Internet DRAFT - draft-choi-icnrg-aiot
ICN Research Group J.K. Choi
Internet Draft J.S. Han
Intended status: Informational G.H. Lee
Expires: June 28, 2023 H.S. Park
Dec 27, 2022
Requirements and Challenges for User-level Service Managements of
IoT Network by utilizing Artificial Intelligence
This document describes the requirements and challenges to employ
artificial intelligence (AI) into the constraint Internet of Things
(IoT) service environment for embedding intelligence and increasing
The IoT service environment includes heterogeneous and multiple IoT
devices and systems that work together in a cooperative and
intelligent way to manage homes, buildings, and complex autonomous
systems. Therefore, it is becoming very essential to integrate IoT
and AI technologies to increase the synergy between them. However,
there are several limitations to achieve AI enabled IoT as the
availability of IoT devices is not always high, and IoT networks
cannot guarantee a certain level of performance in real-time
applications due to resource constraints.
This document intends to present a right direction to empower AI in
IoT for learning and analyzing the usage behaviors of IoT
devices/systems and human behaviors based on previous records and
experiences. With AI enabled IoT, the IoT service environment can be
intelligently managed in order to compensate for the unexpected
performance degradation often caused by abnormal situations.
Status of this Memo
This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................ 3
2. Challenging Issues of IoT network
............................ 6
2.1. Untrusted and incorrect IoT devices ..................... 6
2.2. Traffic burstiness of IoT network ....................... 7
2.3. Management overheads of heterogeneous IoT sensors
........ 8
2.4. Power management of IoT devices ......................... 9
2.5. Computational resource management for IoT services
...... 10
2.6. Network management of heterogeneous IoT services
........ 11
3. Overview of AI/ML-based IoT services ........................ 12
4. Requirements for AI/ML-based IoT services ................... 14
4.1. Requirements for AI/ML-based IoT data collection and delivery
........................................................... 15
4.2. Requirements for intelligent and context-aware IoT services16
4.3. Requirements for applying AI/ML to IoT data ............ 18
4.3.1. Training AI/ML algorithm
.......................... 18
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4.3.2. AI/ML inference in IoT application ................ 19
4.3.3. AI/ML models update in IoT application ............ 19
4.4. Requirements for distributed computing for AI/ML-based IoT
services ................................................... 20
5. State of arts of the artificial intelligence/machine learning
technologies for IoT services
.................................. 22
5.1. Machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies
review ..................................................... 22
5.1.1. Supervised learning for IoT ....................... 22
5.1.2. Unsupervised learning for IoT ..................... 24
5.1.3. Reinforcement learning for IoT .................... 25
5.1.4. Neural Network based algorithms for IoT ........... 27
5.2. Technologies for lightweight and real-time intelligence
. 28
5.3. Federated learning
..................................... 30
6. Use cases of AI/ML into IoT service ......................... 31
6.1. Surveillance and Security in Smart Home ................ 31
6.1.1. Characteristics of Smart Home for AI/ML processing
. 31
6.1.2. Use case ......................................... 32
6.2. Smart home for elderly welfare ......................... 32
6.2.1. Characteristics of Smart Home for elderly welfare
.. 32
6.3. Smart Building Management
.............................. 33
6.3.1. Characteristics of Smart Building for AI/ML processing33
6.3.2. Use case ......................................... 33
6.4. Manufacturing optimization in Smart factory ............ 33
6.4.1. Characteristics of Smart Building for AI/ML processing34
6.4.2. Use case ......................................... 34
6.5. Smart parking ......................................... 34
6.5.1. Characteristics of Smart Parking for AI/ML processing34
6.6. Augmented Reality (AR) in IoT
.......................... 35
6.6.1. Characteristics of Augmented Reality for AI/ML
processing .............................................. 35
6.7. Smart Farm ............................................ 35
6.7.1. Characteristics of Smart Farm for AI/ML processing
. 36
7. IANA Considerations ........................................ 36
8. Acknowledgements ........................................... 36
9. Contributors ............................................... 36
10. Informative References
..................................... 36
1. Introduction
The document explains the effects of applying artificial intelligence
/machine learning (AI/ML) algorithms in the Internet of Thing (IoT) s
ervice environments.
IoT applications will be deployed in heterogeneous and different area
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s such as the energy, transportation, automation and manufacturing in
dustries as well as the information and communication technology (IC
T) industry. Many IoT sensors and devices can connect to an IoT servi
ce environment where IoT objects cannot interoperate with each other
and can interact with different applications. The IoT service may not
run in a single administrative domain. If market demand exists, the
cross-domain service scenarios for IoT applications could be widely d
eployed. Future IoT applications occur at multiple domains of heterog
eneity with various time scales.
The IoT service requirements for common architectures and public APIs
poses some challenges to the underlying service environment and netw
orking technologies. Some IoT applications require significant securi
ty and privacy as well as significant resource and time constraints.
These mission-critical applications can be separated from many common
IoT applications that current technology may not provide. It means t
hat IoT service requirements are difficult to classify common require
ments and functional requirements depending on IoT service scenario.
Recently, artificial intelligence technologies can help the context-a
ware IoT service scenarios apply rule-based knowledge accumulation. T
he IoT service assumes that many sensing devices are connected to sin
gle or multiple IoT network domains. Each sensor sends small packets
to the IoT servers periodically or non-periodically. Detection data c
ontains periodic status information that monitors whether the system
is in a normal state or not. In some cases, alert information is incl
uded for quick processing. Most IoT applications can operate in two m
odes. One is a simple monitoring mode and the other is an abnormal mo
de for rapid processing. In a simple monitoring phase, the IoT device
periodically sends sensing data to the server. If the measured data
is outside the normal range, the IoT service can change the operating
mode to an abnormal phase and activate future probes. Alarm conditio
ns should be promptly notified to responsible persons. For mission-cr
itical applications, reliable communication with robust QoS requireme
nts in terms of error and latency is required.
Periodic data accumulation from IoT devices is cumbersome. Under norm
al conditions, the IoT data is simply accumulated without further act
ion. In an unusual situation, incoming IoT data can cause an urgent a
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ction to notify the administrator of the problem. Streaming data traf
fic from thousands of IoT devices is annoying to store in the databas
e because it is not easy to extract unidentified or future incidents.
Only a significant portion of the incoming data stream can be stored
in a real-time database that is time-sensitive and capable of rapid
query processing. A combination of different IoT detection data, incl
uding location, time, and status, allows you to sort and categorize a
portion of streaming data when an additional inspection is required,
and perform real-time processing. One of the missions of the IoT dat
abase is to be able to extract preliminary symptoms of unexpected acc
idents from a large amount of streaming data.
If some transmitted data is important to invoke the corresponding act
ion, there are some questions about whether the incoming data is corr
ect. If the incoming data contains accurate and time-critical events,
appropriate real-time control and management can be performed. Howev
er, if the incoming data is inaccurate or intentionally corrupted, ad
ditional accidents may occur. In these cases, incoming data can trigg
er to initiate additional inspections to protect against future unacc
eptable situations. But, if time-critical data is missed due to error
s in the sensing devices and the delivery protocol, there is no reaso
n to configure IoT networks and devices at a high cost.
It is not easy to analyze data collected through IoT devices installe
d to monitor complex IoT service environments. If the sensor malfunct
ions, the data of the sensor cannot be trusted. Additional investigat
ion should be done if abnormal status from specific sensors is collec
ted. The data of the redundant sensor installed in the same area shou
ld be received or combined with other sensor information adjacent to
the sensor to determine the abnormal state.
