Internet DRAFT - draft-eckert-detnet-glbf


DETNET                                                    T. Eckert, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                                  A. Clemm
Intended status: Standards Track              Futurewei Technologies USA
Expires: 8 July 2024                                           S. Bryant
                                                               S. Hommes
                                                   ZF Friedrichshafen AG
                                                          5 January 2024

Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane - guaranteed Latency Based
 Forwarding (gLBF) for bounded latency with low jitter and asynchronous
                  forwarding in Deterministic Networks


   This memo proposes a mechanism called "guaranteed Latency Based
   Forwarding" (gLBF) as part of DetNet for hop-by-hop packet forwarding
   with per-hop deterministically bounded latency and minimal jitter.

   gLBF is intended to be useful across a wide range of networks and
   applications with need for high-precision deterministic networking
   services, including in-car networks or networks used for industrial
   automation across on factory floors, all the way to ++100Gbps
   country-wide networks.

   Contrary to other mechanisms, gLBF does not require network wide
   clock synchronization, nor does it need to maintain per-flow state at
   network nodes, avoiding drawbacks of other known methods while
   leveraging their advantages.

   Specifically, gLBF uses the queuing model and calculus of Urgency
   Based Scheduling (UBS, [UBS]), which is used by TSN Asynchronous
   Traffic Shaping [TSN-ATS]. gLBF is intended to be a plug-in
   replacement for TSN-ATN or as a parallel mechanism beside TSN-ATS
   because it allows to keeping the same controller-plane design which
   is selecting paths for TSN-ATS, sizing TSN-ATS queues, calculating
   latencies and admitting flows to calculated paths for calculated

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   In addition to reducing the jitter compared to TSN-ATS by additional
   buffering (dampening) in the network, gLBF also eliminates the need
   for per-flow, per-hop state maintenance required by TSN-ATS.  This
   avoids the need to signal per-flow state to every hop from the
   controller-plane and associated scaling problems.  It also reduces
   implementation cost for high-speed networking hardware due to the
   avoidance of additional high-speed speed read/write memory access to
   retrieve, process and update per-flow state variables for a large
   number of flows.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 8 July 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Overview (informative)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.1.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.2.  Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.3.  Application scenarios and use cases . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     1.4.  Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7

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       1.4.1.  In-time mechanisms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       1.4.2.  On-time mechanisms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       1.4.3.  Control loops vs. in-time and on-time . . . . . . . .   8
       1.4.4.  Challenges with network wide clock synchronization  .   9
   2.  gLBF introduction (informative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     2.1.  Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     2.2.  Dampers and controller-plane  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   3.  gLBF specification (normative)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     3.1.  Damper with UBS queuing/calculus  . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     3.2.  gLBF processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     3.3.  Error handling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     3.4.  Data Model for gLBF packet metadata . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       3.4.1.  damper: 24 bit value, unit 1 usec.  . . . . . . . . .  18
       3.4.2.  end-to-end-priority: 3 bits . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       3.4.3.  hop-by-hop-priority: 3 bits (per hop) . . . . . . . .  18
       3.4.4.  phop-prio: 3 bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       3.4.5.  Error handling data items . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       3.4.6.  Accuracy and sizing of the damper field
               considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     3.5.  Ingress and Egress processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       3.5.1.  Network ingress edge policing . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       3.5.2.  gLBF sender types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21  Simple gLBF senders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21  Normal gLBF senders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22  Non gLBF senders  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
       3.5.3.  receivers and gLBF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22  Normal gLBF receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22  gLBF incapable receivers  . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
       3.5.4.  Further considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
       3.5.5.  Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   4.  Controller-plane considerations (informative) . . . . . . . .  24
     4.1.  gLBF versus UBS / TSN-ATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     4.2.  first-hop policing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     4.3.  path steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   5.  IANA considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   6.  Changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   7.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     7.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     7.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Appendix A.  High speed implementation considerations . . . . . .  30
     A.1.  High speed example pseudocode instead of reference
           pseudocode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
     A.2.  UBS high speed implementations  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     A.3.  gLBF compared to UBS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
     A.4.  Comparison to normative behavior  . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
     A.5.  Pseudocode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
       A.5.1.  glbf_enqueue()  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
       A.5.2.  adj_rcv_time()  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35

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       A.5.3.  glbf_dequeue()  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
       A.5.4.  glbf_send() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
     A.6.  Performance considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
   Appendix B.  History and comparison with other bounded latency
           methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39

1.  Overview (informative)

1.1.  Terminology

   CaaS  Control as a Service.  Cloud (compute) and network services to
      enable control (loops) with network connected devices, for example

   CQF  Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding.  A queuing mechanism defined by
      annex T of IEEE802.1Q.

   DT  Dead Time.  A term from CQF indicating the time during each cycle
      in which no frames can be sent because the the receiving node
      could not receive it into the desired cycle buffer.

   node  Term used to indicate a system that with respect to gLBF does
      not act as a host, aka: sender/receiver.  This memo avoids the
      term router to avoid implying that this is an IP/IPv6 router, as
      opposed to an LSR (label switch router).  Likewise, a node can
      also be an 802.1 bridge implementing gLBF.

   TCQF  Tagged Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding.  The mechanism specified
      in this memo.

1.2.  Summary

   This memo proposes a mechanism called "guaranteed Latency Based
   Forwarding" (gLBF) for hop-by-hop packet forwarding with per-hop
   deterministically bounded latency and minimal jitter.

   gLBF is intended to be useful across a wide range of networks and
   applications with need for high-precision deterministic networking
   services, including in-car networks or networks used for industrial
   automation across on factory floors, all the way to ++100Gbps
   country-wide networks.

   At its foundation, gLBF addresses the problems of burst accumulation
   and jitter accumulation across multiple hops.

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   Burst accumulation is the phenomenon in which bursts of packets from
   senders in admission-controlled network will increase across
   intermediate nodes.  This can only be managed with exponential
   complexity in admission control processing and significantly worst-
   case increase in end-to-end latency and/or lowered maximum
   utilization.  What is needed for dynamic, large-scale or easy to
   manage admission control solutions are forwarding mechanisms without
   this problem, so that admission control for bandwidth and jitter/
   buffer-requirements can be linear: decomposed into solely per-hop
   calculations independent of changes in prior-hop traffic
   characteristics.  Without forwarding plane solutions to overcome
   burst accumulation, this is not possible

   Existing solutions addressing burst-accumulation do this by
   maintaining inter-packet gaps on a per-flow basis, such as in TSN
   Asynchronous Traffic Shaping (TSN-ATS). gLBF instead ensures inter-
   packet gaps are always maintained without the need for per-flow
   state.  The basic idea involves assigning a specific queuing delay
   budget for any given node and class of traffic.  This budget is pre-
   known from admission control calculus.  As the packet is transmitted,
   the actual queuing delay that was experienced by the packet at the
   node is subtracted from that budget and carried in a new header field
   of the packet.  Upon receiving the packet, the subsequent node
   subjects the packet to a delay stage.  Here the packet needs to wait
   for the time specified by that parameter before the node proceeds
   with regular processing of the packet.  This way, any queuing delay
   variations are absorbed and deterministic delay without the
   possibility of burst accumulation can be achieved.

   By addressing burst-accumulation, gLBF also overcomes the problem of
   jitter-accumulation.  This is the second core problem of mechanisms
   such as TSN-ATS: Depending on the amount of competing admitted
   traffic on a hop at any point in time packets of a flow may
   experience zero to maximum delay across the hop.  This is the per-hop
   jitter.  This jitter is additive across multiple hope, resulting in
   the inability for applications requiring (near) synchronous packet
   delivery to solely rely on such mechanisms.  It likewise limits the
   ability of high utilization of networks with large number of bounded
   latency flows.

   The basic principle on which gLBF operates was already proposed by
   researchers in the early 1990th and called "Dampers".  These dampers
   where not pursued or adopted due to the lack of network equipment
   capabilities back then.  Only with recent and upcoming improvements
   in advanced forwarding planes will it be possible to build these
   technologies at scale and cost.

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   Contrary to other proposals, gLBF does not require network wide clock
   synchronization.  Likewise, it does not need to maintain per-flow
   state at network nodes, as delay budget and the queuing delay
   variations that are to be absorbed are carried as part of the packets
   themselves, making them "self-contained".  This eliminate the for the
   per-flow, per-hop state maintenance required by TSN-ATS, which
   involves scaling problems of signaling this per-flow state to every
   hop from the controller-plane as well as the high-speed networking
   hardware implementation cost of high-speed speed read/write memory
   access to retrieve, process and update these per-flow state variables
   for large number of flows.

