Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-httpbis-resumable-upload


HTTP                                                      M. Kleidl, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                               Transloadit
Intended status: Standards Track                           G. Zhang, Ed.
Expires: 5 September 2024                                     Apple Inc.
                                                          L. Pardue, Ed.
                                                            4 March 2024

                       Resumable Uploads for HTTP


   HTTP clients often encounter interrupted data transfers as a result
   of canceled requests or dropped connections.  Prior to interruption,
   part of a representation may have been exchanged.  To complete the
   data transfer of the entire representation, it is often desirable to
   issue subsequent requests that transfer only the remainder of the
   representation.  HTTP range requests support this concept of
   resumable downloads from server to client.  This document describes a
   mechanism that supports resumable uploads from client to server using

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Status information for this document may be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the HTTP Working Group
   mailing list (, which is archived at  Working Group
   information can be found at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Example 1: Complete upload of file with known size  . . .   4
     3.2.  Example 2: Upload as a series of parts  . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Upload Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  Feature Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.2.  Draft Version Identification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  Offset Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  Upload Append . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   7.  Upload Cancellation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   8.  Header Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     8.1.  Upload-Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     8.2.  Upload-Complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   9.  Redirection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   11. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   12. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     12.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     12.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

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   Appendix A.  Informational Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   Appendix B.  Feature Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Appendix C.  Upload Metadata  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   Appendix D.  FAQ  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     Since draft-ietf-httpbis-resumable-upload-02  . . . . . . . . .  22
     Since draft-ietf-httpbis-resumable-upload-01  . . . . . . . . .  22
     Since draft-ietf-httpbis-resumable-upload-00  . . . . . . . . .  22
     Since draft-tus-httpbis-resumable-uploads-protocol-02 . . . . .  23
     Since draft-tus-httpbis-resumable-uploads-protocol-01 . . . . .  23
     Since draft-tus-httpbis-resumable-uploads-protocol-00 . . . . .  23
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

1.  Introduction

   HTTP clients often encounter interrupted data transfers as a result
   of canceled requests or dropped connections.  Prior to interruption,
   part of a representation (see Section 3.2 of [HTTP]) might have been
   exchanged.  To complete the data transfer of the entire
   representation, it is often desirable to issue subsequent requests
   that transfer only the remainder of the representation.  HTTP range
   requests (see Section 14 of [HTTP]) support this concept of resumable
   downloads from server to client.

   HTTP methods such as POST or PUT can be used by clients to request
   processing of representation data enclosed in the request message.
   The transfer of representation data from client to server is often
   referred to as an upload.  Uploads are just as likely as downloads to
   suffer from the effects of data transfer interruption.  Humans can
   play a role in upload interruptions through manual actions such as
   pausing an upload.  Regardless of the cause of an interruption,
   servers may have received part of the representation before its
   occurrence and it is desirable if clients can complete the data
   transfer by sending only the remainder of the representation.  The
   process of sending additional parts of a representation using
   subsequent HTTP requests from client to server is herein referred to
   as a resumable upload.

   Connection interruptions are common and the absence of a standard
   mechanism for resumable uploads has lead to a proliferation of custom
   solutions.  Some of those use HTTP, while others rely on other
   transfer mechanisms entirely.  An HTTP-based standard solution is
   desirable for such a common class of problem.

   This document defines an optional mechanism for HTTP that enables
   resumable uploads in a way that is backwards-compatible with
   conventional HTTP uploads.  When an upload is interrupted, clients

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   can send subsequent requests to query the server state and use this
   information to send the remaining data.  Alternatively, they can
   cancel the upload entirely.  Different from ranged downloads, this
   protocol does not support transferring different parts of the same
   representation in parallel.

2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   The terms Byte Sequence, Item, String, Token, Integer, and Boolean
   are imported from [STRUCTURED-FIELDS].

   The terms client and server are from [HTTP].

3.  Overview

   Resumable uploads are supported in HTTP through use of a temporary
   resource, an _upload resource_, that is separate from the resource
   being uploaded to (hereafter, the _target resource_) and specific to
   that upload.  By interacting with the upload resource, a client can
   retrieve the current offset of the upload (Section 5), append to the
   upload (Section 6), and cancel the upload (Section 7).

