSA"[RFC7684].

   A new bit in Flags field of the OSPFv2 Extended Prefix TLV [RFC7684]
   is defined:

   S-Flag: Source Prefix Flag (Bit TBD)

   When set, it indicates that the prefix is used for source address
   validation in the data plane.

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   5.3. OSPFv3 Protocol Extension

   5.3.1. OSPFv3 Extended Source Prefix sub-TLV

   SAVNET source prefixes are advertised using "OSPFv3 Extended LSA",
   including "E-Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA", "E-Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA" and

   A new bit in the prefix Attribute Flags [I-D. draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-
   prefix-extended-flags-00] are defined:

   S-Flag: Source Prefix Flag (Bit TBD)

   When set, it indicates that the prefix is used for source address
   validation in the data plane.

   6. Example

   The intra-domain SAVNET method commonly applies to scenarios
   involving intra-domain outbound traffic and inter-domain incoming
   traffic. Devices close to the upper layer can intercept traffic from
   intra-domain nodes that forge source addresses of other nodes,
   thereby preventing inbound traffic attacks within the domain.
   Similarly, attack packets received from inter-domain sources that
   forge intra-domain source addresses can also be blocked to protect
   incoming traffic from external domains.

   Taking the network topology depicted in Figure 8 as an example, the
   source address P4 belongs to router A, the source address belongs to router C, the source address
   belongs to router D, and the source address belongs to
   router F. All these source addresses are advertised through an IGP
   protocol extension, and the intra-domain path is calculated via the
   IGP protocol. The connecting links from routers C, D, and F to A are
   as follows: C->B->A, D->B->A, and F->E->A, respectively.

                               | Other AS |
        |                       P4   \/                     AS    |
        | RA SAV Rule:       +--------3-+                         |
        | (, A-1) | Router A |                         |
        | (, A-1) +1--------2+                         |

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        | (, A-2)  /\       /\                         |
        |                     /         \                         |
        | RB SAV Rule:       /           \      RE SAV Rule:      |
        | (, B-1)/            \    (, E-1)
        | (, B-2)/              \
        |            +----------+      +----------+               |
        | (P2, B-2)  | Router B |      | Router E |               |
        |            +1--------2+      +---------1+               |
        |             /\       /\                /\               |
        |             /         \                 \               |
        |            /           \                 \              |
        |      +----------+   +----------+      +----------+      |
        |      | Router C |   | Router D |      | Router F |      |
        |      +----------+   +----------+      +----------+      |
        |      |

            Figure 8: The Intra-domain Outbound Traffic Scenario

   Based on the provided link and source address information, the
   intra-domain SAVNET method processes as follows:

   For Router A:

   The legal incoming interface for source prefixes of Router C and D
   is A-1.

   The legal incoming interface for the source address of Router F is

   For Router B:

   The legal incoming interface for source prefixes of Router C is B-1.

   The legal incoming interface for source prefixes of Router D is B-2.

   For Router E:

   The legal incoming interface for source prefixes of Router F is E-1.

   Based on this information, each router in the intra-domain generates
   corresponding SAVNET rules.

   With the SAVNET function enabled, the following scenarios will

   If Router C sends attack traffic with the source address of Router D
   or F, the counterfeit traffic will be intercepted by Router B.

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   If Router D sends attack traffic with the source address of Router C
   or F, the traffic with the fake source address will be intercepted
   by Router B.

   If Router F sends attack traffic carrying the source address of
   Router C or D, the traffic will be blocked by Router E.

   Furthermore, when Router A receives traffic from other Autonomous
   Systems (ASs), if the traffic forges the source addresses of intra-
   domain routers, Router A can intercept the traffic.

   7. Manageability Considerations

   This document extends the link state information of existing
   Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) protocols, adding support for SAVA
   (Source Address Validation Architecture) source prefixes, as
   specified in section 6. IGP nodes advertise their own source prefix
   information through the extended link state information.

   The SAVA detection feature only requires activation on a select few
   key access nodes, rather than all nodes. For nodes that do not
   support dynamic SAVA prefix advertising, the source prefix
   information can be directly configured on the computing nodes
   through static configuration.

   The dynamic calculation of SAVA rules can be uniformly performed by
   the SAVA Agent, and then distributed to the detection nodes through
   the north-south interface.

   Dynamic SAVA detection can be selectively deployed as needed or
   discontinued on specific nodes when deemed unnecessary. This
   approach allows for flexible management of SAVA detection based on
   the requirements and capabilities of different network nodes.

   8. Deployment Considerations

   It is desirable that all nodes in the intra-domain network could
   deploy this SAVNET method to automatically and accurately generate
   SAV rules, and therefore preventing source address spoofing attacks
   in the direction of outbound and inbound traffic.

   However, in the existing network, only partial nodes in the intra-
   domain network support this method, due to asynchronous upgrades of
   devices. This results in that the deployed node cannot perceive the
   source addresses of non-deployed nodes and generate corresponding
   SAV rules, in spite of having all topology information. In this case
   of partial deployment, the deployment node can statically configure
   the specified source address of the non-deployment node to make up

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   for the above shortcomings and meet the conditions for generating
   SAV rules.

   9. IANA Considerations


   10. Security Considerations


   11. References

   11.1. Normative References

   [RFC2827] Ferguson, P. and D. Senie, "Network Ingress Filtering:
             Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source
             Address Spoofing", BCP 38, RFC 2827, DOI 10.17487/RFC2827,
             May 2000, <>.

   []Li, D., Wu, J., Huang, M.,
             Chen, L., Geng, N., Qin, L., and F. Gao, "Intra-domain
             Source Address Validation (SAVNET) Architecture", Work in
             Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-li-savnet-intra-domain-
             architecture-03, 25 July 2023,

   [RFC7794] Ginsberg, L., Ed., Decraene, B., Previdi, S., Xu, X., and
             U. Chunduri, "IS-IS Prefix Attributes for Extended IPv4
             and IPv6 Reachability", RFC 7794, DOI 10.17487/RFC7794,
             March 2016, <>.

   [RFC7684] Psenak, P., Gredler, H., Shakir, R., Henderickx, W.,
             Tantsura, J., and A. Lindem, "OSPFv2 Prefix/Link Attribute
             Advertisement", RFC 7684, DOI 10.17487/RFC7684, November
             2015, <>.

   [I-D.draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-prefix-extended-flags-00] Ran Chen , Detao
             Zhao , Peter Psenak , Ketan Talaulikar,"Prefix Flag
             Extension for OSPFv2 and OSPFv3", Work in Progress,
             Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-prefix-extended-flags-
             00, 10 December 2023,
             < draft-ietf-lsr-

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   [RFC8362] Lindem, A., Roy, A., Goethals, D., Reddy Vallem, V., and
             F. Baker, "OSPFv3 Link State Advertisement (LSA)
             Extensibility", RFC 8362, DOI 10.17487/RFC8362, April
             2018, <>.

   11.2. Informative References

    [I-D.ietf-savnet-intra-domain-problem-statement] Li, D., Wu, J.,
             Qin, L., Huang, M., and N. Geng, "Source Address
             Validation in Intra-domain Networks Gap Analysis, Problem
             Statement, and Requirements", Work in Progress, Internet-
             Draft, draft-ietf-savnet-intra-domain-problem- statement-
             02, 17 August 2023,



   Authors' Addresses

   Weiqiang Cheng
   China Mobile


   Dan Li
   Tsinghua University

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Internet-Draft    Intra-domain SAV Support via IGP       February 2024

   Changwang Lin
   New H3C Technologies


   Shengnan Yue
   China Mobile

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