For sensors installed in a specific area, sensing records will remain
for a certain period of time. IoT service operators can look at the
operational history of the sensor for a period of time to determine w
hat problems were encountered when data was collected. When an abnorm
al situation occurs, IoT sensor should investigate whether it noticed
normal operations and notified the IoT service operator. If the abno
rmal situation is not properly detected, the operator should analyze
whether it was caused by malfunction of the IoT sensor/other reasons.
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In the IoT service environment, it is possible to analyze the situati
on accurately by applying recent artificial intelligence and machine
learning technologies. If there is an operational record of the past,
it is possible to determine when an abnormal situation arises. Most
problems are likely to be repeated, so if the past learning experienc
e is accumulated, the anomaly of IoT services can be easily and immed
iately identified. In addition, when information gathered from variou
s sensors is synthesized, it is possible to accurately determine whet
her abnormal situations have occurred.
Various types of IoT sensors are installed with certain purposes. It
expects that all the IoT sensors intend to monitor the occurrence of
special abnormal situations in advance. Therefore, it should be set i
n advance what actions are required when a specific anomaly occurs. T
he appropriate work is performed on the abnormal situation according
to the procedure, predefined by the human. By using artificial intell
igence and machine learning algorithms, the appropriate actions are t
aken when an abnormal situation is detected from various IoT sensors.
2. Challenging Issues of IoT network
This section describes the challenging issues of data sensing,
collection, transfer, and intelligent decision from untrusted data
quality and unexpected situations of IoT service environments.
2.1. Untrusted and incorrect IoT devices
IoT traffic is similar to traditional Internet traffic with small
packet sizes. Mobile IoT traffic can cause some errors and delays
because wireless links are unstable and signal strength may be
degraded with device mobility. If the signal strength of the IoT
device with a power limit is not so strong, the reception quality of
the IoT server may not be sufficient to obtain the measurement data.
For mission-critical applications, such as smart-grid and factory-
automation, expensive IoT sensors with self-rechargeable batteries
and redundant hardware logic may be required. However, unexpected
abnormal situations may occur due to sensor malfunctions. There are
trade-offs between implementation cost and efficiency for cost-
effective IoT services. When smart-grid and factory-automation
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applications are equipped with IoT devices, the acceptable quality
from IoT solutions can be required. Sometimes, expensive and
duplicated IoT solutions may be needed.
2.2. Traffic burstiness of IoT network
IoT traffic includes two types of traffic characteristic: periodic
with small packet sizes and bursty with high bandwidth. Under normal
conditions, the IoT traffic periodically transmits status information
with a small bandwidth, several kilobits/sec. However, in an abnormal
state, IoT devices need a high bandwidth, up to several tens of
megabits/sec, in order to identify actual events and investigate
accurate status information. In addition, traffic volume can
explosively increase in response to emergencies. For example, in the
case of smart-grid application, the bandwidth of several kilobits/sec
is usually used, and when an urgent situation occurs, a broadband
channel is required up to several tens of megabits/sec.
The other traffic can be integrated at an IoT network to increase
bandwidth efficiency. If an emergency situation occurs in the IoT
service, IoT traffic volumes suddenly increase, in which case network
processing capacity may be not sufficient. If the IoT service is
integrated with voice and video applications, the problem can become
more complex. As time goes by, traffic congestion and bottlenecks are
frequent in some areas. In addition, if an existing service policy
changes (for example, prioritizing certain traffic or suddenly
changing the route), other unexpected problems may be encountered.
Various congestion control and load balancing algorithms with the
help of artificial intelligence can be applied to handle time-varying
traffic on a network.
Until now, much research has been done on traffic variability in an
integrated network service environment. All networks have their own
traffic characteristics, depending on geographical area, number of
subscribers, subscribers' preferences, and types of applications used.
In the case of IoT traffic, the normal bandwidth is very small. If
the IoT traffic volume increases abruptly in an abnormal situation,
the network may suffer unacceptable delay and loss. If emergency
situations detected by IoT networks occur in a smart grid or
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intelligent transportation system, the processing power of the IoT
network alone cannot solve the problem and the help of existing
network resources is inevitable.
2.3. Management overheads of heterogeneous IoT sensors
Traffic management in an integrated network environment is not easy.
In order to operate the network steadily, a network operator has its
own know-hows and experiences. If there are plenty of network
resources, it is easy to set up a bypass route even if network
failure or congestion occurs in a specific area. For operating
network steadily, network resources may be designed to be over-
provisioned in order to cope with various possible outages. A network
operator predicts the amount of traffic generated by the
corresponding equipment and grasps to what extent a transmission
bandwidth is required. If traffic fluctuation is very severe, the
network operator can allocate network resources in advance. In case
of frequent failures or severe traffic fluctuation, some network
resources are separated in order not to affect normal traffic.
More than a billion IoT devices are expected to connect to
smartphones, tablets, wearables, and vehicles. Therefore, IoT
services are targeted at mobile applications. In particular,
intelligent transportation systems need the help of IoT technology to
provide traffic monitoring and prevent public or private traffic
accidents. IoT technology can play an important role in reducing
traffic congestion, saving people's travel time and costs, and
providing a pleasant journey.
The IoT service has troublesome administrative problems to configure
an IoT network which consists of IoT servers, gateways, and many
sensing devices. The small-sized but large-numbered IoT devices may
incur administrative overhead since all the IoT devices should be
initialized and the bootstrapping information of IoT resources should
be loaded into the IoT service environments. Whenever some IoT
devices are newly added and some devices have to be removed, the
dynamic reconfiguration of IoT resources is essential. In addition,
the IoT device's preinstalled software should be regularly inspected
and upgraded according to its version. Frequent upgrades and changes
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to some IoT devices may require autonomic management and
bootstrapping techniques.
Network management generally assumes that all network resources
operate reliably with acceptable quality. In most failure situations,
the network operator decides to switch to a redundant backup device
or bypass the failed communication path. If some IoT devices are not
stable, duplicate IoT devices can be installed for the same purpose.
If IoT resources are not duplicated, various mechanisms are needed to
reduce the damage. Therefore, it is necessary to prioritize the
management tasks to be performed first when an abnormality occurs in
the IoT service environment. However, managing duplicate networks can
cause another problem. If two IoT devices are running at the same
time, the recipient can get redundant information. If two or more
unusual situations occur at the same time, it is difficult to solve
the problem since tasks for urgent processing should be distinguished
from tasks that can be performed over time.
In addition, the operations manager's mistakes or misunderstanding of
problem situations can lead to other unexpected complications.
Therefore, artificial intelligence technologies can help what kind of
network management work is required when an unexpected complicated
situation occurs even though a procedure for an abnormal situation is
already prepared.
2.4. Power management of IoT devices
RF-enabled wireless energy transfer (WET) technology has the
advantage of enhancing poor user experience quality, which is a
critical issue that can occur in the existing energy harvesting
equipment of IoT equipment or conventional battery-powered
communication, and can have sustainable throughput performance. WET
technology is expected to become the core of next-generation
communication because it can transmit stable and continuous power to
equipment through electromagnetic waves that propagate far-field.
This technology is expected to have advantages in communication
stability and battery replacement cycle, which are limitations of
existing IoT battery equipment.
