Internet DRAFT - draft-hewitt-ietf-qpack-static-table-version


Internet Engineering Task Force                                R. Hewitt
Internet-Draft                                  Akamai Technologies Inc.
Intended status: Standards Track                         9 November 2023
Expires: 12 May 2024

              The qpack_static_table_version TLS extension


   This document specifies a new "qpack_static_table_version" TLS
   extension to enable clients and servers to agree upon the version of
   the HTTP/3 QPACK Static Table to use for communications between them.
   It also defines a new IANA registry to be used for documenting and
   publishing the entries in the QPACK static table.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Status information for this document may be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the HTTP Working Group
   mailing list (, which is archived at  Working Group
   information can be found at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 12 May 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  QPACK Static Table Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  QPACK Static Table Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  QPACK Static Table Additions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  Standard registries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       4.1.1.  Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  Vendor registries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  QPACK Static Table support  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  The qpack_static_table_version TLS extension  . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  Processing Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   10. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     10.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

1.  Introduction

   HTTP/3 uses QPACK [RFC9204] for compression of the header and trailer

   QPACK reuses core concepts from the HPACK algorithm used for HTTP/2,
   but as noted in its design "[...]is redesigned to allow correctness
   in the presence of out-of-order delivery, with flexibility for
   implementations to balance between resilience against head-of-line
   blocking and optimal compression ratio."

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   A central feature of QPACK is the use of a 'static table' which
   contains a predefined list of frequently-used field names or field
   name/value combinations (generically "field strings"), each of which
   is identified by a unique, unchanging index in the table.  To
   minimize over-the-wire bytes, clients and servers can pass this index
   rather than the field string itself in the header section of the
   request or reponse.  Less frequently-used field strings are defined
   as ASCII text in the QPACK 'dynamic table'.  Because of the optimal
   compression, defining field strings in the static table is
   significantly desirable over passing them in the dynamic table.

   When the static table was originally defined, the entries it
   contained were calculated by determining the relative frequency with
   which each field string was found in a representative sampling of web
   traffic.  However, as new HTTP fields become more frequently-used
   over time, it makes sense that they be added as additional entries to
   the static table to retain the high level of compression.

   This specification defines a new TLS extension which can be passed by
   both client and server to identify and agree on the version (size) of
   the static table that they will both use.  Because the size of the
   static table must be known prior to any HTTP requests passing between
   the client and server, this information must be passed during the TLS

   This specification also defines a new IANA registry where the entries
   in the QPACK static table will be published and updated.  Additional
   related registries will be created over time.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   The following terms are used in this document:

   *  *HTTP fields*: Metadata sent as part of an HTTP message.  The term
      encompasses both header and trailer fields.  Colloquially, the
      term "headers" has often been used to refer to HTTP header fields
      and trailer fields; this document uses "fields" for generality.

   *  *HTTP field line*: A name-value pair sent as part of an HTTP field
      section.  See Sections 6.3 and 6.5 of [RFC9110].

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   *  *HTTP field value*: Data associated with a field name, composed
      from all field line values with that field name in that section,
      concatenated together with comma separators.

   *  *HTTP field string*: A field name or field name/value combination,
      as stored in the QPACK static table.

   Note that QPACK is a name, not an abbreviation.

2.  QPACK Static Table Background

   The original QPACK static table [RFC9204] contains 99 entries
   (starting at entry 0, ending at entry 98), as follows:

   | Entry           | Value                        | Notes            |
   | 0 (first        | :authority                   | Field name only  |
   | entry)          |                              |                  |
   | 1               | :path   /                    | Field name/value |
   |                 |                              | combination      |
   | 2               | Age   0                      | Field name/value |
   |                 |                              | combination      |
   | ...2 - 97...                                                      |
   | 98 (last        | x-frame-options   sameorigin | Field name/value |
   | entry)          |                              | combination      |

                                  Table 1

   The table was generated by analyzing actual Internet traffic in 2018
   and including the most common header fields, after filtering out some
   unsupported and non-standard values.  Due to this methodology, some
   of the entries may be inconsistent or appear multiple times with
   similar but not identical values.  The order of the entries is
   optimized to encode the most common header fields with the smallest
   number of bytes.

