Internet DRAFT - draft-gellens-acap-pers
Internet Draft R. Gellens
Document: draft-gellens-acap-pers-00.txt QUALCOMM, Incorporated
Expires: 12 September 1998 12 March 1998
ACAP Email Personality Dataset Class
Status of this Memo:
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documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas,
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working documents as Internet Drafts.
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A version of this draft document is intended for submission to the
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Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
Public comments can be sent to the IETF ACAP mailing list,
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Private comments should be sent to the author.
1. Abstract
It has become common for Internet mail users to receive and compose
mail in the capacity of different roles or identities (for example,
personal and work), to receive and compose mail at different
machines, and to use multiple programs which require mail
composition configuration information. These different roles or
identities have become known as email personalities.
The Application Configuration Access Protocol [ACAP] provides an
ideal mechanism for storage of email personality data.
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This specification defines a standard ACAP dataset class for email
personalities, and a common option for indicating a default.
2. Conventions Used in this Document
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", and "MAY"
in this document are to be interpreted as defined in "Key words for
use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" [KEYWORDS].
3. ACAP Standard Options
This specification defines the MUA Default Personality standard
option. This is a scaler option in the ACAP Standard Option
("/option") dataset. The entry name is "mua.default.personality".
The "option.value" attribute contains the value, which is a URL.
Generally, this will be an ACAP URL pointing to an entry in an
Email Personality dataset.
The standard option dataset class is specified in [ACAP-OPTIONS].
ACAP URLs are defined in [ACAP].
4. ACAP Email Personality Dataset Class
The ACAP Email Personality dataset class defines a set of
attributes which specify an email personality; that is,
configuration information used for composing email.
4.1. ACAP Email Personality Dataset Class Prefix
Datasets whose names begin with "/personality" are assumed to
contain email personality entries as defined in this specification.
4.2. ACAP Email Personality Dataset Hierarchy
Each user may have a set of named email personalities. The default
is pointed at by the "mua.default.personality" standard option.
(See section 3 for more information.)
Inheritance is likely to be useful both for inheriting site or
group defaults (for example, SMTP servers, and initial client
configuration in general) as well as for inheriting user-specific
configuration when using different machines.
5. Recommended ACAP Email Personality Dataset Attributes
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An email personality entry MUST have an "entry" attribute. All
other attributes are OPTIONAL.
Attributes are specified using Augmented Backus-Naur Form [ABNF].
All attributes are single-valued and textual unless otherwise
The BNF defines the content of the attribute values prior to their
encoding as an ACAP string. Clients MUST conform to the syntax
when generating these attributes, but MUST NOT assume that the
attribute values will conform to this syntax on access. Servers
MUST NOT enforce the syntax.
5.1. Basic Attributes
These attributes are defined in ACAP [ACAP] and have meaning in all
dataset classes. The section describes how they are used in an
email personality dataset.
The "entry" attribute is used to hold a unique name for the
personality. This name is used for inheritance, so when
customizing a personality which has an entry in an inherited
dataset, the entry name needs to remain the same. The name
should also be descriptive.
The "subdataset" attribute indicates there is another email
personality dataset underneath this entry.
5.2. Specific Attributes
These attributes are specific to the Email Personality dataset
This flag indicates if the client should automatically encrypt
pers-auto-enc = "0" / "1"
This flag indicates if the client should automatically apply a
digital signature to messages.
pers-auto-sign = "0" / "1"
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This contains the certificate Directory Name to be used when
encrypting and/or signing messages using certificate-based
pers-cert-dn = 1*UTF8-CHAR
This specifies the default coded character set to be used when
composing messages. The name must be in the IANA charset
registry (located at
pers-charset = 1*CHAR
This specifies an IMAP folder into which new messages should be
copied. Generally, this is specified as an IMAP URL, as defined
in [URL-IMAP].
pers-file-imap = url ;defined in [URL-BASIC]
This specifies the name of a local folder into which new
messages should be copied.
pers-file-local = 1*UTF8-CHAR
This specifies the default BCC header field contents.
pers-hdr-bcc = *address
;address specified in [RFC-822]
This specifies the default CC header field contents.
pers-hdr-cc = 1*address
;address specified in [RFC-822]
This multivalued attribute contains additional header fields.
Each value contains the complete canonical form of a header
name and contents. Values must conform to [RFC-822] and
pers-hdr-extra = 1*CHAR
;must conform to [RFC-822] and [MIME]
This specifies the default Reply-To header field contents.
Values must conform to [RFC-822] and [MIME].
