Internet DRAFT - draft-davis-opsawg-some-refinements-to-rfc8345


opsawg                                                          N. Davis
Internet-Draft                                                     Ciena
Intended status: Informational                                  O. Havel
Expires: 13 July 2024                                          B. Claise
                                                         10 January 2024

            Some Refinements to Network Topologies (RFC8345)


   This draft provides a brief analysis of the current unidirectional
   point-to-point approach to modeling of the link in RFC8345,
   highlights why this is not sufficient and makes a proposal to enhance
   RFC8345 YANG to support multipoint uni/bi links.  The two alternative
   enhancement approaches proposed are backward compatible.  The
   enhancement is such that it provides a uniform solution to modeling
   all links that could, over time, replace the current unidirectional
   point-to-point approach.  The rationale for the change is based on
   many years of practical experience, including challenges using
   RFC8345 in actual solution development, and insight gained through
   other standardisation efforts and deployments.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at  Status information for this document may
   be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the WG Working Group
   mailing list (, which is archived at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 13 July 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Key terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Analysis of existing RFC8345  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  RFC8345 section 4.2 Base Network Topology Data Model  . .   4
     3.2.  RFC8345 section 4.4.5 Cardinality and Directionality of
           Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  From the code: "list link {"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.4.  From the code: "container source {" . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.5.  From the code: "container destination {"  . . . . . . . .  10
   4.  Enhancement approach  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.1.  Observations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.2.  Essential Enhancement and usage . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  Comparison of the existing point-to-point solution with this
           multipoint proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   6.  Basic enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  More sophisticated enhancement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   8.  Further considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     8.1.  Termination direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     8.2.  Specification of capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     8.3.  Links between networks/subnetworks/domains  . . . . . . .  22

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     8.4.  Richness of navigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     8.5.  Clarification of relationship roles . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     8.6.  More than just links and termination points . . . . . . .  24
     8.7.  Layering and sub-layering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   9.  Conclusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   10. Implementation Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     10.1.  Standards driven implementations . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     10.2.  Proving the model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   11. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   12. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   13. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   Appendix A.  Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     A.1.  Examples of multipoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
       A.1.1.  Root and leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
       A.1.2.  Protected link (dual homing at one end) . . . . . . .  27
     A.2.  Augmentation pattern  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29

1.  Introduction

   This draft examines the approach taken in RFC8345 to modeling the
   link.  The draft identifies why the current unidirectional approach
   is not sufficient and proposes backward compatible enhancements to
   allow appropriate support for multipoint and bidirectional cases.

   The draft is broken into several key sections:

   *  Analysis of existing RFC8345: Highlighting the current
      unidirectional point-to-point approach taken and providing various
      practical examples of multipoint and highlighting experience in
      other standard activities and deployments.

   *  Enhancement approach: Provides general details of the approach to
      enhancement of RFC8345

   *  Basic enhancement: Provides details of YANG enhancements

   *  More sophisticated enhancement: Offers an alternative YANG
      enhancement that further improves RFC8345

   *  Further considerations: Briefly examines other areas in RFC8345
      where improvements could be made

   *  Conclusion: Points the way forward

   *  Implementation status: Points to some implementation experience in
      this area

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   *  Appendix A.1: Provides some specific examples of multipoint links
      that have been encountered and continue to be encountered

   *  Appendix A.2: Provides a summary pattern of the enhancement using

   The proposal in this draft could be used to advantage in the digital
   map [Digital Map] work.

2.  Key terms

   uni/bi: > That a single model structure supports both unidirectional
   and bidrectional forms where the directionality is stated by a simple

   multipoint: > That the model structure has a list of points as
   opposed to specifically identified individual points.

   point-to-point: > That the model structure has only two points where
   each point has a particular specific role

3.  Analysis of existing RFC8345

   This section examines the approach to modeling links in RFC8345.
   Several snippets extracted from RFC8345 are examined.  The text
   snippets are bounded by [[RFCxxxx TEXT EXTRACT BEGINS]][[RFCxxxx TEXT
   EXTRACT ENDS]] and the YANG snippets by [[RFC8345 CODE EXTRACT

3.1.  RFC8345 section 4.2 Base Network Topology Data Model

   The following text appears in the current RFC.


   A link is identified by a link-id that uniquely identifies the link
   within a given topology.  Links are point-to-point and
   unidirectional.  Accordingly, a link contains a source and a
   destination.  Both source and destination reference a corresponding
   node, as well as a termination point on that node.  Similar to a
   node, a link can map onto one or more links (which are terminated by
   the corresponding underlay termination points) in an underlay
   topology.  This is captured in the list "supporting-link".


