Internet DRAFT - draft-gong-lsr-lldp-interface-id


Network Working Group                                           L. Gong
Internet Draft                                             China Mobile
Intended status: Standards Track                                 C. Lin
Expires: August 24, 2024                                        M. Chen
                                                   New H3C Technologies
                                                      February 26, 2024

      IGP Logical Link Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Interface Identifier


   This document describes how OSPF and IS-IS would use LLDP to
   discover the identifier of remote interface. The typical
   applications are the topology discovery of Layer 2 bundle members
   and unnumbered interfaces.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on August 24, 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................2
      1.1. Requirements Language.....................................2
   2. Use Cases......................................................3
      2.1. Topology Discovery of Layer 2 Bundle Members..............3
         2.1.1. Existing Solution....................................3
         2.1.2. Proposed Solution....................................4
      2.2. Topology Discovery of Unnumbered Interfaces...............5
   3. LLDP Extension.................................................5
   4. BGP-LS Extension...............................................6
   5. Security Considerations........................................6
   6. IANA Considerations............................................6
   7. References.....................................................6
      7.1. Normative References......................................6
      7.2. Informational References..................................7
   Authors' Addresses................................................7

1. Introduction

   The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) [802.1AB] is a standard
   link layer protocol that allows network devices to discover
   neighbors and exchange information.

   Using the LLDP, a device can get its neighbor's MAC address or
   interface name through the Port ID TLV. However, in some scenarios,
   there are requirements to get the interface identifier of the
   neighbor. The typical applications are the topology discovery of
   Layer 2 bundle members and unnumbered interfaces.

   This document specifies the LLDP IETF Organizationally Specific TLV
   that carries the interface identifier for OSPF and IS-IS protocols.

1.1. Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",

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   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2. Use Cases

2.1. Topology Discovery of Layer 2 Bundle Members

   BGP-LS [RFC7752] is widely used for collection of topology
   information from IGP. In networks where L2 bundle is deployed, the
   connectivity relationships between bundle members are required to be
   collected by the controller, for traffic engineering purposes.

   When advertising the L2 bundles in OSPF [RFC9356] and IS-IS
   [RFC8668], each L2 bundle member can carry an OSPF Local/Remote
   Interface ID TLV or an IS-IS Link Local/Remote Identifiers TLV,
   which contains both the IDs of local interface and remote interface.
   However, IGP has no means of automatically obtaining the remote
   interface ID.

   An existing solution is described in Section 2.1.1. The LLDP is used
   to exchange interface names between L2 bundle members. In addition
   to BGP-LS, the controller collects interface and LLDP information
   through NETCONF.

   Section 2.1.2 proposes a new solution. The LLDP is extended to
   exchange interface IDs between L2 bundle members and advertises the
   <Local Interface ID, Remote Interface ID> pairs into IGP and BGP-LS.

2.1.1. Existing Solution

   The local interface IDs of L2 bundle members are advertised in IGP,
   and collected by the controller using BGP-LS.

   The L2 bundle members run LLDP to exchange the interface name with
   neighbors. The controller uses NETCONF to collect the pairing
   relationships between the interface names of member links, along
   with the correspondence between interface names and interface IDs,
   from both ends of the L2 bundle.

   Combining the information collected from BGP-LS and NETCONF, the
   controller can figure out the topology of L2 bundle members.

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                +----------+      BGP-LS
                +----------+               +
                    ^  ^                   |
            NETCONF |  | NETCONF           |
         +----------+  +----------+        |
         |                        |        |
         |                        |        |
       +----+    L2-Bundle     +----+   +----+
       |    | /---member 1---\ |    |   |    |
       | R1 +-----member 2-----+ R2 +---+ R3 +
       |    | \---member 3---/ |    |   |    |
       +----+                  +----+   +----+
          ^                      ^
          |                      |
          +-------- LLDP --------+
       interface name of member links

                  Figure 1

   Information collected through BGP-LS:

   o R3: Local Interface ID of L2-bundle Members (originally
      advertised by R1 and R2)

   Information collected through NETCONF:

   o R1: Local Interface ID & Name of L2-bundle Members

   o R2: Local Interface ID & Name of L2-bundle Members

   o LLDP (from R1/R2): <Local Interface Name, Remote Interface Name>

2.1.2. Proposed Solution

   The L2 bundle members run LLDP to exchange the interface ID with
   neighbors using the new-defined TLV in Section 3.

