Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-core-attacks-on-coap


Network Working Group                                  J. Preuß Mattsson
Internet-Draft                                               J. Fornehed
Intended status: Informational                               G. Selander
Expires: 25 August 2024                                     F. Palombini
                                                               C. Amsüss
                                                        22 February 2024

         Attacks on the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)


   Being able to securely retrieve information from sensors and control
   actuators while providing guards against distributed denial-of-
   service (DDoS) attacks are key requirements for CoAP deployments.  To
   that aim, a security protocol (e.g., DTLS, TLS, or OSCORE) can be
   enabled to ensure secure CoAP operation, including protection against
   many attacks.  This document identifies a set of known CoAP attacks
   and shows that simply using CoAP with a security protocol is not
   always enough for secure operation.  Several of the identified
   attacks can be mitigated with a security protocol providing
   confidentiality and integrity combined with the solutions specified
   in RFC 9175.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Status information for this document may be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the Constrained RESTful
   Environments (CoRE) Working Group mailing list
   (, which is archived at  Subscribe at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 August 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Attacks on CoAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.1.  The Selective Blocking Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.2.  The Request Delay Attack  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.3.  The Response Delay and Mismatch Attack  . . . . . . . . .   9
     2.4.  The Request Fragment Rearrangement Attack . . . . . . . .  13
       2.4.1.  Completing an Operation with an Earlier Final
               Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       2.4.2.  Injecting a Withheld First Block  . . . . . . . . . .  15
       2.4.3.  Attack difficulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     2.5.  The Relay Attack  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   3.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   4.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   5.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Appendix A.  Change log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21

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1.  Introduction

   Being able to securely read information from sensors and to securely
   control actuators are essential in a world of connected and
   networking things interacting with the physical world.  One protocol
   used to interact with sensors and actuators is the Constrained
   Application Protocol (CoAP) [RFC7252].  Any Internet-of-Things (IoT)
   deployment valuing security and privacy already use a security
   protocol such as DTLS [RFC9147], TLS [RFC8446], or OSCORE [RFC8613]
   to protect CoAP, where the choice of security protocol depends on the
   transport protocol and the presence of intermediaries.  The use of
   CoAP over UDP and DTLS is specified in [RFC7252] and the use of CoAP
   over TCP and TLS is specified in [RFC8323].  OSCORE protects CoAP
   end-to-end with the use of COSE [RFC9052] and the CoAP Object-
   Security option [RFC8613], and can therefore be used over any
   transport.  Using a security protocol to protect CoAP is a
   requirement for secure operation and protects against many attacks.
   The CoAP NoSec mode does not provide any security as an attacker can
   easily eavesdrop on all messages and forge false requests and

   The four properties traditionally provided by security protocols are:

   *  Data confidentiality

   *  Data origin authentication

   *  Data integrity protection

   *  Data replay protection

   These four properties should be seen as requirements for Internet-of-
   Things (IoT) deployments.  To achieve this a cipher suite offering
   encryption is required.  Without encryption, home deployments
   typically leak privacy sensitive information.  NIST requires
   encryption of all traffic inside enterprise networks following zero
   trust principles [NIST-ZT].  The CoAP NoSec mode is therefore not
   appropriate for enterprises or home deployments.

   The assumption in this document is that a security protocol providing
   the four properties above is always used.  We show that this is not
   always enough to securely control actuators (and in many cases
   sensors) and that secure operation often demands more than the four
   properties traditionally provided by security protocols.  We describe
   several serious attacks any on-path attacker (i.e., not only "trusted
   intermediaries") can do and discusses tougher requirements and
   mechanisms to mitigate the attacks.  In general, secure operation
   also requires these four properties:

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   *  Availability

   *  Data-to-data binding

   *  Data-to-space binding

   *  Data-to-time binding

   Availability means that services and information must be available
   when needed.  "Data-to-data binding" is e.g., binding of responses to
   a request or binding of data fragments to each other.  "Data-to-space
   binding" is the binding of data to an absolute or relative point in
   space (i.e., a location) and may in the relative case be referred to
   as proximity.  "Data-to-time binding" is the binding of data to an
   absolute or relative point in time and may in the relative case be
   referred to as freshness.  The two last properties may be bundled
   together as "Data-to-spacetime binding".

