Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-idr-bgp-classful-transport-planes


Network Working Group                              K. Vairavakkalai, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                      N. Venkataraman, Ed.
Intended status: Standards Track                  Juniper Networks, Inc.
Expires: 16 February 2023                                       I. Means
                                                               G. Mishra
                                             Verizon Communications Inc.
                                                                J. Gowda
                                                        Extreme Networks
                                                          15 August 2022

                     BGP Classful Transport Planes


   This document specifies a mechanism, referred to as "Intent Driven
   Service Mapping" to express association of overlay routes with
   underlay routes satisfying a certain SLA using BGP.  The document
   describes a framework for classifying underlay routes into transport
   classes and mapping service routes to specific transport class.

   The "Transport class" construct maps to a desired SLA and can be used
   to realize the "Topology Slice" in 5G Network slicing architecture.

   This document specifies BGP protocol procedures that enable
   dissemination of such service mapping information that may span
   multiple cooperating administrative domains.  These domains may be
   administetered by the same provider or by closely co-ordinating
   provider networks.

   A new BGP transport layer address family (SAFI 76) is defined for
   this purpose that uses RFC-4364 technology and follows RFC-8277 NLRI
   encoding.  This new address family is called "BGP Classful
   Transport", aka BGP CT.

   BGP CT makes it possible to advertise multiple tunnels to the same
   destination address, thus avoiding need of multiple loopbacks on the
   egress node.

   It carries transport prefixes across tunnel domain boundaries (e.g.
   in Inter-AS Option-C networks), which is parallel to BGP LU (SAFI 4)
   .  It disseminates "Transport class" information for the transport
   prefixes across the participating domains, which is not possible with
   BGP LU.  This makes the end-to-end network a "Transport Class" aware
   tunneled network.

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   Though BGP CT family is used only in the option-C inter-AS neworks,
   the Service Mapping procedures described in this document apply in
   the same manner to Intra-AS service end points as well as Inter-AS
   option-A, option-B and option-C variations.

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 16 February 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   3.  Transport Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  "Transport Class" Route Target Extended Community . . . . . .   8

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   5.  Transport Route Database  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  Nexthop Resolution Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  BGP Classful Transport Family NLRI  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   8.  Use of Route Distinguisher  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   9.  Comparison with other families using RFC-8277 encoding  . . .  13
   10. Protocol Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     10.1.  Preparing the network to deploy Classful Transport
            planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     10.2.  Origination of Classful Transport route  . . . . . . . .  14
     10.3.  Ingress node receiving Classful Transport route  . . . .  15
     10.4.  Border node readvertising Classful Transport route with
            nexthop self . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     10.5.  Border node receiving Classful Transport route on
            EBGP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     10.6.  Avoiding path-hiding through Route Reflectors  . . . . .  16
     10.7.  Avoiding loop between Route Reflectors in forwarding
            path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     10.8.  Ingress node receiving service route with Mapping
            Community  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     10.9.  Coordinating between domains using different community
            namespaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   11. Flowspec Redirect to IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   12. BGP CT Egress TE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   13. Interaction with BGP attributes specifying nexthop address and
           color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   14. Scaling considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     14.1.  Avoiding unintended spread of BGP CT routes across
            domains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     14.2.  Constrained distribution of PNHs to SNs (On Demand
            Nexthop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     14.3.  Limiting scope of visibility of PE loopback as PNHs  . .  21
   15. OAM considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   16. Applicability to Network Slicing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   17. SRv6 support  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   18. Illustration of procedures with example topology  . . . . . .  23
     18.1.  Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     18.2.  Service Layer route exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     18.3.  Transport Layer route propagation  . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     18.4.  Data plane view  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
       18.4.1.  Steady state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
       18.4.2.  Local repair of primary path . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
       18.4.3.  Absorbing failure of primary path.  Fallback to
               best-effort tunnels.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   19. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     19.1.  New BGP SAFI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     19.2.  New Format for BGP Extended Community  . . . . . . . . .  30
       19.2.1.  Existing registries to be modified . . . . . . . . .  30
       19.2.2.  New registries to be created . . . . . . . . . . . .  31

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     19.3.  MPLS OAM code points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   20. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   21. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36

1.  Introduction

   The mechanisms defined in this document enable brownfiled networks
   deployed using existing technologies like RSVP-TE and greenfield
   networks that use technologies like SPRING achieve 'Intent Driven
   Service Mapping'.

   To facilitate this, the tunnels in a network can be grouped by the
   purpose they serve into a "Transport Class".  These tunnels could be
   created using any signaling protocol including but not limited to
   LDP, RSVP-TE, BGP LU or SPRING.  The tunnels could also use native IP
   or IPv6 as long as they can carry MPLS payload.  Tunnels may exist
   between different pair of end points.  Multiple tunnels may exist
   between the same pair of end points.

   Thus, a Transport Class consists of tunnels created by various
   protocols that satisfy the properties of the class.  For example, a
   "Gold" transport class may consist of tunnels that traverse the
   shortest path with fast re-route protection.  A "Silver" transport
   class may hold tunnels that traverse shortest paths without
   protection.  A "To NbrAS Foo" transport class may hold tunnels that
   exit to neighboring AS Foo and so on.

   The extensions specified in this document can be used to create a BGP
   transport tunnel that potentially spans domains while preserving its
   Transport Class.  Examples of domain are Autonomous System (AS) or
   IGP area.  Within each domain, there is a second level underlay
   tunnel used by BGP to cross the domain.  The second level underlay
   tunnels could be hetrogeneous; each domain may use a different type
   of tunnel (e.g.  MPLS, IP, GRE or SRv6) or use a differnet signaling
   protocol.  A domain boundary is demarcated by a rewrite of BGP
   nexthop to 'self' while readvertising tunnel routes in BGP CT.
   Examples of domain boundary are inter-AS links and inter-region ABRs.
   The path uses MPLS label-switching when crossing domain boundaries
   and uses the native intra-AS tunnel of the desired transport class
   when traversing within a domain.

   Overlay routes carry sufficient indication of the desired Transport
   Classes in the form of a BGP community called the "Mapping
   community".  The "route resolution" procedure on the ingress node
   selects an appropriate tunnel whose destination matches (LPM) the

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   nexthop of the overlay route belonging to the corresponding Transport
   Class.  If the overlay route is carried in BGP, the protocol nexthop
   (or PNH) is carried as an attribute of the route.

   The PNH of the overlay route is also referred to as "Service
   Endpoint" (SEP).  The SEP may exist in the same domain as the service
   ingress node or lie in a different domain, which is adjacent or non-
   adjacent.  In the former case, reachability to the SEP is provided by
   an intra-domain tunneling protocol and in the latter case,
   reachability to the SEP is via BGP transport families (e.g.  SAFI 4
   or 76).

   In this architecture, the intra-domain transport protocols (e.g.
   RSVP-TE, SRTE) are also "Transport Class aware".  They publish
   ingress routes in the Transport Route Database associated with the
   Transport Class at the tunnel ingress node.  These routes are used to
   resolve BGP routes inluding BGP CT which may be further readvertised
   to adjacent domains to extend this tunnel.  How exactly the transport
   protocols are made transport class aware is outside the scope of this

   This document describes mechanisms to:

      Model a "Transport Class" as a "Transport Route Database" on a
      router and to collect tunnel ingress routes of a certain class.

      Enable service routes to resolve over an intended Transport Class
      by virtue of carrying the appropriate "Mapping Community", which
      results in using the corresponding Transport Route Database for
      finding nexthop reachability.

      Publish tunnel ingress routes in a Transport Route Database via
      BGP without any path hiding using BGP VPN and Add-path procedures,
      such that overlay routes in the receiving domains can also resolve
      over tunnels of the associated Transport Class.

      Provide a way for cooperating domains to reconcile any differences
      in extended community namespaces and interoperate between
      different transport signaling protocols in each domain.

   In this document we focus mainly on MPLS as the intra-domain
   transport tunnel forwarding technology, but the mechanisms described
   here would work in similar manner for non-MPLS (e.g.  IP, GRE, UDP or
   SRv6) transport tunnel forwarding technologies too.

