Internet DRAFT - draft-gstk-ccamp-actn-optical-transport-mgmt


CCAMP Working Group                                            A. Farrel
Internet-Draft                                                   D. King
Intended status: Standards Track                      Old Dog Consulting
Expires: 24 April 2024                                           X. Zhao
                                                         22 October 2023

 Integrating YANG Configuration and Management into an Abstraction and
       Control of TE Networks (ACTN) System for Optical Networks


   Many network technologies are operated as Traffic Engineered (TE)
   networks.  Optical networks are a particular, with many technology-
   specific details.

   Abstraction and Control of TE Networks (ACTN) is a management
   architecture that abstracts TE network resources to provide a limited
   network view for customers to request and self-manage connectivity
   services.  It also provides functional components to orchestrate and
   operate the network.

   Management of legacy optical networks is often provided via Fault,
   Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security (known as FCAPS)
   using mechanisms such as the Multi-Technology Operations System
   Interface (MTOSI) and the Common Object Request Broker Architecture
   (CORBA).  FCAPS can form a critical part of configuration management
   and service assurance for network operations.  However, ACTN does not
   include consideration of FCAPS.

   This document enhances the ACTN architecture as applied to optical
   networks by introducing support for FCAPS.  It considers which
   elements of existing IETF YANG work can be used to solve existing
   scenarios and emerging technologies, and what new work may be needed.
   This enhanced architecture may then be used to evolve networks from
   CORBA and MTOSI FCAPS interfaces to IETF-based YANG and RESTful API

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 April 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  FCAPS Transport Network Management Approaches . . . . . .   4
     1.2.  Configuration Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.3.  Service Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     1.4.  Motivation and Scope  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   2.  Extending the ACTN Architecture to Include FCAPS  . . . . . .   6
   3.  Functionality at the MPI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.1.  Data Models at the MPI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.2.  Abstraction and Control at the MPI  . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   4.  Introduction to FCAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.1.  Functionalities Covered by FCAPS  . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   5.  Abstract Control and Fine-Grain Network Management for
           ACTN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.1.  Abstract Control and Fine-Grain Network Management
           Functions for the MPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.2.  Fine-Grain Network Management Interfaces  . . . . . . . .  12
     5.3.  Fine-Grain Network Management Data Models . . . . . . . .  12
     5.4.  Fine-Grain Network Management Example . . . . . . . . . .  14
   6.  Manageability Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

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   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   9.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   10. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

1.  Introduction

   Abstraction and Control of Traffic Engineering Networks (ACTN)
   [RFC8453] is an architecture that simplifies and optimises the
   management and control of network resources to deliver connectivity
   services in Traffic Engineering (TE) networks.  ACTN abstracts and
   controls TE resources to enable end-to-end service provisioning and
   management across multiple network domains.  It provides a way to
   orchestrate and automate the management of network resources,
   including connectivity and bandwidth, to meet the requirements of
   specific services or applications.

   ACTN in an optical network leverages SDN concepts to achieve its
   objectives.  By applying SDN principles, such as centralised control
   and programmability, to the transport layer, ACTN enables efficient
   orchestration and service provisioning in a multi-domain environment.
   ACTN adds a higher-level framework and management capabilities
   specifically tailored for TE transport networks, including the
   abstraction of network resources, service provisioning, and resource

   The term FCAPS [M-3060] is used in network management and stands for
   Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security.  It is a
   widely accepted framework that documenting different aspects of
   network management.  FCAPS is a framework that categorises different
   aspects of network management and provides a structured approach to
   managing and maintaining networks, addressing various operational and
   maintenance areas.

   While ACTN primarily deals with the abstraction and control of TE
   networks for service provisioning, FCAPS covers broader aspects of
   network management.  In practice, while ACTN provides a suitable
   architecture for requesting and monitoring connectivity services,
   operators would also like to leverage the FCAPS framework for
   specific operational tasks and management activities.

