Internet DRAFT - draft-hardaker-iab-mnqeu-report


Network Working Group                                        W. Hardaker
Internet-Draft                                                   USC/ISI
Intended status: Informational                           9 November 2021
Expires: 13 May 2022

      IAB workshop report: Measuring Network Quality for End-Users


   The Measuring Network Quality for End-Users workshop was held
   virtually by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) in September,
   2021.  This workshop summarizes the workshop, the topics discussed
   and some preliminary conclusions drawn at the end of the workshop.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 13 May 2022.

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   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Problem space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Workshop Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Position Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.2.  Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.3.  Cross-layer considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.4.  Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  General statements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.2.  Specific statements about detailed protocols/
           techniques  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.3.  Problem statements and concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.4.  No-consensus reached statements . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  Follow on work  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   7.  Security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Appendix A.  Participants List  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Appendix B.  Github Version of this document  . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15

1.  Introduction

   The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) holds occasional workshops
   designed to consider long-term issues and strategies for the
   Internet, and to suggest future directions for the Internet
   architecture.  This long-term planning function of the IAB is
   complementary to the ongoing engineering efforts performed by working
   groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

   The Measuring Network Quality for End-Users workshop was held
   virtually by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) in September,
   2021.  This workshop summarizes the workshop, the topics discussed
   and some preliminary conclusions drawn at the end of the workshop.

1.1.  Problem space

   The Internet in 2021 is quite different from what it was 10 years
   ago.  Today, it is a crucial part of everyone's daily life.  People
   use the Internet for their social life, for their daily jobs, for
   routine shopping, and for keeping up with major events.  An
   increasing number of people can access a Gigabit connection, which
   would be hard to imagine a decade ago.  And, thanks to improvements

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   in security, people trust the Internet for both planning their
   finances and for everyday payments.

   At the same time, some aspects of end-user experience have not
   improved as much.  Many users have typical connection latency that
   remains at decade-old levels.  Despite significant reliability
   improvements in data center environments, end users often see
   interruptions in service.  Despite algorithmic advances in the field
   of control theory, one can often find that the queuing delay in the
   last-mile equipment exceeds the accumulted transit delay.  Transport
   improvements, such as QUIC, Multipath TCP, and TCP Fast Open are
   still not fully supported in some networks.  Likewise, various
   advances in the security and privacy of user data are not widely
   supported, such as encrypted DNS to the local resolver.

   Some of the major factors behind this lack of progress is the popular
   perception that throughput is the often sole measure of the quality
   of Internet connectivity.  With such narrow focus, the workshop aimed
   to discuss various questions:

   *  What is the latency under typical working conditions?

   *  How reliable is the connectivity across longer time periods?

   *  Does the network allow the use of a broad range of protocols?

   *  What services can be run by clients of the network?

   *  What kind of IPv4, NAT or IPv6 connectivity is offered, and are
      there firewalls?

   *  What security mechanisms are available for local services, such as

   *  To what degree are the privacy, confidentiality, integrity and
      authenticity of user communications guarded?

   *  Improving these aspects of network quality will likely depend on
      measurement and exposing metrics to all involved parties,
      including to end users in a meaningful way.  Such measurements and
      exposure of the right metrics will allow service providers and
      network operators to focus on the aspects that impacts the users'
      experience most and at the same time empowers users to choose the
      Internet service that will give them the best experience.

   *  What are the fundamental properties of a network that contribute
      to good user experience?

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   *  What metrics quantify these properties, and how to collect such
      metrics in a practical way?

   *  What are the best practices for interpreting those metrics, and
      incorporating those in a decision making process?

   *  What are the best ways to communicate these properties to service
      providers and network operators?

   *  How can these metrics be displayed to users in a meaningful way?

2.  Workshop Agenda

   The Measuring Network Quality for End-Users for divided into the
   following main topic areas:

   *  Introduction overviews and a keynote by Vint Cerf

   *  Consideration of metrics

   *  Cross-layer considerations

   *  Synthesis

   *  Group conclusions

3.  Position Papers

   *  Stuart Cheshire.  "The Internet is a Shared Network"

   *  Jana Iyengar.  "The Internet Exists In Its Use"

   *  Yaakov (J) Stein.  "The Futility of QoS"

   *  Keynote by Vint Cerf

   *  Pedro Casas. "10 Years of Internet-QoE Measurements.  Video,
      Cloud, Conferencing, Web and Apps.  What do we need from the
      Network Side?"

