Internet DRAFT - draft-gupta-httpbis-per-resource-events


HTTP                                                            R. Gupta
Internet-Draft                                           22 October 2023
Intended status: Standards Track                                        
Expires: 24 April 2024

                          Per Resource Events


   Per Resource Events is a minimal protocol built on top of HTTP that
   allows clients to receive notifications directly from any resource of
   interest.  The Per Resource Events Protocol (PREP) is predicated on
   the idea that the most intuitive source for notifications about
   changes made to a resource is the resource itself.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at
   events.html.  Status information for this document may be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the HTTP Working Group
   mailing list (, which is archived at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Motivation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  How it Works  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.3.  Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.4.  Audience  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  Design  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.1.  Principles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.2.  Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.3.  Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.4.  Known Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   3.  Conformance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.1.  Document Conventions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.2.  Requirements Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.3.  Classes of Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.4.  Interoperability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.5.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   4.  Header Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.1.  Accept-Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.1.1.  Validity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.1.2.  Syntax  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.2.  Events  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.2.1.  Validity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.2.2.  Syntax  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   5.  Protocol  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.1.  Event Fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.2.  Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.3.  Status Codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     6.1.  Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     6.2.  Not Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12

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     6.3.  Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   8.  Response without Notifications  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     8.1.  Not Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     8.2.  Error Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     8.3.  Notification Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   9.  Notifications Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     9.1.  Common Headers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     9.2.  Only Notifications  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       9.2.1.  Headers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       9.2.2.  Body  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     9.3.  Composite Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       9.3.1.  Headers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       9.3.2.  Body  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     9.4.  Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   10. Semantics for message/rfc822 notifications  . . . . . . . . .  19
     10.1.  Request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     10.2.  Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     10.3.  Headers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     10.4.  Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   11. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     11.1.  Browser Fingerprinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     11.2.  Denial-of-Service Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   12. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     12.1.  Header Field Registration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     12.2.  Notifications Protocol Registry  . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   13. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     13.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     13.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29

1.  Introduction

   The Per Resource Events Protocol defines a minimal HTTP-based
   framework by which clients can securely receive update notifications
   directly from any resource of interest on the Open Web Platform.

1.1.  Motivation

   HTTP was originally designed to transfer a static documents within a
   single request and response.  If the document changes, HTTP does not
   automatically update clients with the new versions.  This design was
   adequate for web pages that were mostly static and written by hand.

   But web-applications today are dynamic.  They provide
   (near-)instantaneous updates across multiple clients and servers.
   The many workarounds developed over the years to provide real-time

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   updates over HTTP have often proven to be inadequate.  Web
   programmers instead resort to implementing custom messaging systems
   over alternate protocols such as WebSockets, which requires
   additional layers of code in the form of non-standard JavaScript
   frameworks to synchronize changes of state.

   Per Resource Events is a minimal protocol built on top of HTTP that
   allows clients to receive notifications directly from a resource of
   interest.  Unlike other HTTP based solutions, Per Resource Events
   Protocol supports the use of arbitrary media-types for notifications,
   which can be negotiated just like representations; thus giving
   implementers a lot of flexibility to customize notifications
   according to the needs of their application.

1.2.  How it Works

   A client application that wishes to receive notifications about
   updates to a resource simply places a GET request on that resource
   with just one additional Accept-Events header.  The server responds
   by sending, first the current representation of the resource (though
   a client can request for this to be skipped), followed by
   notifications sent in response to resource events as parts of a
   multipart response while the request is open.

   If a server does not implement the Per Resource Events Protocol, the
   Accept Events header in a GET request is simply ignored.  The
   resource returns the current representation thereby preserving
   backwards compatibility.

1.3.  Scope

   The Per Resource Events Protocol specifies:

   *  a mechanism for the discovery of notification capabilities per

   *  a mechanism to request notifications from a resource,

   *  representation and semantics for the response that transmits

   *  a default representation for notifications and associated
      semantics when used to transmit notifications.

   The Per Resource Events Protocol does not specify:

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   *  a specific authentication and authorization mechanism to be used
      with the Per Resource Events Protocol.  Implementations are
      encouraged to use existing approaches for authentication and

   *  representation and semantics for notifications (other than the
      default case).

      -  Implementations are free to use any media-type for
         notifications, which can be negotiated just like

      -  Implementations are also free to define additional semantics
         for a given media-type, when used to transmit notifications
         using the Per Resource Events Protocol.

1.4.  Audience

   This specification is for:

   *  Server developers (
      aeca-4bee-9a08-5993ed98b135) who wish to enable clients to listen
      for updates to particular resources.

   *  Application developers (
      c40a2919-48a9-40ea-b506-1f34f693496d) who wish to implement a
      client to listen for updates to particular resources.

2.  Design

   The Per Resource Events Protocol is predicated on a resource being
   the most intuitive source for notifications about its own updates.

   This is unlike other notification protocols that require additional
   resources to be specifically dedicated as endpoints for delivering
   notifications.  Servers that provide updates are forced to maintain
   these additional endpoints and clients that consume these updates
   have to co-ordinate data between the endpoint and a resource of

   By giving every resource the ability to send notifications when it
   updates, the Per Resource Events Protocol aims to reduce the
   complexity of both servers and clients implementing notifications;
   thus, making it easier for developers to build and maintain real-time

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2.1.  Principles

   The Per Resource Events Protocol treats notifications as a temporally
   extended representation of any resource.  That is, a representation
   can describe not (just) the state of the resource but events on the
   resource.  With HTTP allowing representations to provide a
   potentially unbounded stream of data, the Per Resource Events
   Protocol is able to communicate events on the resource as

2.2.  Goals

   The goals of the Per Resource Events Protocol are:

   *  to provide notifications only using the HTTP protocol STD97
      ( [HTTP] so that the clients
      are able to request for update notifications using the Fetch API

   *  to provide updates directly from the resource of interest,
      obliviating the need to connect to another endpoint for
      notifications, minimizing round-trips between clients and servers
      and the need to co-ordinate responses between a resource and the

   *  to allow arbitrary representations for notifications.
      Implementers shall be able to provide notifications that are
      potentially more expressive when compared to existing HTTP based
      messaging protocols such as Server Sent Events [SSE].