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The WET service simultaneously charges energy and transmits data at
the hybrid access point, and in this process, network operation
management technology that helps each user manage battery life is
essential. To this end, the network must be able to manage the power
and traffic budget of multiple APs and enhance the battery life of
each IoT device. By efficiently managing energy and power
transmission between multiple APs operating at the same time, it can
be helpful for battery-life and reliable communication of a large
number of IoT devices used at the same time. For example, for users
who are constantly far away from the AP and take a long time to
charge, the nearest AP can continuously transmit power. In addition,
transmissions can proceed to more distant APs to avoid congestion on
specific APs.
Until now, only traffic in the network service environment is
considered. However, in an environment where WET becomes more common,
it seems difficult to manage network resources only with the existing
traffic-oriented network environment. For efficient network operation
in an environment that considers energy and traffic at the same time,
period control or network slicing of a new concept will be required.
2.5. Computational resource management for IoT services
IoT networks for various industries require intelligent IoT services
designed to make decisions and take actions in various situations by
applying data analysis techniques based on data collected from IoT
devices. For example, an IoT system for an autonomous vehicle should
analyze vehicle information (speed, acceleration, steering angle,
etc.) and camera images collected from the vehicle to control vehicle
speed, direction, and vehicle convenience functions, etc. An IoT
system for augmented/virtual reality needs to analyze lots of
information such as the user's visual information, motion information,
and object location information to perform display control suitable
for the user's movement.
Since these IoT applications need to collect data and make context-
aware decisions in real-time, they generally require low latency.
However, as the complexity and computation requirements of IoT
applications increase, it is hard to satisfy the required latency
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time by utilizing only IoT devices due to the limited computing
Therefore, in order to overcome the limited computational capability
of IoT devices and satisfy the service latency requirements of users,
many studies have focused on offloading computational workload to
computing nodes in the IoT network such as gateways and cloudlets, or
to cloud by extending the IoT network to the cloud. While offloading
computational workload, the optimal computing nodes are selected in
consideration of various factors such as status of the computing
nodes and communication bandwidth. After the optimal node selection,
the computational workloads are processed in the selected nodes and
data transmissions are performed.
However, various problems exist in such computational workload
offloading solutions. Communication overhead occurs because data must
be exchanged between computing nodes in order to distribute and
process computation. In addition, in the process of data movement,
users' privacy issues are also emerging. In conclusion, as IoT
applications become computational-intensive and users'perceptions of
data are changing, it is necessary to overcome the limited
computational capability of IoT devices by applying various
computation distribution technologies, and in this process, various
problems mentioned above need to be considered.
2.6. Network management of heterogeneous IoT services
The number of applications targeting not only mobile devices but also
IoT devices is increasing as many more IoT devices are connected
through a shared network. Correspondingly, the application services
targeting different types of IoT devices have become more diversified.
For example, mobile broadband, massive IoT, and mission-critical IoT
have different requirements concerning mobility, charging, security,
police control, latency, and reliability. In terms of IoT devices for
massive IoT, their locations tend to be fixed which results in less
mobility, but high throughput while maintaining their massive
connection. On the other hand, autonomous driving and unmanned aerial
vehicle containing mission-critical IoT require low latency within
milliseconds and highly reliable transmission while considering their
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mobility. As a result, it is difficult to guarantee such different
services with the existing mobile communication network.
While constructing new networks for each service has many limitations
in terms of spatial and financial aspects, network slicing allows
operators to manage different services with more flexibility and
agility within the existing network at low cost. The concept of
network slicing is to run multiple logical customized networks,
referred to as slices, on a shared infrastructure. Devices using the
same application services are associated with the same slice to
separately manage their requirements from that of devices in other
slices. However, to efficiently manage the network slicing,
coordination of physical resources between slices is necessary. These
physical resources include frequency bandwidth, cache memory, and
backhaul link capacity. For efficient management, such resources
should be dynamically coordinated between slices considering traffic
characteristics, amount of data requests, and transmission protocol.
3. Overview of AI/ML-based IoT services
In this section, successful applications of artificial intelligence i
n IoT domains are provided. The common property of IoT applications a
nd services is that they require fast analytics rather than later ana
lytics with piled data. Recently, neural-network-based artificial int
elligence technologies are widely used across many IoT applications.
Simple IoT applications include dynamic contexts that share common fe
atures among social relations at the same administration domain. IoT
devices in the same domain can provide their service contexts to the
IoT server. When a dynamic change occurs in an IoT service context, t
he IoT device needs real-time processing to activate urgent events, a
lert notifications, update, and reconnect contexts. The IoT service m
ust support real-time interactions between the IoT device and the sys
tem in the same domain. The IoT service contexts must be shared betwe
en physical objects and social members in the same domain as well.
Artificial intelligence technologies have been shown promising in man
y areas, including IoT. For example, contextual information for a car
-sharing business must interact with customers, car owners, and car s
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haring providers. All entities in the value chain of a car sharing bu
siness must share the corresponding situation to pick up, board, and
return shared cars. Communication networks and interactive informatio
n, including registration and payment, can be shared tightly among th
e entities. Home IoT service environment can be equipped with sensors
for theft detection, door lock, temperature, fire detection, gas det
ection, short circuit, air condition to name a few. Office IoT servic
e environments, including buildings such as shopping centers and bus/
airport terminals, have their own sensors, including alarm sensors. W
hen an alarm signal is detected by the sensor, the physical position
and occurrence time of the sensor is determined in advance. All signa
ls from various sensors are analyzed comprehensively to make the righ
t decision. If some sensors frequently malfunction, the situation can
be grasped more accurately by analyzing the information of the adjac
ent sensor. In particular, when installing multiple sensors in a part
icular building (e.g., surveillance camera, location monitoring, temp
erature, etc.), a much wider range of sensors can be used when utiliz
ing artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.
(Smart home) Smart home concept span over multiple IoT applications,
health, energy, entertainment, education, etc. It involves voice reco
gnition, natural language processing, image-based object recognition,
appliance management, and many more artificial intelligence technolo
gies integrated with IoT. Smart connected-devices monitor the house t
o provide better control over home supplies and expenses. The energy
consumption and efficiency of home appliances are monitored and analy
zed with deep learning based technologies, such as artificial neural
network, long-short-term-memory, etc.
(Smart city) Smart city, as well, contains multiple IoT domains, tran
sportation, infrastructure, energy, agriculture, etc. Since heterogen
eous data from different domains are gathered in smart cities, variou
s artificial intelligence approaches are studied in smart-city applic
ation. Public transportation behaviors and crowd movements patterns a
re important issues, and they are often dealt with neural network bas
ed methods, long-short-term-memory and convolutional neural network.
(Smart energy) As two-way communication energy infrastructure is depl
oyed, smart grid has become a big IoT application, which requires int
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elligent data processing. The traditional energy providers are highly
interested in recognizing local energy consumption patterns and fore
casting the needs in order to make appropriate decisions on real-time.
Moreover, the energy consumers, as well, want analyzed information o
n their own energy consumption behaviors. Recently, many works on ene
rgy consumption prediction, energy flexibility analysis, etc. are act
ively ongoing. Most works are based on the latest deep learning techn
ologies, such as multi-layered-perceptron, recurrent neural network,
long-short-term-memory, autoencoder, etc.