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   This document assumes MPLS forwarding as the defacto standard when
   crossing domain boundaries.  However mechanisms specified in this
   document can also support different forwarding technologies (e.g.
   SRv6).  Section 17 (SRv6 support) in this document describes the
   application of BGP CT over SRv6 data plane.

   The document Seamless Segment Routing [Seamless-SR] describes various
   use cases and applications of procedures described in this document.

2.  Terminology

   LSP: Label Switched Path.

   TE : Traffic Engineering.

   SN : Service Node.  A router that sends or receives BGP Service
   routes (e.g.  SAFI 1, 128) with self as nexthop.

   BN : Border Node.  A router that sends or receives BGP Transport
   routes (e.g.  SAFI 4, 76) with self as nexthop.

   TN : Transport Node, P-router.

   BGP-VPN : VPNs built using RFC4364 mechanisms.

   RT : Route-Target extended community.

   RD : Route-Distinguisher.

   VRF: Virtual Router Forwarding Table.

   CsC: Carrier serving Carrier VPN.

   PNH : Protocol-Nexthop address carried in a BGP Update message.

   EP : End point, a loopback address in the network.

   SEP : Service End point, the PNH of a Service route.

   LPM : Longest Prefix Match.

   SLA: Service Level Agreement.

   EPE: Egress Peer Engineering.

   Service Family : BGP address family used for advertising routes for
   "data traffic" as opposed to tunnels (e.g.  SAFI 1 or 128).

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   Transport Family : BGP address family used for advertising tunnels,
   which are in turn used by service routes for resolution (e.g.  SAFI 4
   or 76).

   Transport Tunnel : A tunnel over which a service may place traffic
   (e.g.  GRE, UDP, LDP, RSVP-TE or SPRING).

   Tunnel Ingress Route: Route to Tunnel Destination/Endpoint installed
   at the headend (ingress) of the tunnel by the tunneling protocol.

   Tunnel Domain : A domain of the network containing SNs and BNs under
   a single administrative control that has tunnels between them.  An
   end-to-end tunnel spanning several adjacent tunnel domains can be
   created by "stitching" them together using labels.

   Transport Class : A group of transport tunnels offering the same SLA.

   Transport Class RT : A Route-Target extended community used to
   identify a specific Transport Class.

   Transport Route Database : At the SN and BN, a Transport Class has an
   associated Transport Route Database that collects its tunnel ingress

   Transport Plane : An end to end plane comprising of transport tunnels
   belonging to same Transport Class.  Tunnels of same Transport Class
   are stitched together by BGP CT route readvertisements with nexthop
   self to enable Label-Swap forwarding across domain boundaries.

   Mapping Community : BGP Community/Extended-community on a service
   route that maps it to resolve over a Transport Class.

3.  Transport Class

   A Transport Class is defined as a set of transport tunnels that share
   the same SLA.  It is encoded as the Transport Class RT, which is a
   new Route-Target extended community.

   A Transport Class is configured at SN and BN with RD and Route Target
   attributes.  Creation of a Transport Class instantiates its
   corresponding Transport Route Database.

   The operator may configure an SN/BN to classify a tunnel into an
   appropriate Transport Class, which causes the tunnel's ingress route
   to be installed in the corresponding Transport Route Database.  These
   routes are used to resolve BGP routes inluding BGP CT which may be
   further readvertised to adjacent domains to extend this tunnel.

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   Alternatively, a router receiving the transport routes in BGP with
   appropriate signaling information can associate those ingress routes
   to the appropriate Transport Class.  E.g. for Classful Transport
   family (SAFI 76) routes, the Transport Class RT indicates the
   Transport Class.  For BGP LU family(SAFI 4) routes, import processing
   based on Communities or inter-AS source-peer may be used to place the
   route in the desired Transport Class.

   When the ingress route is received via SRTE [SRTE] with
   "Color:Endpoint" as the NLRI that encodes the Transport Class as an
   integer 'Color', the 'Color' is mapped to a Transport Class during
   import processing.  SRTE ingress route for 'Endpoint' is installed in
   the corresponding Transport Route Database.  The SRTE tunnel will be
   extended by a BGP CT advertisement with NLRI 'RD:Endpoint', Transport
   Class RT and a new label.  The MPLS swap route thus installed for the
   new label will pop the label and deliver decapsulated traffic into
   the path determined by SRTE route.

   RFC8664 [RFC8664] extends PCEP to carry SRTE Color.  This color
   association learnt from PCEP is also mapped to a Transport Class thus
   associating the PCEP signaled SRTE LSP with the desired Transport

   Similarly, PCEP-RSVP-COLOR [PCEP-RSVP-COLOR] extends PCEP to carry
   RSVP Color.  This color association learnt from PCEP is also mapped
   to a Transport Class thus associating the PCEP signaled RSVP-TE LSP
   with the desired Transport Class.

4.  "Transport Class" Route Target Extended Community

   This document defines a new type of Route Target, called "Transport
   Class" Route Target Extended Community.

   "Transport Class" Route Target extended community is a transitive
   extended community EXT-COMM [RFC4360] of extended-type, with a new
   Format (Type high = 0xa) and SubType as 0x2 (Route Target).

   This new Route Target Format has the following encoding:

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    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |   Type= 0xa   | SubType= 0x02 |            Reserved           |
   |                     Transport Class ID                        |

         Fig 1: "Transport Class" Route Target Extended Community

    Type: 1 octet

       Type field contains value 0xa.

    SubType: 1 octet

       Subtype field contain 0x2. This indicates 'Route Target'.

    Transport Class ID: 4 octets

       The least significant 32-bits of the value field contain the
       "Transport Class" identifier, which is a 32-bit integer.

    The remaining 2 octets after SubType field are Reserved. They MUST
    be set to zero on transmission, SHOULD be ignored on reception and
    left unaltered.

   The "Transport class" Route Target Extended community follows the
   mechanisms for VPN route import/export as specified in BGP-VPN
   [RFC4364] and follows the Constrained Route Distribution mechanisms
   as specified in Route Target Constraints [RFC4684]

   A BGP speaker that implements RT Constraint Route Target Constraints
   [RFC4684] MUST apply the RT Constraint procedures to the "Transport
   class" Route Target Extended community as well.

   The Transport Class Route Target Extended community is carried on
   Classful Transport family routes and allows associating them with
   appropriate Transport Route Databases at receiving BGP speakers.

   Use of the Transport Class Route Target Extended community with a new
   Type code avoids conflicts with any VPN Route Target assignments
   already in use for service families.

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5.  Transport Route Database

   A Transport Route Database is a logical collection of transport
   routes pertaining to the same Transport Class.  Tunnel endpoint
   addresses in this database belong to the "Provider Namespace".

   Overlay routes that want to use a specific Transport Class confine
   the scope of nexthop resolution to the set of routes contained in the
   corresponding Transport Route Database.

   The Transport Route Database can be realized as a "Routing Table"
   referred in Section of RFC4271 (https://www.rfc- which is a control plane only
   database.  However, an implementation may choose a different
   methodology to realize this logical construct in such a way that it
   supports the procedures defined in this document.

   SN or BN originate routes for 'Classful Transport' address family
   from the Transport Route Database.  These routes have NLRI
   "RD:Endpoint", Transport Class RT and an MPLS label.  'Classful
   Transport' family routes received with Transport Class RT are
   imported into its corresponding Transport Route Database.

6.  Nexthop Resolution Scheme

   An implementation may provide an option for the service route to
   resolve over less preferred Transport Classes, should the resolution
   over preferred or "primary" Transport Class fail.