   Freshness (as defined in [RFC9175]) is a measure of when a message
   was sent on a timescale of the recipient.  A client or server that
   receives a message can either verify that the message is fresh or
   determine that it cannot be verified that the message is fresh.  What
   is considered fresh is application dependent.  Freshness is
   completely different from replay protection, but most replay
   protection mechanism use a sequence number.  Assuming the client is
   well-behaving, such a sequence number that can be used by the server
   as a relative measure of when a message was sent on a timescale of
   the sender.  Replay protection is mandatory in TLS and OSCORE and
   optional in DTLS.  DTLS and TLS use sequence numbers for both
   requests and responses.  In TLS the sequence numbers are implicit and
   not sent in the record.  OSCORE use sequence numbers for requests and
   some responses.  Most OSCORE responses are bound to the request and
   therefore, enable the client to determine if the response is fresh or

   Some of the presented attacks such as the blocking attack, the
   request delay attack, and the relay attack are not specific to CoAP.
   The request delay attack (valid for DTLS, TLS, and OSCORE and
   described in Section 2.2) lets an attacker control an actuator at a
   much later time than the client anticipated.  The response delay and
   mismatch attack (valid for DTLS and TLS and described in Section 2.3)
   lets an attacker respond to a client with a response meant for an
   older request.  The request fragment rearrangement attack (valid for
   DTLS, TLS, and OSCORE and described in Section 2.4) lets an attacker
   cause unauthorized operations to be performed on the server, and
   responses to unauthorized operations to be mistaken for responses to
   authorized operations.

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   The goal with this document is motivating generic and protocol-
   specific recommendations on the usage of CoAP.  Several of the
   discussed attacks can be mitigated with a security protocol offering
   confidentiality and integrity such as DTLS, TLS, or OSCORE combined
   with the solutions in [RFC9175].

   This document is a companion document to [RFC9175] giving more
   information on the attacks motivating the mechanisms.  Denial-of-
   service using amplification attacks and how to mitigate them are
   discussed in [I-D.irtf-t2trg-amplification-attacks].

2.  Attacks on CoAP

   Internet-of-Things (IoT) deployments valuing security and privacy,
   need to use a security protocol such as DTLS, TLS, or OSCORE to
   protect CoAP.  This is especially true for deployments of actuators
   where attacks often (but not always) have serious consequences.  The
   attacks described in this section are made under the assumption that
   CoAP is already protected with a security protocol such as DTLS, TLS,
   or OSCORE, as an attacker otherwise can easily forge false requests
   and responses.

2.1.  The Selective Blocking Attack

   An on-path attacker can block the delivery of selectively chosen
   requests or responses while letting through others.  The selective
   blocking attack is not specific to CoAP but is especially important
   to consider for actuators and is an important building block for the
   other CoAP specific attacks described in the document that block or
   delay selective messages.

   The selective blocking attack is possible even if a security protocol
   like DTLS, TLS, or OSCORE is used.  Encryption makes selective
   blocking of messages harder, but not impossible or even infeasible.
   With DTLS and TLS, proxies can read the complete CoAP message, and
   with OSCORE, the CoAP header and several CoAP options are not
   encrypted.  In all three security protocols, the IP-addresses, ports,
   and CoAP message lengths are available to all on-path attackers,
   which may be enough to determine the server, resource, and command.
   The blocking attack is illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.

                Client    Foe    Server
                   |       |       |
                   +-----> X       |      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                   | PUT   |       |     Token: 0x47
                   |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                   |       |       |   Payload: 1 (Lock)
                   |       |       |

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                        Figure 1: Blocking a request

   Where 'X' means the attacker is blocking delivery of the message.

              Client    Foe    Server
                 |       |       |
                 +-------------->|      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 | PUT   |       |     Token: 0x47
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 1 (Lock)
                 |       |       |
                 |       X <-----+      Code: 2.04 (Changed)
                 |       |  2.04 |     Token: 0x47
                 |       |       |

                       Figure 2: Blocking a response

   The selective blocking attack is an attack on availability.  While
   blocking requests to, or responses from, a sensor is just a denial-
   of-service attack, blocking a request to, or a response from, an
   actuator results in the client losing information about the server's
   status.  If the actuator e.g., is a lock (door, car, etc.), the
   attack results in the client not knowing (except by using out-of-band
   information) whether the lock is unlocked or locked, just like the
   observer in the famous Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment.  Due to
   the nature of the attack, the client cannot distinguish the attack
   from connectivity problems, offline servers, or unexpected behavior
   from middle boxes such as NATs and firewalls.

