Internet DRAFT - draft-guo-detnet-jitter-reduction-mechanism


DetNet                                                         D. Guo
Internet Draft                                                  S. Xu
Intended status: Informational            New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd
Expires: April 23, 2024                                 October 23, 2023

                   Jitter Reduction Mechanism for DetNet


   In large-scale deterministic networks (LDN), App-flows need to span
   multiple deterministic network domains, and the latency in multiple
   domains is added together. The jitter will be increased. In order to
   realize the protection service function, App-flows should be
   transmitted on multiple paths. The delay difference in data
   transmission on different paths is no different from jitter in end-
   to-end services. Jitter generated by various factors needs to be
   controlled to meet business requirements.

   This document describes the end-to-end jitter reduction mechanism in
   an LDN. This mechanism can effectively control the end-to-end jitter
   to meet specific business needs and make the planning of multiple
   paths for service protection more flexible.

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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Internet-Draft  Jitter Reduction Mechanism for DetNet      October 2023
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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................3
   2. Terminology....................................................4
   3. Architecture...................................................6
   4. Proposal Description...........................................7
      4.1. Data-Plane Overview......................................10
         4.1.1. Residency delay processing method 1.................11
         4.1.2. Residency delay processing method 2.................13
         4.1.3. residence time adjustment...........................13
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      4.2. Control-Plane Overview...................................13
   5. Robustness considerations.....................................14
   6. Security Considerations.......................................14
   7. IANA Considerations...........................................15
   8. References....................................................15
      8.1. Normative References.....................................15
   9. Acknowledgments...............................................16
   10. Authors' Addresses...........................................17

1. Introduction

                                /        \
                               |  DetNet3 |
                               \          /
                              / \--------/ \
                    /-------\/              \/-------\
                    /        \              /         \
                   |  DetNet2|             |  DetNet4 |
                   \         /              \         /
                     \-----/                  \-----/
                        |                        |
                     ---|---                   --|---
                    /        \               /        \
                   |  DetNet1 |             |  DetNet5 |
                   \         /              \         /
                     \--|--/                  \--|--/
                        |                        |
                       Talker                  Listener

                         Figure 1 Multiple domains

   In deterministic networks, as stated in [I-D.ietf-detnet-scaling-
   requirements], end-to-end service may across multiple network
   domains and adopt a variety of different queuing mechanisms within
   each domain. For end-to-end services spanning multiple domains,
   jitter exists in various factors:

   o Scheduling and traffic admission control at domain boundaries may
      cause jitter;

   o The jitter generated by queuing and forwarding mechanisms in the
      DetNet domain, such as the [IEEE 802.1 QCR] asynchronous shaping
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   o Flow aggregation generates jitter. In [RFC 8938], the DetNet data
      plane also allows for the aggregation of DetNet flows, which can
      improve scalability by reducing the per-hop state. When the
      aggregated flows are scheduled, the jitter of the flows cannot be
      precisely controlled.

   At the same time, according to [I-D.ietf-detnet-scaling-
   requirements], large-scale deterministic networks should support
   cross-domain asynchronous clocks; in addition, multiple domains may
   be heterogeneous networks (such as TSN, DetNet IP and 5GS). The
   factors all determine that it is difficult to reduce jitter between
   domains through a mechanism similar to CSQF[I-D.chen-detnet-sr-
   based-bounded-latency] or TCQF[I-D.draft-eckert-detnet-tcqf]. While
   the jitter generated by various factors in the end-to-end
   transmission path is accumulated, it may not meet the applications'
   requirements on jitter.

   This document describes a mechanism to reduce the jitter introduced
   by a variety of factors in scaling DetNet.

2. Terminology

   The following terminology is introduced in this document:

   Actual Delay (ActD): The actual transmission delay of a
   deterministic data packet passing through a specified network domain
   is called the Actual Time.

   Reference Delay (RefD): The maximum delay for packets of DetNet
   flows to pass through the DetNet domain.

   Fixed delay (FixD): The approximately constant part of the end-to-
   end transmission delay of the data packets of the App-flows through
   the DetNet.

   Path Reference Delay (PthRefD): The maximum end-to-end transmission
   delay of data packets of App-flows through the DetNet.

   Path Actual Delay (PthActD): The end-to-end actual transmission
   delay of a certain packet of App-flows through the DetNet.

   Compensation Delay (CompD): The delay required to compensate the
   actual delay according to the reference delay.