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   The existing RFC8345 makes a number of key points that are extracted
   and quoted in bullets below.  Each point is followed by an
   observation that leads to the proposal.

   *  "Links are point-to-point and unidirectional."

      -  Observation: This restriction is the primary focus of this
         draft.  It is proposed here that the breadth of applications
         can benefit significantly from a multipoint uni/bi definition
         as described in this draft.

   *  ".. a link contains a source and a destination."

      -  Observation: But it is clear that, as the properties defined in
         the current RFC are "require-instance false", a link can be
         described in valid YANG that has no source and no destination,
         i.e., no termination points.

   *  "Both source and destination reference a corresponding node, as
      well as a termination point on that node."

      -  Observation: But in the YANG the reference can have a node
         alone.  Under some circumstances, this may be a valid choice,
         although it is not clear whether the specific usages currently
         defined can tolerate this.

3.2.  RFC8345 section 4.4.5 Cardinality and Directionality of Links

   The following text appears in the current RFC.


   The topology data model includes links that are point-to-point and
   unidirectional.  It does not directly support multipoint and
   bidirectional links.  Although this may appear as a limitation, the
   decision to do so keeps the data model simple and generic, and it
   allows it to be very easily subjected to applications that make use
   of graph algorithms.  Bidirectional connections can be represented
   through pairs of unidirectional links.  Multipoint networks can be
   represented through pseudonodes (similar to IS-IS, for example).  By
   introducing hierarchies of nodes with nodes at one level mapping onto
   a set of other nodes at another level and by introducing new links
   for nodes at that level, topologies with connections representing
   non-point-to-point communication patterns can be represented.


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   The existing RFC8345 text above provides an argument for the
   unidirectional solution and also provides a "work round" for more
   complex cases.

   In the existing RFC8345 text, above, there are a number of key points
   that are extracted and quoted in bullets below.  Each point is
   followed by an observation that leads to the proposal.

   *  "[the model] does not directly support multipoint and
      bidirectional links.  Although this may appear as a limitation,
      the decision to do so keeps the data model simple and generic"

      -  Observation: But, as will become apparent, the multipoint uni/
         bi model is equally generic and arguably as simple whilst
         covering all cases of link including unidirectional point to
         point.  Hence, this draft considers the restriction of the
         current RFC, to allow only point to point unidirectional, a
         limitation, not an efficiency.

      -  Observation: Multipoint uni/bi supports point to point (only
         two points declared) unidirectional (directionality selection)
         and hence can cover all cases covered by RFC8345 today as well
         as multipoint cases.

      -  Observation: Existing models could be transformed to the
         multipoint uni/bi form and, where appropriate, the multipoint
         uni/bi form could be used to represent multipoint cases as a
         set of point to point links (as is done using the current

   *  "it allows it to be very easily subjected to applications that
      make use of graph algorithms"

      -  Observation: The model is targeted at interface transfer.  From
         practical experience it is clearly always necessary to perform
         some level of graph transformation prior to use by an algorithm
         in an application.  The transformation from multipoint uni/bi
         has been shown to be straight forward in real solutions.

      -  Observation: Other transformations that are required include
         the interface entity becoming one or more transitional links in
         the topology (so as to produce a flat topology for multilayer
         routing).  These transformation, whilst still quite straight
         forward are clearly more complex than the multipoint uni/bi

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      -  Observation: Some graph applications work with bidirectional
         multipoint models.  The multipoint construct, the hyperedge,
         appears in hypergraph theory which actually better reflect the
         reality of networking.

   *  "Bidirectional connections can be represented through pairs of
      unidirectional links."

      -  Observation: Whilst true, this doubles the number of instances
         for many applications, which is especially significant
         considering that bidirectional usages are very common.

   *  "Multipoint networks can be represented through pseudonodes
      (similar to IS-IS, for example)."

      -  Observation: But multipoint link constructs appear from
         multipoint servers.  There are many practical/real cases of
         multipoint links.  Many years of deployment of management/
         control solutions have exposed both the reality and the benefit
         of multipoint constructs which is why TM Forum developed the
         concept and adopted it in interface models and why ONF took the
         lessons and adopted the same construct pattern both in the core
         model [ONF TR-512] and in TAPI [ONF TAPI].

      -  Observation: Adding a pseudo node further increases the number
         of instances and does not address the challenge of the partial
         connectability of many constructs such as root-leaf.  The
         multipoint solution is essentially the pseudo node without the
         need for the links.  The connectability restrictions need to be
         described in associated metadata (specification such as
         described in [ONF TR-512.7] (in the sections on
         ForwardingConstruct specification).

