Internet DRAFT - draft-fu-coinrg-joint-optimization-req


Computing in Network Research Group                                Y. Fu
Internet-Draft                                                    P. Liu
Intended status: Informational                                   L. Geng
Expires: May 6, 2021                                        China Mobile
                                                        November 2, 2020

Requirements of computing and network joint optimization and scheduling


   With the development of edge computing, there is a trend that
   computing is widely deployed in network rather than at other end of
   network, and provides services at nearer location.  With the deep
   integration of network, traditional optimization and scheduling
   within network domain is not enough, the endpoint of the path matters
   a lot.  So the relationship between computing and network are new and
   important topics to be studied.  This document focus on the
   requirements of computing and network joint optimization and
   scheduling based on the newly arising service requirements.

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in .

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on May 6, 2021.

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Internet-Draft       Data-driven Accounting in APN6        November 2020

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Table of Contents

   1.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Requirements of awareness of computing  . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Requirements of computing and network joint optimization  . .   4
   4.  Requirements of computing and network joint resource
       reservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   5.  Conclusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   8.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   9.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7

1.  Overview

   For traditional services without strict service requirements, the
   best-effort network can meet the requirements with traditional path
   optimization, which only consider the network condition.  With new
   services arising, such as cloud AR/VR, cloud gaming, V2X, new and
   strict requirements towards network, also towards the service
   endpoint are proposed to meet the service requirements.  So the
   computing and network joint optimization and scheduling are proposed
   to guarantee the service performance.

   The computing and network joint optimization means that there is not
   only the path optimization in network, but also the endpoint joint
   optimization; also the two will affect each other.  Based on the
   joint optimization, the service scheduling can be performed
   considering the network condition and also the endpoint condition,
   with the "optimal path+ optimal endpoint" policy.  What's more, the
   computing and network resources joint reservation is required for
   services with strict performance requirements.

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2.  Requirements of awareness of computing

   The service requirements arising include both network and computing
   requirements, which further require future network should perform the
   joint optimization according to service requirements.  So the
   requirements towards the joint optimization are: the awareness of
   computing and network requirements, the awareness of computing
   resources and services in network, the computing-aware path
   optimization and the network-aware endpoint optimization.

   2.1.  Awareness of computing and network requirements

   Awareness of computing and network requirements refers to consider
   the computing requirements in addition to the network requirements,
   including the awareness of computing requirements and the measurement
   of computing services.

   Since network requirements can be measured with bandwidth, delay etc,
   it is also required to measure computing requirements in a unified
   way.  On the one hand, there are many different computing services
   which are the "consumers" of computing resources, such as video
   processing, image classification etc, and they propose various
   requirements towards computing.  It is required to firstly obtain the
   computing requirements and then model the requirements in a unified
   way, which then can be used as the constraint of joint optimization.

   What's more, the computing service modes are abundant compared to
   network services, which are the computing "producers", including
   there are heterogeneous hardware such as GPU, CPU, FPGA etc, and also
   various algorithms deployed in network, so it is also required to
   model the computing producers in a unified way, which is another
   important factor for joint optimization.  As for the awareness of
   computing requirements, some technologies such as application-aware
   networking have proposed corresponding technical solutions to
   delivery computing requirements in the packet head, however, it needs
   further study on the security of application and also the efficiency
   of the information delivery.  As for the measurement of computing
   services, there is no mature solution to model the computing
   requirements and the computing resources in a unified way, which is a
   challenge for the computing and network joint optimization.

   2.2.  Awareness of computing resources and services

   With the development of edge computing, the computing resources and
   computing services will be distributed in network, since the limited
   physical conditions, each computing site will be small scale and with
   limited computing resources, so different from the cloud computing,
   which can finish the computing task within one site, the edge

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   computing sites need the collaboration among many sites, and this
   collaboration can be done in network.  To coordinate the computing
   sites, it is required for network to be aware of the computing status
   of edge sites, including the real-time status of computing resources
   and computing services.  So how to generate the required information
   and then broadcast it to network brings new challenges.

3.  Requirements of computing and network joint optimization

   3.1 Computing-aware path optimization

   With new services requiring computing and network resources,
   traditional network-based path optimization can not accurately
   guarantee the service requirements.  The network-based path
   optimization only according to network conditions can only make sure
   the performance of network services, it can only find a best path
   towards a given endpoint, however, the given endpoint may be not
   optimal, causing the service requirements cannot be met.