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   Clock Source: Used as a clock source for subnet time

   I-Gw: The ingress gateway of the deterministic subnet.

   E-Gw: The egress gateway of the deterministic subnet.

   HEAD NODE: The I-Gw of the first DetNet domain accessed by the App-
   flows in the DetNet forwarding path is HEAD NODE.

   COMPENSATION NODE: This node performs calculation and compensation
   for time delay.

   INGRESS-RELAY NODE: The I-Gw gateway of each domain except the HEAD

   EGRESS-RELAY NODE: The E-Gw gateway of each domain except the

   Virtual Clock Reference Plane (VCRP): Provides a frequency
   synchronization reference for the clock used for DetNet data plane
   [DDP] timing.

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3. Architecture

        /                                                            /
       /                                                            /
      /            Virtual Clock Reference Plane                   /
     /                      (VCRP)                                /
    /                                                            /
          |          |                      |            |
          |     +----+----+            +----+----+       |
          |     |         |            |         |       |
          |     | Clock   |            | Clock   |       |
          |     | Source2 |            | Source3 |       |
          |     |         |            |         |       |
          |     +---------+            +---------+       |
          |      /        \             /        \       |
          |     /          \           /          \      |
          |  +-------+  +-------+   +-------+  +-------+ |
          |  | I-Gw2 +--+ E-Gw2 +---+ I-Gw3 +--+ E-Gw3 | |
          |  +---+---+  +-------+   +-------+  +---+---+ |
          |      |                                 |     |
          |      |                                 |     |
          |      +-------+                  +------+     |
          |              |                  |            |
      +---+-----+        |                  |       +----+----+
      |         |        |                  |       |         |
      | Clock   |        |                  |       | Clock   |
      | Source1 |        |                  |       | Source4 |
      |         |        |                  |       |         |
      +---------+        |                  |       +---------+
       /        \        |                  |        /        \
      /          \       |                  |       /          \
   +-------+  +-------+  |                  |    +-------+  +-------+
   | I-Gw1 +--+ E-Gw1 +--+                  +----+ I-Gw4 +--+ E-Gw4 |
   +---+---+  +-------+                          +-------+  +---+---+
       |                                                        |
       |                                                        |
     Talker                                                  Listener

                           Figure 2 Architecture

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   In Figure 2, the Clock Source is a part of VCRP. I-Gw1 is HEAD NODE.
   E-Gw1, E-Gw2, E-Gw3 are EGRESS-RELAY NODE. I-Gw2, I-Gw3 are INGRESS-

   The I-Gw gateway of each domain except the HEAD NODE should extract
   the packet receiving time, and calculate the actual delay of the
   previous domain, and carry it into the packet.

   The E-Gw gateway of each domain except the COMPENSATION NODE should
   save the sending time information of the domain.

   It is difficult to improve the accuracy of time synchronization,
   because VCRP may have a large geographical span. Clock source of
   VCRP provides time synchronization for each DetNet domain. Time
   synchronization is required within each DetNet domain, not between
   DetNet domains. Each domain is frequency-synchronized with the clock
   source provided by VCRP to avoid excessive deviation caused by each
   domain due to the influence of the environment. Because the clock
   sources that provide synchronization references for each DetNet
   domain in VCRP may not physically connected, it is difficult to
   achieve time synchronization in VCRP. On the premise that the
   transmission delay in each domain is not large, the frequency
   accuracy of the clock used for timing is relatively low. It is
   relatively easy for VCRP to provide a stable clock source with a
   certain accuracy for each DetNet domain for time synchronization.

   Each compensation needs a reference value, and compensation
   redundancy must be considered. When a data packet undergoes delay
   compensation multiple times, the end-to-end delay will be increased.
   No matter where delay compensation is performed, there is still the
   possibility that multiple transmitted data after compensation need
   to be queued, resulting in queuing delay, which reduces the
   compensation effect. Compensating at the very edge of the network
   aims to provide a standard way to reduce end-to-end jitter,
   applicable to various mechanisms, to achieve the best possible
   results with the smallest implementation cost.

4. Proposal Description

   Basic idea of the scheme: when establishing a deterministic stream
   session, obtain the reference delay of the path, obtain the actual
   delay of the data packet during transmission, calculate the
   compensation delay according to the reference delay and the actual
   transmission delay, and compensate the transmission delay at the
   COMPENSATION NODE connected to the Listener. The implementation
   principle is described in detail below.