   To accomplish this, the set of service routes may be associated with
   a user-configured "Resolution Scheme" that consists of the primary
   Transport Class and an optional ordered list of fallback Transport

   A community called as "Mapping Community" is configured for a
   "resolution scheme".  A Mapping Community maps to exactly one
   Resolution Scheme.  A Resolution Scheme comprises of one primary
   transport class and optionally, one or more fallback transport

   A BGP route is associated with a resolution scheme during import
   processing.  The first community on the route that matches a Mapping
   Community of a locally configured Resolution Scheme is considered the
   effective Mapping Community for the route.  The Resolution Scheme
   thus found is used when resolving the route's PNH.  If a route
   contains more than one Mapping Community, it indicates that the route
   considers these multiple Mapping Communities as equivalent.  So, the
   first community that maps to a Resolution Scheme is chosen.

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   A transport route received in BGP Classful Transport family SHOULD
   use a Resolution Scheme that contains the primary Transport Class
   without any fallback to best effort tunnels.  The primary Transport
   Class is identified by the Transport Class RT carried on the route.
   Thus, Transport Class RT serves as the Mapping Community for BGP CT

   A service route received in a BGP service family MAY map to a
   Resolution Scheme that contains the primary Transport Class
   identified by the Mapping Community on the route and a fallback to
   best effort Transport Class.  The primary Transport Class is
   identified by the Mapping Community carried on the route.  For e.g.
   the Extended Color community may serve as the Mapping Community for
   service routes.  Color:0:<n> MAY map to a Resolution Scheme that has
   primary Transport Class <n> and a fallback to best-effort Transport

7.  BGP Classful Transport Family NLRI

   The Classful Transport (CT) family will use the existing AFI of IPv4
   or IPv6 and a new SAFI 76 "Classful Transport" that will apply to
   both IPv4 and IPv6 AFIs.  These AFI, SAFI pair of values MUST be
   negotiated in Multiprotocol Extensions capability described in
   [RFC4760] to be able to send and receive BGP CT routes.

   The "Classful Transport" SAFI NLRI itself is encoded as specified in [RFC8277].

   When AFI/SAFI is 1/76, the Classful Transport NLRI Prefix consists of
   an 8-byte RD followed by an IPv4 prefix.  When AFI/SAFI is 2/76, the
   Classful Transport NLRI Prefix consists of an 8-byte RD followed by
   an IPv6 prefix.

   For better readability, the following figure illustrates a BGP
   Classful Transport family NLRI when single Label is advertised:

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |    Length     |                 Label                 |Rsrv |S|
      ~                     Route Distinguisher (8 bytes)             |
      |                                                               |
      |                     IPv4/IPv6 Prefix                          ~
      |                                                               |

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          Fig 2: SAFI 76 "Classful Transport" NLRI

  Length: 1 octet

     The Length field consists of a single octet.  It specifies the
     length in bits of the remainder of the NLRI field.

     Note that the length will always be the sum of 20 (number of bits
     in Label field), plus 3 (number of bits in Rsrv field), plus 1
     (number of bits in S field), plus the length in bits of the
     Prefix (RD:IP prefix).

     In an MP_REACH_NLRI attribute whose SAFI is 76, the Prefix
     (RD + IP prefix) will be 96 bits or less if the AFI is 1
     and will be 192 bits or less if the AFI is 2.

     As specified in [RFC4760], the actual length of the NLRI field
     will be the number of bits specified in the Length field, rounded
     up to the nearest integral number of octets.


      The Label field is a 20-bit field containing an MPLS label value
      (see [RFC3032]).


      This 3-bit field SHOULD be set to zero on transmission and MUST be
      ignored on reception.

      When single label is advertised, this 1-bit field MUST be set to
      one on transmission and MUST be ignored on reception.

  Route Distinguihser:

      8 byte RD as defined in [RFC4364 Sec 4.2].

  IPv4/IPv6 Prefix:

     IPv4 prefix, if AFI/SAFI 1/76.
     IPv6 prefix, if AFI/SAFI 2/76.

   Attributes on a Classful Transport route include the Transport Class
   Route-Target extended community, which is used to associate the route
   with the correct Transport Route Databases on SNs and BNs in the

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   SAFI 76 routes can be sent with either IPv4 or IPv6 nexthop.  The
   type of nexthop is inferred from the length of the nexthop.

   When the length of Next Hop Address field is 24 (or 48) the nexthop
   address is of type VPN-IPv6 with 8-octet RD set to zero (potentially
   followed by the link-local VPN-IPv6 address of the next hop with an
   8-octet RD set to zero).

   When the length of the Next Hop Address field is 12 the nexthop
   address is of type VPN-IPv4 with 8-octet RD set to zero.

8.  Use of Route Distinguisher

   RD aids in troubleshooting a BGP CT network by uniquely identifying
   the originator of a route across a multi domain network.

   Use of RD also allows the option for signaling forwarding diversity
   within the same Transport Class.  The same Egress PE can advertise
   multiple BGP CT routes for an EP belonging to the same Transport

   E.g. multiple RDx:EP1 prefixes can be advertised for an EP1 to
   different set of BGP peers in order to collect traffic statistics for
   them.  In absense of RD, duplicated Transport Class/Color values will
   be needed in the transport network to achieve such use cases.

9.  Comparison with other families using RFC-8277 encoding

   SAFI 128 (Inet-VPN) is an RFC8277 encoded family that carries service
   prefixes in the NLRI, where the prefixes come from the customer
   namespaces and are contexualized into separate user virtual service
   RIBs called VRFs using RFC4364 procedures.

   SAFI 4 (BGP LU) is an RFC8277 encoded family that carries transport
   prefixes in the NLRI, where the prefixes come from the provider

   SAFI 76 (Classful Transport) is an RFC8277 encoded family that
   carries transport prefixes in the NLRI, where the prefixes come from
   the provider namespace and are contexualized into separate Transport
   Route Databases using RFC4364 procedures.

   It is worth noting that SAFI 128 has been used to carry transport
   prefixes in "L3VPN Inter-AS Carrier's carrier" scenario, where BGP
   LU/LDP prefixes in CsC VRF are advertised in SAFI 128 towards the
   remote-end client carrier.

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   In this document a new AFI/SAFI is used instead of reusing SAFI 128
   to carry these transport routes because it is operationally
   advantageous to segregate transport and service prefixes into
   separate address families.  E.g.  It allows to safely enable "per-
   prefix" label allocation scheme for Classful Transport prefixes
   without affecting SAFI 128 service prefixes which may have huge
   scale.  The "per prefix" label allocation scheme keeps the routing
   churn local during topology changes.

   A new family also facilitates having a different readvertisement path
   of the transport family routes in a network than the service route
   readvertisement path.  Service routes (Inet-VPN) are exchanged over
   an EBGP multihop session between Autonomous systems with nexthop
   unchanged; whereas Classful Transport routes are readvertised over
   EBGP single hop sessions with "nexthop self" rewrite over inter-AS

   The Classful Transport family is similar in vein to BGP LU, in that
   it carries transport prefixes.  The only difference is that it also
   carries in Route Target, an indication of which Transport Class the
   transport prefix belongs to and uses RD to disambiguate multiple
   instances of the same transport prefix in a BGP Update.

10.  Protocol Procedures

   This section summarizes the procedures followed by various nodes
   speaking Classful Transport family.

10.1.  Preparing the network to deploy Classful Transport planes

      Operator decides on the Transport Classes that exist in the
      network and allocates a Transport Class Route Target to identify
      each Transport Class.

      Operator configures Transport Classes on the SNs and BNs in the
      network with Transport Class Route Targets and unique Route-

      Implementations MAY provide automatic generation and assignment of
      RD, RT values; they MAY also provide a way to manually override
      the automatic mechanism in order to deal with any conflicts that
      may arise with existing RD, RT values in different network domains
      participating in the deployment.

10.2.  Origination of Classful Transport route

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      At the ingress node of the tunnel's home domain, the tunneling
      protocols install tunnel ingress routes in the Transport Route
      Database associated with the Transport Class the tunnel belongs

      The egress node of the tunnel i.e. the tunnel endpoint originates
      the BGP Classful Transport route with NLRI containing
      RD:TunnelEndpoint, Transport Class RT and PNH TunnelEndpoint,
      which will resolve over the tunnel route in Transport Route
      Database at the ingress node.  When the tunnel is up, the Classful
      Transport BGP route will become usable and get re-advertised.