   Opposed to other damper proposals, gLBF also supports the queuing
   model and calculus of Urgency Based Scheduling (UBS, [UBS]), which is
   used by TSN-ATS. gLBF is intended to be a plug-in replacement for
   TSN-ATN or as a parallel mechanism beside TSN-ATS because it allows
   to keeping the same controller-plane design which is selecting paths
   for TSN-ATS, sizing TSN-ATS queues, calculating latencies and
   admitting flows to calculated paths for calculated latencies.

   While gLBF as presented here is intended for use with IETF forwarding
   protocols and to provide DetNet QoS for bounded latency and lower
   bounded jitter, it would equally applicable to other forwarding
   planes, such as IEEE 802.1 Ethernet switching - assuming appropriate
   packet headers are defined to carry the hop-by-hop and end-to-end
   metadata required by the mechanism.

1.3.  Application scenarios and use cases

   gLBF addresses the same use cases that are targeted by deterministic
   networking and high-precision networking services in general.  Common
   requirements of those services involve the need to provide service
   levels within very tightly defined service level bounds, in
   particular very specific latencies without the possibility of
   congestion-induced loss.  The ability to provide services with
   corresponding service level guarantees enables many applications that
   would simply not be feasible without such guarantees.  The following
   describes some use cases and application scenarios.

   The development towards autonomous driving vehicles leads to new
   requirements and a high demand of computational resources that are
   often not available within a car.  A solution is to reduce the in-car
   processing to a minimum, and to offload more computational expensive
   tasks to the cloud environment.  Due to the safety implications and
   use cases, a delay in the transport of message from the cloud to the
   car and vice versa is often not acceptable.  This includes
   application scenarios such as trajectory planning for driverless
   vehicles, but also emergency notifications to surrounding cars that

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   require a fast delivery of messages to prevent a delayed action in
   case of an accident.  While the usage of TSN for in-vehicle networks
   is already investigated and more mature, the usage of a real-time
   communication with guaranteed latencies for vehicles with to the
   cloud is still an open challenge.

   Another use case that is important for the automotive industry is to
   further optimise the manufacturing process by taking into account
   more data sources.  Since most of the SCADA systems and PLCs cannot
   connect to large data lakes and perform more advanced computational
   jobs, a real-time communication to the shop floor from a cloud
   instance does have several benefits.  First of all does it integrate
   more data into the decision making process, since the control
   algorithms to automate manufacturing sites located in a cloud
   environment can take into account more variables than single plant
   control systems.  Another aspect is also to reduce the resources on a
   particular factory floor or plant by transferring complex, recurring
   and more resource computational jobs to a cloud provider where a lack
   of computational power is not the limiting factor.  However, in such
   cases it is important that associated control can still occur in
   real-time and according to very precise timing constraints.  Such a
   development is already foreseen by trends such as Industry 4.0 and
   Control-as-a-Service (CaaS).

1.4.  Background

   The following background introduces and explains gLBF step by step.
   It uses IEEE 802.1 "Time Sensitive Networking" (TSN) mechanisms for
   reference, because at the time of this memo, TSN bounded latency
   mechanisms are the most commonly understood and deployed mechanisms
   to provide bounded latency and jitter services.

   All mechanisms compared here are as well as those used by TSN based
   on the overall service design that traffic flows have a well-defined
   rate and burstyness, which are tracked by the controller-plane and
   called here the "envelope" of the flow.

   The traffic model used for gLBF is taken from UBS gives the flow a
   rate r [bps/sec] and a burst size b [bits] and the traffic envelope
   condition is that the total number of bits w(t) over a period t [sec]
   of for the flow must be equal to or smaller than (r * t + b).  In one
   typical case, a flow wants to send a packet of size b one every
   interval of p [sec].  This translates into a rate r = b / p for the
   flow because after the flow has sent the first packet of b bits, it
   will take p seconds until (r * t) has a size of b again: (r * t) =
   ((b / p) * p).

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   The controller-plane uses this per-flow information to calculate for
   each flow a path with sufficient free bandwidth and per-hop buffers
   so that the bounded end-to-end latency of packets can be guaranteed.
   It then allocates bandwidth and buffer resources to the flow so that
   further flows will not impact it.

   Within this framework, bounded latency mechanisms can in general be
   divided into "on-time" and "in-time" mechanisms.

1.4.1.  In-time mechanisms

   "In-time" bounded latency mechanisms forward packets in an (almost)
   work conserving manner.

   When there is no competing traffic in the network, packets of traffic
   flows that comply to their admitted envelope are forwarded without
   any mechanism introduced queuing latency.  When the maximum amount of
   admitted traffic is present, then packets of admitted flows will
   experience the maximum guaranteed, so-called bounded latency.  In
   result, in-time mechanism introduce the maximum amount of jitter
   because the amount of competing traffic can quickly change and then
   the latency of packets will change greatly.

   IEEE TSN Asynchronous Traffic Shaping is the prime example of an in-
   time mechanism.  IETF [RFC2212], "Integrated Services" is an older
   mechanism based on the same principles.  In-time mechanisms have the
   benefit of not requiring clock-synchronization between nodes to
   support their queuing.

1.4.2.  On-time mechanisms

   On-time bounded latency mechanisms do deliver packets (near)
   synchronously with zero or a small maximum jitter - significantly
   smaller than that of in-time mechanisms.

   EEE TSN Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding (CQF) is an example of an on-
   time mechanism as is the Tagged Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding (TCQF)
   mechanism proposed to DetNet.
   Unlike the before mentioned in-time mechanisms, these mechanisms
   require clock synchronization between router.

1.4.3.  Control loops vs. in-time and on-time

   One set of applications that require or prefer on-time (low jitter)
   delivery of packets are control loops in vehicles or industrial
   environments and hence low-speed and short-range networks.

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   Emerging or future use-cases such as remote PLC or remote driving
   extend these requirements also into metropolitan scale networks.  In
   these environments, on-time forwarding is also called synchronous
   forwarding for synchronous control loops.

   Typically, in synchronous control loops, central units such as
   Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) do control a set of sensors and
   actors, polling or periodically receiving status information from
   sensors and sending action instructions to actors.  When packet
   forwarding is on-time (synchronous), this central unit does exactly
   know the time at which sensors sent a packet and the time at which
   packets are received by actors and they can react on it.

   These solutions do not require sensors and actors to have accurate,
   synchronised clocks.  Instead, the central unit can control the time
   at which sensor and actors perform their operations within the
   accuracy of the (zero/low) jitter of the network packet transmission.

   When bounded latency forwarding is (only) in-time, edge nodes in the
   network and/or sensors and actors need to convert the packets
   arriving with high jitter into an on-time arrival model to continue
   supporting this application required model.

   This conversion is typically called a playout-buffer mechanism and
   involves the need to synchronizing time between senders and
   receivers, and hence most commonly the need for the network to
   support clock synchronization to support these edge devices and/or
   sender receivers.

   In result, existing bounded latency mechanisms to support
   synchronous, on-time delivery of packets do require clock
   synchronization across the network.  In the existing mechanisms like
   CQF for the forwarding mechanism itself, in the on-time mechanisms to
   synchronize edge-devices and hosts.

1.4.4.  Challenges with network wide clock synchronization

   While clock synchronization is a well understood technology, it is
   also a significant operational if not device equipment cost factor
   [TBD: Add details if desired].

   Therefore, clock synchronization with e.g.: IEEE 1588 PTP is only
   deployed where no simpler solutions exist that provide the same
   benefits but without clock synchronization.  Today this for example
   means that in mobile networks, only the so-called fronthaul deploys
   clock synchronization, but not the backhaul.

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   In result, it could be a challenge to introduce new applications such
   as the above mentioned remote PLC, driving applications if they
   wanted to rely on a bounded latency network service.  But even for
   existing markets such as in-car or industrial networks, removal or
   reduction of the need for clock synchronization could be a
   significant evolution to reduce cost and increase simplicity of

2.  gLBF introduction (informative)

2.1.  Dampers

   The principle of the mechanism presented here is the so-called
   "Damper" mechanism, first mentioned in the early 1990th, but never
   standardized back then, primarily because the required forwarding was
   considered to be too advanced to be supportable in equipment at the
   time.  These limitations are not starting to be resolved, and hence
   it seems like a good time to re-introduce this mechanism.

   The principle of damper based forwarding is easily explained: When a
   packet is sent by a node A, this node will have measured the latency
   L, how long the packet was processed by the node.  The main factor of
   L is the queuing latency of the packet in A because of competing
   traffic sent to the same outgoing interface.  Based on the admission
   control and queuing algorithms used in the node, there can be a known
   upper bound M(ax) for this processing latency though, and when the
   packet then arrives at the next-hop receiving node B, this node will
   simply further delay the packet by (B-L), and in result the packet
   will have synchronously been forwarded from A to B with a constant
   latency of M(ax).

