Internet DRAFT - draft-guy-xfsp


Internet Engineering Task Force                               M. Spencer
Internet-Draft                                                 Avilution
Intended status: Informational                             E.T. Guy, Ed.
Expires: 3 February 2024                                    EMC Software
                                                           2 August 2023

              eXtensible Stateless Equipment Data Exchange


   This document presents a binary IP-based protocol to facilitate
   interoperable communications between avionics equipment.  The
   protocol is UDP-based, stateless, and broadcast.  Messages consist of
   a common header followed by a series of parameters and related
   attributes.  The parameters are always informational, e.g.,
   indicating airspeed is 150 kts, but parameter attributes can be set
   to indicate intent, e.g., this parameter contains a new user selected
   value such as an instruction that deploys the landing gear.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 3 February 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components

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   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Basic Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.2.  Drawbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  Overview of XSEDE Protocol  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   3.  Message Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.1.  Message Header  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       3.1.1.  Message Header Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.2.  Message Parameter Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       3.2.1.  Parameter Header Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       3.2.2.  Expire Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     3.3.  Parameter Attribute Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       3.3.1.  BOOL Parameter Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       3.3.2.  UINT Parameter Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       3.3.3.  WAYPOINT Parameter Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       3.3.4.  STRING Parameter Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       3.3.5.  CASMSG Parameter Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       3.3.6.  SINT Parameter Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
       3.3.7.  BUS Parameter Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
       3.3.8.  RANGE Parameter Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
       3.3.9.  GPIO Parameter Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
       3.3.10. APP Parameter Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
       3.3.11. WBRANGE Parameter Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
       3.3.12. UPDATE Parameter Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
       3.3.13. SERVO Parameter Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
       3.3.14. DBASE Parameter Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     3.4.  Parameter Ranges  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
       3.4.2.  Ranges  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
     3.5.  Parameter Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   4.  Message Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  96
     4.1.  Message Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  96
     4.2.  Message Signing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  96
     4.3.  Message Transmission and Reliability  . . . . . . . . . .  96
     4.4.  Message Reception & decoding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
     4.5.  Message Signing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
   5.  Example Message Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
     5.1.  Adjust radio  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
       5.1.1.  Message Header  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
       5.1.2.  Frequency Message Header  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  98
       5.1.3.  Squelch Message Header  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
       5.1.4.  Radio Status Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
     5.2.  Deploy Landing Gear Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

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       5.2.1.  Initial Gear State Message  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
       5.2.2.  Gear Position Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
       5.2.3.  First Changed Gear State Message  . . . . . . . . . . 107
       5.2.4.  Final Gear State Message  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
     7.1.  Interception  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
     7.2.  Impersonation and MITM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
     7.3.  Denial of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

1.  Introduction

   Historically, avionics equipment has used private protocols for
   device interconnection but the trend is towards open communication
   leveraging standard hardware.  There have been various stages in the
   evolution of device interconnection from point-to-point analog
   communication to digital serial protocols, to bus-based solutions and
   currently IP-based over ethernet.

   One of the concerns with all of these protocols in this industry is
   that extensive testing is required, so developing a common protocol
   and library with its extensive test cases will improve time to
   market, product quality, and hence lower cost and improved safety.

   The eXtensible Stateless Equipment Data Exchange, XSEDE, is such an
   IP-based protocol which provides a common means that facilitates
   parameter communication between airborne equipment.  It is an open
   protocol which operates using binary-encoded UDP packets sent on a
   broadcast interface, typically using multicast Ethernet.  This
   approach allows the avionics system to function as a collection of
   safety-critical microservices with XSEDE at the hub of the entire
   avionics system.  XSEDE can flexibly drive multiple displays and
   unify all the aircraft's subsystems all at the control of the system

   Parameters generally fall into two separate categories: schedule-
   driven and event-driven.  Schedule-driven parameters are those that
   are sent periodically by the nodes in the system.  One example could
   be the current heading might be reported by a sensors at 10hz.  These
   parameters have a logical expiration time associated with how long
   they are valid, for example, 250ms.  Another example could be the
   current air temperature or even the current value of the pilot’s
   desired heading (heading bug.)  Event driven parameters are those
   that occur in response to an external stimuli, e.g., a pilot action

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   on a switch, or an autopilot deciding to change the heading due to
   reaching an intermediate waypoint.  These parameters do not have a
   logical expiration time associated with how long they are valid.

1.1.  Basic Properties

   XSEDE is a simple and compact protocol which uses a fast marshaling
   approach.  Parameters may be coalesced, size and time permitting,
   into a single message to make transport more efficient.  The message
   layout considers quad word alignment issues which can affect
   performance, especially on ARM-based architectures and pads to
   maintain efficiency.  All messages are broadcast to all receivers so
   that the protocol is stateless and only the recipient controls
   whether a parameter will be processed.  Since avionics software is
   subject to intensive testing and validation, XSEDE is designed to be
   deterministic with the fewest number of formal requirements required
   for implementation while still permitting the addition of new data
   formats and parameters through an extensible data model.  Such
   additions can be made either through a future version of the standard
   or just through localized additionally configured data elements.

   User and System selected events can exhibit two distinct behaviors:
   an event that cause an immediate change, e.g., a radio frequency
   change, and those changes in which a change may take time to be
   reflected by the system, e.g., selecting a new flap position.  In the
   former case, only one parameter is defined: a request would set the
   confidence field to USERSEL (or SYSSEL).  At the same time, the radio
   would periodically report with the current setting.  In the latter
   case, these settings are implemented with a pair of parameters, a
   request (REQ suffix) and a current state Parameter that has no
   specific suffix.  For example, FLAPREQ and FLAPPOS (See Section 3.5)
   where the first indicates the requested value and the second
   indicates the actual value.

1.2.  Drawbacks

   XSEDE is a UDP-based protocol so packet delivery is not guaranteed.
   However, since XSEDE is typically run on a purpose built network
   within a specific aircraft, the reliability of the network is still
   typically very high.  Application-level behavior is implemented to
   ensure critical requests are executed.  Since the protocol is
   stateless, it relies on the requestor to monitor status to ensure an
   action was taken.  For example, if a request to put the landing gear
   down is made, the requesting application must watch reports of the
   landing gear position and alert if the request is not satisfied in a
   timely manner.  However, you would be able to see if your request was
   correctly interpreted by a report, periodic or in response to the
   event, by the responsible nodes.  Notably, the protocol does not

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   contain the concept of incrementing or decrementing a value, just
   setting a specific value.  A user interface which is designed to
   increment and decrement a value based on a user turning a knob, for
   example, must track the current value and when an increment is
   detected, transmit the new, incremented value with the appropriate
   confidence (most likely USERSEL).  If two or more applications are
   monitoring the same knob from two different computers, they each
   would be able to redundantly send the same new value without
   affecting the behavior whether one, two or more such applications
   were concurrently running.

1.3.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

      is the basic unit of communication in XSEDE.

      is a device or process that implements XSEDE.

      is the task specific payload contained in a message.

   Attribute Format:
      are the simple and structured data types associated with a
      parameter attribute.

      are the values associated with a parameter.

      is a set of allowed values associated with an attribute,
      parameter, or message field.

   Source ID:
      Refers to the unique number which identifies the node, by
      convention with the top octet representing the computer and the
      bottom octet representing the application number within that

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2.  Overview of XSEDE Protocol

   The eXtensible Stateless Equipment Data Exchange is designed to
   operate on an airborne platform network.  This network is intended to
   be isolated from the general Internet and comprises instruments,
   displays, sensors, and actuators performing various functions.  XSEDE
   messages are broadcast to every node on the network.  XSEDE message
   occur in three classes: Maintenance, Operational and Raw.

   Maintenance and Operational messages consist of a header followed by
   a series of parameters.  Parameters always represent information, a
   message is purely a collection of parameters.  However, the
   confidence field must be interpreted to determine intent, i.e., the
   SYSSEL and USERSEL confidence levels MUST be interpreted by
   responsible nodes to affect changes on the relevant items.

   XSEDE is stateless.  There is no required protocol level response to
   any command, however, informational responses may be made.  For
   instance, a command to change the radio frequency of a certain radio
   may generate a application-level response indicating the new radio
   frequency.  All XSEDE messages go to all nodes which simply discard
   things they don't care about.

   Raw XSEDE messages consist of a message header which specifies the
   length of the raw data, followed by that raw data.  Raw data is
   classified as MIL-STD-1553, CANbus, digital samples, or other serial
   or streaming unframed data.

   Each node in XSEDE is assigned a source ID.  These Source IDs MUST be
   unique within the XSEDE network.  The Source ID and the message
   number uniquely identify the message and are contained in the message
   header.  Message IDs created by a node MUST be monotonically
   increasing.  A receiving node MUST ignore all duplicate messages.
   The Source ID and a message number are used to ensure messages are
   processed in order and only once.  Messages MUST be processed in
   order skipping any missing messages and MUST only be processed once.
   Senders and Receivers must account for integer overflow in message
   numbers.  There is no retry mechanism at the protocol level; Missing
   and out-of-order messages SHALL be considered lost and if received
   out of order, a message MUST be ignored.

   In addition to the Source ID and Message Number, The XSEDE message
   header also contains the message class, the Message Operation ID,
   DO-178 certification level, [DO-178C] the confidence level and the
   payload length.

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   For best performance, an XSEDE goal is to not send IP datagrams that
   have to be fragmented.  Packets which exceed the MSS size will be
   fragmented.  To achieve this goal XSEDE messages SHOULD be less than
   the network Maximum Segment Size (MSS) size in length.  On a modern
   Ethernet network, IEEE 802.3 [IEEE8023] specifies a maximum payload
   size of 1500 bytes.  The size of the fixed IPv4 header is 20 bytes
   [RFC0791] or in IPv6 the fixed header is 40 bytes [RFC2640] UDP
   headers consume 8 bytes, [RFC0768] the XSEDE header Section 3.1 uses
   12 bytes leaving 1460 bytes for parameters or 1440 bytes on an IPv6

3.  Message Format

3.1.  Message Header

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |    src id                     |    message number             |
      |   msg class   | message ID    |       flags                   |
      |              tcid             |          len                  |
      |                                                               |
      :                             Data                              :
      |                                                               |

                      Figure 1: Message Header Format

   XSEDE messages are formatted as shown in the above diagram and
   consist of the following fields:

   src id:
      UINT16; locally configured source ID.  Must be unique on network.

   message number:
      UINT16; monotonically increasing message number.

   msg class:
      UINT8; The message class.  See Table 1

   message ID:
      UINT8; msg-op; See Table 2.

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      UINT16; See Table 3.

      t-NONE; See Table 4.

      UINT16 ; length of all parameters or raw data in bytes.  Note:
      Operational and Maintenance class messages shall always have a
      length that is a factor or 4.

      1*(parameter) / *(OCTET) ; raw data may be arbitrary length
      sequence of octets.

3.1.1.  Message Header Dictionaries

   This section defines the dictionaries used in the message header.
   See Section 3.1.

   Table 1, below, shows the values defined in the msg-class Dictionary.
   These values identify the message class: raw, maintenance or

           | Name  | Value | Definition                       |
           | MAINT | %d2   | Maintenance Message              |
           | OP    | %d3   | Operational Message              |
           | RAW   | %d4   | Access to raw data stream (e.g., |
           |       |       | RS-232, RS-485, ARINC-429, etc)  |

                      Table 1: msg-class Dictionary

   Table 2, below, shows the values defined in the msg-op Dictionary.
   These options further refine the operational message class.

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     | Name       | Value | Definition                              |
     | FLIGHTDATA | %d2   | Flight Data Info                        |
     | DEVSTATUS  | %d3   | Device Status                           |
     | GDL90      | %d4   | GDL-90 Format Messages without framing, |
     |            |       | FCS or escape characters.  [GLD90]      |

                        Table 2: msg-op Dictionary

   Table 3, below, shows the values defined in the msg-flag-cert
   Dictionary.  These choices represent the message and parameter
   certification level tracking with respect to the [DO-178C]
   specification.  The message value represents the certification value
   of the transmitter, where the parameter value represents the source
   data node's certification value.

                 | Name         | Value | Definition     |
                 | EXPERIMENTAL | %d0   | Experimental   |
                 | LEVEL-E      | %d1   | DO-178 Level E |
                 | LEVEL-D      | %d2   | DO-178 Level D |
                 | LEVEL-C      | %d3   | DO-178 Level C |
                 | LEVEL-B      | %d4   | DO-178 Level B |
                 | LEVEL-A      | %d5   | DO-178 Level A |

                     Table 3: msg-flag-cert Dictionary

   Table 4, below, shows the values defined in the tcid Dictionary.
   XSEDE transcoder ID values or NONE if no transcoder.

        | Name | Value | Definition                               |
        | NONE | %d0   | No transcoder ID is required or asserted |

                          Table 4: tcid Dictionary

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3.2.  Message Parameter Format

   The section defines the elements common to all XSEDE parameters.

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |  Parameter Data Len |                Ident                    |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |                                                               |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                                                               |

                     Figure 2: Message Parameter Format

      UINT16 If appropriate, which unit this parameter applies (e.g.,
      Engine #1).

      UINT16; If appropriate, which subunit this parameter applies
      (e.g., Engine #2, Cylinder #3).

   Parameter Ident:
      UINT32; This attribute is the composite of the length and a
      parameter specific identifier.

      Nodes MUST compare to their known parameters to this value as a
      whole; that it to say, an Ident with a different length is a
      different parameter.  This same Ident with a different length
      situation commonly occurs when sending range parameters but it
      also can happen when parameter definitions are updated.

      If the combined value does not match a known parameter/length
      pair, the parameter data length MUST be determined, then padded to
      a multiple of four, and the parameter MUST be ignored.

      Len:  11 bits; Parameter Data Length in octets.  This value MUST

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         reflect the usable length of the parameter data, not including
         padding, however, the parameter itself MUST be padded to a
         length that is a multiple of four bytes to maintain proper word

      Ident:  21 bits; XSEDE Parameter Identifier.  See Section 3.5.

      param_format (OCTET): Format of Parameter Data.  See Section 3.3.

      param_confidence (OCTET): Confidence of data element.  See
      Table 5.