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      |                        |    |                        |
      +----------T2------------+    +----------T3------------+
      |                        |    |                        |
      +----------T'2-----------+    +----------T'3-----------+
      |                        |    |                        |
      |                        |    |                        |
      +--------+--------+------+    +--------+--------+------+
      | I-Gw2  | DetNet2| E-Gw2|----+ I-Gw2  | DetNet2| E-Gw2+-+
      +----+---+--------+------+    +--------+--------+------+ |
           |                                                   |
           |                                                   |
           |                                                   |
           +--------------------+  +---------------------------+
                                |  |
                                |  |
      |                        ||  ||                        |
      +----------T1------------+|  |+----------T4------------+
      |                        ||  ||                        |
      +----------T'2-----------+|  |+----------T'4-----------+
      |                        ||  ||                        |
      |                        ||  ||                        |
      +--------+--------+------+|  |+--------+--------+------+
      | I-Gw2  | DetNet2| E-Gw2++  ++ I-Gw4  | DetNet4| E-Gw4|
      +----+---+--------+------+    +--------+--------+---+--+
           |                                              |
           |                                              |
           |                                              |
         Talker                                        Listener

              Figure 3 The timing model of transmission delay

   Figure 3 describes the abstract model of multi-domain transmission
   delay segmentation timing, where Tn (n=1~4 in Figure 3) is the
   reference delay RefDn of each domain, and this value is obtained
   according to the selection of queuing mechanism combined with
   engineering applications.

   For a specific deterministic path, there is a master clock in the
   same domain, and each node in the path will perform time
   synchronization with this clock, and finally obtain intra-domain
   time synchronization. The reference delay of the end-to-end path is:

   PthRefD = FixD + T1 + T2 + T3 + T4.

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   If service protection is realized by sending copies of the same data
   packet through multiple paths, the reference delay of path i is:

   PthRefD_i = FixD_i + T1_i + T2_i + T3_i + T4_i.

   Select the reference delay of the path with the largest one as the
   common reference delay of all the paths, and the final reference
   delay is:

   PthRefD = ceil(PthRefD1, PthRefD2, ..., PthRefDn).

   Let Tn (n=1~4 in Figure 3) be the actual transmission delay ActD of
   a certain data packet in each domain, and it depends on the time
   entering the domain and the time of exiting the domain when the data
   packet is actually delivered. The residence time in domain can also
   be obtained after the data packet is transmitted. Therefore, the
   actual transmission delay of this packet is:

   PthActD = FixD + T1 + T2 + T3 + T4.

   The delay of the packet needs to be compensated at CompD:

   CompD = PthRefD - PthActD = (PthRefD - FixD) - (T1 + T2 + T3+

   If service protection is achieved by sending copies of the same data
   packet through multiple paths, the actual delay of path i is

   PthActD_i = FixD_i + T1_i + T2_i + T3_i + T4_i.

   The delay of the packet needs to be compensated after transmission
   in path i is CompD:

   CompD = (PthRefD - FixD_i) - (T1_i + T2_i + T3_i + T4_i)

   The formula can be simplified as:

   CompD = Cap - (T1 + T2 + T3 + T4) (Formula 1),


   CompD = Cap_i - (T1_i + T2_i + T3_i + T4_i) (Formula 2),

   where (PthRefD - FixD) is Cap, and (PthRefD - FixD_i) is Cap_i. Cap
   or Cap_i can be obtained directly or indirectly before deploying a
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   deterministic streaming session. The specific obtaining method will
   be added in subsequent updates. Compensation is performed on E-Gw4
   according to Formula 1 or Formula 2 when the DetNet data packet is

4.1. Data-Plane Overview

   In the data plane, it is necessary to obtain the reference delay
   from the HEAD NODE to the COMPENSATION NODE. During actual
   transmission, collect the actual transmission delay in each domain,
   and compensate the delay at the COMPENSATION NODE based on the
   reference delay.

   For delay collection, two methods provide the relevant information
   required by each gateway:

   Method 1: Specify the operation of the subsequent gateway in the
   HEAD NODE. After the HEAD NODE identifies the flow, it encapsulates
   the relevant information into a data packet, and the subsequent
   gateway node performs corresponding operations according to the
   information in the data packet. The advantage of this method is that
   it simplifies the subsequent gateway configuration, but the
   disadvantage is that the overhead is large.

