Internet DRAFT - draft-haiyangjiang-i2bgp


Network Working Group                                      H. Jiang, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                                   P. Cong
Intended status: Informational                                   L. Wang
Expires: 21 May 2023                                            Y. Zhang
                                                                 W. Wang
                      Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
                                                        17 November 2022

     Desensitize Intra-domain Information for Inter-domain Routing


   Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is a routing protocol for autonomous
   systems running on TCP.  It is currently the only protocol capable of
   handling multiple connections between unrelated routing domains, such
   as the size of the Internet.  BGP is built on the experience of EGP.

   The main function of BGP system is to exchange network access
   information with other BGP systems.  However, it cannot fully
   utilizethe complete information in the domain to achieve the optimal
   decision.  This document proposes I2BGP, which describes how to
   obtain desensitization information in the domain to optimize routing

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 21 May 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft                    I2BGP                    November 2022

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Requirements and Use Case Scenario  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       3.1.1.  Supporting Information Export . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       3.1.2.  Privacy Protection Requirement  . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Use Case Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Overview of I2BGP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     4.1.  Homomorphic Encryption  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.2.  DIT Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.3.  Delta Trap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.4.  Enhanced DIT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Manageability Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   8.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   9.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

1.  Introduction

   Border Gate way Protocol (BGP) early used to solve the problem of the
   interconnection between a large number of Internet ASs (autonomous
   systems).  Compared with the traditional dual-IP dual-wire
   technology, it is more efficient.  At present, the BGP protocol is
   widely deployed on the Internet, and there are many important
   enhancements to improve BGP performance in terms of refifining
   scheduling granularity, accelerating convergence time, anomalous
   behavior detection and so on.

   However, current BGP-like protocols follow the basic principle of
   taking hops - the number of Autonomous Systems (AS) on a path - as
   the metric for routing: the less hops, the higher the priority of the
   path, such as [RFC4271].  Such strategy regards all domains as
   indiscriminate blackbox and thus can not achieve the optimal inter-
   domain routing decisions due to the lack of intra-domain information.

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   This document proposes I2BGP which developed based on BGP-4.  It use
   a Desensitized Intra-domain information-aware Tactic (DIT) to assist
   inter-domain routing decisions, which can be embedded in BGP or
   applied independently as a control-plane strategy.  DIT can make use
   of intra-domain information while protecting data privacy at the same
   time, thus solving the contradiction between data sharing and privacy

2.  Conventions

   DIT: The frame that the document proposed, which makes near-optimal
   inter-domain routing decisions with desensitized intra-domain
   information that the document proposed.

   AS/ASes:Autonomous Systems in the internet.

   I2BGP: The special protocol which based on BGP and owned the ability
   that extract the message from intra-domain and make the optimal

   DRT: It represents uppercase mathematical symbol of delta.

   drt: It represents lower mathematical symbols of delta.

   o: The article uses it for the same OR operation, mainly in the
   formula of encryption and decryption.

   o+: The article uses it for the XOR operation, mainly in the formula
   of encryption and decryption.

3.  Requirements and Use Case Scenario

   This section describes some essential requirements for I2GBP and the
   scenario about the problem hidden in BGP.

3.1.  Requirements

3.1.1.  Supporting Information Export

   Data within a domain could be exported, mainly referring to the link
   performance status, e.g., delay, bandwidth, packet loss rate, hops,
   etc.  The performance of an inter-domain transmission is jointly
   determined by the link performance of all passed domains, then, for
   different attributes, which can be summarized as bottleneck type
   (bandwidth) and cumulative type (delay, packet loss rate, hops), the
   calculation of combination will be different.  In this document,
   I2BGP takes the number of hops as a typical example that ought to be
   calculated by addition.

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3.1.2.  Privacy Protection Requirement

   Private information of domains should not be deduced from the
   exported information, because information like hops may involve
   intra-domain topology, which requires that the information cannot be
   directly disclosed to other ASes.

3.2.  Use Case Scenario

   BGP cannot use the information in the domain to make routing
   decisions, which often makes the final routing decision not optimal.
   Take the forwarding hops as an example, Figure 1 shows two paths
   between server s and client c: Path A with 4 As hops (s -> a1 -> a2
   -> a3 -> c ) and Path B with 2 As hops(s -> b -> c ).  For client c,
   Path B will be selected as actually routing path according the
   principle of BGP, and Path A will be discarded.  But in fact, there
   are additional hops in each domain, shown as the numbers in Figure 1,
   which makes path A the real better path.

                  +------+     +------+     +------+
     -------------|  2   |-----|  3   |-----|  2   |--------------|
     |            +------+     +------+     +------+              |
     |              As a1        As a2        As a3               |
 +---------+                                                 +---------+
 |Server s |                                                 |Cilent c |
 +---------+                                                 +---------+
     |                         +------+                           |
     |-----------------------  |  15  |---------------------------|
                                 As b

          Figure 1: Example of BGP-based inter-domain routing

4.  Overview of I2BGP

   This section describes the model of I2BGP and how it exports the
   information from intra-domain without revealing data and make the
   final route decision.  The judgment attributes of traditional BGP
   path selection do not include the impact of intra-domain performance.
   The document introduces an additional attribute, Attr, for BGP to
   accomplish data carrying and spreading.