      OCTET; Time to live. %xFF to not expire.  See Section 3.2.2 for

      msg_flag_cert(OCTET) Reserved Flags, bottom three bits are
      certification level of data.  See Table 3

   Parameter Data:
      *(OCTET) quadword padded payload.

3.2.1.  Parameter Header Dictionaries

   Table 5, below, shows the values defined in the param-confidence
   Dictionary.  These options represent parameter format confidence

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         | Name      | Value | Definition                        |
         | USERSEL   | %d192 | User selected value at runtime.   |
         |           |       | Note: expire value SHOULD be zero |
         |           |       | and MUST be ignored by receivers. |
         | SYSSEL    | %d224 | System selected value at runtime. |
         |           |       | Note: expire value SHOULD be zero |
         |           |       | and MUST be ignored by receivers. |
         | HIGH      | %d100 | Confirmed known value             |
         | UNANIMOUS | %d50  | Redundant data available and is   |
         |           |       | rationalized                      |
         | RATIONAL  | %d40  | Data being rationalized from      |
         |           |       | other data sources with normal    |
         |           |       | sources ignored                   |
         | VOTED     | %d30  | Data is redundantly verified from |
         |           |       | identical instruments             |
         | SMOOTHED  | %d20  | Smoothed/filtered version of raw  |
         |           |       | data                              |
         | RAW /     | %d10  | Raw or reported unchecked data    |
         | REPORTED  |       |                                   |
         | ESTIMATE  | %d5   | Rough estimation                  |
         | USELESS   | %d0   | Value is missing or expected      |
         |           |       | invalid and supplied for          |
         |           |       | debugging ONLY                    |

                    Table 5: param-confidence Dictionary

   The msg_flag_cert Dictionary is also used.  See Table 3 for its

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3.2.2.  Expire Encoding

   Information provided in messages have a limited usability lifetime or
   time-to-live.  The Expire field is used to indicate how long the
   associated parameter is valid.  It is an eight-bit field that is
   split into an exponent and mantissa to provide the maximum range and
   precision within this small space.  The upper four bits represent the
   the mantissa and the lower four bits represent the exponent.  If the
   value of the Expire field is %x00, the value MUST be interpreted to
   mean "the parameter does not expire," otherwise the expiry time value
   MUST be determined by the following formula:

   Expiration (milliseconds) = (16 + M) * 2^E which can be implemented
   with ( 0x10 | M ) << E

   This approach give us the range of 17 to 1015880 milliseconds (about
   17 minutes) with 0x00 reserved as "No Expiration."

       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
      |   M   |   E   |

                     Figure 3: Message Parameter Format

   For example, an expiry value of %x13 gives a mantissa of 0001 and an
   exponent of 0011 yielding a value of (16 + 1) * 2^E ms or 128

   Another example, a value of %xF7 which decomposes to a mantissa of
   1111 and an exponent of 0111 yielding a value of (16 + 15) * 2^7 ms,
   or 3968 milliseconds.

   The minimum value of %x01 which decomposes to a mantissa of 0001 and
   an exponent of 0000 yielding a value of (16 + 1) * 2^0 ms, or 17

   The maximum value of %xFF which decomposes to a mantissa of 1111 and
   an exponent of 1111 yielding a value of (16 + 15) * 2^15 ms, or
   1015808 milliseconds, which is about 17 minutes.

   A final example, %x00 which is a special case for "No Expiration."

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3.3.  Parameter Attribute Formats

   The various attributes associated with parameters occur as both
   simple types, such as Integers and compound structures, such as
   Waypoints.  This section defines the attribute formats that are used
   in XSEDE.

3.3.1.  BOOL Parameter Format

   Boolean Format

   Parameter Identifier: %d1

   Length: 4


           | Item       | Type    | Description                |
           | bool-value | boolean | Zero for false, 1 for      |
           |            |         | true, all others undefined |

                       Table 6: BOOL Parameter Format

   Table 7, below, shows the values defined in the boolean Dictionary.
   These options represent the nominal boolean values.

                      | Name  | Value | Definition |
                      | FALSE | %d0   | False      |
                      | TRUE  | %d1   | True       |

                       Table 7: boolean Dictionary

3.3.2.  UINT Parameter Format

   Unsigned 32-bit Integer Format

   Parameter Identifier: %d2

   Length: 4


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              | Item       | Type   | Description           |
              | uint-value | uint32 | 32-bit Unsigned Value |

                       Table 8: UINT Parameter Format

3.3.3.  WAYPOINT Parameter Format

   Waypoint on a Flight Plan

   Parameter Identifier: %d3

   Length: 80


       | Item      | Type          | Description                   |
       | label     | 12*12(OCTET)  | Name of waypoint              |
       | lat       | int32         | Latitude of waypoint *        |
       |           |               | 10,000,000                    |
       | lon       | int32         | Longitude of waypoint *       |
       |           |               | 10,000,000                    |
       | lonlen    | int32         | Length of degree of longitude |
       |           |               | for this latitude in meters   |
       | alt       | int32         | Altitude associated with      |
       |           |               | waypoint in 0.1ft             |
       | minalt    | int32         | Logical Minimum for Fix       |
       |           |               | Crossing in 0.1ft             |
       | maxalt    | int32         | Logical Maximum Altitude for  |
       |           |               | Fix Crossing in 0.1ft         |
       | speed     | int32         | Target indicated airspeed     |
       | magadj    | uint32        | Original (VOR) or Current     |
       |           |               | (GPS) Magnetic Deviation in   |
       |           |               | 0.01 degrees of NAVAID        |
       | inbound   | uint16        | Inbound course in 0.01        |

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       |           |               | degrees                       |
       | outbound  | uint16        | Outbound course in 0.01       |
       |           |               | degrees                       |
       | freqkhz   | uint32        | Frequency in khz if this is a |
       |           |               | NAV AID                       |
       | wtype     | fms-waypoint  | Type of waypoint              |
       | ctype     | fms-container | Type of container             |
       | flags     | fms-flag      | Flags for the waypoint / leg  |
       | cumete    | uint32        | Cumulative ETE from active    |
       |           |               | waypoint in 0.01 seconds      |
       | cumdis    | uint32        | Cumulative distance from      |
       |           |               | active waypoint in 0.001 nm   |
       | container | 16*16(OCTET)  | What container is this        |
       |           |               | waypoint a part of (e.g.,     |
       |           |               | V431, ILS-18L, etc)           |

                     Table 9: WAYPOINT Parameter Format

   Table 10, below, shows the values defined in the fms-waypoint
   Dictionary.  These options represent the flight management system
   waypoint types.

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          | Name       | Value | Definition                     |
          | UNKNOWN    | %d0   | Unknown or unspecified         |
          | GS         | %x80  | Glideslope component           |
          | DME        | %x40  | DME Component                  |
          | TACAN      | %x20  | TACAN Component                |
          | VOR        | %d1   | VOR Component                  |
          | LOC        | %d2   | Localizer component            |
          | NDB        | %d3   | NDB component                  |
          | LDA        | %d4   | LDA Component                  |
          | SDF        | %d5   | SDF Component                  |
          | FIX        | %d6   | Generic RNAV Fix               |
          | ILS        | %d7   | Complete ILS system            |
          | AIRPORT    | %d8   | An Airport                     |
          | DIRECTFROM | %d9   | Starting point of a direct to  |
          | WEATHER    | %d10  | Weather reporting station only |

                     Table 10: fms-waypoint Dictionary

   Table 11, below, shows the values defined in the fms-container
   Dictionary.  These options represent the flight management system
   container types.

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          | Name    | Value | Definition                       |
          | UNKNOWN | %d0   | Unspecified or unknown container |
          | NONE    | %d1   | No container                     |
          | VICTOR  | %d2   | VOR Airway                       |
          | JET     | %d3   | Jet Airway                       |
          | AMBER   | %d4   | Amber Airway                     |
          | BLUE    | %d5   | Blue Airway                      |
          | GREEN   | %d6   | Green Airway                     |
          | RED     | %d7   | Red Airway                       |
          | Q       | %d8   | RNAV Q Routes                    |
          | T       | %d9   | RNAV T Routes                    |
          | STAR    | %d10  | Standard Arrival Procedure       |
          | DP      | %d11  | Standard Departure Procedure     |
          | APP     | %d12  | Instrument Approach              |

                    Table 11: fms-container Dictionary

   Table 12, below, shows the values defined in the fms-flag Dictionary.
   These options represent the flight management system waypoint and leg

        | Name       | Value   | Definition                       |
        | NONE       | %d0     | No flags or leg type known       |
        | LEGTYPE-VA | %d1     | Heading to Altitude              |
        | LEGTYPE-VD | %d2     | Heading to DME Distance          |
        | LEGTYPE-VI | %d3     | Heading to Next Leg Intercept    |
        | LEGTYPE-VM | %d4     | Heading to Manual Termination    |

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        | LEGTYPE-VR | %d5     | Heading to Radial Termination    |
        | LEGTYPE-CA | %d6     | Course to an Altitude            |
        | LEGTYPE-CD | %d7     | Course to a DME Distance         |
        | LEGTYPE-CI | %d8     | Course to Next Leg Intercept     |
        | LEGTYPE-CR | %d9     | Course to Radial Termination     |
        | LEGTYPE-CF | %d10    | Course to a Fix                  |
        | LEGTYPE-TF | %d11    | Tracking Between Two Fixes       |
        | LEGTYPE-DF | %d12    | Direct to a Fix                  |
        | LEGTYPE-FA | %d13    | Course from a Fix to an Altitude |
        | LEGTYPE-FC | %d14    | Course from a Fix to an Along    |
        |            |         | Track Distance                   |
        | LEGTYPE-FD | %d15    | Course from a Fix to a DME       |
        |            |         | Distance                         |
        | LEGTYPE-FM | %d16    | Course from a Fix to a Manual    |
        |            |         | Termination                      |
        | LEGTYPE-AF | %d17    | Constant DMA Arc to a Fix        |
        | LEGTYPE-HF | %d18    | Hold to a Fix                    |
        | LEGTYPE-HA | %d19    | Hold to an Altitude              |
        | LEGTYPE-HM | %d20    | Hold to a Manual Termination     |
        | LEGTYPE-IF | %d21    | Initial Fix                      |
        | LEGTYPE-PI | %d22    | Procedure Turn to Intercept      |
        | LEGTYPE-RF | %d23    | Radius to a Fix                  |
        | FLYOVER    | %x01.00 | If not present, fly by           |
        | DISC       | %x02.00 | If present, Discontinuity before |
        |            |         | current waypoint                 |
        | ACTIVE     | %x04.00 | If present, this is the active   |

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        |            |         | waypoint                         |
        | OBS        | %x08.00 | If present, waypoint allows OBS  |
        |            |         | to be set                        |
        | FAF        | %x10.00 | If present, waypoint is final    |
        |            |         | approach fix or after            |
        | SUSPEND    | %x20.00 | FMS sequencing is suspended at   |
        |            |         | this waypoint                    |
        | LAST       | %x40.00 | This waypoint is the last one in |
        |            |         | the flight plan                  |

                       Table 12: fms-flag Dictionary

3.3.4.  STRING Parameter Format

   String of characters (may not have NULL termination)

   Parameter Identifier: %d4

   Length: length(data) + 0


          | Item         | Type     | Description               |
          | string-value | *(OCTET) | Optionally NUL terminated |
          |              |          | [ISO88591] String         |

                     Table 13: STRING Parameter Format

3.3.5.  CASMSG Parameter Format

   CAS Message

   Parameter Identifier: %d5

   Length: length(data) + 4


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              | Item  | Type        | Description           |
              | level | cas-msglvl  | CAS level             |
              | rsvd  | uint8       | Reserved, set to 0    |
              | flags | cas-msgflag | CAS related flags     |
              | label | *(OCTET)    | Label for CAS Message |

                     Table 14: CASMSG Parameter Format

   Table 15, below, shows the values defined in the cas-msglvl
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Message levels for CAS
   messages and checklist items.

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      | Name      | Value | Definition                             |
      | CLEAR     | %d0   | Clear a previously issued CAS message  |
      |           |       | -- issue from system only              |
      | DEBUG     | %d1   | In-system debugging output only        |
      | LOG       | %d2   | Log to system log, but do not display  |
      | MAINT     | %d3   | Display only for maintenance purposes  |
      | STATUS    | %d4   | Aircraft system status only            |
      | ADVISORY  | %d5   | Advisory, flight crew should be aware, |
      |           |       | may require later crew response        |
      | CAUTION   | %d6   | Caution, requires immediate flight     |
      |           |       | crew awareness and later response      |
      | WARNING   | %d7   | Warning, requires immediate awareness  |
      |           |       | and response.                          |
      | COMMENT   | %d10  | Checklist Comment Associated with      |
      |           |       | Previous Item                          |
      | UNCHKITEM | %d11  | Unchecked Checklist Item               |
      | CHKITEM   | %d12  | Checked Checklist Item                 |
      | CHKBRANCH | %d13  | Checklist Branch Choice                |

                     Table 15: cas-msglvl Dictionary

   Table 16, below, shows the values defined in the cas-msgflag
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Additional flags associated
   with CAS messages.

        | Name | Value | Definition                              |
        | AUTO | %x01  | Item is automatically checked/unchecked |

                     Table 16: cas-msgflag Dictionary

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3.3.6.  SINT Parameter Format

   Signed 32-bit Integer Format

   Parameter Identifier: %d9

   Length: 4


       | Item       | Type  | Description                          |
       | sint-value | int32 | Signed 32-bit two's complement value |

                      Table 17: SINT Parameter Format

3.3.7.  BUS Parameter Format

   Bus and Electronic Circuit Breaker Format

   Parameter Identifier: %d10

   Length: length(data) + 24


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      | Item     | Type      | Description                         |
      | state    | ecb-state | State of Bus (in terms of ECB)      |
      | ecbflags | ecb-flag  | Flags regarding ECB state           |
      | involts  | int16     | Input Volts on Bus                  |
      | drawamps | int16     | Current draw on bus                 |
      | maxamps  | int16     | Max Amps on bus                     |
      | champs   | int16     | Caution high amps                   |
      | clamps   | int16     | Caution low amps                    |
      | minamps  | int16     | Minimum amps on bus (could be -)    |
      | outvolts | int16     | Output Volts on Bus                 |
      | maxvolts | int16     | Max volts                           |
      | chvolts  | int16     | Caution high voltage                |
      | clvolts  | int16     | Caution low voltage                 |
      | minvolts | int16     | Minimum low voltage                 |
      | label    | *(OCTET)  | Label for BUS Message (System/Item) |