2.3.  Constraints

   To the extent feasible, the Per Resource Events Protocol:

   *  adheres to established practices and conventions.  In particular,
      every attempt has been made to reuse existing protocols and
      specifications.  Implementers shall be able to repurpose existing
      tools and libraries for implementing this specification.

   *  conforms to the REST Architectural Style [REST] and best practices
      for Building Protocols with HTTP [RFC9205].  This specification
      can, thus, be used to extend the capabilities of any existing HTTP
      resource to provide notifications.  Implementers shall be able to
      scale notifications along with their data/applications.

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2.4.  Known Limitations

   The Per Resource Events Protocol only allows notifications to be sent
   for events on a given resource.  It is not possible for resources to
   send notifications for arbitrary events such as state changes on
   multiple resources or combinations thereof.  Implementations using
   Per Resource Events Protocol have to create separate resources to
   realize such notification endpoints.  But this is no different from
   APIs built on top of existing messaging protocols (See, for example,
   [WS] and [WEBSUB]).

   Due to the limits on connections per domain, the Per Resource Events
   Protocol is not suitable for use with HTTP/1.1, especially when
   providing notifications for multiple resource from the same domain
   that might be accessed simultaneously.  This limitation is identical
   to that of other HTTP based streaming based protocols such as Server-
   Sent Events [SSE].  Implementations are strongly encouraged to adopt
   HTTP/2 (or later) and implement mitigation strategies, such as to
   maximize the number of concurrent connections and to provide
   alternate locations for resources on different domains.

3.  Conformance

3.1.  Document Conventions

   All assertions, diagrams, examples and notes in this specification
   are non-normative.

3.2.  Requirements Notation

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

3.3.  Classes of Products

   The Per Resource Events Protocol identifies the following Classes of
   Products for conforming implementations.  These products are
   referenced throughout this specification.

   Resource Server  that builds on HTTP origin server ([HTTP],
      Section 3.6) by defining header fields ([HTTP], Section 6.3) and
      media types ([HTTP], Section 8.3.1).

   Application Client  that builds on HTTP user agent ([HTTP],

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      Section 3.5) by defining behaviour in terms of fetching [FETCH]
      across the platform.

3.4.  Interoperability

   Interoperability occurs between Application Client—Resource Server
   (Section 3.4) as defined by the Per Resource Events Protocol.

   Application Client—Resource Server Interoperability  Interoperability
      of implementations for application clients and resource servers is
      tested by evaluating an implementation’s ability to request and
      respond to HTTP messages that conform to the Per Resource Events

3.5.  Terminology

   The following terms are defined:

   Notification  A message sent to application clients (that had
      previously requested it) when an HTTP request made on a resource
      fulfils some specified criteria.

   Base Response  The response that would have been returned, were
      notifications not requested for, in an otherwise identical HTTP

   Event Field  A parameter for a protocol item in the Accept-Events
      header field or a member of the Events header field.

4.  Header Fields

   The Per Resource Events Protocol introduces new header fields.  These
   header fields are not specific to the Per Resource Events Protocol.
   They can be used by other protocols that augment resources with the
   ability to send notifications.

   Protocols MUST ensure that the semantics be so defined that these
   header fields are safely ignored by recipients that do not recognize
   them ([HTTP], Section 5.1).

4.1.  Accept-Events

   The Accept-Events header field can be used by application clients to
   specify their preferred protocol for receiving notifications.  For
   example, the Accept-Events header field can be used to indicate that
   the request is specifically limited to a small set of desired
   protocols, as in the case for notifications with the Per Resource
   Events Protocol.

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   When sent by a resource server in a response, the Accept-Events
   header field provides information about which notification protocols
   are preferred in a subsequent request to the same resource.

   An application client MAY generate a request for notifications
   regardless of having received an Accept-Events header field.  The
   information only provides advice for the sake of improving
   performance and reducing unnecessary network transfers.

   Conversely, an application client MUST NOT assume that receiving an
   Accept-Events header field means that future requests will return
   notifications.  The content might change, the server might only
   support notifications requests at certain times or under certain
   conditions, or a different intermediary might process the next

4.1.1.  Validity

   A recipient MUST ignore the Accept-Events header field received with
   a request method that is unrecognized or for which notifications
   response is not defined for a particular notifications protocol.

   A recipient MUST ignore the Accept-Events header field received in
   response to a request method that is unrecognized or for which
   notifications discovery and/or response is not defined for a
   particular notifications protocol.

   A recipient MUST ignore the Accept-Events header field that it does
   not understand.

   A recipient MUST ignore the protocols specified in the Accept-Events
   header field that they are not aware of.

4.1.2.  Syntax

   Accept-Events is a List structured ([HTTP-SF], Section 3.1) header
   field.  Its members MUST be of type string that identifies a
   notification protocol.  A protocol identifier MAY be followed with
   zero or more parameters defined by the given protocol, which MAY be
   followed by a q parameter.

   The q parameter assigns a relative "weight" to the sender's
   preference for a notification protocol with semantics as defined in
   [HTTP], Section 12.4.2.  Senders using weights SHOULD send q last
   (after all protocol parameters).  Recipients SHOULD process any
   parameter named q as weight, regardless of parameter ordering.

