Internet DRAFT - draft-hufferd-iser-ib


draft-hufferd-iser-ib-01.txt                John Hufferd  
                                            Mike Ko 
                                                IBM Corporation 
                                            Yaron Haviv 
                                                Voltaire Ltd 
                                            September, 2005 
                                            Expires: March, 2006     


    Generalization of iSER for InfiniBand and other Network Protocols   


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J.Hufferd et. al.          Expires March 2006                       1 

Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
   The iSCSI Extensions for RDMA document [iSER] currently specifies 
   the RDMA data transfer capability for [iSCSI] over iWARP.  This 
   document generalizes the iSER document to permit it to be used with 
   other RDMA capable protocols such as InfiniBand.   

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
   Table of Contents 

   1    Motivation..................................................5 
   2    Overall generalizations needed within the iSER specification6 
   2.1  Generalization of Definitions...............................6 
   2.1.1  The iWARP term.............................................6 
   2.1.2  The RNIC term..............................................7 
   2.1.3  Steering Tag (STag)........................................7 
   2.1.4  Inbound RDMA Read Queue Depth (IRD) & Outbound RDMA Read 
   Queue Depth (ORD).................................................8 
   2.1.5  RDMA Protocol (RDMAP)......................................8 
   2.1.6  RDMAP Layer................................................8 
   2.1.7  RDMAP Stream...............................................8 
   2.1.8  RDMAP Message..............................................8 
   2.2  The following is placed/updated in the Acronym Section......9 
   2.3  Connection Establishment, Login, and Transition to iSER.....9 
   2.4  Security considerations.....................................9 
   2.5  Adjustments to the iSER Appendix...........................10 
   2.6  Add Appendix B.............................................10 
   3    Additional detailed [iSER] document modification...........11 
   3.1  Adjustments to Section 1 on Definitions and Acronyms.......11 
   3.1.1  Adjustments to Section 1 on Definitions...................11 
   3.2  Adjustments to section 2...................................12 
   3.2.1  Adjustment to Section 2.1 Motivation......................12 
   3.2.2  Adjustment to Section 2.2 Architectural Goals.............12 
   3.2.3  Adjustment to Section 2.3 Protocol Overview...............12 
   3.2.4  Adjustment to Section 2.4 RDMA services and iSER..........13 
   3.2.5  Adjustment to Section 2.7 iSCSI/iSER Layering.............13 
   3.3  Adjustments to Section 3...................................14 
   3.3.1  Adjustment to Section 3.1.6...............................14 
   3.4  Adjustments to Section 4...................................14 
   3.4.1  Adjustment to Section 4.1.................................14 
   3.4.2  Adjustments to Section 4.2................................15 
   3.5  Adjustments to Section 5...................................15 
   3.5.1  Adjustments to section 5.1 iSCSI/iSER Connection Setup....15 
   3.5.2  Adjustment to Section 5.1.1 Initiator Behavior............16 
   3.5.3  Adjustment to Section 5.1.2 Target Behavior...............16 
   3.6  Adjustments to Section 7 on iSCSI PDU Considerations.......16 
   3.6.1  Adjustment to Section 7.3.9...............................16 
   3.7  Adjustments to Section 11 Security Considerations..........17 
   3.8  Adjustments to Section 12.2 Informational References.......17 
   4    IANA Considerations........................................18 
   5    References.................................................19 
   5.1  Informative References.....................................19 
   6    Appendix...................................................20 
   6.1  Architectural discussion of iSER over InfiniBand...........20 
   6.2  The Host side of the InfiniBand iSCSI & iSER connections...20 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
   6.3  The Storage side of iSCSI & iSER mixed network environment.21 
   6.4  Discovery processes for an InfiniBand Host.................21 
   6.5  IBTA Connection specifications.............................22 
   7    Author's Address...........................................23 
   8    Acknowledgments............................................24 
   9    Full Copyright Statement...................................25 

   Table of Figures 

   Figure 1 - Example of iSCSI/iSER Layering in Full Feature Phase..13 
   Figure 2 - iSCSI and iSER on IB..................................20 
   Figure 3 - Storage Controller with TCP, iWARP, and IB Connections21 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
1  Motivation 

   Currently the work to define iSCSI extensions for RDMA [iSER] only 
   considers using the iWARP protocol suite.  While this objective 
   meets the short term requirement since iSCSI is defined only for 
   TCP, there is a huge benefit to generalize a standardized [iSER] so 
   that it can be used with other types of RDMA capable Protocol layers 
   now and in the future such as InfiniBand (with reliable connections, 

   The interest in using [iSER] for InfiniBand is based on exploiting 
   the iSCSI protocol features and its discovery and management 
   protocol instead of using the SCSI RDMA Protocol (SRP) which lacks 
   the management and discovery support.  Furthermore, with an iSCSI 
   based protocol, the storage professional and/or administrator only 
   needs to understand and support a single basic protocol, which has 
   similar implementations across a suite of different network types 
   (iWARP, InfiniBand, etc.). 