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pers-hdr-reply = 1*CHAR
;must conform to [RFC-822] and [MIME]
This contains the default language to be specified in language
tags. The name must be in the IANA language registry (located
at <>).
pers-lang = 1*CHAR
This specifies the default MIME type to use when composing
messages which contain any text elements or parts. The value
is a MIME type and subtype, with optional parameters. The
value should be canonicalized by removing unnecessary quoting.
The type, subtype, and any parameters must conform to [MIME],
including IANA registration requirements. Free insertion of
linear-white-space is not permitted.
pers-mtype = type "/" subtype *(";" SP parameter)
;defined in RFC 2045 [MIME]
This contains the Key ID when PGP is used to encrypt and/or
sign messages.
pers-pgp-key = *OCTET
This contains the display name associated with the personality.
The phrase component of the 'from' header field should be
constructed from this value.
pers-name = 1*UTF8-CHAR
This contains the [RFC-822] addr-spec associated with the
personality. The addr-spec of the 'from' header field should
by default contain this value. It is separated from the phrase
'from' field component (stored in "personality.Real-Name") to
make comparisons easier.
pers-addr = addr-spec
;addr-spec defined in [RFC-822]
This specifies the SMTP server to be used when sending messages
for this personality. Generally, the form is an SMTP URL, as
defined in [URL-SMTP].
pers-smtp = url ;defined in [URL-BASIC]
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This contains the signature text to be appended by default to
new messages. It is stored in canonical form, with
CRLF-separated lines.
pers-sig-text = 1*CHAR
When the signature to be appended by default to new messages is
stored in a file or other resource, this attribute is used
instead of "personality.Signature.Text". This attribute
contains a URL (for example, a file URL) to the signature text.
It is assumed that the signature text is in canonical form,
with CRLF-separated lines.
pers-sig-url = url ;defined in [URL-BASIC]
This attribute contains a URL (for example, a file URL) to the
stationary, or template, to be used when creating new messages
with this personality. In general the stationary contains a
canonicalized message, with header fields and/or body.
pers-stat = url ;defined in [URL-BASIC]
6. Examples
entry personal
personality.File-Into.Local sent mail
personality.Header.Extra Pet: Yak
personality.MIME.Composition-Type text/enriched
personality.Real-Name L. Eva Message
personality.Server.SMTP smtp://
personality.Signature.Text --
L. Eva Message
entry work
personality.File-Into.IMAP IMAP://
personality.Header.Extra Organization: A.T.&Love
personality.MIME.Composition-Type multipart/alternative
personality.Real-Name L. Eva Message
personality.Server.SMTP smtp://
personality.Signature.URL file://signature.txt
7. References
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[ABNF] Crocker, Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications:
ABNF", RFC 2234, Internet Mail Consortium, Demon Internet Ltd.,
November 1997. <>
[ACAP] Newman, Myers, "ACAP -- Application Configuration Access
Protocol", RFC 2244, Innosoft, Netscape, November 1997.
[ACAP-ACCOUNT] Gellens, "ACAP Email Account Dataset Class", work in
[ACAP-OPTIONS] Hole, "ACAP Application Options Dataset Class", work
in Progress.
[KEYWORDS] Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, Harvard University, March 1997.
[RFC-822] Crocker, "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
Messages", RFC 822, STD 11, University of Delaware, August 1982.
[MIME] Freed, Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 2045,
Innosoft, First Virtual, November 1996; Freed, Borenstein,
"Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media
Types", RFC 2046, Innosoft, First Virtual, November 1996; Moore,
"MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three: Message
Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text", RFC 2047, University of
Tennessee, November 1996. <>
[SMTP] J. Postel, "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 821, STD
10, August 1982. <>
[URL-BASIC] Berners-Lee, Masinter, McCahill, "Uniform Resource
Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, CERN, Xerox Corporation, University of
Minnesota, December 1994. <>
[URL-IMAP] Newman, "IMAP URL Scheme", RFC 2192, Innosoft, September
1997. <>
[URL-SMTP] Earhart, "An SMTP URL Interface", work in progress.
[UTF8] Yergeau, F. "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646",
RFC 2279, Alis Technologies, January 1998.
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8. Security Considerations
As with ACAP datasets in general, it is important that access
controls are set correctly on Email Personality datasets.
Attributes may contain highly personal information which should not
be disclosed except by explicit owner request.
9. Author's Address
Randall Gellens +1 619 651 5115
QUALCOMM, Incorporated +1 619 651 5334 (fax)
6455 Lusk Blvd. Randy@Qualcomm.Com
San Diego, CA 92121-2779
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