   The remainder of this section uses an example of a file upload to
   illustrate different interactions with the upload resource.  Note,
   however, that HTTP message exchanges use representation data (see
   Section 8.1 of [HTTP]), which means that resumable uploads can be
   used with many forms of content -- not just static files.

3.1.  Example 1: Complete upload of file with known size

   In this example, the client first attempts to upload a file with a
   known size in a single HTTP request to the target resource.  An
   interruption occurs and the client then attempts to resume the upload
   using subsequent HTTP requests to the upload resource.

   1) The client notifies the server that it wants to begin an upload
   (Section 4).  The server reserves the required resources to accept
   the upload from the client, and the client begins transferring the
   entire file in the request content.

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   An informational response can be sent to the client, which signals
   the server's support of resumable upload as well as the upload
   resource URL via the Location header field (Section 10.2.2 of

   Client                                  Server
   |                                            |
   | POST                                       |
   |                                            |
   |                                            | Reserve resources
   |                                            | for upload
   |                                            |-----------------.
   |                                            |                 |
   |                                            |<----------------'
   |                                            |
   |            104 Upload Resumption Supported |
   |            with upload resouce URL         |
   |                                            |
   | Flow Interrupted                           |
   |                                            |

                         Figure 1: Upload Creation

   2) If the connection to the server is interrupted, the client might
   want to resume the upload.  However, before this is possible the
   client needs to know the amount of data that the server received
   before the interruption.  It does so by retrieving the offset
   (Section 5) from the upload resource.

   Client                                       Server
   |                                                 |
   | HEAD to upload resource URL                     |
   |                                                 |
   |               204 No Content with Upload-Offset |
   |                                                 |

                         Figure 2: Offset Retrieval

   3) The client can resume the upload by sending the remaining file
   content to the upload resource (Section 6), appending to the already
   stored data in the upload.  The Upload-Offset value is included to
   ensure that the client and server agree on the offset that the upload
   resumes from.

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   Client                                       Server
   |                                                 |
   | PATCH to upload resource URL with Upload-Offset |
   |                                                 |
   |                      201 Created on completion  |
   |                                                 |

                          Figure 3: Upload Append

   4) If the client is not interested in completing the upload, it can
   instruct the upload resource to delete the upload and free all
   related resources (Section 7).

   Client                                       Server
   |                                                 |
   | DELETE to upload resource URL                   |
   |                                                 |
   |                    204 No Content on completion |
   |                                                 |

                       Figure 4: Upload Cancellation

3.2.  Example 2: Upload as a series of parts

   In some cases, clients might prefer to upload a file as a series of
   parts sent serially across multiple HTTP messages.  One use case is
   to overcome server limits on HTTP message content size.  Another use
   case is where the client does not know the final size, such as when
   file data originates from a streaming source.

   This example shows how the client, with prior knowledge about the
   server's resumable upload support, can upload parts of a file

   1) If the client is aware that the server supports resumable upload,
   it can start an upload with the Upload-Complete field value set to
   false and the first part of the file.

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   Client                                       Server
   |                                                 |
   | POST with Upload-Complete: ?0                   |
   |                                                 |
   |            201 Created with Upload-Complete: ?0 |
   |            and Location on completion           |
   |                                                 |

                    Figure 5: Incomplete Upload Creation

   2) Subsequently, parts are appended (Section 6).  The last part of
   the upload has a Upload-Complete field value set to true to indicate
   the complete transfer.

   Client                                       Server
   |                                                 |
   | PATCH to upload resource URL with               |
   | Upload-Offset and Upload-Complete: ?1           |
   |                                                 |
   |                       201 Created on completion |
   |                                                 |

                     Figure 6: Upload Append Last Chunk

4.  Upload Creation

   When a resource supports resumable uploads, the first step is
   creating the upload resource.  To be compatible with the widest range
   of resources, this is accomplished by including the Upload-Complete
   header field in the request that initiates the upload.

   As a consequence, resumable uploads support all HTTP request methods
   that can carry content, such as POST, PUT, and PATCH.  Similarly, the
   response to the upload request can have any status code.  Both the
   method(s) and status code(s) supported are determined by the

   Upload-Complete MUST be set to false if the end of the request
   content is not the end of the upload.  Otherwise, it MUST be set to
   true.  This header field can be used for request identification by a
   server.  The request MUST NOT include the Upload-Offset header field.