   ACTN and FCAPS are not mutually exclusive, and this document explains
   how FCAPS can be integrated into the ACTN architecture as applied to
   optical networks.  It considers which elements of IETF work can be
   used, and what new work is needed.

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   This enhanced ACTN architecture is known as ACTN Fine-Grain Network
   Management (ACTN FGNM).  It provides an evolution path for FCAPS OSS
   functions from Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
   [CORBA] interfaces and the MTOSI architecture, to IETF YANG-based
   models and RESTful APIs.

1.1.  FCAPS Transport Network Management Approaches

   ITU-T G.805 [G-805] specifies the architecture and framework for the
   management of transport (i.e., sub-IP) networks.  G.805 provides
   guidelines and principles for managing network resources and services
   in a coordinated and efficient manner.

   The TM Forum (TMF) has developed its own set of standards and
   frameworks for managing telecommunications networks and services.
   Specifically, the TMF developed the Telecommunications Management
   Network (TMN) model and informed the ITU-T M.3060 [M-3060] to align
   with G.805.  TMN is a framework that defines a comprehensive set of
   management functions and interfaces for network operations and
   service management, that is, FCAPS.

   More recently, ITU-T M.3041 [M-3041] introduced a framework for smart
   operation, management, and maintenance (SOMM).  In M.3041 provides
   the characteristics, scenarios, and the functional architecture of
   SOMM to support service operation, network management, and
   infrastructure maintenance for both traditional physical networks and
   for software-defined networking, and network function virtualisation
   (non-SDN/VFN), and SDN/NFV aware networks.

   This document shows how the ACTN architecture can accommodate the
   principles of G.805 and M.3041 to include FCAPS capabilities.  It
   outlines existing IETF mechanisms, protocols and data models, and
   indicates requirements where gaps exist.

1.2.  Configuration Management

   MTOSI [MTOSI] is a standard in the telecommunications industry that
   provides a common framework for operations support systems (OSS) to
   interact with various network elements and technologies.  It defines
   a set of standardized interfaces and protocols to enable the
   integration of different OSS components.

   It contains several capabilities and key features:

   *  Service Management: It focuses on service management, allowing
      operators to efficiently provision, activate, and manage services
      on the network;

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   *  Interoperability: MTOSI promotes interoperability between
      different vendors' OSS components, reducing the complexity of
      integrating heterogeneous network elements;

   *  Common Data Model: It defines a common data model for information
      exchanged between OSS components, ensuring consistency and
      accuracy in operations.

   These features must be introduced into ACTN as ACTN FGNM, to enable
   automation of operations, which is crucial for managing large, multi-
   technology, complex, telecommunications networks.

   Increasingly, network OSSes will require atomic-level views of
   network devices and interfaces, instead of only abstracted views and
   interactions.  This will allow ACTN-based systems to leverage
   inventory management, device-level and interface-level views, and
   network configuration operations, via RESTful APIs instead of legacy
   CORBA-based APIs.

1.3.  Service Assurance

   Service Assurance refers to the activities and processes that ensure
   the quality, availability, and performance of services delivered by a
   network.  It monitors and manages the end-to-end service experience,
   and meets Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and customer expectations.

   By applying RESTful FCAPS functions to the ACTN framework, network
   operators and service providers can address different aspects of
   network management to support Service Assurance.  This helps them
   detect and resolve faults, manage configurations, track resource
   usage, optimise performance, and enhance security, all of which
   contributes to delivering reliable and high-quality services to

   Not all Service Assurance requirements can be provided via existing
   ACTN YANG models.  Fine-grain detail may also be required,
   supplementing abstract resource models with inventory-based models
   [I-D.ietf-ccamp-network-inventory-yang].  This would provide an
   atomic-level view of network devices and components, instead of only
   abstracted views.  Note that not all FCAPS functions require fine
   grain views and control, a mix of abstracted and detailed views will
   sometimes be needed.