                      Table 18: BUS Parameter Format

   Table 19, below, shows the values defined in the ecb-state
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Electronic circuit breaker

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        | Name     | Value | Definition                           |
        | UNKNOWN  | %d0   | Circuit is in an unknown condition   |
        | OFF      | %d1   | Circuit is turned off                |
        | ON       | %d2   | Circuit is turned on                 |
        | UNDERCUR | %d3   | Circuit is on, <100ma current drawn  |
        | RESET    | %d4   | Request Reset                        |
        | FORWARD  | %d5   | ECB is active logical FWD direction  |
        | REVERSE  | %d6   | ECB is active logical REV direction  |
        | TARGET   | %d7   | ECB is set by target, not ON/OFF     |
        | BRAKELOW | %d8   | ECB is set by target, not ON/OFF     |
        | SHORTED  | %d128 | Short Circuit                        |
        | OVERCUR  | %d129 | Overcurrent (but not short circuit)  |
        | OVERVOL  | %d130 | Overvoltage situation                |
        | DISABLED | %d131 | Disabled by state-fault              |
        | RUNAWAY  | %d132 | Disabled due to runaway (trim/flaps) |
        | COLLARED | %d133 | Should not reset in flight           |
        | JAMMED   | %d134 | Mechanical Jam detected              |
        | PULLED   | %d135 | Pulled                               |
        | BACKFLOW | %d136 | Disabled due to reverse current flow |

                       Table 19: ecb-state Dictionary

   Table 20, below, shows the values defined in the ecb-flag Dictionary.
   These options represent the Electronic circuit breaker parameter

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            | Name       | Value | Definition                 |
            | INPUTVOLTS | %x01  | Input Volts field is valid |

                       Table 20: ecb-flag Dictionary

3.3.8.  RANGE Parameter Format

   Range description format

   Parameter Identifier: %d11

   Length: 24


         | Item     | Type        | Description                  |
         | numticks | uint16      | How many valid ticks are in  |
         |          |             | the parameter data           |
         | units    | param-units | Specifier for units for      |
         |          |             | display                      |
         | divisor  | int32       | For display purposes, what   |
         |          |             | are logical divisions        |
         | minval   | int32       | Minimum valid value          |
         | maxval   | int32       | Maximum valid value          |
         | mindisp  | int32       | Where display starts (values |
         |          |             | lower than this are clipped) |
         | maxdisp  | int32       | Where display stops (values  |
         |          |             | higher tha this are clipped) |
         | ticks    | starray     | Actual tick data             |
         |          |             | representing the scale marks |

                      Table 21: RANGE Parameter Format

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   Table 22, below, shows the values defined in the param-units
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Units for the encoding and
   translation of XSEDE parameters.

   | Name   | Value   | Definition                                    |
   | UNSPEC | %x00    | Units not specified                           |
   | INHG   | %x00.01 | Use inches of Hg for BARO/MANPRES             |
   | FT     | %x00.02 | Use feet for altitude                         |
   | NM     | %x00.03 | Use nautical miles for distance               |
   | C      | %x00.04 | Use celsius for temperature                   |
   | LBFT   | %x00.05 | Use pound-feet for torque                     |
   | S      | %x00.06 | Use seconds for time                          |
   | A      | %x00.07 | Use amps for current                          |
   | V      | %x00.08 | Use volts for voltage                         |
   | LB     | %x00.09 | Use pounds for weight                         |
   | IN     | %x00.0a | Use inches for distance                       |
   | FPM    | %x00.0b | Use feet per minute for rate of climb/descent |
   | LBPH   | %x00.0c | Pounds per Hour for fuel flow                 |
   | DEGPS  | %x00.0d | Degrees per second for attitude change        |
   | DEG    | %x00.0e | Degrees for attitude                          |
   | G      | %x00.0f | G force for load                              |
   | RGBA   | %x00.10 | 8888 RGBA Value                               |
   | KHZ    | %x00.11 | Kilohertz for Frequency                       |
   | PCENT  | %x00.12 | Percent of Maximum                            |
   | KT     | %x00.13 | Knots for Speed                               |
   | NMPLB  | %x00.14 | Nautical Miles per Pound                      |

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   | KTPS   | %x00.15 | Knots per second                              |
   | MACH   | %x00.16 | Speed of sound                                |
   | CPM    | %x00.17 | Count per minute                              |
   | PPM    | %x00.18 | Parts per million                             |
   | LPM    | %x00.19 | Liters Per Minute                             |
   | KW     | %x00.1a | Kilowatt                                      |
   | AH     | %x00.1b | Amp Hour                                      |
   | HPA    | %x80.01 | Use Hecto pascals for BARO                    |
   | M      | %x80.02 | Use meters for altitude                       |
   | SM     | %x80.03 | Use statute miles for distance                |
   | F      | %x80.04 | Use fahrenheit for temperature                |
   | NWM    | %x80.05 | Use Newton Meters for torque                  |
   | PSI    | %x80.06 | Use PSI for MANPRES                           |
   | MPH    | %x80.07 | Use miles per hour for speed                  |
   | SMPLB  | %x80.08 | Statues Miles per Pound                       |
   | MIN    | %x80.09 | Minutes                                       |
   | HR     | %x80.0a | Hours                                         |
   | HP     | %x80.0b | Use Horsepower for power                      |
   | KG     | %x80.0c | Use kilograms for weight                      |
   | UL     | %xff.ff | Unitless                                      |

                     Table 22: param-units Dictionary

3.3.9.  GPIO Parameter Format

   GPIO summary format

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   Parameter Identifier: %d12

   Length: 12


    | Item     | Type   | Description                                |
    | features | uint32 | 4-bit Feature (XFS_GPIO_FEATURE_*) x 8     |
    | outmodes | uint32 | 4-bit Output modes (XFS_GPIO_OUTPUT_*) x 8 |
    | inmodes  | uint16 | 2-bit Input modes (XFS_GPIO_INPUT_*) x 8   |
    | flags    | uint16 | Reserved for future use                    |

                     Table 23: GPIO Parameter Format

3.3.10.  APP Parameter Format

   APP status format

   Parameter Identifier: %d13

   Length: length(data) + 56


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    | Item       | Type         | Description                        |
    | state      | scb-state    | State of application*              |
    | rsvd       | uint8        | Reserved bits                      |
    | appflags   | uint16       | Flags regarding app                |
    | period     | uint16       | Baseline runtime period            |
    |            |              | (XFS_SCHED_PERIOD_*)               |
    | avgcpu     | uint16       | Average OS CPU time utilization in |
    |            |              | units per period over last second  |
    | hwcpu      | uint16       | High water OS CPU time utilization |
    |            |              | in units per period                |
    | cpulim     | uint16       | Limitation of OS CPU time          |
    |            |              | utilization in units per period    |
    | runtime    | uint16       | Max allocated runtime (per period) |
    | deadline   | uint16       | Deadline for completion (per       |
    |            |              | period)                            |
    | avgruntime | uint16       | Average runtime over last 1s       |
    | hwruntime  | uint16       | High water runtime                 |
    | ivcsw      | uint32       | Involuntary context switches       |
    | aircraftid | 16*16(OCTET) | Aircraft Identifier                |
    | swrev      | 16*16(OCTET) | Software Version Identifier        |
    | label      | *(OCTET)     | Name of APP                        |

                      Table 24: APP Parameter Format

   Table 25, below, shows the values defined in the scb-state
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Software circuit breaker

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    | Name      | Value | Definition                                 |
    | UNKNOWN   | %d0   | State of software is unknown               |
    | STARTING  | %d1   | Application is in startup phase            |
    | RUNNING   | %d2   | Application is running                     |
    | STOPPING  | %d3   | Stopping has been requested                |
    | RESTART   | %d4   | Restart Application (PULL + RESET + START) |
    | RESET     | %d5   | Allow application to be started            |
    | HUNG      | %d6   | Application is running but is no longer    |
    |           |       | responsive                                 |
    | DEGRADED  | %d127 | Application is running in a degraded mode  |
    | STOPPED   | %d128 | Application is stopped                     |
    | STARTFAIL | %d129 | Application failed startup                 |
    | RUNAWAY   | %d130 | Application has a runaway loop             |
    | OVERCPU   | %d131 | Application is using excessive CPU while   |
    |           |       | in RUNNING state                           |
    | OVERMEM   | %d132 | Application terminated due to memory       |
    |           |       | overrun                                    |
    | EXCEPTION | %d133 | Application terminated due to runtime      |
    |           |       | exception                                  |
    | ENDED     | %d134 | Application ended without error or request |
    | ENDERROR  | %d135 | Application ended with error condition     |
    | PULLED    | %d136 | Application should not be allowed to run   |
    |           |       | until reset                                |
    | COLLARED  | %d137 | Should not reset in flight                 |

                      Table 25: scb-state Dictionary

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3.3.11.  WBRANGE Parameter Format

   Weight and Balance Range

   Parameter Identifier: %d14

   Length: 16


          | Item        | Type    | Description                |
          | flags       | uint16  | Flags if any               |
          | numslices   | uint16  | Number of slices specified |
          | maxtakeoff  | uint32  | Max takeoff weight         |
          | maxlanding  | uint32  | Max landing weight         |
          | maxzerofuel | uint32  | Max zero fuel weight       |
          | slices      | starray | Slices that form weight    |
          |             |         | and balance envelope       |

                    Table 26: WBRANGE Parameter Format

3.3.12.  UPDATE Parameter Format

   Aircraft Update Progress

   Parameter Identifier: %d15

   Length: length(data) + 56


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        | Item       | Type                 | Description         |
        | aircraftid | 16*16(OCTET)         | Aircraft Identifier |
        | progress   | uint32               | Progress            |
        | progflags  | msg-cmd-updstat-flag | Progress Flags      |
        | activity   | 32*32(OCTET)         | Description of      |
        |            |                      | current activity    |
        | label      | *(OCTET)             | Name of CPU being   |
        |            |                      | updated             |

                     Table 27: UPDATE Parameter Format

   Table 28, below, shows the values defined in the msg-cmd-updstat-flag
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Maintenance mode status
   update flags.

          | Name    | Value | Definition                        |
          | SUCCESS | %x01  | Update is complete and successful |
          | ERROR   | %x02  | Error during update               |

                 Table 28: msg-cmd-updstat-flag Dictionary

3.3.13.  SERVO Parameter Format

   Position with flags to interpret whether servo should be engaged,
   disengaged or left alone and whether active

   Parameter Identifier: %d16

   Length: 8


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                 | Item      | Type       | Description |
                 | servopos  | int32      | undefined   |
                 | servomode | afcs-servo | undefined   |

                     Table 29: SERVO Parameter Format

   Table 30, below, shows the values defined in the afcs-servo
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Servo engagement flags.

      | Name       | Value         | Definition                    |
      | ENGAGE     | %x80.00.00.00 | If present in engagement      |
      |            |               | request, along with 'ENGAGED' |
      |            |               | value, set engagement status  |
      | ENGAGED    | %d1           | For requests, retain current  |
      |            |               | engagement state, for status, |
      |            |               | present if currently engaged  |
      | DISENGAGED | %d0           | If engaged, disengage and for |
      |            |               | status, currently disengaged  |

                     Table 30: afcs-servo Dictionary

3.3.14.  DBASE Parameter Format

   Database Information

   Parameter Identifier: %d17

   Length: 92


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        | Item     | Type         | Description                   |
        | crc      | uint32       | undefined                     |
        | name     | 16*16(OCTET) | Name of database (e.g., com)  |
        | supplier | 16*16(OCTET) | Who supplied the database     |
        | region   | 16*16(OCTET) | What region is the data valid |
        | cycle    | 16*16(OCTET) | What cycle                    |
        | valid    | 12*12(OCTET) | date at which validity begins |
        |          |              | YYYY-MM-DD string             |
        | expires  | 12*12(OCTET) | date after which data has     |
        |          |              | data YYYY-MM-DD string        |

                      Table 31: DBASE Parameter Format

3.4.  Parameter Ranges

   All parameter attributes values are typed, but some are further
   constrained to certain ranges.  The ranges may limited in both value
   and for display purposes.  The display 'ticks' can define various
   classifications such as a green, yellow, or red range.  Furthermore,
   ranges can change over time.  For instance, good oil pressure for a
   cold engine may be normally higher than that for a warm engine and a
   special parameter can be broadcast to indicate a range change.
   Table 21 defines the RANGE parameter format.

   Parameters that have a default range have that range described in the
   next section.  The default range will be displayed in tabular format.
   Many parameters have default and unchangable ranges, while others
   have daynamic ranges.  Parameters that have dynamic ranges use a
   parameter that only differs in the length portion of the Parameter
   Data Len & Ident attribute.  and having a RANGE attibute as its
   payload.  The receiving node MUST distinguish between the value and
   the range parameters by examining the length portion of the
   parameter's attribute.  Should a parameter attribute value be outside
   the permitted range. the value MUST be ignored.

   In the style of the next section, a generic range parameter is
   defined below:

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3.4.1.  Sample Range Parameter

      Parameter ID: Same as main parameter.
      Unit Usage: Same as main parameter.
      SubUnit Usage: Same as main parameter.
      Length: RANGE Length - 24 decimal plus tick data length.
      Format: RANGE (See Table 21.)