   So It is required to do the computing-aware path optimization to
   consider the status of endpoint.  For example, before the path
   optimization, according to the awareness of computing resources and
   services in network, including the location and status, the network
   could firstly find a list of optimal computing nodes, then the
   network could do path optimization with different computing
   endpoints, which changes the traditional way to only do the path
   optimization with one destination.

   To better optimize the computing-aware path, we need to consider
   different weights of computing and network metrics when calculating
   the optimal path.  For traditional path optimization, there are only
   network metrics as the parameters of algorithm; it is required to add
   computing metrics also as the calculation metrics of the algorithm
   and to combine the computing and network metrics.

   What's more, based on the awareness of service requirements, for
   different services, there will be different requirements towards
   computing and network.  For some computing-intensive services,
   computing counts more on the whole process of services, so they will
   require more on computing than network; and for communication-
   intensive services, the computing is less during the service process,
   while there will be frequent communication, which will propose higher
   requirement towards network than computing.  So it can be inferred
   that computing and network matters differently during the service
   process for various services.

   Based on what discussed above, it is required to adaptively define
   different weights of computing and network metrics for different

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   services, adapting to various service requirements.  For example, for
   the computing-intensive services, it is required to put more weights
   on computing metrics than network metrics, which could be based on
   the percentage of predicted computing time in whole time; as for
   communication-intensive services, more weights could be put to adapt
   to the service requirements.

   3.2 Network-aware endpoint optimization

   Based on the computing-aware path optimization, there will be the
   optimal "path + endpoint" pair, combing the computing and network
   status.  But there will also be inner scheduling in computing node,
   which may also influence the computing time.  With proper task
   assignment, the computing time could be less to make sure that
   endpoint provides the promised services.  So it is also required for
   endpoint to know the service requirements precisely, otherwise the
   endpoint will just do the usual scheduling without considering the
   service requirements.

   With the network-awareness, the endpoint will know the performance of
   network, such as the endpoint will know the transmission time in
   network and then calculate the rest of required time, and then it
   will do the inner scheduling accordingly.

4.  Requirements of computing and network joint resource reservation

   For services with strict computing requirements, the resource
   reservation should include network reservation and computing
   reservation, also, the two will affect each other.

   There is network resource reservation in traditional QoS guarantee
   mechanism based on the network resources reservation calculation to
   reserve specific resources for specific services.  With new services
   arising, the network resources reservation is not enough, since the
   completion of services include not only network transmission but also
   endpoint calculation, only reserving the network resources cannot
   make sure the required computing resources are available during the
   required time for specific service.

   So facing the trend of computing and network convergence, it is also
   required to reserve the computing resources together with the network
   resources.  Based on the awareness of service requirements and the
   joint path optimization, it is required to map the computing
   requirements into the corresponding computing resources reservation,
   for example, to map the services type into the computing resources
   type, and translate the computing latency requirements towards the
   required amount computing resources.

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   On the other hand, the reservation of network and computing resources
   are closely linked, there will be different network resource
   reservation policy considering the computing resources reservation.
   For example, the order of the two resources reservation requires to
   be considered since they are relative independent usually.

   What's more, it is also required to dynamically adjust the resources
   reservation according to real-time status.  One scenario is that the
   computing resource reservation could be adjusted based on the
   information from network domain, including the reservation time and
   also the reservation amount.  Another scenario is the co-adjust of
   the two resources reservation, in network domain, the path and the
   relative reservation could be adjusted, and then the computing domain
   is required to adjust on-demand.

5.  Conclusion

   Based on the new services' requirements on computing and network,
   this document puts forward requirements of computing and network
   joint optimization, and also proposes requirements of computing and
   network joint resource reservation.  Computing in network is a new
   direction, how to collaborate computing and network need further

6.  IANA Considerations


7.  Security Considerations


8.  Acknowledgements


9.  Informative References

              Li, Z., Peng, S., Voyer, D., Xie, C., Liu, P., Liu, C.,
              Ebisawa, K., Previdi, S., and J. Guichard, "Problem
              Statement and Use Cases of Application-aware IPv6
              Networking (APN6)", draft-li-apn6-problem-statement-
              usecases-01 (work in progress), November 2019.

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Authors' Addresses

   Yuexia Fu
   China Mobile
   No.32 XuanWuMen West Street
   Beijing  100053


   Peng Liu
   China Mobile
   No.32 XuanWuMen West Street
   Beijing  100053


   Liang Geng
   China Mobile
   No.32 XuanWuMen West Street
   Beijing  100053


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