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   If the request is valid, the server SHOULD create an upload resource.
   Then, the server MUST include the Location header field in the
   response and set its value to the URL of the upload resource.  The
   client MAY use this URL for offset retrieval (Section 5), upload
   append (Section 6), and upload cancellation (Section 7).

   Once the upload resource is available and while the request content
   is being uploaded, the target resource MAY send one or more
   informational responses with a 104 (Upload Resumption Supported)
   status code to the client.  In the first informational response, the
   Location header field MUST be set to the URL pointing to the upload
   resource.  In subsequent informational responses, the Location header
   field MUST NOT be set.  An informational response MAY contain the
   Upload-Offset header field with the current upload offset as the
   value to inform the client about the upload progress.  In subsequent
   informational responses, the upload offset MUST NOT be smaller than
   in previous informational responses.  In addition, later offset
   retrievals (Section 5) MUST NOT receive an upload offset that is less
   than the offset reported in the latest informational response,
   allowing the client to free associated resources.

   The server MUST send the Upload-Offset header field in the response
   if it considers the upload active, either when the response is a
   success (e.g. 201 (Created)), or when the response is a failure (e.g.
   409 (Conflict)).  The Upload-Offset field value MUST be equal to the
   end offset of the entire upload, or the begin offset of the next
   chunk if the upload is still incomplete.  The client SHOULD consider
   the upload failed if the response has a status code that indicates a
   success but the offset indicated in the Upload-Offset field value
   does not equal the total of begin offset plus the number of bytes
   uploaded in the request.

   If the request completes successfully and the entire upload is
   complete, the server MUST acknowledge it by responding with a
   successful status code between 200 and 299 (inclusive).  Servers are
   RECOMMENDED to use 201 (Created) unless otherwise specified.  The
   response MUST NOT include the Upload-Complete header field with the
   value of false.

   If the request completes successfully but the entire upload is not
   yet complete, as indicated by an Upload-Complete field value of false
   in the request, the server MUST acknowledge it by responding with the
   201 (Created) status code and an Upload-Complete header value set to

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   If the request includes an Upload-Complete field value set to true
   and a valid Content-Length header field, the client attempts to
   upload a fixed-length resource in one request.  In this case, the
   upload's final size is the Content-Length field value and the server
   MUST record it to ensure its consistency.

   The request content MAY be empty.  If the Upload-Complete header
   field is then set to true, the client intends to upload an empty
   entity.  An Upload-Complete header field is set to false is also
   valid.  This can be used to create an upload resource URL before
   transferring data, which can save client or server resources.  Since
   informational responses are optional, this technique provides another
   mechanism to learn the URL, at the cost of an additional round-trip
   before data upload can commence.

   The following example shows an upload creation.  The client transfers
   the entire 100 bytes in the first request.  The server generates two
   informational responses to transmit the upload resource's URL and
   progress information, and one final response to acknowledge the
   completed upload:

   POST /upload HTTP/1.1
   Upload-Draft-Interop-Version: 5
   Upload-Complete: ?1
   Content-Length: 100

   [content (100 bytes)]

   HTTP/1.1 104 Upload Resumption Supported
   Upload-Draft-Interop-Version: 5

   HTTP/1.1 104 Upload Resumption Supported
   Upload-Draft-Interop-Version: 5
   Upload-Offset: 50

   HTTP/1.1 201 Created
   Upload-Offset: 100

   The next example shows an upload creation, where only the first 25
   bytes are transferred.  The server acknowledges the received data and
   that the upload is not complete yet:

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   POST /upload HTTP/1.1
   Upload-Draft-Interop-Version: 5
   Upload-Complete: ?0
   Content-Length: 25

   [partial content (25 bytes)]

   HTTP/1.1 201 Created
   Upload-Complete: ?0
   Upload-Offset: 25

   If the client received an informational response with the upload URL
   in the Location field value, it MAY automatically attempt upload
   resumption when the connection is terminated unexpectedly, or if a
   5xx status is received.  The client SHOULD NOT automatically retry if
   it receives a 4xx status code.

   File metadata can affect how servers might act on the uploaded file.
   Clients can send representation metadata (see Section 8.3 of [HTTP])
   in the request that starts an upload.  Servers MAY interpret this
   metadata or MAY ignore it.  The Content-Type header field
   (Section 8.3 of [HTTP]) can be used to indicate the MIME type of the
   file.  The Content-Disposition header field ([RFC6266]) can be used
   to transmit a filename; if included, the parameters SHOULD be either
   filename, filename* or boundary.