   Due to each domain is a confidential system with complete
   independence and autonomy and BGP runs at border routers of each
   domain and specifies the next hop when forwarding across domains
   according to the RFC4271.  In order to fetch messages from the
   domain, I2BGP proposes the DIT technique.  It masks the intra-domain
   topology and abstract each domain into a characteristic topology

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   graph with its border routers exclusively.  Because there are direct
   or indirect connections between all border routers (nodes) of a
   domain, and we abstract these connections as edges between nodes.

   After taking the information out of the domain, in order to prevent
   the information in the domain from being leaked, DIT proposes a
   random obfuscation technology to ensure data security, which can
   ensure that information in the domain can be obtained while imitating
   information security issues.  Finally, we spread the retrieved
   information to other domains through the new field Attr, and obtain
   the optimal route by comparing this field.

4.1.  Homomorphic Encryption

   This document introduces homomorphic cryptography to export
   information without revealing data, and to ensure the validity of the
   final calculation results.  Homomorphic Cryptography provide a
   potential solution to the contradiction of information exportation
   and privacy, it is a kind of cryptographic technique that performs
   arithmetic operations on the encrypted data and yields a result
   equivalent to the cyphertext result of some computation on the
   unencrypted original data.  Its principle can be explained as follow:

   De(En(a)oEn(b)) = ao+b,

   where En() is the encryption operation, De() is the decryption
   operation, o and o+are correspond to the operations on the plaintext
   and cyphertext domains, respectively.  When o+ represents addition,
   this encryption is an additive homomorphic encryption, and when o+
   represents multiplication, this encryption is a multiplicative
   homomorphic encryption.  The encryption function that satisfifies
   both additive homomorphism and multiplicative homomorphism properties
   and can perform any times of additive and multiplicative operations
   is called fully homomorphic encryption.

   Homomorphic encryption algorithms usually have high computational
   complexity.  I2BGP select a algorithm which encrypt simple numbers
   and satisfy homomorphic additivity to avoid this problem.

4.2.  DIT Overview

   Firstly, we mask the intra-domain topology and abstract each domain
   into a characteristic topology graphwith its border routers
   exclusively.  Because of the reachability between routes within a
   domain, there are direct or indirect connections between all border
   routers (nodes) of a domain, and we abstract these connections as
   edges between nodes.

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   Assuming intra-domain information is directly embedded in BGP header
   and transmitted to the neighbors.  Then, during the route convergence
   process, cumulative calculations (e.g., addition, min() or max())
   over multiple domains can inherently protect the privacy of all
   upstream domains data, i.e., mathematically speaking, on the basis of
   c = a + b, it couldnot infer the values of a and b when only c is
   known.  This is one of the foundations for the privacy protection in
   DIT.  However, the inherent data privacy protection brought by
   cumulative calculations is effective only after at least one such
   operation has already been conducted.  In other words, the cumulative
   calculations can only achieve non-destination domain data protection.
   For example, as shown in the Figure 2, for As 3, the value of As 1or
   As 2 cannot be inferred from the cumulative summation sent from As 2.
   However, As 2 is directly connected to the destination domain of the
   route (As 1), the value of As 1 is directly exposed to As 2 due to
   the lack of protection from cumulative calculation.  That is, for the
   destination domain of each route, information leakage risk still
   exists, which is caused by directly connected neighbordomains, we
   name it the Direct Connection issue.

   To solve Direct Connection issue, we propose a basicmethod named
   Random Number Confusion.  In the path selection process, it is only
   necessary to select the optimal pathby basic comparisons.  Just like
   giving random offsets to all nodes in the coordinate system will not
   change the relative positions.  Therefore, for target D, DIT adds a
   random number to the data in the domain when initially spreading the
   data to the adjacent domain, that is, D will export the data in the
   domain, which will not affect the comparison of the final results.

   After fetching the data, to carry the above intra-domain data, we add
   a new filed, Attr, to the BGP packet header, although which is not
   strictly required because we can also reuse existing fields, provided
   the re-definition of the field function is approved.  And the
   quantifified value of the destination-based cumulative path
   performance is embedded into this fifield and diffused to neighbor
   domains with the route update message.  Then the optimal route is
   obtained by comparing.