      -  Observation: The relative efficiency of the multipoint uni/bi
         solution will become clear in later sections.

3.3.  From the code: "list link {"

   The description for link reiterates the source destination definition
   and notes that the link does not model "multipoint".


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    augment "/nw:networks/nw:network" {
        "Add links to the network data model.";
      list link {
        key "link-id";
          "A network link connects a local (source) node and
           a remote (destination) node via a set of the respective
           node's termination points.  It is possible to have several
           links between the same source and destination nodes.
           Likewise, a link could potentially be re-homed between
           termination points.  Therefore, in order to ensure that we
           would always know to distinguish between links, every link
           is identified by a dedicated link identifier.  Note that a
           link models a point-to-point link, not a multipoint link.";
        leaf link-id {
          type link-id;
            "The identifier of a link in the topology.
             A link is specific to a topology to which it belongs.";


3.4.  From the code: "container source {"

   The code continues with a definition of the source.  This definition
   allows, via "require-instance false;" for either source-node or
   source-tp or both to be absent.  Clearly, considering the definition
   'path "../../../nw:node[nw:node-id=current()/../"+"source-
   node]/termination-point/tp-id";' the source-tp cannot be present
   without the source-node, but the source-node can be present without
   the source-tp.  This may be useful in some applications, although it
   is not clear whether particular applications were considered (and if
   a link end only resolved to a node were not intentional, then it is
   not clear why a simple TP path was not all that was provided (as that
   would locate the node as well as the TP)).  It is also not clear
   whether the opportunity to not report a source end was intended to
   cover a single ended link case where the destination is stated alone
   as the source is unknown/unresolvable.  This approach has been used
   in other solutions where a string carried the information about the
   far end (as the point was outside the scope of the controller and
   hence the identifier was "foreign").  No description of this was
   found in RFC8345 and a string form of the end has not been provided.

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   The code provides a description for source which is ambiguous and
   would benefit from some improvement "Source node identifier.  Must be
   in the same topology.".  It is assumed that this "same" means must be
   the "same topology as the link that it is the source of".  This could
   be stated more clearly.


        container source {
            "This container holds the logical source of a particular
          leaf source-node {
            type leafref {
              path "../../../nw:node/nw:node-id";
              require-instance false;
              "Source node identifier.  Must be in the same topology.";
          leaf source-tp {
            type leafref {
              path "../../../nw:node[nw:node-id=current()/../"+
              require-instance false;
              "This termination point is located within the source node
               and terminates the link.";


   When both source-node and source-tp are not present the structure
   "container source {" can be omitted from the instance as it is not a
   "presence container" as described in RFC6020.


   7.5.1.  Containers with Presence

   YANG supports two styles of containers, those that exist only for
   organizing the hierarchy of data nodes, and those whose presence in
   the configuration has an explicit meaning.

   In the first style, the container has no meaning of its own, existing
   only to contain child nodes.  This is the default style.

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   For example, the set of scrambling options for Synchronous Optical
   Network (SONET) interfaces may be placed inside a "scrambling"
   container to enhance the organization of the configuration hierarchy,
   and to keep these nodes together.  The "scrambling" node itself has
   no meaning, so removing the node when it becomes empty relieves the
   user from performing this task.


3.5.  From the code: "container destination {"

   The code continues with a definition of the destination.  This is of
   the same form as the source and can also be absent such that a link
   with no ends is valid in YANG.  It is not clear what case this would
   apply to (perhaps some transitional state).

   The destination definition differs from the source in that the
   description for the node indicates that it must be in the "same
   network" and not "same topology" as in the source.  One is clearly in
   error (minor).


        container destination {
            "This container holds the logical destination of a
             particular link.";
          leaf dest-node {
            type leafref {
              path "../../../nw:node/nw:node-id";
            require-instance false;
              "Destination node identifier.  Must be in the same
          leaf dest-tp {
            type leafref {
              path "../../../nw:node[nw:node-id=current()/../"+
              require-instance false;
              "This termination point is located within the
               destination node and terminates the link.";

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4.  Enhancement approach

4.1.  Observations

   As noted, a link can have no source and no destination.  This leads
   to an opportunity for a simple approach to enhancement by providing
   an additional optional link end definition in the structure.  The
   addition appears to be YANG backward compatible as existing point-to-
   point unidirectional solutions can continue to operate unchanged.

4.2.  Essential Enhancement and usage

   The additional optional link end definition is effectively a list of
   point references where the point reference definition is the same as
   the point reference definition in the existing source and destination
   structures.  Each list member has, in addition to the point
   reference, a point-direction and a point-role.

