Internet DRAFT - draft-eckert-detnet-flow-interleaving


DETNET                                                         T. Eckert
Internet-Draft                                Futurewei Technologies USA
Intended status: Informational                            5 January 2024
Expires: 8 July 2024

  Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane - Flow interleaving for
  scaling detnet data planes with minimal end-to-end latency and large
                            number of flows.


   This memo explain requirements, benefits and feasibility of a new
   DetNet service function tentatively called "flow interleaving".  It
   proposes to introduce this service function into the DetNet

   Flow interleaving can be understood as a DetNet equivalent of the
   IEEE TSN timed gates.  Its primary role is intended to be at the
   ingress edge of DetNet domains supporting higher utilization and
   lower bounded latency for flow aggregation (interleaving of flows
   into a single flow), as well as higher utilization and lower bounded
   latency for interleaving occurring in transit hops of the DetNet
   domain in conjunction with in-time per-hop bounded latency forwarding

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 8 July 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Overview and summary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       1.1.1.  Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       1.1.2.  Avoiding burst across multiple hops . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Problem and use-case analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  Single hop burst aggregation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.2.  Ingress interleaving  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.3.  Flow aggregation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     2.4.  Multi-hop queueing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     2.5.  Multi-hop flow interleaving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     2.6.  Note: Multi-hop burst accumulation  . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     2.7.  Differences to TSN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     2.8.  Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   3.  Flow interleaving with different per-hop forwarding
           mechanisms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   4.  Overall solution proposal outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.1.  Principles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.1.1.  Common assumptions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.2.  Flow interleaving with TCQF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.3.  CSQF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     4.4.  gLBF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   5.  Summary of proposed architectural components  . . . . . . . .  14
     5.1.  Forwarding plane gates / "flow interleaver" . . . . . . .  14
     5.2.  Controller plane interleaving functions . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.3.  Controller plane application integration  . . . . . . . .  15
   6.  Changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   7.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     7.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     7.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

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1.1.  Overview and summary

   This memo explain requirements and benefits of a new DetNet service
   function tentatively called "flow interleaving" in this memo.  It
   proposes to introduce this service function into the DetNet

   Flow interleaving can be understood as a DetNet equivalent of the
   IEEE TSN timed gates.  Its primary role is intended to be at the
   ingress edge of DetNet domains supporting higher utilization and
   lower bounded latency for flow aggregation (interleaving of flows
   into a single flow), as well as higher utilization and lower bounded
   latency for interleaving happening in transit hops of the DetNet
   domain in conjunction with in-time per-hop bounded latency forwarding

1.1.1.  Background

   Currently, DetNet has a set of functions/services including Packet
   Replication, Elimination and Ordering for resilient transmission of
   DetNet packets over failure disjoint paths.  DetNet is currently
   relying on pre-existing forwarding plane functions from other efforts
   such as IEEE TSN and prior IEEE work such as [RFC2211] and TBD
   control-plane functions for guaranteeing deterministic bounded
   latency with (near) zero loss and bounded latency.  DetNet is also as
   of this writing (mid 2023) in the process of investigating DetNet
   specifications of additional forwarding plane methods in support of
   bounded latency and jitter, especially for large scale DetNets.

   As in suport of such scaling goals, it is important to not only
   consider per-hop mechanisms to support scaling, but also ingress node
   processing.  Flow interleaving as this memo call one such function is
   one such function.

1.1.2.  Avoiding burst across multiple hops

   The core challenge with bounded latency guarantees is that traffic
   flows are by design bursty, and the end-to-end latency that any hop-
   by-hop forwarding mechanism can guarantee (DetNet, TSN, ...) depends
   on the maximum amount of packets that may collide anywhere in the
   network on an interface, and cause queuing/scheduling delay of

   In typical DetNet topologies, such as metropolitan access rings used
   for residential/industrial wireline subscribers as well as mobile
   network towers, this problem can occur worst case on every hop, which
   could be 20 or more hops.  When these bursts are not controlled, a
   lot of latency can occur unnecessarily.  This is the same problem of