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1.4.  Motivation and Scope

   Operators who manage optical transport networks can leverage ACTN for
   resource abstraction and service provisioning.  At the same time,
   they can utilise the G.805 architecture and the TMN model to
   establish effective network management practices, which will
   facilitate service assurance.  Combining the two management
   approaches aligns with best-practice industry standards and allows
   adopting emerging ACTN-based abstraction and control techniques.

   This document studies the FCAPS requirements in the context of ACTN
   functional components.  It analyses the ACTN interfaces from a
   management operations perspective.  It identifies suitable IETF data
   models that meet FCAPS requirements that can be utilised in the ACTN
   architecture to support optical transport networks.  Gaps and
   requirements are identified where necessary so additional models may
   be developed.

2.  Extending the ACTN Architecture to Include FCAPS

   Figure 1 shows the ACTN architecture from [RFC8453] enhanced to
   provide FCAPS support.  The Customer Network Controller (CNC), Multi-
   domain Service Coordinator (MDSC), and Provisioning Network
   Controller (PNC) are functional components of ACTN, as described in
   RFC 8453.  There are two ACTN interfaces between the components: the
   CNC-MDSC Interface (CMI) and the MDSC-PNC Interface (MPI).  In ACTN,
   the CMI and MPI are realised using a combination of IETF data models.

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                                      |   CNC   |
      Boundary                             |
      between   ===========================|==========
      Customer &                           | CMI
      Network Operator                     |
                           Policy  +---------------+
                        -----------|     MDSC      |
                       /           +---------------+
             +-------------+                 |
             |     OSS     |                 | MPI+ FCAPS Extensions
             +-------------+                 |
                      \       +---------------------+
                       -------|  Domain             |
                        FCAPS |  Controller         |
                              |                     |
                              | +-----------+       |
                              | | NMS/EMS   |       |
                              | |        .......... |
                              | |        :  |     : |
                              | |        :  | PNC : |
                              | |        :..|.....: |
                              | |           |       |
                              | +-----------+       |
                              |                     |
                                     /       |
                                    /        |
                                 -----       |
                                (     )      |
                               ( Phys. )     |
                                ( Net )    -----
                                 -----    (     )
                                         ( Phys. )
                                          ( Net )

             Figure 1: The ACTN Architecture Enhanced for FCAPS

   Figure 1 shows the ACTN functional components as described in
   [RFC8453], but also introduces some common management system
   components.  The Operational Support System (OSS) is the overarching
   management component that the operator uses to coordinate customers,
   services, and the network, and to apply policies across the network.
   The Network Management System (NMS) allows an operator to manage a

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   network or set of network elements as a single unit.  At the same
   time, the Element Management System (EMS) applies configuration and
   management to individual network elements.

   As described in [RFC8453], the function of the PNC may be provided by
   an NMS or an EMS.  Thus, Figure 1 shows the PNC overlapping with the
   NMS/EMS.  To avoid confusion between the three possible components
   (NMS, EMS, PNC) that might all be used to operate the devices in the
   network, this document groups all of their function together and uses
   the term Domain Controller.

   In a conventional management system, the OSS uses an interface with
   the Domain Controller to exchange FCAPS information.  This interface
   has previously been based on CORBA/XML.

   Furthermore, in an ACTN system, the OSS is likely the point of origin
   for policy instructions that guide the MDSC in how it orchestrates
   customer service requests and configures the network.

   In [RFC8453] the MPI is used by the MDSC to instruct the PNCs about
   how the network must be configured to deliver the customers'
   services.  The MPI also reports to the MDSC on the status of
   provisioning commands and the availability of network resources.
   However, up to now, the MDSC has had no visibility into the majority
   of the FCAPS functions and has, therefore, had limited reactive and
   proactive abilities.

   Instead of only using abstracted Tunnel and Topology YANG models, the
   capability to support network inventory and device models is
   required.  Facilitating much more detailed modeling, and
   configuration management of network resource information.