      Alternatively, the ingress node may advertise this tunnel
      destination into BGP as a Classful Transport family route with
      NLRI RD:TunnelEndpoint, attaching a 'Transport Class' Route Target
      that identifies the Transport Class.  This BGP CT route is
      advertised to EBGP peers and IBGP peers in neighboring domains.
      This route SHOULD NOT be advertised to the IBGP core that contains
      the tunnel.

      Unique RD SHOULD be used by the originator of a Classful Transport
      route to disambiguate the multiple BGP advertisements for a
      transport end point.

10.3.  Ingress node receiving Classful Transport route

      On receiving a BGP Classful Transport route with a PNH that is not
      directly connected (e.g. an IBGP-route), a Mapping Community on
      the route (the Transport Class RT) indicates which Transport Class
      this route maps to.  The routes in the associated Transport Route
      Database are used to resolve the received PNH.  If there does not
      exist a route in the Transport Route Database matching the PNH,
      the Classful Transport route is considered unusable and MUST NOT
      be advertised further.

10.4.  Border node readvertising Classful Transport route with nexthop

      The BN allocates an MPLS label to advertise upstream in Classful
      Transport NLRI.  The BN also installs an MPLS route for that label
      that swaps the incoming label with a label received from the
      downstream BGP speaker or pops the incoming label.  It then pushes
      received traffic to the transport tunnel or direct interface that
      the Classful Transport route's PNH resolved over.

      The label SHOULD be allocated with "per-prefix" label allocation
      semantics.  RD is stripped from the BGP CT NLRI prefix when a BGP
      CT route is added to a Transport Route Database.  The IP prefix in

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      the Transport Route Database context (Transport-Class, IP-prefix)
      is used as the key to do per-prefix label allocation.  This helps
      in avoiding BGP CT route churn through out the CT network when a
      failure happens in a domain.  The failure is not propagated
      further than the BN closest to the failure.

      The value of advertised MPLS label is locally significant, and is
      dynamic by default.  The BN may provide option to allocate a value
      from a statically carved out range.  This can be achieved using
      locally configured export policy, or via mechanisms described in
      BGP Prefix-SID [RFC8669].

10.5.  Border node receiving Classful Transport route on EBGP

      If the route is received with PNH that is known to be directly
      connected (e.g.  EBGP single-hop peering address), the directly
      connected interface is checked for MPLS forwarding capability.  No
      other nexthop resolution process is performed as the inter-AS link
      can be used for any Transport Class.

      If the inter-AS links should honor Transport Class, then the BN
      SHOULD follow procedures of an Ingress node described above and
      perform nexthop resolution process.  The interface routes SHOULD
      be installed in the Transport Route Database belonging to the
      associated Transport Class.

10.6.  Avoiding path-hiding through Route Reflectors

      When multiple BNs exist such that theu advertise a RD:EP prefix to
      RRs, the RRs may hide all but one of the BNs, unless ADDPATH
      [RFC7911] is used for the Classful Transport family.  This is
      similar to L3VPN option-B scenarios.  Hence ADDPATH SHOULD be used
      for Classful Transport family, to avoid path-hiding through RRs.

10.7.  Avoiding loop between Route Reflectors in forwarding path

      Pair of redundant ABRs, each acting as an RR with nexthop self may
      chose each other as best path instead of the upstream ASBR,
      causing a traffic forwarding loop.

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      Implementations SHOULD provide a way to alter the tie-breaking
      rule specified in BGP RR [RFC4456] to tie-break on CLUSTER_LIST
      step before ROUTER-ID step, when performing path selection for BGP
      CT routes.  RFC4456 considers pure RR which is not in forwarding
      path.  When RR is in forwarding path and reflects routes with
      nexthop self as is the case for ABR BNs in a BGP transport
      network, this rule may cause loops.  This document suggests the
      following modification to the BGP Decision Process Tie Breaking
      rules (Sect., [RFC4271]) when doing path selection for BGP
      CT family routes:

      The following rule SHOULD be inserted between Steps e) and f): a
      BGP Speaker SHOULD prefer a route with the shorter CLUSTER_LIST
      length.  The CLUSTER_LIST length is zero if a route does not carry
      the CLUSTER_LIST attribute.

      Some deployment considerations can also help in avoiding this

      -  IGP metric should be assigned such that "ABR to redundant ABR"
         cost is inferior than "ABR to upstream ASBR" cost.

      -  Tunnels belonging to non best effort Transport Classes SHOULD
         NOT be provisioned between ABRs.  This will ensure that the
         route received from an ABR with nexthop self will not be usable
         at a redundant ABR.

      This avoids possibility of such loops altogether.

10.8.  Ingress node receiving service route with Mapping Community

      Service routes received with Mapping Community resolve using
      Transport Route Databases determined by the Resolution Scheme.  If
      the resolution process does not find a Tunnel Ingress Route in any
      of the Transport Route Databases, the service route MUST be
      considered unusable for forwarding purpose and be withdrawn.

10.9.  Coordinating between domains using different community namespaces

      Cooperating option-C domains may sometimes not agree on RT, RD,
      Mapping-community or Transport Route Target values because of
      differences in community namespaces (e.g. during network mergers
      or renumbering for expansion).  Such deployments may deploy
      mechanisms to map and rewrite the Route Target values on domain
      boundaries, using per ASBR import policies.  This is no different
      than any other BGP VPN family.  Mechanisms used in inter-AS VPN
      deployments may be used with the Classful Transport family also.

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      The Resolution Schemes SHOULD allow association with multiple
      Mapping Communities.  This helps with renumbering, network mergers
      or transitions.

      Deploying unique RDs is strongly RECOMMENDED because it helps in
      troubleshooting by uniquely identifying originator of a route and
      avoids path-hiding.

      This document defines a new format of Route-Target extended-
      community to carry Transport Class, this avoids collision with
      regular Route Target namespace used by service routes.

11.  Flowspec Redirect to IP

   Flowspec routes using Redirect to IP nexthop is described in BGP
   Flow-Spec Redirect to IP Action [FLOWSPEC-REDIR-IP]

   Such Flowspec BGP routes with Redirect to IP nexthop can be attached
   with a Mapping Community (e.g.  Color:0:100), which allows
   redirecting the flow traffic over a tunnel to the IP nexthop
   satisfying the desired SLA (e.g.  Transport Class color 100).

   Flowspec BGP family acts as just another service that can make use of
   BGP CT architecture to achieve Flow based forwarding with SLAs.

12.  BGP CT Egress TE

   Mechanisms described in BGP LU EPE [BGP-LU-EPE] also applies to BGP
   CT family.

   The Peer/32 or Peer/128 EPE route MAY be originated in BGP CT family
   with appropriate Mapping Community (e.g. transport-target:0:100),
   thus allowing an EPE path to the peer that satisfies the desired SLA.

13.  Interaction with BGP attributes specifying nexthop address and

   The Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute described in RFC9012 [RFC9012] can
   be used to request a specific type of tunnel encapsulation.  Usage of
   this attribute may apply to BGP service routes or transport routes,
   including BGP Classful Transport family routes.

   Mechanisms described in BGP MultiNexthop Attribute [MULTI-NH-ATTR]
   allow a BGP route to carry multiple nexthop addresses.  It also
   allows specifying 'Transport Class ID' as a qualifier for each
   Nexthop address.

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   It should be noted that in such cases "Transport Class/Color" can
   exist in multiple places on the same route, and a precedence order
   needs to be established to determine which Transport class the
   route's nexthop should resolve over.  This document suggests the
   following order of precedence, more preferred first:

      Transport Class ID SubTLV, in MultiNexthop Attribute.

      Color SubTLV, in Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute.

      Transport Target Extended community, on BGP CT route.

      Color Extended community, on BGP service route.

   The above precedence order follows more specific scoping of Color to
   less specific scoping.