   *  Lucas Pardue, Sreeni Tellakula.  "Lower layer performance not
      indicative of upper layer success"

   *  Ahmed Aldabbagh.  "Regulatory perspective on measuring network
      quality for end users"

   *  Michael Welzl.  "A Case for Long-Term Statistics"

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   *  Joachim Fabini.  "Objective and subjective network quality"

   *  Matt Mathis.  "Preliminary Longitudinal Study of Internet

   *  Brandon Schlinker.  "Internet's performance from Facebook's edge"

   *  Jonathan Foulkes.  "Metrics helpful in assessing Internet Quality"

   *  Vijay Sivaraman, Sharat Madanapalli, Himal Kumar.  "Measuring
      Network Experience Meaningfully, Accurately, and Scalably"

   *  Dave Reed, Levi Perigo.  "Measuring ISP Performance in Broadband
      America: a Study of Latency Under Load"

   *  Kyle MacMillian, Nick Feamster.  "Beyond Speed Test: Measuring
      Latency Under Load Across Different Speed Tiers"

   *  Gregory Mirsky, Xiao Min, Gyan Mishra, Liuyan Han. "Error
      Performance Measurement in Packet-Switched Networks"

   *  Gino Dion.  "Focusing on latency, not throughput, to provide
      better internet experience and network quality"

   *  Praveen Balasubramanian.  "Transport Layer Statistics for Network

   *  Jari Arkko, Mirja Kuehlewind.  "Observability is needed to improve
      network quality"

   *  Robin Marx, Joris Herbots.  "Merge Those Metrics: Towards Holistic
      (Protocol) Logging"

   *  Rajat Ghai.  "Measuring & Improving QoE on the Xfinity Wi-Fi

   *  Koen De Schepper, Olivier Tilmans, Gino Dion.  "Challenges and
      opportunities of hardware support for Low Queuing Latency without
      Packet Loss"

   *  Olivier Bonaventure, Francois Michel.  "Packet delivery time as a
      tie-breaker for assessing Wi-Fi access points"

   *  Ken Kerpez, Jinous Shafiei, John Cioffi, Pete Chow, Djamel
      Bousaber.  "State of Wi-Fi Reporting"

   *  Mikhail Liubogoshchev.  "Cross-layer Cooperation for Better
      Network Service"

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   *  Sandor Laki, Szilveszter Nadas, Balazs Varga, Luis M.  Contreras.
      "Incentive-Based Traffic Management and QoS Measurements"

   *  Satadal Segupta, Hyojoon Kim, Jennifer Rexford.  "Fine-Grained RTT
      Monitoring Inside the Network"

   *  Al Morton.  "Dream-Pipe or Pipe-Dream: What Do Users Want (and how
      can we assure it)?"

   *  Kalevi Kilkki, Benajamin Finley.  "In Search of Lost QoS"

   *  Neil Davies, Peter Thompson.  "Measuring Network Impact on
      Application Outcomes using Quality Attenuation"

   *  Mingrui Zhang, Vidhi Goel, Lisong Xu.  "User-Perceived Latency to
      measure CCAs"

   *  Discussion

   *  Break

   *  Christoph Paasch, Randall Meyer, Stuart Cheshire, Omer Shapira.
      "Responsiveness under Working Conditions"

   *  Bob Briscoe, Greg White, Vidhi Goel and Koen De Schepper.  "A
      single common metric to characterize varying packet delay"

   *  Christoph Paasch, Kristen McIntyre, Randall Meyer, Stuart
      Cheshire, Omer Shapira.  "An end-user approach to the Internet

4.  Discussions

   The three day workshop was broken into four separate sections,
   including introductory material and conclusions, that each played a
   role in framing the discussions.

4.1.  Introduction

   The Introduction section allowed participants to introduce and
   discuss the problem space, existing mechanisms for QoS and QoE
   measurements.  Also discussed was the interaction between multiple
   users within the Network, as well as the interaction between multiple
   layers of the OSI stack.  Some existing measurement works were
   presented.  Vint Cerf provided a key note support describing the
   history and importance of the topic.