   +------------------------+      +------------------------+
   | Node A                 |      | Node B                 |
   |   +-+         +-+      |      |   +-+         +-+      |
   |   +-+         +-+      | Link |   +-+         +-+      |
   +------------------- ----+      +------------------------+
     |<--------- Hop A/B latency --->|

                    Figure 1: Forwarding without Damper

   Figure 1 shows a single hop from node A to node B without Dampers.

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   A receives a packet.  The F)orwarding module determines some outgoing
   interface towards node B where it is enqueued into Q because
   competing packets may already be in line to be sent from Q to B.
   This is because packets may be arriving simultaneously from multiple
   different input interfaces on A (not shown in picture), and/or the
   speed of the receiving interface on A is higher than the speed of the
   link to B.

   Forwarding F can be L2 switching and/or L3 routing, the choice does
   not impact the considerations described here.

   When the packet is finally sent from Q over link to B, B repeats the
   same steps towards the next (not shown) node.

   (x) is the reception time of the packet in A and B, and the per-hop
   latency of the packet is xB - xA, predominantly determined by the
   time the packet has to wait in Q plus any other relevant processing
   latency, fixed or variable from F plus the propagation latency of the
   packet across link, which is predominantly determined by the
   serialization latency of the packet plus the propagation latency of
   the link, which is the speed of light in the material used, for
   example fiber, where the speed of light is 31 percent slower than
   across vacuum.

   All the factors impacting the hop A/B latency other than Q in A are
   naturally bounded: A well defined maximum can be calculated or
   overestimated.  The transmission of the packet from A to B is
   composed from the serialization latency of the packet which can be
   calculated from the packet length of the packet and per-packet-bit
   speed of the packet.  The propagation latency through the link can be
   calculated from speed of light and material (speed of light is 31%
   slower through fiber than vacuum for example).  And so on.

   To have a guaranteed bounded latency through Q, an admission control
   system is required that tracks, accounts and limits the total amount
   of traffic through Q.  Admission control mechanisms rely on knowing
   the maximum amount of bursts that each traffic flow can cause and
   adding up those bursts to determine the maximum amount of
   simultaneous packet data in Q that therefore impacts the maximum
   latency of each individual packet through Q.

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   With such an admission control system, one can therefore calculate a
   maximum hop A/B propagation latency MAX for a packet, but packets
   will naturally have variable hop A/B latency lower than MAX, based on
   differences in packet size and differences in competing traffic.  In
   result, their relative arrival times xB in B will be different from
   their relative arrival times xA in A.  This leads to so-called
   "burst-aggregation" and hence the problem that the admission control
   system can not easily calculate the maximum burst and latency through
   Q in B as it can do for Q in A.

   If however packets could be made to be forwarded such that their Hop
   A/B latency would all be the same (synchronous, on-time), then the
   admission control system could apply the same calculus to B as it was
   able to apply to A.  This is what damper mechanisms attempt to

   +------------------------+      +------------------------+
   | Node A                 |      | Node B                 |
   |   +-+   +-+   +-+      |      |   +-+   +-+   +-+      |
   |   +-+   +-+   +-+      | Link |   +-+   +-+   +-+      |
   +------------------------+      +------------------------+
           |<- A/B in-time latency ->|
           |<--A/B on-time latency ------->|

                      Figure 2: Forwarding with Damper

   Figure 2 shows the most simple to explain, but not implement, Damper
   mechanism to achieve exactly this.  Node A measures the time at xA,
   sends this value in a packet header to B.  B measures the time
   directly at reception of the packet in xB.  It then delays the packet
   for a time (MAX-(xB-yA)).  In result, the latency (yB-yA) will
   exactly be MAX, up to the accuracy of the damper.

   The first challenge with simple approach is the need to synchronize
   the clocks between A and B, so that (xB-yA) can correctly be

   +------------------------+      +------------------------+
   | Node A                 |      | Node B                 |
   |   +-+   +-+   +-+      |      |   +-+   +-+   +-+      |
   |   +-+   +-+   +-+      | Link |   +-+   +-+   +-+      |
   +------------------------+      +------------------------+
           |<- A/B in-time latency ->|
           |<--A/B on-time latency ------->|

               Figure 3: Forwarding with Damper and measuring

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   Figure 3 shows how this can be resolved by also measuring the time at
   z.  A calculates d = (MAX1-(zA-yA)) and sends d in a header of the
   packet to B.  B then delays the packet in D by d relative to the also
   locally measured time xB.  Because the calculation of d in A and the
   delay by d in D does not depend on clock synchronization between A
   and B anymore, this approach eliminate the need for clock

   But in result of this change, the measurement of latency incurred by
   transmitting the packet over link is also not included in this

   MAX1 in this approach is the bounded latency for all processing of a
   packet except for this link propagation latency P, equivalent to the
   speed of light across the transmission medium times the length of the
   medium, and MAX = MAX1 + P.

   The serialization latencies latency across the sending interface on A
   and the receiving interface on B can be included in MAX1 though.  It
   is only necessary for the measured timestamps zA and xB to be the
   logically for the same point in time assuming the link had a minimum
   length, e.g.: for a back to back connection.  For example, the
   reference time is the time when the first bit of the packet can be
   observed on the shortest wire between A an B.  A can most likely
   measure zA only some fixed offset o of time before r, hence needs to
   correct zA += o before calculating d.  Likewise, B could for example
   only measure xB exactly after the whole packet arrived. this would be
   l * r later than the reference time, where r is the serialization
   rate of the receiving interface on B and l is the length of the
   packet.  B would hence need to adjust d -= l * r to subtract this
   time from the time the packet needs to be delayed in D.

   +------------------------+      +------------------------+
   | Node A                 |      | Node B                 |
   | +-+    +-+   +-+   +-+ |      | +-+    +-+   +-+   +-+ |
   | +-+    +-+   +-+   +-+ |      | +-+    +-+   +-+   +-+ |
   +------------------------+      +------------------------+
          |<- Dampened Q ->|              |<- Dampened Q ->|
                |<- A/B in-time latency ->|
                |<--A/B on-time latency ------->|

                        Figure 4: gLBF refined model

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   Figure 4 shows a further refined model for simpler implementation.
   Larger routers/switches are typically modular, and forwarding happens
   on a different modular component (such as a linecard) than the
   queuing for the outgoing interface.  Expecting clock synchronization
   even within such a large device is undesirable.

   In result, Figure 4 shows damper operation as occurring solely before
   enqueuing packets into Q and after dequeuing them.  The Damper module
   measures the x timestamp, extracts d from the packet header, adjusts
   it according to the above described considerations and then delays
   the packet by that value and enqueues the packet afterwards.  After
   the packet is dequeued, the Marking module measures the time z,
   adjusts it according to the previously described considerations
   calculates the value of d and overwrites the packet header before
   sending the packet.

2.2.  Dampers and controller-plane

           Path Control  and
            Admission Control
         ..     .      .      ..
        .       .       .       .
      +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+  Src---| A |---| B |---| C |---| D |
      +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+
        |       |       |       |
      +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+
      | E |---| F |---| G |---| H |--- Dst
      +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+

                 Figure 5: Path selection and gLBF example

   While the damper mechanism described so far can be realized with
   different queuing mechanisms and hence different calculus for every
   interface for which bounded latency can be supported, the role of the
   controller plane involves other components beside admission control,
   and those need to be possible to tightly be coupled with admission
   control for efficient use of resources.

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   Figure 5 shows the most common problem.  The controller-plane needs
   to provide for a new traffic flow from Src to Dst a path through the
   network and reserve the resources.  The most simple form for just
   bandwidth reservation is called Constrained Shortest Path First
   (CSPF).  With the need to also provide end-to-end latency guarantees
   in support of bounded latency, not only does the path calculation
   becomes more complex, but many per-hop bounded latency queuing
   mechanisms support also to select more than one per-hop latency on
   the hop, and the controller-plane needs to determine for each hop of
   a possible hop, which one is best.

   In result, the controller-plane needs to know exactly what parameters
   the bounded latency queuing mechanism on each hop/interface can have
   to perform these operations, and standardization of these parameters
   ultimately results in standardizing the bounded latency queuing
   mechanism - and not only the damper part.

3.  gLBF specification (normative)

3.1.  Damper with UBS queuing/calculus

   guaranteed Latency Based Forwarding (gLBF) is using the queuing model
   of Urgency Based Scheduling (UBS), which is also used in TSN
   Asynchronus Traffic Shaping (TSN-ATS).  This allows gLBF to re-use or
   co-develop one and the same controller-plane and its optimization
   algorithms for bandwidth and latency control for TSN-ATS or a DetNet
   L3 equivalent thereof and gLBF.  Hence, gLBF should provide the most
   easily operationalised on-time solution for networks that want to
   evolve from an in-time model via TSN-ATS, or that even would want to
   operate both options in parallel.

