Internet DRAFT - draft-cotton-dds-mib


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Network Working Group                                          M. Cotton
Internet-Draft                             Eastern Research Incorporated
                                                              April 1996
Category: Informational

        Definitions of Managed Objects for DDS Interface Types

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This
   memo does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This document reflects work being done by the trunk-mib working
   group (  This document defines a MIB which allows
   DDS-type interfaces to be managed via SNMP.  This is an attempt
   to ensure that SNMP compliant DDS devices have a common MIB.
   An attempt has been made to include devices which support DDS
   secondary channel capability.  This document is intended to allow
   for the SNMP managment of the basic DDS CSU/DSU, with and without
   rate adaption.

Table of Contents

   1. The Network Management Framework ......................    2
   2. Objects ...............................................    2
   2.1 Format of Definitions ................................    3
   3. Overview ..............................................    4
   3.1 Binding between ifIndex and DDS Interfaces ...........    5
   3.2 Objectives of this MIB Module ........................    7
   3.3 DDS Terminology ......................................    7
   3.3.1 Performance and Availability .......................    3
   3.3.2 Network Alarms and Status Conditions ...............    3
   3.3.3 Network Control Codes ..............................    3
   3.3.4 Loopbacks and Their Methods ........................    3 Non-Latching Loopbacks ...........................    4 Latching Loopbacks ...............................    4
   4. Definitions ...........................................    4
   4.1 DDS Configuration Table ..............................    5
   4.2 DDS Diagnostics Table ................................    7
   4.3 DDS Alarm Table ......................................   10
   4.4 DDS Statistics Table .................................   12
   5. Acknowledgements ......................................   14
   6. References ............................................   14

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   7. Security Considerations ...............................   15
   8. Author's Address ......................................   15

1.  The Network Management Framework

   The Internet-standard Network Management Framework consists of three
   components.  They are:

      STD 16/RFC 1155 [1] which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for
      describing and naming objects for the purpose of management.  STD
      16/RFC 1212 [2] defines a more concise description mechanism,
      which is wholly consistent with the SMI.

      RFC 1156 [3] which defines MIB-I, the core set of managed objects
      for the Internet suite of protocols.  STD 17/RFC 1213 [4] defines
      MIB-II, an evolution of MIB-I based on implementation experience
      and new operational requirements.

      STD 15/RFC 1157 [5] which defines the SNMP, the protocol used for
      network access to managed objects.

   The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
   experimentation and evaluation.

2.  Objects

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [6]
   defined in the SMI.  In particular, each object has a name, a syntax,
   and an encoding.  The name is an object identifier, an
   administratively assigned name, which specifies an object type.  The
   object type together with an object instance serves to uniquely
   identify a specific instantiation of the object.  For human
   convenience, we often use a textual string, termed the OBJECT
   DESCRIPTOR, to also refer to the object type.

   The syntax of an object type defines the abstract data structure
   corresponding to that object type.  The ASN.1 language is used for
   this purpose.  However, the SMI [1] purposely restricts the ASN.1
   constructs which may be used.  These restrictions are explicitly made
   for simplicity.

   The encoding of an object type is simply how that object type is
   represented using the object type's syntax.  Implicitly tied to the
   notion of an object type's syntax and encoding is how the object type
   is represented when being transmitted on the network.

   The SMI specifies the use of the basic encoding rules of ASN.1 [7],
   subject to the additional requirements imposed by the SNMP.

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2.1.  Format of Definitions

   Section 4 contains contains the specification of all object types
   contained in this MIB module.  The object types are defined using the
   conventions defined in the SMI, as amended by the extensions
   specified in STD 16, RFC 1212 [2].

3.  Overview

   This document applies to DDS-type devices which are SNMP managable.  The
   MIB contained herein describes objects for the management of config-
   uration, diagnostics, alarms, and statistics related to DDS CSU/DSUs.
   The definitions contained herein are based on the AT&T Digital Data-
   phone Service (DDS) Specification [8].

   The following diagram demonstrates how an SNMP managable DSU/CSU
   shelf could be connected to a router to allow the router WANs
   access to the DDS circuits.

     |     |     |   R interface                        Network i/f
     |     |     |               +---------------------+
     |E    |     |     56KBPS    |              Line#A | DDS Circuit
     |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
     |h    |     |               |                     |
     |e    |  O  |     64KBPS    |              Line#B | DDS Circuit
     |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
     |n    |  U  |               |  DSU/CSU Shelf      |
     |e    |     |     9600BPS   |              Line#C | DDS Circuit
     |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
     |     |     |               |                     |
     |-----|  E  |    19200BPS   |              Line#D | DDS Circuit
     |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
     |L    |  R  |               |_____________________|
     |A    |     |
     |N    +-----+

   The following diagram shows the various internal organization of
   a typical DDS DSU/CSU.