   Remedy: Any IoT deployment of actuators where synchronized state is
   important need to use confirmable messages and the client need to
   take appropriate actions when a response is not received and it
   therefore loses information about the server's status.

2.2.  The Request Delay Attack

   An on-path attacker may not only block packets, but can also delay
   the delivery of a selectively chosen packet (request or response) by
   a chosen amount of time.  If CoAP is used over a reliable and ordered
   transport such as TCP with TLS or OSCORE (with TLS-like sequence
   number handling), no messages can be delivered before the delayed
   message.  If CoAP is used over an unreliable and unordered transport
   such as UDP with DTLS or OSCORE, other messages can be delivered
   before the delayed message as long as the delayed packet is delivered
   inside the replay window.  When CoAP is used over UDP, both DTLS and
   OSCORE allow out-of-order delivery and uses sequence numbers together
   with a replay window to protect against replay attacks against
   requests.  The replay window has a default length of 64 in DTLS and

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   32 in OSCORE.  The attacker can influence the replay window state by
   blocking and delaying packets.  By first delaying a request, and then
   later, after delivery, blocking the response to the request, the
   client is not made aware of the delayed delivery except by the
   missing response.  In general, the server has no way of knowing that
   the request was delayed and will therefore happily process the
   request.  Note that delays can also happen for other reasons than a
   malicious attacker.

   If some wireless low-level protocol is used, the attack can also be
   performed by the attacker simultaneously recording what the client
   transmits while at the same time jamming the server.  The request
   delay attack is illustrated in Figure 3.

              Client    Foe    Server
                 |       |       |
                 +-----> @       |      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 | PUT   |       |     Token: 0x9c
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 0 (Unlock)
                 |       |       |
                   .....   .....
                 |       |       |
                 |       @------>|      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 |       |  PUT  |     Token: 0x9c
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 0 (Unlock)
                 |       |       |
                 |       X <-----+      Code: 2.04 (Changed)
                 |       |  2.04 |     Token: 0x9c
                 |       |       |

                        Figure 3: Delaying a request

   Where '@' means the attacker is storing and later forwarding the
   message (@ may alternatively be seen as a wormhole connecting two
   points in time).

   While an attacker selectively delaying a request to a sensor is often
   not a security problem, an attacker selectively delaying a request to
   an actuator performing an action is often a serious problem.  A
   request to an actuator (for example a request to unlock a lock) is
   often only meant to be valid for a short time frame, and if the
   request does not reach the actuator during this short timeframe, the
   request should not be fulfilled.  In the unlock example, if the
   client does not get any response and does not physically see the lock
   opening, the user is likely to walk away, calling the locksmith (or
   the IT-support).

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   If a non-zero replay window is used (the default when CoAP is used
   over UDP), the attacker can let the client interact with the actuator
   before delivering the delayed request to the server (illustrated in
   Figure 4).  In the lock example, the attacker may store the first
   "unlock" request for later use.  The client will likely resend the
   request with the same token.  If DTLS is used, the resent packet will
   have a different sequence number and the attacker can forward it.  If
   OSCORE is used, resent packets will have the same sequence number and
   the attacker must block them all until the client sends a new message
   with a new sequence number (not shown in Figure 4).  After a while
   when the client has locked the door again, the attacker can deliver
   the delayed "unlock" message to the door, a very serious attack.