4.1.  Feature Detection

   If the client has no knowledge of whether the resource supports
   resumable uploads, a resumable request can be used with some
   additional constraints.  In particular, the Upload-Complete field
   value (Section 8.2) MUST NOT be false if the server support is
   unclear.  This allows the upload to function as if it is a regular

   Servers SHOULD use the 104 (Upload Resumption Supported)
   informational response to indicate their support for a resumable
   upload request.

   Clients MUST NOT attempt to resume an upload unless they receive 104
   (Upload Resumption Supported) informational response, or have other
   out-of-band methods to determine server support for resumable

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4.2.  Draft Version Identification

      *RFC Editor's Note:* Please remove this section and Upload-Draft-
      Interop-Version from all examples prior to publication of a final
      version of this document.

   The current interop version is 5.

   Client implementations of draft versions of the protocol MUST send a
   header field Upload-Draft-Interop-Version with the interop version as
   its value to its requests.  The Upload-Draft-Interop-Version field
   value is an Integer.

   Server implementations of draft versions of the protocol MUST NOT
   send a 104 (Upload Resumption Supported) informational response when
   the interop version indicated by the Upload-Draft-Interop-Version
   header field in the request is missing or mismatching.

   Server implementations of draft versions of the protocol MUST also
   send a header field Upload-Draft-Interop-Version with the interop
   version as its value to the 104 (Upload Resumption Supported)
   informational response.

   Client implementations of draft versions of the protocol MUST ignore
   a 104 (Upload Resumption Supported) informational response with
   missing or mismatching interop version indicated by the Upload-Draft-
   Interop-Version header field.

   The reason both the client and the server are sending and checking
   the draft version is to ensure that implementations of the final RFC
   will not accidentally interop with draft implementations, as they
   will not check the existence of the Upload-Draft-Interop-Version
   header field.

5.  Offset Retrieval

   If an upload is interrupted, the client MAY attempt to fetch the
   offset of the incomplete upload by sending a HEAD request to the
   upload resource.

   The request MUST NOT include an Upload-Offset or Upload-Complete
   header field.  The server MUST reject requests with either of these
   fields by responding with a 400 (Bad Request) status code.

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   If the server considers the upload resource to be active, it MUST
   respond with a 204 (No Content) or 200 (OK) status code.  The
   response MUST include the Upload-Offset header field, with the value
   set to the current resumption offset for the target resource.  The
   response MUST include the Upload-Complete header field; the value is
   set to true only if the upload is complete.

   An upload is considered complete only if the server completely and
   successfully received a corresponding creation request (Section 4) or
   append request (Section 6) with the Upload-Complete header value set
   to true.

   The client MUST NOT perform offset retrieval while creation
   (Section 4) or append (Section 6) is in progress.

   The offset MUST be accepted by a subsequent append (Section 6).  Due
   to network delay and reordering, the server might still be receiving
   data from an ongoing transfer for the same upload resource, which in
   the client perspective has failed.  The server MAY terminate any
   transfers for the same upload resource before sending the response by
   abruptly terminating the HTTP connection or stream.  Alternatively,
   the server MAY keep the ongoing transfer alive but ignore further
   bytes received past the offset.

   The client MUST NOT start more than one append (Section 6) based on
   the resumption offset from a single offset retrieving (Section 5)

   In order to prevent HTTP caching, the response SHOULD include a
   Cache-Control header field with the value no-store.

   If the server does not consider the upload resource to be active, it
   MUST respond with a 404 (Not Found) status code.

   The resumption offset can be less than or equal to the number of
   bytes the client has already sent.  The client MAY reject an offset
   which is greater than the number of bytes it has already sent during
   this upload.  The client is expected to handle backtracking of a
   reasonable length.  If the offset is invalid for this upload, or if
   the client cannot backtrack to the offset and reproduce the same
   content it has already sent, the upload MUST be considered a failure.
   The client MAY cancel the upload (Section 7) after rejecting the

   The following example shows an offset retrieval request.  The server
   indicates the new offset and that the upload is not complete yet:

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   HEAD /upload/b530ce8ff HTTP/1.1
   Upload-Draft-Interop-Version: 5

   HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
   Upload-Offset: 100
   Upload-Complete: ?0
   Cache-Control: no-store

   The client SHOULD NOT automatically retry if a client error status
   code between 400 and 499 (inclusive) is received.