   The link also gains a link-type property that essentially references
   a definition of the effective internal structure of the link.  The
   point-role is meaningful with respect to this link-type.  For
   example, a ROOT_AND_LEAF link-type would have point-roles ROOT and
   LEAF and the definition of ROOT_AND_LEAF would express that
   information can flow from any LEAF to the ROOT and from the ROOT to
   any LEAF, but that flow from LEAF to LEAF is not allowed.  Ideally
   the link-type would reference a machine interpretable specification
   of capability that would express these capabilities and limitations.

   The point-direction property in each end definition would express the
   flow with respect to the link boundary so EGRESS_FROM_LINK is flowing
   out of the link and INGRESS_TO_LINK is flowing into the link.  A
   BIDIRECTIONAL point supports both ingress and egress flows.

   A point could be augmented with properties where appropriate for a
   particular application.  Where the point is BIDIRECTIONAL there could
   be unidirectional augments, one for ingress and one for egress.  A
   link-direction property is also added to simplify interpretation of
   some common cases.  This property takes the values BIDIRECTIONAL
   (where all points are BIDIRECTIONAL), UNIDIRECTIONAL (where each
   point is either INGRESS_TO_LINK or EGRESS_FROM_LINK) and
   MIXED_DIRECTION (where there is no restriction on the mix of point-
   direction such that some points may be BIDIRECTIONAL and others

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   The machine interpretable specification is not fundamentally
   necessary as a traditional approach of coding an understanding of
   each standard link-type would work reasonably well.  However, a
   machine interpretable specification would enable a client to deal
   with link-types that it had not encountered but through
   interpretation of the specification could "understand".  The
   specification could take a, somewhat verbose, form of connectivity
   matrix or could take the, more sophisticated and compact, form of
   rule system to describe interior arrangement and the effect of the
   link.  An example rule system can be found in [ONF TR-512.7].  A
   fully generalized solution would need to take advantage of concepts
   set out in [mobo].

5.  Comparison of the existing point-to-point solution with this
    multipoint proposal

   As noted earlier, the current version of RFC8345 proposes the use of
   a pseudonode to deal with multipoint cases.  This adds complexity and
   does not convey any flow restrictions without the addition of the
   equivalent of the specification discussed above.  Clearly, if the
   pseudo-node is enriched to include a specification it needs to then
   have explicit points with roles etc. and then becomes of the form of
   the multipoint link discussed here, but it also requires a mass of
   point-to-point unidirectional links to connect it.

   The multipoint uni/bi solution degenerates to point to point
   unidirectional where the list has only two points with one point as
   INGRESS_TO_LINK and the other as EGRESS_FROM_LINK.  The link-type
   would indicate that the link is point to point unidirectional and the
   link-direction would be UNIDIRECTIONAL.

   On this basis the multipoint solution proposed here covers all
   scenarios in an efficient and uniform fashion and hence the

6.  Basic enhancement

   The existing YANG solution is enhanced to include a point-list, link-
   type and link-direction.  The YANG below also includes the correction
   to the source description (to say "same network"):


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    augment "/nw:networks/nw:network" {
        "Add links to the network data model.";
      list link {
        key "link-id";
          "A network link connects a local (source) node and
           a remote (destination) node via a set of the respective
           node's termination points.  It is possible to have several
           links between the same source and destination nodes.
           Likewise, a link could potentially be re-homed between
           termination points.  Therefore, in order to ensure that we
           would always know to distinguish between links, every link
           is identified by a dedicated link identifier.  Note that a
           link may model a point-to-point link or a multipoint
        leaf link-id {
          type link-id;
            "The identifier of a link in the topology.
             A link is specific to a topology to which it belongs.";
        container source {
            "This container holds the logical source of a particular
          leaf source-node {
            type leafref {
              path "../../../nw:node/nw:node-id";
              require-instance false;
              "Source node identifier.  Must be in the same network.";
          leaf source-tp {
            type leafref {
              path "../../../nw:node[nw:node-id=current()/../"+
              require-instance false;
              "This termination point is located within the source node
               and terminates the link.";
        container destination {
            "This container holds the logical destination of a

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             particular link.";
          leaf dest-node {
            type leafref {
              path "../../../nw:node/nw:node-id";
            require-instance false;
              "Destination node identifier.  Must be in the same
          leaf dest-tp {
            type leafref {
              path "../../../nw:node[nw:node-id=current()/../"+
              require-instance false;
              "This termination point is located within the
               destination node and terminates the link.";
        container point-list {
            "This container holds the points of a particular link.";
          list points
            key "point-id";
            leaf point-id {
              type string;
                "Identifier of point in link.";
            leaf linked-node {
              type leafref {
                path "../../../nw:node/nw:node-id";
              require-instance false;
                "node identifier.  Must be in the same network as the
            leaf linked-tp { // note that still need to deal with uni/bi
              type leafref {
                path "../../../nw:node[nw:node-id=current()/../"+
                require-instance false;
                "This termination point is located within the