              Client    Foe    Server
                 |       |       |
                 +-----> @       |      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 | PUT   |       |     Token: 0x9c
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 0 (Unlock)
                 |       |       |
                 +-------------->|      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 | PUT   |       |     Token: 0x9c
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 0 (Unlock)
                 |       |       |
                 |<--------------+      Code: 2.04 (Changed)
                 |       |  2.04 |     Token: 0x9c
                 |       |       |
                   .....   .....
                 |       |       |
                 +-------------->|      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 | PUT   |       |     Token: 0x7a
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 1 (Lock)
                 |       |       |
                 |<--------------+      Code: 2.04 (Changed)
                 |       |  2.04 |     Token: 0x7a
                 |       |       |
                 |       @------>|      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 |       |  PUT  |     Token: 0x9c
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 0 (Unlock)
                 |       |       |
                 |       X <-----+      Code: 2.04 (Changed)
                 |       |  2.04 |     Token: 0x9c
                 |       |       |

                 Figure 4: Delaying request with reordering

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   While the second attack (Figure 4) can be mitigated by using a replay
   window of length zero, the first attack (Figure 3) cannot.  A
   solution must enable the server to verify that the request was
   received within a certain time frame after it was sent or enable the
   server to securely determine an absolute point in time when the
   request is to be executed.  This can be accomplished with either a
   challenge-response pattern, by exchanging timestamps between client
   and server, or by only allowing requests a short period after client

   Requiring a fresh client authentication (such as a new TLS/DTLS
   handshake or an EDHOC key exchange [I-D.ietf-lake-edhoc]) mitigates
   the problem, but requires larger messages and more processing than a
   dedicated solution.  Security solutions based on exchanging
   timestamps require exactly synchronized time between client and
   server, and this may be hard to control with complications such as
   time zones and daylight saving.  Wall clock time is not monotonic,
   may reveal that the endpoints will accept expired certificates, or
   reveal the endpoint's location.  Use of non-monotonic clocks is
   problematic as the server will accept requests if the clock is moved
   backward and reject requests if the clock is moved forward.  Even if
   the clocks are synchronized at one point in time, they may easily get
   out-of-sync and an attacker may even be able to affect the client or
   the server time in various ways such as setting up a fake NTP server,
   broadcasting false time signals to radio-controlled clocks, or
   exposing one of them to a strong gravity field.  As soon as client
   falsely believes it is time synchronized with the server, delay
   attacks are possible.  A challenge response mechanism where the
   server does not need to synchronize its time with the client is
   easier to analyze but require more roundtrips.  The challenges,
   responses, and timestamps may be sent in a CoAP option or in the CoAP

   Remedy: Any IoT deployment of actuators where freshness is important
   should use the Echo option specified in [RFC9175] unless another
   application specific challenge-response or timestamp mechanism is

2.3.  The Response Delay and Mismatch Attack

   The following attack can be performed if an unpatched CoAP
   implementation not following the updated client token processing
   specified in [RFC7252] is used with a security protocol where the
   response is not bound to the request in any way except by the CoAP
   token.  This would include most general security protocols, such as
   DTLS, TLS, and IPsec, but not OSCORE.  CoAP [RFC7252] uses a client
   generated token that the server echoes to match responses to request,
   but does not give any guidelines for the use of token with DTLS and

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   TLS, except that the tokens currently "in use" SHOULD (not SHALL) be
   unique.  In HTTPS, this type of binding is always assured by the
   ordered and reliable delivery, as well as mandating that the server
   sends responses in the same order that the requests were received.

   The attacker performs the attack by delaying delivery of a response
   until the client sends a request with the same token, the response
   will be accepted by the client as a valid response to the later
   request.  If CoAP is used over a reliable and ordered transport such
   as TCP with TLS, no messages can be delivered before the delayed
   message.  If CoAP is used over an unreliable and unordered transport
   such as UDP with DTLS, other messages can be delivered before the
   delayed message as long as the delayed packet is delivered inside the
   replay window.  Note that mismatches can also happen for other
   reasons than a malicious attacker, e.g., delayed delivery or a server
   sending notifications to an uninterested client.

   The attack can be performed by an attacker on the wire, or an
   attacker simultaneously recording what the server transmits while at
   the same time jamming the client.  As (D)TLS encrypts the Token, the
   attacker needs to predict when the Token is reused.  How hard that is
   depends on the CoAP library, but some implementations are known to
   omit the Token as much as possible and others lets the application
   chose the Token.  If the response is a "piggybacked response", the
   client may additionally check the Message ID and drop it on mismatch.
   That doesn't make the attack impossible, but lowers the probability.

   The response delay and mismatch attack is illustrated in Figure 5.