6.  Upload Append

   Upload appending is used for resuming an existing upload.

   The request MUST use the PATCH method and be sent to the upload
   resource.  The Upload-Offset field value (Section 8.1) MUST be set to
   the resumption offset.

   If the end of the request content is not the end of the upload, the
   Upload-Complete field value (Section 8.2) MUST be set to false.

   The server SHOULD respect representation metadata received during
   creation (Section 4) and ignore any representation metadata received
   from appending (Section 6).

   If the server does not consider the upload associated with the upload
   resource active, it MUST respond with a 404 (Not Found) status code.

   The client MUST NOT perform multiple upload transfers for the same
   upload resource in parallel.  This helps avoid race conditions, and
   data loss or corruption.  The server is RECOMMENDED to take measures
   to avoid parallel upload transfers: The server MAY terminate any
   creation (Section 4) or append (Section 6) for the same upload URL.
   Since the client is not allowed to perform multiple transfers in
   parallel, the server can assume that the previous attempt has already
   failed.  Therefore, the server MAY abruptly terminate the previous
   HTTP connection or stream.

   If the offset indicated by the Upload-Offset field value does not
   match the offset provided by the immediate previous offset retrieval
   (Section 5), or the end offset of the immediate previous incomplete
   successful transfer, the server MUST respond with a 409 (Conflict)
   status code.

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   While the request content is being uploaded, the target resource MAY
   send one or more informational responses with a 104 (Upload
   Resumption Supported) status code to the client.  These informational
   responses MUST NOT contain the Location header field.  They MAY
   include the Upload-Offset header field with the current upload offset
   as the value to inform the client about the upload progress.  The
   same restrictions on the Upload-Offset header field in informational
   responses from the upload creation (Section 4) apply.

   The server MUST send the Upload-Offset header field in the response
   if it considers the upload active, either when the response is a
   success (e.g. 201 (Created)), or when the response is a failure (e.g.
   409 (Conflict)).  The value MUST be equal to the end offset of the
   entire upload, or the begin offset of the next chunk if the upload is
   still incomplete.  The client SHOULD consider the upload failed if
   the status code indicates a success but the offset indicated by the
   Upload-Offset field value does not equal the total of begin offset
   plus the number of bytes uploaded in the request.

   If the request completes successfully and the entire upload is
   complete, the server MUST acknowledge it by responding with a
   successful status code between 200 and 299 (inclusive).  Servers are
   RECOMMENDED to use a 201 (Created) response if not otherwise
   specified.  The response MUST NOT include the Upload-Complete header
   field with the value set to false.

   If the request completes successfully but the entire upload is not
   yet complete indicated by the Upload-Complete field value set to
   false, the server MUST acknowledge it by responding with a 201
   (Created) status code and the Upload-Complete field value set to

   If the request includes the Upload-Complete field value set to true
   and a valid Content-Length header field, the client attempts to
   upload the remaining resource in one request.  In this case, the
   upload's final size is the sum of the upload's offset and the
   Content-Length header field.  If the server does not have a record of
   the upload's final size from creation or the previous append, the
   server MUST record the upload's final size to ensure its consistency.
   If the server does have a previous record, that value MUST match the
   upload's final size.  If they do not match, the server MUST reject
   the request with a 400 (Bad Request) status code.

   The request content MAY be empty.  If the Upload-Complete field is
   then set to true, the client wants to complete the upload without
   appending additional data.

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   The following example shows an upload append.  The client transfers
   the next 100 bytes at an offset of 100 and does not indicate that the
   upload is then completed.  The server acknowledges the new offset:

   PATCH /upload/b530ce8ff HTTP/1.1
   Upload-Offset: 100
   Upload-Draft-Interop-Version: 5
   Content-Length: 100

   [content (100 bytes)]

   HTTP/1.1 201 Created
   Upload-Offset: 200

   The client MAY automatically attempt upload resumption when the
   connection is terminated unexpectedly, or if a server error status
   code between 500 and 599 (inclusive) is received.  The client SHOULD
   NOT automatically retry if a client error status code between 400 and
   499 (inclusive) is received.