   It was to enable this vision and desire for a single storage 
   protocol that the proposed generalizations to [iSER] were created. 



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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
2  Overall generalizations needed within the iSER specification 

   This section will specify changes/adjustments that are to be made in 
   the iSER document to make it more general.  The goal of these 
   changes is not to modify the basic operation of iSCSI/iSER when 
   operating on iWARP, but to change/adjust the wording in such a way 
   that iSCSI/iSER can be layered over a different RDMA-capable 
   protocol layer such as InfiniBand.  Except for the unique features 
   of non iWARP protocols dealing with initial Login and Security, the 
   rest of the iSER document is applicable to these other RDMA-Capable 
   Protocols (such as InfiniBand.) 

   The details of many of the suggested changes can be found in  
   Section 3 of this document. 

2.1 Generalization of Definitions 

   It is required that some of the terminology be clarified as to the 
   applicability of the terms to the actual transport layer used.   

2.1.1  The iWARP term 

   As currently defined, the iWARP term has a strong TCP centric bias.  
   We are introducing a new, more generic term, known as RDMA-Capable 
   Protocol (RCP) to denote the protocol layer that provides the RDMA 
   functionality for iSER.  The following term will be added to the 
   Definition section: 

   RDMA-Capable Protocol (RCP) - The protocol or protocol suite that 
   provides a reliable RDMA transport functionality, e.g., iWARP, 
   InfiniBand, etc. 

   With these new definitions, the "iWARP" term is hereby generalized 
   as follows: 

     1. Whenever the term "iWARP protocol suite" occurs in the iSER 
        draft, it is hereby replaced by "RDMA-Capable Protocol".  In 
        addition, the phrase "such as the iWARP protocol suite" is 
        hereby added only where necessary to denote cases that only 
        apply for iWARP.  

     2. Whenever the term "iWARP layer" occurs in the iSER draft, it is 
        hereby replaced by "RDMA-Capable Protocol layer".  In addition, 
        the phrase "such as the iWARP Layer" is hereby added only where 
        necessary to denote cases that only apply for iWARP.  

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
     3. Whenever the term "iWARP" is used as an adjective in other 
        context, it is hereby replaced with RCP.  E.g., "iWARP 
        functionality" is replaced with "RCP functionality". 

     4. Whenever the term "iWARP" is used as shorthand for the iWARP 
        protocol suite, it is hereby replaced by "RDMA-Capable 

2.1.2  The RNIC term 

   The term "RNIC" has been generally accepted by the industry to mean 
   an RDMA-enabled Network Interface Controller for the IP world.  So 
   to generalize iSER for any RDMA-Capable Protocol layer, we will 
   introduce a new term known as RDMA-Capable Controller, defined as 

        RDMA-Capable Controller û A network I/O adapter or embedded 
        controller with RDMA functionality.  E.g., for iWARP, this 
        could be an RNIC, and for InfiniBand, this could be a HCA (Host 
        Channel Adapter) or TCA (Target Channel Adapter). 

   Within the body of the iSER document the term RDMA-Capable 
   Controller is hereby used whenever the intention is to refer to a 
   general controller that provides RDMA functionality.  In addition, 
   the clause "such as an RNIC" is hereby added as necessary where the 
   clear intent of the statement is to address an iWARP RDMA-Capable 

   Within the body of the iSER document, the term RNIC is left 
   unchanged if it specifically or implicitly refers to TCP/IP. 

2.1.3  Steering Tag (STag) 

   The Steering Tag (STag) term hereby has its definition extended so 
   that it applies to both a Tag for a Remote Buffer, and the Tag for a 
   Local Buffer. The following is a replacement for the existing 
   Steering Tag definition in the definition section.  

        Steering Tag (STag) - An identifier of a Tagged Buffer on a 
        Node (Local or Remote) as defined in [RDMAP] and [DDP].  For 
        other RDMA-Capable protocol layers, the Steering Tag may be 
        known by different names but will be herein referred to as 
        STags.  For example, for InfiniBand, a Remote STag is known as 
        an R-Key, and a Local STag is known as an L-Key and both will 
        be considered STags.   