3.4.2.  Ranges

   This section defines the default attribute ranges that are used in
   XSEDE.  SERVO Range Default

      Minimum Value: -100000
      Maximum Value: 100000
      Minimum Display Value: -100000
      Maximum Display Value: 100000
      Divisor: 1000  ROLL Range Default

      Minimum Value: -18000
      Maximum Value: 17999
      Minimum Display Value: -18000
      Maximum Display Value: 17999
      Divisor: 100  PITCH Range Default

      Minimum Value: -9000
      Maximum Value: 8999
      Minimum Display Value: -9000
      Maximum Display Value: 9000
      Divisor: 100  PERCENT Range Default

      Minimum Value: 0
      Maximum Value: 100
      Minimum Display Value: 0
      Maximum Display Value: 100
      Divisor: 1  THOUPERCENT Range Default

      Minimum Value: 0

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      Maximum Value: 100000
      Minimum Display Value: 0
      Maximum Display Value: 100000
      Divisor: 100  HDG Range Default

      Minimum Value: 100
      Maximum Value: 36099
      Minimum Display Value: 1
      Maximum Display Value: 36000
      Divisor: 100  OBS Range Default

      Minimum Value: 1000
      Maximum Value: 360000
      Minimum Display Value: 0
      Maximum Display Value: 360000
      Divisor: 1000  DEVIATION Range Default

      Minimum Value: -1000
      Maximum Value: 1000
      Minimum Display Value: -1000
      Maximum Display Value: 1000
      Divisor: 1  FLAPS Range Default

      Minimum Value: -1000
      Maximum Value: 1000
      Minimum Display Value: -1000
      Maximum Display Value: 1000
      Divisor: 1  BRIGHTNESS Range Default

      Minimum Value: 0
      Maximum Value: 2000
      Minimum Display Value: 0
      Maximum Display Value: 2000
      Divisor: 1  COMFREQ Range Default

      Minimum Value: 118000

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      Maximum Value: 135999
      Minimum Display Value: 118000
      Maximum Display Value: 135999
      Divisor: 1  NAVFREQ Range Default

      Minimum Value: 108000
      Maximum Value: 117999
      Minimum Display Value: 108000
      Maximum Display Value: 117999
      Divisor: 1

3.5.  Parameter Types

   This section declares the initial set of XSEDE parameters.  Each
   parameter is defined by a name and a short description.  This is
   followed by the numeric parameter ID.  Next, the meanings of the unit
   and subunit fields are provided, if applicable. and finally the
   parameter data format and a reference to the appropriate table
   defining the parameter attribute type.

3.5.1.  GOAROUND - Go around requested

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.00
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: BOOL (See Table 6.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.2.  P-ALT - Pressure Altitude

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.01
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 10.

3.5.3.  T-ALT - True Altitude

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.02
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 10.

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3.5.4.  IAS - Indicated Airspeed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.03
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.5.  CAS - Calibrated Airspeed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.04
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.6.  CASMSG - Crew Alerting System Message

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.05
      Unit Usage: CAS System ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: CASMSG (See Table 14.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.7.  THROTPOS - Throttle position

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.06
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.8.  INAIR - Are we in the air (vs. on the ground)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.07
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: BOOL (See Table 6.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.9.  BARO - Current barometric setting

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.08
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None

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      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: INHG multiplied by 1000.

3.5.10.  CLTPOS - Collective Position

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.09
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.11.  CLTPOSREQ - A/P Requested Collective Position

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.0a
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SERVO (See Table 29.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.12.  MAGHDG - Magnetic Heading

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.0b
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: HDG (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.13.  MAGCRS - Magnetic Course (via RNAV)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.0c
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: HDG (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.14.  TRUECRS - True Course (via RNAV)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.0d
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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      Default Range: HDG (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.15.  MAGDTK - Desired Course (via RNAV)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.0e
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: HDG (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.16.  TRUEDTK - Desired course (via RNAV)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.0f
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: HDG (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.17.  LAT - Current position latitude

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.10
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: DEG multiplied by 10000000.

3.5.18.  LON - Current position longitude

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.11
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: DEG multiplied by 10000000.

3.5.19.  RNAVALT - Altitude measured by RNAV

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.12
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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      Units: FT multiplied by 10.

3.5.20.  ROLL - Current degrees of roll, -18000 being being upside down
         towards left, 18000 being upside down to the right

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.13
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: ROLL (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.21.  PITCH - Current degrees of pitch, 9000 being straight up, -9000
         being straight down

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.14
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: PITCH (See Section
      Units: DEG.

3.5.22.  YAW - Yaw/Inclination as measured in G force

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.15
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: G multiplied by 10000.

3.5.23.  FUELTOT - Computed remaining fuel (divisor may be overridden by
         fuel type in FUELLEVLR)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.16
      Unit Usage: Fuel System ID/0=Sum of all
      SubUnit Usage: 0 = current total, 1 = total at end of flight
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 100.

3.5.24.  RNAVHFOM - Horizontal Figure of Merit

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.17
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None

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      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: M multiplied by 100.

3.5.25.  RNAVVFOM - Vertical Figure of Merit

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.18
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: M multiplied by 100.

3.5.26.  RNAVHPL - Horizontal Protection Level

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.19
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: M multiplied by 100.

3.5.27.  RNAVVPL - Vertical Protection Level

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.1a
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: M multiplied by 100.

3.5.28.  IASRT - Indicated Airspeed Rate of Change

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.1b
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KTPS multiplied by 100.

3.5.29.  KBDSEL - Activate the named on-screen keyboard or none if empty

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.1c
      Unit Usage: Display
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: STRING (See Table 13.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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3.5.30.  KEYPRESS - Send the FMS encoded key press to the given display

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.1d
      Unit Usage: Display
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using osk_key dictionary (See Table 32.)

   Table 32, below, shows the values defined in the osk-key Dictionary.
   These options represent the On screen keyboard keys.

                 | Name | Value | Definition             |
                 | 0    | %d48  | Character 0            |
                 | 1    | %d49  | Character 1            |
                 | 2    | %d50  | Character 2            |
                 | 3    | %d51  | Character 3            |
                 | 4    | %d52  | Character 4            |
                 | 5    | %d53  | Character 5            |
                 | 6    | %d54  | Character 6            |
                 | 7    | %d55  | Character 7            |
                 | 8    | %d56  | Character 8            |
                 | 9    | %d57  | Character 9            |
                 | A    | %d65  | Character A            |
                 | B    | %d66  | Character B            |
                 | C    | %d67  | Character C            |
                 | D    | %d68  | Character D            |
                 | E    | %d69  | Character E            |
                 | F    | %d70  | Character F            |
                 | G    | %d71  | Character G            |

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                 | H    | %d72  | Character H            |
                 | I    | %d73  | Character I            |
                 | J    | %d74  | Character J            |
                 | K    | %d75  | Character K            |
                 | L    | %d76  | Character L            |
                 | M    | %d77  | Character M            |
                 | N    | %d78  | Character N            |
                 | O    | %d79  | Character O            |
                 | P    | %d80  | Character P            |
                 | Q    | %d81  | Character Q            |
                 | R    | %d82  | Character R            |
                 | S    | %d83  | Character S            |
                 | T    | %d84  | Character T            |
                 | U    | %d85  | Character U            |
                 | V    | %d86  | Character V            |
                 | W    | %d87  | Character W            |
                 | X    | %d88  | Character X            |
                 | Y    | %d89  | Character Y            |
                 | Z    | %d90  | Character Z            |
                 | PREV | %d60  | Previous position or < |
                 | NEXT | %d62  | Next position or >     |

                        Table 32: osk-key Dictionary

3.5.31.  SURFPOS - Position of arbitrary control surface

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      Parameter ID: %x00.00.1e
      Unit Usage: Surface Type
      SubUnit Usage: Surface Type Subassembly
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.32.  SURFREQ - Requested control surface position

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.1f
      Unit Usage: Surface Type
      SubUnit Usage: Surface Type Subassembly
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.33.  SURFTORQUE - Aerodynamic torque applied to a control surface
         relative to movement

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.20
      Unit Usage: Surface Type
      SubUnit Usage: Surface Type Subassembly
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LBFT multiplied by 100.

3.5.34.  SURFFORCE - Aerodynamic force applied to a control surface
         relative to movement

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.21
      Unit Usage: Surface Type
      SubUnit Usage: Surface Type Subassembly
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 100.

3.5.35.  WINDSPD - Wind Speed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.22
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.36.  WINDBRG - True Bearing from which wind blows

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.23

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      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: HDG (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.37.  COMFREQKHZ - Communication Frequency

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.24
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: 0=Radio /1+=Presets
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: COMFREQ (See Section
      Units: KHZ.

3.5.38.  NAVFREQKHZ - Navigation Frequency

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.25
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: 0=Radio /1+=Presets
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: NAVFREQ (See Section
      Units: KHZ.

3.5.39.  COMVOL - Communication Volume (0-100)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.26
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: PERCENT (See Section
      Units: PCENT.

3.5.40.  NAVVOL - Communication Volume (0-100)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.27
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: PERCENT (See Section
      Units: PCENT.

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3.5.41.  COMSQL - Communication Squelch (0-100)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.28
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: PERCENT (See Section
      Units: PCENT.

3.5.42.  MUX - Selected multiplexer input or output

      Parameter ID: %x00.29
      Unit Usage: MUX ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.43.  ICSVOL - Intercom Volume (0-100)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.2a
      Unit Usage: Audio Panel Unit
      SubUnit Usage: 0=System, 1=Pilot, 2=Copilot, rest are pax
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: PERCENT (See Section
      Units: PCENT.

3.5.44.  COMSTATE - COM radio state

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.2b
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using com_state dictionary (See Table 33.)

   Table 33, below, shows the values defined in the com-state
   Dictionary.  These options represent the State of communication

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                | Name  | Value | Definition              |
                | IDLE  | R     | Ready to Receive (Idle) |
                | RX    | r     | Active receiving        |
                | TX    | T     | Active transmitting     |
                | STUCK | S     | Stuck Mic               |
                | FAULT | F     | Fault                   |

                       Table 33: com-state Dictionary

3.5.45.  ICSRXCOMS - Which COM Radios to Monitor (mask)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.2c
      Unit Usage: Audio Panel Unit
      SubUnit Usage: 0=System, 1=Pilot, 2=Copilot, rest are pax
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.46.  ICSRXNAVS - Which NAV Radios to Monitor (mask)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.2d
      Unit Usage: Audio Panel Unit
      SubUnit Usage: 0=System, 1=Pilot, 2=Copilot, rest are pax
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.47.  ICSMODE - Intercom Mode

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.2e
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using ics_mode dictionary (See Table 34.)

   Table 34, below, shows the values defined in the ics-mode Dictionary.
   These options represent the State of intercom system.

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          | Name        | Value   | Definition                 |
          | PILOT       | P       | Pilot Isolate              |
          | CREW        | C       | Crew Isolate               |
          | ALL         | A       | All                        |
          | FEATUREMASK | %xff.00 | Mask for intercom features |
          | POSITIONAL  | %x01.00 | Positional dynamic audio   |

                      Table 34: ics-mode Dictionary

3.5.48.  ICSTXCOMS - Which COM Radios to Transmit (mask)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.2f
      Unit Usage: Audio Panel Unit
      SubUnit Usage: 0=System, 1=Pilot, 2=Copilot, rest are pax
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.49.  DATE - Date in YYYY-MM-DD format

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.30
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: STRING (See Table 13.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.50.  GLOAD - Current Normal to Aircraft Loading

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.31
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: G multiplied by 1000.

3.5.51.  RATEOFTURN - Turn Coordinator Rate Per Second

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.32
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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      Units: DEG multiplied by 1000.

3.5.52.  GROUNDSPEED - Groundspeed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.33
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.53.  VSPEED - Vertical speed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.34
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FPM multiplied by 1.

3.5.54.  XPDRIDENT - XPDR Ident request (USERSELECT only).  Non-standby
         transponders must IDENT regardless of UNIT.  Used only to
         request IDENT, but IDENT state reported in XPDRMODE

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.35
      Unit Usage: Always zero
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: BOOL (See Table 6.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.55.  XPDRRPS - XPDR Replies per second (normalized)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.36
      Unit Usage: XPDR ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.56.  XPDRSQUAWK - XPDR Squawk as decimal integer (e.g., 1200).  All
         transponders must change SQUAWK regardless of UNIT

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.37
      Unit Usage: XPDR ID (Rx Only) Zero for USERSELECT
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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3.5.57.  XPDRMODE - XPDR Mode.  Note that IDENT flag is ignored in
         USERSELECT condition.

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.38
      Unit Usage: XPDR ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using xpdr_mode dictionary (See Table 35.)

   Table 35, below, shows the values defined in the xpdr-mode
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Transponder mode and flags.

              | Name       | Value | Definition             |
              | UNKNOWN    | %d0   | Unknown                |
              | MODEMASK   | %x7f  | Mask for mode          |
              | STANDBY    | O     | Standby                |
              | GND        | G     | On Ground              |
              | AIR        | A     | Air/Altitude Reporting |
              | FLAG-IDENT | %x80  | IDENT Active           |

                       Table 35: xpdr-mode Dictionary

3.5.58.  NAVOBS - NAV OBS Value

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.39
      Unit Usage: Radio/FMS ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: OBS (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 1000.

3.5.59.  NAVBRG - Bearing to nav aid

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.3a
      Unit Usage: Radio/FMS ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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      Default Range: HDG (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.60.  NAVCDI - Course Deviation (-1000 to 1000)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.3b
      Unit Usage: Radio/FMS ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: DEVIATION (See Section

3.5.61.  NAVGSI - Glide Slope (-1000 to 1000)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.3c
      Unit Usage: Radio/FMS ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: DEVIATION (See Section

3.5.62.  NAVFLAGS - Navigation Flags (see XFS_NAV_FLAG_*

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.3d
      Unit Usage: Radio/FMS ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using nav_flag dictionary (See Table 36.)

   Table 36, below, shows the values defined in the nav-flag Dictionary.
   These options represent the Navigational flag states.

