Internet DRAFT - draft-huang-rtgwg-sid-for-networking


RTGWG                                                         D.H. Huang
Internet-Draft                                           ZTE Corporation
Intended status: Standards Track                               G.C. Chen
Expires: 25 April 2024                                        J.L. Liang
                                                           China Telecom
                                                              Y.Z. Zhang
                                                            China Unicom
                                                               D.Y. Dong
                                             Beijing Jiaotong University
                                                              Y.DY. Yuan
                                                                F.HK. Fu
                                                                C. Huang
                                                                  Y. Guo
                                                         ZTE Corporation
                                                         23 October 2023

                Service ID for Addressing and Networking


   More and more emerging applications have raised the demand for
   establishing networking connections?anywhere and anytime, alongside
   the availability of highly distributive?any-cloud services.  Such a
   demand motivates the need to efficiently interconnect heterogeneous
   entities, e.g., different domains of network and cloud owned by
   different providers, with the goal of reducing cost, e.g., overheads
   and end-to-end latency, while ensuring the overall performance
   satisfies the requirements of the applications.  Considering that
   different network domains and cloud providers may adopt different
   types of technologies, the key of interconnection and efficient
   coordination is to employ a unified interface that can be understood
   by heterogeneous parties which could derive the consistent
   requirements of the same service and treat the service traffic
   appropriately by their proprietary policies and technologies.

   Therefore, service ID is one promising candidate for the unified
   interface since it could be designed to be lightweight, secure, and
   enables fast and efficient packet treatment.  Leveraging service ID,
   addressing and networking among heterogeneous network domains and
   cloud providers can be accomplished by establishing the mapping
   between the unified service ID and the specific technologies used by
   a network domain or a cloud provider.

   This document provides typical use cases of unified service ID for
   addressing and routing (SIAN), validating that interconnecting
   different network domains or cloud providers can be achieved at lower

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   cost without sacrificing the performance of application compared with
   existing methods of which problems as well as gaps have also been
   illustrated.  The requirements for SIAN are also derived for each of
   the scenarios.  Finally, a framework solution is demonstrated.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Use Case Scenarios  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Service Mesh Management in Multi-Cloud  . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  Multi-Domain and Multi-Cloud interconnection  . . . . . .   7
   4.  Problems and gap analysis of the existing service
           identification mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.1.  Sate burden of service identification . . . . . . . . . .   9

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     4.2.  Granularity and traffic engineering of service
           identification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.1.  Granularity of service identification . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.2.  Traffic Engineering of service identification . . . .   9
     4.3.  Service operation and fulfillment . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.4.  Convergence of network and cloud  . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.5.  L4/L7 gateway in the way of end to end service traffic  .  11
   5.  Requirements of service identification for addressing and
           networking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   6.  Framework consideration of service identification for
           addressing and networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     6.1.  Service ID over existing networking IDs and labels  . . .  12
     6.2.  Service ID Management and maintenance . . . . . . . . . .  13
     6.3.  Lifecycle and governance of service ID  . . . . . . . . .  13
     6.4.  Key Processes of service  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     6.5.  Service ID based Routing and Forwarding reference framework
           and work flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       6.5.1.  Components and working mechanism  . . . . . . . . . .  15
       6.5.2.  Control Plane Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       6.5.3.  Data Plane Consideration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18  Service ID Encapsulated in The IP Address
                 Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18  Service ID Standalone Encapsulation . . . . . . .  18  Service ID-based forwarding . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     6.6.  OAM Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     6.7.  End to end service flow upon service ID . . . . . . . . .  23
       6.7.1.  Service ID in destination address . . . . . . . . . .  23
       6.7.2.  Service ID in flow label and extension headers  . . .  24
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   10. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25

1.  Introduction

   Emerging applications have raised stringent requirements such as a
   1G+bps rate and less than 10ms delay.  To satisfy these requirements,
   three major trends have taken place.  First, the cloud-native
   paradigm enables one application to be decomposed into multiple
   microservices each performing an independent piece of functionality.
   Second, virtualization technologies decouple the logical function
   from physical infrastructure, enabling the deployment of
   microservices in multiple network locations while their aggregate
   performance is the same as the monolithic application.  Third, cloud
   computing tasks are offloaded to the edge such as base stations,
   vehicles, or even handheld devices, which further bring the micro
   service closer to clients.  These three trends lead to the deployment

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   of highly distributive?any-cloud services and the demand for
   establishing Internet connections?anywhere and anytime.  However,
   considering the heterogeneous technologies adopted by different
   entities i.e., network domains and cloud provider, and the dynamicity
   required in selecting appropriate service nodes when clients are
   moving or the available resources changes, it remains a challenge to
   efficiently interconnect different entities with consistent SLA
   guaranteeing.  Currently, when a packet is delivered from one network
   domain to another, it is generally sent via a tunnel where two
   endpoints are located in the two network domains.  The tunnel is
   unaware of the underlying technologies used by the two network
   domains, but the encapsulation and the de-capsulation process at both
   endpoints lead to a larger end-to-end delay.  Moreover, the
   establishment and the tearing down procedures of the tunnel take
   time, which makes the tunneling approach not able to dynamically
   select appropriate network domains.