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                 node and terminates the link.";
            leaf point-role {
              type role-of-point;
              require-instance false;
                "The role of the point in the link defined in the
                 link-type spec.";
            leaf point-name {
              type string;
              require-instance false;
                "The name of the point in the link";
            leaf point-direction {
              type direction-of-point;
              require-instance false;

                 "The direction of the point in the link";
        leaf link-type
          type type-of-link;
          require-instance false;
            "The reference to the specification for the internal
             structure of the link.";
        leaf link-direction;
          type direction-of-link;
          require-instance false;
            "The collective direction of the points of the link.";
        list supporting-link {
          key "network-ref link-ref";
            "Identifies the link or links on which this link depends.";
          leaf network-ref {
            type leafref {
              path "../../../nw:supporting-network/nw:network-ref";
            require-instance false;
              "This leaf identifies in which underlay topology
               the supporting link is present.";

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          leaf link-ref {
            type leafref {
              path "/nw:networks/nw:network[nw:network-id=current()/"+
              require-instance false;
              "This leaf identifies a link that is a part
               of this link's underlay.  Reference loops in which
               a link identifies itself as its underlay, either
               directly or transitively, are not allowed.";

   [[CODE ENDS]]

   In addition to the main body of YANG, there are several new types.
   The enumerations should be extensible and therefore need to be
   modelled as identities.  The base model will have general identities
   which may then be augmented for use in specific cases.  The
   definition sketches below highlight the base model and, where
   applicable, some possible augmentations:

   *  role-of-point is an identity which includes SYMMETRIC, SOURCE,
      DESTINATION in the base model.  This may be extended with ROOT,
      LEAF, PROTECTED, PROTECTING etc.  It is likely that the property
      will need to be a list as there are potentially several roles and
      even a "named list" where the role is declared as protection-role

   *  direction-of-point is an identity that includes INGRESS_TO_LINK,
      EGRESS_FROM_LINK, BIDIRECTIONAL in the base model.

   *  type-of-link is an identity that includes SYMMETRIC,
      POINT_TO_POINT in the base model.  This may be extended with

   *  direction-of-link is an identity that includes UNIDIRECTIONAL,
      BIDIRECTIONAL and MIXED_DIRECTION in the base model.

7.  More sophisticated enhancement

   Whilst the basic enhancement appears simple and sufficient, a more
   sophisticated approach that improves the integrity of the existing
   model is also proposed here.

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   In this approach the existing source and destination structures are
   extracted and then augmented back into the link.  As the augment is
   in the same module there is no namespace change.  Whilst not simply
   YANG backward compatible, this will produce the same instance
   structures (in JSON etc.) and will support any augmentation of source
   and destination in any current usage.

   The benefit of this adjustment is that the inclusion of the points
   can be controlled based upon feature support which better separates
   the structures that support the existing capability from those that
   support the new capability.

   The new point-list is also added in via augmentation but with a
   different feature control.  The existing YANG solution is enhanced to
   include a point-list, link-type and link-direction.  The YANG below
   also includes the correction to the source description (to say "same


    augment "nw:networks/nw:network/nw:link" {
        "Add source to link where the link is traditional
      when 'derived-from-or-self(some useful property,
      if-feature uni-point-to-point;
      container source {
          uses source-properties;
          description "none";

    augment "nw:networks/nw:network/nw:link" {
        "Add destination to link where the link is traditional
      when 'derived-from-or-self(some useful property,
      if-feature uni-point-to-point;
      container destination {
          uses destination-properties;
          description "none";

    augment "nw:networks/nw:network/nw:link" {
        "Add point-list for uniform support of point-to-point and