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   +------------+        +------------+      +------------+
   |            |        |            |      |            |
   |     As 1   |--------|   As 2     |------|   As 3     |
   |            |        |            |      |            |
   +------------+        +------------+      +------------+
               |          |
               |          |
              |            |
              |    As 4    |
              |            |

           Figure 2: Inter-domain information security scenarios

4.3.  Delta Trap

   While Random Number Confusion solves the destination direct
   connection issue, there is still a trap of information leakage.  It
   can be drawed from a mathematical perspective.  Suppose it is known
   that x1 + x2 = y1 and x1 + x2 + x3 = y2.  Even if x1 and x2 are
   unknown, x3 can also be calculated by using the difference value drt
   between y1 and y2, i.e., x3 = y2 - y1.  As shown in the Figure 2, the
   value of As 3 can be obtained using the aforementioned difference
   value drt method by As 4.  To solve the problem, the document
   proposed Enhanced DIT.

4.4.  Enhanced DIT

   Delta Trap drt is triggered by one path has one more hop (itself)
   than the other of same destination.  From perspective of connection
   topology, triangular structure is at risk of data leakage.  Based on
   this, the document design a private number comparison algorithm
   leveraged by homomorphic encryption, which iscapable of comparing
   paths in a triangle topology under guarantee of data security.  The
   comparison result could guide the logical removal of non-shortest
   paths.  It includes classic homomorphic encryption algorithm Paillier
   and a private number comparison algorithm.

   Paillier algorithm randomly selecting two large prime to generate
   key.  Then it can process the corresponding value by encrypting and
   decrypting.  Based on Paillier, the private number comparison which
   is used as an independent module of DIT is patch the leakage caused
   by Delta Trap drt.

   Private Number Comparison firstly detectes the triangle structures
   from the network topology.  Then it will compare paths, comparison
   and path selection would be accomplished by communicating with each

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   other As.  As shown in Figure 3, suppose A, B and C, each of which is
   responsible for local values, N_A, N_B, N_C , respectively.  First, A
   sends encrypted N_A by private key of A, En^A(N_A), to B and C.
   After receiving the message from A, B sends En^A(N_A)oEn^A(N_B) to C,
   where o represents homomorphic addition calculation, which means
   En(x)oEn(y) = En(x+y).  After receiving the message from A and B, C
   sends En^A(N_A + N_B)oEn^A(drt_C ) and En^A(N_A)oEn_A(N_C + drt_C )
   to A in the specifified order.  After receiving the message from C, A
   decrypts and subtracts the two values,De^A (En_A(N_A + N_B + drt_C ))
   - De^A(En^A(N_A + N_C + drt_C )), and get the signed delta value
   DRT_C, which will be sent back to C.  Finally, according to DRT_C, C
   and A can determine the priority of the two paths, Path_(C->A) and

                           |                     |
          |----------------|     a=En(Na)        |-------------|
          |                |  DRTc=De(c1)-De(c2) |             |
      (1)a|                |                     |             | (1)a
          |                +---------NA----------+             | (3)c1,c2
          |                                                    | (4)DRTc
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
+---------------------+                             +----------------------+
|                     |                             |                      |
|     b=aoEn(Nb)      |-----------------------------|  c1=aoEn(Nc+drtc)    |
|                     |           (2)b              |    c2=boEn(drtc)     |
|                     |                             |                      |
+---------NB----------+                             +----------NC----------+

     Figure 3: Comparison example: communication and computation
  process of homomorphic encryption-based private number comparison

5.  Manageability Considerations

   I2BGP introduces a new field Attr based on BGP to obtain the message
   of link in domain.  The transmission and use of this field is similar
   to med and local-pref in the BGP header.

6.  IANA Considerations

   There are no IANA considerations related to this document.

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7.  Security Considerations

   Due to I2BGP is based on BGP, I2BGP faces the following security
   risks like BGP:

   1.TCP/IP protocol vulnerabilities: I2BGP runs on top of TCP, and no
   special encryption and authentication mechanisms are designed.  All
   attacks against TCP/IP vulnerabilities can cause harm to the
   operation of I2BGP.

   2.Communication mechanism loopholes: There are many loopholes in the
   operation mechanism of I2BGP itself.  If an external attacker
   maliciously modifies the message content and the order of sending
   messages, the I2BGP peers will not be able to exchange routing
   information normally through BGP.

   3.Information verification vulnerability: I2BGP does not have a
   corresponding mechanism to ensure the authenticity of router routing
   information.  If a router announces false, wrong or suboptimal
   routing information to its neighbors, the existing mechanism cannot
   identify it.

8.  Acknowledgements

   Acknowledgements to Yuchao Zhang, Peizhuang Cong, Haiyang Jiang, Lei
   Wang, Wendong Wang, Xiangyang Gong, Dan Li for their review and

9.  Normative References

   [RFC4271]  Rekhter, Y., Ed., Li, T., Ed., and S. Hares, Ed., "A
              Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)", RFC 4271,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4271, January 2006,

Authors' Addresses

   Haiyang Jiang (editor)
   Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

   Peizhuang Cong
   Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

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   Lei Wang
   Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

   Yuchao Zhang
   Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

   Wendong Wang
   Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

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