   For example, an HTTP/3 request which nominally passes the following
   six headers:

   *  *:authority:* (entry 0 in static table as field
      name only)

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   *  *:method: GET* (entry 17 in static table as field name/value)

   *  *path: /* (entry 1 in static table as field name/value)

   *  *cookie: cookie1=abc;cookie2=def* (entry 5 in static table as
      field name only)

   *  *myheader: xxx* (not specified in static table)

   *  *accept: */** (entry 29 in static table as field name/value)

   would actually pass the following in a header 'blob' (low-level
   technical formatting elided and new lines added for comprehension):


        Figure 1: Header blob consisting of references to static and
                           dynamic table entries

   Thus many headers (e.g. "accept: */*") can be passed as simple static
   table indexes, each of which is only 2 or 3 bytes.  Where the static
   table entry doesn't include a field value (e.g. :authority), there
   will also be an offset to the related value in the header blob.

3.  QPACK Static Table Problems

   The QPACK static table functionality, whilst elegant and highly
   efficient, has a number of problems:

   1.  The headers included in the static table may have been the most
       frequently used in 2018, but that was (as of the writing of this
       RFC) five years ago, and things change - new headers are brought
       into use and become very common - more common than some of the
       entries in the static table.  An example is the various Client
       Hints headers (Accept-CH and the various Sec-CH-* headers).
       Because these headers are not included in the static table, they

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       must always be encoded in the dynamic table, thus not taking
       advantage of the data reduction benefits of using static table

   2.  Some of the values in the static table are actually incorrect -
       for example, entries 73 and 74 are both for the *access-control-
       allow-credentials* field name, but the two values specified (TRUE
       and FALSE) are both invalid for that field name.  Whilst there
       may be some benefit to passing invalid values (if they are truly
       frequently passed, even if they are invalid, there is benefit in
       passing them in as minimal a value as possible), it doesn't sit
       well that these values are being passed at all.

   3.  It doesn't allow for the fact that some 'micro' clients may not
       wish to include the entire static table, especially if they
       either use vendor-specific headers that are not included in the
       current table or if they only use a small subset of the headers
       in the table.

   Therefore, it makes sense to devise a system to both define variants
   of the static table (containing more, fewer or different entries),
   which clients and servers can choose to use and also to define a
   means for those clients and servers to negotiate the static table
   they will use - this must clearly occur before any HTTP requests
   which use the table.

4.  QPACK Static Table Additions

4.1.  Standard registries

   Initially, a registry called *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* will be
   created and maintained by IANA in which the initial QPACK static
   table will be published.  See Section 8 for more details.

   Over time, subsequent related registries using a naming convention of
   *QPACK Static Table Variant N* (where *N* is an integer incremented
   by 1 from the prior registry) will be created to contain a re-ordered
   copy of the table that is defined in the prior registry.

   Each registry will have two 'attributes' that are used by clients and
   servers during TLS negotiation - a *Variant* (part of the registry
   name) and a *Length* (the number of entries in the registry).  In
   this document, a registry may be referred to using the shorthand of
   "Variant;Length" - for example "1;99".

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   The initial registry (Variant 1) will have 99 entries (Length 99),
   shorthandedly known as 1;99.  These values match the initial value of
   the QPACK static table as defined in the QPACK RFC [RFC9204].  Every
   subsequent registry will have a Length value greater than or equal to

   Periodically (see Section 8 for proposed periods), IESG designated
   experts will re-sample actual internet traffic and as new field
   strings are found to have become more prevalent than the current last
   entry in the registry with the highest Variant, the new field strings
   will be ordered by prevalence with one another (if more than one
   field string) and appended as new entries to that registry.

   Periodically (see Section 8 for proposed periods), a new *QPACK
   Static Table Variant N* registry will be created (where N is
   incremented by 1 from the prior registry Variant).  This registry
   will contain all the entries in the prior registry Variant, but they
   will all be re-ordered, to ensure that the most commonly-found header
   lines are near the start of the table.  When a new *QPACK Static
   Table Variant N* registry is published, all prior registries are
   'locked' and will not be changed; new entries will not be appended to

   Thus at any time, there may be multiple concurrently-published QPACK
   Static Table registries, each with a different Variant.

4.1.1.  Example

   *Note that with the exception of the initial length of the QPACK
   Static Table Variant 1 registry, this section is hypothetical*

   Initially the *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* registry is published
   and contains 99 entries.  This is the table that is defined in the

   After a certain period of time, web traffic is re-sampled and it is
   found that 12 new field strings exist which are more common than "x-
   frame-options: sameorigin" (entry 99 in the Variant 1 registry).
   These 12 field strings are ordered by prevalence relative to each
   other and appended as entries 100-111 to the *QPACK Static
   Table Variant 1* registry.