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              Client    Foe    Server
                 |       |       |
                 +-------------->|      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 | PUT   |       |     Token: 0x77
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 0 (Unlock)
                 |       |       |
                 |       @ <-----+      Code: 2.04 (Changed)
                 |       |  2.04 |     Token: 0x77
                 |       |       |
                   .....   .....
                 |       |       |
                 +-----> X       |      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 | PUT   |       |     Token: 0x77
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 0 (Lock)
                 |       |       |
                 |<------@       |      Code: 2.04 (Changed)
                 |  2.04 |       |     Token: 0x77
                 |       |       |

             Figure 5: Delaying and mismatching response to PUT

   If we once again take a lock as an example, the security consequences
   may be severe as the client receives a response message likely to be
   interpreted as confirmation of a locked door, while the received
   response message is in fact confirming an earlier unlock of the door.
   As the client is likely to leave the (believed to be locked) door
   unattended, the attacker may enter the home, enterprise, or car
   protected by the lock.

   The same attack may be performed on sensors.  As illustrated in
   Figure 6, an attacker may convince the client that the lock is
   locked, when it in fact is not.  The "Unlock" request may also be
   sent by another client authorized to control the lock.

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              Client    Foe    Server
                 |       |       |
                 +-------------->|      Code: 0.01 (GET)
                 | GET   |       |     Token: 0x77
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |
                 |       @ <-----+      Code: 2.05 (Content)
                 |       |  2.05 |     Token: 0x77
                 |       |       |   Payload: 1 (Locked)
                 |       |       |
                 +-------------->|      Code: 0.03 (PUT)
                 | PUT   |       |     Token: 0x34
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |   Payload: 1 (Unlock)
                 |       |       |
                 |       X <-----+      Code: 2.04 (Changed)
                 |       |  2.04 |     Token: 0x34
                 |       |       |
                 +-----> X       |      Code: 0.01 (GET)
                 | GET   |       |     Token: 0x77
                 |       |       |  Uri-Path: lock
                 |       |       |
                 |<------@       |      Code: 2.05 (Content)
                 |  2.05 |       |     Token: 0x77
                 |       |       |   Payload: 1 (Locked)
                 |       |       |

             Figure 6: Delaying and mismatching response to GET

   As illustrated in Figure 7, an attacker may even mix responses from
   different resources as long as the two resources share the same
   (D)TLS connection on some part of the path towards the client.  This
   can happen if the resources are located behind a common gateway, or
   are served by the same CoAP proxy.  An on-path attacker (not
   necessarily a (D)TLS endpoint such as a proxy) may e.g., deceive a
   client that the living room is on fire by responding with an earlier
   delayed response from the oven (temperatures in degree Celsius).

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          Client    Foe    Server
             |       |       |
             +-------------->|      Code: 0.01 (GET)
             | GET   |       |     Token: 0x77
             |       |       |  Uri-Path: oven/temperature
             |       |       |
             |       @ <-----+      Code: 2.05 (Content)
             |       |  2.05 |     Token: 0x77
             |       |       |   Payload: 225
             |       |       |
               .....   .....
             |       |       |
             +-----> X       |      Code: 0.01 (GET)
             | GET   |       |     Token: 0x77
             |       |       |  Uri-Path: livingroom/temperature
             |       |       |
             |<------@       |      Code: 2.05 (Content)
             |  2.05 |       |     Token: 0x77
             |       |       |   Payload: 225
             |       |       |

      Figure 7: Delaying and mismatching response from other resource

   Remedy: Section 4.2 of [RFC9175] formally updates the client token
   processing for CoAP [RFC7252].  Using a patched CoAP implementation
   following the updated processing completely mitigates the attack.

2.4.  The Request Fragment Rearrangement Attack

   These attack scenarios show that the Request Delay and Blocking
   Attacks can be used against block-wise transfers to cause
   unauthorized operations to be performed on the server, and responses
   to unauthorized operations to be mistaken for responses to authorized
   operations.  The combination of these attacks is described as a
   separate attack because it makes the Request Delay Attack relevant to
   systems that are otherwise not time-dependent, which means that they
   could disregard the Request Delay Attack.

