Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-dnsext-signed-nonexistence-requirements


Network Working Group                                          B. Laurie
Internet-Draft                                                   Nominet
Expires: December 18, 2006                                     R. Loomis
                                                           June 16, 2006

      Requirements related to DNSSEC Signed Proof of Non-Existence

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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).


   DNSSEC-bis uses the NSEC record to provide authenticated denial of
   existence of RRsets.  NSEC also has the side-effect of permitting
   zone enumeration, even if zone transfers have been forbidden.
   Because some see this as a problem, this document has been assembled
   to detail the possible requirements for denial of existence A/K/A
   signed proof of non-existence.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.  Terminology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   3.  Non-purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   4.  Group 1 - Zone Enumeration and exposure  . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   5.  Group 2 - Zone Size  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   6.  Group 3 - Compatibility and Transition . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   7.  Group 4 - Empty Non-terminals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   8.  Group 5 - DNSSEC-Adoption and Zone-Growth Relationship . . . .  6
   9.  Group 6 - Non-overlap of denial records with possible zone
       records  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   10. Group 7 - Exposure of Private Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   11. Group 8 - Minimisation of Zone Signing Cost  . . . . . . . . .  8
   12. Group 9 - DoS prevention/symmetric cost  . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   13. Group 10 - Acceptable Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   14. Group 11 - Completeness  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   15. Group 12 - Purity of Namespace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
   16. Group 13 - Replay Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
   17. Group 14 - Security during Zone Transition . . . . . . . . . .  9
   18. Group 15a - Universal Signing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   19. Group 15b - Universal Signing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   20. Group 15c - Universal Signing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   21. Group 16 - NSEC++ as seen by NSEC-only resolver  . . . . . . . 10
   22. Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   23. Non-requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   24. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   25. Requirements notation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   26. Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   27. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     27.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     27.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . . . 14

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1.  Introduction

   NSEC records allow trivial enumeration of zones - a situation that
   has existed for several years but which has recently been raised as a
   significant concern for DNSSECbis deployment in several zones.
   Alternate proposals have been made that make zone enumeration more
   difficult, and some previous proposals to modify DNSSEC had related
   requirements/desirements that are relevant to the discussion.  In
   addition the original designs for NSEC/NXT records were based on
   working group discussions and the choices made were not always
   documented with context and requirements-- so some of those choices
   may need to be restated as requirements.  Overall, the working group
   needs to better understand the requirements for denial of existence
   (and certain other requirements related to DNSSECbis deployment) in
   order to evaluate the proposals that may replace NSEC.  The -01
   version of this document was presented at IETF61 on 10 November 2004
   along with a re-categorization of the then-current list of potential
   requirements.  This version of the document formalizes that re-
   categorization of the requirements, and is intended to serve as the
   basis for further discussions and evaluation of potential solutions.

2.  Terminology

   In the remainder of this document, "NSEC++" is used as shorthand for
   "a denial of existence proof that will replace NSEC".  "NSECbis" has
   also been used as shorthand for this, but we avoid that usage since
   NSECbis will not be part of DNSSECbis and therefore there might be
   some confusion.  We also use the term "DNSSEC-TNG" A/K/A "DNSSECter".
   This is meant to indicate the current DNSSECbis plus whatever changes
   are required as part of NSEC++.  We expect that DNSSECter will likely
   still include the current NSEC record as well.

3.  Non-purposes

   This document does not currently document the reasons why zone
   enumeration might be "bad" from a privacy, security, business, or
   other perspective--except insofar as those reasons result in
   requirements.  Once the list of requirements is complete and vaguely
   coherent, the trade-offs (reducing zone enumeration will have X cost,
   while providing Y benefit) may be revisited.  The editors of this
   compendium received inputs on the potential reasons why zone
   enumeration is bad (and there was significant discussion on the
   DNSEXT WG mailing list) but that information fell outside the scope
   of this document.

   Note also that this document does not assume that NSEC *must* be

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   replaced with NSEC++, if the requirements can be met through other
   methods (e.g., "white lies" with the current NSEC).  As is stated
   above, this document is focused on requirements collection and
   (ideally) prioritization rather than on the actual implementation.

4.  Group 1 - Zone Enumeration and exposure

   Comprised of previous requirements numbered as 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 26

   The editors suggest that these boil down to: "DNSSECter should not
   make it easier to enumerate zones than it is with plain DNS."

   We believe that this is a high-priority requirement.

