Internet DRAFT - draft-duongph-dmm-computing-aware-ts-mup-sr


DMM                                                             D. Phung
Internet-Draft                                                   N. Tran
Intended status: Standards Track                                  Y. Kim
Expires: 22 April 2024                               Soongsil University
                                                         20 October 2023

 Computing Aware Traffic Steering Use Cases of Mobile User Plane using
                            Segment Routing


   5G support new emerging high reliability and low-latency services by
   Mobile Edge Computing.  Multiple instances of the same service can be
   deployed over different edge sites to enable high availability,
   scalability and better response time.  However, due to different
   computing loads and network resources overtime, a specific edge site
   might not always guarantee service quality.  Routing user traffic to
   an overloaded edge site can significantly affect user service
   experiences.  Current 5G mobile network does not have a method to
   dynamically steer traffic to an optimal service instance based on
   network status and edge sites' computing resources availability.

   This document describes solutions to provide computing-aware traffic
   steering methods for the 5G mobile user plane using Segment Routing.
   The solution explains how to use Segment Routing to deliver mobile
   user traffic dynamically to the best edge site destination based on
   both computing and networking resource information in the mobile user

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 22 April 2024.

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Internet-Draft            CATS Use case of MUP              October 2023

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology used in this draft  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Mobile User Plane Using Segment Routing . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  CATS (computing-aware traffic steering) . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  CATS Use Case of Mobile User Plane using Segment
           Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Deployment Scenarios  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  CATS SRv6 Drop-in Interworking  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  CATS SRv6 MUP Controller  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.1.  Using Specific Service IP address for UE PDU
               session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.2.  CATS SRv6 MUP Controller using Anycast Service IP for
               Mobile User Plane Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     8.1.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     8.2.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

1.  Introduction

   5G mobile network can support high reliability and low latency
   services such as high-definition video, Augmented Reality(AR)/Virtual
   Reality(VR), Internet-of-Things via Mobile Edge Computing(MEC) sites.
   To support high availability and improve user experiences, multiple
   computing instances of the same service can be often geographically
   distributed to multiple edge nodes.  However, edge nodes might have
   different computing resources and network availability over time.
   Current 5G mobile network routes user traffic to edge nodes via UPF,

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   and is unaware of these information.  When the traffic is routed to a
   service instance at an overloaded node, user might experience
   significant drop in service quality.  Hence, computing-aware traffic
   steering should be considered in 5G mobile network.

   The Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS) framework
   [I-D.draft-ldbc-cats-framework] provides an approach for making
   compute- and network-aware traffic steering decisions in networking
   environments where services are deployed in many locations.  CATS
   framework is an overlay framework for selecting the suitable service
   contact instance for placing a service request by combining the
   networking and computing metrics.

   To provide computing-aware traffic steering for mobile user plane,
   using Segment Routing (SR) [RFC8402] is a suitable solution.  As
   mentioned in [RFC9433], operators can use SR to explicitly indicate
   routes for the packets in mobile nodes via network programming
   concept to achieve flexible and optimized mobile data plane.
   Therefore, after an optimal service instance is determined by CATS
   framework, route to this service instance can be installed via SR.

   However, there are different SR deployment scenarios in mobile user
   plane that need to be considered when interworking with CATS.  The
   first scenario is SRv6 Drop-in Interworking defined in [RFC9433].  In
   this scenario, the existing 3GPP mobile network is unchanged.  SR
   gateways are inserted in either N3 or N9 interface to route packets
   between gNodeB, UPF and data network via the SRv6 underlay network.
   The second scenario is using SRv6 Mobile User Plane Controller
   (SRv6MUP-C) defined in [I-D.mhkk-dmm-srv6mup-architecture].  In this
   scenario, the SRv6MUP-C transform 5G session information into SR
   underlay dataplane routing information.  User traffic route between
   gNodeB and data network can be optimized by being steered via SRv6
   underlay routers only, bypassing a specific UPF.

   This document discusses how CATS and SR can interwork together in 5G
   mobile network regarding these different scenarios.

2.  Terminology used in this draft

   CATS-MUP-C: Computing-aware traffic steering MUP-C which integrates
   both CATS-C and SRv6 MUP-C Controller features.

   Besides, this document uses the following terminologies which has
   been defined in [I-D.draft-ldbc-cats-framework]

   CATS: Computing-Aware Traffic Steering takes into account the dynamic
   nature of computing resource metrics and network state metrics to
   steer service traffic to a service instance.

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   Service: A monolithic function.  A composite service can be built by
   orchestrating monolithic services.