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
2.1.4  Inbound RDMA Read Queue Depth (IRD) & Outbound RDMA Read Queue 
     Depth (ORD) 

   To generalize on the terms Inbound RDMA Read Queue Depth (IRD) and 
   the Outbound RDMA Read Queue Depth (ORD) for other RDMA-Capable 
   protocol layers, the following is added to the definition for IRD: 
   "For some RDMA-Capable Protocol layers, the term "IRD" may be known 
   by a different name.  For example, for InfiniBand, the equivalent 
   for IRD is the Responder Resources".  For ORD, the following is 
   added: "For some RDMA-Capable Protocol Layer, the term "ORD" may be 
   known by a different name.  For example, for InfiniBand, the 
   equivalent for ORD is the Initiator Depth." 

2.1.5  RDMA Protocol (RDMAP)  

   In the body of the document the term "RDMA-Capable Protocol", or 
   "RCP" is hereby used whenever any RDMA wire protocol or RDMA 
   protocol stack is applicable.  Only when the document intends to 
   explicitly address a specific iWARP wire protocol is the term 
   [RDMAP] used. 

2.1.6  RDMAP Layer  

   In the body of the document the term "RDMAP Layer" is hereby 
   replaced with the term "RCP Layer". 

2.1.7  RDMAP Stream 

   The following is hereby included in the definition section replacing 
   the term "RDMAP Stream": 

        RCP Stream - A single bidirectional association between the 
        peer RDMA-Capable Protocol layers on two Nodes over a single 
        transport-level stream.  For iWARP, an RCP Stream is known as 
        an RDMAP Stream, and the association is created when the 
        connection transitions to iSER-assisted mode following a 
        successful Login Phase during which iSER support is negotiated.   

  In the body of the document, the term "RDMAP Stream" is hereby 
  replaced by the term "RCP Stream". 

2.1.8  RDMAP Message 

   The following is included in the definition section to replace 
   "RDMAP Message": 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
        RCP Message - One or more packets of the network layer 
        comprising a single RDMA operation or a part of an RDMA Read 
        Operation of the RDMA-Capable Protocol.  For iWARP, an RCP 
        Message is known as an RDMAP Message. 

   In the body of the document, the term "RDMAP Message" is hereby 
   replaced by the term "RCP Message".  The exception to this is when 
   the term "RDMAP Message" is used to describe the iSER Hello and 
   HelloReply Messages.  Here "RDMAP Message" is hereby replaced by 
   "iSER Message" in order to accommodate transport layers that have 
   message delivery capability such as [IB].  The iSCSI layer may use 
   that messaging capability immediately after connection establishment 
   before enabling iSER-assisted mode.  In this case the iSER Hello and 
   HelloReply Messages are not the first RCP Messages, but they are the 
   first iSER Messages. 

2.2 The following is placed/updated in the Acronym Section 

   HCA         Host Channel Adapter  

   IB          InfiniBand 

   IPoIB       IP over InfiniBand 

   TCA        Target Channel Adapter  

2.3 Connection Establishment, Login, and Transition to iSER 

   The discussion of connection establishment and the use of a 
   messaging protocol for exchanging Login Request and Login Response 
   PDUs for IB are inserted in this section, along with the extended 
   specification of the transition of an IB connection to iSER mode.  
   The suggested detail changes can be found in section 3.5.1 through 
   section 3.5.3 of this document. 

2.4 Security considerations 

   The security consideration are updated to include requirements on 
   security for transports other than TCP, the document now states that 
   the security concerns must be addressed appropriately for different 
   transport environments. However the iSCSI implementation 
   requirements for IPsec are still required wherever an iSER Message 
   enters an IP environment from a non IP one (such as IB).  Further 
   the iSCSI/iSER requirement for IPsec on IP based protocols such as 
   TCP will continue to require IPsec as a must implement, but optional 
   to use.  There is now a SHOULD implement (optional to use) 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
   requirement on non IP networks for a packet by packet security 
   facility that is at least as strong as that required by [iSCSI]. 

   The exact wordage can be found in section 3.6 of this document. 

2.5 Adjustments to the iSER Appendix. 

   The current iSER appendix will hereby be renamed "Appendix A". 

2.6 Add Appendix B  

   A new informational appendix (Appendix B) is hereby added that 
   explains how an InfiniBand RC connection can be used to carry the 
   iSER protocol.  The content of the new appendix B is that which is 
   contained in the section 6 of this document.  