   Threshold requirement: Enumeration is at least non-trivial (where
   current NSEC provides a linked list that is considered trivial to

   A concrete test might be that a random zone is infeasible to fully
   enumerate--this also reflects the "goal requirement"

   Contributor: various

5.  Group 2 - Zone Size

   Requirement: NSEC++ should make it possible to take precautions
   against trivial zone size estimates.  Since not all zone owners care
   about others estimation of the size of a zone, it is not always
   necessary to prohibit trivial estimation of the size of the zone but
   NSEC++ should allow such measures.

   We believe that this is a "nice to have" item and not a true
   requirement, and recommend weighting it appropriately when
   considering solutions.

   Additional Discussion: Even with proposals based on obfuscating names
   with hashes it is trivial to give very good estimates of the number
   of domains in a certain zone.  Just send 10 random queries and look
   at the range between the two hash values returned in each NSEC++.  As
   hash output can be assumed to follow a rectangular random
   distribution, using the mean difference between the two values, you
   can estimate the total number of records.  It is probably sufficient
   to look at even one NSEC++, since the two hash values should follow a
   (I believe) Poisson distribution.

   The concern is motivated by some wording remembered from NSEC, which

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   stated that NSEC MUST only be present for existing owner names in the
   zone, and MUST NOT be present for non-existing owner names.  If
   similar wording were carried over to NSEC++, introducing bogus owner
   names in the hash chain (an otherwise simple solution to guard
   against trivial estimates of zone size) wouldn't be allowed.

   One simple attempt at solving this is to describe in the
   specifications how zone signer tools can add a number of random
   "junk" records.

   Editor's comment: it is interesting that obfuscating names might
   actually make it easier to estimate zone size.

   Contributor: Simon Josefsson.

6.  Group 3 - Compatibility and Transition

   Comprised of requirements previously numbered as 8, 20, 21, 22, 23,

   Editor comments: The editors suggest that these boil down to,
   "Current deployment of DNSSECbis with NSEC, by those who care not
   about zone enumeration, should not be affected by future NSEC++

   We believe that this is a high priority requirement.

   NOTE: Requirement 8 is no longer truly applicable, because it would
   have mandated a change to the draft DNSSECbis documents that was not
   made before they were submitted for IESG review.

   Contributor: Various

7.  Group 4 - Empty Non-terminals

   Goal: Empty-non-terminals (ENT) should remain empty.  In other words,
   adding NSEC++ records to an existing DNS structure should not cause
   the creation of NSEC++ records (or related records) at points that
   are otherwise ENT.

   Editor comments: We believe that this is a low-priority desire and
   not a strict requirement, and we recommend that it be weighted
   appropriately when comparing possible solutions.

   Additional discussion: Currently NSEC complies with ENT requirement: NSEC implies the existence of an ENT

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   with ownername  NSEC2 breaks that requirement, since
   the ownername is entirely hashed causing the structure to disappear.
   This is why EXIST was introduced.  But EXIST causes ENT to be non-
   empty-terminals.  Next to the dissappearance of ENT, it causes (some)
   overhead since an EXIST record needs a SIG, NSEC2 and SIG(NSEC2).
   DNSNR honours this requirement by hashing individual labels instead
   of ownernames.  However this causes very long labels.  Truncation is
   a measure against very long ownernames, but that is controversial.
   There is a fair discussion of the validity of truncation in the DNSNR
   draft, but that hasn't got proper review yet.

   Contributor: Roy Arends.

   (Editor comment: it is not clear to us that an EXIST record needs an
   NSEC2 record, since it is a special purpose record only used for
   denial of existence)

8.  Group 5 - DNSSEC-Adoption and Zone-Growth Relationship

   Background: Currently with NSEC, when a delegation centric zone
   deploys DNSSEC, the zone-size multiplies by a non-trivial factor even
   when the DNSSEC-adoption rate of the subzones remains low--because
   each delegation point creates at least one NSEC record and
   corresponding signature in the parent even if the child is not

   Goal/Requirements: A delegation-only (or delegation-mostly) zone that
   is signed but which has no signed child zones should initially need
   only to add SIG(SOA), DNSKEY, and SIG(DNSKEY) at the apex, along with
   some minimal set of NSEC++ records to cover zone contents.  Further,
   during the transition of a delegation-only zone from 0% signed
   children to 100% signed children, the growth in the delegation-only
   zone should be roughly proportional to the percentage of signed child

   Editor comments: We believe that this is a medium-priority goal or
   desire and should be considered.  Because of the similarity of this
   item to the older "opt-in signed zones" proposal, we recognize that
   consideration of this item may bog down the DNSEXT WG and that a
   decision must be made by the WG chairs.