(Smart transportation) The intelligent transportation system is anoth
er source of big data in IoT domains. Many use cases, such as traffic
flow and congestion prediction, traffic sign recognition, vehicle in
trusion detection, etc., have been studied. Moreover, a lot of advanc
ed artificial intelligence technologies are required in autonomous an
d smart vehicles, which require many intelligent sub-tasks, such as p
edestrian's detection, obstacle avoidance, etc.
(Smart healthcare) IoT and artificial intelligence are integrated int
o the healthcare and wellbeing domain as well. By analyzing food imag
es with convolutional neural network on mobile devices, dietary intak
es can be measured. With voice signal captured from sensor devices, v
oice pathologies can be detected. Moreover, recurrent neural network
and long-short-term-memory technologies are actively being studied fo
r early diagnosis and prediction of diseases with time series medical
(Smart agriculture) To manage a vast area of land, IoT and artificial
intelligence technologies are recently used in agriculture domains.
Deep neural network and convolutional neural network are utilized for
crop detection or classification and disease recognition in the plan
ts. Moreover, for automatic farming with autonomous machine operation,
obstacle avoidance, fruit location, and many more sub-tasks are hand
led with advanced artificial intelligence technologies.
4. Requirements for AI/ML-based IoT services
In this section, requirements for AI/ML-based IoT data collection and
delivery, intelligent and context-aware IoT services, and applying A
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I/ML to IoT data will be described.
4.1. Requirements for AI/ML-based IoT data collection and delivery
IoT services store a vast amount of data that IoT devices
periodically generate, and the refining and analyzing are costly.
Effective analysis of IoT data has been considered to be the most
important factor in data processing, but the analysis of efficient
data collection and delivery methods are becoming other significant
factors as the amount of the data collected is explosively increasing.
In particular, as a number of IoT devices have been deployed within
the IoT network, controlling data collection and delivery for each of
them has become impossible. The introduction of AI/ML techniques for
simultaneous and efficient management of the IoT devices should be
considered as a countermeasure. For IoT data collection and delivery,
the following two factors will need to be considered, IoT devices
energy and data quality.
(IoT Device Energy) As many IoT devices have begun to be deployed
within the IoT network, it is impossible to deliver energy to many
IoT devices simultaneously. Consequently, the efficient battery use
has become an important issue.
If IoT data collection and delivery periods are too short, a lifetime
of the IoT device will be shortened through the reckless use of IoT
device energy. Thereby, it increases the cost required to provide IoT
service. On the other hand, if IoT data collection and delivery
period are too long, the quality of the IoT services provided will be
reduced due to the lack of details in the data for situation
recognition and real-time processing. Therefore, taking into account
the energy consumption of the IoT devices, research on proper IoT
data collection and delivery period is necessary.
(IoT device using WET) When many IoT devices use WET to charge energy,
transmit data, and perform calculations, it is difficult to deliver
desired amount of power to all users. Therefore, efficient energy
transfer for communication is essential.
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When the UE acquires and transmits energy using WET, it is necessary
to consider the amount of energy to transmit to each AP or user to
satisfy QoS or user experience. We also need information about the
optimal amount of energy transfer for battery life. Therefore,
research should be conducted considering the power consumption and
traffic of each AP and UE.
(Data Quality) Since the data collected from the majority of IoT
devices usually contain redundant information, it causes additional
costs for the data collection and refinement processes. Therefore, it
will be necessary to select and deliver meaningful information from
redundant IoT data to reduce unnecessary cost on the IoT network. To
do so, it will need the research to identify the relationships among
the data collected various devices and interpret the information that
the data contains.
(Optimal IoT Device Operation) Each IoT service may have its own
defined information requirements and it is imperative that the data
with certain quality level should be collected to extract the core
information for each situation. As scheme of data collection
considerably affects the data quality, the operation of IoT devices
should be effectively adjusted to ensure the data quality. In general,
high resolution of data collected from IoT devices as well as data
preprocessing are required for high quality data. However, these
methods leading tremendous operation cost of IoT devices causes a
lifetime of IoT networks, degrading the QoS of IoT services.
Eventually, an optimal IoT device operation technique for each IoT
service must be considered.
4.2. Requirements for intelligent and context-aware IoT services
In a context-aware IoT service environment, it is important to
establish a context to be aware of in advance since IoT devices will
be deployed according to a pre-designed architecture and to check how
characteristics of IoT data and data-to-data characteristics are
expressed under these circumstances. For the data produced by IoT
devices, since it contains the device's relative location information,
sensing value over time, event information, it should be reviewed to
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provide the target context-aware service using this information. Some
of the necessary technologies will be described in the following.
(Physical Clustering) To increase the accuracy of context-awareness,
the provision of context-aware services should be considered in a
situation where the relationship between IoT devices with respect to
physical layout or physical environment is taken into account.
Setting a rule using the service provider's domain knowledge may be
possible, but introducing the physical clustering into a diverse IoT
environment (e.g., in bedroom, kitchen, balcony, or a space connected
through an open door) will require identifying the physical
relationship between the devices using data generated from IoT
(Extra Data Processing) In order to prevent degradation of service
quality from errors in data values or device malfunctions, extra
sensors should be placed in the majority of IoT environments. In a
context-aware service, they contain the same information, so the
technologies filtering the data that contains only essential part
among the same information while preventing data errors would be
(Unreported data handling) If an event is detected on a particular
IoT device, it will transmit data regardless of the device's sensing
and delivery interval. At this time, the data of IoT devices which
are physically clustered are needed to accurately detect events that
occurred, and it is difficult to expect that these devices will
provide data at the same time. A gateway can request data from
clustered devices, but it has a problem for real-time processing for
emergency situations. Therefore, handling unreported data will be
required based on previously collected data.
(Abnormal data in AI/ML) In the case of context-aware services that
operates based on the predetermined rule, the flexibility to cope
with emergency situations that have not been considered is low, and
thus AI/ML algorithms are required to intelligently cope with a
myriad of situations. However, many abnormal data are generated
depending on environmental conditions such as device status, so AI/ML
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algorithms that can operate in that imperfect environment should be
(Edge computing in IoT) There are two necessary prerequisites
required in context-aware IoT services: IoT devices real-time
management and IoT network architecture supporting the high-volume
data transmission. When an abnormal situation is discovered, high-
volume data should be utilized to adequately to monitor the situation
through the IoT device's real-time management. As contrasted with
conventional cloud computing structures, an edge computing structure,
where IoT data processing servers are located in closer proximity to
IoT devices, provides higher energy efficiency and lesser
communication delay.
4.3. Requirements for applying AI/ML to IoT data
In this subsection, the requirements for applying AI/ML to IoT data
are described.
4.3.1. Training AI/ML algorithm
To use AI/ML algorithm, two elements are required, AI/ML model and
training data. The presence of training dataset in good quality is an
important factor of the AI/ML model performance since the model is
iteratively trained with the training data. However, for anomaly
detection, there is not enough training data since not only the
probability of anomaly occurrence is very low but also it is almost
impossible to retrieve the ground truth value even when the situation
has occurred. Therefore, using domain knowledge, AI/ML learning based
on abnormal situation data generation or simulation should be
considered. For example, for an external intrusion detection
application within a smart home, when a camera and a motion sensor
detect an intruder, a light sensor checks the measuring value. If the
light does not turn on, then the IoT application recognizes it as an
abnormal situation. In this way, by using the domain knowledge, the
rule regarding the operational scenario of the IoT application is
generated as the training data, and the generated training data can
be used for model learning. This will not only enable learning the
anomaly detection algorithm in IoT application but also improving the
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accuracy. Therefore, IoT application, in which it is difficult to
acquire dataset in good quality, will require data generation based
on domain knowledge for AI/ML.