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
3  Additional detailed [iSER] document modification 

   The new terms introduced in the subsections under section 2.1 will 
   replace the existing ones in the [iSER] document where appropriate.  
   In addition, the following changes and clarifications are needed. 

3.1 Adjustments to Section 1 on Definitions and Acronyms 

   The following paragraph in section 1 is to be removed: 

        "Some of the following definitions are taken from [RDMAP].  In 
        those definitions, the term ULP refers to the iSER layer." 

   The term "ULP" in subsections under section 1 is replaced by the 
   term "iSER layer". 

3.1.1  Adjustments to Section 1 on Definitions 

   The definition for Advertisement is replaced with the following: 

        The act of informing a remote iSER Layer that a local node's 
        buffer is available to it.  A Node makes a buffer available for 
        incoming RDMA Read Request Message or incoming RDMA Write 
        Message access by informing the remote iSER Layer of the Tagged 
        Buffer identifiers (STag, TO, and buffer length).  Note that 
        this Advertisement of Tagged Buffer information is the 
        responsibility of the iSER Layer on either end and is not 
        defined by the RDMA-Capable Protocol.  A typical method would 
        be for the iSER Layer to embed the Tagged Buffer's STag, TO, 
        and buffer length in a Send Message destined for the remote 
        iSER Layer. 

   The definition for Invalidate Stag is replaced with the following: 

        Invalidate STag - A mechanism used to prevent the Remote Peer 
        from reusing a previous explicitly Advertised STag, until the 
        iSER Layer at the local node makes it available through a 
        subsequent explicit Advertisement. 

   The definition for Tagged Buffer is replaced with the following: 

        Tagged Buffer - A buffer that is explicitly Advertised to the 
        iSER Layer at the remote node through the exchange of an STag, 
        Tagged Offset, and length. 

   The definition for Untagged Buffer is replaced with the following: 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
        Untagged Buffer - A buffer that is not explicitly Advertised to 
        the iSER Layer at the remode node 

3.2 Adjustments to section 2 

3.2.1  Adjustment to Section 2.1 Motivation 

   The fourth paragraph is hereby adjusted to:  

        Supporting direct data placement is the main function of an 
        RDMA-Capable Protocol (RCP).  An RDMA-Capable Controller (such 
        as an iWARP RNIC, or an InfiniBand HCA/TCA) can be used by any 
        application that has been extended to support RDMA.  

3.2.2  Adjustment to Section 2.2 Architectural Goals 

   The following are changes for the numbered paragraphs: 

        1. Provide an RDMA data transfer model for iSCSI that enables 
        direct in order or out of order data placement of SCSI data 
        into pre-allocated SCSI buffers while maintaining in order data 

        5. Allow initiator and target implementations to utilize 
        generic RDMA-Capable Controllers such as RNICs, or implement 
        iSCSI and iSER in software (not require iSCSI or iSER specific 
        assists in the RCP implementation or RDMA-Capable Controller).  

        6. Require full and only generic RCP functionality at both the 
        initiator and the target. 

3.2.3  Adjustment to Section 2.3 Protocol Overview  

   The following change is hereby made to paragraph number 6: 

        6. RCP guarantees data integrity.  (For example, iWARP includes 
        a CRC-enhanced framing layer called MPA on top of TCP; and for 
        InfiniBand, the CRCs are included in the Reliable Connection 
        mode.)  For this reason, iSCSI header and data digests are 
        negotiated to "None" for iSCSI/iSER sessions. 

   The following is added to paragraph number 7: 

        (However, see section Error! Reference source not found. on the 
        handling of SNACK Request PDUs.) 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
3.2.4  Adjustment to Section 2.4 RDMA services and iSER  

   The following change is hereby made to the first paragraph: 

        iSER is designed to work with software and/or hardware protocol 
        stacks providing the protocol services defined in RCP documents 
        such as [RDMAP], [IB], etc.  The following subsections describe 
        the key protocol elements of RCP services that iSER relies on. 