   To achieve efficient inter-domain or inter-cloud communications, it
   is critical to design a unified interface that can be understood by
   any network domain or cloud provider.  Among all the available
   technologies, we observe that service ID is one promising candidate
   for the unified interface and select typical use cases to demonstrate
   its advantages.  Leveraging service ID, addressing and networking
   among heterogeneous network domains and cloud providers with
   consistent service SLA guarantee could be accomplished by
   establishing the mapping between the unified service ID and the
   specific technologies used by a network domain or a cloud provider.

   [[I-D.trossen-rtgwg-rosa-arch]] illustrates the service address to be
   employed as anycast in the overlay network for service oriented
   addressing for the benefits of decoupling with specific networking
   and computing resources, while [[I-D.ldbc-cats-framework]] employs
   computing service ID as an index for computing awareness traffic
   steering, and [[]] designs an APP ID as an
   interface between application as well as its networking requirements
   and the underlying network.  Rather than leveraging the conventional
   5 tuples for either traffic steering or interface between different
   parties, employment of a light-weight and standalone service ID in
   the routing network could address the deterrent gaps with significant
   benefits.  This draft will try to demonstrate the chief gaps with
   overall requirements of service ID, and focuses upon the use cases
   the above drafts have not yet brought up and illustrates end to end
   solution considerations from perspectives of interconnection of
   networks, clouds and terminals.

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1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2.  Terminology

   *  Service ID:Service Identifier

   *  SIAN:Service ID for Addressing and Networking

   *  SCMS:Service Control and Management System

   *  SSMC:SIAN Service Metric Collector

   *  SNMC:SIAN Network Metric Collector

   *  SUTF:SIAN User Traffic Forwarder

   *  SPIS:SIAN Path and Instance Selector

   *  OAM:Operation Administration and Maintenance

   *  FM:Failure management

   *  PM:Performance management

   *  CSP:cloud service provider

   *  Multi-cloud [ITU-T Y. 3537]:Use of cloud services in the public
      cloud from two or more independent cloud service providers (CSPs)
      at the same time for business.

3.  Use Case Scenarios

   In the following, we have a couple of typical use cases that require
   the interconnection of different entities such as network domains and
   CSPs.  For each case, we demonstrate the complexity and the possible
   hinderances for service performance using existing methods and
   illustrate how service ID facilitates interconnection between
   different parties.

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3.1.  Service Mesh Management in Multi-Cloud

   In the cloud-native paradigm, an application is generally decomposed
   into multiple micro-service components each performing an independent
   piece of functionality and then using service mesh to manage inter-
   service communications.  Due to constraints imposed by the computing
   resources (e.g., processor types or storage capacity) and the
   capability of different CSPs, especially by cost and energy
   insufficiency for those edge computing providers, deploying the
   entire application functionalities in one site is therefore not
   economical feasible, so instantiating and executing micro-service
   components in multi-cloud environments, and then performing inter-
   service networking over Internet become attractive.  Moreover, to
   ensure the aggregated performance of the micro-services deployed in
   multi-cloud is the same as the monolithic cloud service, it is an
   essential use case to conduct service mesh management in multi-cloud.

   In the existing service mesh management approach, first, it is
   running in each CSP’s internal SDN domain, which is separated from
   that of other CSPs or external 3rd parties.  The service accessing
   point (either in layer 4 or layer 7 from the client’s point of view)
   which currently resides in the API gateway that each CSP operate
   separately, before a client’s request is processed, one of the CSP’s
   API gateway must be first appointed as the service accessing point to
   intercept all the incoming requests.  The API gateway then processes
   the client’s request according to the capabilities and container
   orchestration of its own CSP.  So, if a client’s front end
   application tries to access ubiquitous computing resources and make
   use of an available back end micro-service instance deployed in
   different CSPs, such an approach actually limits and adds
   complexities to clients’ capabilities of switching CSPs to serve
   their requests if there are better choices available in other CSPs.
   Second, inter-service communication is generally conducted using
   sidecar proxies that are collocated with service pods.  As shown in
   Fig. 1, a sidecar proxy, e.g., sidecar proxy A, intercepts all
   incoming traffic of the collocated service pod, e.g., micro-service
   A, decapsulates packets of the traffic, conducts appropriate
   processing, such as service discovery, routing, or rate limiting, and
   sends the packets to appropriate service instances.  After receiving
   packets from a service instance, sidecar proxy A encapsulates the
   packets and sends the packets to another sidecar proxy, e.g., sidecar
   proxy B, using layer-7 protocols such as gRPC, or REST API.