   This document examines how the MPI may be enhanced with extensions
   that utilise current YANG models, such as inventory, and future YANG-
   based data models to deliver extensions that provide RESTful FCAPS

3.  Functionality at the MPI

   This section describes the MPI as specified before the addition of
   FCAPS capabilities.

3.1.  Data Models at the MPI

   Figure 2 lists the data models that can be used at the MDI for
   abstraction and control of underlying optical networks.

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  Category | Data Model                | Document
  Topology | ietf-network              | RFC 8345
           | ietf-network-topology     | RFC 8345
           | ietf-te-topology          | RFC 8795
           | ietf-wson-topology        | RFC9094
           | ietf-otn-topology         | draft-ietf-ccamp-otn-topo-yang
           | ietf-flex-grid-topology   | draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-yang
           | ietf-optical-impairement- | draft-ietf-ccamp-optical-
           |                  topology |        impairment-topology-yang
  Tunnel   | ietf-te                   | draft-ietf-teas-yang-te
           | ietf-wson-tunnel          | draft-ietf-ccamp-wson-tunnel-
           |                           |                           model
           | ietf-otn-tunnel           | draft-ietf-ccamp-otn-tunnel-
           |                           |                           model
           | ietf-flexi-grid-media-    | draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-
           |                   channel |              media-channel-yang
  Inventory| TBA                       | TBA
           |                           |

                      Figure 2: ACTN MPI YANG Models

3.2.  Abstraction and Control at the MPI

   The abstraction of TE modeling is described in Section 3 of
   [RFC8795].  The major objects that are modeled include TE topology,
   TE node, TE link, TE Link Termination Point (LTP), TE Tunnel
   Termination Point (TTP).  Also included in the modeling are
   transitional TE link, TE node connectivity matrix, and TTP Local Link
   Connectivity List to describe the multiplexing relationship of links.
   These TE concepts are generic, but they are also applicable within an
   optical network.  The MPI deals in abstracted TE network concepts and
   so can be realised using the YANG models listed in Section 3.1 to
   expose the TE modeled objects that can be enhanced using YANG model
   augmentations to make them specific to optical technologies.

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4.  Introduction to FCAPS

4.1.  Functionalities Covered by FCAPS

   Although the building blocks of FCAPS are Fault, Configuration,
   Accounting, Performance, and Security, important functions for
   integration with an ACTN system are Configuration and Performance,
   which are underpinned by Inventory Management.

   Inventory Management describes all objects involved in the network,
   including hardware resources (such as network elements, chassis,
   slots, boards, ports, optical modules, and cables, etc.) and logical
   resource objects used for service provisioning.

   The basic Configuration requirement in ACTN is to configure end-to-
   end paths across the transport network based on the requirements of

   Alarm Management.  When a network is running, the Domain Manager
   collects alarm information from devices or processes connection-
   related alarms and reports the alarms to the OSS of operator.  So
   that Operations and Management engineers can detect and rectify
   network faults in time.  The main functionalities include alarm
   retrieval, alarm handling, and alarm control.

   Performance Monitoring.  Based on some Operations and Management
   requirement scenarios, engineers need to collect and monitor
   performance data from certain physical devices or logical objects to
   identify the status of the network.  The interfaces of Performance
   Management include performance monitoring control, performance
   information retrieval, and threshold crossing alert control.

5.  Abstract Control and Fine-Grain Network Management for ACTN

   Abstract Control represents the high-level strategic view and
   objectives, while Fine-Grain Network Management represents the
   detailed operational tasks and activities that support the strategic
   objectives.  Both levels are important for effective management and
   control within the operator network.

   Abstract Control is often mapped to G.805 [G-805] objects.  An
   Abstract Control object can also be mapped to several Fine-Grain
   Network Management objects.  Therefore, we should not see these
   concepts as mutually exclusive, but instead as necessary approaches
   to be combined for holistic control and operational management of
   ACTN- based network infrastructures.