7.  Upload Cancellation

   If the client wants to terminate the transfer without the ability to
   resume, it can send a DELETE request to the upload resource.  Doing
   so is an indication that the client is no longer interested in
   continuing the upload, and that the server can release any resources
   associated with it.

   The client MUST NOT initiate cancellation without the knowledge of
   server support.

   The request MUST use the DELETE method.  The request MUST NOT include
   an Upload-Offset or Upload-Complete header field.  The server MUST
   reject the request with a Upload-Offset or Upload-Complete header
   field with a 400 (Bad Request) status code.

   If the server successfully deactivates the upload resource, it MUST
   respond with a 204 (No Content) status code.

   The server MAY terminate any in-flight requests to the upload
   resource before sending the response by abruptly terminating their
   HTTP connection(s) or stream(s).

   If the server does not consider the upload resource to be active, it
   MUST respond with a 404 (Not Found) status code.

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   If the server does not support cancellation, it MUST respond with a
   405 (Method Not Allowed) status code.

   The following example shows an upload cancellation:

   DELETE /upload/b530ce8ff HTTP/1.1
   Upload-Draft-Interop-Version: 5

   HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

8.  Header Fields

8.1.  Upload-Offset

   The Upload-Offset request and response header field indicates the
   resumption offset of corresponding upload, counted in bytes.  The
   Upload-Offset field value is an Integer.

8.2.  Upload-Complete

   The Upload-Complete request and response header field indicates
   whether the corresponding upload is considered complete.  The Upload-
   Complete field value is a Boolean.

   The Upload-Complete header field MUST only be used if support by the
   resource is known to the client (Section 4.1).

9.  Redirection

   The 301 (Moved Permanently) and 302 (Found) status codes MUST NOT be
   used in offset retrieval (Section 5) and upload cancellation
   (Section 7) responses.  For other responses, the upload resource MAY
   return a 308 (Permanent Redirect) status code and clients SHOULD use
   new permanent URI for subsequent requests.  If the client receives a
   307 (Temporary Redirect) response to an offset retrieval (Section 5)
   request, it MAY apply the redirection directly in an immediate
   subsequent upload append (Section 6).

10.  Security Considerations

   The upload resource URL is the identifier used for modifying the
   upload.  Without further protection of this URL, an attacker may
   obtain information about an upload, append data to it, or cancel it.
   To prevent this, the server SHOULD ensure that only authorized
   clients can access the upload resource.  In addition, the upload
   resource URL SHOULD be generated in such a way that makes it hard to
   be guessed by unauthorized clients.

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   Some servers or intermediaries provide scanning of content uploaded
   by clients.  Any scanning mechanism that relies on receiving a
   complete file in a single request message can be defeated by
   resumable uploads because content can be split across multiple
   messages.  Servers or intermediaries wishing to perform content
   scanning SHOULD consider how resumable uploads can circumvent
   scanning and take appropriate measures.  Possible strategies include
   waiting for the upload to complete before scanning a full file, or
   disabling resumable uploads.

   Resumable uploads are vulnerable to Slowloris-style attacks
   [SLOWLORIS].  A malicious client may create upload resources and keep
   them alive by regularly sending PATCH requests with no or small
   content to the upload resources.  This could be abused to exhaust
   server resources by creating and holding open uploads indefinitely
   with minimal work.

   Servers SHOULD provide mitigations for Slowloris attacks, such as
   increasing the maximum number of clients the server will allow,
   limiting the number of uploads a single client is allowed to make,
   imposing restrictions on the minimum transfer speed an upload is
   allowed to have, and restricting the length of time an upload
   resource can exist.

11.  IANA Considerations

   IANA is asked to register the following entries in the "Hypertext
   Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Field Name Registry":

      | Field Name      | Status    | Reference                    |
      | Upload-Complete | permanent | Section 8.2 of this document |
      | Upload-Offset   | permanent | Section 8.1 of this document |

                                 Table 1

   IANA is asked to register the following entry in the "HTTP Status
   Codes" registry:

   Value:  104 (suggested value)

   Description:  Upload Resumption Supported

   Specification:  This document

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12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [HTTP]     Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC6266]  Reschke, J., "Use of the Content-Disposition Header Field
              in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)", RFC 6266,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6266, June 2011,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