   Effectively, gLBF replaces the per-flow interleaves regulators of UBS
   with per-flow stateless damper operations.  Where UBS only provides
   for in-time latency guarantees, gLBF provides in result in-time
   latency service, but with fundamentally the same calculus as UBS.

      | UBS strict priority Queuing block             |
      |                                               |
      |               +--------------+   +----------+ |
      | +-------+   /-| Prio 1 queue |---|          | |
      | | Packet|  /  +--------------+   | Strict   | |
   -->| | Prio  |->         ...         -| Priority | |--->
      | | enque |  \  +--------------+   | Schedule | |
      | +-------+   \-| Prio 8 queue |---|          | |
      |               +--------------+   +----------+ |

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                 Figure 6: Path selection and gLBF example

   Strict Priority Scheduling removes packets always from the highest
   priority queue (1 is highest) that has a pending packet and forward
   it.  UBS defines two options for the traffic model traffic flows.
   The more flexible one defines that each flow specifies a rate r and a
   maximum burst size b (in bits).

   In result, the bounded latency of a packet in priority 1 is (roughly)
   the latency required to serialize the sum of the bursts of all the
   flows admitted into priority 1.  The bounded latency of a packet in
   priority 2 is that priority latency plus the latency required to
   serialize the sum of the bursts of all the flows admitted into
   priority 2.  And so on.

3.2.  gLBF processing

   The following text extends/refines the damper processing as necessary
   for gLBF.

      +------------------------+       +------------------------+
      | Node A                 |       | Node B                 |
      | +-+    +-+   +-+   +-+ |       | +-+    +-+   +-+   +-+ |
   IIF| +-+    +-+   +-+   +-+ |OIF IIF| +-+    +-+   +-+   +-+ |OIF
      +------------------------+       +------------------------+
             |<- Dampened Q ->|               |<- Dampened Q ->|
                   |<- A/B in-time latency -->|
                   |<--A/B on-time latency -------->|

                 Figure 7: refined gLBF processing diagram

   The Delay module retrieves the delay from a packet header fields,
   requirements for that packet header field are defined in Section 3.4.

   Because serialization speeds on the Incoming InterFace (IIF) will be
   different for different IIF, and because D will likely need to
   compensate the measured time x based on the packet length and
   serialization speed, an internal packet header should maintain this
   information.  Note that this is solely an implementation
   consideration and should not impact the configuration model of gLBF.

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   The Queuing module is logically as described in UBS, except that the
   priority of a packet in gLBF is not selected based on per-flow state,
   but instead an appropriate packet header field of the packet is
   looked up in the Packet Prio Enque stage of Q and the packet
   accordingly enqueued based on that fields value.  Possible options
   for indicating such a priority in a packet header field are defined
   below in Section 3.4.

   Like Q, M also needs to look up the packet priority to know MAX1 for
   the packet and hence calculate d that it rewrites in the packet

   The overall configuration data model to be defined for gLBF is hence
   the configuration data model for UBS, which is a set of priority
   queues and their maximum size, and in addition for gLBF for each of
   these queues a controller-plane calculated MAX maximum latency value
   to be used by M.

   Given how the node knows the serialization speed of OIF, MAX1 for
   each of the queues could automatically be derived from the maximum
   length in bytes for each of the UBS priority queues, but this may not
   provide enough flexibility for fine-tuning (TBD), especially when
   packet downgrade as describe below is used.

   TBD: paint a small yang-like data model, even though its trivial,
   like in the TCQF draft.  This should primarily include additional
   diagnostic data model elements, such as maximum occupancy of any of
   the priority queus and number of overruns.

3.3.  Error handling

   A well specified standard for a damper mechanism such as described in
   this document needs to take care of error cases as well.  The prime
   error condition is, when the sending node A of a gLBF packet
   recognizes that the packet was enqueued for longer than MAX1 and
   hence the to-be-calculated delay to be put into the packet would have
   to be < 0.

   In this case, error signaling, such as ICMPv6/ICMP needs to be
   triggered (throttled !), and the packet be discarded - to avoid
   failure of admission control / congestion further down the path for
   other packets as well.

   The data model (below) describes an optional data model that allows
   instead of discarding of the packet to signal an ECN like mechanism
   together with lower-priority forwarding of such packet to inform the
   receiver directly about the problem and allow the application to deal
   with such conditions better than through other error signaling.

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3.4.  Data Model for gLBF packet metadata

   gLBF is specifically designated to support per-hop, per-flow
   stateless operations because it does not require any per-flow, but
   only per-packet metadata for its processing.  While it is possible to

3.4.1.  damper: 24 bit value, unit 1 usec.

   This is a value potentially different for every packet in a flow and
   it is rewritten by every gLBF forwarder along the path.

   gLBF requires a packet header indicating the delay that the damper on
   the next hop needs to apply to the packet.  Dampening only needs to
   be accurate to the extent that synchronous delivery needs to be
   accurate.  A unit of 1 usec is considered today to be sufficient for
   all purposes.  The maximum size of delay is the maximum per-hop
   queuing latency. 65 msec is considered to be much more than ever
   desirable.  Therefore, a 16 bit header field is sufficient.

   Note that link propagation latency does not impact delay.  Hence the
   size of delay does not create any constraint on the length of links.

3.4.2.  end-to-end-priority: 3 bits

   This is a field that needs to be the same for all packets of a flow
   so that they will be forwarded with the same latency processing and
   hence do not incur different latencies and therefore possible
   reordering.  This field is written when the packet enters the gLBF
   path and only read.

   8 Priorities and hence 8 different latencies per hop are considered
   sufficient on a per-hop basis.  If prio is an end-to-end packet
   header field such as by using 8 different DSCP in IPv6/IP, this
   results in 8 different latency traffic classes.

3.4.3.  hop-by-hop-priority: 3 bits (per hop)

   This is a better, more advanced alternative to the end-to-end-
   priority.  This data is optional.  If it is present for a particular
   hop, then it supersedes the end-to-end-priority.

   Because this data is per-hop, it should not be encoded in an end-to-
   end part of the packet header, but into a hop-by-hop part of the

   Because DetNet traffic needs the resources of each flow to be
   controlled, re-routing of DetNet flows without the controller-plane
   is highly undesirable and could easily result in congestion.  A per-

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   hop, per-flow stateless forwarding mechanism such as SR-MPLS or SRv6
   is therefore highly desirable to provide a per-hop steering field.
   The priority could easily be part of such a per-hop steering field by
   allocating dynamically, or on-demand up to 8 different SID (Segment
   IDentifiers), such as up to 8 MPLS labels, or using 3 bits of the
   parameter field of IPv6 SIDs.

   When such per-hop priority is indicated, the controller-plane can
   support much more than 8 end-to-end latencies, simply by using
   different per-hop latencies.  For example one flow may use priority
   1-1-1-1-1 across four hops, the new slower flow may use 1-2-1-2
   across 4 hops, the next one may use 2-2-2-2, and so on.

3.4.4.  phop-prio: 3 bits

   This field is re-written on every hop when hop-by-hop-priorities are

   This is an optional field which may be beneficial in and end-to-end
   header if hop-by-hop priorities are used for forwarding in gLBF and
   the hop-by-hop-priority of the packet on the prior hop is not
   available from the hop-by-hop packet header anymore.  This is
   typically the case in MPLS based forwarding, such as SR-MPLS because
   this information would have been removed.  Note that this header
   field is only required in support of optional simplified high-speed
   forwarding implementation options.

3.4.5.  Error handling data items

   Di: one bit

   Downgrade intent.  This bit is set when the packet enters the gLBF
   domain and never changed.

   Ds: one bit

   Downgrade status.  This bit is set to 0 when the packet enters the
   gLBF domain and potentially changed to 1 by one gLBF forwarder as
   described in the following.

   When the Di bit is not set, and a gLBF forwarder recognizes that the
   packet can not be forwarded within its guaranteed latency, the packet
   is discarded and forwarding plane specific error signaling is
   triggered (such as IGMP/ICMPv6).  Discarding is done to avoid causing
   latency errors further down the path because of this packet.

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   When this bit is set, the packet will not be discarded, but instead
   the Ds bit is set to indicate that the packet must not be forwarded
   with gLBF guaranteed latency anymore, but only with best or even
   lower-than-best effort.

   Di and DS may be encoded into the two ECN bits for IP/IPv6
   dataplanes.  The required behavior should be backward compatible with
   existing ECN implementations should the packet unexpected pass a
   router that processes the packet not as gLBF.