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         | Name       | Value   | Definition                     |
         | BACKCOURSE | %x01    | NAV receiver is flying a       |
         |            |         | localizer back course          |
         | LOCDETECT  | %x02    | The NAV receiver is detecting  |
         |            |         | a localizer                    |
         | FROM       | %x04    | The FROM flag is detected from |
         |            |         | a VOR                          |
         | TO         | %x08    | The TO flag is detected from a |
         |            |         | VOR                            |
         | GSI-SFLAG  | %x10    | The glideslope superflag is    |
         |            |         | present                        |
         | GSI-VALID  | %x20    | The glideslope signal is being |
         |            |         | received and is valid          |
         | NAV-SFLAG  | %x40    | The NAV super flag is present  |
         | NAV-VALID  | %x80    | The localizer or VOR signal is |
         |            |         | being received and is valid    |
         | FAULT      | %x01.00 | Fault detected                 |

                       Table 36: nav-flag Dictionary

3.5.63.  FLAPREQ - Requested Flap Position 0 = up, 100000 = fully down,
         -100000 is fully negative

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.3e
      Unit Usage: Actuator/0=Aircraft
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.64.  FLAPPOS - Flap actuator position, 0 = up, 100000 = fully down,
         -100000 is fully negative

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.3f
      Unit Usage: Actuator/0=Aircraft
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)

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      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.65.  ECBSTAT - ECB Status change or request, see xfs_ecb.h

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.40
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: BUS (See Table 18.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.66.  PTRIMREQ - Requested Pitch Trim Position (negative nose down, 0
         neutral, positive nose up)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.41
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.67.  PTRIMPOS - Pitch Trim Position (negative nose down, 0 neutral,
         positive nose up)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.42
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.68.  RTRIMREQ - Requested Roll Trim Position (negative left bank, 0
         neutral, positive right bank)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.43
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.69.  RTRIMPOS - Roll Trim Position (negative left bank, 0 neutral,
         positive right bank)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.44
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)

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      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.70.  BUSSTAT - Status of Bus

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.45
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: BUS (See Table 18.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.71.  TEMP - Arbitrary Temperature in a location

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.46
      Unit Usage: Location
      SubUnit Usage: Sensor Number/0=Average
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.72.  TAS - True Airspeed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.47
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.73.  TAT - Total Air Temperature

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.48
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.74.  OAT - Outside Air Temperature accounting for compressibility

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.49
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

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3.5.75.  D-ALT - Density Altitude

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.4a
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 10.

3.5.76.  OILPRES - Oil Pressure

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.4b
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PSI multiplied by 100.

3.5.77.  OILTEMP - Oil Temp

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.4c
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.78.  XFDFPS - XFD Display Frames Per Second (FPS)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.4d
      Unit Usage: Display
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.79.  TIREPRES - Tire Pressure

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.4e
      Unit Usage: Bogey
      SubUnit Usage: Tire
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PSI multiplied by 100.

3.5.80.  CHT - Cylinder Head Temperature

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.4f
      Unit Usage: Engine

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      SubUnit Usage: Cylinder/0=Max
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.81.  EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.50
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: Cylinder/0=Max
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.82.  COOLTEMP - Coolant Temperature

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.51
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.83.  FUELFLOW - Fuel Flow

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.52
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LBPH multiplied by 100.

3.5.84.  FUELPRES - Fuel Pressure

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.53
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PSI multiplied by 100.

3.5.85.  FUELLEVL - Fuel Level (divisor may be overridden by fuel type)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.54
      Unit Usage: Fuel Tank ID/0=Sum of all
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.

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      Units: LB multiplied by 100.

3.5.86.  MANPRES - Manifold pressure

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.55
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: INHG multiplied by 1000.

3.5.87.  ENGRPM - Engine RPM

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.56
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.88.  PROPRPM - Propeller RPM

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.57
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.89.  MACH - Mach

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.58
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: MACH multiplied by 10000.

3.5.90.  IASBUG - Target indicated airspeed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.59
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.91.  HDGBUG - Bugged Magnetic Heading

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.5a

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      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: HDG (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.92.  ALTBUG - Bugged Altitude

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.5b
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 10.

3.5.93.  WAYPOINT - A waypoint in a flight plan, subunit is the position
         in flightplan, beginning with 1 for the first waypoint.
         Subunit 0 is only used to indicate an empty flight plan.

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.5c
      Unit Usage: FMS ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: WAYPOINT (See Table 9.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.94.  INSERT - Insert a waypoint in a flight plan, subunit is the
         position in flightplan which it should become (SYSSEL/USERSEL

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.5d
      Unit Usage: FMS ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: WAYPOINT (See Table 9.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.95.  DELETE - Delete a waypoint in a flight plan, subunit is the
         position in flightplan starting at 1 (SYSSEL/USERSEL ONLY).
         Label must match

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.5e
      Unit Usage: FMS ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: WAYPOINT (See Table 9.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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3.5.96.  NOTE - Notation of something important within the quick access
         log or bus

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.5f
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: STRING (See Table 13.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.97.  NAVGPS - GPS Mode

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.60
      Unit Usage: NAV radio unit or FMS Unit Number
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using nav_gps dictionary (See Table 37.)

   Table 37, below, shows the values defined in the nav-gps Dictionary.
   These options represent the Global positioning system status.

   | Name     | Value | Definition                                    |
   | UNKNOWN  | %d0   | GPS Navigation is in unknown state            |
   | ENROUTE  | %d1   | GPS Navigation is in Enroute state            |
   | TERMINAL | %d2   | GPS Navigation is Terminal state              |
   | LNAV     | %d3   | GPS Navigation is in Lateral Navigation State |
   | LNAVVNAV | %d4   | GPS Navigation is Lateral and Vertical NAV    |
   |          |       | state                                         |
   | LP       | %d5   | GPS Navigation is in Localizer Performance    |
   |          |       | state                                         |
   | LPV      | %d6   | GPS Navigation is in Localizer Performance/   |
   |          |       | Vertical state                                |

                       Table 37: nav-gps Dictionary

3.5.98.  NAVDIS - Distance to next or last waypoint or DME for VOR/ILS/

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.61

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      Unit Usage: FMS Unit Number
      SubUnit Usage: 0 = next waypoint, 1 = last waypoint
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: NM multiplied by 1000.

3.5.99.  NAVXTK - Cross track error (negative is left)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.62
      Unit Usage: FMS Unit Number
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: NM multiplied by 1000.

3.5.100.  NAVETE - Time to next or last waypoint

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.63
      Unit Usage: FMS Unit Number
      SubUnit Usage: 0 = next waypoint, 1 = last waypoint
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: S multiplied by 100.

3.5.101.  BRIGHTNESS - Universal display brightness (0-1000 for night
          time mode, 1000-2000 for daytime modes

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.64
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: BRIGHTNESS (See Section

3.5.102.  MANTEMP - Manifold temperature

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.65
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.103.  DIRECT - Go direct to a waypoint in a flight plan, subunit is
          the position in flightplan starting at 1 (SYSSEL/USERSEL
          ONLY).  Label must match

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.66

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      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: WAYPOINT (See Table 9.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.104.  ACTIVATE - Activate leg terminating at waypoint in a flight
          plan, subunit is the position in flightplan (SYSSEL/USERSEL
          ONLY).  Label must match

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.67
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: WAYPOINT (See Table 9.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.105.  MMPARAM - Moving Map parameters.  Subunit is one of

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.68
      Unit Usage: MOVMAP ID
      SubUnit Usage: XFS_MM_PARAM_*
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.106.  SERVOREQ - Requested servo position and state

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.69
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SERVO (See Table 29.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.107.  SERVOPOS - Current servo actuator position

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.6a
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.108.  SONICHAT - Ultrasonic rangefinder height above terrain

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.6b
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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      Units: FT multiplied by 100.

3.5.109.  LIDARHAT - LIDAR rangefinder height above terrain

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.6c
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 100.

3.5.110.  RADARHAT - Radar rangefinder height above terrain

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.6d
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 100.

3.5.111.  HAT - Computed height above terrain

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.6e
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 100.

3.5.112.  COMSTANDBY - Standby COM Frequency (same rules and range as

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.6f
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: COMFREQ (See Section

3.5.113.  NAVSTANDBY - Standby NAV Frequency (same rules and range as

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.70
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: NAVFREQ (See Section

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3.5.114.  STALLSPEED - Estimated real-time Stall speed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.71
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.115.  TIMEMS - Time in milliseconds from midnight zulu time

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.72
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.116.  YTRIMREQ - Requested Yaw Trim Position (negative left, 0
          neutral, positive right)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.73
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.117.  YTRIMPOS - Yaw Trim Position (negative left, 0 neutral,
          positive right)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.74
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.118.  VSPEEDBUG - Vertical speed bug in fpm

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.75
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.119.  MUSICSRC - Music Source (0 = none)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.76

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      Unit Usage: Audio Panel Unit
      SubUnit Usage: 0=System, 1=Pilot, 2=Copilot, rest are pax
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.120.  AOA - Angle of attack as an actual angle

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.77
      Unit Usage: Source
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: DEG multiplied by 1000.

3.5.121.  AOAR - Angle of attack range -- should contain green
          (beginning of approach range), white (reference angle), yellow
          (approaching stall) and a red (imminent stall)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.77
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: RANGE (See Table 21.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.122.  GPIO - GPIO Input/Output

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.78
      Unit Usage: I/O Module
      SubUnit Usage: Module Port (0 or 1-8)
      Format: GPIO (See Table 23.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.123.  ANALOG - Raw Analog value 0-4095

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.79
      Unit Usage: I/O Module
      SubUnit Usage: Module Port (1-8)
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.124.  PWM - PWM value 0-4095 -- subunit is port number, 1-8

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.7a
      Unit Usage: I/O Module
      SubUnit Usage: Module Port (1-8)
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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3.5.125.  XPDRACID - ICAO 24-bit Aircraft Identifier

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.7b
      Unit Usage: XPDR ID (Rx Only) Zero for USERSELECT
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.126.  XPDRFLID - Up to 8-character, NULL terminated flight ID

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.7c
      Unit Usage: XPDR ID (Rx Only) Zero for USERSELECT
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: STRING (See Table 13.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.127.  THROTREQ - Requested throttle position

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.7d
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SERVO (See Table 29.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.128.  RPMREQ - Prop governor requested RPM

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.7e
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.129.  TACHTIME - Tachometer time, unit is engine

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.7f
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: S.

3.5.130.  TOTTIME - Total aircraft time

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.80
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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      Units: S.

3.5.131.  APPSTAT - Application Status / Requests

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.00.81
      Unit Usage: CPU ID
      SubUnit Usage: Process ID
      Format: APP (See Table 24.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.132.  CDINAVSRC - Select index (> 0) of CDI NAV Source or 0 for none

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.82
      Unit Usage: Display
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.133.  BRGNAVSRC - Select index (> 0) CDI BRG Source or 0 for none

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.83
      Unit Usage: Display
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.134.  COMSEL - Select COM Radio for Tuning

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.84
      Unit Usage: Display
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.135.  NAVSEL - Select NAV Radio for Tuning

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.85
      Unit Usage: Display
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.136.  MSTRCAUTN - Master Caution Active when true.  Resets by
          SYSSEL/USERSEL with value of FALSE

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.86
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None

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      Format: BOOL (See Table 6.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.137.  MSTRWARN - Master Warning Active when true.  Resets by SYSSEL/
          USERSEL with value of FALSE

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.87
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: BOOL (See Table 6.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.138.  ROLLRT - Rate of change of about A/C longitudinal axis (P)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.88
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: DEGPS multiplied by 1000.

3.5.139.  PITCHRT - Rate of change about A/C transverse axis (Q)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.89
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: DEGPS multiplied by 1000.

3.5.140.  YAWRT - Rate of change about A/C vertical axis (R)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.8a
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: DEGPS multiplied by 1000.

3.5.141.  STKPITCH - Stick Pitch Position (negative nose down, 0
          neutral, positive nose up)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.8b
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

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3.5.142.  STKROLL - Stick Roll Position (negative left bank, 0 neutral,
          positive right bank)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.8c
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.143.  STKYAW - Pedal Yaw Position (negative left, 0 neutral,
          positive right)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.8d
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section

3.5.144.  BATTTEMP - Battery Temp

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.8e
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.145.  MOTORTEMP - Motor Temp

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.8f
      Unit Usage: Motor
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.146.  POWERTEMP - Temp of a device supplying/converting power to a
          propulsion system

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.90
      Unit Usage: Propulsion System
      SubUnit Usage: Power converter/0=Max
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

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3.5.147.  TORQUE - Torque

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.91
      Unit Usage: Motor/Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LBFT multiplied by 100.

3.5.148.  TAILNUM - Up to 8-character, NULL terminated tail number

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.92
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: STRING (See Table 13.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.149.  ROLLREQ - F/D requested degrees of roll in 100 * degrees with
          0 being right side up, -18000 being being upside down towards
          left, 18000 being upside down to the right

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.93
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: ROLL (See Section

3.5.150.  PITCHREQ - F/D requested degrees of pitch in 100 * degrees
          with 0 being straight ahead, 9000 being straight up, -9000
          being straight down

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.94
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: PITCH (See Section

3.5.151.  YAWREQ - F/D requested G force of inclination with 0 being no

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.95
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: G multiplied by 10000.

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3.5.152.  STKPITCHREQ - A/P Requested Stick Pitch Position (negative
          nose down, 0 neutral, positive nose up)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.96
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SERVO (See Table 29.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.153.  STKROLLREQ - A/P Requested Stick Roll Position (negative left
          bank, 0 neutral, positive right bank)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.97
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SERVO (See Table 29.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.154.  STKYAWREQ - A/P Requested Pedal Yaw Position (negative left, 0
          neutral, positive right)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.98
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SERVO (See Table 29.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.155.  FDMODEACT - Active Flight Director Modes

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.99
      Unit Usage: FD Number (0 for setting values)
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using afcs_fd_mode dictionary (See Table 38.)

   Table 38, below, shows the values defined in the afcs-fd-mode
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Vertical, lateral and yaw
   modes of flight director.

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       | Name      | Value         | Definition                   |
       | VERT-MASK | %xff          | Vertical modes mask          |
       | LAT-MASK  | %xff.00       | Lateral modes mask           |
       | YAW-MASK  | %xff.00.00.00 | Yaw modes mask               |
       | PITCH     | %x01          | Activate pitch mode          |
       | VS        | %x02          | Activate vertical speed mode |
       | FLC       | %x04          | Activate indicated airspeed  |
       |           |               | mode / flight level change   |
       | PRF       | %x08          | Activate angle of attack /   |
       |           |               | performance mode             |
       | ALT       | %x10          | Arm Altitude mode            |
       | VNAV      | %x20          | Arm vertical nav mode        |
       | GP        | %x40          | Arm approach mode vertical   |
       |           |               | portion                      |
       | FLARE     | %x80          | Arm flare mode               |
       | ROLL      | %x01.00       | Activate wing leveler mode   |
       | HDG       | %x02.00       | Activate heading mode        |
       | NAV       | %x04.00       | Arm navigation mode          |
       | APPR      | %x08.00       | Arm approach mode            |
       | YD        | %x01.00.00.00 | Fixed Yaw Damper             |
       | SLIP      | %x02.00.00.00 | Activate slip mode           |
       |           |               | (adjustable YD)              |
       | SLIPAPPR  | %x04.00.00.00 | Activate approach slip mode  |
       |           |               | (adjustable YD)              |

                    Table 38: afcs-fd-mode Dictionary

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3.5.156.  FDMODEARM - Armed Flight Director Modes (XFS_AFCS_FD_MODE_*

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.9a
      Unit Usage: FD Number (0 for setting values)
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using afcs_fd_mode dictionary (See Table 38.)