   Service instance: A run-time environment (e.g., a server or a process
   on a server) that makes the functionality of a service available.
   One service can have multiple instances running at the same or
   different network locations.

   Service Contact Instance: A client-facing service function instance
   that is responsible for receiving requests in the context of a given

   CS-ID: The CATS Service ID is an identifier representing a service,
   which the clients use to access said service.  Such an identifier
   identifies all of the instances of the same service, no matter on
   where they are actually running.

   CATS-router: AA network device (usually at the edge of the network)
   that makes forwarding decisions based on CATS information to steer
   traffic belonging to the same service demand to the same chosen
   service instance.

   Ingress CATS-Router: A network edge router that serves as a service
   access point for CATS clients.  It steers the service packets onto an
   overlay path to an Egress CAN-Router linked to the most suitable edge
   site to access a service instance.

   C-SMA:The CATS Service Metric Agent responsible for collecting
   service capabilities and status, and for reporting them to the C-PS.

   CATS Path Selector (C-PS): The CATS Path Selector determines the path
   toward the appropriate service location and service instances to meet
   a service demand given the service status and network status

   C-TC: The CATS Traffic Classifier is responsible for determining
   which packets belong to a traffic flow for a particular service
   demand, and for steering them on the path to the service instance as
   determined by the C-PS.

   C-NMA: The CATS Network Metric Agent responsible for collecting
   network capabilities and status, and for reporting them to the C-PS.

3.  Background

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3.1.  Mobile User Plane Using Segment Routing

   In our use cases, the Segment Routing transport infrastructure is
   assumed as the base transport infrastructure of the mobile network so
   that the IP connectivity for the N3 interface between gNodeB(es) and
   UPFs is provided by SR, as well as for the N6 interface between UPFs
   and DNs (Data Network).  There are two different scenarios for
   deploying SR for the Mobile user Plane: SRv6 Drop-in Interworking and
   SRv6 Mobile User Plane Controller.

   The first scenario is the SRv6 Drop-in Interworking mode defined in
   [RFC9433] where the existing 3GPP mobile network is unchanged and
   simply interworks with the SRv6 underlay network.  This mode provides
   an SRv6-enabled user plane between two GTP-U tunnel endpoints.  Two
   SRGWs are deployed in either an N3 or N9 interface to realize an
   intermediate SR Policy so that UPF and GNB behavior are not modified
   from current and previous generations.

   The second scenario is using SRv6 Mobile User Plane Controller
   defined in [I-D.mhkk-dmm-srv6mup-architecture].  The SRv6 MUP
   Controller Architecture defines the following Route Types: Interwork
   Segment Discovery route, Direct Segment Discovery route, Type 1
   Session Transformed (ST) route, and Type 2 Session Transformed (ST)
   route.  The SRv6 MUP Controller transforms the received session
   information to routing information and will advertise the session-
   transformed routes with the corresponding extended communities to the
   SR domain.  The received session information is expected to include
   the UE or MN IP prefix(es), tunnel endpoint identifiers for both ends
   and any other attributes for the mobile networks.  For example, the
   tunnel endpoint identifier will be a pair of the Fully Qualified
   Tunnel Endpoint Identifier F-TEIDs (including IP Address and TEID) on
   both the N3 access side (RAN) and core side (UPF).  Each F-TEID is
   treated as a logical tunnel.  Therefore, with SRv6 MUP Controller
   approach, users can send traffic to a service contact instance
   directly through the SRv6 underlay network without having to go
   through UPF.

3.2.  CATS (computing-aware traffic steering)

   The Computing-Aware Traffic Steering framework [I-D.draft-ldbc-cats-
   framework] provides an approach for making compute- and network-aware
   traffic steering decisions in networking environments where services
   are deployed in many locations.  CATS is a framework for selecting
   the suitable service contact instance for placing a service request
   by taking into account both service instance status and network state
   (e.g., reachability considerations, path cost, and traffic congestion

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   Service instances can be instantiated and accessed through different
   service sites so that a single service can be represented and
   accessed by several contact instances that run in different regions
   of a network.  The CATS Service Metric Agent (C-SMA) gathers
   information about service sites and server resources, the CATS
   Network Metric Agent (C-NMA) gathers information about the state of
   the underlay network.  The C-SMAs and C-NMAs share the collected
   information with CATS Path Selectors (C-PSes) and C-PSes will
   determine the best paths (possibly using tunnels) to forward traffic,
   according to various criteria that include network state and traffic
   congestion conditions.  CATS Traffic Classifier (C-TC) is responsible
   for associating incoming packets from clients with existing service

3.3.  CATS Use Case of Mobile User Plane using Segment Routing

   CATS framework can utilize SRv6 underlay infrastructure and SRv6
   network programming ability for running CATS functions for 5G Mobile
   User Plane.  Both computing- and networking metrics can be collected
   and based on the CATS decision, the underlying path can be steered
   dynamically to the optimized destination.  To provide this CATS
   function, the interaction between CATS-SR and 5G mobile control plane
   for dynamically modifying user PDU session is necessary.