3.4.6.  Accuracy and sizing of the damper field considerations

   This memo recommends that the damper field in packet headers has a
   size of 24 bits or larger and represents the dampening time with a
   resolution of 1 nsec.  The following text explains the reasoning for
   this recommendation.

   The accuracy needed for the damper value in the packet header as well
   as the internal calculations performed for gLBF depends on a variety
   of factors.  The most important factor is the accuracy of the
   provided bounded latency as desired/required by the applications.

   Even though Ethernet is defined as an asynchronous medium, the clock
   accuracy is required to be +- 100 ppm (part per million).  For a 1500
   byte packet across a 100 Mbps Ethernet the propagation latency
   difference between fastest and slowest clock is 24 nsec.  If gLBF is
   to be supported also on such slower speed networks with multiple
   hops, then these errors may add up (?), and it is likely not possible
   to provide end-to-end propagation latency accuracy much better than 1
   usec without requiring more transmission accuracy through mechanisms
   such as PTP - which gLBF attempts to avoid/minimize.  For higher
   speed links, errors in short term propagation latency variation
   becomes irrelevant though.

   In WAN network deployments, propagation latency is in the order of
   msec such as ca. 1 msec for 250 Km of fiber.  Serialization latency
   on a 1gbps Ethernet is ca. 1 usec for a 128 byte packet.  It is
   likely that an accuracy of propagation latency in the order of 1 usec
   is sufficient when the round-trip-time is potentially 1000 times

   In result of these two simple data points, we consider that the
   accuracy of end-to-end propagation latency of interest is 1 usec.  To
   avoid introducing additive errors, the resolution of the damper value
   needs to be higher.  This memo therefore considers to use 1 nsec
   resolution to represent damper values.  This too is the value used in

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   The maximum value and hence the size of the damper field in packets
   depends on the maximum latency introduced in buffering on the sending
   node plus smaller factors such as serialization latency.  This
   maximum is primarily depending on the slowest links to be supported.
   A 128 byte packet on a 100 Mbps link has ca. 10 usec propagation
   latency.  With just 16 bit damper value with nsec accuracy this would
   allow only 6 packet buffers.  This may be too low.  Hence the damper
   field should at minimum be at least 24 bits.

3.5.  Ingress and Egress processing

3.5.1.  Network ingress edge policing

   When packets enter a gLBF domain from a prior hop, such as a node
   from a different domain or a sending host, and that prior hop is
   sending gLBF packet markings, then the timing of the packet arrival
   as well as the markings in packet header(s) for gLBF MUST only be
   observed when that prior hop is trusted by the gLBF domain

   If the prior hop can not be trusted for correct marking and/or timing
   of the packets, the first-hop gLBF node in the gLBF domain MUST
   implement a per-flow policer for the flow to avoid that packets from
   such a prior hop will cause problems with gLBF guarantees in the gLBF

   A policer is to be placed logically after the damper module of gLBF
   and before the queuing module.

   Instead of a policer, the ingress edge node of the gLBF domain MAY
   instead use a per-flow shaper or interleaved regulator.  When a prior
   hop sends for example packets of a flow with too high a rate, a
   shaper would attempt to avoid discard packets from such a flow until
   also the burst size of the flow is exceeded, by further delaying
   them.  A policer would immediately discard any packets that does not
   meet their flows envelope.

3.5.2.  gLBF sender types  Simple gLBF senders

   Senders are expected to send their traffic flows such that their
   relative timing complies to the admitted traffic envelope.  Senders
   that for example only send one flow, such as simple sensors or
   actors, typically will be able to do this.

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   When senders can actually do this (send packets for gLBF with the
   right timing), then these packets do not need to have gLBF packet
   header elements.  Instead, this ingress network node can calculate
   the damper time locally from the following consideration to avoid any
   need for gLBF processing in the sender.

   The maximum gLBF damper time in this case is the serialization time
   of the largest packet for gLBF received from the sender.  Thus, when
   the sender sends smaller packets than the maximum admitted packet
   size, then the first hop network node needs to dampen packets based
   on that difference in serialization time.  Normal gLBF senders

   When senders can not fully comply to send packets with their admitted
   envelope, then they need to implement gLBF and indicate in the packet
   header the gLBF damper value.  For example, when the sender can not
   ensure that at the target sending time of a gLBF packet the outgoing
   interface is free, then that other still serializing packet will
   impact the timing of the following packet(s) for gLBF.  Another
   reason is when the sender has to send packets from multiple flows and
   those can not or are are not generated in a coordinated fashion to
   avoid delay, then they could compete on the outgoing interface of the
   sender, introducing delay.

   Normal gLBF senders simply need to implement the queue and marking
   stage of gLBF, but not the dampening stage, because that only applies
   to receivers/forwarders.  Non gLBF senders

   When senders can not be simple gLBF senders but can also not
   implement the gLBF queuing and marking stage, then the following
   first hop node of the gLBF domain needs to treat them like untrusted
   prior hop but always use a shaper or interleaved regulator so as not
   to discard their packets.

3.5.3.  receivers and gLBF  Normal gLBF receivers

   Normal gLBF receivers can process packet gLBF markings and need to
   therefore implement the gLBF dampening block.

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Internet-Draft                 detnet-glbf                  January 2024  gLBF incapable receivers

   When receivers can not implement the gLBF dampening stage, then the
   worst-case burst that may arrive at the receiver is to be counted as
   added jitter to the end-to-end service.

   It is impossible to let the network eliminate such bursts without
   additional coordination and gating of packets across all senders and
   their network ingress nodes by gating of those packets.  This is not
   a gLBF specific issue, but simply a limitation of the (near)
   synchronous service model offered by gLBF and equally exists in any
   delay and latency model with this type of service:

   Consider a set of N senders conspire to generate a burst at the same
   receiver.  They do know from the admission control model the latency
   each of them has to that receiver and can thus time the generation of
   packets such that the last-hop router would have to send all those N
   packets (one from each sender) in parallel on the interface.  Which
   is obviously not possible.

   With gLBF capable receivers, this possible burst is taken into
   account by including the latency introduced by such a worst-case
   burst into the end-to-end latency through the controller-plane, and
   indicating the actual latency that the packet needs to be dampened in
   the gLBF header field to the receiver.  But when the receiver does
   not support such dampening, then that maximum last-hop burst-size
   simply turns into possible jitter.

3.5.4.  Further considerations

   A host may be a different type of gLBF sender than it is gLBF
   receiver.  In a common case in cloud applications, a container or VM
   in a data center may the a sender/receiver, and such an application
   may be considered to be trusted by the gLBF domain if it is an
   application of the network operator itself (such as part of a higher
   level service of the network operator), but not when it is a customer

   gLBF marking needs to happen after contention of packets from all
   applications, so it is something that can considered to happen inside
   the operating system.  This operating system of such a host may not
   (yet) implement gLBF, so it may not be possible to correctly generate
   the gLBF marking as a sender.  Instead, the application may generate
   the appropriate packet markings for steering and gLBF, but may need
   to leave the damper marking incorrect.

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   On the other hand, dampening received gLBF packets on a receiver can
   happen at the application level, so that the operating system does
   not need to do it.  Such dampening is exactly the same functionality
   that in applications is normally called "playout buffering", except
   that it will be a much smaller amount of delay time because playout
   buffering needs to take the whole path delay into account, whereas
   gLBF dampening is only for the prior hop.

3.5.5.  Summary

   There is a non-trivial set of options for ingress/egress processing
   that could be beneficial to simplify and secure dealing with
   different type of sender and receivers.

   Later versions of this memo can attempt to define specific profiles
   of edge behavior to limit the recommended set of implememtation
   options for sender/receivers and gLBF edge nodes.

4.  Controller-plane considerations (informative)

4.1.  gLBF versus UBS / TSN-ATS

   By relying on [UBS] for both the traffic model as well as the bounded
   latency calculus, gLBF should be easy to operationalize by relying on
   controller-plane implementations for TSN-ATS: UBS/TSN-ATS and gLBF
   provide the same bounded latency and use the same model to manage
   bandwidth for different flows: By calculating which flow needs to go
   on which hop into which priority queues.

   The main change to a UBS/TSN-ATS controller-plane when using gLBF is
   that when a flow is to be admitted into the network, removed, or
   rerouted.  In UBS, each of these operations imply that the
   controller-plane needs to signal to each node along the path the
   traffic flow parameters so the forwarding plane can establish the
   per-hop,per-flow state for the flow.  Depending on network
   configuration this will also imply configuration of the next-hop for
   the flow for the routing.