        |   |                       |                       |   |
        | R |     DSU section       |       CSU section     | D |
   V.35,|   |                       |                       | D | N
  RS232,| i |                       |                       | S | E
    or  | n |  It is this section   | This section of the   |   | T
  RS530 | t |  that would be resp-  | unit is responsible   | i | W

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  inter-| e |  onsible for the rate | for the loop rate and | n | O
  face  | r |  adaption and the de- | the detection of all  | t | R
        | f |  tection of the V.54  | network loop codes,   | e | K
  (DTE) | a |  and loopback pattern.| even for that of the  | r |
        | c |  This section also    | DSU loopbacks.  These | f |
        | e |  puts clocks out to   | are the XOV codes that| a |
        |   |  R interface for use  | are outlined in AT&T  | c |
        |   |  by the DTE equipment.| TR62310.              | e |
        |   |                       |                       |   |

3.1.  Binding between ifIndex and DDS Interfaces

   The ifIndex is used throughout to identify the DDS interfaces
   if more than one is available on the equipment in use.

3.2.  Objectives of this MIB Module

   As stated above, this MIB was designed soley for the management of
   devices with DDS network interfaces.  This would include, but is
   not limited to DDS DSU/CSUs, routers with DDS network interfaces,
   and the like.  Since the devices currently deployed use enterprise
   MIBs for this type of management, this MIB is proposed to allow
   for a standardized management methodology.

3.3.  DDS Terminology

   The terms used in this document, that describe the line conditions
   of a DDS interface, come from AT&T's technical reference document
   TR62310 - DS0 Digital Local Channel Description and Interface

3.3.1 Performance and Availability

   The performance terms used are Errored Seconds (ES), Error-Free
   Seconds (EFS), and Severely Errored Seconds (SES).  An Errored
   Second is any second during which at least one bit was in error.
   An Error-Free Second is a second during which there were no bits
   in error.  A Severely Errored Second is a second during which the
   error threshold of 1x10^-3 was exceeded.

3.3.2 Network Alarms and Status Conditions

   When a failure occurs in the network, a control code will be
   forwarded through the network to the DCE at the customer interface.

3.3.3 Network Control Codes

   Table 5.3 on page 13 of AT&T TR 62310 specifies the Network Control

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   codes in detail.  A further discussion of the nature of the codes
   is not warranted here.

3.3.4 Loopbacks and Their Methods

   The two loopbacks defined by TR 62310 are CSU loopback and DSU 
   loopback.  The CSU loopback is intended to loop the network
   connection back to itself as close as is possible to the network
   interface (NI).  The DSU loopback is usually implemented as a
   bidirectional loop located a close as possible to the DTE side
   of the CSU/DSU.

   These loopbacks may be activated by either a non-latching method
   or latching method. Non-Latching Loopbacks

   The non-latching loopback is activated when the network sends a
   loop-code byte alternated with a test pattern byte.  The loop
   must start after the detection of four consecutive bytes of the
   loop code (CSU or DSU) and remain engaged until five consecutive
   bytes are received without the loop code.  The loop codes must be
   replaced with a return-code when looped back toward the network.
   This is used to synchronize the test pattern detector. Latching Loopbacks

   Latching loops are named such because a pattern is sent from the
   network to the CSU/DSU to cause a loopback condition which will
   remain in effect once the patttern has ceased.  On page 17 of
   TR 62310, the sequence for activating the latching loopbacks are
   described in detail.

   Another approach that is often used is to follow the V.54 modem
   loopback specification (CCITT Recommendation V.54 [11]).

4.  Definitions

          TruthValue                       FROM SNMPv2-TC
          ifIndex                          FROM IF-MIB
          transmission                     FROM RFC1213-MIB;

     --  this is the MIB module for the DDS objects

     dds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 99 }

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     -- *******************
     -- The DDS Local Group
     -- *******************

     -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all systems
     -- that attach to a DDS Interface.

     -- The DDS Local Group consists of four tables:
     --     DDS Configuration
     --     DDS Diagnostics
     --     DDS Statistics

     -- ***************************
     -- the DDS Configuration Table
     -- ***************************

         ddsConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF DDSConfigEntry
             ACCESS  not-accessible
             STATUS  mandatory
                "The DDS Configuration table contains the basic
                configuration variables for the CSU/DSU."
            ::= { dds 1 }

         ddsConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  DDSConfigEntry
             ACCESS  not-accessible
             STATUS  mandatory
                "An entry in the DDS Configuration table."
            INDEX   { ifIndex }
            ::= { ddsConfigTable 1 }

         DDSConfigEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {

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         ddsPrimaryChannelSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable indicates the speed of the DDS
             ::= { ddsConfigEntry 1 }

         ddsAllowSecondaryChannel OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  TruthValue
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable allows or disallows the secondary
                DDS channel which will run at the following speeds.