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      when 'derived-from-or-self(some useful property, "UNI_BI_MULTI")';
      if-feature uni-bi-multi;
      container point-list {
          uses point-list-properties;
          description "none";

    augment "nw:networks/nw:network/nw:link" {
        "Add multipoint properties for uniform support of
         point-to-point and multipoint";
      when 'derived-from-or-self(some useful property, "UNI_BI_MULTI")';
      if-feature uni-bi-multi;
      container multipoint-link-properties {
          uses multipoint-link-properties;
          description "none";

   augment "/nw:networks/nw:network" {
       "Add links to the network data model.";
     list link {
       key "link-id";
         "A network link connects a local (source) node and
          a remote (destination) node via a set of the respective
          node's termination points.  It is possible to have several
          links between the same source and destination nodes.
          Likewise, a link could potentially be re-homed between
          termination points.  Therefore, in order to ensure that we
          would always know to distinguish between links, every link
          is identified by a dedicated link identifier.  Note that a
          link may model a point-to-point link or a multipoint
       leaf link-id {
         type link-id;
           "The identifier of a link in the topology.
            A link is specific to a topology to which it belongs.";

       list supporting-link {
         key "network-ref link-ref";
           "Identifies the link or links on which this link depends.";
         leaf network-ref {
           type leafref {

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             path "../../../nw:supporting-network/nw:network-ref";
           require-instance false;
             "This leaf identifies in which underlay topology
              the supporting link is present.";
         leaf link-ref {
           type leafref {
             path "/nw:networks/nw:network[nw:network-id=current()/"+
             require-instance false;
             "This leaf identifies a link that is a part
              of this link's underlay.  Reference loops in which
              a link identifies itself as its underlay, either
              directly or transitively, are not allowed.";

       grouping source-properties {
           "This grouping holds the logical source of a particular
         leaf source-node {
           type leafref {
             path "../../../nw:node/nw:node-id";
             require-instance false;
             "Source node identifier.  Must be in the same network.";
         leaf source-tp {
           type leafref {
             path "../../../nw:node[nw:node-id=current()/../"+
             require-instance false;
             "This termination point is located within the source node
              and terminates the link.";

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       grouping destination-properties {
           "This container holds the logical destination of a
            particular link.";
         leaf dest-node {
           type leafref {
             path "../../../nw:node/nw:node-id";
           require-instance false;
             "Destination node identifier.  Must be in the same
         leaf dest-tp {
           type leafref {
             path "../../../nw:node[nw:node-id=current()/../"+
             require-instance false;
             "This termination point is located within the
              destination node and terminates the link.";

       grouping point-list-properties {
           "This container holds the points of a particular link.";
         list points
           key "point-id";
           leaf point-id {
             type string;
               "Identifier of point in link.";
           leaf linked-node {
             type leafref {
               path "../../../nw:node/nw:node-id";
             require-instance false;
               "The node identifier.  Must be in the same network.";
           leaf linked-tp { // note that still need to deal with uni/bi
             type leafref {
               path "../../../nw:node[nw:node-id=current()/../"+
               require-instance false;

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               "This termination point is located within the
                node and terminates the link.";
           leaf point-role {
             type role-of-point;
               "The role of the point in the link";
           leaf point-name {
             type string;
               "The name of the point in the link";
           leaf point-direction {
              type direction-of-point
                "The direction of the point in in the link";

       grouping multipoint-link-properties {
           "This container holds the properties of a multipoint link.";
         leaf link-type
           type type-of-link;
           require-instance false;
             "The reference to the specification for internal
              structure of the link";
         leaf link-direction;
           type direction-of-link;
           require-instance false;
             "The collective direction of the points of the link";

   [[CODE ENDS]]

8.  Further considerations

   This section points to other related areas of consideration where
   each one could either be covered by this draft as it evolves or could
   be the basis for new drafts.

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8.1.  Termination direction

   The termination point could benefit from a direction statement as
   some terminations are inherently unidirectional and others
   bidirectional.  Termination direction is a capability statement.
   Termination state can be different for the ingress/receive direction
   from the egress/transmit direction.  Termination direction is
   challenging in that a termination has both an upper and a lower side
   (orientation as per overlay and underlay).  Both sides may have both
   ingress and egress.  Work has been done in several external bodies
   (e.g., ONF in [ONF TR-512] on this challenge and that input should be
   sought prior to embarking on this addition.

8.2.  Specification of capability

   A termination point represents the presence of a capability to deal
   with flows.  The termination point is silent on the actual
   capability.  The capability of a termination point is dependent upon
   the underlying functionality supporting it.  Functionality tends to
   be systematically deployed such that each termination point is of a
   type where there are many instances of that type in a deployment and
   where each termination point of a type has the same characteristic to
   each other.  For any particular type of termination, its capability
   is invariant in specific value for some properties, invariant in
   range of values for some properties and invariant in algorithm to
   determine value for some properties.  The statement of invariants per
   type is best stated in a single place and referenced by each
   instance.  This statement could be called a type specification (as in
   [ONF TR-512]).  Clear statement of range etc. benefits from work
   pointed to in [mobo].  It is suggested here that this aspect is vital
   for other work such as that in the area of digital twin such that it
   would potentially become part of the [Digital Map].