4.3.2. AI/ML inference in IoT application
In order for AI ML technology to be applied to IoT applications, the
training data and the input data for model testing and inferencing
must have the same characteristics such as dimension, time interval,
types of features, etc. However, due to the volatile IoT data
characteristics that vary from situations in many IoT applications,
it is difficult to directly apply the AI/ML algorithms. For example,
in a simple monitoring phase, the IoT devices periodically send
sensing data, and AI/ML have no difficulty in operating. However, in
an abnormal mode, the IoT applications require a fast response, and
IoT devices transmit data at shorter intervals than normal, which
changes the characteristics of the data being input to the AI/ML
algorithm. Therefore, data preprocessing technology handling the
abnormal data will be required in advance, such as data imputation,
correcting data anomalies, and Interpolation of unreported data.
4.3.3. AI/ML models update in IoT application
While IoT devices deployed in an IoT environment continuously collect
and transmit the necessary data to an IoT server, the IoT server
delivers intelligent IoT services using AI/ML models, based on these
collected data. As IoT devices monitor a wide variety of IoT
environmental information such as time-relevant and place-relevant
information, the data gathered from IoT devices changes significantly
depending on the events occurred in an IoT environment. For this
reason, complete information is no longer reflected during AI/ML
training and this, sooner or later, affects the quality of IoT
services provided. Therefore, AI/ML models must be updated
periodically upon the data subsequently collected. However, if the
models are updated in a too short period, not only the high
management (or labor) cost for updating is required, but also it may
detrimentally affect the overall performance of the models. Therefore,
models should be updated by fairly considering between the cost
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required for updating AI/ML models and the merits gained from the
usage of updated AI/ML models.
4.4. Requirements for distributed computing for AI/ML-based IoT services
The AI/ML-based IoT services consist of large-scale computations. IoT
devices themselves may not have enough computing power to handle
these large-scale computations. Therefore, it is necessary to
overcome the limitations of computing power of IoT devices by
distributing computational workload across gateways, cloudlets, and
clouds. Since there are many challenges in distributing computational
workloads, the following factors must be considered:
(Energy Consumption) In most AI/ML-based IoT services, data collected
from IoT devices is transmitted to the edge or cloud. However, since
IoT devices have limited battery life and it is impractical to charge
them frequently, it is necessary to consider the energy consumption
of IoT devices in distributed computing. The energy consumption of
IoT devices is caused by many factors such as uplink data
transmission and the amount of computation. In order to minimize the
energy consumption of IoT devices, those factors should be considered
in distributed computing.
(Latency) In distributed computing, overall latency consists of many
factors such as communication delay, queuing delay, and processing
time. If all factors are not considered properly, overall latency may
increase. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the overall latency by
considering various delay factors.
(Communication Overhead) In order to distribute the computational
workload, it is necessary to exchange input/output data and
intermediate results between nodes. In other words, additional data
should be moved through the network, which leads to communication
overhead. How to reduce this overhead should also be considered.
(Data Privacy) Data from IoT devices must be transmitted to other
nodes for distributed processing. At this time, if the data to be
sent is related to the user's personal information or sensitive data,
the user will be reluctant to send the data. In this regard, the
consideration of data privacy is required for distributed computing.
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Also, from a technical point of view, distributing computational
workloads requires the following technologies:
(Computing Node Selection) In order to distribute computational
workloads, the appropriate target nodes must be selected. In general,
it is necessary to select a node suitable for the purpose of
distribution in consideration of node state information and
connection information between nodes. In this case, queue status and
communication bandwidth will be important factors for purpose of
minimizing delay, and power consumption for transmission between
nodes and battery status of nodes will be important factors for the
purpose of minimizing energy consumption. If the purpose is to
improve service availability, nodes?malfunction and failure rates
will be critical considerations. In this way, it is necessary to
determine the importance of factors to be considered according to the
purpose of distribution and to select appropriate nodes based on this.
(Cooperation between Computing Nodes) In order to minimize the
latency of IoT applications, cooperation between computing nodes is
essential. After the selection of possible computing nodes based on
the IoT network status, sub-task partitioning and distributed task
allocation among nodes are performed. In general, most AI/ML
algorithms can be divided into several sub-tasks and the sub-tasks
can be allocated to the appropriate computing nodes based on several
factors such as computational capacity, and network bandwidth.
However, while allocating several sub-tasks among nodes, not only
latency but also data privacy and energy consumption should be
considered. For example, in order to protect user data privacy, it is
necessary to allocate an initial part of AI/ML algorithms to the end
device. Also, for reducing energy consumption, it is necessary to
minimize the amount of computation in the end device as much as
possible and reduce the amount of uplink data transmission. While
considering the above several issues, the optimally distributed task
allocation techniques which aim to minimize latency are required.
(Network Slicing) Slice coordination is necessary for efficient
management of network slicing. Because different slices have
different service requirements, a balanced allocation of physical
resources such as frequency bandwidth, cache memory, and backhaul
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link capacity between slices is important to guarantee requirements
associated with IoT devices. For a balanced allocation of physical
resources, not only the amount of feasible physical resources but
also the requirements and traffic characteristics of IoT devices
should be considered. For example, massive IoT devices, in which the
size of each packet tends to be short, require a low outage
probability for massive connection and this can be achieved with
HARQ-based grant-free transmission with a relatively small amount of
frequency bandwidth. On the other hand, mission-critical IoT devices
require both low latency and high reliability. Although grant-free
transmission can reduce the latency caused by grant scheduling
overhead, such transmission is vulnerable to preemption. To lower the
probability of preemption, securing a sufficient amount of frequency
bandwidth is essential compared to the previous case. The task of
allocating the physical resources considering the requirements and
traffic characteristics of numerous IoT devices becomes more critical
in an environment where traffic characteristics and requirements vary
over time. Because of these considerations, the numerical solution
cannot be computed. Therefore, learning from historical data becomes
important and AI/ML algorithms can be applied to cope with the
overall problems to intelligently manage network slicing.
5. State of arts of the artificial intelligence/machine learning
technologies for IoT services
In this section, well-known machine learning and artificial
intelligence technologies applicable to IoT applications are reviewed.
5.1. Machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies review
The classical machine learning models can be divided into three types,
supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learnings. Therefore, in
this subsection, machine learning and artificial intelligence
technology reviews are done in four different categories: supervised,
unsupervised, reinforcement, and neural-network-based.
5.1.1. Supervised learning for IoT
Supervised learning is a task-based type of machine learning, which
approximates function describing the relationship and causality
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between input and output data. Therefore, the input data needs to be
clearly defined with proper output data since supervised learning
models learn explicitly from direct feedback.
(K-Nearest Neighbor) Given a new data point in K-Nearest Neighbor
(KNN) classifier, it is classified according to its K number of the
closest data points in the training set. To find the K nearest
neighbors of the new data point, it needs to use a distance metric
which can affect classifier performance, such as Euclidean,
Mahalanobis or Hamming. One limitation of KNN in applying for IoT
network is that it is unscalable to large datasets because it
requires the entire training dataset to classify a newly incoming
data. However, KNN required less processing power capability compared
to other complex learning methods.