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                            +-----------------+      +-----------------+
                    |   cloud GW A    |       |   cloud GW B   |
                    +-----------------+      +-----------------+
                                 |      intercept         |
                                 v    incoming traffic    v
                    +-----------------+     +-----------------+
                    |  sidecar proxy A|--->|  sidecar proxy B |
                    +-----------------+     +-----------------+
                              |  ^                  |  ^
                              v  |                  v  |
                   +-----------------+     +-----------------+
                   |   microservice A|     |  microservice B |
                   +-----------------+     +-----------------+

                               Figure 1

   It can be seen from the above procedures that each hop inter-service
   communication incurs additional delay including the processing time
   of two sidecar proxies.  If a composite cloud native service requires
   meshed or multi-hop inter-service communications in multi-cloud, the
   complexity of managing the composite cloud service is tremendous and
   the end-to-end delay of the composite cloud service can easily become

3.2.  Multi-Domain and Multi-Cloud interconnection

   In industry, there is a growing interest in connecting factories that
   are located in different areas to achieve smart manufacturing and
   fast logistics.  Since the distance between factories may range from
   several kilometers to thousands of kilometers, the communications
   among factories generally involve multiple network domains and CSPs
   that adopt heterogeneous technologies.  Moreover, the requirements of
   inter-factory communications are diverse.  For discrete automation
   applications, the end-to-end delay is required to be less than 10ms
   and the data rate is less than 10Mbps, while for process automation
   systems, the end-to-end delay is about 60ms and the data rate can be
   as high as 100Mbps.

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   To accommodate such diverse applications, tunnels are generally
   established to connect heterogeneous domains in existing approaches.
   As shown in Fig. 2, a tunnel is established between network domains A
   and B to deliver packets for factories A and B.  If the two network
   domains use different protocols, two gateways also need to be
   established at the two endpoints of the tunnel, respectively.  When
   factory A sends a remote control message to factory B, the packets
   are encapsulated at GW A and then sent to the ingress of the tunnel.
   The packets are delivered through the tunnel and when they reach the
   egress, they are sent to GW B and further decapsulated.

         +----------------------------------+                    +---------------------------------+
         |                                  |        Tunnel      |                                 |
         |   _____________          ____    |--------------------|  _______         ____________   |
         |   |_Factory A_|-------->|_GWA_|  |    --------------> |  |_GWB_|-------->|_Factory B_|  |
         |                                  |--------------------|                                 |
         |   network domain A               |                    |    network domain B             |
         +----------------------------------+                    +---------------------------------+

                               Figure 2

   It can be seen from the above procedures that each hop cross-domain
   communication incurs additional delay including the encapsulation and
   the decapsulation time of packets.  If a remote control application
   requires multi-hop cross-domain communications, such as the
   application involves the sequential execution of multiple factories,
   or the device that triggers the application moves from one network
   domain to another, the complexity of managing the remote control
   application is tremendous and the end-to-end delay of the application
   would always exceed the maximum tolerable latency requirements.

4.  Problems and gap analysis of the existing service identification

   This section illustrates the problems and gap analysis of the
   conventional 5-tuple service identification mechanism in terms of the
   emerging use cases.

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4.1.  Sate burden of service identification

   No explicit service identification scheme has been designed for the
   L3 routing network in which all identifications are designed
   specifically for devices, traffic flows, network sections such as IP
   addresses, labels, while the ports from L4 have been designed to be
   always associated with specific protocols (TCP/UDP) rather than
   service identification.  Therefore, when it comes to service
   identification in the routing network, mapping state has to be
   maintained by combining the selected tuples among the above L3/L4
   routing network identifications, the selected tuples combination is
   actually traffic flow identification.  In the very scenario in which
   the cloud resources as well as the associated services and
   applications have been migrated from centralized sites to the edge
   sites, the mapping state of service identification through selected
   tuples combination would increase dramatically and put an
   overwhelming state burden for the routing network in terms of

4.2.  Granularity and traffic engineering of service identification

4.2.1.  Granularity of service identification

   The conventional methods utilized to distinguish traffic flows mainly
   rely on the 5-tuple of the incoming packets.  For instance, ACL
   (Access Control List) and PBR (Policy-based Routing) apply
   corresponding 5-tuple matching strategies.  However, a set of 5-tuple
   which includes Source IP, Destination IP, Source Port, Destination
   Port, and Protocol is not enough to reflect and indicate explicit
   information of Application Layer services.  Elements of a set of
   5-tuple belong to the Network and Transport Layer and only reckon to
   be an estimation and inference of Application Layer services.  Thus,
   the current 5-tuple scheme is not sufficient to provide fine-granular
   service provisioning.

   Particularly, it’s critically important to identify the key sub-flow
   which is more sensitive to networking SLA guarantee than other sub
   flows which share a same 5-tuple identification, therefore the
   networking nodes could not be able to identify the said sub-flow.

4.2.2.  Traffic Engineering of service identification

   The existing SRv6 technology provides the SRV6 TE policy capability
   to implement differentiated network service capabilities.  In
   general, the following traffic engineering methods are used to with
   the SRV6 TE policy :

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   *  Binding SID-based traffic engineering: In general, it is used for
      network-side tunnel concatenation, cross-domain path
      concatenation, and SD-WAN scenarios.  This involves security
      authorization and accounting management, and thus is rarely
      feasible for user traffic steering

   *  Color-based traffic engineering : The device looks up for a
      matching SRV6 TE policy with the same color and end-point address.
      If a matching SRV6 TE policy exists, the device guides the service
      traffic to the policy.  Then, it forwards the service traffic
      through the TE policy.the service and application specific SLA
      requirements have to anchor upon the existing TE policy
      capabilities rather than the other way around.