3.2.5  Adjustment to Section 2.7 iSCSI/iSER Layering  

   The layering wordage needed additional generalization and the 
   example needed to be made more general.  Therefore, the following is 
   the change in wordage and the replacement for Figure 1: 

   "iSCSI Extensions for RDMA (iSER) is layered between the iSCSI layer 
   and the RCP Layer.  Note that the RCP layer may be composed of one 
   or more distinct protocol layers depending on the specifics of the 
   RCP.  Figure 1 shows an example of the relationship between SCSI, 
   iSCSI, iSER, and the different RCP layers.  For TCP, the RCP is 
   iWARP.  For InfiniBand, the RCP is the Reliable Connected Transport 
   Service.  Note that the iSCSI layer as described here supports the 
   RDMA Extensions as used in iSER." 

                 |              SCSI                   | 
                 |              iSCSI                  | 
      DI ------> +-------------------------------------+ 
                 |              iSER                   | 
                 |  RDMAP  |              |            | 
                 +---------+  Infiniband  |            | 
                 |   DDP   |   Reliable   |   Other    | 
                 +---------+  Connected   |   RDMA-    | 
                 |   MPA   |  Transport   |  Capable   | 
                 +---------+   Service    |  Protocol  | 
                 |   TCP   |              |            | 
                 |         |  Infiniband  |   Other    | 
                 |    IP   |   Network    |  Network   | 
                 |         |    Layer     |   Layer    | 
      Figure 1 - Example of iSCSI/iSER Layering in Full Feature Phase 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
3.3 Adjustments to Section 3 

3.3.1  Adjustment to Section 3.1.6 

   The first sentence in the last paragraph is to be replaced with the 

        The Final_Login_Response_PDU input qualifier is applicable only 
        for a target, and contains the final Login Response PDU that 
        concludes the iSCSI Login Phase.  If the underlying transport 
        is TCP, the final Login Response PDU must be sent as a byte 
        stream as expected by the iSCSI Layer at the initiator.   

3.4 Adjustments to Section 4 

3.4.1  Adjustment to Section 4.1 

   The title of the section "Interaction with the iWARP Layer" is 
   hereby changed to "Interaction with the RCP Layer". 

   The first paragraph is hereby changed to: 

        "The iSER protocol layer is layered on top of an RCP layer (see 
        Figure 1) and the following are the key features that are 
        assumed to be supported by any RCP Layer." 

   The second * paragraph is hereby changed to: 

        "The RCP layer provides reliable, in-order message delivery and 
        direct data placement." 

   The following paragraph is to be added after the second * paragraph: 

        "When the iSER Layer issues an RDMA Read Operation following an 
        RDMA Write Operation on one RCP Stream, the RDMA Read Response 
        Message processing on the remote node will be started only 
        after the preceding RDMA Write Message payload is placed in the 
        memory of the remote node." 

   The next to last * paragraph is hereby replaced with the following: 

        *   For a transport layer that operates in byte stream mode 
        such as TCP, the RCP implementation supports the enabling of 
        the RDMA mode after Connection establishment and the exchange 
        of Login parameters in byte stream mode.  For a transport layer 
        that provides message delivery capability such as [IB], the RCP 
        implementation supports the use of the messaging capability by 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
        the iSCSI Layer directly for the Login phase after connection 
        establishment before enabling iSER-assisted mode.  

3.4.2  Adjustments to Section 4.2 

   The following is a replacement for section 4.2 Interactions with the 
   Transport Layer 

        The iSER Layer does not directly setup the transport layer 
        connection (e.g., TCP, or [IB]).  During Connection setup, the 
        iSCSI Layer is responsible for setting up the Connection.  If 
        the login is successful, the iSCSI Layer invokes the 
        Enable_Datamover Operational Primitive to request the iSER 
        Layer to transition to the iSER-assisted mode for that iSCSI 
        connection.  See section 5.1 on iSCSI/iSER Connection setup.  
        After transitioning to iSER-assisted mode, the RCP Layer and 
        the underlying transport layer are responsible for maintaining 
        the Connection and reporting to the iSER Layer any Connection 

3.5 Adjustments to Section 5  

3.5.1  Adjustments to section 5.1 iSCSI/iSER Connection Setup  

   The following is to be added at the end of paragraph 1:  

        "The same connection MUST be used for both the iSCSI Login 
        phase and the subsequent iSER-supported full feature phase." 

   The following text is hereby added after the second paragraph: 

        "If the RDMAExtensions key is not negotiated to Yes, then for 
        some RCP implementation (such as [IB]), the connection may need 
        to be re-established in TCP capable mode.  (For InfiniBand this 
        will require an [IPoIB] type connection.) 

   The following text is hereby added after the third paragraph: 

        "Discovery sessions are always conducted using the transport 
        layer as described in [RFC3720]." 