3.5.157.  ALTHOLDBUG - Altitude used by FD for altitude hold

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.9b
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 10.

3.5.158.  APMODE - Autopilot Modes

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.9c
      Unit Usage: AP Number (0 for setting value)
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using afcs_ap_mode dictionary (See Table 39.)

   Table 39, below, shows the values defined in the afcs-ap-mode
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Vertical, lateral and yaw
   modes of autopilot and throttle.

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      | Name       | Value         | Definition                     |
      | VERT-MASK  | %xff          | Vertical modes mask            |
      | LAT-MASK   | %xff.00       | Lateral modes mask             |
      | THROT-MASK | %xff.00.00    | Throttle modes mask            |
      | YAW-MASK   | %xff.00.00.00 | Yaw modes mask                 |
      | PITCH      | %x01          | Pitch mode                     |
      | EPPITCH    | %x02          | Pitch mode only for envelope   |
      |            |               | protection                     |
      | ROLL       | %x01.00       | Roll mode                      |
      | EPROLL     | %x02.00       | Roll mode only for envelope    |
      |            |               | protection                     |
      | SPD        | %x01.00.00    | Activate autothrottle speed    |
      |            |               | tracking                       |
      | EPSPD      | %x02.00.00    | Autothrottle only for envelope |
      |            |               | protection (SPD mode)          |
      | AOA        | %x04.00.00    | Activate autothrottle AoA      |
      |            |               | tracking                       |
      | EPAOA      | %x08.00.00    | Autothrottle only for envelope |
      |            |               | protection (AOA mode)          |
      | TOGA       | %x10.00.00    | Activate takeoff / go-around   |
      |            |               | throttle                       |
      | EPTOGA     | %x20.00.00    | Autothrottle only for envelope |
      |            |               | protection (TOGA mode)         |
      | YAW        | %x01.00.00.00 | Yaw mode                       |
      | EPYAW      | %x02.00.00.00 | Yaw envelope protection        |

                     Table 39: afcs-ap-mode Dictionary

3.5.159.  ICSSQL - Intercom Squelch (0-100)

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      Parameter ID: %x00.00.9d
      Unit Usage: Audio Panel Unit
      SubUnit Usage: 0=System, 1=Pilot, 2=Copilot, rest are pax
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: PERCENT (See Section
      Units: PCENT.

3.5.160.  PITCHBUG - Target pitch

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.9e
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: PITCH (See Section
      Units: DEG multiplied by 100.

3.5.161.  PTSPEED - Power Turbine Speed (commonly N1)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.9f
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PCENT multiplied by 1000.

3.5.162.  GTSPEED - Gas Turbine Speed (commonly N2 or Ng)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a0
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PCENT multiplied by 1000.

3.5.163.  TIT - Turbine Inlet Temperature

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a1
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: Turbo/0=Max
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.164.  ITT - Inter-Turbine Temperature

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a2

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      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: Sensor /0=Average
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.165.  POWER - Power under current engine and environmental
          conditions relative to engine design maximum

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a3
      Unit Usage: Motor/Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: SERVO (See Section
      Units: PCENT multiplied by 1000.

3.5.166.  ENGSTATUS - Engine specific set of flags or values

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a4
      Unit Usage: Motor/Engine
      SubUnit Usage: Engine Specific
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.167.  CABINALT - Cabin Equivalent Altitude

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a5
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 10.

3.5.168.  CABINALTREQ - Cabin Equivalent Altitude

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a6
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FT multiplied by 10.

3.5.169.  DIFFPRES - Differential Pressure

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a7
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None

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      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PSI multiplied by 100.

3.5.170.  DIFFPRESREQ - Requested Differential Pressure

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a8
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PSI multiplied by 100.

3.5.171.  FUELTEMP - Arbitrary Temperature in a location

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.a9
      Unit Usage: Engine/Fuel Tank
      SubUnit Usage: SubLocation /0=Average, 1=Sump
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.172.  ENGSTATE - Engine operating state

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.aa
      Unit Usage: Motor/Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using engstate dictionary (See Table 40.)

   Table 40, below, shows the values defined in the engstate Dictionary.
   These options represent the States of engines.

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      | Name            | Value      | Definition                  |
      | UNKNOWN         | %x00       | Engine Status Unknown       |
      | OFF             | %x01       | Engine is Off               |
      | DRYMOTOR        | %x02       | Engine Starting             |
      | STARTING        | %x03       | Engine Starting             |
      | RUNNING         | %x04       | Engine Running Normally     |
      | FLAMEOUT        | %x05       | Engine Flamed Out / Failure |
      | SHUTDOWN        | %x06       | Engine Shutting Down        |
      | SHUTOFF         | %x07       | Engine Shut Off             |
      | MODE-MASK       | %xff       | Mask for Engine State       |
      | FLAG-IGNITION   | %x01.00    | Ignition On                 |
      | FLAG-FUEL       | %x02.00    | Fuel Shutoff Open           |
      | FLAG-STARTER    | %x04.00    | Starter On                  |
      | FLAG-GENERATOR  | %x08.00    | Generator On                |
      | FLAG-BLEED      | %x10.00    | Bleed Air On                |
      | FLAG-FIRE       | %x01.00.00 | Fire Present                |
      | FLAG-EXTINGUISH | %x02.00.00 | Extinguisher Dispensed      |

                      Table 40: engstate Dictionary

3.5.173.  ENGSTATEREQ - Requested Engine operating state

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.ab
      Unit Usage: Motor/Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using engstate dictionary (See Table 40.)

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3.5.174.  BLEEDAIR - Bleed Air Level (Percent of Max)

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: Motor/Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PCENT multiplied by 100.

3.5.175.  BLEEDAIRREQ - Requested Bleed Air Level

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: Motor/Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PCENT multiplied by 100.

3.5.176.  LIGHTING - Lighting Color/Level

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: System
      SubUnit Usage: Specific
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: RGBA.

3.5.177.  LIGHTINGREQ - Requested Lighting Color/Level

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: System
      SubUnit Usage: Specific
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: RGBA.

3.5.178.  ICING - Deicing State

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b0
      Unit Usage: System/0=Aircraft
      SubUnit Usage: Specific
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using icing_flag dictionary (See Table 41.)

   Table 41, below, shows the values defined in the icing-flag
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Status of ice detection,
   anti-ice and deicing systems.

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   | Name            | Value         | Definition                     |
   | ENGINE          | %x01          | Engine Deicing/Anticing On     |
   | AIRFRAME        | %x02          | Airframe Deicing/Anticing On   |
   | INSEP           | %x04          | Inertial Separator Activated   |
   | PITOT           | %x08          | Pitot/Static Heat Activated    |
   | PROPHEAT        | %x10          | Propeller Heat Activated       |
   | WINDHEAT        | %x20          | Windshield Heat Activated      |
   | CARBHEAT        | %x40          | Carb Heat Activated            |
   | CARBICEDET      | %x40.00       | Carb Icing Detected            |
   | ICEDET          | %x80.00       | Icing Detected                 |
   | ENGINE-FAIL     | %x01.00.00    | Engine Deicing/Anticing Failed |
   | AIRFRAME-FAIL   | %x02.00.00    | Airframe Deicing/Anticing      |
   |                 |               | Failed                         |
   | INSEP-FAIL      | %x04.00.00    | Inertial Separator Failed      |
   | PITOT-FAIL      | %x08.00.00    | Pitot/Static Heat Failed       |
   | PROPHEAT-FAIL   | %x10.00.00    | Propeller Heat Failed          |
   | WINDHEAT-FAIL   | %x20.00.00    | Windshield Heat Failed         |
   | CARBHEAT-FAIL   | %x40.00.00    | Carb Heat Failed               |
   | CARBICEDET-FAIL | %x40.00.00.00 | Carb Icing Detection Failed    |
   | ICEDET-FAIL     | %x80.00.00.00 | Icing Detection Failed         |

                     Table 41: icing-flag Dictionary

3.5.179.  ICINGREQ - Requested Deicing State

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b1
      Unit Usage: System/0=Aircraft
      SubUnit Usage: Specific

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      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using icing_flag dictionary (See Table 41.)

3.5.180.  LDGGEAR - Landing Gear State

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b2
      Unit Usage: Wheel/0=Aircraft
      SubUnit Usage: Specific
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using ldggear dictionary (See Table 42.)

   Table 42, below, shows the values defined in the ldggear Dictionary.
   These options represent the Status of retractable landing gear.

       | Name        | Value      | Definition                    |
       | UNKNOWN     | %x00.00    | Gear Status Unknown           |
       | DOWN        | %x00.01    | Landing Gear Down             |
       | UP          | %x80.00    | Landing Gear Up               |
       | FLAG-FAILED | %x01.00.00 | Landing Gear System is Failed |

                       Table 42: ldggear Dictionary

3.5.181.  LDGGEARREQ - Landing Gear State

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b3
      Unit Usage: Wheel/0=Aircraft
      SubUnit Usage: Specific
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using ldggear dictionary (See Table 42.)

3.5.182.  CABINTEMP - Cabin Temperature in a zone

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b4
      Unit Usage: Zone
      SubUnit Usage: Sensor Number /0=Average
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

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3.5.183.  CABINTEMPREQ - Requested Cabin Temperature in a zone

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b5
      Unit Usage: Zone
      SubUnit Usage: Sensor Number /0=Average
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: C multiplied by 100.

3.5.184.  CHKLIST - Checklist Item

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b6
      Unit Usage: Checklist Number
      SubUnit Usage: Item Number /0=Title
      Format: CASMSG (See Table 14.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.185.  WBRANGE - Weight and envelope per configuration

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b7
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: WBRANGE (See Table 26.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.186.  WBSTARM - Arm for given station

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b8
      Unit Usage: Configuration
      SubUnit Usage: Station /0=total /1=total no fuel
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: IN multiplied by 1000.

3.5.187.  WBSTMAXWEIGHT - Maximum weight at given station

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.b9
      Unit Usage: Configuration
      SubUnit Usage: Station /0=total /1=total no fuel
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 10.

3.5.188.  WBSTFLAGS - Flags about given station

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: Configuration
      SubUnit Usage: Station /0=total /1=total no fuel

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      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using station_flag dictionary (See Table 43.)

   Table 43, below, shows the values defined in the station-flag
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Weight and balance station

       | Name      | Value | Definition                           |
       | FUEL      | %x01  | This station is a fuel tank.  Its    |
       |           |       | weight will be in XFS_PARAM_FUELLEVL |
       | HULL      | %x02  | This station corresponds to the      |
       |           |       | basic empty aircraft                 |
       | FIXED     | %x04  | This station's weight is not         |
       |           |       | adjustable                           |
       | PASSENGER | %x08  | This station corresponds to a        |
       |           |       | passenger location                   |
       | BAGGAGE   | %x10  | This station corresponds to a        |
       |           |       | baggage location                     |

                    Table 43: station-flag Dictionary

3.5.189.  WBSTWEIGHT - Actual weight at given station

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: Configuration
      SubUnit Usage: Station /0=total /1=total no fuel
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 10.

3.5.190.  TASEFF - Fuel Economy Relative to True Airspeed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.bc
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: NMPLB multiplied by 100000.

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3.5.191.  GSEFF - Fuel Economy Relative to Groundspeed

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: NMPLB multiplied by 100000.

3.5.192.  TIMETOEMPTY - Time to Empty

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: Engine /0=Aircraft
      SubUnit Usage: 0 - smoothed, without reserve, 1 - smoothed, with
      reserve, 2 - without reserve, 3 - with reserve
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: S multiplied by 10.

3.5.193.  DISTTOEMPTY - Distance to Empty

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: Engine /0=Aircraft
      SubUnit Usage: 0 - smoothed, without reserve, 1 - smoothed, with
      reserve, 2 - without reserve, 3 - with reserve
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: NM multiplied by 100.

3.5.194.  FLIGHTSTATE - State of Flight

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c0
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using flight_state dictionary (See Table 44.)

   Table 44, below, shows the values defined in the flight-state
   Dictionary.  These options represent the Status of aircraft within
   flight profile.

    | Name          | Value | Definition                              |
    | UNKNOWN       | %d0   | The state of the aircraft is not known  |
    | OFF           | %d1   | The aircraft is completely powered down |

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    | HIBERNATE     | %d2   | Minimal aircraft systems online not     |
    |               |       | visible to the pilot                    |
    | PREFLIGHT     | %d3   | Minimal aircraft systems for pilot      |
    |               |       | interaction online                      |
    | ENGINE-START  | %d4   | Engine(s) are preparing to start or are |
    |               |       | starting                                |
    | PRETAXI       | %d5   | Engine(s) are started, awaiting pre-    |
    |               |       | taxi items                              |
    | TAXI          | %d6   | Aircraft is ready or in process of      |
    |               |       | taxiing                                 |
    | RUNUP         | %d7   | Aircraft is ready for, or in process of |
    |               |       | performing runup                        |
    | READY         | %d8   | Aircraft is ready for and positioned    |
    |               |       | just short of takeoff                   |
    | TAKEOFF       | %d9   | Aircraft is in process of performing    |
    |               |       | takeoff                                 |
    | AFTER-TAKEOFF | %d10  | Aircraft is airborne immediately but    |
    |               |       | not yet configured for normal climb     |
    | DEPARTURE     | %d11  | Aircraft is on a standard instrument    |
    |               |       | departure                               |
    | CLIMB         | %d12  | Aircraft is climbing but not on an      |
    |               |       | instrument departure                    |
    | CRUISE        | %d13  | Aircraft is at final cruise             |
    | DESCENT       | %d14  | Aircraft is descending not on a         |
    |               |       | standard arrival                        |
    | ARRIVAL       | %d15  | Aircraft is on a standard arrival       |
    | APPROACH      | %d16  | Aircraft is on an instrument approach   |
    |               |       | procedure                               |
    | VISUAL        | %d17  | Aircraft is flying a visual traffic     |
    |               |       | pattern                                 |
    | MISSED        | %d18  | Aircraft is executing a missed approach |

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    | SHUTDOWN      | %d19  | Aircraft engines are shutting down or   |
    |               |       | have shut down                          |
    | SECURE        | %d20  | Aircraft systems are shutting down or   |
    |               |       | reconfiguring for preflight             |

                     Table 44: flight-state Dictionary

3.5.195.  UPDATESTATE - Status of any update

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c1
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UPDATE (See Table 27.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.196.  TORQUEREQ - Requested Torque

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c2
      Unit Usage: Motor/Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LBFT multiplied by 100.