   This attack works even if the individual request/response pairs are
   encrypted, authenticated and protected against the Response Delay and
   Mismatch Attack, provided the attacker is on the network path and can
   correctly guess which operations the respective packages belong to.

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   The attacks can be performed on any security protocol where the
   attacker can delay the delivery of a message unnoticed.  This
   includes DTLS, IPsec, and most OSCORE configurations.  The attacks
   does not work on TCP with TLS or OSCORE (with TLS-like sequence
   number handling) as in these cases no messages can be delivered
   before the delayed message.

   This section primarily concerns itself with the regular block-wise
   mechanism defined in [RFC7959].  The special-purpose Q-Block
   mechanism of [RFC9177] already mandates the mitigations that were
   introduced in [RFC9175].

2.4.1.  Completing an Operation with an Earlier Final Block

   In this scenario (illustrated in Figure 8), blocks from two
   operations on a POST-accepting resource are combined to make the
   server execute an action that was not intended by the authorized
   client.  This works only if the client attempts a second operation
   after the first operation failed (due to what the attacker made
   appear like a network outage) within the replay window.  The client
   does not receive a confirmation on the second operation either, but,
   by the time the client acts on it, the server has already executed
   the unauthorized action.

   Client    Foe    Server
      |       |       |
      +-------------->|    POST "incarcerate" (Block1: 0, more to come)
      |       |       |
      |<--------------+    2.31 Continue (Block1: 0 received, send more)
      |       |       |
      +-----> @       |    POST "valjean" (Block1: 1, last block)
      |       |       |
      +-----> X       |    All retransmissions dropped
      |       |       |

   (Client: Odd, but let's go on and promote Javert)

      |       |       |
      +-------------->|    POST "promote" (Block1: 0, more to come)
      |       |       |
      |       X <-----+    2.31 Continue (Block1: 0 received, send more)
      |       |       |
      |       @------>|    POST "valjean" (Block1: 1, last block)
      |       |       |
      |       X <-----+    2.04 Valjean Promoted
      |       |       |

       Figure 8: Completing an operation with an earlier final block

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   Remedy: If a client starts new block-wise operations on a security
   context that has lost packets, it needs to label the fragments in
   such a way that the server will not mix them up.

   A mechanism to that effect is described as Request-Tag [RFC9175].
   Had it been in place in the example and used for body integrity
   protection, the client would have set the Request-Tag option in the
   "promote" request.  Depending on the server's capabilities and setup,
   either of four outcomes could have occurred:

   1.  The server could have processed the reinjected POST "valjean" as
       belonging to the original "incarcerate" block; that's the
       expected case when the server can handle simultaneous block

   2.  The server could respond 5.03 Service Unavailable, including a
       Max-Age option indicating how long it prefers not to take any
       requests that force it to overwrite the state kept for the
       "incarcerate" request.

   3.  The server could decide to drop the state kept for the
       "incarcerate" request's state, and process the "promote" request.
       The reinjected POST "valjean" will then fail with 4.08 Request
       Entity incomplete, indicating that the server does not have the
       start of the operation anymore.

2.4.2.  Injecting a Withheld First Block

   If the first block of a request is withheld by the attacker for later
   use, it can be used to have the server process a different request
   body than intended by the client.  Unlike in the previous scenario,
   it will return a response based on that body to the client.

   Again, a first operation (that would go like “Girl stole apple.  What
   shall we do with her?” – “Set her free.”) is aborted by the proxy,
   and a part of that operation is later used in a different operation
   to prime the server for responding leniently to another operation
   that would originally have been “Evil Queen poisoned apple.  What
   shall we do with her?” – “Lock her up.”. The attack is illustrated in
   Figure 9.