   Transport Class ID specified for Nexthop-Leg subTLV in a MultiNextHop
   attribute is more specific indication of Color than Color subTLV in a
   TEA, which inturn is more specific than Mapping Community (Transport
   Target) on a BGP CT transport route, which is inturn more specific
   than a Service route scoped Mapping Community (Color Extended

14.  Scaling considerations

14.1.  Avoiding unintended spread of BGP CT routes across domains

      RFC8212 [RFC8212] suggests BGP speakers require explicit
      configuration of both BGP Import and Export Policies in order to
      receive or send routes over EBGP sessions.

      It is recommended to follow this for BGP CT routes.  It will
      prohibit unintended advertisement of transport routes throughout
      the BGP CT transport domain which may span across multiple AS
      domains.  This will conserve usage of MPLS label and nexthop
      resources in the network.  An ASBR of a domain can be provisioned
      to allow routes with only the Transport Route Targets that are
      required by SNs in the domain.

14.2.  Constrained distribution of PNHs to SNs (On Demand Nexthop)

      This section describes how the number of Protocol Nexthops
      advertised to a SN or BN can be constrained using BGP Classsful
      Transport and Route Target Constraints [RFC4684].

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      An egress SN MAY advertise BGP CT route for RD:eSN with two Route
      Targets: transport-target:0:<TC> and a RT carrying <eSN>:<TC>.
      Where TC is the Transport Class identifier, and eSN is the IP-
      address used by SN as BGP nexthop in its service route

      The transport-target:0:<TC> is the new type of route target
      (Transport Class RT) defined in this document.  It is carried in
      BGP extended community attribute (BGP attribute code 16).

      The RT carrying <eSN>:<TC> MAY be an IP-address specific regular
      RT (BGP attribute code 16), IPv6-address specific RT (BGP
      attribute code 25), or a Wide-communities based RT (BGP attribute
      code 34) as described in Route Target Constrain Extension
      [RTC-Ext].  This document recommends using Wide-communities based
      RT for the same.

      An ingress SN MAY import BGP CT routes with Route Target carrying
      <eSN>:<TC>.  The ingress SN MAY learn the eSN values either by
      configuration, or it MAY discover them from the BGP nexthop field
      in the BGP VPN service routes received from eSN.  A BGP ingress SN
      receiving a BGP service route with nexthop of eSN SHOULD generate
      a RTC/Extended-RTC route for Route Target prefix <Origin
      ASN>:<eSN>/[80|176] in order to learn BGP CT transport routes to
      reach eSN.  This allows constrained distribution of the transport
      routes to the PNHs actually required by iSN.

      When path of route propogation of BGP CT routes is same as the RTC
      routes, a BN would learn the RTC routes advertised by ingress SNs
      and propagate further.  This will allow constraining distribution
      of BGP CT routes for a PNH to only the necessary BNs in the
      network, closer to the egress SN.

      This mechanism provides "On Demand Nexthop" of BGP CT routes,
      which help with the scaling of MPLS forwarding state at SN and BN.

      However, the amount of state carried in RTC family may become
      proportional to number of PNHs in the network.  To strike a
      balance, the RTC route advertisements for <Origin
      ASN>:<eSN>/[80|176] MAY be confined to the BNs in home region of
      ingress-SN, or the BNs of a super core.

      Such a BN in the core of the network SHOULD import BGP CT routes
      with Transport-Target:0:<TC> and generate a RTC route for <Origin
      ASN>:0:<TC>/96, while not propagating the more specific RTC
      requests for specific PNHs.  This will let the BN learn transport
      routes to all eSN nodes.  But confine their propagation to

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14.3.  Limiting scope of visibility of PE loopback as PNHs

      It may be even more desirable to limit the number of PNHs that are
      globaly visible in the network.  This is possible using mechanism
      described in MPLS Namespaces [MPLS-NAMESPACES]

      Such that advertisement of PE loopback addresses as next-hop in
      BGP service routes is confined to the region they belong to.  An
      anycast IP-address called "Context Protocol Nexthop Address"
      (CPNH) abstracts the SNs in a region from other regions in the
      network, swapping the SN scoped service label with a CPNH scoped
      private namespace label.

      This provides much greater advantage in terms of scaling and
      convergence.  Changes to implement this feature are required only
      on the local region's BNs and RRs.

15.  OAM considerations

   Standard MPLS OAM procedures specified in [RFC8029] also apply to BGP
   Classful Transport.

   The 'Target FEC Stack' sub-TLV for IPv4 Classful Transport has a Sub-
   Type of [TBD], and a length of 13.  The Value field consists of the
   RD advertised with the Classful Transport prefix, the IPv4 prefix
   (with trailing 0 bits to make 32 bits in all) and a prefix length
   encoded as follows:

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |                      Route Distinguisher                      |
       |                          (8 octets)                           |
       |                         IPv4 prefix                           |
       | Prefix Length |                 Must Be Zero                  |

                 Figure 1: Classful Transport IPv4 FEC

   The 'Target FEC Stack' sub-TLV for IPv6 Classful Transport has a Sub-
   Type of [TBD], and a length of 25.  The Value field consists of the
   RD advertised with the Classful Transport prefix, the IPv6 prefix
   (with trailing 0 bits to make 128 bits in all) and a prefix length
   encoded as follows:

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        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |                      Route Distinguisher                      |
       |                          (8 octets)                           |
       |                         IPv6 prefix                           |
       |                                                               |
       |                                                               |
       |                                                               |
       | Prefix Length |                 Must Be Zero                  |

                 Figure 2: Classful Transport IPv6 FEC

16.  Applicability to Network Slicing

   In Network Slicing, the Transport Slice Controller (TSC) sets up the
   Topology (e.g.  RSVP-TE, SR-TE tunnels with desired characteristics)
   and resources (e.g. polices/shapers) in a transport network to create
   a Transport Slice.  The Transport Class construct described in this
   document represents the "Topology Slice" portion of this equation.

   The TSC can use the Transport Class Identifier (Color value) to
   provision a transport tunnel in a specific Topology Slice.

   Further, Network Slice Controller can use the Mapping Community on
   the service route to map traffic to the desired Transport Slice.

17.  SRv6 support

   This section describes how BGP CT may be used to set up inter domain
   tunnels of a certain Transport Class, when using Segment Routing over
   IPv6 (SRv6) data plane on the inter AS links or as an intra AS
   tunneling mechanism.

   [RFC8986] specifies the SRv6 Endpoint behaviors (End USD, End.BM,
   End.B6.Encaps and End.Replace, End.ReplaceB6, respectively).
   [SRV6-INTER-DOMAIN] specify the SRv6 Endpoint behaviors (END.REPLACE,
   END.REPLACEB6 and END.DB6).  These are leveraged for BGP CT with SRv6
   data plane.

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   The BGP Classful Transport route update for SRv6 MUST include the BGP
   Prefix-SID attribute along with SRv6 SID information as specified in
   [SRV6-SERVICES].  It may also include SRv6 SID structure for
   Transposition as specified in [SRV6-SERVICES].  It should be noted
   that prefixes carried in BGP CT family are transport layer end-
   points, e.g.  PE loopback addresses.  Thus the SRv6 SID carried in a
   BGP CT route is also a transport layer identifier.

   This document extends the usage of "SRv6 label route tunnel" TLV to
   AFI=1/2 SAFI 76.  "SRv6 label route tunnel" is the TLV of the BGP
   Prefix-SID Attribute as specified in [SRV6-MPLS-AGRWL].

18.  Illustration of procedures with example topology

18.1.  Topology

                   [RR26]      [RR27]                       [RR16]
                    |            |                             |
                    |            |                             |
                    ||          |||          `  /        |||          |
   [CE41]--[PE25]--[P28]       [P29]          `/        [P15]     [CE31]
                    |           | |           /`         | |          |
                    |           | |          /  `        | |          |
                    |           | |         /    `       | |          |
                    +--[ABR24]--+ +--[ASBR22]---[ASBR14]-+ +--[PE12]--+

          |                |                  |                    |
          +                +                  +                    +
       CE |     region-1   |   region-2       |                    |CE
      AS4              ...AS2...                       AS1          AS3  ------------ Traffic Direction ---------->

   This example shows a provider network that comprises of two
   Autonomous systems, AS1, AS2.  They are serving customers AS3, AS4
   respectively.  Traffic direction being described is CE41 to CE31.
   CE31 may request a specific SLA (e.g.  Gold for this traffic), when
   traversing these provider networks.