   For gLBF hop-by-hop operations, the first hop needs to receive the
   per-path or per-hop priority information that is then imposed into an
   appropriate packet header for the flows packets.

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4.2.  first-hop policing

   In gLBF, the controller-plane has to perform this action only against
   the ingress node to the gLBF domain.  The traffic parameters such as
   rate and burst size are only relevant to establish a policer so that
   the flow can not violate the admitted traffic parameters for the
   flow.  This "policing" on the first hop is actually a function
   independent of gLBF, UBS or any other method used across the path.

4.3.  path steering

   gLBF operated independently of the path steering mechanism, but the
   controller-plane will very likely want to ensure that gLBF (or for
   that matter any DetNet) traffic does not unexpectedly gets rerouted
   by in-networking routing mechanisms because normally it will or can
   not reserve resources for such re-routed flows on such arbitrary
   failure paths without significant additional effort and/or waste of

5.  IANA considerations

   None yet.

6.  Changelog

   [RFC-editor: please remove]

   00 Initial version.

   01 Added use cases from Stefan

   02 refresh only, waiting for progress in WG discussion

7.  References

7.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2210]  Wroclawski, J., "The Use of RSVP with IETF Integrated
              Services", RFC 2210, DOI 10.17487/RFC2210, September 1997,

   [RFC2212]  Shenker, S., Partridge, C., and R. Guerin, "Specification
              of Guaranteed Quality of Service", RFC 2212,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2212, September 1997,

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   [RFC2474]  Nichols, K., Blake, S., Baker, F., and D. Black,
              "Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS
              Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers", RFC 2474,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2474, December 1998,

   [RFC3270]  Le Faucheur, F., Ed., Wu, L., Davie, B., Davari, S.,
              Vaananen, P., Krishnan, R., Cheval, P., and J. Heinanen,
              "Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Support of
              Differentiated Services", RFC 3270, DOI 10.17487/RFC3270,
              May 2002, <>.

   [RFC8200]  Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
              (IPv6) Specification", STD 86, RFC 8200,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8200, July 2017,

   [RFC8655]  Finn, N., Thubert, P., Varga, B., and J. Farkas,
              "Deterministic Networking Architecture", RFC 8655,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8655, October 2019,

   [RFC8964]  Varga, B., Ed., Farkas, J., Berger, L., Malis, A., Bryant,
              S., and J. Korhonen, "Deterministic Networking (DetNet)
              Data Plane: MPLS", RFC 8964, DOI 10.17487/RFC8964, January
              2021, <>.

7.2.  Informative References

   [BIER-TE]  Eckert, T. T., Menth, M., and G. Cauchie, "Tree
              Engineering for Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER-TE)",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-bier-te-arch-
              13, 25 April 2022, <

   [CQF]      IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group., "IEEE
              Std 802.1Qch-2017: IEEE Standard for Local and
              Metropolitan Area Networks - Bridges and Bridged Networks
              - Amendment 29: Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding (CQF)",

   [DNBL]     Finn, N., Le Boudec, J., Mohammadpour, E., Zhang, J., and
              B. Varga, "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Bounded
              Latency", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              detnet-bounded-latency-10, 8 April 2022,

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   [gLBF]     Eckert, T., Clemm, A., and S. Bryant, "gLBF: Per-Flow
              Stateless Packet Forwarding with Guaranteed Latency and
              Near-Synchronous Jitter,", IEEE 2021 17th International
              Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM),
              Izmir, Turkey, doi 10.23919/CNSM52442.2021.9615538,
              October 2021, <

              Eckert, T., Clemm, A., and S. Bryant, "High Precision
              Latency Forwarding for Wide Area Networks Through
              Intelligent In-Packet Header Processing (gLBF)",
              Springer Journal of Network and Systems Management, 31,
              Article number: 34 (2023),
              doi, February

              Liu, B. and J. Dang, "A Queuing Mechanism with Multiple
              Cyclic Buffers", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              dang-queuing-with-multiple-cyclic-buffers-00, 22 February
              2021, <

              Eckert, T. T. and S. Bryant, "Problems with existing
              DetNet bounded latency queuing mechanisms", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-eckert-detnet-bounded-
              latency-problems-00, 12 July 2021,

              Stein, Y. J., "Segment Routed Time Sensitive Networking",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-stein-srtsn-01, 29
              August 2021, <

              IEEE 802.1 Working Group, "IEEE Standard for Local and
              Metropolitan Area Network — Bridges and Bridged Networks
              (IEEE Std 802.1Q)", doi 10.1109/ieeestd.2018.8403927,
              2018, <>.

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              IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group., "IEEE
              Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks --
              Bridges and Bridged Networks - Amendment 25: Enhancements
              for Scheduled Traffic (TAS)", 2015.

              "Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Parameters", IANA ,
              n.d., <

   [LBF]      Eckert, T. and A. Clemm, "High-Precision Latency
              Forwarding over Packet-Programmable Networks", IEEE 2020
              IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
              (NOMS 2020), doi 10.1109/NOMS47738.2020.9110431, April

   [LDN]      Liu, B., Ren, S., Wang, C., Angilella, V., Medagliani, P.,
              Martin, S., and J. Leguay, "Towards Large-Scale
              Deterministic IP Networks", IEEE 2021 IFIP Networking
              Conference (IFIP Networking),
              doi 10.23919/IFIPNetworking52078.2021.9472798, 2021,

   [LSDN]     Qiang, L., Geng, X., Liu, B., Eckert, T. T., Geng, L., and
              G. Li, "Large-Scale Deterministic IP Network", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-qiang-detnet-large-scale-
              detnet-05, 2 September 2019,

              Finn, N., "Multiple Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding",
              October 2021,

   [RFC3209]  Awduche, D., Berger, L., Gan, D., Li, T., Srinivasan, V.,
              and G. Swallow, "RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP
              Tunnels", RFC 3209, DOI 10.17487/RFC3209, December 2001,

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   [RFC4875]  Aggarwal, R., Ed., Papadimitriou, D., Ed., and S.
              Yasukawa, Ed., "Extensions to Resource Reservation
              Protocol - Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) for Point-to-
              Multipoint TE Label Switched Paths (LSPs)", RFC 4875,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4875, May 2007,

   [RFC8296]  Wijnands, IJ., Ed., Rosen, E., Ed., Dolganow, A.,
              Tantsura, J., Aldrin, S., and I. Meilik, "Encapsulation
              for Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER) in MPLS and Non-
              MPLS Networks", RFC 8296, DOI 10.17487/RFC8296, January
              2018, <>.

   [RFC8402]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Previdi, S., Ed., Ginsberg, L.,
              Decraene, B., Litkowski, S., and R. Shakir, "Segment
              Routing Architecture", RFC 8402, DOI 10.17487/RFC8402,
              July 2018, <>.

   [RFC8754]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Dukes, D., Ed., Previdi, S., Leddy, J.,
              Matsushima, S., and D. Voyer, "IPv6 Segment Routing Header
              (SRH)", RFC 8754, DOI 10.17487/RFC8754, March 2020,

   [RFC8938]  Varga, B., Ed., Farkas, J., Berger, L., Malis, A., and S.
              Bryant, "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane
              Framework", RFC 8938, DOI 10.17487/RFC8938, November 2020,

   [RFC8986]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Camarillo, P., Ed., Leddy, J., Voyer,
              D., Matsushima, S., and Z. Li, "Segment Routing over IPv6
              (SRv6) Network Programming", RFC 8986,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8986, February 2021,

   [RFC9016]  Varga, B., Farkas, J., Cummings, R., Jiang, Y., and D.
              Fedyk, "Flow and Service Information Model for
              Deterministic Networking (DetNet)", RFC 9016,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9016, March 2021,

   [RFC9262]  Eckert, T., Ed., Menth, M., and G. Cauchie, "Tree
              Engineering for Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER-TE)",
              RFC 9262, DOI 10.17487/RFC9262, October 2022,

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   [RFC9320]  Finn, N., Le Boudec, J.-Y., Mohammadpour, E., Zhang, J.,
              and B. Varga, "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Bounded
              Latency", RFC 9320, DOI 10.17487/RFC9320, November 2022,

   [SCQF]     Chen, M., Geng, X., Li, Z., Joung, J., and J. Ryoo,
              "Segment Routing (SR) Based Bounded Latency", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-chen-detnet-sr-based-
              bounded-latency-03, 7 July 2023,

   [TCQF]     Eckert, T. T., Li, Y., Bryant, S., Malis, A. G., Ryoo, J.,
              Liu, P., Li, G., Ren, S., and F. Yang, "Deterministic
              Networking (DetNet) Data Plane - Tagged Cyclic Queuing and
              Forwarding (TCQF) for bounded latency with low jitter in
              large scale DetNets", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-eckert-detnet-tcqf-04, 7 July 2023,

   [TSN-ATS]  Specht, J., "P802.1Qcr - Bridges and Bridged Networks
              Amendment: Asynchronous Traffic Shaping", IEEE , 9 July
              2020, <>.