   The pairing relationships between the interface IDs of member links
   are advertised in IGP. In OSPF, each L2 bundle member carries an
   OSPF Local/Remote Interface ID TLV. In IS-IS, each L2 bundle member
   carries an IS-IS Link Local/Remote Identifiers TLV.

   The controller only needs to collect the topology information using
   BGP-LS from one node in the IGP area.

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                +----------+      BGP-LS
                +----------+               +
       +----+    L2-Bundle     +----+   +----+
       |    | /---member 1---\ |    |   |    |
       | R1 +-----member 2-----+ R2 +---+ R3 +
       |    | \---member 3---/ |    |   |    |
       +----+                  +----+   +----+
          ^                      ^
          |                      |
          +-------- LLDP --------+
        interface ID of member links

                  Figure 1

   Information collected through BGP-LS:

   o R3: <Local Interface ID, Remote Interface ID> Pairs of L2-bundle
      Members (originally advertised by R1 and R2)

2.2. Topology Discovery of Unnumbered Interfaces

   An unnumbered interface borrows the IP address from other
   interfaces. When unnumbered interfaces are deployed, multiple
   interfaces of a router can share the same IP addresses. Based on the
   information collected by BGP-LS, the controller cannot figure out
   the connectivity relationships between unnumbered interfaces only
   according to the IP addresses.

   Similar with the solution in Section 2.1.2, unnumbered interfaces
   can run LLDP to exchange the interface ID and then advertise the
   <Local Interface ID, Remote Interface ID> pairs in IGP.

3. LLDP Extension

   LLDP TLVs that belong to an organization are identified by the
   inclusion of the organization's OUI (Organizationally Unique
   Identifier) and an organizationally defined subtype in the initial
   octets of the information field.

   This document defines a new IETF specific subtype, interface ID,
   under the IANA OUI. The LLDP IETF Organizationally Specific TLV of

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   the new-defined subtype carries the local identifier of interface,
   which has the following format:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |   Type (127)  |  Length (8)   |    OUI (3 Octets) 00-00-5E    |
   | OUI Continued | Subtype (TBD) |    Interface ID (4 Octets)    |
   |    Interface ID Continued     |

   o Type: IETF Organizationally Specific TLV type value, 127.

   o Length: Length of the remainder of the TLV, 8.

   o OUI: Organizationally Unique Identifier. For IETF use, this field
      is the IANA OUI (00-00-5E) as specified in RFC 7042.

   o Subtype: Subtype for interface ID, TBD.

   o Interface ID: Local identifier of interface, 4 octets.

4. BGP-LS Extension

   This document extends BGP-LS to allow L2 Bundle Member Attributes
   TLV [RFC9085] to carry Link Local/Remote Identifiers TLV [RFC9552]
   as its sub-TLV.

5. Security Considerations


6. IANA Considerations


7. References

7.1. Normative References

   [802.1AB] "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks-
             Station and Media Access Control Connectivity Discovery",
             IEEE Std 802.1AB-2016, 29 January 2016.

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

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   [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
             2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, May 2017

   [RFC9085] Previdi, S., Talaulikar, K., Ed., Filsfils, C., Gredler,
             H., and M. Chen, "Border Gateway Protocol - Link State
             (BGP-LS) Extensions for Segment Routing", RFC 9085, DOI
             10.17487/RFC9085, August 2021, <https://www.rfc-

   [RFC9552] Talaulikar, K., Ed., "Distribution of Link-State and
             Traffic Engineering Information Using BGP", RFC 9552, DOI
             10.17487/RFC9552, December 2023, <https://www.rfc-

7.2. Informational References

   [RFC7752] Gredler, H., Ed., Medved, J., Previdi, S., Farrel, A., and
             S. Ray, "North-Bound Distribution of Link-State and
             Traffic Engineering (TE) Information Using BGP", RFC 7752,
             DOI 10.17487/RFC7752, March 2016, <https://www.rfc-

   [RFC8668] Ginsberg, L., Ed., Bashandy, A., Filsfils, C., Nanduri,
             M., and E. Aries, "Advertising Layer 2 Bundle Member Link
             Attributes in IS-IS", RFC 8668, DOI 10.17487/RFC8668,
             December 2019, <>.

   [RFC9356] Talaulikar, K. and P. Psenak, "Advertising L2 Bundle
             Member Link Attributes in OSPF", RFC 9356, January 2023,

Authors' Addresses

   Liyan Gong
   China Mobile

   Changwang Lin
   New H3C Technologies

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   Mengxiao Chen
   New H3C Technologies

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