   AS2 is further divided into two regions.  So, there are three tunnel
   domains in provider space.  AS1 uses ISIS Flex-Algo intra-domain
   tunnels, whereas AS2 uses RSVP-TE intra-domain tunnels.

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   The network has two Transport classes: Gold with transport class id
   100, Bronze with transport class id 200.  These transport classes are
   provisioned at the PEs and the Border nodes (ABRs, ASBRs) in the

   Following tunnels exist for Gold transport class.

      PE25_to_ABR23_gold - RSVP-TE tunnel

      PE25_to_ABR24_gold - RSVP-TE tunnel

      ABR23_to_ASBR22_gold - RSVP-TE tunnel

      ASBR13_to_PE11_gold - ISIS FlexAlgo tunnel

      ASBR14_to_PE11_gold - ISIS FlexAlgo tunnel

   Following tunnels exist for Bronze transport class.

      PE25_to_ABR23_bronze - RSVP-TE tunnel

      ABR23_to_ASBR21_bronze - RSVP-TE tunnel

      ABR23_to_ASBR22_bronze - RSVP-TE tunnel

      ABR24_to_ASBR21_bronze - RSVP-TE tunnel

      ASBR13_to_PE12_bronze - ISIS FlexAlgo tunnel

      ASBR14_to_PE11_bronze - ISIS FlexAlgo tunnel

   These tunnels are either provisioned or auto-discovered to belong to
   transport class 100 or 200.

18.2.  Service Layer route exchange

   Service nodes PE11, PE12 negotiate service families (SAFI 1, 128) on
   the BGP session with RR16.  Service helpers RR16, RR26 have multihop
   EBGP session to exchange service routes between the two AS.
   Similarly PE25 negotiates service families with RR26.

   Forwarding happens using service routes at service nodes PE25, PE11,
   PE12 only.  Routes received from CEs are not present in any other
   nodes' FIB in the network.

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   CE31 advertises a route for example prefix with nexthop
   self to PE11, PE12.  CE31 can attach a Mapping Community Color:0:100
   on this route, to indicate its request for Gold SLA.  Or, PE11 can
   attach the same using locally configured policies.

   Consider CE31 is getting VPN service from PE11.  The
   route is readvertised in SAFI 128 by PE11 with nexthop self (
   and label V-L1, to RR16 with the Mapping Community Color:0:100
   attached.  This SAFI 128 route reaches PE25 via RR16, RR26 with the
   nexthop unchanged, as PE11 and label V-L1.  Now PE25 can resolve the
   PNH using transport routes received in BGP CT or BGP LU.

   The IP FIB at PE25 VRF will have a route for with a
   nexthop when resolved, that points to a Gold tunnel in ingress

18.3.  Transport Layer route propagation

   Egress nodes PE11, PE12 negotiate BGP CT family with transport ASBRs
   ASBR13, ASBR14.  These egress nodes originate BGP CT routes for
   tunnel endpoint addresses, that are advertised as nexthop in BGP
   service routes.  In this example both PEs participate in transport
   classes Gold and Bronze.  The protocol procedures are explained using
   Gold SLA plane and the Bronze SLA plane is used to highlight the path
   hiding aspects.

   PE11 is provisioned with transport class 100, RD value and
   a transport-target:0:100 for Gold tunnels.  And a Transport class 200
   with RD value, and transport route target 0:200 for Bronze
   tunnels.  Similarly, PE12 is provisioned with transport class 100, RD
   value and a transport-target:0:100 for Gold tunnels.  And
   transport class 200, RD value with transport-target:0:200
   for Bronze tunnels

   Similarly, these transport classes are also configured on ASBRs, ABRs
   and PEs with same Transport Route Target and unique RDs.

   ASBR13 and ASBR14 negotiate BGP CT family with transport ASBRs
   ASBR21, ASBR22 in neighboring AS.  They negotiate BGP CT family with
   RR27 in region 2, which reflects BGP CT routes to ABR23, ABR24.
   ABR23, ABR24 negotiate BGP CT family with Ingress node PE25 in region
   1.  BGP LU family is also negotiated on these sessions alongside BGP
   CT family.  BGP LU carries "best effort" transport class routes, BGP
   CT carries gold, bronze transport class routes.

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   PE11 is provisioned to originate BGP CT route with Gold SLA to
   endpoint PE11.  This route is sent with NLRI RD prefix, Label B-L0, nexthop and a route target
   extended community transport-target:0:100.  Label B-L0 can either be
   Implicit Null (Label 3) or a Ultimate Hop Pop (UHP) label.

   This route is received by ASBR13 and it resolves over the tunnel
   ASBR13_to_PE11_gold.  The route is then readvertised by ASBR13 in BGP
   CT family to ASBRs ASBR21, ASBR22 according to export policy.  This
   route is sent with same NLRI RD prefix, Label
   B-L1, nexthop self, and transport-target:0:100.  MPLS swap route is
   installed at ASBR13 for B-L1 with a nexthop pointing to
   ASBR13_to_PE11_gold tunnel.

   Similarly ASBR14 also receives BGP CT route for
   from PE11 and it resolves over the tunnel ASBR14_to_PE11_gold.  The
   route is then readvertised by ASBR14 in BGP CT family to ASBRs
   ASBR21, ASBR22 according to export policy.  This route is sent with
   same NLRI RD prefix, Label B-L2, nexthop self, and
   transport-target:0:100.  MPLS swap route is installed at ASBR14 for
   B-L1 with a nexthop pointing to ASBR14_to_PE11_gold tunnel.

   In the Bronze plane, BGP CT route with Bronze SLA to endpoint PE11 is
   originated by PE11 with a NLRI containing RD prefix, and appropriate label.  The RD allows both Gold
   and Bronze advertisements traverse path selection pinchpoints without
   any path hiding at RRs or ASBRs.  And route target extended community
   transport-target:0:200 lets the route resolve over Bronze tunnels in
   the network, similar to the process being described for Gold SLA

   Moving back to the Gold plane, ASBR21 receives the Gold SLA BGP CT
   routes for NLRI RD prefix over the single hop EBGP
   sessions from ASBR13, ASBR14, and can compute ECMP/FRR towards them.
   ASBR21 readvertises BGP CT route for with nexthop
   self (loopback adderss to RR27, advertising a new label
   B-L3.  MPLS swap route is installed for label B-L3 at ASBR21 to swap
   to received label B-L1, B-L2 and forward to ASBR13, ASBR14
   respectively.  RR27 readvertises this BGP CT route to ABR23, ABR24
   with label and nexthop unchanged.

   Similarly, ASBR22 receives BGP CT route over the
   single hop EBGP sessions from ASBR13, ASBR14, and readvertises with
   nexthop self (loopback adderss to RR27, advertising a new
   label B-L4.  MPLS swap route is installed for label B-L4 at ASBR22 to
   swap to received label B-L1, B-L2 and forward to ASBR13, ASBR14
   respectively.  RR27 readvertises this BGP CT route also to ABR23,
   ABR24 with label and nexthop unchanged.

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   Addpath is enabled for BGP CT family on the sessions between RR27 and
   ASBRs, ABRs such that routes for with the nexthops
   ASBR21 and ASBR22 are reflected to ABR23, ABR24 without any path
   hiding.  Thus giving ABR23 visibiity of both available nexthops for
   Gold SLA.

   ABR23 receives the route with nexthop, label B-L3 from RR27.
   The route target "transport-target:0:100" on this route acts as
   Mapping Community, and instructs ABR23 to strictly resolve the
   nexthop using transport class 100 routes only.  ABR23 is unable to
   find a route for with transport class 100.  Thus it considers
   this route unusable and does not propagate it further.  This prunes
   ASBR21 from Gold SLA tunneled path.