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   Note: Use of the q parameter name to negotiate notification protocols
   would interfere with any parameter having the same name.  Hence,
   protocol parameters named q are disallowed.

4.2.  Events

   The Events header field is sent by a resource server to provide event
   fields in response to a request for notifications.

   Where the Accept-Events header field sent in the request is ignored,
   a resource server MUST NOT send the Events header field in a

   Conversely, a resource server MUST send the Events header field in a
   response, if the Accept-Events header field sent in the request is
   not ignored.

4.2.1.  Validity

   If the Events header field is sent in response to a request that does
   not contain the Accept-Events header field, the recipient MUST treat
   the response as invalid.

   If the response contains a Events header field that the recipient
   does not understand or the Events header field specifies a protocol
   that the recipient does not understand, the recipient MUST NOT
   process the response.  A proxy that receives such a message SHOULD
   forward it downstream.

4.2.2.  Syntax

   Events is a Dictionary structured ([HTTP-SF], Section 3.1) header
   field.  It MUST contain one member with the key protocol whose value
   identifies the notification protocol used in the response.  It MAY
   contain other members that are defined by the given notification

5.  Protocol

5.1.  Event Fields

   The Per Resource Events Protocol reuses existing HTTP fields ([HTTP],
   Section 5) as event fields.  Any HTTP field MAY be used as an event
   field.  For the limited context of notifications using the Per
   Resource Events Protocol, an event field with the same name as an
   HTTP field MUST have identical semantics to that HTTP field, unless
   otherwise specified.

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   This specification restricts Accept-Events and Events as Structured
   header fields [HTTP-SF].  From this it follows:

   *  An event field whose value is anything except an item without
      parameters MUST be specified in an Inner List ([HTTP-SF],
      Section 3.1.1).

   *  Unless otherwise specified, an event field that is not already
      defined as a Structured Field, therefore, MUST be handled as a
      Retrofit Structured Field [HTTP-Retrofit] when such handling is

   *  An event field that is not already defined as a Structured Field
      but cannot be handled as a Retrofit Structured Field either, MUST
      be explicitly specified by the implementation.

5.2.  Methods

   For the Per Resource Events Protocol, HEAD ([HTTP], Section 9.3.2)
   and GET ([HTTP], Section 9.3.1) are the only methods in response to
   which notifications are advertised.

   A resource server MUST NOT send the Accept-Events header field with
   PREP as a protocol in response to a request with any method other
   than HEAD or GET.

   For the Per Resource Events Protocol, GET ([HTTP], Section 9.3.1) is
   the only method by which notifications are requested and for which
   notifications response is defined.

   An application client MUST NOT send the Accept-Events header field
   with PREP as a protocol in a request with any method other than GET.

   A resource server MUST NOT send the Events header field with the
   parameter protocol with a value of PREP in response to a request with
   any method other than GET.

   A resource server MUST NOT send the Events header field except in
   response to a GET request.

5.3.  Status Codes

   The Per Resource Events Protocol reuses existing HTTP status codes
   ([HTTP], Section 15) to describe the result of the request for
   notifications and the semantics of notifications in the response.

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   In response to a request where Accept-Events header field indicates
   PREP as the preferred protocol, a resource server that supports
   notifications using the Per Resource Events Protocol MUST communicate
   the status code for the notifications response using the status
   parameter in the Events header field.

   For the limited context of notifications using the Per Resource
   Events Protocol, the status code communicated using the status
   parameter in the Events header field MUST have identical semantics to
   the corresponding HTTP status code, unless otherwise specified.

6.  Discovery

   Application clients can engage in reactive content negotiation to
   discover if a resource server supports notifications using the Per
   Resource Events Protocol on a given resource.

6.1.  Request

   An application client can discover the ability of a resource server
   to deliver PREP notifications for a target resource by sending a HEAD
   ([HTTP], Section 9.3.2) request.

6.2.  Not Available

   In the response to a HEAD request, a resource server that does not
   provide notifications for the target resource using the Per Resource
   Events Protocol MUST NOT list PREP as as one of the available
   protocols in the Accept-Events header field.

   HEAD /foo HTTP/1.1

                        Figure 1: Discovery Request

6.3.  Available

   In response to a HEAD request, a resource server that serves
   notifications for the target resource using the Per Resource Events
   Protocol SHOULD include the Accept-Events header field, which MUST
   list PREP as one of the available protocols.

   Associated with PREP list item, the resource server MUST include an
   accept event field with at least one acceptable media-type for

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   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   Accept: text/html
   Accept-Events: PREP; accept=message/rfc822

                        Figure 2: Discovery Response

      |  *Implementation Guidance*
      |  When resource servers support HTTP/2 [HTTP/2] for a resource,
      |  they are strongly encouraged to advertise it in the response.
      |  When a resource is accessible from different locations,
      |  resource servers are encouraged to advertise these locations in
      |  the response.
      |  HTTP Alternative Services [RFC7838], for example, describes a
      |  mechanism for advertising these capabilities.

7.  Request

   The Per Resource Events Protocol extends the content negotiation
   mechanism provided by HTTP allowing application clients to negotiate
   notifications independent of the base response.

   In order to receive notifications using the Per Resource Events
   Protocol from a resource, an application client sends a GET request
   to resource server, which:

   *  MUST include the Accept-Events header field, which:

      -  MUST list PREP as a preferred notification protocol.

         o  MAY include zero or more event fields.  For example,
            application clients MAY specify an accept event field to
            indicate a preferred media-type for notifications.

   *  MAY include the Last-Event-ID header field ([SSE], Section 9.2.4
      (SSE#the-last-event-id-header)) requesting the resource server to
      not send the base response body and resume notifications from the
      event occurring immediately after the one specified.

      |  *Implementation Guidance*
      |  Set the Last-Event-ID to a wildcard * to explicitly request a
      |  resource server to not send the base response body in the
      |  response at all.