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4.2.  Metrics

   The Metrics section of the workshop concentrated on both defining new
   and existing measures and how they might apply to different sections
   of the Internet.  The need for improvements to latency and its
   measurements was heavily discussed, especially for certain classes of
   users such as live, collaborative content and gaming.

4.3.  Cross-layer considerations

   In the Cross-layer section participants present material and
   discussed how accurately measuring exactly where problems occur is
   difficult when many components of a network connection can affect the
   measurement.  Discussion centered especially on the differences
   between physically wired and wireless connections and the
   difficulties of accurately determining problem spots when multiple
   different network types are responsible the quality.

4.4.  Synthesis

   Finally, in the Synthesis section presentations and discussions
   concentrated on the next steps likely needed to make forward
   progress.  Of particular concern is how to bring forward measurements
   that can make sense to end users trying to make subscription

5.  Conclusions

   During the final hour of the workshop we gathered statements that
   group thought were summary statements from the 3 day event.  We later
   discarded any that were in contention (listed further below for
   completeness).  For this document, the editor took the original list
   and divided it into rough categories, applied some suggested edits
   discussed on the mailing list and further edited for clarity and to
   provide context.

5.1.  General statements

   1.  Bandwidth is necessary but not alone sufficient

   2.  In many cases, Internet users don't need more bandwidth, but
       rather need "better bandwidth" - i.e., they need other
       improvements to their connectivity.

   3.  We need both active and passive measurements - passive
       measurements can provide historical debugging.

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   4.  We need passive measurements to be continuous and archivable and
       queriable - include reliability/connectivity measurements.

   5.  A really meaningful metric for users is whether their application
       will work properly or fail because of a lack of a network with
       sufficient characteristics.

   6.  An useful metric for goodness must actually incentive goodness -
       good metrics should actionable to help drive industries toward

   7.  A lower latency internet, however achieved would benefit all end

5.2.  Specific statements about detailed protocols/techniques

   1.  Round trips Per Minute (RPM) is a useful, consumable metric

   2.  We need a usable tool that fills the current gap between network
       reachability, latency and speed tests.

   3.  End-users that want to be involved in QoS decisions should be
       able to voice their needs and desires.

   4.  Applications are needed that can perform and report good quality
       measurements in order to identify insufficient points in network

   5.  Research done by regulators indicate that users/consumers prefer
       a simple metric per application, which frequently resolves to
       whether the application will work properly not.

   6.  New measurements and QoS or QoE techniques should not rely only
       or depend on reading TCP headers

   7.  It is clear from developers of interactive applications and from
       network operators that lower latency is a strong factor in user
       QoE.  However, metrics are lacking to support this statement

5.3.  Problem statements and concerns

   1.  Latency mean and medians are distractions from better

   2.  It is frustrating to only measure network services without
       simultaneously improving those services

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   3.  Stakeholder incentives aren't aligned for easy wins in this
       space.  Incentives are needed to motivate improvements in public
       network access.  Measurements may be one step toward driving
       competitive market incentive.

   4.  For future-proof networking, measuring ecological impact of
       measuring material and energy usage is important.

   5.  We do not have incontrovertible evidence that any one metric
       (e.g. latency or speed) is more important than others to persuade
       device vendors to concentrate on any one optimization.

5.4.  No-consensus reached statements

   Additional statements were recorded that did not have consensus of
   the group at the time, but we list here for completeness about the
   fact they were discussed:

   1.  We do not have incontrovertible evidence that buffer bloat is a
       prevalent problem

   2.  The measurement needs to support reporting localization in order
       to find problems.  Specifically:

       *  Detecting a problem is not sufficient if you can't find the

       *  Need more than just english - different localization concerns

   3.  Stakeholder incentives aren't aligned for easy wins in this space

6.  Follow on work

   There was discussion during the workshop about where future work
   should be performed.  The group agreed that some work could be done
   more immediately within existing IETF working groups, while other
   longer-term research may be needed in IRTF groups.

7.  Security considerations

   A few security relevant topics were discussed at the workshop,
   including but not limited to:

   *  What prioritization techniques can work without invading the
      privacy of the communicating parties.