   ABR23 also receives the route with nexthop, label B-L4 from
   RR27.  The route target "transport-target:0:100" on this route acts
   as Mapping Community, and instructs ABR23 to strictly resolve the
   nexthop using transport class 100 routes only.  ABR23 successfully
   resolves the nexthop to point to ABR23_to_ASBR22_gold tunnel.  ABR23
   readvertises this BGP CT route with nexthop self (loopback address and a new label B-L5 to PE25.  Swap route for B-L5 is
   installed by ABR23 to swap to label B-L4, and forward into
   ABR23_to_ASBR22_gold tunnel.

   PE25 receives the BGP CT route for prefix with
   label B-L5, nexthop and transport-target:0:100 from RR26.
   And it similarly resolves the nexthop over transport class
   100, pushing labels associated with PE25_to_ABR23_gold tunnel.

   In this manner, the Gold transport LSP "ASBR13_to_PE11_gold" in
   egress-domain is extended by BGP CT until the ingress-node PE25 in
   ingress domain, to create an end-to-end Gold SLA path.  MPLS swap
   routes are installed at ASBR13, ASBR22 and ABR23, when propagating
   the PE11 BGP CT Gold transport class route with
   nexthop self towards PE25.

   The BGP CT LSP thus formed, originates in PE25, and terminates in
   ASBR13 (assuming PE11 advertised Implicit Null), traversing over the
   Gold underlay LSPs in each domain.  ASBR13 uses UHP to stitch the BGP
   CT LSP into the "ASBR13_to_PE11_gold" LSP to traverse the last
   domain, thus satisfying Gold SLA end-to-end.

   When PE25 receives service routes from RR26 with nexthop and
   mapping community Color:0:100, it resolves over this BGP CT route  Thus pushing label B-L5, and pushing as top
   label the labels associated with PE25_to_ABR23_gold tunnel.

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18.4.  Data plane view

18.4.1.  Steady state

   This section describes how the data plane looks like in steady state.

   CE41 transmits an IP packet with destination as  On
   receiving this packet PE25 performs a lookup in the IP FIB associated
   with the CE41 interface.  This lookup yeids the service route that
   pushes the VPN service label V-L1, BGP CT label B-L5, and labels for
   PE25_to_ABR23_gold tunnel.  Thus PE25 encapsulates the IP packet in
   MPLS packet with label V-L1(innermost), B-L5, and top label as
   PE25_to_ABR23_gold tunnel.  This MPLS packet is thus transmitted to
   ABR23 using Gold SLA.

   ABR23 decapsulates the packet received on PE25_to_ABR23_gold tunnel
   as required, and finds the MPLS packet with label B-L5.  It performs
   lookup for label B-L5 in the global MPLS FIB.  This yields the route
   that swaps label B-L5 with label B-L4, and pushes top label provided
   by ABR23_to_ASBR22_gold tunnel.  Thus ABR23 transmits the MPLS packet
   with label B-L4 to ASBR22, on a tunnel that satisfies Gold SLA.

   ASBR22 similarly performs a lookup for label B-L4 in global MPLS FIB,
   finds the route that swaps label B-L4 with label B-L2, and forwards
   to ASBR13 over the directly connected MPLS enabled interface.  This
   interface is a common resource not dedicated to any specific
   transport class, in this example.

   ASBR13 receives the MPLS packet with label B-L2, and performs a
   lookup in MPLS FIB, finds the route that pops label B-L2, and pushes
   labels associated with ASBR13_to_PE11_gold tunnel.  This transmits
   the MPLS packet with VPN label V-L1 to PE11 using a tunnel that
   preserves Gold SLA in AS 1.

   PE11 receives the MPLS packet with V-L1, and performs VPN forwarding.
   Thus transmitting the original IP payload from CE41 to CE31.  The
   payload has traversed path satisfying Gold SLA end-to-end.

18.4.2.  Local repair of primary path

   This section describes how the data plane at ASBR22 reacts when link
   between ASBR22 and ASBR13 experiences a failure, and an alternate
   path exists.

   Assuming ASBR22_to_ASBR13 link goes down, such that traffic with Gold
   SLA going to PE11 needs repair.  ASBR22 has an alternate BGP CT route
   for from ASBR14.  This has been preprogrammed in
   forwarding by ASBR22 as FRR backup nexthop for label B-L4.  This

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   allows the Gold SLA traffic to be locally repaired at ASBR22 without
   the failure event propagated in the BGP CT network.  In this case,
   ingress node PE25 will not know there was a failure, and traffic
   restoration will be independent of prefix scale (PIC).

18.4.3.  Absorbing failure of primary path.  Fallback to best-effort

   This section describes how the data plane reacts when gold path
   experiences a failure, but no alternate path exists.

   Assuming tunnel ABR23_to_ASBR22_gold goes down, such that now end-to-
   end Gold path does not exist in the network.  This makes the BGP CT
   route for RD prefix unusable at ABR23.  This makes
   ABR23 send a BGP withdrawal for to PE25.

   Withdrawal for allows PE25 to react to the loss of
   gold path to  Assuming PE25 is provisioned to use best-
   effort transport class as the backup path, this withdrawal of BGP CT
   route allows PE25 to adjust the nexthop of the VPN Service-route to
   push the labels provided by the BGP LU route.  That repairs the
   traffic to go via best effort path.  PE25 can also be provisioned to
   use Bronze transport class as the backup path.  The repair will
   happen in similar manner in that case as-well.

   Traffic repair to absorb the failure happens at ingress node PE25, in
   a service prefix scale independent manner.  This is called PIC
   (Prefix scale Independent Convergence).  The repair time will be
   proportional to time taken for withdrawing the BGP CT route.

   The above examples demostrate the various levels of failsafe
   mechanisms available to protect traffic in a BGP CT network.

19.  IANA Considerations

   This document makes following requests of IANA.

19.1.  New BGP SAFI

   New BGP SAFI code for "Classful Transport".  Value 76.

   This will be used to create new AFI,SAFI pairs for IPv4, IPv6
   Classful Transport families. viz:

   *  "Inet, Classful Transport".  AFI/SAFI = "1/76" for carrying IPv4
      Classful Transport prefixes.

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   *  "Inet6, Classful Transport".  AFI/SAFI = "2/76" for carrying IPv6
      Classful Transport prefixes.

19.2.  New Format for BGP Extended Community

   Please assign a new Format (Type high = 0xa) of extended community
   EXT-COMM [RFC4360] called "Transport Class" from the following

      the "BGP Transitive Extended Community Types" registry, and

      the "BGP Non-Transitive Extended Community Types" registry.

   Please assign the same low-order six bits for both allocations.

   This document uses this new Format with subtype 0x2 (route target),
   as a transitive extended community.

   The Route Target thus formed is called "Transport Class" route target
   extended community.

   Taking reference of RFC7153 [RFC7153] , following requests are made:

19.2.1.  Existing registries to be modified  Registries for the "Type" Field  Transitive Types

   This registry contains values of the high-order octet (the "Type"
   field) of a Transitive Extended Community.

   Registry Name: BGP Transitive Extended Community Types

         TYPE VALUE       NAME
   +      0x0a             Transitive Transport Class Extended
   +                       Community (Sub-Types are defined in the
   +                       "Transitive Transport Class Extended
   +                       Community Sub-Types" registry)  Non-Transitive Types

   This registry contains values of the high-order octet (the "Type"
   field) of a Non-transitive Extended Community.

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   Registry Name: BGP Non-Transitive Extended Community Types

        TYPE VALUE       NAME

   +     0x4a             Non-Transitive Transport Class Extended
   +                      Community (Sub-Types are defined in the
   +                      "Non-Transitive Transport Class Extended
   +                      Community Sub-Types" registry)

19.2.2.  New registries to be created  Transitive "Transport Class" Extended Community Sub-Types

    This registry contains values of the second octet (the "Sub-Type"
    field) of an extended community when the value of the first octet
    (the "Type" field) is 0x07.