   [UBS]      Specht, J. and S. Samii, "Urgency-Based Scheduler for
              Time-Sensitive Switched Ethernet Networks", IEEE 28th
              Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), 2016.

Appendix A.  High speed implementation considerations

A.1.  High speed example pseudocode instead of reference pseudocode

   This memo does not describe a normative reference code that aligns
   with the normative functional description above Section 3.  The
   primary reason is that a naive 1:1 implementation of the functional
   description would lead to inferior performance.  Nevertheless, the
   feasibility of high speed implementations is an important factor in
   the ability to deploy mechanisms like gLBF.  Therefore, this appendix
   describes considerations for such high speed implementations
   including pseudocode for on possible option.

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   [gLBF] describes two approaches for possible optimized hardware
   implementation approaches for gLBF.  One using "Push In First Out"
   (PIFO) queues, the other one times FIFO queues.  The following is a
   representation and explanation of that second approach because it is
   hopefully more feasible for nearer term hardware implementations
   given the fact that scalable FIFO high-speed hardware implementations
   are still a matter for research.

   However, the timed FIFO style algorithm presented here is also
   subject to possible scalability challenges for hardware because it
   requires for each outgoing interface O(IIF * priorities^2) number of
   FIFO queues, where IIF is the number of (incoming) interfaces on the
   node, and priorities is the number of priority levels desired (TSN
   allows up to 8).  If however the priority of flows (packets) used is
   not per-hop but the same for every hop (per-path), then the number is
   just (IIF * priorities).

A.2.  UBS high speed implementations

   The algorithm for the pseudocode shown in this appendix further down
   in this section is based on the analysis of gLBF behavior done in and
   for [gLBF].  This analysis re-applies the same type of analysis and
   algorithm that was done in [UBS] and can be used to implement TSN-ATS
   in high speed switching hardware.  Therefore, this appendix will
   start by explaining the UBS mechanisms.

   UBS (see [UBS], Figure 4), logically consists of two separate stages.
   The first stage is a per priority, per incoming interface (IIF)
   interleaved regulator.  An interleaved regulator is a FIFO where
   dequeuing of the queue head packet (qhead) is based on the per-flow
   state of qhead.

   A target departure time for that qhead is calculated from the flow
   state of the packet maintained on the router across packets and once
   that departure time is reached, the packet is passed to one of the
   egress strict priority queues.  This is called interleaved regulator,
   because the FIFO will have packets from multiple flows (all from the
   same incoming interface and outgoing priority), hence 'interleave',
   and regulator because of the delaying of the packet up to the target
   departure time.

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   The innovation of interleaved regulators as opposed to the prior per-
   flow shapers as used in [RFC2210] is the recognition and mathematical
   proof that the arrival and target departure times of all packets
   received from the same IIF (prior hop node) and the same egress
   priority will be in order and that they can be enqueued into a single
   FIFO where the per-flow processing only needs to happen for the
   qhead.  Without (anything but negligible) added latency vs. per-flow

   With this understanding, the interleaved regulator and following
   strict priority stage can easily be combined into a single queuing
   stage with appropriate scheduling.  In this "flattened" approach,
   each logical egress strict priority queue consists of the per-IIF
   interleaved regulator (FIFO queue) for that priority.

   Scheduling of packets on egress does now need to perform the per-
   queue processing of the per-flow state of the qhead, and then take
   the target departure time of that packet into account, selecting the
   interleaved regulator with the highest priority and earliest target
   departure time qhead.

A.3.  gLBF compared to UBS

   In gLBF, the very same line of thoughts as in UBS can be applied and
   are the basis for the described algorithm and shown pseudocode.

   In glBF, the order of packets in their arrival and target departure
   times depends on the egress priority, the IIF, but also on the
   priority the packet had on the prior hop (pprio).  All packets with
   the same (IIF,prio,prio) will arrive in the same order in which they
   need to depart, and in which it is therefore possible to use a FIFO
   to enqueue the packets and only do timed dequeuing of the qhead.

   Both prio and pprio are of interest, because when gLBF uses an
   encapsulation allowing per-hop priority indications, its priority on
   each hop can be different.  In UBS, priority can equally be different
   across hops for the same packet, but the prior hop priority is not
   necessary to put packets into separate interleaved regulators because
   UBS targets in-time delay, where the interleaved regulator does
   (only) need to compensate for burst accumulation, but in gLBF the
   delay to be introduced depends on the damper value which depends on
   the prior hop priority and in result, the order in which in gLBF
   packets should depart (absent any burst accumulation) depends also on
   the prior hop priority.

   Because gLBF does not deal with per-flow state on the router as UBS
   does in its interleaved regulators, the FIFOs for gLBF are called
   timed FIFOs in this memo and not interleaved regulators

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A.4.  Comparison to normative behavior

   Whereas the normative description described D, Q and M blocks, where
   the D block performs the dampening, and the Q block performs the
   priority queuing block, in the high speed hardware optimization,
   these are replaced by a single DQ block where the packets are
   enqueued into a single stage per-(IIF,pprio,prio) FIFO (similar to
   UBS) and then the dampening happens (similar to UBS) on dequeuing
   from that stage by the damper time but scheduling/prioritizing
   packets based on their prio.

      +------------------------+       +------------------------+
      | Node A                 |       | Node B                 |
      | +-+    +-------+   +-+ |       | +-+    +-------+   +-+ |
    --|-|F|--x-| DQ y  |-z-|M|-|-------|-|F|--x-| DQ y  |-z-|M|-|--->
   IIF| +-+    +-------+   +-+ |OIF IIF| +-+    +-------+   +-+ |OIF
      +------------------------+       +------------------------+
             |<- Dampened Q ->|               |<- Dampened Q ->|
                    |<- A/B in-time latency ->|
                    |<--A/B on-time latency -------->|

                   Figure 8: High Speed single stage gLBF

   In the normative definition, the damper value to be put into the
   packet depended on the time y, where the packet left the damper stage
   D and entered the priority queue stage Q.  Simplified, the damper
   value is (MAX1 - (z - y)).

   In the high-speed implementation, the packets are not passed from a
   damper state queue to a priority queue.  Instead they stay in the
   same queue.  This is on one hand one of the core reasons why this
   approach can support high speed - it does not require two-stage
   enqueuing/dequeing/ But it eliminates also the ability to take a time
   stamp at time y.

   To therefore be able to replicate the normative gLBF behavior with a
   single stage, it is necessary in the marking stage M (where the new
   damper value is calculated), to somehow know y.

   Luckily, y is exactly the target departure time of the packet for the
   D and therefore also the DQ stage, so already needs to be calculated
   on entry to DQ by calculation: y = (x + damper - <details>), as
   explained below.

   The pseudocode consists of glbf_enqueue() describing the enqueuing
   into the DQ stage, and glbf_dequeue() describing the dequeuing from
   the DQ stage. glbf_dequeue() (synchronously) calls glbf_send() which
   represents the marking stage M.

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A.5.  Pseudocode

A.5.1.  glbf_enqueue()

   void glbf_enqueue(pak,oif) {
     tdamp = pak.header.tdamp // damper value from packet
     prio  = pak.header.prio  // this hops packet prio
     pprio = pak.header.pprio // previous hops packet prior
     iif   = pak.context.iif  // incoming interface of packet

     ta = adj_rcv_time(now(),                  \[1]

     td = now() + ta // (dampened earliest) departure time
     pak.context.max1 = max1\[oif,prio]
     enqueue(pak, td, q(oif,iif,prio,pprio))

             Figure 9: Reference pseudocode for glbf_enqueue()

   pak.header are parsed fields from the received gLBF packet. tdamp is
   the damper value.  pak.context is a node local header of the packet.
   iif is the interface on which the packet was received.

   prio and pprio are current prior hop priority from the packet header.
   If for example SRH ([RFC8754]) is used in conjunction with gLBF, and
   [RFC8986] formatting of SIDs is used, then the priority for each hop
   could be expressed as a 4-bit SID ARG field (see [RFC8986], section
   3.1) to indicate 16 different priorities per hop.

   Parsing the prior hop priority is not a normative requirement of
   gLBF, but a specific requirement of the high speed algorithm
   presented here to allow the use of single stage timed FIFOs instead
   of PIFOs.  This type of parsing is not required for SRH, but would be
   a benefit of a packet header which like SRH keeps the prior hops
   information, opposed to the SR-MPLS approach where past hop SD/Labels
   are discarded.

   now() takes a timestamp from a local (unsynchronised) clock at the
   time of execution.