   Method 2: Configure the relevant information in the edge gateway
   along the path, and the edge gateway node will identify the DetNet
   flow and then obtain the information from the configuration for
   corresponding operations. The advantage of this method is that the
   overhead is small, and the disadvantage is that subsequent gateways
   need flow-by-flow configuration.

   The specific operation will be supplemented in subsequent updates.

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        +-------------+    +-------------+    +-------------+
        |    HEAD     +----+EGRESS RELAY +----+INGRESS RELAY+-+
        +-------------+    +-------------+    +-------------+ |
      | +-------------+    +-------------+    +-------------+
        +-------------+    +-------------+    +-------------+

                            Figure 4 Data Flow

4.1.1. Residency delay processing method 1

   In order to obtain more accurate residence time, the timestamp is
   obtained at a lower layer (for example, the PMA sublayer of
   Ethernet). Only the sending timestamp is filled in EGRESS-RELAY, and
   the residence time in the domain is not calculated. Calculation is
   performed at the INGRESS-RELAY of the next network domain. On the
   one hand, it can reduce the transmission of metadata within the
   device, and on the other hand, it can reduce the calculation
   implementation of the hardware layer.

   The process required for the different roles of the gateway that
   DetNet flows pass through is described as follows.

   When receiving a packet, the HEAD NODE performs the following

   1. Identify the DetNet flow and obtain the cross-domain information
      provided by the control plane. This cross-domain information
      includes the actions of the subsequent gateways, which can be
      encapsulated in the packet or configured by the control plane to
      the subsequent gateways.

   2. Obtain the time when this node receives the packet.

   3. Fill the cross-domain information and the time that this node
      receives the packet into the packet.

   When receiving a packet, the INGRESS-RELAY NODE performs the
   following process:

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   1. Identify the DetNet flow and obtain the cross-domain information
      provided by the control plane from the packet or from the
      configuration. The gateway takes actions according to the

   The main procedure is:

   a) Obtain the time when this node receives the packet.

   b) Calculate the residence delay of the previous domain.

   2. Fill the residence delay of the previous domain and the time when
      this node receives the packet into the packet.

   When receiving a packet, the EGRESS-RELAY NODE performs the
   following process:

   1. Identify the DetNet flow and obtain the cross-domain information
      provided by the control plane from the packet or from the
      configuration. The gateway takes actions according to the

   The main procedure is:

   a) Fill the sending time of the packet into the specified position
   of the packet when a packet is sent.

   When receiving a packet, the COMPENSATION NODE performs the
   following process:

   1. Identify the DetNet flow and obtain the cross-domain information
      provided by the control plane from the packet or from the
      configuration. The gateway takes actions according to the

   The main procedure is:

   a) Obtain the time when this node receives the packet and calculate
   the residence delay of the packet in this domain.

   b) Accumulate the residence delays of the packet in each domain.

   c) Calculate the compensation delay.

   2. Send out the packet after completing the compensation.

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4.1.2. Residency delay processing method 2

   The basic processing is similar to Section 4.2.1. The sending
   timestamp is obtained in EGRESS-RELAY, and combined with the
   receiving timestamp passed by the metadata, the residence time in
   the domain is calculated. More metadata is required to be
   transferred within the device. At the same time, the device needs
   additional hardware layer calculation implementation, which needs to
   be carefully implemented to calculate the processing delay after
   obtaining the timestamp into the residence delay.

4.1.3. residence time adjustment

   In scenarios with high accuracy requirements, it is necessary to
   consider the timing frequency offset of the clock source of each
   domain relative to the final compensation node. For example, if 10ms
   in a certain domain is equivalent to 10.1ms in the compensation
   node, then the dwell delay needs to be calculated in the domain, and
   an adjustment of 1% is added to the calculated value. This
   adjustment ratio needs to be obtained before deploying deterministic
   flows, and should be considered to be stored in the message or
   configured in EGRESS-RELAY or INGRESS-RELAY. When topology changes
   affect this adjustment ratio, corresponding updates need to be made.

4.2. Control-Plane Overview

   The control plane needs to cooperate with the data plane to complete
   the following transactions:

   1. Define gateway operations along the path and configure data plane

   2. Cooperate with the data plane to complete the measurement and
      calculate the reference delay.

   3. Configure the reference delay information to the HEAD NODE or

   4. Maintenance during runtime: periodically collect the reference
      delay of each domain and calculate the reference delay of the
      whole path, and refresh the reference delay to the HEAD NODE or

   For delay collection, the control plane has two methods to cooperate
   with the data plane to supply the relevant information required by
   each gateway:

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   Method 1: The control plane globally distributes the gateway ID, and
   configures the ID to each edge gateway. The control plane configures
   the collected delay information to the HEAD NODE.