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   In the context of ACTN, MPI is a concept and a set of mechanisms
   within ACTN that enables the interconnection of services across
   multiple domains or administrative boundaries.  The MPI addresses the
   challenge of interconnecting services across multiple administrative
   domains.  It provides a mechanism to coordinate and manage the
   service delivery between domains while ensuring end-to-end service
   continuity and quality.

   As highlighted earlier in this document FCAPS capabilities are also
   vital for smooth operation and troubleshooting of ACTN-based
   services.  It is expected that FCAPS capabilities will require Fine-
   Grained Network Management Functions.

5.1.  Abstract Control and Fine-Grain Network Management Functions for
      the MPI

   The Fine-Grain Network Management Functions can be categorised as
   follows.  Several aspects of there functions already exist in the
   MDSC in the ACTN architecture, and are accessed via the MPI.  Others
   may be added to the MPI in the future.

   Service Provisioning: This involves the detailed provisioning and
   activation of services.  This includes path computation, configuring
   service parameters, policy management, allocating resources, and
   ensuring proper service activation and deactivation.

   Network Performance Monitoring: This encompasses monitoring and
   analysing network performance.  It involves collecting and analysing
   performance metrics such as latency, jitter, packet loss, and
   throughput to identify and resolve performance issues promptly.

   Fault Detection and Alarm Management: This includes advanced fault
   detection mechanisms to identify and troubleshoot network issues
   quickly.  It involves monitoring network elements, analysing alarms
   and events, and performing fault localisation and isolation to
   expedite problem resolution.

   Security Management: This covers the management of security measures
   within the telecommunications network.  It involves activities such
   as access control, authentication, encryption, intrusion detection,
   and vulnerability management to ensure network security and protect
   against threats.

   Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management: This involves tracking
   service performance against SLA targets, generating SLA reports, and
   taking corrective actions to meet or exceed customer expectations.

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   Capacity Planning: This encompasses detailed capacity planning
   activities to ensure optimal resource utilisation and meet future
   demands.  It involves analysing traffic patterns, forecasting
   capacity requirements, and implementing capacity expansion

5.2.  Fine-Grain Network Management Interfaces

   Several legacy Fine-Grain Network Management interfaces, such as
   CORBA, exist to facilitate the precise control and management of
   network elements and services.  These interfaces enable communication
   and interaction between different systems, devices, and management

   *  Command Line Interface (CLI)

   *  Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)


   New interfaces and data models have been developed that support Fine-
   Grain Network Management functions.  These models are written in
   YANG, and the interfaces use NETCONF and RESTCONF, the latter also
   providing RESTful API functions.

5.3.  Fine-Grain Network Management Data Models

   As noted in Section 5.1, new or enhanced data models may be required
   for Fine-Grain Network Management in ACTN-based optical networks.
   Figure 3 shows a functional architecture for YANG control in an ACTN
   system enhanced with FGNM.  The existing ACTN YANG models provide
   access to network devices through topology models that map to
   inventory and thus to configuration of network devices.  The old
   MTOSI approach provides access to inventory and device configuration.

   The FGNM additions to ACTN retrieve information from the inventory
   including performance information viewed through the lens of
   topology.  It also allows direct manipulation of devices through
   configuration of inventory items in a mirror of the MTOSI function.
   Lastly, fault and alarm information that is generated in respect of
   the inventory may be delivered direct to the FGNM system or may be
   correlated before being reported as incidents.