                Primary channel speed   Secondary channel speed
                ---------------------   -----------------------
                        2400 bps                133 bps
                        4800 bps                266 bps
                        9600 bps                533 bps
                        19200 bps               1066 bps
                        56000 bps               2666 bps"

             ::= { ddsConfigEntry 2 }

         ddsAllowErrorCorrection OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  TruthValue
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable represents the error correction
                configuration of the DDS DSU/CSU.  Although not
                a standard component of AT&T TR62310, some vendors
                may have elected to implement this feature in their
             ::= { ddsConfigEntry 3 }

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         ddsAllowNetworkLoops OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  TruthValue
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable represents the loopback config-
                uration of the DDS interface.  If it is desired
                that the CSU/DSU should not respond to latching
                or non-latching loops from the network, then the
                variable should be set to the disabled state.  If
                it is desirable to have the CSU/DSU respond to loops
                from the network, then this variable should be set
                to enabled."
             ::= { ddsConfigEntry 4 }

         ddsTransmitClockSource OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable indicates where the CSU/DSU should
                derive its timing from.  The timing can either
                come from the internal oscillator (local), the DTE
                interface (through), or the network interface (loop -
                the most common option)."
             ::= { ddsConfigEntry 5 }

         ddsAllowDteRateAdaption OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  TruthValue
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable represents if rate adaption has
                been enabled in the DDS DSU/CSU.  This means that
                the DTE interface is running at a different speed
                than that of the DDS loop from the carrier.  The
                DSU/CSU must then have a speed configured for the
                DTE interface which is different from that of the
                network interface."
             ::= { ddsConfigEntry 6 }

         ddsDteChannelSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {

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             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable indicates the speed of the DTE
                interface when rate adaption has been enabled."
             ::= { ddsConfigEntry 7 }

         ddsDteClockSource OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable indicates the configuration of the
                DTE clocks.  The clocks can either come from the
                internal source (internal), or else they can come
                from the DTE itself (external), or the DTE can get
                transmit clock from the DTE and give the DTE receive
                clock (internal/external)."
             ::= { ddsConfigEntry 8 }

     -- *************************
     -- the DDS Diagnostics Table
     -- *************************

         ddsDiagTable OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF DDSDiagEntry
             ACCESS  not-accessible
             STATUS  mandatory
                "The DDS diagnostic table contains the diagnostic element
                variables for the CSU/DSU."
            ::= { dds 2 }

         ddsDiagEntry OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  DDSDiagEntry
             ACCESS  not-accessible
             STATUS  mandatory
                "An entry in the DDS diagnostic table."
            INDEX   { ifIndex }
            ::= { ddsDiagTable 1 }

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         DDSDiagEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {

         ddsLoopbackConfig OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "The loopback configuration for the CSU section
                of the DSU/CSU.  The various configurations are
                as follows.
                ddsNoLoop:      No loopback is activated.

                ddsCsuLoop:     Engage the channel loopback
                                which means that the DDS line should
                                be looped back toward the network.

                ddsLocalLoop:   Engage the local loopback of the
                                DSU/CSU which means that the network
                                interface should be looped back toward
                                itself.  This is useful for self-diagnostic
                                purposes and is not a mode which can be
                                engaged by the TELCO."

             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 1 }

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         ddsSendRemoteLoopCode OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  TruthValue
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "Issue a remote DSU loop to the far end CSU/DSU."
             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 2 }

         ddsDSULoop OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "Loop the DTE(DSU) port on the CSU/DSU."
             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 3 }

         ddsLoopStatus OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
             ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This object returns the status of the loopback
                condition of the DSU/CSU.  The following is a
                description of the various looback statuses.

                ddsNoLoopActive:  There is no loopback in progress.

                ddsCsuLoopActive: The channel loopback is engaged
                                  which means that the DDS line is
                                  looped back toward the network.

                ddsDsuLoopActive: The DSU section of the DSU/CSU is
                                  looped at the R interface.  This
                                  loopback may be bidirectional but
                                  must at the very least be a uni-
                                  directional loop back toward the
                                  network at the R interface.

                ddsOtherLoopActive:  This code is reserved for any other
                                  type of loopback that is implemented
                                  by the manufacturer."