   After another period of time, internet traffic is re-sampled again
   and it is found that 5 new field strings exist which are more common
   than entry 111 in the Variant 1 registry.  Again, these 5 field
   strings are ordered by prevalence relative to each other and appended
   to the *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* registry.

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   At the same time, a new registry, *QPACK Static Table Variant 2*, is
   published.  This registry contains all 116 entries from the *QPACK
   Static Table Variant 1* registry, re-ordered in order of total
   prevalence.  The *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* registry is locked.

   There are now *two* registries:

   *  *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* containing 116 entries: [LOCKED]
      Entries 0-98 are in the same order as the initial QPACK table.
      Entries 99-111 are ordered by prevalence with one another, but not
      with any prevalence relative to entries 0-98.  Entries 112-116 are
      ordered by prevalence with one another but not with any prevalence
      relative to entries 0-111.

   *  *QPACK Static Table Variant 2* containing 116 entries: All entries
      are ordered by prevalence compared to one another.

   After a period of time, 3 new field strings exist which are more
   common than entry 116 in *QPACK Static Table Variant 2*. These 3
   field strings are ordered by prevalence relative to each other and
   appended to the *QPACK Static Table Variant 2* registry.

   At this point there are still *two* registries: - the Variant 1
   registry is locked and the Variant 2 registry has changed:

   *  *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* containing 116 entries: [LOCKED]
      Entries 0-98 are in the same order as the initial QPACK table.
      Entries 99-111 are ordered by prevalence with one another, but not
      with any prevalence relative to entries 0-98.  Entries 112-116 are
      ordered by prevalence with one another but not with any prevalence
      relative to entries 0-111.

   *  *QPACK Static Table Variant 2* containing 119 entries: Entries
      0-116 are ordered by prevalence compared to one another.  Entries
      117-119 are ordered by prevalence with one another, but not with
      any prevalence relative to entries 0-116.

   After a period of time, 4 new field strings exist which are more
   common than entry 119 in *QPACK Static Table Variant 2*. These 4
   field strings are ordered by prevalence relative to each other and
   appended to the *QPACK Static Table Variant 2* registry.

   At the same time, a new registry, *QPACK Static Table Variant 3*, is
   published.  This contains all the entries from the Variant 2
   registry, re-ordered in order of total prevalence.  The *QPACK Static
   Table Variant 2* registry is locked.

   There are now *three* registries:

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   *  *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* containing 116 entries: [LOCKED]
      Entries 0-98 are in the same order as the initial QPACK table.
      Entries 99-111 are ordered by prevalence with one another, but not
      with any prevalence relative to entries 0-98.  Entries 112-116 are
      ordered by prevalence with one another but not with any prevalence
      relative to entries 0-111.

   *  *QPACK Static Table Variant 2* containing 123 entries [LOCKED]:
      Entries 0-116 are ordered by prevalence compared to one another.
      Entries 117-119 are ordered by prevalence with one another, but
      not with any prevalence relative to entries 0-116.  Entries
      120-123 are ordered by prevalence with one another, but not with
      any prevalence relative to entries 0-119.

   *  *QPACK Static Table Variant 3* containing 123 entries: All entries
      are ordered by prevalence compared to one another.

   This process continues, with new header lines periodically being
   appended to the latest registry Variant and a new registry Variant of
   the table periodically being created.

4.2.  Vendor registries

   Additionally, registries can be proposed by any third-party vendor or
   similar interested party, which can contain any of the following:

   *  Any subset of the entries from any other existing registry, in any

   *  Versions of the entries in any other registry with the same field
      name but a different field value

   *  Vendor specific entries which are inappropriate for general use

   Thus different vendors can propose their own registries which include
   only field strings that they use - this allows those vendors to
   minimize the size of the static table to only the minimal set of
   field names and values that are appropriate to their business, and
   which are possibly recognized only by their own client and server
   software.  These vendor-defined registries MUST have a naming format
   of *QPACK Static Table Variant nnn* where '*nnn*' represents any
   three digit number from 200 to 999.

   The publication of vendor-defined registries is at the discretion of
   IANA.  See Section 8 for more details.