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   no-coordination as the latency inherited at roadway intersections
   with car traffic: The total amount of traffic on the streets is far
   from capacity, but the intersecting traffic occurs exactly when ones
   own car wants to move, resulting in unnecessary delay.  In the recent
   decade there has terefore been a good amount of interest in
   elliminating those traffic-red-light caused delays through the use of
   autonomic cars who could be crossing each other at intersections
   without collisions, such as in

   The same non-queuing mechanisms have been used in computer networking
   for decades via so-called Time-Division-Multiple-Access mechanisms,
   primarily for bitstream type channels of data.  In TSN, this
   mechanism is achieved through so-called "Gates", that allow to
   excatly time the periodc windows in time when TSN flows are allowed
   to send packets into the network / next-hop.  Note that TSN gates are
   a very flexible mechanism used for different purposes.

2.  Problem and use-case analysis

2.1.  Single hop burst aggregation

       IIF   1 -----|   |
       IIF   2 -----|   |
       ...          |   |------ OIF
       IIF  99 -----|   |
       IIF 100 -----|   |

                   Figure 1: Single Hop burst aggregation

   Consider in Figure 1 a network node receiving detnet traffic that
   requires bounded latency from 100 Incoming InterFaces (IIF) that all
   has to exit on one Outgoing InterFace (OIF).

   When each of these IIF has a packet at the same time destined to OIF,
   then these packets have to be queued up before they can be sent out
   on OIF.  Assuming IIF and OIF are all the same speed and the packets
   all of the same size, then the worst queuing latency for a single
   packet introduced is 100 times the serialization time of a single

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   Assume each of the IIF carries 10 flows, each of which wants to send
   one 1500 byte sized packet once every 20 msec.  Such a frequency of
   messages would for example happen in video based control loops, where
   a reaction happens once every video fraem delivered, which could be
   20 msec for the frame rate of 50 Hz.  In reality, higher frame rates
   such as 60/90/120 are more common these days, but 50 is easier to use
   in examples.

   If all these flows send their packets uncoordinated or coordinated
   simultaneously, then the worst case is that each of the 100
   interfaces has 100 back-to-back bursts of 10 packets.  In this case,
   the worst-case queuing latency is 12 msec for a packet.

   This queuing of course is undesirable because the total required rate
   for all these 100 IIF * 10 Flows/IIF = 1,000 total flows is just 600
   Mbps,so there is no bandwidth congestion.  If all these flows packets
   would arrive nicely interleaved, none of them would experience any
   queuing latency.  Assume [TCQF] was used with a cycle time of 20
   usec, and each of the 1000 flows packets would be put into a separate
   cycle: 1,000 cycles of 20 usec each fit exactly the 20 usec period,
   so each flows packet would experience just a 20 usec queuing latency
   instead of potentially 12 msec.

2.2.  Ingress interleaving

   Consider the router in Figure 1 is the ingress router into a DetNet
   domain and each IIF is connected to some IoT device such as a sensor,
   that is periodically sending a sensor data packet.  Assume all these
   traffic flows would even need to go to a single receiver, such as a
   PLC or environmental control system.  This ends up being a situation
   such as shown in Figure 2.

                    DetNet                   DetNet
                    Ingress                  Egress
                     +---+                     +---+
       Sensor1  -----|   |                     |   |
       Sensor2  -----|   |                     |   |      Rcvr
       ...           |   |--...DetNet Domain...|   | ---- PLC
       Sensor99 -----|   |     e.g. 10         |   |
       Sensor100 ----|   |    router hops      |   |
                     +---+                     +---+

               Figure 2: Ingress aggregation use case example

   Whether or not the flows are sent into the DetNet in some aggregated
   fashion or not:

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   If the packets of these flows packets arrive uncoordinated at the
   DetNet Ingress router, the maximum burst size of an individual flow,
   and this burst size is not only relevant for the maximum latency
   through this ingress router, but also for the maximum latency that
   these 100 flows may at wors incur on other hops along the path (as
   described in more detail in the following sections).