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   GET /foo HTTP/1.1
   Authorization: DPoP <token>
   DPoP: <proof>
   Last-Event-ID: *
   Accept-Encoding: gzip
   Accept-Events: PREP; accept=message/rfc822; accept-encoding=identity

                    Figure 3: Request for Notifications

   A resource server MUST ignore event fields for PREP notifications in
   the Accept-Events header that it does not recognize or implement.

8.  Response without Notifications

8.1.  Not Available

   A resource server not implementing the Per Resource Events Protocol
   (or not supporting it for the target resource) can ignore a request
   for notifications and respond as if it received a normal request on
   that resource without impacting interoperability.

   A resource server that does not provide notifications using the Per
   Resource Events Protocol MUST NOT:

   *  list PREP as as one of the available protocols in the
      Accept-Events header field, if sent in the response.

   *  send the Events header field in the response with the protocol
      event field set to PREP.

      |  *Implementation Guidance*
      |  Implementations are advised against sending notifications for
      |  long-lived resources.  A resource might be considered long-
      |  lived, if the resource server determines that the resource is
      |  unlikely to change in the duration of the notification
      |  response.  In such instances, resource servers are strongly
      |  advised to respond with the Cache-Control header and set the
      |  max-age parameter in it.

8.2.  Error Response

   A resource server MUST NOT include PREP notifications in a response,
   unless request results in one of the following status codes:

   *  200 (OK) ([HTTP], Section 15.3.1),

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   *  204 (No Content) ([HTTP], Section 15.3.5),

   *  206 (Partial Content) ([HTTP], Section 15.3.7),

   *  226 (IM Used) ([Delta], Section 10.4.1).

   A resource server that does not serve PREP notifications, on account
   of the response not having one of the above-mentioned status codes:

   *  SHOULD include the Events header fields where:

      -  the protocol event field MUST be set to a value of PREP,

      -  the status event field MUST be set to 412 (Precondition Failed)
         ([HTTP], Section 15.5.13) status code.

8.3.  Notification Errors

   A resource server might still not be able to send notifications using
   the Per Resource Events Protocol requested by an application client
   despite a valid response.

   A resource server unable to serve PREP notifications, even when the
   request results in a status code mentioned in Section 8.2:

   *  SHOULD include the Events header fields in the response where:

      -  the protocol event field MUST be set to a value of PREP,

      -  the status event field MUST be set to appropriate status code
         indicating the reason for not serving notifications.

9.  Notifications Response

9.1.  Common Headers

   A resource server providing notifications using the Per Resource
   Events Protocol:

   *  MUST include the following header fields in the response:

      -  Date ([HTTP], Section 6.6.1).

      -  Content-Type ([HTTP], Section 8.3) with the media type set to
         multipart ([HTTP], Section 8.3.3).  The subtype will depend on
         whether the base response is included in the response body.

      -  Events which MUST include the following event fields:

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         o  protocol set to the value PREP.

         o  status set to the 200 (OK) ([HTTP], Section 15.3.1) status

         o  expires with an integer value in seconds indicating an
            interval after Date when notifications will no longer be
            sent and the response stream is closed.

         NOTE: Since caching is meaningless in the context of
         notifications, this specifications repurposes the deprecated
         Expires header field to specify when the notifications response

   *  SHOULD include the following header fields in the response:

      -  Vary ([HTTP], Section 12.5.5) which MUST include Accept-Events
         as one of the values.

      -  Last-Modified ([HTTP], Section 8.8.2).

      -  ETag ([HTTP], Section 8.8.3).

   *  MAY include the following header fields in the response:

      -  Accept-Events which MUST list PREP as one of the available
         notification protocols.  Associated with the PREP list item,
         the resource server:

         o  MUST include an accept event field with at least one
            acceptable media-type for notifications.

9.2.  Only Notifications

   An application client requesting only notifications using the Per
   Resource Events Protocol needs to explicitly opt out of receiving the
   base response as described in Section 7, Request.

   A resource server MUST NOT send the base response, if the request for
   PREP notifications includes the Last-Event-ID header field ([SSE],
   Section 9.2.4 (SSE#the-last-event-id-header)) which matches the
   Event-ID of the last event on the resource.

9.2.1.  Headers

   A resource server that provides only notifications using the Per
   Resource Events Protocol MUST include the Vary header field ([HTTP],
   Section 12.5.5) with Last-Event-ID as one of the values.

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9.2.2.  Body

   A resource server MUST transmit PREP notifications as a multipart
   message body ([RFC2046], Section 5.1), with a media type of
   multipart/digest ([RFC2046], Section 5.1.5) that MAY include zero or
   more body parts.  Each body part of the multipart message body MAY
   contain at most one notification.

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   Vary: Accept-Events, Last-Event-ID
   Accept-Events: PREP; accept=message/rfc822
   Events: protocol=PREP, status=200, vary=accept-encoding
   Last-Modified: Sat, 1 April 2023 10:11:12 GMT
   Transfer-Encoding: chunked
   ETag: 1234abcd
   Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary=next-message

   Content-Type: message/rfc822


                 Figure 4: Response with Notifications Only

      |  *Implementation Guidance*
      |  While not strictly necessary, it is strongly encouraged that
      |  resource servers send notifications in a manner such that the
      |  boundary delimiter ([RFC2046], Section 5.1.2) is always at the
      |  end of a chunk ([HTTP/1.1], Section 7.1) or data frame
      |  ([HTTP/2], Section 6.1) as shown in the example above.  This
      |  way an application client does not have to wait until the next
      |  chunk or frame (which might be a while or in cases of error
      |  never arrive) to be certain that the immediate message is
      |  complete.