   The following is a replacement for the first two sentences in the 
   last paragraph: 

        "When the RDMAExtensions key is negotiated to "Yes", the 
        HeaderDigest and the DataDigest keys MUST be negotiated to 
        "None" on all iSCSI/iSER connections participating in that 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
        iSCSI session.  This is because, for an iSCSI/iSER connection, 
        RCP provides error detection based on 32-bit CRC for all iSER 

3.5.2  Adjustment to Section 5.1.1 Initiator Behavior 

   The following are changes for the bullet 3:  

        3. If necessary, the iSER Layer should enable RCP and 
        transition the connection to iSER-assisted mode.  When the RCP 
        is iWARP, then this step MUST be done.  Not all RCPs may need 
        it depending on the RCP Stream start-up state, e.g., [IB].  

3.5.3  Adjustment to Section 5.1.2 Target Behavior 

   Bullets "3." & "4." are hereby replaced with the following: 

        "3. The iSER Layer MUST send the final Login Response PDU in 
        the native transport mode to conclude the iSCSI Login Phase.  
        If the underlying transport is TCP, then the iSER Layer MUST 
        send the final Login Response PDU in byte stream mode. 

        4. After sending the final Login Response PDU, the iSER Layer 
        should enable RCP if necessary and transition the connection to 
        iSER-assisted mode.  When the RCP is iWARP, then this step MUST 
        be done.  Not all RCPs may need it depending on the RCP Stream 
        start-up state.    

   The last paragraph is hereby replaced with:  

        "Note: In the above sequence, the operations as described in    
        bullets 3 and 4 MUST be performed atomically for iWARP 
        connections.  Failure to do this may result in race 

3.6 Adjustments to Section 7 on iSCSI PDU Considerations 

3.6.1  Adjustment to Section 7.3.9 

   Replace the first sentence in the first paragraph with the 

        If the underlying transport is TCP, the Login Request PDUs and 
        the Login Response PDUs are exchanged when the connection 
        between the initiator and the target is still in the byte 
        stream mode. 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
3.7 Adjustments to Section 11 Security Considerations 

   The following paragraphs are replacement paragraphs for this 

        "When iSER is layered on top of an RCP Layer and provides the 
        RMDA extension to the iSCSI protocol, the security 
        considerations of iSER are the same as that of the underlying 
        RCP Layer.  For iWARP, this is described in [RDMAP] and 

        Since iSER-assisted iSCSI protocol is still functionally iSCSI 
        from a security considerations perspective, all of the iSCSI 
        security requirements as described in [RFC3720] and [RFC3723] 
        apply.  If the IPsec mechanism is used, then it MUST be 
        established before the connection transitions to the iSER-
        assisted mode.  If iSER is layered on top of a non-IP based RCP 
        Layer, all the security protocol mechanisms applicable to that 
        RCP Layer is also applicable to an iSCSI/iSER connection.  If 
        iSER is layered on top of a non-IP protocol, the IPsec 
        mechanisms as specified in [RFC3720] MUST be implemented at any 
        point where the iSER protocol enters the IP network (e.g., via 
        gateways), and the non-IP protocol SHOULD implement (optional 
        to use) a packet by packet security protocol equal in strength 
        to the IPsec mechanism specified by [RFC3720]. 

        To minimize the potential for a denial of service attack, the 
        iSCSI Layer MUST NOT request the iSER Layer to allocate the 
        connection resources necessary to support RCP until the iSCSI 
        layer is sufficiently far along in the iSCSI Login Phase that 
        it is reasonably certain that the peer side is not an attacker, 
        as described in sections 5.1.1 and 5.1.2." 

3.8 Adjustments to Section 12.2 Informational References  

   Add the following references: 

   [IB] InfiniBand Architecture Specification Volume 1 Release 1.2, 
       October 2004 

   [IPoIB] H.K. Chu et al, "Transmission of IP over InfiniBand", IETF 
       Internet-draft draft-ietf-ipoib-ip-over-infiniband-10.txt (work 
       in progress), March, 2005 


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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
4  IANA Considerations  

   The following items will require registration with IANA before the 
   resulting draft can be approved to become an RFC: 

   None are known at this time. 