              Nottingham, M. and P. Kamp, "Structured Field Values for
              HTTP", RFC 8941, DOI 10.17487/RFC8941, February 2021,

12.2.  Informative References

              "RSnake" Hansen, R., "Welcome to Slowloris - the low
              bandwidth, yet greedy and poisonous HTTP client!", June
              2009, <

Appendix A.  Informational Response

   The server is allowed to respond to upload creation (Section 4)
   requests with a 104 (Upload Resumption Supported) intermediate
   response as soon as the server has validated the request.  This way,
   the client knows that the server supports resumable uploads before
   the complete response is received.  The benefit is the clients can
   defer starting the actual data transfer until the server indicates
   full support (i.e. resumable are supported, the provided upload URL
   is active etc).

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   On the contrary, support for intermediate responses (the 1XX range)
   in existing software is limited or not at all present.  Such software
   includes proxies, firewalls, browsers, and HTTP libraries for clients
   and server.  Therefore, the 104 (Upload Resumption Supported) status
   code is optional and not mandatory for the successful completion of
   an upload.  Otherwise, it might be impossible in some cases to
   implement resumable upload servers using existing software packages.
   Furthermore, as parts of the current internet infrastructure
   currently have limited support for intermediate responses, a
   successful delivery of a 104 (Upload Resumption Supported) from the
   server to the client should be assumed.

   We hope that support for intermediate responses increases in the near
   future, to allow a wider usage of 104 (Upload Resumption Supported).

Appendix B.  Feature Detection

   This specification includes a section about feature detection (it was
   called service discovery in earlier discussions, but this name is
   probably ill-suited).  The idea is to allow resumable uploads to be
   transparently implemented by HTTP clients.  This means that
   application developers just keep using the same API of their HTTP
   library as they have done in the past with traditional, non-resumable
   uploads.  Once the HTTP library gets updated (e.g. because mobile OS
   or browsers start implementing resumable uploads), the HTTP library
   can transparently decide to use resumable uploads without explicit
   configuration by the application developer.  Of course, in order to
   use resumable uploads, the HTTP library needs to know whether the
   server supports resumable uploads.  If no support is detected, the
   HTTP library should use the traditional, non-resumable upload
   technique.  We call this process feature detection.

   Ideally, the technique used for feature detection meets following
   *criteria* (there might not be one approach which fits all
   requirements, so we have to prioritize them):

   1.  Avoid additional roundtrips by the client, if possible (i.e. an
       additional HTTP request by the client should be avoided).

   2.  Be backwards compatible to HTTP/1.1 and existing network
       infrastructure: This means to avoid using new features in HTTP/2,
       or features which might require changes to existing network
       infrastructure (e.g. nginx or HTTP libraries)

   3.  Conserve the user's privacy (i.e. the feature detection should
       not leak information to other third-parties about which URLs have
       been connected to)

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   Following *approaches* have already been considered in the past.  All
   except the last approaches have not been deemed acceptable and are
   therefore not included in the specification.  This follow list is a
   reference for the advantages and disadvantages of some approaches:

   *Include a support statement in the SETTINGS frame.* The SETTINGS
   frame is a HTTP/2 feature and is sent by the server to the client to
   exchange information about the current connection.  The idea was to
   include an additional statement in this frame, so the client can
   detect support for resumable uploads without an additional roundtrip.
   The problem is that this is not compatible with HTTP/1.1.
   Furthermore, the SETTINGS frame is intended for information about the
   current connection (not bound to a request/response) and might not be
   persisted when transmitted through a proxy.

   *Include a support statement in the DNS record.* The client can
   detect support when resolving a domain name.  Of course, DNS is not
   semantically the correct layer.  Also, DNS might not be involved if
   the record is cached or retrieved from a hosts files.

   *Send a HTTP request to ask for support.* This is the easiest
   approach where the client sends an OPTIONS request and uses the
   response to determine if the server indicates support for resumable
   uploads.  An alternative is that the client sends the request to a
   well-known URL to obtain this response, e.g. /.well-known/resumable-
   uploads.  Of course, while being fully backwards-compatible, it
   requires an additional roundtrip.