   Additional Discussion: This is why DNSNR has the Authoritative Only
   bit.  This is similar to opt-in for delegations only.  This (bit) is
   currently the only method to help delegation-centric zone cope with
   zone-growth due to DNSSEC adoption.  As an example, A delegation only
   zone which deploys DNSSEC with the help of this bit, needs to add

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   more than that.

   Contributor: Roy Arends.

9.  Group 6 - Non-overlap of denial records with possible zone records

   Goal: NSEC++ records should in some way be differentiated from
   regular zone records, so that there is no possibility that a record
   in the zone could be duplicated by a non-existence proof (NSEC++)

   Editor comment: We are not sure that this is a valid concern much
   less a requirement.  Even if there is an apparent conflict or
   overlap, the "conflicting" NSEC2 name _only_ appears in NSEC2
   records, and the other name _never_ appears in NSEC2 records.
   Protocols cannot protect against all possible silly or foolish
   actions, and should a randomly chosen salt produce an NSEC2 record
   that matches a zone entry (either current or future) then the
   solution will be to pick a new salt and re-sign the zone.

   Additional discussion: This requirement is derived from a discussion
   on the DNSEXT mailing list related to copyrights and domain names.
   As was outlined there, one solution would be to put NSEC++ records in
   a separate namespace, e.g.: $ORIGIN
   873bcdba87401b485022b8dcd4190e3e IN NS ; your
   delegation 873bcdba87401b485022b8dcd4190e3e._no IN NSEC++ 881345... ;
   for  However, it is not obvious that this separate
   namespace is useful.

   Contributor: various

10.  Group 7 - Exposure of Private Keys

   Private keys associated with the public keys in the DNS should be
   exposed as little as possible.  It is highly undesirable for private
   keys to be distributed to nameservers, or to otherwise be available
   in the run-time environment of nameservers.

   We believe that this is a medium priority desire.  For some
   organizations the use of online keys may be an acceptable trade-off
   if it allows the prevention of zone enumeration.  On the other hand,
   there are some organizations which may be concerned about zone
   enumeration and for whom online storage/availability of keys on the
   authoritative servers may be unacceptable.

   Contributors: Nominet, Olaf Kolkman, Ed Lewis

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11.  Group 8 - Minimisation of Zone Signing Cost

   The additional cost of creating an NSEC++ signed zone should not
   significantly exceed the cost of creating an ordinary signed zone.
   Furthermore, DNSSEC++ should not make incremental signing of existing
   zones any "harder" (in terms of computational or administrative
   resources) than it currently is with DNSSECbis/NSEC.

   We believe that this is a medium-priority desire.

   Contributor: Nominet

12.  Group 9 - DoS prevention/symmetric cost

   NSEC++ should not make Denial of Service (DoS) attacks significantly
   more effective than plain DNSSECbis.  Any increase in real-time cost
   at the name server (to respond) should correspond to a proportional
   increase in real-time cost to generate the original query.

   Editor comment: We believe that this is a low-priority desire.  In
   general DNSSEC makes DoS attacks against both authoritative and
   recursive DNS servers so much easier that the answer will be to
   increase available server CPU resources.  Further, we are not sure
   that this a realistic requirement given the other requirements for
   NSEC++.  In the end, we recommend that this be considered along with
   other factors when reviewing potential solutions.

   Contributor: Nominet

13.  Group 10 - Acceptable Complexity

   Caching, wildcards, CNAMEs, and DNAMEs should continue to work
   without significant increases in complexity at the client side--where
   complexity specifically includes complexity of operational usage and
   complexity of validator implementation.

   We believe that this is a medium priority desire.

   Contributor: Olaf Kolkman

14.  Group 11 - Completeness

   There should not be a proof of nonexistence possible for any valid
   data in the zone.  NOTE: This has a much different meaning than the
   way in which this requirement was stated in the -01 version of this

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   document, based on further discussions with the original contributor.

   This requirement now appears to conflict with Group 5 above and has
   been given the same priority as Group 5 (previously requirement 11).
   The WG will need to resolve the conflict and remove one of the two
   goals/requirements from consideration.

   Contributor: Olaf Kolkman

15.  Group 12 - Purity of Namespace

   The name space should not be muddied with fake names or data sets.

   Editor comment: After further discussion with the contributor, this
   appears to be more of an awareness issue than a true requirement, and
   one that may be possible to address on the implementation side.  See
   also Group 6, which appears to be based on similar concerns (although
   the similarity was not identified during discussions at IETF 61).

   Contributor: Ed Lewis

16.  Group 13 - Replay Attacks

   Requirement: NSEC++ should not allow replay attacks that are any more
   effective than those which currently exist in DNSSECbis.