(Naive Bayes) Given a new data point in Naive Bayes classifiers,
it is classified based on Bayes' theorem with the "naive" assumption
of independence between the features. Since Naive Bayes classifiers
don't need a large number of data points to be trained, they can deal
with high-dimensional data points. Therefore, they are fast and
highly scalable. However, since its "naive" assumptions are somewhat
strong, a certain level of prior knowledge on the dataset is required.
(Support Vector Machine) Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a binary and
non-probabilistic classifier which finds the hyperplane maximizing
the margin between the classes of the training dataset. SVM has been
the most pervasive machine learning technology until the study on
neural network technologies are advanced recently. However, SVM still
has advantages over neural network based and probabilistic approaches
in terms of memory usage and capability to deal with high-dimensional
data. In this manner, SVM can be used for IoT applications with
severe data storage constraint.
(Regression) Regression is a method for approximating the
relationships of the dependent variable, which is being estimated,
with the independent variables, which are used for the estimation.
Therefore, this method is widely used for forecasting and inferring
causal relationships between input data and output data in time-
sensitive IoT application.
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(Random Forests) In random forests, instead of training a single
decision tree, a group of trees is trained. Each tree is trained on a
subset of the training set using a randomly chosen subset of M input
variables. Random forests considering various tree structures have
very high accuracy, so it can be utilized in the accuracy-critical
IoT applications.
5.1.2. Unsupervised learning for IoT
Unsupervised learning is a data-driven type of machine learning which
finds hidden structure in unlabeled dataset without feedback during
the learning process. Unlike supervised learning, unsupervised
learning focuses on discovering patterns in the data distributions
and gaining insights from them.
(K-means clustering) K-means clustering aims to assign observations
into K number of clusters in which each observation belongs to the
cluster having the most similarities. The measure of similarity is
the distance between K cluster centers and each observation. K-means
is a very fast and highly scalable clustering algorithm, so it can be
used for IoT applications with real-time processing requirements such
as smart transportation.
(Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise)
Density-Based approach to Spatial Clustering of Applications with
Noise (DBSCAN) is a method that clusters dataset based on the density
of its data samples. In this model, dense regions which include data
samples with many close neighbors are considered as clusters, and
data samples in low-density regions are classified as outliers
[Kriegal]. Since this method is robust to outliers, DBSCAN is
efficient data clustering method for IoT network environments with
untrusted big datasets in practice.
(Dimensionality Reduction) Dimensionality reduction aims to transform
high-dimensional data into low-dimensional data while minimizing
information loss. In other words, it serves to extract some features
that can best represent data among the features. By using
dimensionality reduction, we can reduce the complexity of the model
and shorten the computation time. Examples of dimensionality
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reduction include principal component analysis (PCA), T-stochastic
neighbor embedding (T-SNE).
5.1.3. Reinforcement learning for IoT
Reinforcement learning is a reactive type of machine learning that
learn a series of actions in a given set of possible states, actions,
and rewards or penalties. It can be seen as the exploring decision-
making process and choosing the action series with the most reward or
the least penalty which can be cost, priority, time to name a few.
Reinforcement learning can be helpful for selecting action of IoT
device by providing a guideline.
(Q-learning) Q-Learning is a model-free, off-policy reinforcement
learning algorithm based on the well-known Bellman Equation. The goal
is to learn an action-selection policy maximizing the Q-value, which
tells an agent what action to take. It can be used for IoT device to
determine which action it should take according to conditions.
(State-Action-Reward-State-Action) Though State-Action-Reward-State-
Action (SARSA) is a much similar algorithm to Q-learning, the main
difference is that it is an on-policy algorithm in which agent
interacts with the environment and updates the policy based on
actions taken. It means that the Q-value is updated by an action
performed by the current policy instead of the greed policy that
maximizes Q-value. In this perspective, it is relevant when an action
of one IoT device will greatly influence the condition of the
(Deep Q Network) Deep Q network (DQN) is developed to solve the
exploration problem for unseen states. In the case of Q-learning, the
agent is not capable of estimating value for unseen states. To handle
this generality problem, DQN leverages neural network technology. As
a variation of the classic Q-Learning algorithm, DQN utilizes a deep
convolutional neural net architecture for Q-function approximation.
In real environments not all possible states and conditions are not
able to be observed. Therefore, DQN is more relevant than Q-learning
or SARSA in real applications such as IoT. Since DQN could be used
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within only discrete action space, it can be utilized for traffic
routing in the IoT network.
(Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient) DQN has solved generality and
exploration problem of the unseen or rare states. Deep Deterministic
Policy Gradient (DDPG) takes DQN into the continuous action domain.
DDPG is a deterministic policy gradient based actor-critic, model-
free algorithm. The actor decides the best action for each state and
critic is used to evaluate the policy, the chosen action set. In IoT
applications, DDPG can be utilized for the tasks that require
controlled in continuous action spaces, such as energy-efficient
temperature control, computation offloading, network traffic
scheduling, etc.
(Trust Region Policy Optimization) The concept of Trust Region Policy
Optimization (TRPO) is to update parameters within Trust Region. In
order to update the parameters of the new policy within the defined
region, the parameters need to be updated with samples obtained from
local points by solving conservative policy iteration. Moreover, the
value of step size is constrained to update parameters within the
defined Trust Region In IoT communication networks, considering
that actions of TRPO are confidently decided within its boundary,
TRPO can be implemented for load balancing, power allocation, service
provisioning, etc.
(Proximal Policy Optimization) Unlike TRPO, Proximal Policy
Optimization (PPO) uses the first derivative to update the parameters
of its policy. The computation complexity of PPO is much alleviated
compared to that of TRPO. While the step size of TRPO is constantly
adjusted to satisfy its constraint, the step size of PPO simply uses
clipping to fix the maximum value of its update. For exploration and
exploitation, PPO computes action entropy to determine whether an
agent requires more exploration to maximize its objective function.
PPO is suitable for training agents in an environment where action
space is too large for DQN algorithm. Therefore, tasks such as user
association, power control, and resource allocation in wireless
communications can benefit from PPO.
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5.1.4. Neural Network based algorithms for IoT
(Recurrent Neural Network) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is a
discriminative type of supervised learning model that takes serial or
time-series input data. RNN is specifically developed to address
issue of time dependency of sequential time-series input data. It
processes sequences of data through internal memory, and it is useful
in IoT applications with time-dependent data, such as identifying
time-dependent patterns of sensor data, estimating consumption
behavior over time, etc.
(Long Short Term Memory) As an extension of RNN, Long Short Term
Memory (LSTM) is a discriminative type of supervised learning model
that is specialized for serial or time-series input data as well
[Hochreiter]. The main difference of LSTM from RNN is that it
utilizes the concept of gates. It actively controls forget gates to
prevent the long term time dependency from waning. Therefore,
compared to RNN, it is more suitable for data with long time
relationship and IoT applications requiring analysis on the long lag
of dependency, such as activity recognition, disaster prediction, to
name a few [Chung].
(Convolutional Neural Network) Convolutional neural network (CNN) is
a discriminative type of supervised learning model. It is developed
specifically for processing 2-dimensional image data by considering
local connectivity, but now generally used for multidimensional data
such as multi-channel sound signals, IoT sensor values, etc. As in
CNN neurons are connected only to a small subset of the input and
share weight parameters, CNN is much more sparse compared to fully
connected network. However, it needs a large training dataset,
especially for visual tasks. In CNN, a new activation function for
neural network, Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), was proposed, which
accelerates training time without affecting the generalization of the
network [Krizhevsky]. In IoT domains, it is often used for detection
tasks that require some visual analysis.