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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
5  References 

5.1 Informative References 

   [DA] M. Chadalapaka et al., "Datamover Architecture for iSCSI", IETF 
       Internet-draft, draft-ietf-ips-iwarp-da-03.txt (work in 
       progress), June 2005 

   [DDP] H. Shah et al., "Direct Data Placement over Reliable 
       Transports", IETF Internet-draft draft-ietf-rddp-ddp-04.txt 
       (work in progress), February 2005 

   [IPSEC] S. Kent et al., "Security Architecture for the Internet 
       Protocol", RFC 2401, November 1998 

   [iSCSI] J. Satran et al., "iSCSI", RFC 3720, April 2004 

   [iSER] M. Ko et. al., "iSCSI Extensions for RDMA Specification", 
       IETF Internet-draft draft-ietf-ips-iser-04.txt (work in 
       progress), July 2005 

   [iSNS] Josh Tseng et. al., Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS), 
       IETF Internet-draft, draft-ietf-ips-isns-22.txt (work in 
       progress), February 2004 

   [MPA] P. Culley et al., "Marker PDU Aligned Framing for TCP 
       Specification", IETF Internet-draft draft-ietf-rddp-mpa-02.txt 
       (work in progress), February 2005 

   [RDMAP] R. Recio et al., "An RDMA Protocol Specification", IETF 
       Internet-draft draft-ietf-rddp-rdmap-04.txt (work in progress), 
       April 2005 

   [SAM2] T10/1157D, SCSI Architecture Model - 2 (SAM-2) 

   [SLP] M. Bakke et. al., "Finding iSCSI Targets and Name Servers by 
       Using SLPv2", RFC 4018, April 2005 

   [TCP] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7, RFC 793, 
       September 1981 

   [VERBS] J. Hilland et al., "RDMA Protocol Verbs Specification", 
       RDMAC Consortium Draft Specification draft-hilland-iwarp-verbs-
       v1.0a, May 2003 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
6  Appendix  

   This entire appendix is hereby included as Appendix B in the iSCSI 
   Extensions for RDMA document [iSER]. 

6.1 Architectural discussion of iSER over InfiniBand  

   This section explains how an InfiniBand network (with Gateways) 
   would be structured.  It is informational only and is intended to 
   provide insight on how iSER is used in an InfiniBand environment.  

6.2 The Host side of the InfiniBand iSCSI & iSER connections 

Figure 2 defines the topologies in which iSCSI and iSER will be able to 
operate on an InfiniBand Network. 
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +--- -----+ 
|  Host   | |  Host   | |   Host  | |   Host  | |   Host  |  
|         | |         | |         | |         | |         | 
+---+-+---+ +---+-+---+ +---+-+---+ +---+-+---+ +---+-+---+ 
|HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA|    
+-v+  +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+  
  |----+------|-----+-----|-----+-----|-----+-----|-----+---> To IB  
IB|        IB |        IB |        IB |        IB |    SubNet2 SWTCH 
|                  InfiniBand Switch for Subnet1            |   
    | TCA |        | TCA |        | TCA |            |    
    +-----+        +-----+        +-----+            | IB  
   /  IB   \      /  IB   \      /       \     +--+--v--+--+      
  |  iSER   |    |  iSER   |    |  IPoIB  |    |  | TCA |  |    
  | Gateway |    | Gateway |    | Gateway |    |  +-----+  | 
  |   to    |    |   to    |    |   to    |    | Storage   | 
  |  iSCSI  |    |  iSER   |    |   IP    |    | Controller| 
  |   TCP   |    |  iWARP  |    |Ethernet |    +-----+-----+ 
  +---v-----|    +---v-----|    +----v----+             
      | EN           | EN            | EN               
      +--------------+---------------+----> to IP based storage 
    Ethernet links that carry iSCSI or iWARP 
                      Figure 2 - iSCSI and iSER on IB 


   In Figure 2, the Host systems are connected via the InfiniBand Host 
   Channel Adapters (HCAs) to the InfiniBand links.  With the use of IB 
   switch(es), the InfiniBand links connect the HCA to InfiniBand 
   Target Channel Adapters (TCAs) located in gateways or Storage 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
   Controllers.  An iSER-capable IB-IP Gateway converts the iSER 
   Messages encapsulated in IB protocols to either standard iSCSI, or 
   iSER Messages for iWARP.  An [IPoIB] Gateway converts the InfiniBand 
   [IPoIB] protocol to IP protocol, and in the iSCSI case, permits 
   iSCSI to be operated on an IB Network between the Hosts and the 
   [IPoIB] Gateway.  

6.3 The Storage side of iSCSI & iSER mixed network environment 

   Figure 3 shows a storage controller that has three different portal 
   groups: one supporting only iSCSI (TPG-4), one supporting iSER/iWARP 
   or iSCSI (TPG-2), and one supporting iSER/IB (TPG-1).   

       |                |                | 
       |                |                | 
 |  | IB  |          |iWARP|          | EN  |  | 
 |  |     |          | TCP |          | NIC |  | 
 |  |(TCA)|          | RNIC|          |     |  | 
 |  +-----|          +-----+          +-----+  | 
 |   TPG-1            TPG-2            TPG-4   | 
 |  |  
 |                                             |  
 |                  Storage Controller         |  
 |                                             | 
     Figure 3 - Storage Controller with TCP, iWARP, and IB Connections 

   The normal iSCSI portal group advertising processes (via SLP, iSNS, 
   or SendTargets) are available to a Storage Controller.   