9.3.  Composite Response

   By default, the Per Resource Events Protocol requires a resource
   server to transmit the base response body before notifications.  An
   application client MAY opt out of this behaviour as described in
   Section 7 Request.

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   NOTE: Not only does this behaviour ensure interoperability, it is
   also desirable in most scenarios.  It short-circuits an extra round
   trip that would be otherwise needed to fetch the current
   representation before notifications and eliminates the need to co-
   ordinate the two responses.

9.3.1.  Headers

   If the request for PREP notifications includes the Last-Event-ID
   header field, a resource server MUST include Vary header field
   ([HTTP], Section 12.5.5) with last-event-id as one of the values.

9.3.2.  Body

   Where the response includes a base response body prior to PREP
   notifications, a resource server MUST transmit a multipart message
   body ([RFC2046], Section 5.1) with a media type of multipart/mixed
   ([RFC2046], Section 5.1.3) with two body parts in the order specified

   1.  the message body that would have been sent had notifications not
       been requested.

   2.  the multipart response body with body parts containing
       notifications as defined in Section 9.2.

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   Vary: Accept-Events
   Accept-Events: PREP; accept=message/rfc822
   Events: protocol=PREP, status=200, vary=accept-encoding
   Last-Modified: Sat, 1 April 2023 10:11:12 GMT
   Transfer-Encoding: chunked
   ETag: 1234abcd
   Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=main-boundary

   Content-Type: text/html
   Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary=next-message

   Content-Type: message/rfc822


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        Figure 5: Notification Response with Representation included

9.4.  Termination

   A resource server MUST end the notification response in any one of
   the following scenarios:

   *  Once the time specified in the expires parameter of the Events
      header field has elapsed.

   *  Immediately after sending a notification upon a DELETE request on
      the resource that results in a response with 200 (OK) ([HTTP],
      Section 15.3.1) or 204 (No Content) ([HTTP], Section 15.3.5)
      status codes.

   A resource server MUST properly terminate the multipart response as
   defined in [RFC2046], Section 5.1.2, before closing the notification
   response stream.

      |  *Implementation Guidance*
      |  When a user navigates away from a website or an application
      |  using PREP notifications, application clients are strongly
      |  encouraged to properly close the response stream to ensure that
      |  servers do not keep sending notifications.

10.  Semantics for message/rfc822 notifications

   The multipart/digest multipart media-type ([RFC2046], Section 5.1.5)
   uses message/rfc822 media-type ([RFC2046], Section 5.2.1, [RFC822])
   for body parts as default.  It follows that the Per Resource Events
   Protocol transmits notifications as message/rfc822, unless the
   application client requests otherwise.

10.1.  Request

   An application clients MAY specify additional parameters to message/
   rfc822 notification media-type in the accept event field associated
   with the PREP list item in the Accept-Events header field of the

10.2.  Notification

   A resource server implementing the Per Resource Events Protocol
   SHOULD send a notification to an application client when a request
   with one of the following methods generates a response with any of
   the following status codes:

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    | Request Method              | Response Status                   |
    | PUT ([HTTP], Section 9.3.4) | 200 (OK) ([HTTP], Section 15.3.1) |
    | PATCH ([RFC5789])           | 204 (No Content) ([HTTP],         |
    |                             | Section 15.3.5)                   |
    | DELETE ([HTTP],             |                                   |
    | Section 9.3.5)              |                                   |
    | POST ([HTTP],               | 200 (OK) ([HTTP], Section 15.3.1) |
    | Section 9.3.3)              |                                   |
    |                             | 204 (No Content) ([HTTP],         |
    |                             | Section 15.3.5)                   |
    |                             | 201 (Created) ([HTTP],            |
    |                             | Section 15.3.2)                   |
    |                             | 205 (Reset Content) ([HTTP],      |
    |                             | Section 15.3.6)                   |

                       Table 1: Notification Triggers

   The notification MUST NOT be sent before the success response has
   been sent to the user agent that initiated the request.

10.3.  Headers

   A resource server MUST include the following header fields in a
   message/rfc822 formatted PREP notification:

   Method  identical to :method pseudo-header field in a HTTP/2 request
      ([HTTP/2], Section 8.3.1), that specifies the request method that
      triggered the notification.

   Date  identical to Date header field in a HTTP response ([HTTP],
      Section 6.6.1), that specifies date and time at which the event
      that triggered the notification was completed.

   Event-ID  an opaque identifier for the generated notification.

   A resource server SHOULD include the following headers in a message/
   rfc822 formatted PREP notification when the state of the resource or
   its representation is modified as a result of the event:

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   ETag  identical to ETag header field ([HTTP], Section 8.8.3) in a
      HTTP response, that is an opaque identifier for the current
      representation of the state of the resource.

   --random-boundary  <- From the Previous Message (do not include)
                      <- Empty part response headers & blank line
   Method: PUT
   Date: Sat, 1 April 2023 10:11:12 GMT
   Event-ID: 1234
   ETag: "abc123"

                    Figure 6: `PUT` notification message

   A resource server MUST include the following headers in a message/
   rfc822 formatted PREP notification when sent as a result of a POST
   request that modifies another resource:

   Content-Location  identical to the Content-Location header field
      ([HTTP], Section 8.7).

   --random-boundary  <- From the Previous Message (do not include)
                      <- Empty part response headers & blank line
   Method: POST
   Date: Sat, 1 April 2023 10:12:14 GMT
   Event-ID: 1235
   Content-Location: /foo

                   Figure 7: `POST` notification message

10.4.  Body

   The body of a message/rfc822 formatted PREP notification might be
   used to provide a delta representation, the difference between the
   state of the representation before and after the most recent event on
   the resource.