(Variational Autoencoder) Autoencoder (AE) is a generative type
of unsupervised learning model. AE is trained to generate output to
reconstruct input data, thus it has the same number of input and
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output units. It is suitable for feature extraction and
dimensionality reduction. Because of its behavior to reconstructing
the input data at the output layer, it is often used for machinery
fault diagnosis in IoT applications. The most popular type of AE,
Variational Autoencoder (VAE) is a generative type of semi-supervised
learning model. Its assumptions on the structure of the data are weak
enough for real applications and its training process through
backpropagation is fast [Doersch]. Therefore, VAE is suitable in IoT
applications where data tends to be diverse and scarce.
(Generative Adversarial Network) Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
is a hybrid type of semi-supervised learning model which contain two
neural networks, namely the generative and discriminative networks
[Goodfellow]. The generator is trained to learn the data distribution
from a training dataset in order to generate new data which can
deceive the latter network, so-called the discriminator. Then, the
discriminator learns to discriminate the generated data from the real
data. In IoT applications, GAN can be used in situations when
something needs to be generated from the available data, such as
localization, way-finding, and data type conversion.
5.2. Technologies for lightweight and real-time intelligence
As the era of IoT has come, some sort of light-weight intelligence is
needed to support smart objects. Prior to the era of IoT, most of the
works on learning did not consider resource-constrained environments.
Especially, deep learning models require many resources such as
processing power, memory, stable power source, etc. However, it has
been recently shown that the parameters of the deep learning models
contain redundant information, so that some parts of them can be
delicately removed to reduce complexity without much degradation of
performance [Ba], [Denil]. In this section, the technologies to
achieve real-time and serverless learning in IoT environments are
(network compression) Network compression is a method to convert a
dense network into a sparse one. With this technology the network can
be reduced in its size and complexity. By pruning irrelevant parts or
sharing redundant parameters, the storage and computational
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requirements can be decreased [Han]. After pruning, the performance
of the network is examined and the pruning process is repeated until
the performance reaches the minimum requirements for the specific
applications and use cases. As many parameters are removed or shared,
the memory required is reduced, as well as computational burden and
energy. Especially as most energy in neural network is used to access
memory, the consumed energy dramatically drops. Although its main
limitation is that there is not a general solution to compress all
kinds of network, but it rather depends on the characteristics of
each network. However, network compression is still the most
widespread method to make deep learning technologies to be
lightweight and IoT-friendly.
(approximate computing) Approximate computing is an approach to
support deep learning in smart devices [Venkataramani], [Moons]. It
is based on the facts that the results of deep learning do not need
to be exact in many IoT applications but still valid if the results
are in an acceptable range. By integrating approximate computing into
deep learning, not only the execution time but also the energy
consumption is reduced [Mohammadi]. Based on the optimal trade-off
between accuracy and run-time or energy consumption, the network can
be adjustably approximated. The network approximate technology can be
well-used in such situations when the response time is more important
than sophisticatedly analyzed results. Although it is a technology to
facilitate real-time and lightweight intelligence, the process of
training models and converting it to approximate network require some
amount of resource. Therefore, the approximated model can be deployed
on smart devices but the learning and approximation processes still
need to take places on resource rich platforms.
(early exit inference) Deep learning models take advantages of
nonlinear properties, from the forwarding process through a large
number of layers, but often allow inferences with a reasonable level
of accuracy without going through all the layers. Starting with this
idea, early exit points in the middle of a layer has been studied to
determine the reliability of the calculation results at that point,
and if they have a reasonable level of reliability, they are no
longer calculated. These technologies, which can achieve quick
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inference at the expense of some accuracy, can be useful in making
decisions which are not fatal but require quick responses in
resource-constrained IoT environments.
5.3. Federated learning
Federated learning is a method by which multiple IoT devices work
together to train a single predictive model. Based on this, lower
latency, less power, and smarter models can be obtained, and there
are also advantages in terms of privacy. Federated learning allows
mobile phones to jointly train predictive models to keep all data on
the device, allowing machine learning to be performed without the
need to store data in the cloud, making it well-suited for applying
artificial intelligence in IoT devices.
(Horizontal Federated Learning) Horizontal federated learning is
mainly used when all training models are the same and each user has
the same data type. The clients update individually, and the server
collects all local updates, calculates global updates based on the
aggregated information and sends them to all users. It is mainly used
in technologies such as voice assistants in smart homes.
(Federated Transfer Learning) Federated transfer learning, unlike the
horizontal federated learning mentioned above, aims to train in
situations with different data sets and different sample spaces. Send
multiple data from different spaces, transfer them in the same space,
and train the model. This is likely to be used in situations such as
collaborations in hospitals with other patients.
(Centralized Federated Learning) Centralized federated learning
trains on a central server and trains all clients in parallel in each
round of communication. The central server employs a weighted average
algorithm such as federated averaging (FedAvg) and then distributes
the weights to each client. Servers are critical to managing clients
by aggregating and distributing updates and protecting privacy.
(Decentralized federated learning) Decentralized federated learning
is a network topology without a central server, and all learning
subjects are connected through P2P. In every round of communication,
clients are trained based on their own data and consensus on global
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updates is reached based on models received from neighboring clients.
Based on this, it can be used even when there is no communication
with the server and can be applied to technologies such as blockchain.
6. Use cases of AI/ML into IoT service
Many IoT service environments are equipped with camera, door lock,
temperature sensor, fire detector, gas detector, alarm, and so on.
Each sensor is deployed with particular purposes of each own to
provide a specific service. However, there is a problem that the
sensor utilization is not high enough due to the provision of the
service using only a single sensor rather than multiple sensors and
their mutual relations. Therefore, the quality of the service
provided is not high as well. To enhance the sensor utilization and
the service quality, all signals from various sensors should be
analyzed comprehensively to make the right decision. This section
describes the use cases for introducing AI / ML techniques in actual
IoT service, utilizing multiple sensors. In advance of each use case
description of various IoT service domains, characteristics of each
domain to adopt AI/ML techniques are investigated.
6.1. Surveillance and Security in Smart Home
To minimize users' inconvenience and ensure their safety,
surveillance and safety IoT applications provided within smart homes
require fast notification with good level of precision IoT service
quality for abnormal conditions detection. To do this, both data
preprocessing techniques and AI/ML technologies for analysis of
anomalies with high accuracy will be required.
6.1.1. Characteristics of Smart Home for AI/ML processing
(Training Data Generation) For Surveillance and Security, the
processed data is necessary because there is little data for
anomalies and the ground truth values are hardly available. Therefore,
first, the steps to detect and calibrate the abnormal data are
essential before the anomaly data should be generated using domain
knowledge. First, constructing simulators about targeted smart home
and generating events against external intrusions and then collecting
the anomaly data can be considered. Furthermore, based on the data
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collected in the actual environment, anomaly data generation can
proceed by breaking the relationship between sensors considering
possible links between them within any intrusive environment.
(AI/ML Algorithm) One of the characteristics of the IoT environment
for surveillance and safety is that a massive amount of data is
collected and real-time responses are required. For the kNN algorithm,
since the more data sets, the stronger against the noise and the
higher the accuracy. If the appropriate dataset is used, the fast
response can be expected. It makes suitable for the service
environment to be considered. In addition, considering real-time data
forecasting and analysis via LSTM, it is believed that improved
accuracy for real-time anomalies detection can be expected.