3.5.197.  STKPITCHFRCE - Stick Pitch Force applied by the pilot,
          positive value - push, negative value - pull

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c3
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 100.

3.5.198.  STKROLLFRCE - Stick Roll Force applied by the pilot, positive
          value - roll right, negative value - roll left

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c4
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 100.

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3.5.199.  STKYAWFRCE - Pedal Yaw Force applied by the pilot, positive
          value - right rudder, negative value - left rudder

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c5
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 100.

3.5.200.  APPITCHFRCE - Auto Pilot Pitch Force exerted on control
          surfaces, positive value - push, negative value - pull

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c6
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 100.

3.5.201.  APROLLFRCE - Auto Pilot Roll Force exerted on control
          surfaces, positive value - roll right, negative value - roll

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c7
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 100.

3.5.202.  APYAWFRCE - Auto Pilot Yaw Force exerted on control surfaces,
          positive value - right rudder, negative value - left rudder

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c8
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LB multiplied by 100.

3.5.203.  EFBPARAM - Up to 64-character, NULL terminated parameter value

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.c9
      Unit Usage: EFB ID
      SubUnit Usage: XFS_EFB_PARAM_*
      Format: STRING (See Table 13.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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3.5.204.  OILPRESCOMP - Compensated Oil Pressure

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PSI multiplied by 100.

3.5.205.  MACHBUG - Target Mach

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.cb
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: MACH multiplied by 10000.

3.5.206.  AOART - Angle of attack rate of change

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: Source
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: DEG multiplied by 1000.

3.5.207.  TASBUG - Target true airspeed

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.208.  GSBUG - Target groundspeed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.ce
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.209.  AOABUG - Bugged AOA

      Parameter ID:

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      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: DEG multiplied by 1000.

3.5.210.  ECUTIME - ECU Hours

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.d1
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: HR multiplied by 1000.

3.5.211.  DBASE - Active database information

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.d2
      Unit Usage: CPU ID
      SubUnit Usage: Process ID
      Format: DBASE (See Table 31.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.212.  EAS - Equivalent Airspeed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.d3
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.213.  EASRT - Equivalent Airspeed Rate of Change

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.d4
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KTPS multiplied by 100.

3.5.214.  EASBUG - Target equivalent airspeed

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.d5
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

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      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.215.  POWERREQ - Requested power as percent of engine design maximum

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.d6
      Unit Usage: Motor/Engine
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PCENT multiplied by 1000.

3.5.216.  BRAKE - Wheel brake status

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.d7
      Unit Usage: Left=1,Right=2,No direction=0
      SubUnit Usage: Specific
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using brake dictionary (See Table 45.)

   Table 45, below, shows the values defined in the brake Dictionary.
   These options represent the Status of wheel brakes.

           | Name        | Value      | Definition             |
           | UNKNOWN     | %x00.00    | Brake Status Unknown   |
           | NONE        | %x00.01    | Brakes not pressed     |
           | MAX         | %x80.00    | Max Braking            |
           | PARK        | %x01.00.00 | Parking Brake Engaged  |
           | FLAG-FAILED | %x02.00.00 | Brake System is Failed |

                         Table 45: brake Dictionary

3.5.217.  BRAKEREQ - Amount of brake requested

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.d8
      Unit Usage: Left=1,Right=2,No direction=0
      SubUnit Usage: Specific
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using brake dictionary (See Table 45.)

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3.5.218.  NAVSQL - Communication Squelch (0-100)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.d9
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: PERCENT (See Section
      Units: PCENT.

3.5.219.  STATIONID - VOR Station ID decoded from Morse code

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.da
      Unit Usage: Radio ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: STRING (See Table 13.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.220.  SVPARAM - Synthetic Vision parameters.  Subunit is one of

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.db
      Unit Usage: SYNVIS ID
      SubUnit Usage: XFS_SV_PARAM_*
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.221.  FDCDISEL - Global selection of which CDI the flight director
          should track

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.dc
      Unit Usage: None
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.222.  BLOODOXY - Blood oxygen level of given seat occupant

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.dd
      Unit Usage: Seat position, 0=Lowest of all seats, 1=Pilot,
      2=Copilot, etc
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Default Range: THOUPERCENT (See Section
      Units: PCENT multiplied by 1000.

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3.5.223.  PULSE - Pulse rate of given seat occupant

      Parameter ID:
      Unit Usage: Seat position, 0=Worst of all seats (too low or high),
      1=Pilot, 2=Copilot, etc
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: CPM multiplied by 1000.

3.5.224.  BREATHS - Breathing rate of given seat occupant

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.df
      Unit Usage: Seat position, 0=Worst of all seats (too low or high),
      1=Pilot, 2=Copilot, etc
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: CPM multiplied by 1000.

3.5.225.  CARBMONOX - Carbon Monoxide levels detected by sensor

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e0
      Unit Usage: Carbon Monoxide Sensor ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PPM multiplied by 100.

3.5.226.  FLOWRATE - Oxygen flow rate

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e1
      Unit Usage: Seat position, 0=Worst of all seats (too low or high),
      1=Pilot, 2=Copilot, etc
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: LPM multiplied by 100.

3.5.227.  TANKPRES - Oxygen tank pressure

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e2
      Unit Usage: Tank number, 0=Worst of all tanks (too low or high),
      1=Tank 1, 2=Tank 2, etc
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: PSI multiplied by 100.

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3.5.228.  RNAVVS - Vertical speed computed from RNAV

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e3
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: FPM multiplied by 1.

3.5.229.  COMPRESET - Selected COM Radio Preset (0=Non-preset frequency)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e4
      Unit Usage: Radio
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using preset dictionary (See Table 46.)

   Table 46, below, shows the values defined in the preset Dictionary.
   These options represent the XSEDE Preset Frequency.

             | Name   | Value   | Definition                |
             | MANUAL | %d0     | Manual Tuning (no preset) |
             | LAST   | %xff.fe | Last selected frequency   |

                       Table 46: preset Dictionary

3.5.230.  COMNAME - Name of COM Radio or Preset Frequency

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e5
      Unit Usage: Radio
      SubUnit Usage: 0=Radio /1+=Presets
      Format: STRING (See Table 13.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.231.  NAVPRESET - Selected NAV Radio Preset (0=Non-preset frequency)

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e6
      Unit Usage: Radio
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Values interpreted using preset dictionary (See Table 46.)

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3.5.232.  NAVNAME - Name of NAV Radio or Preset Frequency

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e7
      Unit Usage: Radio
      SubUnit Usage: 0=Radio /1+=Presets
      Format: STRING (See Table 13.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.

3.5.233.  VNORTH - North component of velocity in true world coordinates

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e8
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.234.  VEAST - East component of velocity in true world coordinates

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.e9
      Unit Usage: Source ID
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KT multiplied by 100.

3.5.235.  ENGPOWER - Current Engine Power

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.ea
      Unit Usage: Engine
      SubUnit Usage: 0=Shaft Power/1=Input Power Consumption/ 2+(even)=
      Component Shaft Power, 3+(odd)= Component Power Consumption
      Format: UINT (See Table 8.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: KW multiplied by 1000.

3.5.236.  CHARGE - Measured remaining battery charge

      Parameter ID: %x00.00.eb
      Unit Usage: Battery ID/0=Sum of all
      SubUnit Usage: None
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MAY be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: AH multiplied by 1000.

3.5.237.  CHARGETOT - Computed remaining charge

      Parameter ID:

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      Unit Usage: Power System ID/0=Sum of all
      SubUnit Usage: 0 = current total, 1 = total at end of flight
      Format: SINT (See Table 17.)
      Range: parameter MUST NOT be sent with a range attribute.
      Units: AH multiplied by 1000.

4.  Message Transport

4.1.  Message Composition

   Application software on a node determines when information or raw
   data need to be sent onto the network.  These transmissions are done
   as messages with raw data and messages with parameters.  If
   subsequent information or raw data having the same message class, ID,
   and flags occur in a timely fashion, they MAY be coalesced into a
   single message.

   For each parameter to be sent, the common header (See Section 3.2)
   the common data items MUST be populated.  In addition, the Ident and
   Parameter Data MUST be populated with the corresponding data as per
   Section 3.5.  The length in the common header MUST represent the
   actual length of the data, however, the parameter must be padded to a
   size that is a multiple of four octets.

   The message header MUST be populated with the corresponding data as
   per Section 3.1, the message number MUST be monotonically increasing
   with an arbitrary initial value, and then the length in the common
   header MUST be set equal to the sum of the padded parameter length
   values.  Once this assembly process is complete, the message may be

4.2.  Message Signing

   Body text

4.3.  Message Transmission and Reliability

   XSEDE is designed to be used with a broadcast UDP protocol however,
   there is no requirement to do so.  Each endpoint MUST specify a
   listening address and port number with the default being
   on port 20234.  The actual address and port number are to be chosen
   by the system designer / installer for their particular needs.
   [RFC5771] specifies IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments and SHOULD be

   If the XSEDE message is successfully transmitted, no further action
   is required.

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4.4.  Message Reception & decoding

   XSEDE messages are received on the address and port that was
   configured in the prior section.  Upon receiving a message, the src
   id and message number MUST be examined to ensure that this message is
   neither out of order nor a duplicate: Since lower level network
   tolopogies may affect the potential for packet delay and
   retransmission, each node MUST maintain a message look-back window
   size setting, default 4.  Each node MUST also record of the last
   message number received from a node.  If a subsequent message number
   is received out of order andis within the look back window, the
   message MUST be discarded.  Otherwise, the message is a valid
   message.  This arrangement accounts for both integer overflows and
   node restarts.  Then, if the message is considered valid, each XSEDE
   node MUST examine each parameter in the XSEDE message to determine if
   it requires local processing.  Local processing is beyond the scope
   of this document.

   Since there is no assured message delivery, all parameter
   interpretations MUST be idempotent to ensure multiple
   interpretations, or execution results in the same outcome.

4.5.  Message Signing

   Since XSEDE operates on a closed network, message signing is not
   currently supported but may be added in the future.

5.  Example Message Flows

   This section illustrates XSEDE features by example.  The first
   example controls the radio.

5.1.  Adjust radio

   This example sets the radio Set Radio frequency and squelch by
   broadcasting USERSEL parameters.  If a node controlling the radio
   receives the request, it will respond with a result similar to the
   one shown afterwards.

5.1.1.  Message Header

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                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |    src id                     |    message number             |
      |         1001                  |          20                   |
      |   msg class   | message ID    |       flags                   |
      |   3 = OP      | FLIGHTDATA 2  |    LEVEL-A    5               |
      |              tcid             |          len                  |
      |       NONE    0               |          %x10                 |

                      Figure 4: Message Header Format

   src id:
      UINT16; This value was set to 1001 decimal at installation time.

   message number:
      UINT16; 20 decimal for illustration purposes.

   msg class:
      UINT8; "OP" value 3 decimal.

   message ID:
      UINT8; FLIGHTDATA decimal 2

      UINT16; LEVEL-A decimal 5; See Table 3.

      t-NONE; See Table 4.

      UINT16 ; 0x10, or decimal 16 bytes.

5.1.2.  Frequency Message Header

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                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |               2               |             0                 |
      |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
      |          4            |  COMFREQKHZ %x00.00.24                |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |  UINT   2     | USERSEL 192   |    %x00    | LEVEL-A    5     |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                122750   or  0x0001 df7e                       |

                   Figure 5: Setting frequency to 122.750

      UINT16; decimal 2 to match the requested radio.

      UINT16; 0 to signify the radio itself.

   Parameter Data Len:
      11 bits; decimal 4.

      21 bits; COMFREQKHZ - Communication Frequency, value %x00.00.24
      See Section 3.5.

      UINT (OCTET): decimal 2.  See Section 3.3.

      decimal 192 (OCTET): USERSEL.  See Table 5.

      OCTET; Time to live. %x00 to not expire.  See Section 3.2.2 for

      LEVEL-A (OCTET) decimal 5.  See Table 3

   Parameter Data:
      *(OCTET) value would be 122750, 0x0001 df7e.

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5.1.3.  Squelch Message Header

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |               2               |             0                 |
      |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
      |          4            |  COMSQL %x00.00.28                    |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |  UINT   2     | USERSEL 192   |    %x00    | LEVEL-A    5     |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                   53  or  0x0000 0035                         |

                      Figure 6: Setting Squelch to 53

      UINT16; decimal 2 to match the requested radio.

      UINT16; 0 to signify the radio itself.

   Parameter Data Len:
      11 bits; decimal 4.

      21 bits; COMSQL - Communication Squelch (0-100), value %x00.00.28
      See Section 3.5.

      UINT (OCTET): decimal 2.  See Section 3.3.

      decimal 192 (OCTET): USERSEL.  See Table 5.

      OCTET; Time to live. %x00 to not expire.  See Section 3.2.2 for

      LEVEL-A (OCTET) decimal 5.  See Table 3

   Parameter Data:
      *(OCTET) value would be 53, 0x0000 0035.

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5.1.4.  Radio Status Report

   After the above parameters affect a change in the radio, or as part
   of the radio's regularly scheduled parameter broadcast, a message
   like the following will be transmitted.  It has almost all the same
   values as the original message but would likely include other
   parameters as well.  Only the changed parameters are described.