   However as discussed in previous sections, the designs for this
   interaction are different for the 2 main deployment scenarios of a
   mobile user plane with Segment routing.

   For the SRv6 Drop-in Interworking scenario, the 5G mobile control
   plane can provide user information to CATS, then CATS utilizes that
   information with its collected computing- and networking metrics to
   select the best destination.  If the mobile userplane path needs to
   be changed to a new destination, CATS sends a traffic influence
   message back to the 5GC control plane.

   For the SRv6 MUP Controller scenario, user traffic can go directly to
   the target service contact instance through the Segment Network
   without passing through UPF by additional SRv6 MUP Controller Route
   Types.  Besides, an approach of using a PDU session with Anycast
   Service IP Address can be considered to change the mobile user path
   without 5GC control plane intervention.

   Details of how CATS can interwork with Mobile User Plane using
   Segment Routing in different deployment scenarios are presented in
   the next section.  In this document, we discuss following cases based
   on how SR is deployed in the mobile user plane:

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   - The first case is providing computing-aware traffic steering
   ability for 5G mobile user plane using the SRv6 Drop-in Interworking

   - The second case is providing computing-aware traffic steering
   ability for 5G mobile user plane using the SRv6 MUP Controller
   scenario.  In this case, utilizing specific Service IP address and
   Anycast Service IP address for UE PDU Session Establishment is

4.  Deployment Scenarios

4.1.  CATS SRv6 Drop-in Interworking

   Figure 1 describes the architecture of this case.  There is a service
   instance of a service called Service Contact Instance deployed behind
   a UPF.  That UPF acts as an ingress gateway to access into Service
   Contact Instances.  Also, there are multiple UPFs for multiple
   Service Contact Instances deployed on geographically distributed edge
   sites and attached to a Segment Routing underlay network.  CATS
   Controller(CATS-C) in our case is not only responsible for managing
   computing- and networking- metric to select the optimized path as
   origin CATS-C in the CATS framework, but also supports communication
   with 5G Control Plane for optimized service contact instance
   selection and owns SRv6 underlay network control ability.

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                                |      5GC       |
                    S-ID, UP info  |          | Optimal Service
                    Or GNB-UE info |          | Instance
                                   |          | Contact IP
               ................ +--v----------+--+................
               :                |     CATS-C     |               :
               :                |    +-------+   |               :
               :                |    | C-PS  |   |               :
               :                +----+-------+---+               :
               :                                                 :
   +-----+     +-------+                              +-------+  :
   | GNB +-----+  C1   |         SRv6 Underlay        | C-NMA |  :
   +-----+     +-------+        Infrastructure        +-------+  :
               :                                                 :
               :                                                 :
               :       +-----------+         +-----------+       :
               :       |    C2     |         |     C3    |       :
                            |                      |
              +---------+---+---+    +---------+---+---+
              | C-SMA#1 |  UPF1 |    | C-SMA#2 |  UPF2 |
              +----+----+---+---+    +----+----+---+---+
                   |        |             |        |
                   |        |             |        |
                   |        |             |        |
                   |  +-----+------+      |  +-----+------+
                   |  |  Service   |      |  |  Service   |
                   +--+  Contact   |      +--+  Contact   |
                      |  Instance  |         |  Instance  |
                      +------------+         +------------+
                      service site 1         service site 2

       Figure 1: CATS SRv6 Drop-in Interworking for Mobile User Plane

   In underlay network infrastructure, C1 CATS Ingress Router and C2
   CATS Egress Router also be SRv6 awareness nodes and deployed with
   CATS functions.  Egress Router acts as SR Gateway and can be aware of
   one or more Service Contact Instance(s) by SID Behavior Endpoint with
   its corresponding interface.  Also, the Ingress Router acts as an SR
   Gateway and has SID Behavior Endpoint to the GNB interface.

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   Whenever UE joins the mobile network, it sends a PDU Session
   Establishment request with Service ID to 5GC control plane.  Service
   ID here can be the domain name of a service and 5GC control plane
   does not have a knowledge about the service location and deployment
   which is managed by CATS domain.  Hence, 5GC control plane sends a
   request with service ID and GNB-UE location to CATS-C for asking
   about a specific IP address of that Service ID.  Then CATS-C
   responses to 5GC control plane with an selected Service Contact
   Instance IP to establish mobile user path from UE to the target UPF
   associated with the selected service contact instance.  At the same
   time, CATS-C controls underlay network for the establishment of a SR
   underlay tunnel between UE's GNB and target UPF.