   If instead the packets of these 100 flows are interleaved "nicely"
   such that the packets of all flows are sent at a different offset
   into for example a common period time (such as 20msec), then the
   maximum burst size that any DetNet would have to account for would be
   1/100 times as large.  End-to-end latency that could be guaranteed
   would be lower and utlization higher.

   Such "nice" interleaving could be done at the application side, such
   as the PLC triggering the sensors to send sensor data at specific
   times, or programming them to send that periodically with those
   different offsets to avoid packets arriving at the same time.

   In a large DetNet, or simply a small DetNet that is not fully trying
   applications to perform such functions, this approach is not
   feasible.  In a large DetNet for example there may be no relevant
   single PLC that could coordinate sending times, but instead a large
   number of independent applications would multiplex without any common

   Instead, the DetNet ingress router would have to perform the
   interleaving function in the forwarding plane, receiving
   uncoordinated packets from each flow/sender and making them wait
   until their time in a cycle arrives, before allowing them to be
   further processes such as by the common, ingress independent egress
   DetNet per-hop processing.  This waiting is what in TSN is called a
   gate function.

   Of course, the gate function itself will also add latency to packet
   arriving uncoordinated shortly after the gate for the flow closed.
   But in all cases, this latency occurs only once along the path and it
   is always lowe than the period time of the flow.  Without such flow
   interleaving, the total queuing latency caused by uncoordinated
   bursts could exceed such a cycle time (as described in later

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2.3.  Flow aggregation

   When DetNet per-hop bounded-latency operates hop-by-hop on a per-flow
   basis such as in [TSN-ATS], scalability can be helped by treating the
   100 flows of Figure 2 wit the same ingress and egress router as a
   single aggregated DetNet flow - whether the packets of the 100 flows
   aggregated are or are not coordinated.  When the packets are
   coordinated/interleaved, then this flows burst size would be 100
   times smaller than if they where uncoordinated - reflecting the
   latency considerations outlined above at the level of a DetNet flow.o

   It is useful to consider one use-case of flow interleaving as a sub-
   function of the DetNet aggregation function, and this is exactly one
   goal of this memo.  In this use-case, flow interleaving can benefit
   latency under scalability independent of whichever per-hop DetNet
   bounded latency forwarding mechanism is used.

2.4.  Multi-hop queueing

   Going back to Figure 1 and now considering a larger topology, such as
   in a metropolitan area.  A ring of 100 routers R1...R100 each has 100
   interface IIF1...IIF100.  Each of those interfaces could connect to
   100 Edge Router (ERxxyy) each serving 100 subscribers.  Such a ring
   would then connect 1,000,000 subscribers.

       e.g.: 100
       +-----+                            +------+
       |ER101|                            |ER5001|
       +-----+                            +------+
         |                                  |
       IIF1..IIF100    IIF1..IIF100       IIF1..IIF100
         ||..||          ||..||             ||..||
        +------+ OIF    +------+ OIF       +------+
        | R1   |--------|  R2  |-- ... ----|  R50 |
        +------+  --->  +------+           +------+
           |                                   |
           |                                   |
        +------+        +------+           +------+
        | R100 |--------|  R99 |-- ... ----|  R51 |
        +------+        +------+           +------+
         ||..||          ||..||             ||..||
       IIF1..IIF100    IIF1..IIF100       IIF1..IIF100

                    Figure 3: Multi-hop queuing topology

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   Assume the packet in question is now inserted from ER101 via IIF1
   into R1 and travels the ring clockwise to R50 where it exits the ring
   towards ER5001.  On each of the 59 OIF interfaces in the ring it
   could worst case experience the same worst case bounded delay in the
   order of what we calculated for the single router setup.  For example
   a large number of such competing traffic flows could go from an ER
   connected to R1 to an ER connected to R2.  Those flows would create
   the queue on OIF of R1.

   Likewise there could be similar flows from R2 to R3, from R3 to R4
   and so on.  The sum of worst case queue buildups is thus proportional
   to the number of hops traversed.  And of course nobody is interest in
   a bounded lateny of 49 * 12 = 588 msec, aka: more than half a second.
   Within a metropolitan area where the non-queuing network latency does
   not even add up to 1 msec.