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             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 4 }

         ddsSendTestCode OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "Activate the bit error-rate tester on the CSU/DSU."
             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 5 }

         ddsInsertTestError OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX TruthValue
             ACCESS read-write
             STATUS mandatory
                "Inserts a single bit error in the NI data stream.
                This object will only ever read FALSE."
             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 6 }

         ddsResetTestErrors OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX TruthValue
             ACCESS read-write
             STATUS mandatory
                 "Reset the test error-second counters.  This object
                 only ever reads as FALSE."
             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 7 }

         ddsLocalTestErrorSeconds OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX Counter
             ACCESS read-only
             STATUS mandatory
                 "Local errored-seconds counter.  This object reflects
                 the counter which observes the bit-error-rate tester
                 errors being received on the R interface of the
             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 8 }

         ddsRemoteTestErrorSeconds OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX Counter
             ACCESS read-only
             STATUS mandatory
                 "Remote errored-seconds counter.  This object reflects

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                 the counter which observes the bit-error-rate tester
                 errors being received on the network interface of the
             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 9 }

         ddsSecondsInTest OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX Counter
             ACCESS read-only
             STATUS mandatory
                 "Counter for the number of seconds that the CSU/DSU's
                 BERT has been activated."
             ::= { ddsDiagEntry 10 }

     -- ************************
     -- the DDS Statistics Table
     -- ************************

         ddsStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF DDSStatsEntry
             ACCESS  not-accessible
             STATUS  mandatory
                "The DDS alarm table contains the statistic counters for 
                the CSU/DSU."
            ::= { dds 3 }

         ddsStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  DDSStatsEntry
             ACCESS  not-accessible
             STATUS  mandatory
                "An entry in the DDS statistics table."
            INDEX   { ifIndex }
            ::= { ddsStatisticsTable 1 }

         DDSStatsEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {

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         ddsLineStatus OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER
             ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This object contains the line status of the network
                interface of the DSU/CSU.  It contains the alarm status
                indications merged together to form a collection of
                bits in a single variable.  The bit-definitions are as

                1       ddsNoAlarm      No alarm is present.
                2       ddsLOS          Loss of signal.
                4       ddsOOS          Out of service.
                8       ddsCMI          Control mode idle.
                16      ddsOOF          Out of frame.
                32      ddsFERR         Frame error.
                64      ddsBPV          Bipolar violation.
                128     ddsCSULoop      The CSU loop is active.
                256     ddsLocalLoop    The local network loop is active.
                512     ddsDSULoop      The DSU loopback is active.
                1024    ddsOtherLoop    Some other loopback is active."

             ::= { ddsStatsEntry 1 }

         ddsLOSCount OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  Counter
             ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS  mandatory
                "The loss-of-signal errored-second count."
             ::= { ddsStatsEntry 2 }

         ddsOOSCount OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  Counter
             ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS  mandatory
                "The out-of-service errored-second count."
             ::= { ddsStatsEntry 3 }

         ddsCMICount OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  Counter
             ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS  mandatory

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                "The control-mode-idle errored-seconds count."
             ::= { ddsStatsEntry 4 }

         ddsOOFCount OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  Counter
             ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS  mandatory
                "The out-of-frame errored-seconds count."
             ::= { ddsStatsEntry 5 }

         ddsFERRCount OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  Counter
             ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS  mandatory
                "The framing-error errored-seconds count."
             ::= { ddsStatsEntry 6 }

         ddsBPVCount OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  Counter
             ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS  mandatory
                "The bipolar-violation errored-seconds count."
             ::= { ddsStatsEntry 7 }


5.  Acknowledgements

   I would like to thank Michael Nicolazzo and James Pollock, both
   of Eastern Research, for proofreading this document and supplying
   their comments and suggestions.  Also, I would like to thank
   Fred Baker at Cisco, Dierdre Kostick at AT&T, and James Watt at
   Newbridge for their assistance in helping this document become a

6.  References

   [1] Rose M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
       Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", STD 16, RFC
       1155, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May

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   [2] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Editors, "Concise MIB Definitions",
       STD 16, RFC 1212, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN
       Systems, March 1991.

   [3] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
       Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1156, Hughes
       LAN Systems, Performance Systems International, May 1990.

   [4] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, Editors, "Management Information Base
       for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", STD 17, RFC
       1213, Performance Systems International, March 1991.

   [5] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple
       Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157, SNMP Research,
       Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
       International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, May 1990.

   [6] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1),
       International Organization for Standardization, International
       Standard 8824, December 1987.

   [7] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Notation One
       (ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization,
       International Standard 8825, December 1987.

   [8] AT&T Technical Reference, TR 62310, DS0 Digital Local Channel
       Description and Interface Specification, August 1993.

   [9] AT&T Technical Reference, TR 62411, ACCUNET T1.5 Service
       Description And Interface Specification, December 1990.

  [10] AT&T Technical Reference, TR 62421, ACCUNET Spectrum of
       Digital Service, December 1989.

  [11] CCITT Volume VIII, Recommendation V.54, Loop Test Devices for
       Modems, November 1980.

7.  Security Considerations

   This document raises no security issues that I am aware of.

8.  Author's Address

   Mark A. Cotton
   Eastern Research, Inc.

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   225 Executive Drive
   Moorestown, New Jersey 08057

   Phone: (609)-273-6622

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