4.2.  CATS SRv6 MUP Controller

4.2.1.  Using Specific Service IP address for UE PDU session

   Figure 2 describes the architecture of this case.  Service Contact
   Instance is not only deployed behind a UPF as in case 1, it can be
   attached directly to SRv6 based underlay network.  To establish UE
   PDU Session with a Service ID for a UE, the 5GC control plane sends a
   request to CATS-MUP-C for asking about specific Service IP for the
   Service ID.  The CATS-MUP-C responses to 5GC with optimal Service
   Contact Instance IP.  Also, it transforms 5G session information into
   SR underlay dataplane routing information and user traffic route
   between gNodeB and data network can be optimized by being steered via
   SRv6 underlay routers, bypassing a specific UPF.

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                                |      5GC       |
                    S-ID, UP info  |          | Optimal Service
                    Or GNB-UE info |          | Contact
                                   |          | Instance IP
               ................ +--v----------+--+................
               :                |   CATS-MUP-C   |               :
               :                |    +-------+   |               :
               :                |    | C-PS  |   |               :
               :                +----+-------+---+               :
               :                                                 :
   +-----+     +-------+                              +-------+  :
   | GNB +-----+  C1   |         SRv6 Underlay        | C-NMA |  :
   +-----+     +-------+        Infrastructure        +-------+  :
               :                                                 :
               :                                                 :
               :       +-----------+         +-----------+       :
               :       |    C2     |         |    C3     |       :
                            |                |  C-SMA#2  |
              +---------+---+---+            +-----+-----+
              | C-SMA#1 |  UPF1 |                  |
              +----+----+---+---+                  |
                   |        |                      |
                   |        |                      |
                   |        |                      |
                   |  +-----+------+         +-----+------+
                   |  |  Service   |         |  Service   |
                   +--+  Contact   |         |  Contact   |
                      |  Instance  |         |  Instance  |
                      +------------+         +------------+
                      service site 1         service site 2

      Figure 2: CATS SRv6 MUP Controller using Specific Service IP for
                       Mobile User Plane Architecture

   In underlay network infrastructure, C1 CATS Ingress Router and C2
   CATS Egress Router also be SRv6 MUP nodes and deployed with CATS

   Whenever UE joins the mobile network, it will send a PDU Session
   Establishment request with Service ID to 5GC control plane.  Service
   ID here can be the domain name of a service and 5GC control plane

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   does not have a knowledge about the service location and deployment
   which is managed by CATS domain.  Hence, 5GC control plane sends a
   request with service ID and GNB-UE location to CATS-C for asking
   about a specific IP address of that Service ID.  CATS-MUP-C responses
   to 5GC control plane with an optimized Service Contact Instance IP to
   establish mobile user path from UE to the selected service contact
   instance.  At the same time, CATS-MUP-C injects Type 1 Session
   Transformed Route, Type 2 Session Transformed Route to the
   corresponding Egress and Ingress Router respectively for bypassing
   UPF route.

4.2.2.  CATS SRv6 MUP Controller using Anycast Service IP for Mobile
        User Plane Architecture

   Figure 3 describes the architecture of this case.  Same as case 2,
   Service Contact Instance can be attached directly to SRv6 based
   underlay network.  But instead of establishing UE PDU session with
   specific service IP, PDU Session with Anycast Service IP is utilized.
   To establish UE PDU Session with the Anycast Service IP for a UE, if
   Anycast Service IP is not in 5G mobile domain and is managed by CATS,
   5GC control plane can ask CATS-MUP-C for resolving that Anycast
   Service IP for UE PDU Session establishment.  Then, CATS-MUP-C also
   transform 5G session information into SR underlay dataplane routing
   information and user traffic route between gNodeB and data network
   can be optimized by being steered via SRv6 underlay routers,
   bypassing a specific UPF.

   There are two phases in this use case, firstly UE PDU Session
   Establishment with Anycast IP Address of a service, and then UE sends
   service request with Anycast IP address to Ingress CATS router C1, C1
   asks the CATS-MUP-C Controller to resolve the request by its
   integrated C-PS function.