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   Client    Foe    Server
      |       |       |
      +-----> @       |    POST "Girl stole apple. Wh"
      |       |       |        (Block1: 0, more to come)

   (Client: We'll try that one later again; for now, we have something
   more urgent:)

      |       |       |
      +-------------->|    POST "Evil Queen poisoned apple. Wh"
      |       |       |        (Block1: 0, more to come)
      |       |       |
      |       @ <-----+    2.31 Continue (Block1: 0 received, send more)
      |       |       |
      |       @------>|    POST "Girl stole apple. Wh"
      |       |       |        (Block1: 0, more to come)
      |       |       |
      |       X <-----+    2.31 Continue (Block1: 0 received, send more)
      |       |       |
      |<------@       |    2.31 Continue (Block1: 0 received, send more)
      |       |       |
      +-------------->|    POST "at shall we do with her?"
      |       |       |        (Block1: 1, last block)
      |       |       |
      |<--------------+    2.05 "Set her free."
      |       |       |        (Block1: 1 received, this is the result)

                 Figure 9: Injecting a withheld first block

   The remedy described in Section 2.4.1 works also for this case.  Note
   that merely requiring that blocks of an operation should have
   incrementing sequence numbers would be insufficient to remedy this

2.4.3.  Attack difficulty

   The success of any fragment rearrangement attack has multiple

   *  A client sends different block-wise requests that are only
      distinguished by their content.

      This is generally rare in typical CoRE applications, but can
      happen when the bodies of FETCH requests exceed the fragmentation
      threshold, or when SOAP patterns are emulated.

   *  A client starts later block-wise operations after an earlier one
      has failed.

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      This happens regularly as a consequence of operating in a low-
      power and lossy network: Losses can cause failed operation
      (especially when the network is unavailable for time exceeding the
      "few expected round-trips" they may be limited to per [RFC7959]),
      and the cost of reestablishing a security context.

   *  The attacker needs to be able to determine which packets contain
      which fragments.

      This can be achieved by an on-path attacker by observing request
      timing, or simply by observing request sizes in the case when a
      body is split into precisely two blocks.

   It is _not_ a prerequisite that the resulting misassembled request
   body is syntactically correct: As the server erroneously expects the
   body to be integrity protected from an authorized source, it might be
   using a parser not suitable for untrusted input.  Such a parser might
   crash the server in extreme cases, but might also produce a valid but
   incorrect response to the request the client associates the response
   with.  Note that many constrained applications aim to minimize
   traffic and thus employ compact data formats; that compactness leaves
   little room for syntactically invalid messages.

   The attack is easier if the attacker has control over the request
   bodies (which would be the case when a trusted proxy validates the
   attacker's authorization to perform two given requests, and an attack
   on the path between the proxy and the server recombines the blocks to
   a semantically different request).  Attacks of that shape can easily
   result in reassembled bodies chosen by the attacker, but no services
   are currently known that operate in this way.

   Summarizing, it is unlikely that an attacker can perform any of the
   fragment rearrangement attacks on any given system -- but given the
   diversity of applications built on CoAP, it is easily to imagine that
   single applications would be vulnerable.  As block-wise transfer is a
   basic feature of CoAP and its details are sometimes hidden behind
   abstractions or proxies, application authors cannot be expected to
   design their applications with these attacks in mind, and mitigation
   on the protocol level is prudent.

2.5.  The Relay Attack

   Yet another type of attack can be performed in deployments where
   actuator actions are triggered automatically based on proximity and
   without any user interaction, e.g., a car (the client) constantly
   polling for the car key (the server) and unlocking both doors and
   engine as soon as the car key responds.  An attacker (or pair of
   attackers) may simply relay the CoAP messages out-of-band, using for

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   examples some other radio technology.  By doing this, the actuator
   (i.e., the car) believes that the client is close by and performs
   actions based on that false assumption.  The attack is illustrated in
   Figure 10.  In this example the car is using an application specific
   challenge-response mechanism transferred as CoAP payloads.

   Client    Foe        Foe    Server
      |       |          |       |
      +------>| ........ +------>|      Code: 0.02 (POST)
      | POST  |          | POST  |     Token: 0x3a
      |       |          |       |  Uri-Path: lock
      |       |          |       |   Payload: JwePR2iCe8b0ux (Challenge)
      |       |          |       |
      |<------+ ........ |<------+      Code: 2.04 (Changed)
      |  2.04 |          |  2.04 |     Token: 0x3a
      |       |          |       |   Payload: RM8i13G8D5vfXK (Response)
      |       |          |       |

            Figure 10: Relay attack (the client is the actuator)

   The consequences may be severe, and in the case of a car, lead to the
   attacker unlocking and driving away with the car, an attack that
   unfortunately is happening in practice.  The relay attack is not
   specific to CoAP.