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5.  QPACK Static Table support

   HTTP/3-supporting clients and servers MUST always support *QPACK
   Static Table Variant 1* with a Length of 99.  They MAY also support
   other registry Variant/Length combinations.

6.  The qpack_static_table_version TLS extension

   The *qpack_static_table_version* TLS extension is a structure which
   represents the following

   *  When sent in a request from the client to the server, it
      represents one or more registry Variant/Length combinations
      supported by the client.

   *  When sent in a response from the server to the client, it
      represents the single negotiated Variant/Length combination from
      the list sent by the client that will be used by both client and

   The *qpack_static_table_version* TLS extension is OPTIONAL and MAY be
   sent by either client or server or both or neither.  Rules for how
   its existence or absence should be handled are described below.

   The extension_data for the qpack_static_table_version extension is
   described below using the syntax defined in [RFC8446]:

   struct {
       uint8 StaticTableSupportedVariant;
       uint8 StaticTableSupportedLength;
   } StaticTableSupportedArray;

   struct {
       uint8  StaticTableSupportedCount;
       struct StaticTableSupportedArray[1...99];
   } qpack_static_table_version;

                                  Figure 2

   The *StaticTableSupportedCount* field specifies the number of entries
   in *StaticTableSupportedArray*. When passed in a request from a
   client to a server, it MUST have a value from 1 to 99 inclusive; any
   other value is invalid and the server MUST treat this as if a single
   entry in the StaticTableSupportedArray array was passed by the sender
   with StaticTableSupportedVariant having a value of 1 and
   StaticTableSupportedLength having a value of 99.  When passed in a
   response from a server to a client, it MUST have a value of 1.

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   The following specifications apply to each entry in
   *StaticTableSupportedArray* when passed in a request from a client to
   a server:

   *  The *StaticTableSupportedVariant* field must be a positive integer
      and indicates client support for that Variant registry.  A
      negative value or a value of 0 is invalid and the server MUST
      ignore that *StaticTableSupportedArray* array entry.

   *  The *StaticTableSupportedLength* field must be a positive integer.
      A negative value or a value of 0 is invalid and the server MUST
      ignore that *StaticTableSupportedArray* array entry.  A value that
      is lower than the current length of the registry Variant
      identified by the *StaticTableSupportedVariant* field (as known by
      the server) is valid; this allows a client which may have very
      limited memory and/or which expects to send/receive only a few
      known headers to specify a low Length.  For example, a client
      could pass *1;30*, indicating that they support only the first 30
      entries in the *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* registry and any
      other header lines must be specified in the dynamic table.

   The *qpack_static_table_version* extension MAY be passed by a client
   to a server in the ClientHello, to indicate one or more registry
   Variants and the associated Length of each Variant that that the
   client supports.  If the *qpack_static_table_version* extension is
   not present in the ClientHello, the server MUST assume that the
   client supports *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* up to 99 entries.

   If the *qpack_static_table_version* extension is not passed by a
   client in the ClientHello, the server MUST NOT pass the
   *qpack_static_table_version* extension in the ServerHello, and MUST
   use *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* up to 99 entries.

   If the ClientHello includes the *qpack_static_table_version*
   extension, the server MAY respond in the ServerHello with its own
   copy of the *qpack_static_table_version* extension, which MUST
   specify a *StaticTableSupportedCount* value of 1 and MUST contain
   only a single entry in the *StaticTableSupportedArray* array.  This
   returned entry MUST match one of the entries passed in the client's
   *qpack_static_table_version* extension, indicating the server's
   preferred choice of registry.

   If either the ClientHello or the ServerHello do not include the
   *qpack_static_table_version* extension, or if an invalid value is
   specified for any of its component fields, then both client and
   server MUST fall back to use *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* up to 99

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   If the client passes the *qpack_static_table_version extension* with
   one or more valid values and the server responds with a single valid
   value as noted above, the client MUST use that value.  Note that the
   chosen Variant and Length may be separately derived from either
   client or server.  See example 5 in Section 7 for an example of this.