8.3.  Links between networks/subnetworks/domains

   The current definition in RFC8345 is limited to links within a
   network.  There are many cases where links pass between networks.  A
   challenge, tackled by other bodies in similar work, is the
   representation of a link, within a controller, that passes from a
   network that is in the view of that controller to a network that is
   not (or between two parts of what could be considered as one network
   by an external observer, where only one part is in the view of the
   controller).  Work should be carried out to develop inter-network
   link modeling where that modeling accounts for both the case where
   all ends of the link are in the view of a single controller and the
   case where some ends are not in the view of a controller that is
   having to provide the representation.

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   Note that a "foreign" identifier in one or more ends may be the
   appropriate solution as touched on earlier in this draft.

8.4.  Richness of navigation

   Not all possible navigations through the topology are defined in the
   model.  There is always a dilemma here.  Should the model show all
   possible navigations such that every relationship becomes two way
   (e.g., termination point relates to link end and link end to
   termination point), as of course, that may be what is required in an
   application that navigates the topology, or should the model provide
   only one direction and leave it to the application to populate the
   other (obvious) reverse relationship if it needs it.  When
   considering transfer of information on an interface, it is redundant
   to send both directions of navigation and, if the entities which now
   refer to each other are propagated non-transactionally, there can be
   a temporary inconsistency (which, of course, is where eventual
   consistency comes in).  There is a larger loop version of this
   challenge where there is a minimal set of relationships that
   sufficiently describes the topology, but where that may differ from
   the specific incomplete set (necessary for a particular application).
   As noted earlier, it is "always" the case that an application needs
   to do some transformation on the representation of semantics received
   from some other control component.  It is important to agree where
   the intention is to provide a minimal set of relationships from which
   all others can be derived, a full set of all possible relationships
   which can then be pruned, or something in between (which is where we
   normally end up when the music stops).

8.5.  Clarification of relationship roles

   In this draft, it is recognised that there is a role of a point in
   the link (e.g., root in a root/leaf configuration).  Other
   relationships may also require a similar role clarification.  In work
   in other bodies (e.g., [ONF TR-512]), it was recognised that the
   fully functional representation of the termination/interface/etc. had
   potentially complex relationships to other equivalents and to links/
   connections.  This leads to a consideration that all representations
   of functional entities could benefit from a modeling treatment using
   the component/system pattern [ONF TR-512.A.2].  This area has not
   been fully explored and at this stage appears to add significant,
   potentially opaque, complexity to many model areas.  It should be
   noted however, that this is the underpinning of the "points & roles"
   model for link proposed here that is clearly highly beneficial and
   very transparent.

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8.6.  More than just links and termination points

   In work in other bodies in this area, it has been recognised that
   there is a general model of potential for flow consistent with that
   set out in RFC8345, but that there is also a general model of
   termination function and flow.  Work on this area to improve
   coherence in modeling would be highly beneficial for the [Digital

8.7.  Layering and sub-layering

   Other bodies have grappled with the challenge of defining what a
   layer really is.  This area requires further consideration to ensure
   it is clear in RFC8345.  As this is clarified, it may become apparent
   that better indication of layering is required on the specific
   entities of RFC8345.

9.  Conclusion

   This draft has provided a brief analysis of the current
   unidirectional point-to-point approach to modeling of the link in
   RFC8345, has highlighted why this is not sufficient and has made a
   proposal to enhance RFC8345 YANG to support multipoint uni/bi links
   where two alternative enhancement approaches were offered, both of
   which are backward compatible.

   It is recommended that the enhancement be made, however, whether to
   use the simple or more sophisticated approach requires further
   assessment.  This assessment should be carried out without delay as
   the enhancement could significantly benefit the digital map [Digital
   Map] work as well as other modeling activities.

   The points highlighted under "Further considerations" should also be
   assessed for value and urgency, and work should be commenced to
   define any necessary adjustments.

10.  Implementation Status

   This section has been included to emphasize implementation experience
   in this area.  There are currently no implementations of the specific
   proposal detailed here, but there are many implementations that take
   advantage of multipoint uni/bi connectivity and topology models.

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10.1.  Standards driven implementations

   Multipoint uni/bi appears in several TMF standards such as MTNM
   (Multi-Technology Network Management) [TMF MTNM], which defines
   interfaces for interaction between a network managers and sub-
   network/element managers, where several entities including
   TopologicalLink and SubNetworkConnection use a multipoint uni/bi
   representation.  These models date back to the early 2000s and the
   standards were deployed by many vendors.