   While the extreme case is not very likely, this type of aggregation
   of queuing latency in worst cases woulk in principle not be untypical
   in target use-cases.  If ride-share cars (Uber, DiDi,...) become
   remote controlled and subscribers to the networks are either such
   remote drivers from home or radio towers connecting to the remote
   controlled cars, thousands, if not tenth of thousands of such flows
   may co-exist.  And one certainly does not want driving to become
   slower and slower the further away from the driver the car is - not
   because of speed of light, but because of unnecessary queuing, higher
   RTT and hence lower speed for the car that still alows the driver to
   react fast enough to avoid accidents.

2.5.  Multi-hop flow interleaving

   In the same way as in the single-hop flow interleaving on ingress,
   packets of flows can also be interleaved on ingress but now
   considering not only that they do not collide on the outgoing
   interface of this ingress router, but also considering them competing
   at the same time with packets arriving from other interfaces on some
   hops further down the path.  This sounds more complex than it can be
   in practice, as explained later in the document.

2.6.  Note: Multi-hop burst accumulation

   The problems described in the prior section is not to be mixed up
   with "multi-hop burst accumulation" as explained here.  Burst
   accumulation refers to the fact that because of the aforementioned
   queuing delay due to simultaneously occurring traffic, the burstyness
   of individual flows can increase.  And this then can lead to further
   problems downstream.

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   Consider the prior section network setup and the same flow which
   sends a packet once every 20 msec.  Assume that packet n of this flow
   experiences on two consecutive hops a queuing latency of 10 msec each
   because of competing traffic.  But now this competing traffic is
   intermittent and packet n+1 of the flow passes the same two hops
   without any queuing delay.  Now both the n and n+1 packets of the
   flow are back to back.  And hence the burst size of the flow has
   doubled.  This may cause on downstream hops more delay for other
   flows than anticipated by admission control, and hence not only
   invalidating other flows latency guarantees, but on highly loaded
   links potentially also leading to discarding packets because buffers
   are overrun.

   This burst accumulation is compensated for in bounded latency
   mechanisms such as [UBS] ([TSN-ATS]) by per-flow shaper/interleaved
   regulators.  In this example case, the shaper would cause the n+1
   packet to be delayed by 20 msec because of the late arriving packet

   In conclusion, compensation of burst accumulation does not eliminate
   the problem of queue latency accumulation over multiple hops when in-
   time queuing mechanisms are used and flows are bursty.

2.7.  Differences to TSN

   In TSN and small-scale DetNet networks, interleaving may be inserted
   through additional gates (interleave functions) for individual flows
   on every hop of a path.  In large scale DetNet networks, this is
   highly undesirable due to the target PE/P distinction of path
   functions.  Ideally, per-flow operations including signalling between
   controller-plane and node as well as advanced traffic-plane functions
   such as gates should only happen once, on the ingress node to the
   detnet domain.

2.8.  Summary

   Flow interleaving is necessary to reduce the per-hop queuing latency
   and to increase utilization of networks with Deterministic network
   traffic at lower end-to-end queuing latency.

   Interleaving can achieve improvements based on the total number of
   hops (and hence queues), and depending on how bursty the traffic is.
   Traffic flows which send packets with a long period of inactivity are
   the worst case: because of the long period between packets, the
   network can only support a large number of these flows when these
   bursts do not occur at the same time but are coordinated so as to
   cause minimum per-hop latency.

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3.  Flow interleaving with different per-hop forwarding mechanisms

   Building a controller plane to support flow interleaving likely has
   many possible variations.  This section outlines one approach that
   this memo thinks is simple and scaleable to large number of flows and
   high rates of flow changes.

4.  Overall solution proposal outline

4.1.  Principles

   Flow interleaving on ingress solely to decorrelate arrival times of
   packets from different flows on the output interface of the same
   router seems easy enough, as its consideration and setup is limited
   to the single router.  This use-case of of flow-interleaving can
   actually be the first stage of scaling up DetNet deployment with
   minimal complexity.  It is also working across all per-hop forwarding
   mechanisms for bounded latency, in-time and on-time.