   Sample pseudocode processing for client and server:

   set variable CV to 1
   set variable CL to max supported length for Variant 1

   for (CC = 0 to number-of-supported-variants) {
       set StaticTableSupportedVariant[CC] to supported Variant
       set StaticTableSupportedLength[CC] to supported length of Variant
   set StaticTableSupportedCount to CC

   Include qpack_static_table_version in ClientHello

   if (ServerHello does not contain qpack_static_table_version) {
       goto error
   } else {
       save qpack_static_table_version from ServerHello as SC,SV,SL
       if (SC != 1) {
           goto exit
       } else {
           if (SV is not a supported Variant) {
               goto exit
           if (SL > supported length for Variant SV) {
               goto exit
           set CV to SV
           set CL to SL
       use CV,CL for static table index processing

                        Figure 3: Client processing

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   set variable SC to 1
   set variable SV to supported Variant value
   set variable SL to supported Length value for Variant SV

   if (ClientHello does not contain qpack_static_table_version or if qpack_static_table_version contains invalid values) {
       set SV to 1
       set SL to 99
   } else {
       save qpack_static_table_version from ClientHello as CC,[CV,CL]
       for (SC = 0 to CC) {
           if (CV[SC] == SV) {               # matching Variant
               if (CL[SC] <= SL) {           # shorter/same Length
                   set SL to CL[SC]
                   goto exit
       # non-matching Variant/Length - fall back to Variant 1;99
       set SV to 1
       set SL to 99
       Include qpack_static_table_version with values 1,[SV,SL] in ServerHello
       Use SV,SL for static table index processing

                        Figure 4: Server processing

7.  Processing Examples

   Example published registries (after some time has passed and multiple
   registries have been created):

                           | Variant | Length |
                           | 1       | 116    |
                           | 2       | 123    |
                           | 3       | 123    |

                                 Table 2

   Example values passed for the qpack_static_table_version:

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   |Example| Client                     |Server   |Variant/|Notes     |
   |       | qpack_static_table_version |supported|Length  |          |
   |       | passed                     |Variant/ |used    |          |
   |       |                            |Length   |        |          |
   |1      | not passed                 |not      |1;99    |Neither   |
   |       |                            |passed   |        |client nor|
   |       |                            |         |        |server    |
   |       |                            |         |        |passed the|
   |       |                            |         |        |extension,|
   |       |                            |         |        |so both   |
   |       |                            |         |        |use the   |
   |       |                            |         |        |default   |
   |       |                            |         |        |1;99      |
   |       |                            |         |        |Variant.  |
   |2      | not passed                 |2;116    |1;99    |The client|
   |       |                            |         |        |did not   |
   |       |                            |         |        |pass the  |
   |       |                            |         |        |extension,|
   |       |                            |         |        |so both   |
   |       |                            |         |        |use the   |
   |       |                            |         |        |default   |
   |       |                            |         |        |1;99      |
   |       |                            |         |        |Variant.  |
   |3      | 1;114                      |not      |1;99    |The server|
   |       |                            |passed   |        |did not   |
   |       |                            |         |        |pass the  |
   |       |                            |         |        |extension,|
   |       |                            |         |        |so both   |
   |       |                            |         |        |use the   |
   |       |                            |         |        |default   |
   |       |                            |         |        |1;99      |
   |       |                            |         |        |Variant.  |
   |4      | 1;99, 2;123                |1;116    |1;99    |The client|
   |       |                            |         |        |indicates |
   |       |                            |         |        |support   |
   |       |                            |         |        |for two   |
   |       |                            |         |        |Variants. |
   |       |                            |         |        |The server|
   |       |                            |         |        |only      |
   |       |                            |         |        |supports  |
   |       |                            |         |        |Variant 1.|
   |       |                            |         |        |Because   |
   |       |                            |         |        |the client|