   More recently ONF adopted the model in core work [ONF TR-512] and
   TAPI [ONF TAPI] and there are implementations available that take
   advantage of both multipoint uni/bi connections and multipoint uni/bi
   links.  Some implementations have been approved by TIP MUST [TIP
   MUST].  Major implementations of TAPU are proprietary at this point,
   but interoperability evaluations are ongoing between products from
   various vendor using the TAPI standards initially hosted by OIF (as
   proof-of-concept exercises) [OIF PoC] but more recently as part of
   operator deployment.  Many of these products also take advantage of
   multipoint uni/bi models internally.

10.2.  Proving the model

   It is anticipated that a PoC activity to exercise the proposal be
   carried out as part of the digital map work [Digital Map].

11.  Security Considerations


12.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

13.  Informative References

   [ONF TR-512] Open Networking Foundation TR-512 Core Information Model
   (CoreModel) v1.5 -
   content/uploads/2021/11/ (also
   published by ITU-T as G.7711 at

   [ONF TR-512.7] (in [ONF TR-512] Model Description Document) TR-512.7

   [ONF TR-512.8] (in [ONF TR-512] Model Description Document) TR-512.8

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   [ONF TR-512.A.2] (in [ONF TR-512] Model Description Document) TR-
   512.A.2 Appendix: Model Structure, Patterns and Architecture

   [ONF TAPI] Open Networking Foundation Transport API SDK 2.4.0 -

   [TMF MTNM] TeleManagement Forum MultiTechnology Network Management -

   [TIP MUST] Telecoms Infra Project Mandatory Use Cases for SDN
   Transport -

   [OIF PoC] Optical Interworking Forum Proof of Concepts -

   [Digital Map] Digital Map -

   [mobo] Modelling Boundaries -

Appendix A.  Appendix A

   Note also that in some multipoint contexts there is a link scale
   issue and tp referencing the link it belongs to may be a better
   orientation.  It would then need the role in the link etc.

A.1.  Examples of multipoint

   There are many examples of multipoint links

A.1.1.  Root and leaf

   The following diagram shows a sketch of a root and leaf link where
   the bidirectional points of the connection are represented by the
   pair of symbols ">" and "<" which indicate the ingress and egress
   flows of the bidirectional point.

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     | Root              Leaf  |
     |       ------------------<
     |      /   --------------->
     |     /   /               |
     |    /   /                |
     |           \  \          |
     |            \  \         |
     |             \  ---------<
     |              ----------->
     |                         |

   Figure 1: A Root and Leaf Link

   Flow from root to leaf and from leaf to root is allowed.  Flow from
   leaf to leaf is not allowed.  These restrictions can be stated in a
   root-leaf specification structure that defines the allowed flows in
   terms of rules where the point role (root or leaf) is used to
   identify applicable rules etc.

A.1.2.  Protected link (dual homing at one end)

   The following diagram shows a sketch of a protected link where the
   bidirectional points of the connection are represented by the pair of
   symbols ">" and "<" which indicate the ingress and egress flows of
   the bidirectional point.  The switch is shown as "x" at the common
   point and "o" at the two selectable points.  The swich is currently
   set to take signal from the main protecting point.

     | Protected    Protecting |
     |           --------------<
     |       /o-/    ---------->
     |   ---X       /    main  |
     |  /     o-\  /           |
     <--         -/------      |
     >-----------+       \     |
     |            \       \    |
     |             \       \   |
     |              \       ---<
     |               ---------->
     |                standby  |

   Figure 2: A Protected Link with exposed dual homing

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   Flow from protected to protecting and from protecting to protected is
   allowed.  Flow from protecting to protecting is not allowed.
   Depending upon the detailed type, it is possible for the protected
   port to feed signal to both protecting ports.  The protected port is
   fed from either main or standby protecting port depending upon signal

A.2.  Augmentation pattern

   RFC 8345 pruned/adjusted snippet.


    augment "/nw:networks/nw:network" {
      list link {
        key "link-id";
        leaf link-id {
          type link-id;
        container source {
          leaf source-node {
            type string;

   [[CODE ENDS]]

   Alternative form:


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    augment "nw:networks/nw:network/nw:link" {
      container source {
        uses source-properties;

    augment "/nw:networks/nw:network" {
      list link {
        key "link-id";
        leaf link-id {
          type link-id;

        grouping source-properties {
          leaf source-node {
            type string;

   [[CODE ENDS]]

   A JSON instance conformant to the first form above is also conformant
   to the second, alternative, form.


Authors' Addresses

   Nigel Davis

   Olga Havel

   Benoit Claise

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