   Flow interleaving with the goal to decorrelate the arrival time of
   different flows packets on output interfaces further along the path
   sounds very complex, but it actually can be quite simple and possible
   to support in linear time in the controller-plane when taking three
   considerations into account.

   1.  The per-hop forwarding along the path is per-hop on-time, so that
       the time at which packets arrive on every hop can be calculated
       accurately by the controller-plane.  Such per-hop one-time
       forwarding methods include [CQF] (if for exampled used with
       DetNet over TSN solutions), [TCQF], {CSQF}} and [gLBF].

   2.  The periodicity of traffic flows is some order of magnitude
       larger than the achievable accuracy of per-hop on-time
       forwarding.  With the examples presented, the periodicity of
       traffic flows is in the order of msec..100msec, and the accuracy
       of per-hop on-time delivery in for example [TCQF] can be
       configured in the order of 10usec or 20usec.  In result, the
       order of granuarity of timing is about 100 times finer than that
       of application traffic periodicity allowing to decorrelate
       traffic by up to a factor of 1000.

   3.  flow interleaving is only an optional optimization mechanism to
       allow scaling up the use of DetNet traffic in a network which may
       predominantly carry non-detnet traffic.  Allowing to gain another
       factor of 10 times more DetNet traffic from eg; 1% of nbetwork
       bandwidth to 10% network bandwidth may be all that is required.
       One may compare the relatively simple efforts of a controller
       plane to support flow interleaving with the NP-complete efforts

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       to optimize useable cpacity of the network for best-effort
       traffic by NP complete path optimizations - as done in today
       almost every mayor SP backbone network.

4.1.1.  Common assumptions

   Assume all traffic flows subject to flow interleacving are described
   by a burst size of b bits and a period of p [msec].  The b bits are
   sent back to back as a single packet or burst of packets. p is not
   allowed to be arbitrary but must be a complete divisor of 100 msec.
   This allows for traffic flow periods of 1/50, 1/60, 1/90, 1/120

   Assume (for simplicity) also, that the path for a new flow is
   calculated without taking flow interleaving into account.  For
   example path selection could use CSPF (Constrained Shortest Path
   First) or better some optimized selection of a path where the link
   with the highest utilization has the lowest utilization amongst all
   alternative paths and the total physcial path propagation latency
   does not cause the maximum desired latency for the flow to be

4.2.  Flow interleaving with TCQF

   Assume TCQF is being used with 20 usec cycle times.  The controller-
   plane maintain for every outgoing interface in the topology that can
   be used for TCQF traffic a window of 5,000 cycles and their amount of
   available bits, not utilized by already admitted flows.  The amount
   of total vits for each cycle depends on the speed of the link and
   what percentage of the link is allowed to be used by TCQF.

   Admitting the flow with interleaving across the previously choosen
   path consists of finding i = 100msec/p equidistant cycles thus that
   the choosen cycle with the lowest amount of available bits across the
   i choosen cycles has the highest number of available bits across all
   choices for those i cycles.  The index for the 5000 cycles of each
   hop does of course need to taken with a an offset modulo 5000 that
   reflect the cycle mapping along the path.

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       // Determine minimum cycle capacity across path
       // Without taking utilization into account

       minc = max_cycle_capcity
       for if in path_hops
         minc = min(cycle_capacity[if], minc)
       minfree[1...5000] = minc

       // Determine for each of the 5000 cycles the [2]
       // minimum free capacity along the path
       ofst, ifp = 0
       for if in path_hops
         ofst += cycle_offset[ifp][if] if ifp
         ifp = if
         for i in 1...5000
           minfree[i] = min(freec[if][((i+ofst) mod 5000)+1],minfree[i])