6.4 Discovery processes for an InfiniBand Host 

   An InfiniBand Host system can gather portal group IP address from 
   SLP, iSNS, or the SendTargets discovery processes by using TCP/IP 
   via [IPoIB].  After obtaining one or more remote portal IP 
   addresses, the Initiator uses the standard IP mechanisms to resolve 
   the IP address to a local outgoing interface and the destination 
   hardware address (Ethernet MAC or IB GID of the target or a gateway 
   leading to the target).  If the resolved interface is an [IPoIB] 
   network interface, then the target portal can be reached through an 
   InfiniBand fabric.  In this case the Initiator can establish an 
   iSCSI/TCP or iSCSI/iSER session with the Target over that InfiniBand 
   interface, using the Hardware Address (InfiniBand GID) obtained 
   through the standard Address Resolution (ARP) processes.  

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
   If more than one IP address are obtained through the discovery 
   process, the Initiator should select a Target IP address that is on 
   the same IP subnet as the Initiator if one exists.  This will avoid 
   a potential overhead of going through a gateway when a direct path 

   In addition a user can configure manual static IP route entries if a 
   particular path to the target is preferred.  

6.5 IBTA Connection specifications 

   It is outside the scope of this document, but it is expected that 
   the InfiniBand Trade Association (IBTA) has or will define: 

     . The iSER ServiceID  

     . A Means for permitting a Host to establish a connection with a 
        peer InfiniBand end-node, and that peer indicating when that 
        end-node supports iSER, so the Host would be able to fall back 
        to iSCSI/TCP over [IPoIB ].  

     . A Means for permitting the Host to establish connections with 
        IB iSER connections on storage controllers or IB iSER connected 
        Gateways in preference to [IPoIB] connected Gateways/Bridges or 
        connections to Target Storage Controllers that also accept 
        iSCSI via [IPoIB].  

     . A Means for combining the IB ServiceID for iSER and the IP port 
        number such that the IB Host can use normal IB connection 
        processes, yet ensure that the iSER target peer can actually 
        connect to the required IP port number. 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
7  Author's Address 

   John Hufferd 
       1745 Technology Drive 
       San Jose, CA 95110, USA 
       Phone: +1-408-333-5244 

   Mike Ko 
       IBM Corp. 
       650 Harry Rd. 
       San Jose, CA 95120, USA 
       Phone: +1-408-927-2085 

   Yaron Haviv 
       Voltaire Ltd. 
       9 Hamanofim St. 
       Herzelia 46725, Israel 
       Phone: +972.9.9717655 


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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
8  Acknowledgments 

   David Black 
       EMC Corporation 
       176 South St.  
       Hopkinton, MA  01748, USA 
       Phone: +1-508-293-7953 

   Mallikarjun Chadalapaka 
       Hewlett-Packard Company 
       8000 Foothills Blvd. 
       Roseville, CA 95747-5668, USA 
       Phone: +1-916-785-5621 

   Mike Krause 
       Hewlett-Packard Company 
       19410 Homestead Road 
       Cupertino, CA  95014, USA 
       Phone: +1-408-447-3191 

   Alex Nezhinsky 
       Voltaire Ltd.  
       9 Hamanofim St.  
       Herzelia 46725, Israel 
       Phone: +972.9.9717637 

    Renato J. Recio 
       IBM Corp. 
       11501 Burnett Road 
       Austin, TX 78758, USA 
       Phone: +1-512-838-3685 

   Tom Talpey 
       Network Appliance 
       375 Totten Pond Road 
       Waltham, MA 02451, USA 
       Phone: +1-781-768-5329 

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Internet-Draft  Generalization of the iSER Specification  Sept. 2005 
9  Full Copyright Statement 

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject 
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and 
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights. 

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on 

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any     
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed      
   to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described 
   in this document or the extent to which any license under such 
   rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that 
   it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  
   Information on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC 
   documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.    

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any      
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an      
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use      
   of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this      
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository      

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any 
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary 
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement 
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at ietf- 

J.Hufferd et. al.           Expires March 2006                    25