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                             ------   ----------------------
                            | ACTN | |          FGNM        |
                             ------   ----------------------
                                 :    ^   :       ^     ^
                                 :    :   :       :     :
                                 :    :   :       :  ----------
                       ----------:----:-  :       : | Incident |
                      |          :    : | :       :  ----------
              MTOSI   | Topology :    : | :       :     ^
                  \   |          :    : | :       :     :
                   \   ----------:----:-  :       :  Fault Correlation
                    \            :    :   :       :     ^
                     \           v    :   v       :     :
     -------------    \---------------------     -------------
    |             |   |                     |   |             |
    | Performance |---|      Inventory      |---| Fault/Alarm |
    |             |   |                     |   |             |
     -------------     ---------------------\    -------------
                                |            \
                                |             \----------
                        ---------------       |          |
                       | Configuration |      | Security |
                        ---------------       |          |
                                |              ----------

                Figure 3: Functional Model of ACTN with FGNM

   Work in the IETF exists to provide optical interface configuration,
   resource monitoring, telemetry data, alarm and incident monitoring,
   inventory, life cycle management, service assurance, and asset
   management.  This existing IETF work includes:

   *  Incident Management for Network Services

   *  A YANG Data Model for Network Hardware Inventory

   *  Service Assurance for Intent-based Networking Architecture

   *  YANG Modules for Service Assurance [RFC9418]

   *  A Data Manifest for Contextualized Telemetry Data

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   *  Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations Problem Statement

   *  A YANG Data Model for Optical Resource Performance Monitoring

   *  A YANG model to manage the optical interface parameters for an
      external transponder in a WDM network

   *  A YANG Data Model for Client Signal Performance Monitoring

   This section will expand the list of the available IETF YANG data
   models that could provide Fine-Grain Network Management
   functionality, in the context of ACTN, specifically the MDI.

5.4.  Fine-Grain Network Management Example

   Editors note: An example of Fine-Grain Network Management of an
   optical network using the ACTN architecture will be provided in
   future versions of this document.

6.  Manageability Considerations


7.  Security Considerations

   Security requirements will require that measures and protocol
   security are applied to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and
   availability of information and resources within the context of an
   ACTN FGNM-based OSS.

   Key aspects of ACTN FGNM security, will require:

   *  Authentication: The process of verifying the identity of an ACTN
      user, system, or device.  Security includes mechanisms to
      authenticate users and systems before allowing them to access
      sensitive resources or perform certain operations;

   *  Authorization: Once a user or system is authenticated,
      authorization determines what actions or resources they are
      allowed to access.  MTOSI security mechanisms define roles,
      permissions, and access controls to ensure that only authorized
      entities can perform specific tasks;

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   *  Data Encryption: Security may employ encryption techniques to
      protect sensitive data as it is transmitted over the ACTN-based
      OSS network.  This prevents unauthorized access or interception of

   *  Secure Communication Protocols: The use of secure communication
      protocols, such as HTTPS (HTTP over SSL/TLS) or other
      cryptographic protocols, ensures that data exchanged between ACTN
      components remains confidential and secure;

   *  Secure Data Storage: Security measures are put in place to protect
      data stored within the ACTN environment.  This includes encryption
      of stored inventory, device and service data, access controls, and
      regular security audits;

   *  Auditing and Logging: This includes the capability to record and
      monitor ACTN-based activities within the OSS.  Audit logs provide
      a record of who accessed what resources and when, which is crucial
      for investigating security incidents or compliance with

   *  Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Systems may have mechanisms in
      place to detect and respond to unauthorized access attempts or
      suspicious activities.  Intrusion detection systems (IDS) and
      intrusion prevention systems (IPS) can play a role in ACTN-based

   *  Vulnerability Management: Regular security assessments and
      vulnerability scans help identify and address potential weaknesses
      in the ACTN environment;

   *  Security Policies and Procedures: Clear security policies and
      procedures should be established and communicated to all
      stakeholders.  This ensures that everyone understands their
      responsibilities in maintaining the security of the ACTN system;

   *  Incident Response: Security should include plans and procedures
      for responding to security incidents, including steps for
      containment, investigation, mitigation, and recovery

   Overall, security is crucial for maintaining the integrity and
   reliability of ACTN FGNM operations and support systems, especially
   in an environment where sensitive customer data and critical network
   resources are involved.