   *  DSCP-based Traffic engineering: DSCP bits in the service packets
      are always used to further distinguish the services.  However,
      DSCP ranges from 0 to 63, the differentiation as well as the
      diversification it could indicate would be quite limited.

4.3.  Service operation and fulfillment

   From perspective of service operation and fulfillment, an easy and
   simple interface for both the underlying network capabilities and the
   key services and applications with tailored and guaranteed networking
   and cloud resources, is imperative.  However, the selected tuples
   combination scheme indicates either particular paths or traffic flows
   and thus could not be exposed directly to the third parties with
   regard to the fulfillment and operation of the said services and the
   networking capabilities.

   In the case of segment routing over IPv6, binding segment
   identifications have been designed and rendered in some occasions as
   network service and capability to the third parties.  Nevertheless,
   SRv6 binding segment identification stays exactly within network
   scheduling and orchestration domain, the exposure from SRv6 BSID
   would be actually restricted for network operator itself rather than
   a straightforward and fulfillment interface to the third parties.

4.4.  Convergence of network and cloud

   In current conditions, the original 5-tuples of packets are
   terminated when entering the cloud.  Kubernetes, for instance,
   applies a NodePort mechanism in which the access Destination IP
   refers to any possible IP of a host in the cluster.  Afterwards, the
   packets are further steered to a possible specific Pod according to
   Iptables rules configured in the cluster itself.  Also, SNAT
   operations are indispensable when a source node decides to achieve
   load balance by distributing the packets to Pods deployed on other

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   nodes.  Another typical example is interconnections between different
   clusters, Istio for instance.  The remote service is registered with
   the remote Gateway IP in the local cluster.  Thus, 5-tuples in the
   packets sent only implys the remote Gateway and ends at the edge of
   the remote cluster.  Therefore, the semantics indicated by 5-tuples
   which records in the network domain is not preserved and inherited in
   the cloud in the current scheme.

                   +----------------------+           +--------------+
           |   Cluster 1          |  Network  |   Cluster 2  |
           |                      |           |              |
           |        +-+      +---+----+   +---+----+         |
           |       (   )---->|GateWay +-->|GateWay |         |
           |        +-+      +---+----+   +---+----+         |
           | sleep.sample         |           |\     +-+     |
           | Round Robin between: |           | \-->(   )    |
           | local Pod(Pod IP)    |           |      +-+     |
           | Remote Cluster(GW IP)|           |      Pod     |
           |                      |           |              |
           +----------------------+           +--------------+

                                  Figure 3

4.5.  L4/L7 gateway in the way of end to end service traffic

   The end to end service traffic has always been terminated at L4/L7
   gateways in the cloud sites in terms of traffic routing and
   forwarding because of the current service and application governance
   mechanism where the cloud as well as the applications has been
   operated in separate domain.  A significant price has been paid in
   terms of the end to end service traffic forwarding performance, a
   higher performance benefits could have been gained with L3-based
   hardware forwarding instead of the L4/L7-based software forwarding.
   On top of L4/L7 gateway routing termination, there’re two different
   set of IP address with regard to the same service and application, so
   Network Address Translation (NAT) would always be involved in the
   process of the service traffic forwarding both inbound and outbound

   Under scenario of inter-cloud and client-cloud service traffic
   forwarding, L4/L7 gateway and NAT brings forwarding performance
   burden which could be hindering for some sensitive services and

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5.  Requirements of service identification for addressing and networking

   In this section, requirements of service identification for routing
   network have been identified based upon the use cases and the
   problems and gap analysis of the existing service identification

   REQ1 Service identification SHOULD have standalone semantics against

   REQ2 Service identification SHOULD have global and unified semantics
   across terminal, network and cloud.

   REQ3 Service identification SHOULD be able to index the specified
   service profile in terms of its SLA requirements.

   REQ4 Service identification might indicate specified networking
   capabilities and specified applications as well as application
   components such as micro-services.

   REQ5 Service identification might cover only the selected services
   and applications which have been designated to be networking and
   computing sensitive.

6.  Framework consideration of service identification for addressing and

6.1.  Service ID over existing networking IDs and labels

   It’s quite important to make the routing network be aware of the
   service identification in such a straightforward way that the
   networking node does not have to be heavily stateful when it comes to
   service identification specific routing and forwarding, and more
   importantly, decoupling mechanism between application and network
   remains as it is.

   A Standalone entity of service identification is employed in the
   network control and data plane which shares the following features:

   *  Location and device independent.

   *  Semantics only of service type as well as its networking and
      computing SLA requirements.

   *  Globally unique within a controlled network and possibly across
      multiple domains and across terminal and cloud.

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6.2.  Service ID Management and maintenance

   The edge computing service is being expanded from a single edge site
   to networking and collaborating with multiple edge sites to solve
   problems such as high cost, poor service experience, and low resource
   utilization.  Large-scale edge sites require interconnection and
   coordination, dynamic services require optimal service access and
   load balancing.  Based on the computing capability and network
   conditions of the real processing delay, services can be dynamically
   scheduled to appropriate service instances to improve resource
   utilization and user experience.  Service identification based
   addressing and networking is employed to facilitate these
   interconnections and coordination.

