Internet DRAFT - draft-emailarchiveoption-std


Network Working Group                                        Pradeep Kumar Xplorer
Internet-Draft							Ex SUN Employee
								Registrant of
Intended status: Standards Track                                  Individual
Expires: Aug 25, 2024                           		Feb 25 , 2024

                 The need for email archival option in email clients


    This document describes the need for a email archive option
    button or check box in email client to make sure of accountability
    of emails, transmission delivery and control of email SPAM

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on Aug 25, 2024.

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Internet-Draft    Using Whois to query on Email addresses       Feb 25, 2019

Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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Table of Contents
   1. Introduction ............................................... 2
   2. Background ..................................................2
   3. General Information of the service ..........................3
   4. Authors Addresses ...........................................4
   5. Acknowledgements ............................................4

1. Introduction

    This document describes the need for a email archive option
    button or check box in email client to make sure of accountability
    of emails, transmission delivery and control of email SPAM.

2. Background
	 I recieved emails
        from about a ATM valued 8.3 million dollars
        issued to be in Feb 2013 i responded followed their instructions and still
        does not have the ATM instead i was harmed in low class western medical hospitals
        and the email i used disabled by disabling the website 
        for nonpayment.If my email client had a archiveit checkbox then
        can be used to archive it. Right now i have recieved an email of a yahoo lottery
        of 950000 dollars and i cannot archive it .. I am not getting even a dollar from
        viewers of my website and users of my books in and
        And some criminal in has now prevented me having another version of similar
        draft i authored in 2019... they are sending emails to a domain i no longer own
        and email i no longer own.. I have no income past Oct 2002 and injured and i really
        object to having funds to have conferences in brisbane.. I order the engineers
        called thieves treated like thieves if this project cannot be funded and me 
        able to live in California with sindhu or alone.. i have no information about
        a wife sindhu i had in 1990s and i have been many times attacked by young criminals
        in India and by USA Thailand and Indonesia Immigration.

         The same functionality can be achieved by a standard email for any archive
         website. If i want to archive it in i cc,
         if i want to archive in i cc and an automatic
         email response would be recieved giving the location of the archives. The
         archiveit checkbox would result in archiving in some standard location. For 
         flexibility of options the cc email to or similar should
         be used.

Pradeep Kumar Xplorer     Expires Jan 19, 2020                [Page 2]
Internet-Draft    Using WHois query on email addresses             Jul 19, 2019

	Right now my mother is dead because of me having no income and i had set
        up a as proof of informing i need my funds or money
        by ccing to The emailing list has been cleverly deleted
        by the thieves.

         These are the options in my email client i am viewing
        ReplyReply allForwardDeleteArchiveJunkMarkMore There should be ArchiveinWWW as well

         These are the standard email headers From. The From field of the internet header indicates the name and email address of the sender.
To. This field of the mail header contains the email's receiver's details. ...
Date. ...
Subject. ...
Return-Path. ...
Domain Key and DKIM Signatures. ...
Message-ID. ...

It should have ArchiveWWW:Yes or No option as well..
3. General Information of the service
	Nowadays backup is not costly as terrabytes can be obtained for dollars
        and not millions. I am stranded outside my natural land of california
        because of racist criminals stealing my money and using a birth place
        and the criminals there to exploit it and having been sending many SOS 
        emails. I have send emails with evidence of crime to many authortiy emails.
        I do not have a solution by delivery of money and is being stolen. The authority
        recipients cannot held liable as theres no evidence to public i have reported
        the crime. If for every email for which the sender checks in archiveit option
        as a checkbox or button then i can hold the authorities liable and punish
        them for financial crime if it is archived in a specific URL in
        that can be derived from the email.

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Internet-Draft    Using WHois query on email addresses             Feb 25, 2024

4.Authors' Addresses

    Pradeep Kumar Xplorer


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Internet-Draft    Using WHois query on email addresses             Jul 19, 2019