   *  How oversubscribed networks can essentially be viewed as a DDoS

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8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC4035]  Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S.
              Rose, "Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security
              Extensions", RFC 4035, DOI 10.17487/RFC4035, March 2005,

   [RFC5155]  Laurie, B., Sisson, G., Arends, R., and D. Blacka, "DNS
              Security (DNSSEC) Hashed Authenticated Denial of
              Existence", RFC 5155, DOI 10.17487/RFC5155, March 2008,

8.2.  Informative References

   [RFC1111]  Postel, J., "Request for comments on Request for Comments:
              Instructions to RFC authors", RFC 1111,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC1111, August 1989,

Appendix A.  Participants List

   The following is a list of participants attended the workshop over a
   remote connection:

   *  Ahmed Aldabbagh

   *  Al Morton

   *  Alexander Clemm

   *  Alvaro Retana

   *  Anna Brunstrom

   *  Balazs Varga

   *  Bjoern Ivar Teigen

   *  Bob Briscoe

   *  Brandon Schlinker

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   *  Bren Tully Walsh

   *  Christoph Paasch

   *  Cindy Morgan

   *  Cullen Jennings

   *  Dan Siemon

   *  Dave Taht

   *  David Reed

   *  David Schinazi

   *  Djamel Bousaber

   *  Eve Schooler

   *  Evgeny Khorov

   *  Francois Michel

   *  Gavin Young

   *  Geoff Huston

   *  Gino Dion

   *  Gorry Fairhurst

   *  Greg Mirsky

   *  Greg White

   *  Jana Iyengar

   *  Jared Mauch

   *  Jari Arkko

   *  Jason Livingood

   *  Jiankang Yao

   *  Jim Gettys

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   *  Jinous Shafiei

   *  Joachim Fabini

   *  John Cioffi

   *  Jonathan Foulkes

   *  Joon Kim

   *  Joris Herbots

   *  Kalevi Kilkki

   *  Karthik Sundaresan

   *  Kathleen Nichols

   *  Keith Winstein

   *  Ken Kerpez

   *  Kenjiro Cho

   *  Koen De Schepper

   *  Kristen McIntyre

   *  Kyle MacMillan

   *  Lai Yi Ohlsen

   *  Lars Eggert

   *  Levi Perigo

   *  Lisong Xu

   *  Lucas Pardue

   *  Luis M.  Contreras

   *  Mat Ford

   *  Matt Mathis

   *  Michael Welzl

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   *  Mikhail Liubogoshchev

   *  Mingrui Zhang

   *  Neil Davies

   *  Nick Feamster

   *  Nicolas (Tessares)

   *  Olivier Bonaventure

   *  Omer Shapira

   *  Pedro Casas

   *  Peter Thompson

   *  Praveen Balasubramanian

   *  Rajat Ghai

   *  Randall Meyer

   *  Rich Brown

   *  Rick Taylor

   *  Roberto

   *  Robin Marx

   *  Russ White

   *  Sam Crawford

   *  Satadal Sengupta

   *  Shapelez

   *  Sharat Madanapalli

   *  Steve Christianson

   *  Stuart Cheshire

   *  Szilveszter Nadas

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   *  Toerless Eckert

   *  Toke Hoeiland-Joergensen

   *  Tommy Pauly

   *  Vesna Manojlovic

   *  Vidhi Goel

   *  Vijay Sivaraman

   *  Vint Cerf

   *  Wes Hardaker

   *  Zhenbin Li

   IAB Members at the Time of Approval

   Internet Architecture Board members at the time this document was
   approved for publication were:

   Jari Arkko

   Deborah Brungard
   Ben Campbell
   Lars Eggert
   Wes Hardaker
   Cullen Jennings
   Mirja Kühlewind
   Zhenbin Li
   Jared Mauch
   Tommy Pauly
   Colin Perkins
   David Schinazi
   Russ White
   Jiankang Yao


   The authors would like to thank the workshop participants, the
   members of the IAB, and the program committee for creating and
   participating in many interesting discussions.

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Appendix B.  Github Version of this document

   While this document is under development, it can be viewed, tracked,
   fill here:

Author's Address

   Wes Hardaker


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