       // Determine the cycle option with the [3]
       // highest free capacity
       bestfree = 0
       bestfreec = -1
       nc = 100msec/p
       d = 5000/nc
       for i in 1...d
         ii = rnd_seq(i,d)
         betterfree = 0
         for j in 0...(nc-1)
           k = (ii + j * d) mod 5000 + 1
           if minfree[k] <= bestfree
             betterfree = 0
             betterfree = min(minfree[k], betterfree)
         if betterfree
             bestfree = betterfree
             bestfreec = ii

      Figure 4: Flow interleaving controller plane algorithm for TCQF

   Figure 4 Shows an example brute-force pseudocode for finding a best
   set of cycles according to the described conditions.

   minfree[1...5000] is initialized in [2] to be the lowest free
   capacity (e.g.: in bits) for each of the 5000 cycles along the path
   of the flow. cycle_offset[ifp][if] is the numerical offset o that
   needs to be applied when a packet arrives with cycle i from interface
   ifp and is sent out on ifp.  It then needs to use cycle ((i + o) %
   5000 + 1).

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   [3] then determines, which of the first d cycles is the best. nc is
   the number of cycles that the flows burst will fit into the 5000
   cycles. rnd_seq randomizes the cycle number so the allocation will
   not allocate sequential cycles but spread out the flow bursts over

   In summary, the algorithm is a simple search for which of the set of
   cycles along the path has the lowest utilization.  As a two step
   proces this is first a linear operation to find the worst case hop
   for every cycle, an O(pathlength) operation, followed by searching
   for the best cycle-set, which is O(const), where const is e.g.: 100.

4.3.  CSQF

   [CSQF] proposes to carry the cycle mapping in the packet header
   whereas [TCQF] as presented in this memo defines an in-router cycle
   mapping.  Carrying the cycle-mapping in the packet is attractive
   where it comes for free (or almost free), and this is in segment
   routing (SR) networks, where packet steering uses already a packet
   header.  Each steering hop is a so-called SID, and if n cycles are to
   be used, then instead of one SID, n SIDs are allocated for each hop.
   Especially in IPv6 with 128 bit SIDs, there is no problem to even
   support large number of cycles.

   Flow interleaving across multiple hops with TCQF can easily hit
   limits in maximum utilization.  Consider for example a network where
   flows with periods of 1/50th and 1/60th seconds occur.  It is clear
   that it will not be possible to achieve equal utilization across all
   cycles because of the moire effect between these two type of flows.

   With CSQF and for example some A more cycles (e.g.: A=4), the
   controller-plane has the option to choose for every hop of a flow one
   out of 4 cycles in which the flow would be forwarded.  And this
   number increases exponentially with path length.  Hence, the
   controller-plane ha a lot more opportunity to optimize utilization
   across cycles - and avoid admission failures at low utilization

4.4.  gLBF

   glBF with a single priority end-to-end can be used with the same
   algorithm as shown for [TCQF].  Instead of a fixed cycle-time on
   every hop, the per-hop latency is independent and depends purely on
   the admitted maximum burst aggregte across a hop.  It is thus more
   flexible, but utilizing that flexibility would incur more complex
   controller-plane algorithms.  Nevertheless, gLBF could be configured
   via the controller plane to have the same per-hop latency and
   therefore allow to be fully backward compatible to [TCQF] with both

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   latency, jitter and controller-plane algorithm.

   Because gLBF itself does not have the notion of cycles, these cycles
   are on a hop-by-hop basis a result of the timing of packets released
   by gates on the first-hop routers and packets then delayed by gLBF
   accurately by the priorities latency on a per-hop basis.

   gLBF with multiple priorities and per-hop choice of priority (via
   appropriate packet headers such as SIDs as used in [CSQF]) would
   allow to set up similarily if not more flexible flow interleaving as
   with [CSQF]. - whereas

5.  Summary of proposed architectural components

5.1.  Forwarding plane gates / "flow interleaver"

   Gates derived from TSN gates, adopted to DetNet.  Adoption primarily
   means that these gates would operate logically on ingress, so that
   they can preceed any pre-existing DetNet per-hop processing, such as
   that of [RFC2211], [TSN-ATS], [TCQF], {CSQF}}, [gLBF] or any other
   applicable DetNet per-hop bounded latency mechanism.