   If the application client does not specify delta parameter associated
   with a preferred notifications format of message/rfc822 in the accept
   event field of the request (Section 7) that results in message/rfc822
   formatted PREP notifications, the notifications MUST NOT contain a

   If state of the resource is not modified as a result of an HTTP
   operation, the resulting notification MUST NOT contain a body.

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   If the application client specifies a delta parameter associated with
   a preferred notifications format of message/rfc822 in the accept
   event field of the request (Section 7) that results in message/rfc822
   formatted PREP notifications, a resource server:

   *  SHOULD send the delta representation as the body of the
      notification generated upon a PATCH ([RFC5789]) operation.

   *  MAY send the delta representation as the body of the notification
      generated upon a PUT ([HTTP], Section 9.3.4) or a POST ([HTTP],
      Section 9.3.3) operation.

   A resource server SHOULD send the delta representation in the
   content-type preferred by the client as specified by the delta

   --random-boundary  <- From the Previous Message (do not include)
                      <- Empty part response headers & blank line
   Method: PATCH
   Date: Sat, 1 April 2023 10:14:16 GMT
   Event-ID: 1236
   ETag: "xyz987"
   Content-type: application/example


          Figure 8: `PATCH` notification with delta representation

11.  Security Considerations

   Since the Per Resource Events Protocol uses HTTP to transmit
   notifications, it follows that the security and privacy
   considerations that apply to HTTP also apply to PREP.  Considerations
   relevant to HTTP semantics and its use for transferring information
   over the Internet are discussed in Section 17 of [HTTP], and
   considerations related to HTTP/1.1 message syntax and parsing are
   discussed in Section 11 of [HTTP/1.1].

   The following is a non-exhaustive list of security and privacy
   considerations that become especially pertinent due to the manner in
   which PREP uses HTTP for transmitting notifications:

11.1.  Browser Fingerprinting

   The Accept-Events header field provides an extra vector that can aid
   unique identification of user agent.  Follow the advice in [HTTP],
   Section 17.13 to minimize the risk of fingerprinting.

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11.2.  Denial-of-Service Attacks

   Resources that serve notifications, by virtue of keeping the response
   stream open for an extended period of time are more susceptible to
   Denial-of-Service attacks because the effort required to request
   notifications from the same resource is tiny compared to the time,
   memory, and bandwidth consumed by attempting to serve the
   notifications.  Servers ought to ignore, coalesce, or reject
   egregious notification request, such as repeated notification
   requests to resource from the same origin.

12.  IANA Considerations

   The change controller for the following registrations is: "IETF
   ( - Internet Engineering Task Force".

12.1.  Header Field Registration

   IANA has registered the following entry in the "Hypertext Transfer
   Protocol (HTTP) Field Name Registry
   (" defined by [HTTP]:

             | Header Field Names | Status      | Reference |
             | Accept-Events      | Provisional | Section 4 |
             | Events             | Provisional | Section 4 |

                                 Table 2

12.2.  Notifications Protocol Registry

   The Accept-Events and Events header fields identify specific
   protocols for notifications.  The "HTTP Notifications Protocol
   Registry", created and maintained by IANA at
   (, registers
   identifiers for notification protocols.

   Notifications protocol registrations MUST include the following

   *  Identifier

   *  Name

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   *  Pointer to specification text

   Initial registrations are given below:

       | Identifier | Name                         | Reference     |
       | PREP       | Per Resource Events Protocol | This document |

                                  Table 3

   Values to be added to this namespace require IETF Review (see
   [RFC8126], Section 4.8).  Identified protocols MUST conform to the
   purpose of sending notifications as defined in Section 4 of this

13.  References

13.1.  Normative References

   [Delta]    Mogul, J., Krishnamurthy, B., Douglis, F., Feldmann, A.,
              Goland, Y., van Hoff, A., and D. Hellerstein, "Delta
              encoding in HTTP", RFC 3229, DOI 10.17487/RFC3229, January
              2002, <>.

   [HTTP]     Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022,

              Nottingham, M., "Retrofit Structured Fields for HTTP",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-httpbis-
              retrofit-06, 31 March 2023,

   [HTTP-SF]  Nottingham, M. and P. Kamp, "Structured Field Values for
              HTTP", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              httpbis-sfbis-03, 3 August 2023,

   [HTTP/1.1] Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP/1.1", STD 99, RFC 9112, DOI 10.17487/RFC9112,
              June 2022, <>.

Gupta                     Expires 24 April 2024                [Page 24]
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   [HTTP/2]   Thomson, M., Ed. and C. Benfield, Ed., "HTTP/2", RFC 9113,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9113, June 2022,

   [RFC2046]  Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail
              Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2046, November 1996,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5789]  Dusseault, L. and J. Snell, "PATCH Method for HTTP",
              RFC 5789, DOI 10.17487/RFC5789, March 2010,

   [RFC8126]  Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for
              Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,
              RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

              TEXT MESSAGES", STD 11, RFC 822, DOI 10.17487/RFC0822,
              August 1982, <>.

   [SSE]      "Server-Sent Events", W3C REC eventsource,
              W3C eventsource, <>.

13.2.  Informative References

   [FETCH]    "Fetch - Living Standard",

   [REST]     Fielding, R. T., "Architectural Styles and the Design of
              Network-based Software Architectures", Doctoral
              Dissertation, University of California, Irvine,

   [RFC7838]  Nottingham, M., McManus, P., and J. Reschke, "HTTP
              Alternative Services", RFC 7838, DOI 10.17487/RFC7838,
              April 2016, <>.