   Service ID is designated as indicating a common type of fundamental
   service which has global semantics across terminal, network and
   cloud.  In addition, a local service ID may be assigned by the
   operation and management system in the service domain.  Service ID
   provides effective interconnections between networks and services.
   Based on the attributes associated with service ID, the network can
   perceive the resources provided by the services, the quality of the
   service, as well as the service requirements.  From the perspective
   of the service platforms, the overall view of the computing and
   network resources with regard to the service ID could be established.

6.3.  Lifecycle and governance of service ID

   Registration: The service ID is assigned by the SCMS system when a
   service provider registers a cloud service or a network operator
   registers a networking connection service.

   Publish: The service ID can be published after the service has been
   identified and authenticated and authorized.  Network operators can
   configure specific network policies for a service according to the
   requirements associated with a service ID, and service providers can
   also orchestrate specific service instances for a service according
   to the resource status associated with a service ID.

   Subscription: The terminal application system subscribes the service
   ID from the SCMS, integrates the service ID into the client of the
   application system, and encapsulates the service ID in the protocol
   header of the data flow.

   Update: As the service is used, the attributes associated with the
   service ID are updated, and the network policy is updated in real
   time based on the network status.

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   Revocation: The service ID is not be revoked due to the termination
   of a particular service, and is only be terminated and revoked by the
   SCMS in accordance with the operating agreement and business contract
   of the service.

6.4.  Key Processes of service

   *Service initiation: SIAN service is initiated through service data
   traffic, so it is not necessary to initiate a signaling interaction
   flow through a separate service.  The terminal application program
   carries the subscribed service identifier in the service packet, and
   initiates a service data traffic transmission request to the SIAN

   *Service awareness: Network senses a resource metric indicator of a
   corresponding service instance by using service ID, and spreads the
   metric indicator on a control plane, so as to further calculate a
   service routing table based on the service identifier according to
   the network and the service metric indicator; and in addition, senses
   a network SLA requirement of a service type level granularity, and
   implements a service SLA policy guarantee of the streamline.

   *Service routing: In the L3 forwarding entry mechanism in which the
   light-weight service identifier of the forwarding plane is used as an
   index, the SIAN architecture logically introduces a service routing
   sub-layer, that is, a routing protocol uses the service identifier as
   a routing identifier.  Logically, the service routing sub-layer only
   implements service routing, that is, service identifiers are used as
   the index for computing, scheduling and routing.  Specifically, the
   service routing sublayer implements comprehensive selection of
   service instances and network paths for service data traffic, and
   implements efficient service-centric computing, network scheduling,
   and routing.

   *Service delivery: After a service flow is forwarded to Service
   Server through the SIAN network, and Service Server completes service
   routing and scheduling in the cloud based on the service ID.

   *Service OAM: SIAN enables complete OAM to measure and monitor the
   health of network links and service instances.  The measurement of
   the OAM system is reported to the control plane to update network
   metric and resource metric indicators of service instances in real
   time, and adjust the service SLA status and service routing tables of
   the streamline in a timely manner.  It also supports network-level
   OAM, which is used to detect service quality, trigger service route
   re-convergence and self-healing.

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6.5.  Service ID based Routing and Forwarding reference framework and
      work flow

   This section proposes a reference framework and work flow to
   demonstrate the end to end service ID based routing and forwarding
   process as illustrated in figure 4.

                   | Service S-ID 1,instance SI-ID-1 1[metrics] |
           | Service S-ID 2,instance SI-ID-2 1[metrics] |
         +-+------+          +--------+          +------+-+       +---------+
         |  SIAN  |          |        |          |  SIAN  |       |  Edge   |
         | Ingress|          |        |          | Egress |       |  Site   |
         | +----+ |          |        |          |        |       |         |
         | |SPIS| |          |        |          |        |       ++-------++
+------+ | +----+ |  Network |underlay|  Network | +----+ |Service||S-ID 1 ||
|client+-+ +----+ |<---------+ domain |<---------+ |SSMC| |<------+|SI-ID-1||
+------+ | |SNMC| |  metrics |        |  metrics | +----+ |metric |+-------+|
         | +----+ |          |        |          | +----+ |       |+-------+|
         | +----+ |          |        |          | |SUTF| |       ||S-ID 2 ||
         | |SUTF| |          |        |          | +----+ |       ||SI-ID-2||
         | +----+ |          |        |          |        |       |+-------+|
         +-+----+-+          +--------+          +--------+       +---------+

                               Figure 4

6.5.1.  Components and working mechanism

   *  Service client: A host requests service identification information
      of a specific application from a management and control system,
      and generates a data packet that carries the service
      identification information.  If the information is carried in the
      data packet, the information is used by the SIAN ingress gateway
      node to determine the address of the instance of the service and
      the path between the SIAN ingress and egress gateway nodes, so as
      to forward the data packet to the destination of the service
      instance.  That is, after the service instance is selected, the
      data packet is directed to the corresponding SR path that meets
      the application requirements.  In the SIAN architecture, service
      identities must be client-aware, and there are various schemes for
      carrying them.