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   |       |                            |         |        |passed a  |
   |       |                            |         |        |lower     |
   |       |                            |         |        |Length for|
   |       |                            |         |        |Variant 1,|
   |       |                            |         |        |the client|
   |       |                            |         |        |Length    |
   |       |                            |         |        |(99) is   |
   |       |                            |         |        |used.     |
   |5      | 1;116, 2;123, 301,15       |1;101    |1;101   |The client|
   |       |                            |         |        |indicates |
   |       |                            |         |        |support   |
   |       |                            |         |        |for two   |
   |       |                            |         |        |standard  |
   |       |                            |         |        |Variants  |
   |       |                            |         |        |and one   |
   |       |                            |         |        |vendor    |
   |       |                            |         |        |Variant.  |
   |       |                            |         |        |The server|
   |       |                            |         |        |only      |
   |       |                            |         |        |supports  |
   |       |                            |         |        |standard  |
   |       |                            |         |        |Variant 1.|
   |       |                            |         |        |Because   |
   |       |                            |         |        |the server|
   |       |                            |         |        |passed a  |
   |       |                            |         |        |lower     |
   |       |                            |         |        |Length for|
   |       |                            |         |        |Variant 1,|
   |       |                            |         |        |the server|
   |       |                            |         |        |Length    |
   |       |                            |         |        |(101) is  |
   |       |                            |         |        |used.     |
   |6      | 215;30, 216;30             |1;99     |1;99    |The client|
   |       |                            |         |        |indicates |
   |       |                            |         |        |support   |
   |       |                            |         |        |for two   |
   |       |                            |         |        |vendor    |
   |       |                            |         |        |Variants. |
   |       |                            |         |        |The server|
   |       |                            |         |        |does not  |
   |       |                            |         |        |support   |
   |       |                            |         |        |any Vendor|
   |       |                            |         |        |variants, |
   |       |                            |         |        |so it     |
   |       |                            |         |        |passes    |
   |       |                            |         |        |1;99.     |

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   |       |                            |         |        |Note that |
   |       |                            |         |        |the client|
   |       |                            |         |        |MUST      |
   |       |                            |         |        |support   |
   |       |                            |         |        |1;99 even |
   |       |                            |         |        |if it does|
   |       |                            |         |        |not       |
   |       |                            |         |        |advertise |
   |       |                            |         |        |support   |
   |       |                            |         |        |for it.   |

                                 Table 3

8.  IANA Considerations

   This memo requests that IANA creates a registry for the QPACK static
   table, to be periodically updated and supserseded by IESG-appointed
   Designated Expert(s).

   The registry name is *QPACK Static Table Variant 1* and is part of
   the *Transport Layer Security (TLS)* registry grouping.  The
   registration policy is *Expert Review*.

   The registry will contain a copy of the QPACK static table ("table").
   Each entry in the table consists of the following three fields:

       | Field | Type     | Notes                                 |
       | Index | Unsigned | First entry has Index 0, then 1, 2    |
       |       | Integer  | etc.                                  |
       | Name  | String   | Field name - follows field name       |
       |       |          | validation specified in Section 5.1   |
       |       |          | of [RFC9110].  Case-insensitive, but  |
       |       |          | per convention, specify in lower-case |
       | Value | String   | Field value - follows field value     |
       |       |          | validation specified in Section 5.5   |
       |       |          | of [RFC9110].  Case-sensitive.  MAY   |
       |       |          | BE BLANK                              |

                                 Table 4

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   The initial set of entries in the registry will be copied directly
   from the entries in the QPACK static table defined in Appendix A in

   As per the technical information in this document, on a periodic
   basis, the Designated Expert(s) will sample HTTP/3 web traffic and
   may, as a result, append new entries to the registry.  It is
   suggested that the sampling process occurs approximately *once every
   year*, but the decision of whether to append new entries to the
   registry may occur at a slower rate, since it depends entirely on the
   rate at which new fields become sufficiently prevalent in HTTP/3 web

   On a separate periodic basis, a new registry will be created using
   the same format as the above registry, but will be named *QPACK
   Static Table Variant N* (where *N* is an integer incremented by 1
   from the prior registry).  This new registry will be a re-ordered
   copy of the prior registry.  When a new QPACK Static Table registry
   is created, all prior registry versions must be locked and no new
   entries can be appended to them.  It is suggested that this process
   happens approximately *once every three years*, but again, it depends
   on the results of the HTTP/3 web traffic sampling.

   The intention is that any appending of new entries to the registry
   and/or the creation of a new QPACK Static Table registry will be
   accompanied by a published RFC.  But in order to allow for the
   allocation of values prior to the RFC being approved for publication,
   the Designated Expert can undertake either action once it seems clear
   that an RFC will be published.  The Designated expert will post a
   request to the HTTP WG mailing list (or a successor designated by the
   Area Director) for comment and review, including an Internet-Draft.

9.  Security Considerations

   This document should not affect the security of the Internet.

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

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   [RFC9204]  Krasic, C., Bishop, M., and A. Frindell, Ed., "QPACK:
              Field Compression for HTTP/3", RFC 9204,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9204, June 2022,

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

   [RFC9110]  Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022,


   Many thanks to Rich Salz and Mike Bishop at Akamai for their
   invaluable help.

Author's Address

   Rory Hewitt
   Akamai Technologies Inc.

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