   [1] pak.context.ta (time of arrival) is the calculated time at which
   the first bit of the packet was entering the incoming interface of
   the node. adj_rcv_time() is defined in the next subsection. td is the
   target departure time calculated from the current time and the damper
   value from the packet.  It simply convert the relative damper value
   to an absolute timestamp.

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   max1[oif,prio] is the only gLBF specific interface level state
   maintained (read-only) across packets.  It is the maximum time
   calculated by admission control in the controller-plane for each
   priority.  It is transferred into a context header field here even
   though it will only be used further down in dequeuing because of the
   assumption that access to state information is not desirable at the
   time critical stage of dequeuing/serialization, whereas such state
   lookup is very common for many forwarding plane features before

   Finally, the packet is enqueued into a per-oif,iif,prio,pprio timed
   FIFO queue.

A.5.2.  adj_rcv_time()

   To calculate the reference time against which the damper value in the
   packet is to be used, this specification assumes the time when the
   first bit of the packet is seen on the media connecting to the
   incoming interface.

   time_t adj_rcv_time(now, speed, length) {
     time_t now
     int speed, length

     return now - length * 8 / speed - FUDGE

              Figure 10: Example pseudocode for adv_rcv_time()

   In most simple node equipment, the primary variable latency
   introduced between that (first bit) measurement point and the time
   when the time parameter t for adj_rcv_time() can be taken is the
   deserialization time of the packet.  This can easily be calculated
   from the packet length as assumed to be known from pak.context.length
   and the bitrate of the incoming interface known from
   pak.context.iif.speed plus fixed measured or calculated other latency
   FUDGE through internal processing.  The example pseudocode, those are
   assumed to be static.

   If other internal factors in prior forwarding within the node do
   create significant enough variation, then those may need compensation
   through additional mechanisms.  In this case, instead of as shown in
   glbf_enqueue(), the reference time for calculation should be taken
   directly upon receipt of the packet, before entering the forwarding
   stage F, and then used as the now parameter for adj_rcv_time().  This
   is explicitly not shown in the code so as to highlight the most
   simple implementation option that should be sufficient for most node

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A.5.3.  glbf_dequeue()

   void glbf_dequeue(oif) {
     next_packet: while(1) {
       tnow = now()
       ftd = tnow + 1  // time of first packet to send
       fq = NULL      // queue of first packet to send
       foreach prio in maxpriority...minpriority {
         foreach iif in iifs {
           foreach pprio in priorities}
             // find qhead with earliest departure time
             if (q = q(oif,iif,prio,pprio).qhead) {
               td =   // target (departure) time
               if td < ftd
                 ftd = td
                 fq = q
         if fq { // found packet
           pak = dequeue(q,oif)
           break next_packet

                  Figure 11: Pseudocode for glbf_dequeue()

   glbf_dequeue() finds the gLBF packet to send as the enqueued packet
   with the highest priority and the earliest departure time td (as
   calculated in glbf_enqueue()), where td must also not in the future,
   because otherwise the packet still needs to be dampened.

   The outer loops across this hops prio will find the packet with
   exactly those properties, dequeues and sends it.  For this, the
   strict priority is expressed through the term
   maxpriority...minpriority, which first searches from maximum to
   minimum priority..

   The two inner loops simply look for the packet with the earliest
   target departure time across all the (IIF,pprio) timed FIFO queues
   for the same prio and OIF.

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   In ASIC / FPGA implementations, finding this packet is not a
   sequential operation as shown in the pseudocode, but can be a single
   clock-cycle parallel compare operation across the td values of all
   queues qheads - at the expense of chip space, similar to how TCAMs

A.5.4.  glbf_send()

   void glbf_send(oif,tnow,pak) {
     qtime = tnow -          // \[1]
     td = pak.context.max1 - qtime - FUDGE2 // \[2]
     pak.header.tdamp = td

              Figure 12: Reference pseudocode for glbf dequeue

   Sending packet pak represents the marking block M in the
   specification.  This needs to calculate the new damping value t and
   update it in the packet header before sending the packet.

   td needs to be the maximum time max1 that the packet could have
   stayed in priority queuing minus the time qtime that it actually did
   stay in the queue and minus any additional time FUDGE2 that the
   packet will still needs to be processed by the router before its
   first bit will show up on the sending interface.  This is calculated
   as shown in in [1] and [2] of Figure 12.

   The primary factor impacting FUDGE2 is whether or not this
   calculation and updating of the packet header td field can be done
   directly before serialization starts, or whether it potentially would
   need to be done while there is still another packet in the process of
   being serialized on the interface.  Taking the added latency of a
   currently serializing packet into account can for example be
   implemented by remembering the timestamp of when that packet started
   to be serialized and its length - and then taking that into account
   to calculate FUDGE2.

A.6.  Performance considerations

   IEEE 802.1 PTP clock synchronization does need to capture the
   accurate arrival time of PTP packets.  It is also measuring the
   residency time of PTP packets between receiving and sending the
   packet with an accuracy of nsec and add this to a PTP packet header
   field (correctionField).  Given how this needs to be a hardware
   supported functionality, it is unclear whether there is a relevant
   difference supporting this for few PTP signaling packets as compared
   to a much larger number of gLBF data packets - or whether it is a

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   good indication of the feasibility packet processing steps gLBF

Appendix B.  History and comparison with other bounded latency methods

   Preceding this work, the best solution to solve the requirements
   outlined in this document, where [TCQF] and [SCQF], which are proven
   to be feasible for high speed forwarding planes, because of vendor
   high-speed forwarding plane implementation using low-cost FPGA for
   cyclic queuing.  On the other hand, it was concluded from
   implementation analysis, that [UBS] was infeasible for the same type
   of high-speed, low-cost hardware due to the need for high-speed flow-
   state operations, especially read/write cycles to update the state
   for every packet at packet processing speeds.

   While TCQF and [SCQF] are very good solution proven to work at high-
   speed, low cost, available for deployment and ready for
   standardization, the need for network wide and hop-by-hop clock
   synchronization (albeit at lower accuracy than required for other
   mechanisms feasible at high-speed, low-cost) as well as the need to
   find network wide good compromise clock cycle times makes planning
   and managing them in dynamic, large-scale and/or low-cost network
   solutions still more complex to operationalize than what the authors
   wished for.

   In parallel to short term operationalizable solutions [TCQF] and
   [SCQF], [LBF] was researched, which is exploring a wide range of
   options to signal and control latency through advanced per-hop
   processing and in-packet latency related new header elements.
   Unfortunately, with the flexibility of [LBF] it was impossible to
   find a calculus for simple admission control.  Ultimately, [gLBF] was
   designed out of the desire to have a mechanism derived from [LBF]
   that also provides guaranteed bounded latency, has the flexibility
   benefits of [UBS] with respect to fine-grained and per-hop
   independent latency management but does hopefully still fits the
   limits of what can be implemented in high-speed, low-cost forwarding/
   queuing hardware.

   This high-speed hardware forwarding feasibility of gLBF has yet to be
   proven.  Here are some comsiderations, why the authors think that
   this should be well feasible:

   The total number of FIFO that a platform needs to support is
   comparable to the number of queues already supportable in the same
   type of devices today, except that service provider core nodes may
   not all implement that many, because absent of DetNet services, there
   is no requirement for them.

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Internet-Draft                 detnet-glbf                  January 2024

   The need to implement timed FIFOs (if the proposed high-speed
   implementation approach is used) is equal or less complex to shapers,
   which by now have also started to appear on high-speed (100Gbps and
   faster) core routers, primarily due to high-speed virtual leased line
   type of services.

   The re-marking of packet header fields derived from the calculated
   latency of the packet experienced in the node is arguably something
   where iOAM type functionality likely provides also prior evidence of
   feasibility in high speed hardware forwarding planes.  Similarily,
   processing of PPT timing protocol packets also have similar

   Even when implementation challenges at high-speed, low-cost make gLBF
   a longer term option in those networks, implementation at low-speed
   (1/10 Gbps) such as in manufacturing or cars may be an interesting
   option to explore given how it has the no-jitter benefits of [CQF]
   without the need for cycle management or clock-synchronization: Best
   of both worlds [CQF] and TSN-ATS ??

Authors' Addresses

   Toerless Eckert (editor)
   Futurewei Technologies USA
   2220 Central Expressway
   Santa Clara,  CA 95050
   United States of America

   Alexander Clemm
   Futurewei Technologies USA
   2220 Central Expressway
   Santa Clara,  CA 95050
   United States of America

   Stewart Bryant
   United Kingdom

   Stefan Hommes
   ZF Friedrichshafen AG

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