   *Include a support statement in previous responses.* In many cases,
   the file upload is not the first time that the client connects to the
   server.  Often additional requests are sent beforehand for
   authentication, data retrieval etc.  The responses for those requests
   can also include a header field which indicates support for resumable
   uploads.  There are two options: - Use the standardized Alt-Svc
   response header field.  However, it has been indicated to us that
   this header field might be reworked in the future and could also be
   semantically different from our intended usage. - Use a new response
   header field Resumable-Uploads:* to
   indicate under which endpoints support for resumable uploads is

   *Send a 104 intermediate response to indicate support.* The clients
   normally starts a traditional upload and includes a header field
   indicate that it supports resumable uploads (e.g.  Upload-Offset: 0).
   If the server also supports resumable uploads, it will immediately
   respond with a 104 intermediate response to indicate its support,
   before further processing the request.  This way the client is
   informed during the upload whether it can resume from possible

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   connection errors or not.  While an additional roundtrip is avoided,
   the problem with that solution is that many HTTP server libraries do
   not support sending custom 1XX responses and that some proxies may
   not be able to handle new 1XX status codes correctly.

   *Send a 103 Early Hint response to indicate support.* This approach
   is the similar to the above one, with one exception: Instead of a new
   104 (Upload Resumption Supported) status code, the existing 103
   (Early Hint) status code is used in the intermediate response.  The
   103 code would then be accompanied by a header field indicating
   support for resumable uploads (e.g.  Resumable-Uploads: 1).  It is
   unclear whether the Early Hints code is appropriate for that, as it
   is currently only used to indicate resources for prefetching them.

Appendix C.  Upload Metadata

   When an upload is created (Section 4), the Content-Type and Content-
   Disposition header fields are allowed to be included.  They are
   intended to be a standardized way of communicating the file name and
   file type, if available.  However, this is not without controversy.
   Some argue that since these header fields are already defined in
   other specifications, it is not necessary to include them here again.
   Furthermore, the Content-Disposition header field's format is not
   clearly enough defined.  For example, it is left open which
   disposition value should be used in the header field.  There needs to
   be more discussion whether this approach is suited or not.

   However, from experience with the tus project, users are often asking
   for a way to communicate the file name and file type.  Therefore, we
   believe it is help to explicitly include an approach for doing so.

Appendix D.  FAQ

   *  *Are multipart requests supported?* Yes, requests whose content is
      encoded using the multipart/form-data are implicitly supported.
      The entire encoded content can be considered as a single file,
      which is then uploaded using the resumable protocol.  The server,
      of course, must store the delimiter ("boundary") separating each
      part and must be able to parse the multipart format once the
      upload is completed.


   This document is based on an Internet-Draft specification written by
   Jiten Mehta, Stefan Matsson, and the authors of this document.

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   The tus v1 protocol ( is a specification for a
   resumable file upload protocol over HTTP.  It inspired the early
   design of this protocol.  Members of the tus community helped
   significantly in the process of bringing this work to the IETF.

   The authors would like to thank Mark Nottingham for substantive
   contributions to the text.


   This section is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

Since draft-ietf-httpbis-resumable-upload-02

   *  Add upload progress notifications via informational responses.

   *  Add security consideration regarding request filtering.

   *  Explain the use of empty requests for creation uploads and

   *  Extend security consideration to include resource exhaustion

   *  Allow 200 status codes for offset retrieval.

   *  Increase the draft interop version.

Since draft-ietf-httpbis-resumable-upload-01

   *  Replace Upload-Incomplete header with Upload-Complete.

   *  Replace terminology about procedures with HTTP resources.

   *  Increase the draft interop version.

Since draft-ietf-httpbis-resumable-upload-00

   *  Remove Upload-Token and instead use Server-generated upload URL
      for upload identification.

   *  Require the Upload-Incomplete header field in Upload Creation

   *  Increase the draft interop version.

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Since draft-tus-httpbis-resumable-uploads-protocol-02


Since draft-tus-httpbis-resumable-uploads-protocol-01

   *  Clarifying backtracking and preventing skipping ahead during the
      Offset Receiving Procedure.

   *  Clients auto-retry 404 is no longer allowed.

Since draft-tus-httpbis-resumable-uploads-protocol-00

   *  Split the Upload Transfer Procedure into the Upload Creation
      Procedure and the Upload Appending Procedure.

Authors' Addresses

   Marius Kleidl (editor)

   Guoye Zhang (editor)
   Apple Inc.

   Lucas Pardue (editor)

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