   Gates also need to preceed an optional DetNet aggregation function in
   the forwarding plane.

   Forwarding plane gates in large-scale DetNets only need to be support
   on ingress DetNet nodes.  In smaller DetNets they may be supported on
   every hop.

5.2.  Controller plane interleaving functions

   "Ingress interleave" Controller-plane algorithms to interlave flows
   in ingress purely for avoiding bursts on the outgoing interface of
   the same ingress router. result of the algorithm is a set up of
   ingress gates.  These algorithms benefit / can be used with any per-
   hop forwarding mechanism.

   "Fixed network wide interleave" Controller-plane algorithms to
   interleave all flows in the network and delaying packets solely fvia
   ingress gates / flow interleaving.  This is applicable to all per-hop
   on-time forwarding methods in the detnet that allow to calculate the
   fixed time interval at which a packet will be present on every hop of
   its path.

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   "Variable network wide interleave" Controller plane algorithm such as
   above discussed for [CSQF] or [gLBF] which not only calculate a gate
   parameter for the ingress router, but also parameters for the header
   of the per-hop mechanism influencing the per-hop latency forwarding
   of the packets of a flow.

5.3.  Controller plane application integration

   With flow interleaving resulting in additional first-hop latency
   which may be significant, it is likely highly beneficial to design
   appropriate service interfaces between applications that require
   multiple different flows and the controller-plane to understand the
   application desired relationship between the phases of packets from
   different flows of the same application.

   (TBD example).

6.  Changelog

   [RFC-editor: please remove this section ]

   01 refresh/no textual changes - waiting for progress in design

   00 initial version

7.  References

7.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2211]  Wroclawski, J., "Specification of the Controlled-Load
              Network Element Service", RFC 2211, DOI 10.17487/RFC2211,
              September 1997, <>.

7.2.  Informative References

   [CQF]      IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group., "IEEE
              Std 802.1Qch-2017: IEEE Standard for Local and
              Metropolitan Area Networks - Bridges and Bridged Networks
              - Amendment 29: Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding (CQF)",

   [CSQF]     Chen, M., Geng, X., Li, Z., Joung, J., and J. Ryoo,
              "Segment Routing (SR) Based Bounded Latency", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-chen-detnet-sr-based-
              bounded-latency-03, 7 July 2023,

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   [gLBF]     Eckert, T. T., Clemm, A., Bryant, S., and S. Hommes,
              "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane - guaranteed
              Latency Based Forwarding (gLBF) for bounded latency with
              low jitter and asynchronous forwarding in Deterministic
              Networks", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-eckert-
              detnet-glbf-01, 7 July 2023,

              IEEE 802.1 Working Group, "IEEE Standard for Local and
              Metropolitan Area Network — Bridges and Bridged Networks
              (IEEE Std 802.1Q)", doi 10.1109/ieeestd.2018.8403927,
              2018, <>.

              IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group., "IEEE
              Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks --
              Bridges and Bridged Networks - Amendment 25: Enhancements
              for Scheduled Traffic (TAS)", 2015.

   [TCQF]     Eckert, T. T., Li, Y., Bryant, S., Malis, A. G., Ryoo, J.,
              Liu, P., Li, G., Ren, S., and F. Yang, "Deterministic
              Networking (DetNet) Data Plane - Tagged Cyclic Queuing and
              Forwarding (TCQF) for bounded latency with low jitter in
              large scale DetNets", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-eckert-detnet-tcqf-04, 7 July 2023,

   [TSN-ATS]  Specht, J., "P802.1Qcr - Bridges and Bridged Networks
              Amendment: Asynchronous Traffic Shaping", IEEE , 9 July
              2020, <>.

   [UBS]      Specht, J. and S. Samii, "Urgency-Based Scheduler for
              Time-Sensitive Switched Ethernet Networks", IEEE 28th
              Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), 2016.

Author's Address

   Toerless Eckert
   Futurewei Technologies USA
   2220 Central Expressway
   Santa Clara,  CA 95050
   United States of America

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