   The expire time is chosen at 2-3 times the scheduled broadcast time
   to ensure a fresh message is received within the valid time period
   should one be lost.

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |           src id              |      message number           |
      |            1777               |          1255                 |
      |   msg class   | message ID    |       flags                   |
      |   3 = OP      | FLIGHTDATA 2  |    LEVEL-A    5               |
      |              tcid             |          len                  |
      |       NONE    0               |          %x20                 |
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |               2               |             0                 |
      |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
      |          4            |  COMFREQKHZ %x00.00.24                |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |  UINT   2     | RAW / R 10    |    %xC9    | LEVEL-A    5     |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                122750   or  0x0001 df7e                       |
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |               2               |             0                 |
      |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
      |          4            |  COMSQL %x00.00.28                    |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |  UINT   2     |  RAW / R 10   |    %xC9    | LEVEL-A    5     |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                   53  or  0x0000 0035                         |

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                      Figure 7: Radio Response Message

   src id:
      UINT16; This value is different than the prior message because
      this message is sent by the node controlling the radio.  It was
      set to 1777 decimal at installation time.

   message number:
      UINT16; decimal 1255 for illustrative purposes.  Note: this value
      is the current message sequence number for node 1777.

      decimal 10 (OCTET): RAW / REPORTED in both parameters since this
      value is the actual reported value from the device.  See Table 5.

      OCTET; Time to live. %xC9 to expire in about 15 seconds.  See
      Section 3.2.2 for encoding.

5.2.  Deploy Landing Gear Example

   Landing Gear changes are different than radio changes in that it may
   take several seconds to affect a change.  In this scenario, we will
   see a report by the node controlling the landing gear, followed by a
   parameter showing the user selecting a new value.  Next, there will
   be a series of parameter broadcasts that showing the gear moving into

5.2.1.  Initial Gear State Message

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                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |           src id              |      message number           |
      |            2222               |          3400                 |
      |   msg class   | message ID    |       flags                   |
      |   3 = OP      | FLIGHTDATA 2  |    LEVEL-A    5               |
      |              tcid             |          len                  |
      |       NONE    0               |          %x20                 |
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |               1               |             0                 |
      |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
      |          4            |        LDGGEAR %x00.00.b2             |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |  UINT   2     | RAW / R 10    |    %x77    | LEVEL-A    5     |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                    0x8000   -   up.                           |
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |               2               |             0                 |
      |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
      |          4            |  LDGGEAR %x00.00.b2                |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |  UINT   2     | RAW / R 10    |    %x77    | LEVEL-A    5     |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                    0x8000   -   up.                           |

                    Figure 8: Initial gear state message

   Above we see a periodic message indicating that each of the two
   landing gear are in an up position.  If these were the only two
   landing gear, an alternative representation would be to send a single
   parameter with a a unit of zero to indicate all gear is in an up
   position.  The attributes of the message are as follows:

   src id:
      UINT16; This value was set to 2222 decimal at installation time.

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   message number:
      UINT16; 3400 decimal for illustration purposes.

   msg class:
      UINT8; "OP" value 3 decimal.

   message ID:
      UINT8; FLIGHTDATA decimal 2

      UINT16; LEVEL-A decimal 5; See Table 3.

      t-NONE; See Table 4.

      UINT16 ; 0x20 bytes.

   Parameter (First):
         UINT16; Decimal 1 for landing gear unit 1

         UINT16; 0

      Parameter Data Len:
         11 bits; decimal 4.

         21 bits; LDGGEAR - Landing Gear State, value %x00.00.b2 See
         Section 3.5.

         UINT (OCTET): decimal 2.  See Section 3.3.

         decimal 10 (OCTET): RAW.  It is the value reported by the
         actuator.  See Table 5.

         OCTET; Time to live. %x77 to expire in 2.9 seconds.  See
         Section 3.2.2 for encoding.

         LEVEL-A (OCTET) decimal 5.  See Table 3

      Parameter Data:
         *(OCTET) value is 0x8000.

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   Parameter (Second):
         UINT16; Decimal 2 for landing gear unit 2

         UINT16; 0

      Parameter Data Len:
         11 bits; decimal 4.

         21 bits; LDGGEAR - Landing Gear State, value %x00.00.b2 See
         Section 3.5.

         UINT (OCTET): decimal 2.  See Section 3.3.

         decimal 10 (OCTET): RAW.  It is the value reported by the
         actuator.  See Table 5.

         OCTET; Time to live. %x77 to expire in 2.9 seconds.  See
         Section 3.2.2 for encoding.

         LEVEL-A (OCTET) decimal 5.  See Table 3

      Parameter Data:
         *(OCTET) value is 0x8000.

5.2.2.  Gear Position Request

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                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |           src id              |      message number           |
      |            1001               |          2001                 |
      |   msg class   | message ID    |       flags                   |
      |   3 = OP      | FLIGHTDATA 2  |    LEVEL-A    5               |
      |              tcid             |          len                  |
      |       NONE    0               |          %x10                 |
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |               0               |             0                 |
      |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
      |          4            |        LDGGEARREQ  %x00.00.b3         |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |  UINT   2     | RAW / R 10    |    %x00    | LEVEL-A    5     |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                       0x0001, down.                           |

                    Figure 9: Request Gear Position Down

   Below we see an example message that could have been made by a
   landing gear button.

   src id:
      UINT16; This value was set to 1001 decimal at installation time.

   message number:
      UINT16; 2001 decimal for illustration purposes.

   msg class:
      UINT8; "OP" value 3 decimal.

   message ID:
      UINT8; FLIGHTDATA decimal 2

      UINT16; LEVEL-A decimal 5; See Table 3.

      t-NONE; See Table 4.

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      UINT16 ; 0x10 or 16 decimal bytes.

   Parameter (Only):
         UINT16; Decimal 0 for the plane's landing gear.

         UINT16; 0

      Parameter Data Len:
         11 bits; decimal 4.

         21 bits; LDGGEARREQ - Landing Gear State Request, value
         %x00.00.b3 See Section 3.5.

         UINT (OCTET): decimal 2.  See Section 3.3.

         decimal 192 (OCTET): USERSEL.  See Table 5.

         OCTET; Time to live. %x00 to not expire.  See Section 3.2.2 for

         LEVEL-A (OCTET) decimal 5.  See Table 3

      Parameter Data:
         *(OCTET) 0x0001, down.

5.2.3.  First Changed Gear State Message

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                         1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |           src id              |      message number           |
    |            2222               |          3401                 |
    |   msg class   | message ID    |       flags                   |
    |   3 = OP      | FLIGHTDATA 2  |    LEVEL-A    5               |
    |              tcid             |            len                |
    |       NONE    0               |           %x20                |
    |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
    |               1               |             0                 |
    |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
    |          4            |  LDGGEAR %x00.00.b2                |
    |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
    |  UINT   2     | RAW / R 10    |    %x77    | LEVEL-A    5     |
    :                  Parameter   Data                             :
    |                     0x3901, in transit                           |
    |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
    |               2               |             0                 |
    |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
    |          4            |  LDGGEAR %x00.00.b2                |
    |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
    |  UINT   2     | RAW / R 10    |    %x77    | LEVEL-A    5     |
    :                  Parameter   Data                             :
    |                   0x4121, in transit                          |

              Figure 10: First Changed Gear State Message

   The above message was sent while the landing gear was in transit.  It
   shows the position values for each gear to be different, but both in
   transit.  The expiry is set to 0x77 and about 2.9 seconds as the
   sending node intends to send updates at least once per second.  The
   longer time period accounting for potential losses.

   src id:
      UINT16; This value was set to 2222 decimal at installation time.

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   message number:
      UINT16; 3401 decimal for illustration purposes.

   msg class:
      UINT8; "OP" value 3 decimal.

   message ID:
      UINT8; FLIGHTDATA decimal 2

      UINT16; LEVEL-A decimal 5; See Table 3.

      t-NONE; See Table 4.

      UINT16 ; 0x20 bytes.

   Parameter (First):
         UINT16; Decimal 1 for landing gear unit 1

         UINT16; 0

      Parameter Data Len:
         11 bits; decimal 4.

         21 bits; LDGGEAR - Landing Gear State, value %x00.00.b2 See
         Section 3.5.

         UINT (OCTET): decimal 2.  See Section 3.3.

         decimal 10 (OCTET): RAW.  It is the value reported by the
         actuator.  See Table 5.

         OCTET; Time to live. %x77 to expire in 2.9 seconds.  See
         Section 3.2.2 for encoding.

         LEVEL-A (OCTET) decimal 5.  See Table 3

      Parameter Data:
         *(OCTET) value is 0x3901, in transit .

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   Parameter (Second):
         UINT16; Decimal 2 for landing gear unit 2

         UINT16; 0

      Parameter Data Len:
         11 bits; decimal 4.

         21 bits; LDGGEAR - Landing Gear State, value %x00.00.b2 See
         Section 3.5.

         UINT (OCTET): decimal 2.  See Section 3.3.

         decimal 10 (OCTET): RAW.  It is the value reported by the
         actuator.  See Table 5.

         OCTET; Time to live. %x77 to expire in 2.9 seconds.  See
         Section 3.2.2 for encoding.

         LEVEL-A (OCTET) decimal 5.  See Table 3

      Parameter Data:
         *(OCTET) value is 0x4121, in transit.

5.2.4.  Final Gear State Message

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                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |           src id              |      message number           |
      |            2222               |          3402                 |
      |   msg class   | message ID    |       flags                   |
      |   3 = OP      | FLIGHTDATA 2  |    LEVEL-A    5               |
      |              tcid             |            len                |
      |       NONE    0               |            %x20               |
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |               1               |             0                 |
      |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
      |          4            |  LDGGEAR %x00.00.b2                |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |  UINT   2     | RAW / R 10    |    %xDB    | LEVEL-A    5     |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                     0x0001, down.                             |
      |             Unit              |           SubUnit             |
      |               2               |             0                 |
      |  Parameter Data Len   |              Ident                    |
      |          4            |  LDGGEAR %x00.00.b2                |
      |     Format    |  Confidence   |   Expire   |      Pflags      |
      |  UINT   2     | RAW / R 10    |    %xDB    | LEVEL-A    5     |
      :                  Parameter   Data                             :
      |                     0x0001, down.                             |

                    Figure 11: Final Gear State Message

   The mesage above indicates that both landing gear are down (value
   0x0001) and the message expiry has increased to 0xDB, or about 59
   seconds.  Since the gear are now in a static position, the node only
   intends to send updates every 20 seconds or so following the expire a
   message at about three times the sending frequency.  In practice, to
   ensure delivery the long expiry should be introduced after at least
   one prior notification that it reached that state.

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   src id:
      UINT16; This value was set to 2222 decimal at installation time.

   message number:
      UINT16; 3402 decimal for illustration purposes.

   msg class:
      UINT8; "OP" value 3 decimal.

   message ID:
      UINT8; FLIGHTDATA decimal 2

      UINT16; LEVEL-A decimal 5; See Table 3.

      t-NONE; See Table 4.

      UINT16 ; 0x20 bytes.

   Parameter (First):
         UINT16; Decimal 1 for landing gear unit 1

         UINT16; 0

      Parameter Data Len:
         11 bits; decimal 4.

         21 bits; LDGGEAR - Landing Gear State, value %x00.00.b2 See
         Section 3.5.

         UINT (OCTET): decimal 2.  See Section 3.3.

         decimal 10 (OCTET): RAW.  It is the value reported by the
         actuator.  See Table 5.

         OCTET; Time to live. %x77 to expire in 2.9 seconds.  See
         Section 3.2.2 for encoding.

         LEVEL-A (OCTET) decimal 5.  See Table 3

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      Parameter Data:
         *(OCTET) value is 0x0001, down.

   Parameter (Second):
         UINT16; Decimal 2 for landing gear unit 2

         UINT16; 0

      Parameter Data Len:
         11 bits; decimal 4.

         21 bits; LDGGEAR - Landing Gear State, value %x00.00.b2 See
         Section 3.5.

         UINT (OCTET): decimal 2.  See Section 3.3.

         decimal 10 (OCTET): RAW.  It is the value reported by the
         actuator.  See Table 5.

         OCTET; Time to live. %x77 to expire in 2.9 seconds.  See
         Section 3.2.2 for encoding.

         LEVEL-A (OCTET) decimal 5.  See Table 3

      Parameter Data:
         *(OCTET) value is 0x0001, down.

6.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

7.  Security Considerations

   This document should not affect the security of the Internet.

   This protocol is currently designed to be deployed on an isolated
   private network.  As such, message encryption, authenticity, and
   modification detection are not protocol priorities.

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7.1.  Interception

   Message Interception is not considered a significant threat for XSEDE
   because there is no private data in the system.

7.2.  Impersonation and MITM

   Impersonation and Man in the Middle (MITM) are unlikely because
   normally the network is physically isolated and not routed to other
   networks.  Strategies for signing messages are a future

7.3.  Denial of Service

   Due to secure installation and physical isolation, Denial of Service
   is not a significant concern.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [RFC0768]  Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC 768,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC0768, August 1980,

   [RFC0791]  Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC0791, September 1981,

   [RFC2640]  Curtin, B., "Internationalization of the File Transfer
              Protocol", RFC 2640, DOI 10.17487/RFC2640, July 1999,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [IEEE8023] IEEE, "IEEE Standard for Ethernet",
              DOI 10.1109/ieeestd.2018.8457469, 21 September 2018,

   [ISO88591] International Organization for Standardization,
              "Information technology -- 8-bit single-byte coded graphic
              character sets -- Part 1: Latin alphabet No.  1", ISO/IEC
              8859-1:1998, 1998.

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   [DO-178C]  RTCA - Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, "DO-
              178C - Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and
              Equipment Certification", December 2011,

   [GLD90]    Garmin International, Inc., "GDL 90 Data Interface
              Specification", June 2007,

8.2.  Informative References

   [RFC5771]  Cotton, M., Vegoda, L., and D. Meyer, "IANA Guidelines for
              IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments", BCP 51, RFC 5771,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5771, March 2010,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

Authors' Addresses

   Mark Spencer
   Huntsville, AL
   United States of America

   Edward T Guy, III (editor)
   EMC Software
   Jersey City, NJ
   United States of America

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