Gupta                     Expires 24 April 2024                [Page 25]
Internet-Draft                    PREP                      October 2023

   [RFC9205]  Nottingham, M., "Building Protocols with HTTP", BCP 56,
              RFC 9205, DOI 10.17487/RFC9205, June 2022,

   [WEBSUB]   "WebSub", W3C REC websub, W3C websub,

   [WS]       "The WebSocket API", W3C NOTE websockets, W3C websockets,


   A B D E N R


         Accept-Events  Section 1.2, Paragraph 1; Section 3.5, Paragraph
            2.6.1; *_Section 4.1_*; Section 4.2, Paragraph 2;
            Section 4.2, Paragraph 3; Section 4.2.1, Paragraph 1;
            Section 5.1, Paragraph 2; Section 5.2, Paragraph 2;
            Section 5.2, Paragraph 4; Section 5.3, Paragraph 2;
            Section 6.2, Paragraph 1; Section 6.3, Paragraph 1;
            Section 7, Paragraph 3.1.1; Section 7, Paragraph 6;
            Section 8.1, Paragraph 3.1.1; Section 9.1, Paragraph
  ; Section 9.1, Paragraph; Section 10.1,
            Paragraph 1; Section 11.1, Paragraph 1; Table 2;
            Section 12.2, Paragraph 1
         application client  Section 3.4, Paragraph 2.2.1; Section 3.5,
            Paragraph 2.2.1; Section 4.1, Paragraph 1; Section 4.1,
            Paragraph 3; Section 4.1, Paragraph 4; Section 5.2,
            Paragraph 4; Section 6, Paragraph 1; Section 6.1, Paragraph
            1; Section 7, Paragraph 1; Section 7, Paragraph 2;
            Section 7, Paragraph; Section 8.3, Paragraph
            1; Section 9.2, Paragraph 1; Section 9.2.2, Paragraph 3.2;
            Section 9.3, Paragraph 1; Section 9.4, Paragraph 4.2;
            Section 10, Paragraph 1; Section 10.1, Paragraph 1;
            Section 10.2, Paragraph 1; Section 10.4, Paragraph 2;
            Section 10.4, Paragraph 4


         base response  Section 7, Paragraph 1; Section 7, Paragraph
            3.2.1; Section 7, Paragraph 4.2; Section 9.1, Paragraph
  ; Section 9.2, Paragraph 1; Section 9.2, Paragraph
            2; Section 9.3, Paragraph 1; Section 9.3.2, Paragraph 1

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         delta representation  *_Section 10.4, Paragraph 1_*;
            Section 10.4, Paragraph 5.1.1; Section 10.4, Paragraph
            5.2.1; Section 10.4, Paragraph 6


         event field  Section 4.2, Paragraph 1; Section 5.1, Paragraph
            1; Section 5.1, Paragraph 1; Section 5.1, Paragraph 1;
            Section 5.1, Paragraph 3.1.1; Section 5.1, Paragraph 3.2.1;
            Section 5.1, Paragraph 3.3.1; Section 6.3, Paragraph 2;
            Section 7, Paragraph; Section 7, Paragraph
  ; Section 7, Paragraph 6; Section 8.1,
            Paragraph 3.2.1; Section 8.2, Paragraph;
            Section 8.2, Paragraph; Section 8.3, Paragraph
  ; Section 8.3, Paragraph; Section 9.1,
            Paragraph; Section 9.1, Paragraph;
            Section 10.1, Paragraph 1; Section 10.4, Paragraph 2;
            Section 10.4, Paragraph 4
         Events  Section 3.5, Paragraph 2.6.1; *_Section 4.2_*;
            Section 5.1, Paragraph 2; Section 5.2, Paragraph 5;
            Section 5.2, Paragraph 6; Section 5.3, Paragraph 2;
            Section 5.3, Paragraph 3; Section 8.1, Paragraph 3.2.1;
            Section 8.2, Paragraph 4.1.1; Section 8.3, Paragraph 3.1.1;
            Section 9.1, Paragraph; Section 9.4, Paragraph
            2.1.1; Table 2; Section 12.2, Paragraph 1


         notification  Section Abstract, Paragraph 1; Section Abstract,
            Paragraph 1; Section 1, Paragraph 1; Section 1.1, Paragraph
            3; Section 1.1, Paragraph 3; Section 1.1, Paragraph 3;
            Section 1.2, Paragraph 1; Section 1.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 1.3, Paragraph 2.1.1; Section 1.3, Paragraph 2.2.1;
            Section 1.3, Paragraph 2.3.1; Section 1.3, Paragraph 2.4.1;
            Section 1.3, Paragraph 2.4.1; Section 1.3, Paragraph 4.2.1;
            Section 1.3, Paragraph; Section 1.3, Paragraph
  ; Section 2, Paragraph 1; Section 2, Paragraph 2;
            Section 2, Paragraph 2; Section 2, Paragraph 3; Section 2,
            Paragraph 3; Section 2.1, Paragraph 1; Section 2.1,
            Paragraph 1; Section 2.2, Paragraph 2.1.1; Section 2.2,
            Paragraph 2.1.1; Section 2.2, Paragraph 2.2.1; Section 2.2,
            Paragraph 2.3.1; Section 2.2, Paragraph 2.3.1; Section 2.3,
            Paragraph 2.2.1; Section 2.3, Paragraph 2.2.1; Section 2.4,
            Paragraph 1; Section 2.4, Paragraph 1; Section 2.4,
            Paragraph 1; Section 2.4, Paragraph 2; Section 3.5;
            Section 3.5, Paragraph 2.4.1; Section 4, Paragraph 1;