   Remedy: Getting a response over a short-range radio cannot be taken
   as proof of proximity and can therefore not be used to take actions
   based on such proximity.  Any automatically triggered mechanisms
   relying on proximity need to use other stronger mechanisms to
   establish proximity.  Mechanisms that can be used are: measuring the
   round-trip time and calculating the maximum possible distance based
   on the speed of light, or using radio with an extremely short range
   like NFC (centimeters instead of meters).  Another option is to
   include geographical coordinates (from e.g., GPS) in the messages and
   calculate proximity based on these, but in this case the location
   measurements need to be very precise and the system need to make sure
   that an attacker cannot influence the location estimation.  Some
   types of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers are
   vulnerable to spoofing attacks.

3.  Security Considerations

   The whole document can be seen as security considerations for CoAP.

4.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no actions for IANA.

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5.  Informative References

              Selander, G., Mattsson, J. P., and F. Palombini,
              "Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC)", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lake-edhoc-23, 22
              January 2024, <

              Mattsson, J. P., Selander, G., and C. Amsüss,
              "Amplification Attacks Using the Constrained Application
              Protocol (CoAP)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              irtf-t2trg-amplification-attacks-03, 21 February 2024,

   [NIST-ZT]  National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Zero
              Trust Architecture", August 2020,

   [RFC7252]  Shelby, Z., Hartke, K., and C. Bormann, "The Constrained
              Application Protocol (CoAP)", RFC 7252,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7252, June 2014,

   [RFC7959]  Bormann, C. and Z. Shelby, Ed., "Block-Wise Transfers in
              the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)", RFC 7959,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7959, August 2016,

   [RFC8323]  Bormann, C., Lemay, S., Tschofenig, H., Hartke, K.,
              Silverajan, B., and B. Raymor, Ed., "CoAP (Constrained
              Application Protocol) over TCP, TLS, and WebSockets",
              RFC 8323, DOI 10.17487/RFC8323, February 2018,

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

   [RFC8613]  Selander, G., Mattsson, J., Palombini, F., and L. Seitz,
              "Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments
              (OSCORE)", RFC 8613, DOI 10.17487/RFC8613, July 2019,

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   [RFC9052]  Schaad, J., "CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE):
              Structures and Process", STD 96, RFC 9052,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9052, August 2022,

   [RFC9147]  Rescorla, E., Tschofenig, H., and N. Modadugu, "The
              Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol Version
              1.3", RFC 9147, DOI 10.17487/RFC9147, April 2022,

   [RFC9175]  Amsüss, C., Preuß Mattsson, J., and G. Selander,
              "Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP): Echo, Request-
              Tag, and Token Processing", RFC 9175,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9175, February 2022,

   [RFC9177]  Boucadair, M. and J. Shallow, "Constrained Application
              Protocol (CoAP) Block-Wise Transfer Options Supporting
              Robust Transmission", RFC 9177, DOI 10.17487/RFC9177,
              March 2022, <>.

Appendix A.  Change log

   This section is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Changes from -02 to -03:

   *  Renamed "Blocking Attack" to "Selective Blocking Attack", and

   *  Emphasize selectiveness of delay attack.

   *  Acknowledge that response-delay-and-mismatch is mitigated with the
      new token procesing rules.

   *  Acknowledge that fragment rearrangement is mitigated with Request-
      Tag option, as mandatory for Q-Block.

   *  Point to DoS mitigation in t2trg-amplification-attacks.

   *  Point to NIST requirements on zero trust principles (NIST-ZT).

   *  Update acknowledgements.

   *  Editorial changes.

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   The authors would like to thank Carsten Bormann, Mohamed Boucadair,
   Klaus Hartke, Jaime Jiménez, Ari Keränen, Matthias Kovatsch, Achim
   Kraus, Sandeep Kumar, András Méhes, and Jon Swallow for their
   valuable comments and feedback.

Authors' Addresses

   John Preuß Mattsson
   Ericsson AB
   SE-164 80 Stockholm

   John Fornehed
   Ericsson AB
   SE-164 80 Stockholm

   Göran Selander
   Ericsson AB
   SE-164 80 Stockholm

   Francesca Palombini
   Ericsson AB
   SE-164 80 Stockholm

   Christian Amsüss

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