Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-ngtrans-6bone-routing-issues
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March 29, 1999 Bertrand Buclin, AT&T
Expires September 30, 1998
IPv6 routing issues
Status of this Memo
This document is an Internet Draft. Internet Drafts are working
documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas,
and its Working Groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
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This draft expires September 30, 1998.
Operation of the 6bone backbone is a challenge due to the
frequent insertion of bogus routes by leaf or even backbone sites.
This memo identifies some pathological cases and gives some
guidelines on how 6bone sites should handle them. It defines the
'best current practice' acceptable in the 6bone for the config-
uration of both Interior Gateway Protocols (like RIPng) and
Exterior Gateway Protocols (like BGP4+).
Basic principles
The 6bone is structured as a hierarchical network with pseudo
TLA (pTLA), pseudo NLA (pNLA) and leaf sites.
The 6bone backbone is made of a mesh interconnecting pTLAs only.
pNLAs connect to one or more pTLAs and provide transit service
for leaf sites.
BGP4+ is the mandatory routing protocol used for exchanging
routing information among pTLAs.
Multi-homed sites or pNLAs SHOULD also use BGP4+.
Regular sites MAY use a simple default route to their ISP.
This memo will cover:
1) link local prefixes
2) site local prefixes
3) special case prefixes: loopback prefix & unspecified prefix
4) multicast prefixes
5) IPv4-mapped prefixes
6) IPv4-compatible prefixes
7) Yet undefined unicast prefixes (from a different /3 prefix)
8) default routes
9) agregation & advertisement issues
10) Inter site tunnel issues
1) link local prefixes
Link local prefixes MUST NOT be advertized through neither an IGP
or an EGP.
By definition, the link local prefix has a scope limited to a
specific link. Since the prefix is the same on all IPv6 links,
advertising it in any routing protocol does not make sense and, worse,
may introduce nasty error conditions.
Well known dangerous cases where link local prefixes could be
advertised by mistake are:
- a router advertising all directly connected networks including
link local ones.
- subnets of the link local prefix
In such cases, vendors should be urged to correct their code.
2) site local prefixes
Site local prefixes MAY be advertized by IGPs or EGPs within a site.
The precise definition of a site is ongoing work discussed
in the IPng working group.
Site local prefixes MUST NOT be advertised to transit pNLAs or pTLAs.
3) special case prefixes
a) loopback prefix ::1/128
b) unspecified prefix ::/128
Loopback prefix and unspecified prefix MUST NOT be advertised
by any routing protocol.
4) multicast prefixes
Multicast prefixes MUST NOT be advertised by any unicast
routing protocol.
5) IPv4-mapped prefixes
IPv4-mapped prefixes MAY be advertised by IGPs withing a site.
It may be useful for some IPv6 only nodes within a site to
have such a route pointing to a translation device.
IPv4-mapped prefixes MUST NOT be advertised by EGPs.
6) IPv4-compatible prefixes
Sites may choose to use IPv4 compatible addresses internally.
As they is no real rationale today for doing that, this practice
SHOULD be discouraged in the 6bone.
The ::/96 IPv4-compatible prefixes MAY be advertised by IGPs.
IPv4-compatible prefixes MUST NOT be advertised by EGPs to
transit pNLAs or pTLAs.
7) yet undefined unicast prefixes
a) from a format prefix different from 2000::/3
b) from a prefix different from 3ffe::/16 (6bone prefix)
Such prefixes MUST NOT be advertised by any routing protocol
in the 6bone.
In particular, RFC1897 test addresses MUST NOT be advertised
on the 6bone.
8) default routes
6bone core pTLA routers MUST be default free.
pTLAs MAY advertise a default route to its pNLAs.
Transit pNLAs MAY do the same for their leaf sites.
9) agregation & advertisement issues
Route aggregation MUST be performed by any border router.
Sites or pNLAs MUST only advertise to their upstream provider
the prefixes assigned by that ISP unless otherwise agreed.
Site border router MUST NOT advertise prefixes more specific
than the /48 ones allocated by their ISP.
pTLA MUST NOT advertise prefixes longer than 24 to other pTLAs
unless special peering agreement are implemented.
10) inter site links
Global IPv6 addresses MUST be used for the end points of the
inter-site links. In particular, IPv4 compatible addresses
MUST NOT be used for tunnels.
Prefixes for those links MUST NOT be injected in the global
routing tables.
Security considerations
The result of bogus routing tables is usually unreachable sites.
Having guidelines to aggregate or reject routes will clean up
the routing tables. It is expected that using this guidelines,
routing will be less sensitive to denial of service attacks
due to misleading routes.
The 6bone is a test network. Therefore, denial of service,
packet disclosure,... are to be expected.
Author address
Alain Durand
Institut d'Informatique et de Mathematiques Appliquees de Grenoble
IMAG BP 53 38041 Grenoble CEDEX 9 France
Phone : +33 4 76 63 57 03
Fax : +33 4 76 51 49 64
Bertrand Buclin
AT&T International S.A.
Route de l'aeroport 31 CP 72
CH-1215 Geneve 15 (Switzerland)
Phone : +41 22 929 37 40
Fax : +41 22 929 39 84