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            Section 4.1, Paragraph 1; Section 4.1, Paragraph 1;
            Section 4.1, Paragraph 2; Section 4.1, Paragraph 3;
            Section 4.1, Paragraph 4; Section 4.1, Paragraph 4;
            Section 4.1.1, Paragraph 1; Section 4.1.1, Paragraph 1;
            Section 4.1.1, Paragraph 2; Section 4.1.1, Paragraph 2;
            Section 4.1.2, Paragraph 1; Section 4.1.2, Paragraph 2;
            Section 4.1.2, Paragraph 3; Section 4.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 4.2.2, Paragraph 1; Section 4.2.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 5.1, Paragraph 1; Section 5.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 5.2, Paragraph 3; Section 5.2, Paragraph 3;
            Section 5.3, Paragraph 1; Section 5.3, Paragraph 1;
            Section 5.3, Paragraph 2; Section 5.3, Paragraph 2;
            Section 5.3, Paragraph 3; Section 6, Paragraph 1;
            Section 6.1, Paragraph 1; Section 6.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 6.3, Paragraph 1; Section 6.3, Paragraph 2;
            Section 7, Paragraph 1; Section 7, Paragraph 2; Section 7,
            Paragraph; Section 7, Paragraph;
            Section 7, Paragraph 3.2.1; Section 7, Paragraph 6;
            Section 8.1, Paragraph 1; Section 8.1, Paragraph 2;
            Section 8.1, Paragraph 4.2; Section 8.1, Paragraph 4.2;
            Section 8.2, Paragraph 1; Section 8.2, Paragraph 3;
            Section 8.3, Paragraph 1; Section 8.3, Paragraph 2;
            Section 8.3, Paragraph; Section 9.1, Paragraph 1;
            Section 9.1, Paragraph; Section 9.1, Paragraph
  ; Section 9.1, Paragraph; Section 9.1,
            Paragraph; Section 9.1, Paragraph;
            Section 9.2, Paragraph 1; Section 9.2, Paragraph 2;
            Section 9.2.1, Paragraph 1; Section 9.2.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 9.2.2, Paragraph 1; Section 9.2.2, Paragraph 3.2;
            Section 9.3, Paragraph 1; Section 9.3, Paragraph 2;
            Section 9.3.1, Paragraph 1; Section 9.3.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 9.3.2, Paragraph 2.1.1; Section 9.3.2, Paragraph
            2.2.1; Section 9.4, Paragraph 1; Section 9.4, Paragraph
            2.2.1; Section 9.4, Paragraph 3; Section 9.4, Paragraph 4.2;
            Section 9.4, Paragraph 4.2; Section 10, Paragraph 1;
            Section 10.1, Paragraph 1; Section 10.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 10.2, Paragraph 3; Section 10.3, Paragraph 1;
            Section 10.3, Paragraph 2.2.1; Section 10.3, Paragraph
            2.4.1; Section 10.3, Paragraph 2.6.1; Section 10.3,
            Paragraph 3; Section 10.3, Paragraph 6; Section 10.4,
            Paragraph 1; Section 10.4, Paragraph 2; Section 10.4,
            Paragraph 2; Section 10.4, Paragraph 2; Section 10.4,
            Paragraph 3; Section 10.4, Paragraph 4; Section 10.4,
            Paragraph 4; Section 10.4, Paragraph 5.1.1; Section 10.4,
            Paragraph 5.2.1; Section 11, Paragraph 1; Section 11,
            Paragraph 2; Section 11.2, Paragraph 1; Section 11.2,
            Paragraph 1; Section 11.2, Paragraph 1; Section 11.2,
            Paragraph 1; Section 11.2, Paragraph 1; Section 12.2,

Gupta                     Expires 24 April 2024                [Page 28]
Internet-Draft                    PREP                      October 2023

            Paragraph 1; Section 12.2, Paragraph 1; Section 12.2,
            Paragraph 1; Section 12.2, Paragraph 2; Section 12.2,
            Paragraph 6


         resource server  Section 3.4, Paragraph 2.2.1; Section 4.1,
            Paragraph 2; Section 4.2, Paragraph 1; Section 4.2,
            Paragraph 2; Section 4.2, Paragraph 3; Section 5.2,
            Paragraph 2; Section 5.2, Paragraph 5; Section 5.2,
            Paragraph 6; Section 5.3, Paragraph 2; Section 6, Paragraph
            1; Section 6.1, Paragraph 1; Section 6.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 6.3, Paragraph 1; Section 6.3, Paragraph 2;
            Section 6.3, Paragraph 4.2; Section 6.3, Paragraph 4.3;
            Section 7, Paragraph 2; Section 7, Paragraph 3.2.1;
            Section 7, Paragraph 4.2; Section 7, Paragraph 6;
            Section 8.1, Paragraph 1; Section 8.1, Paragraph 2;
            Section 8.1, Paragraph 4.2; Section 8.1, Paragraph 4.2;
            Section 8.2, Paragraph 1; Section 8.2, Paragraph 3;
            Section 8.3, Paragraph 1; Section 8.3, Paragraph 2;
            Section 9.1, Paragraph 1; Section 9.1, Paragraph;
            Section 9.2, Paragraph 2; Section 9.2.1, Paragraph 1;
            Section 9.2.2, Paragraph 1; Section 9.2.2, Paragraph 3.2;
            Section 9.3, Paragraph 1; Section 9.3.1, Paragraph 1;
            Section 9.3.2, Paragraph 1; Section 9.4, Paragraph 1;
            Section 9.4, Paragraph 3; Section 10.2, Paragraph 1;
            Section 10.3, Paragraph 1; Section 10.3, Paragraph 3;
            Section 10.3, Paragraph 6; Section 10.4, Paragraph 4;
            Section 10.4, Paragraph 6

Author's Address

   Rahul Gupta

Gupta                     Expires 24 April 2024                [Page 29]