   *  SIAN Ingress : Receives the service compute network SLA parameters
      delivered by the service control and management system, and
      generates the service routing table indexed by service ID in
      accordance with the compute network resource status on the control
      plane.  Receives and parses the service identifier carried in the

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      user service packet, searches for a service routing entry
      according to the service identifier, and forwards the service

   *  SIAN Egress : The specific service path is terminated at the tail
      node, and packets are forwarded to the Service server.  SIAN
      Egress connects to a plurality of computing resources and senses
      status information of the computing resources.

   *  Edge site and service instances: The Edge site is usually deployed
      near the user to install various services (such as AR/VR) that are
      extremely sensitive to delay and bandwidth, so that users can have
      better experience in accessing the network.  Service instance is
      an instance resource that provides the service, and can accept,
      process, and respond to service requests.  Generally, a same Edge
      site may deploy service instances (SI-ID-1 1 and SI-ID-1 2 in FIG.
      2) that provide a same service type, or may deploy service
      instances (SI-ID-1 3 and SI-ID-2 1 in FIG. 2) that provide
      different service types.

   *  SSMC(SIAN Service Metric Collector ): Deployed on the SIAN egress
      to collect service metric information, including the resource
      usage, slow request ratio, and average service completion time.
      The information changes frequently.  To avoid too much pressure on
      the network due to frequent updates, it is recommended that the
      information be compressed in accordance with the threshold or long
      period (minutes).

   *  SNMC(SIAN Network Metric Collector ): Deployed on the SIAN ingress
      to collect the network metric information spread by the transport
      network device and SIAN gateway.  The information includes link
      bandwidth, physical link delay, and link occupation.  It is
      usually spread in the domain through the IGP protocol, and an TE-
      DB is formed on each network node.

   *  SPIS(SIAN Path and Instance Selector): Deployed on the SIAN
      ingress or centralized server.  In some cases, for example, across
      domains, the SPIS must be deployed on the server.  In accordance
      with the metric information recorded by the SSMC and SNMC, the
      SPIS is delivered to the forwarding plane SUTF through the control
      plane calculation by using the service identifier mapping

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   *  SUTF(SIAN User Traffic Forwarder): The SIAN ingress and egress
      gateways are usually deployed to identify client service request
      traffic, and select a path and a service instance in accordance
      with the service forwarding table.  The undelay network does not
      distinguish service traffic, but forwards packets in accordance
      with the path carried by packets, for example, SRH.

6.5.2.  Control Plane Consideration

   Service identification based metric notification as well as the
   forwarding policy would be achieved by extending the existing routing
   protocols and mechanisms as following:

   *  Service metric distribution: The SSMC of the SIAN egress perceives
      service metric changes and spreads the information in the network
      domain by using the IGP/BGP protocol.  In the overlay model, to
      spread the service metric to affect the undelay network, it is
      recommended that this parameter be set to underlay bypass.  To
      reduce the resource consumption of the network control plane and
      forwarding plane, it is recommended that this parameter be set to
      SIAN egress to converge service instances and information before

   *  Distributed service route calculation and delivery: The SIAN
      ingress and egress are deployed by using the overlay model.
      However, as a network device, the SIAN ingress and egress can
      interconnect with the undelay network through IGPs to obtain
      network metric information.  The SPIS obtains SSMC and SNMC
      records metric information, calculates service routes by using the
      constraint-based algorithm, and delivers the information to the
      SUTF for service access.  This overlay model can still achieve the
      goal of joint service and network calculation, and achieve joint
      traffic engineering of streamline computing and networks.

   *  Deployment of centralized service route computation: The SPIS is
      deployed on the compute network controller.  The metric
      information collected by the SNMC and the compute network
      controller is reported through BGP-LS.  The metric information
      collected by the SSMC can also be reported through the extended
      BGP-LS protocol.  In a cross-domain scenario, this is the only
      option for implementing service routing.

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6.5.3.  Data Plane Consideration

   A Service ID defined in this draft owns its unique semantics in the
   forwarding procedure.  The forwarding plane regards the Service ID as
   a simple indicator to steer the traffic in the purportedly overlay
   service routing layer.  It is also gifted with possible incremental
   values and scalability, security insurance through a whole service
   process based on Service ID for instance.  Service ID Encapsulated in The IP Address Field

   Service ID can be encapsulated in the IP address field in an IPv6
   header.  Typical encapsulation methods are displayed as below.When
   the Service ID is encapsulated in the IP address field in an IPv6
   header, its semantics is preserved and maintained from the client to
   the network domain.

        |                       |               |               |       |
        |         Prefix        |      Node     |   Service ID  |Padding|
        |                       |               |               |       |

                               Figure 5  Service ID Standalone Encapsulation

   Service ID can be encapsulated in a standalone position which
   decouples from IP addresses.  Service ID encapsulated in the Flow
   Label field.