   Method 2: The control plane configures flow-by-flow operations to
   the domain edge gateways along the path.

5. Robustness considerations

   In a large-scale network, not only the topology changes, but also
   the transmission delay, which is regarded as a constant part,
   changes due to environmental factors.

   In response to topology changes, a certain amount of redundancy is
   reserved in the reference value of the compensation delay. For
   example, in the multi-path service protection that implements PREOF,
   if one of the paths fails, the transmission delay of the alternative
   path increases by 1ms (about 200 axioms). However, if the upper
   limit of the reference delay used for compensation reserves a
   redundancy of 1ms , after compensation, the business cannot perceive
   this change.

   However, if the delay considered as fixed transmission changes due
   to environmental factors, the upper limit of the reference delay for
   compensation needs to be adjusted. Considering that the change in
   transmission delay caused by environmental changes is a gradual
   change, it is feasible to regularly maintain the reference value of
   the compensation delay. The method of collecting reference delays
   will be described in detail in subsequent documents.

   However, if the transmission delay considered to be a constant part
   changes due to environmental factors, the upper limit of the
   reference delay for compensation needs to be adjusted. Considering
   that the change in transmission delay caused by environmental
   changes is a gradual change, it is feasible to regularly maintain
   the reference value of the compensation delay. The method of
   collecting reference delays will be described in detail in
   subsequent documents.

6. Security Considerations


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7. IANA Considerations


8. References

8.1. Normative References

   [RFC8655] Finn, N., Thubert, P., Varga, B., and J. Farkas,
             "Deterministic Networking Architecture", RFC 8655, DOI
             10.17487/RFC8655, October 2019, <https://www.rfc-

   [I-D.ietf-detnet-scaling-requirements] Liu, P., Li, Y., Eckert, T.,
             Xiong, Q., and J. Ryoo, "Requirements for Large-Scale
             Deterministic Networks", draft-liu-detnet-large-scale-
             requirements-05 (work in progress), October 2022.

   [IEEE802.1Qcr] IEEE, "IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area
             Networks -- Bridges and Bridged Networks - Amendment 34:
             Asynchronous Traffic Shaping", IEEE 802.1Qcr-2020, DOI
             10.1109/IEEESTD.2020.9253013, 6 November 2020,

   [I-D.chen-detnet-sr-based-bounded-latency] Chen, M., Geng, X., and
             Z. Li, "Segment Routing (SR) Based  Bounded Latency", Work
             in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-chen-detnet-sr-based-
             bounded-latency, 3 March 2023,

   [I-D.eckert-detnet-tcqf] Eckert, T. , Bryant, S., and A. G. Malis,
             "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane - Tagged
             Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding (TCQF) for bounded latency
             with low jitter in large scale DetNets",

   [IEEE802.1AS] IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group.,
             "IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020: IEEE Standard for Local and
             Metropolitan Area Networks - Timing and Synchronization
             for Time Sensitive Applications ", 2020.

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   [I-D.ietf-detnet-mpls-over-ip-preof] Varga, B., Farkas, J., Malis,
             A., "Deterministic Networking(DetNet): DetNet PREOF via
             MPLS over UDP/IP", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
             draft-ietf-detnet-mpls-over-ip-preof-02, 6 November 2022,

   [IEEE802.1Qci] IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group.,
             "IEEE Std 802.1Qci-2017: IEEE Standard for Local and
             Metropolitan Area Networks - Bridges and Bridged Networks-
             Amendment 28: Per-Stream Filtering and Policing", 2017.

   [I-D.ietf-detnet-controller-plane-framework] Malis, A., Geng, X.,
             Chen, M., Qin, F., arga, B., "Deterministic Networking
             (DetNet) Controller Plane Framework" , Work in Progress,
             Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-detnet-controller-plane-
             framework-02, 29 June 2022,

9. Acknowledgments

   The editor wishes to thank and acknowledge the following
   contributors for contributing text to this document.

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   Rubing Liu
      New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd

   Ning Pan
      New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd

   Xusheng Chen
      New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd

   Wei Wang
      New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd

      New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd

10. Authors' Addresses

   Daorong Guo
   New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd

   Shenchao Xu
   New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd

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