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8.  IANA Considerations

   This document makes no requests for IANA action.

9.  Acknowledgements

   Thanks to Chaode Yu for discussions that enhanced the material in
   this document.

10.  Informative References

   [CORBA]    Object Management Group, "Common Object Request Broker
              Architecture (CORBA) Component Model.", Standard OMG,
              March 2006, <>.

   [G-805]    International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication
              Standardization Sector, "ITU-T G.805, Generic functional
              architecture of transport networks.", Recommendation ITU-T
              Recommendation G.805, 10 March 2001,

              Feng, C., Hu, T., Contreras, L. M., Graf, T., Wu, Q., Yu,
              C., and N. Davis, "Incident Management for Network
              Services", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-feng-
              opsawg-incident-management-02, 21 October 2023,

              Galimberti, G., Kunze, R., Hiremagalur, D., and G.
              Grammel, "A YANG model to manage the optical interface
              parameters for an external transponder in a WDM network",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-ccamp-dwdm-
              if-param-yang-09, 13 March 2023,

              Yu, C., Belotti, S., Bouquier, J., Peruzzini, F., and P.
              Bedard, "A YANG Data Model for Network Hardware
              Inventory", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              ccamp-network-inventory-yang-02, 9 July 2023,

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              Claise, B., Quilbeuf, J., Lopez, D., Martinez-Casanueva,
              I. D., and T. Graf, "A Data Manifest for Contextualized
              Telemetry Data", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-opsawg-collected-data-manifest-01, 10 July 2023,

              Palmero, M., Brockners, F., Kumar, S., Cardona, C., and D.
              Lopez, "Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations, Problem
              Statement", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              palmero-opsawg-ps-almo-00, 29 June 2023,

              Yu, C., Peruzzini, F., Yanlei, Z., Busi, I., Guo, A., and
              V. Lopez, "A YANG Data Model for Optical Resource
              Performance Monitoring", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-yu-ccamp-optical-resource-pm-yang-01, 10 July 2023,

              Zheng, H., Busi, I., Yanlei, Z., Lopez, V., and O. G. de
              Dios, "A YANG Data Model for Client Signal Performance
              Monitoring", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              zheng-ccamp-client-pm-yang-08, 9 July 2023,

   [M-3041]   International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication
              Standardization Sector, "ITU-T M.3041, Framework of smart
              operation, management and maintenance.",
              Recommendation ITU-T Recommendation M.3041, 13 February
              2020, <>.

   [M-3060]   International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication
              Standardization Sector, "ITU-T M.3060, Principles for the
              Management of Next Generation Networks.",
              Recommendation ITU-T Recommendation M.3060/Y.2401, 22
              March 2006,

   [MTOSI]    TeleManagment Forum (TM Forum), "The Multi-Technology
              Operations System Interface.", Web page TM Forum,

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   [RFC8453]  Ceccarelli, D., Ed. and Y. Lee, Ed., "Framework for
              Abstraction and Control of TE Networks (ACTN)", RFC 8453,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8453, August 2018,

   [RFC8795]  Liu, X., Bryskin, I., Beeram, V., Saad, T., Shah, H., and
              O. Gonzalez de Dios, "YANG Data Model for Traffic
              Engineering (TE) Topologies", RFC 8795,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8795, August 2020,

   [RFC9417]  Claise, B., Quilbeuf, J., Lopez, D., Voyer, D., and T.
              Arumugam, "Service Assurance for Intent-Based Networking
              Architecture", RFC 9417, DOI 10.17487/RFC9417, July 2023,

   [RFC9418]  Claise, B., Quilbeuf, J., Lucente, P., Fasano, P., and T.
              Arumugam, "A YANG Data Model for Service Assurance",
              RFC 9418, DOI 10.17487/RFC9418, July 2023,

Authors' Addresses

   Adrian Farrel
   Old Dog Consulting

   Daniel King
   Old Dog Consulting

   Xing Zhao

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