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   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |Version| Traffic Class |      Flow Label(Service ID)           |
   |       Payload Length          |  Next Header  |   Hop Limit   |
   |                                                               |
   |                             Source                            |
   |                             Address                           |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |                           Destination                         |
   |                             Address                           |
   |                                                               |

                                  Figure 6

   Service ID can also be encapsulated and carried IPve extention
   headers as following:

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |  Next Header  |  Hdr Ext Len  |      Options(variable)        |
   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               |
   |                                        (Service ID)           |

                                  Figure 7

   When the Service ID is encapsulated in a standalone position in an
   IPv6 header, a corresponding unique service semantics is preserved
   and maintained from the client to the network and is also capable of
   being delivered into the cloud.  As illustrated in section 4,, a
   standalone Service ID enables global service provisioning in the
   whole service process across network and cloud sites.

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Internet-Draft              Abbreviated Title               October 2023  Service ID-based forwarding

   Service forwarding table: In a traditional network, services are
   identified through 5-tuples.  If the network needs to distinguish
   services, QoS policy remark dscp is used to hand over services to the
   SR-TE ingress gateway of the Underlay in IP+DSCP mode.  Traffic-based
   automatic traffic diversion implements fine mapping, and the SR-TE
   technology ensures the scalability of the solution.  It should be
   noted that although this solution has clear management boundaries,
   network device resource consumption and configuration complexity
   cannot be ignored.  Considering that the service ID is directly
   mapped to the SLA for service access, a routing table based on the
   service ID is directly designed.  The routing table is directly
   interconnected with the SR-TE POLICY that meets the SLA.  The user
   directly carries the service ID and queries the table on the SIAN
   ingress to provide services.  In this way, the above-mentioned
   limitation problem is solved.  Depending on whether service
   information is aggregated, two models are supported: Model 1 (non-
   aggregated): The service forwarding table carries the policy path and
   the selected service instance.  Model 2 (aggregated): The service
   forwarding table carries the policy path or service site

   Service ID encapsulation: Because of its powerful programmable
   capability, the SR-MPLS/SRv6 is currently selected by the SIAN
   gateway and transport network.  For terminals and cloud services, the
   IPv4 is used for access and interconnection.  In the future, the SR-
   MPLS/SRv6 will gradually transit to the IPv6.  Therefore, the SR-
   MPLS/SRv6 needs to support the IPv4 and IPv6 scenarios.  There are
   multiple encapsulation modes.

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   Service packet forwarding: After receiving a service request packet,
   the SIAN ingress obtains the service identifier and searches the
   service forwarding table.  Based on the service forwarding table
   model 1, the SIAN ingress modifies the destination policy in the
   service request packet to the service instance policy carried in the
   forwarding table, encapsulates the tunnel header in accordance with
   the policy information, and forwards the packet.  After decapsulating
   the tunnel encapsulation packet, the SIAN egress forwards the packet
   in accordance with the standard IP route.  For the service forwarding
   table model 2, the SIAN ingress does not modify the tunnel header
   encapsulated in accordance with the policy information and forwards
   the packet.  After decapsulating the tunnel header, the SIAN egress
   searches the local service forwarding table in accordance with the
   service identifier, modifies the destination IP of the service packet
   to the IP in the service forwarding table, and forwards the packet
   based on the standard IP route.  Regardless of the forwarding model,
   the underlay node does not perceive the information inside the tunnel
   and forwards the packet.

   Service flow affinity in the service forwarding table: Flow affinity
   means that packets from the same flow are always sent to the same
   egress and processed by the same service instance.

   For the service forwarding plane table 1 model, when a new flow
   arrives at the ingress, after the best service instance and egress
   are determined, the ingress updates the flow identifier (5-tuple),
   preferred egress, and affinity timeout time to the flow binding
   table.  The destination egress is already the real service instance
   egress, and the egress does not need to search the flow affinity

   For the service forwarding plane table 2 model, when a new flow
   arrives at the ingress, after only the best egress egress is
   determined, the ingress updates information such as a flow identifier
   (information such as a 5-tuple is distinguished), a preferred egress,
   and an affinity timeout time to the flow binding table.  Because a
   destination egress is not determined, the egress still needs to
   search the flow affinity table to obtain an instance egress, modify
   the flow affinity table, and perform table lookup and forwarding of
   an egress forwarding table.

6.6.  OAM Consideration

   The main function of the OAM is to detect network defects before an
   abnormal event is activated.  It isolates correctable errors or time
   errors within a certain range and does not interfere with network
   operation, thus ensuring that the operator fulfills its QoS
   commitment and achieves the pre-signed SLA.