6.1.2. Use case
(To be continued)
6.2. Smart home for elderly welfare
In the currently existing smart home IoT system for elders, it is
difficult to detect exact physical and mental health status from IoT
data because it is a very complicated problem mixed with various
factors such as depression levels, heart rates, surroundings, etc. If
health status can be detected correctly, it could be used for various
single living-elderly care services. To do this, various techniques
will be required such as protecting user's privacy and recognizing
complex situation.
6.2.1. Characteristics of Smart Home for elderly welfare
IoT devices for in-home healthcare operations need to be small and
unobtrusive. This form factor limitation means that these devices are
also energy constrained. At the same time, the devices need to be
ultra-reliable and provide timely and accurate data, coupled with
processing capabilities to extract vital information. However, it is
not an easy task for single-living elders to manage the status of all
IoT devices in the house. To support reliable smart healthcare
services for elders, the trade-offs between the energy-efficiency of
the devices and the reliability of the collected data should be
properly considered. Additionally, to manage and handle various
emergency situations, AI/ML-based real-time data monitoring and
automatic behavior recognition, sophisticated situation aware
technology should be required.
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6.3. Smart Building Management
Smart buildings often consist of heterogeneous IoT devices. These
devices cooperate and their data is integrated for efficient
autonomous building management. Many of the events in a large
building may not require deep, complicated learning or processing.
Some of them may require a fast response than an accurate analysis.
Above all, a lot of events simultaneously occur and can arise heavy
loads on the main server. The edge-computing techniques can be used
to offload the main server's tasks.
6.3.1. Characteristics of Smart Building for AI/ML processing
(Training Data Generation) In smart buildings, heterogeneous IoT
devices are deployed. They are diverse in their types, functions,
performances, etc. To utilize the data from diverse devices, data
needs to be able to well-integrated. Therefore, it is better for data
to be in a common data format, or it needs to be able to transform
into one another. The other characteristic is that the IoT devices
may interact in local and global environments of the building.
Therefore, the scope of the dataset used in training can play a
critical role in developing AL/ML model for building management.
(AI/ML Algorithm) To offload and reduce the burden of the main server
and to provide fast, efficient decision makings, the IoT and the
other network-related devices can use their computing resources.
Various edge-computing techniques can be applied to do so, such as
developing light-weighted AI/ML models that can be easily deployed in
the edge devices or balancing the learning and processing computation
load from the server to the edge devices.
6.3.2. Use case
(To be continued)
6.4. Manufacturing optimization in Smart factory
When IoT meets smart factory Industry, Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT) technology integrating various technologies such as AI/ML, big
data analytics, massive sensor connection, Machine to Machine
communication (M2M) and automation are generally utilized. Its IIoT
applications has initiated a profound change within companies making
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them increasingly connected and allowing them to exploit data to
optimize their production processes, since IIoT is able to support
real-time monitoring of each process line, thanks to different types
of sensors positioned in critical points.
However, to anticipate and prevent possible failures, the health
state of assets is always monitored, which generating tremendous
volume of data, and instantons and intelligent responses to
unexpected behavior are required.
6.4.1. Characteristics of Smart Factory for AI/ML processing
(To be continued)
6.4.2. Use case
(Real-time predictive maintenance) It is in needs to monitor the
autonomous machines deployed in the manufacturing plants and forecast
any maintenance requirements in prior to the machine failure.
(Demand Forecasting) With forecasting, future demand can be predicted
to meet the targeted delivery deadlines in advance. This is one of
the widespread strategies adopted across the industry where a number
of manufacturing plants are presently transforming from reactive to
predictive inventory management.
6.5. Smart parking
Parking operators are nowadays in the process of transforming their
business model to satisfy a more demanding end-user, by looking for
new technologies that allow the enhancement of drivers?user-
experience. These drivers are currently facing mobility issues in
urban areas, where the correlation of traffic congestion in cities is
highlighted with drivers looking for parking spaces. As a consequence,
current drivers are spending more time searching for a free place,
contributing to higher fuel consumption and increased environmental
pollution. Therefore, intelligent smart parking system is required to
collect and process real-time parking occupancy information.
6.5.1. Characteristics of Smart Parking for AI/ML processing
In smart parking system, any end-user has access to real-time parking
occupancy information both through urban furniture (information
displays) and mobile/automobile apps, reducing the time each driver
spends looking for a parking space. Moreover, parking operators can
enhance their ongoing operations by knowing in every instant what is
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happening and by analyzing reports on the behavioural patterns
detected by the platform, improving their operational and enforcement
efficiency. To achieve this, the usage of a video camera will be
required to monitor in real time the available slots in a parking
park. Additionally, the media acquired from the deployed cameras will
be processed using image recognition AI/ML model allowing to perceive
in real time the status of each parking spot. A lightweight AI/ML
model will be initially used to support real-time processing, however,
if any potential change is detected (a parking slot was potentially
filled up for instance) more powerful AI/ML models can be utilized to
confirm/dismiss the potential change. It can be also confirmed which
entity is occupying the slot (car, bike, truck person, etc.)
6.6. Augmented Reality (AR) in IoT
Augmented reality technologies enable visualizing digital information
and combining it with the physical world. As massive data are
generated from IoT, visualization of digital information helps
monitoring the status of circumstance and understanding the IoT
system. AR techniques can be applied to several IoT applications such
as autonomous driving, smart manufacturing industries. In such
applications, massive IoT data are collected from IoT sensors
including cameras, temperature & humidity sensors, and should be
processed and analyzed in real-time.
6.6.1. Characteristics of Augmented Reality for AI/ML processing
As augmented reality techniques usually detect surrounding objects
and interact with the physical world in real-time, it is
computational-intensive and delay-sensitive. Also, the augmented
reality devices which visualize digital information are usually
mobile devices which have limited battery life. Therefore, augmented
reality techniques should consider both latency minimization and
energy consumption minimization. To achieve these goals, a
lightweight AI/ML model would be used and edge computing techniques
can be used to offload tasks to the edge server. However, as lots of
data collected by IoT sensors, the data transmission time can be a
critical issue in satisfying the latency restriction. Therefore, to
support augmented reality in IoT systems, distributed and cooperative
edge computing techniques which can distribute tasks at the edge
server and mobile devices would be needed.
6.7. Smart Farm
Smart farm is a convenient and efficient agricultural form that
manages the growing environment in an optimal state without time and
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space restrictions by using automated facilities and information and
communication technology. The most common example of smart farm
implementation is a method in which sensors installed throughout the
farm collect various information to help managers make decisions. An
intelligent smart farm is required to process incoming information in
real time and make decisions.
6.7.1. Characteristics of Smart Farm for AI/ML processing
Smart Farm collects meteorological information such as temperature,
humidity, CO2, and solar radiation from IoT devices. In Smart Farm,
various types of time series data are received sporadically, and
compared to other IoT services, real time processing is not necessary.
Data obtained from multiple sensors generally come in different time
slots, and these data are combined into a single input. This combined
input can be designed to control air conditioners and heaters, open
and close windows, and feed nutrients using the AI/ML model.
7. IANA Considerations
This document requests no action by IANA.
8. Acknowledgements
9. Contributors
10. Informative References
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Authors' Addresses
Jun Kyun Choi (editor)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
193 Munji Ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
Jae Seob Han
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
193 Munji Ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
Gyeong Ho Lee
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
193 Munji Ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
Hyun Seo Park
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
193 Munji Ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
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