      Registry Name: Transitive Transport Class Extended
                     Community Sub-Types


         0x00-0xBF          First Come First Served
         0xC0-0xFF          IETF Review

         SUB-TYPE VALUE     NAME

         0x02               Route Target  Non-Transitive "Transport Class" Extended Community Sub-Types

   This registry contains values of the second octet (the "Sub-Type"
   field) of an extended community when the value of the first octet
   (the "Type" field) is 0x47.

      Registry Name: Non-Transitive Transport Class Extended
                     Community Sub-Types


         0x00-0xBF          First Come First Served
         0xC0-0xFF          IETF Review

         SUB-TYPE VALUE     NAME

         0x02               Route Target

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19.3.  MPLS OAM code points

   The following two code points are sought for Target FEC Stack sub-

   *  IPv4 BGP Classful Transport

   *  IPv6 BGP Classful Transport

20.  Security Considerations

   Mechanisms described in this document carry Transport routes in a new
   BGP address family.  That minimizes possibility of these routes
   leaking outside the expected domain or mixing with service routes.

   When redistributing between SAFI 4 and SAFI 76 Classful Transport
   routes, there is a possibility of SAFI 4 routes mixing with SAFI 1
   service routes.  To avoid such scenarios, it is RECOMMENDED that
   implementations support keeping SAFI 4 routes in a separate transport
   RIB, distinct from service RIB that contain SAFI 1 service routes.

21.  Normative References

              Gredler, Ed., "Egress Peer Engineering using BGP-LU", 6
              July 2021, <

              Simpson, Ed., "BGP Flow-Spec Redirect to IP Action", 2
              February 2015, <

              Vairavakkalai, Ed., "BGP signalled MPLS-namespaces", 11
              June 2021, <

              Vairavakkalai, Ed., "BGP MultiNexthop Attribute", 28
              December 2021, <

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              Rajagopalan, Ed., "Path Computation Element Protocol(PCEP)
              Extension for RSVP Color", 15 January 2021,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC4271]  Rekhter, Y., Ed., Li, T., Ed., and S. Hares, Ed., "A
              Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)", RFC 4271,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4271, January 2006,

   [RFC4360]  Sangli, S., Tappan, D., and Y. Rekhter, "BGP Extended
              Communities Attribute", RFC 4360, DOI 10.17487/RFC4360,
              February 2006, <>.

   [RFC4364]  Rosen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
              Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364, DOI 10.17487/RFC4364, February
              2006, <>.

   [RFC4456]  Bates, T., Chen, E., and R. Chandra, "BGP Route
              Reflection: An Alternative to Full Mesh Internal BGP
              (IBGP)", RFC 4456, DOI 10.17487/RFC4456, April 2006,

   [RFC4684]  Marques, P., Bonica, R., Fang, L., Martini, L., Raszuk,
              R., Patel, K., and J. Guichard, "Constrained Route
              Distribution for Border Gateway Protocol/MultiProtocol
              Label Switching (BGP/MPLS) Internet Protocol (IP) Virtual
              Private Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4684, DOI 10.17487/RFC4684,
              November 2006, <>.

   [RFC4760]  Bates, T., Chandra, R., Katz, D., and Y. Rekhter,
              "Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4", RFC 4760,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4760, January 2007,

   [RFC7153]  Rosen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "IANA Registries for BGP
              Extended Communities", RFC 7153, DOI 10.17487/RFC7153,
              March 2014, <>.

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   [RFC7911]  Walton, D., Retana, A., Chen, E., and J. Scudder,
              "Advertisement of Multiple Paths in BGP", RFC 7911,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7911, July 2016,

   [RFC8029]  Kompella, K., Swallow, G., Pignataro, C., Ed., Kumar, N.,
              Aldrin, S., and M. Chen, "Detecting Multiprotocol Label
              Switched (MPLS) Data-Plane Failures", RFC 8029,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8029, March 2017,

   [RFC8212]  Mauch, J., Snijders, J., and G. Hankins, "Default External
              BGP (EBGP) Route Propagation Behavior without Policies",
              RFC 8212, DOI 10.17487/RFC8212, July 2017,

   [RFC8277]  Rosen, E., "Using BGP to Bind MPLS Labels to Address
              Prefixes", RFC 8277, DOI 10.17487/RFC8277, October 2017,

   [RFC8664]  Sivabalan, S., Filsfils, C., Tantsura, J., Henderickx, W.,
              and J. Hardwick, "Path Computation Element Communication
              Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Segment Routing", RFC 8664,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8664, December 2019,

   [RFC8669]  Previdi, S., Filsfils, C., Lindem, A., Ed., Sreekantiah,
              A., and H. Gredler, "Segment Routing Prefix Segment
              Identifier Extensions for BGP", RFC 8669,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8669, December 2019,

   [RFC8986]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Camarillo, P., Ed., Leddy, J., Voyer,
              D., Matsushima, S., and Z. Li, "Segment Routing over IPv6
              (SRv6) Network Programming", RFC 8986,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8986, February 2021,

   [RFC9012]  Patel, K., Van de Velde, G., Sangli, S., and J. Scudder,
              "The BGP Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute", RFC 9012,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9012, April 2021,

   [RTC-Ext]  Zhang, Z., Ed., "Route Target Constrain Extension", 12
              July 2020, <

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              Hegde, Ed., "Seamless Segment Routing", 17 November 2020,

   [SRTE]     Previdi, S., Ed., "Advertising Segment Routing Policies in
              BGP", 18 November 2019, <

              K A, Ed., "SRv6 inter-domain mapping SIDs", 10 January
              2021, <

              Agrawal, Ed., "SRv6 and MPLS interworking", 22 February
              2021, <

              Dawra, Ed., "SRv6 BGP based Overlay Services", 11 April
              2021, <


   Balaji Rajagopalan
   Juniper Networks, Inc.
   Electra, Exora Business Park~Marathahalli - Sarjapur Outer Ring Road,
   Bangalore 560103

   Rajesh M
   Juniper Networks, Inc.
   Electra, Exora Business Park~Marathahalli - Sarjapur Outer Ring Road,
   Bangalore 560103

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Internet-Draft        BGP Classful Transport Planes          August 2022

   Chaitanya Yadlapalli
   200 S Laurel Ave,
   Middletown,, NJ 07748
   United States of America

   Mazen Khaddam
   Cox Communications Inc.
   Atlanta, GA
   United States of America

   Rafal Jan Szarecki
   1160 N Mathilda Ave, Bldg 5,
   Sunnyvale,, CA 94089
   United States of America

   Xiaohu Xu


   The authors thank Jeff Haas, John Scudder, Susan Hares, Moses
   Nagarajah, Reshma Das, Navaneetha Krishnan, Ravi M R, Chandrasekar
   Ramachandran, Shradha Hegde, Richard Roberts, Krzysztof Szarkowicz,
   John E Drake, Srihari Sangli, Vijay Kestur, Santosh Kolenchery,
   Robert Raszuk, Ahmed Darwish, Aravind Srinivas Srinivasa Prabhakar,
   Moshiko Nayman, Chris Trip for the valuable discussions and review

   The decision to not reuse SAFI 128 and create a new address-family to
   carry these transport-routes was based on suggestion made by Richard
   Roberts and Krzysztof Szarkowicz.

Authors' Addresses

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Internet-Draft        BGP Classful Transport Planes          August 2022

   Kaliraj Vairavakkalai (editor)
   Juniper Networks, Inc.
   1133 Innovation Way,
   Sunnyvale, CA 94089
   United States of America

   Natrajan Venkataraman (editor)
   Juniper Networks, Inc.
   1133 Innovation Way,
   Sunnyvale, CA 94089
   United States of America

   Israel Means
   2212 Avenida Mara,
   Chula Vista,, California 91914
   United States of America

   Gyan Mishra
   Verizon Communications Inc.
   13101 Columbia Pike
   Silver Spring, MD 20904
   United States of America

   Deepak J Gowda
   Extreme Networks
   55 Commerce Valley Drive West, Suite 300,
   Thornhill, Toronto, Ontario L3T 7V9

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