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   The OAM generally includes a fault management (FM) function and a
   performance management (PM) function.  FM features such as CC, CV,
   and RDI automatically detect and locate defects in the network.  PM
   features such as LM, DM, and Throughput can diagnose service
   degradation.  The OAM function is also the key to network
   survivability and triggering network protection.

      |                |                     |                     |
      | Access network |  Transport network  |  Data center network|
      |                |                     |                     |
   +--+---+        +---+---+  +--------+  +--+---+            +----+---+
   |client+--------+ SIAN  +--+underlay+--+ SIAN +------------+Services|
   +--+---+        |Ingress|  |  node  |  |Egress|            +----+---+
      |            +---+---+  +---+----+  +--+---+                 |
      |                | Link OAM | Link OAM |    Service OAM      |
      |                |<-------->|<-------->|<------------------->|
      |                |          |          |                     |
      |                |   Network E2E OAM   |                     |
      |                |<------------------->|                     |
      |                |                     |                     |
      |                |         Network to Service E2E OAM        |
      |                |<----------------------------------------->|
      |                |                                           |
      |                 Client to Service E2E OAM                  |
      |                                                            |

                                  Figure 8

   In addition to a conventional network domain OAM technology, the SIAN
   OAM also introduces computing power-related OAMs.  Referring to an
   architecture of the SIAN OAM in figure 8. the SIAN OAM specifically
   includes the following layers:

   *  The base-layer OAM: includes the network Link OAM (such as BFD,
      EFM, and MPLS-LM-DM) and the Service OAM (such as ping and keep
      alive) from the SIAN egress gateway to the service instance.  The
      related OAM detection results are used as the reference and factor
      for service and network joint traffic engineering calculation, and
      are also used for triggering fast convergence through fault

   *  The network-layer OAM: includes Network E2E OAM (such as BFD, INT,
      TWAMP, SR-PM, and MPLS-LM-DM) and Network To Service E2E OAM (such
      as ping, INT, and RTT mesurement).  It implements network fault
      and quality deterioration perception, and is respectively used to

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      trigger network-segment SLA and network-to-service SLA.  It is
      used to trigger the recalculation of network, service paths, and
      instances to achieve service SLA.  At the same time, it is self-

   *  The application layer OAM: includes the Client To Service E2E OAM
      (such as ping, INT, and http ping), which is used to implement
      application-level end-to-end detection and evaluate the
      achievement of application-level SLA.  In most cases, software-
      level application-level burial points can be used to implement
      end-to-end QoS detection for applications.

6.7.  End to end service flow upon service ID

   As illustrated above, the service ID could be materialized in
   different fields of the data packet, the end to end service flow
   would quite different when the service ID is put in the fixed field
   such as destination address field and in the extension header as a
   standalone encapsulation respectively.

6.7.1.  Service ID in destination address

   The client in the terminal obtains the service ID by either DNS
   inquiry or other subscription processes, and encapsulates the service
   ID in the field of destination address.  When the service request
   arrives at the ingress gateway which is aware of service ID, the
   ingress retrieves the service ID and treats the request as well as
   the subsequent flow according to the service ID specific policy
   maintained at the ingress.In particular, the policy here is actually
   service ID-based addressing in which both service ID and its
   corresponding service requirements which could be satisfied by the
   network would be involved.  From the perspective of service ID
   awareness, it could be only ingress and egress related while the
   traditional underlay network nodes would transmit the service flow in
   the scheduled networking policy without being aware of service
   ID.When the service request arrives at the egress gateway, it could
   continue forwarding the service request according to the constraints
   associated with the service ID beyond networking and the policy would
   be terminated otherwise.The key point here about service ID in
   destination address is the traditional service discovery process such
   as DNS could stay as it is and therefore the client in the terminal
   would not be impacted.

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6.7.2.  Service ID in flow label and extension headers

   The service ID encapsulated in the extension header in a standalone
   way by the client of the terminal could remain intact through the
   entire network as well as the cloud site, and thus be treated at the
   service ID-awareness nodes which would retrieve it and steer the
   service traffic according to the service ID specific policy.  The
   service work flow would be the same as that of service ID in
   destination address except the following sub-work flow:

   *  Adaptation has to occur at client of the terminal because an
      additional extension header encapsulated with service ID should be
      added to the original data packet header.

   *  At egress, when the service traffic continue to be forwarded to
      other service ID-unaware network domain or cloud sites, the
      service ID could remain in the user packet header even when the
      network address translation would be executed.

7.  Acknowledgements

   To be added upon contributions, comments and suggestions.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

9.  Security Considerations

   A standalone service ID in routing network would add a new threat
   exposure in terms of networking sercurity.However, service ID of this
   proposal should be governed and managed by the network and cloud
   platform, so service ID should be strictly handled within a closed
   system.  The security related behaviors with regard to networking
   node would proposed in other documents.

10.  Informative References

              Li, C.L., "A Framework for Computing-Aware Traffic
              Steering (CATS)", August 2023,

              Li, ZB.L., "Application-aware Networking (APN) Framework",
              October 2023, <

Huang, et al.             Expires 25 April 2024                [Page 24]
Internet-Draft              Abbreviated Title               October 2023

              Trossen, D.T., "Architecture for Routing on Service
              Addresses", July 2023, <

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

Authors' Addresses

   Daniel Huang
   ZTE Corporation
   Phone: +86 13770311052

   Ge Chen
   China Telecom

   Jie Liang
   China Telecom

   Yan Zhang
   China Unicom

   Dong Yang
   Beijing Jiaotong University

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Internet-Draft              Abbreviated Title               October 2023

   Dongyu Yuan
   ZTE Corporation

   Fu Huakai
   ZTE Corporation

   Cheng Huang
   ZTE Corporation
   Phone: +86 13167198926

   Yong Guo
   ZTE Corporation
   Phone: +86 15618880912

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