   Editor comment: This is a high-priority requirement.  The requirement
   was reworded based on further discussion with the original
   contributor and other WG members.  The basis for the rewording is
   that DNSSECbis by design does not allow replay attacks that deny a
   record which already exists.  However, attacks against a record which
   has been added will succeed (until the signature expires on the
   relevant NSEC)

   Contributor: Ed Lewis

17.  Group 14 - Security during Zone Transition

   Requirement: It should be possible to switch between NSEC and NSEC++
   without any zone data appearing to be unsigned, insecure, or "partly
   secure" during the transition, taking into account externally cached

   Additional discussion: We never want an end-user to see
   "inconsistently signed" data.  Both positive and negative answers

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   should still be able to be validated.

   Editor comment: This is a newly identified requirement.  This is at
   least highly desirable and perhaps a hard-and-fast requirement.

18.  Group 15a - Universal Signing

   Editor comment: The 15 a/b/c nomenclature is used in this version for
   consistency with the presentation made to DNSEXT by the editors
   during IETF 61 in DC.  This should probably be fixed in some way for
   the next version of this document...hopefully in a way that minimizes

   Requirement: "Every zone that can be signed with DNSSECbis can also
   be signed with DNSSECter."  (We believe that this is all zones, but
   do not want to prove it nor raise the bar for DNSSECter.)

   Additional discussion: This is a newly-identified, hard-and-fast

19.  Group 15b - Universal Signing

   Requirement: It should be possible to sign all zones with DNSSECter.

   Additional discussion: Newly identified requirement.  We rate this as
   highly desirable.

20.  Group 15c - Universal Signing

   Requirement: If it is not possible to sign all zones with NSEC++,
   then it should be clearly defined which zones cannot be signed.

   This is a newly identified, hard-and-fast requirement.

21.  Group 16 - NSEC++ as seen by NSEC-only resolver

   Requirement: An NSEC++ (only) zone, regardless of whether parent uses
   NSEC or NSEC++, should appear as consistently unsigned when seen by
   an NSEC-only resolver.

   Basis: We never want an end-user to see "inconsistently signed" data.

   This is a newly-identified requirement.  This is at least highly
   desirable and perhaps a hard-and-fast requirement.

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22.  Prioritization

   Clearly not all of these requirements can be met.  Therefore the
   editors have attempted to prioritize the requirements as they
   understand the relevant impacts and needs.  The following lists give
   details as to the prioritization.  The order of listing within each
   priority level is also intended to show which requirements should be
   given higher priority if a "tie-breaker" is needed.  Further, there
   are likely some potential DNSSEC users who would assign different
   priorities to specific requirement sets--these are meant to be an
   overall list that best serves the wider community.

   High priority: Group 1 (Zone enumeration and exposure), group 3
   (compatibility and transition), group 13 (replay), group 15a
   (universal signing), and group 15c (universal signing).

   Medium priority: Group 14 (security during transition), group 15b
   (universal signing), Group 16 (NSEC-only resolver results), group 5
   (adoption and zone growth), group 11 (completeness), group 7
   (exposure of signing keys), group 10 (complexity), group 12 (DNS
   "purity"), group 8 (zone signing cost)

   Low priority: Group 9 (DoS prevention), group 2 (zone size), group 4
   (Empty non-terminals), group 6 (non-overlap in namespace)

23.  Non-requirements

   Explicit non-requirement: Prevent enumeration of RR types for a given

   Even if it is notionally possible to provide this capability, we
   expect a steep cost and little benefit.

   Future provision of this capability is not prevented, if warranted.

24.  Acknowledgements

25.  Requirements notation

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

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26.  Security Considerations

   There are only very limited security considerations called out in
   this draft, primarily related to questions of whether some of the
   methods for avoiding zone enumeration might require a message to be
   cryptographically signed "on the fly", which would imply that private
   keys must in some way be accessible on authoritative nameservers.

   There will be security considerations in the choice of which
   requirements will be implemented, but there are no specific security
   requirements during the requirements collection process.

27.  References

27.1.  Normative References

              "DNSSECbis Protocol Definitions", BCP XX, RFC XXXX, Some
              Month 2004.

27.2.  Informative References

   [RFC2026]  Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision
              3", BCP 9, RFC 2026, October 1996.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2418]  Bradner, S., "IETF Working Group Guidelines and
              Procedures", BCP 25, RFC 2418, September 1998.

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Authors' Addresses

   Ben Laurie
   17 Perryn Road
   London  W3 7LR

   Phone: +44 (20) 8735 0686

   Rip Loomis
   Science Applications International Corporation
   7125 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 300
   Columbia, MD  21046


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   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
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   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
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   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).  This document is subject
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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