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                                  |      5GC       |
                      S-ID, UP info  |          | Anycast IP
                      Or GNB-UE info |          | Address
                                     |          |
                 ................ +--v----------+--+..............
                 :                |   CATS-MUP-C   |             :
                 :                |    +-------+   |             :
                 :                |    | C-PS  |   |             :
                 :                +----+-------+---+             :
                 :                                               :
   +-----+     +-------+                              +-------+  :
   | GNB +-----+  C1   |         SRv6 Underlay        | C-NMA |  :
   +-----+     +-------+        Infrastructure        +-------+  :
                 :                                               :
                 :                                               :
                 :       +-----------+         +-----------+     :
                 :       |    C2     |         |    C3     |     :
                              |                |  C-SMA#2  |
                +---------+---+---+            +-----+-----+
                | C-SMA#1 |  UPF1 |                  |
                +----+----+---+---+                  |
                     |        |                      |
                     |        |                      |
                     |        |                      |
                     |  +-----+------+         +-----+------+
                     |  |  Service   |         |  Service   |
                     +--+  Contact   |         |  Contact   |
                        |  Instance  |         |  Instance  |
                        +------------+         +------------+
                        service site 1         service site 2

                                  Figure 3

   In underlay network infrastructure, C1 CATS Ingress Router and C2
   CATS Egress Router also be SRv6 MUP nodes and deployed with CATS

   In the first phase, an Anycast Service IP address is a network
   address that represents a variety of different service instance
   addresses running in different locations.  Instead of specific
   Service IP address, we use Anycast Service PDU Session for providing

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   a user plane connectivity between the UE and our Ingress CATS Router.
   Then, the Ingress CATS Router resolves the target destination by
   asking the CATS-MUP-C Controller and forwards the user traffic to
   that optimized service instance location.  A service can be known by
   the 5GC operator or be deployed on the general Internet side.  If the
   service is located under the mobile network domain, Anycast Service
   IP address management is under the mobile operator, then the 5GC
   control plane can directly make a PDU session with that Anycast PDU
   Session without asking for any third-party service deployed outside
   the mobile network domain.  If the service is located on the Internet
   side, the CATS-MUP-C controller can query this information, and
   whenever the 5GC control plane wants to establish an Anycast Service
   PDU Session, asking the CATS-MUP-C controller about that information
   is required.

   In the second phase, when a packet destined for the Anycast IP
   Address of service is sent to Ingress Router C1, C1 checks if exists
   any SRv6 routing rules for that IP address.  In case there are no
   routing rules for the Anycast IP address, C1 sends a service request
   for an Anycast IP message to the CATS-MUP-C controller for service
   resolution.  Then CATS-MUP-C injects Type 1 Session Transformed
   Route, Type 2 Session Transformed Route to the corresponding Egress
   and Ingress Router respectively to establish the SR underlay tunnel.

5.  Security Considerations

   This document specifies a CATS solution using anycast IP addresses as
   CS-IDs and SR as data plane.  It does not introduce further security
   threats considering to the existing ones in
   [I-D.draft-ldbc-cats-framework], [I-D.mhkk-dmm-srv6mup-architecture],
   [RFC9433], and [RFC8402] .

6.  IANA Considerations

   This document makes no requests for IANA action.

7.  Acknowledgements


8.  References

8.1.  Informative References

              Li, C., Du, Z., Boucadair, M., Contreras, L. M., Drake,
              J., Huang, D., and G. S. Mishra, "A Framework for
              Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS)", Work in

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              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ldbc-cats-framework-03, 22
              June 2023, <

   [RFC8402]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Previdi, S., Ed., Ginsberg, L.,
              Decraene, B., Litkowski, S., and R. Shakir, "Segment
              Routing Architecture", RFC 8402, DOI 10.17487/RFC8402,
              July 2018, <>.

   [RFC9433]  Matsushima, S., Filsfils, C., Kohno, M., Camarillo, P.,
              and D. Voyer, "egment Routing over IPv6 for the Mobile
              User Plane", RFC 7094, DOI 10.17487/RFC9433, January 2023,

8.2.  Normative References

              Matsushima, S., Horiba, K., Khan, A., Kawakami, Y.,
              Murakami, T., Patel, K., Kohno, M., Kamata, T., Camarillo,
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Authors' Addresses

   Ha-Duong Phung
   Soongsil University
   369, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
   Republic of Korea

   Minh-Ngoc Tran
   Soongsil University
   369, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
   Republic of Korea

Phung, et al.             Expires 22 April 2024                [Page 14]
Internet-Draft            CATS Use case of MUP              October 2023

   Younghan Kim
   Soongsil University
   369, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
   Republic of Korea
   Phone: +82 10 2691 0904

Phung, et al.             Expires 22 April 2024                [Page 15]