Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-palme-select
Network Working Group Jacob Palme
Internet Draft Stockholm University/KTH
draft-ietf-palme-select-00.txt Johan Kaers
Intended-for: Proposed standard Starlab
Expires: December 2000 June 2000
The SELECT Protocol for Rating and Filtering
Status of this Document
This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance
with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-
Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as
"work in progress."
The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
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Copyright (C) The Internet Society 2000. All Rights Reserved.
The SELECT protocol allows Internet users to supply their ratings of
Internet documents, and to use ratings provided by other users to
filter and select what to read In particular, SELECT supports so-called
collaborative filtering. By this is meant that the filtering and
selection for a particular user is made based on ratings provided by
special groups of raters, such as peer groups, people with similar
values, interests and expertise as the person for whom the selecting
and filtering is done.
The SELECT functionality is downwards compatible with PICS [PICS 1,
PICS 2], but a major difference is that while PICS is mainly oriented
towards keeping out unsuitable information from children
(blackballing), SELECT is mainly oriented towards helping people find
the best and most valuable information for them on the Internet
(goldballing). A syntactical difference from PICS is that the encodings
in SELECT are using the XML encoding format.
More information
More information and links to the most recent versions of this document
can be found at A mailing
list will be started in the middle of June 2000, for information on how
to subscribe see the above URL.
Table of Contents
1. Terminology
2. Definitions
3. Protocol elements summary table
4. Handling of anonymous ratings
5. Style sheet information in XML encodings
6. Submission points
7. Protocol elements full specifications
7.1 Validation of XML Encodings
7.2 The DTD for an atomic rating
7.3 Get-Service-Description-List (XML)
7.4 Get-Service-Description
7.5 Send-Rating
7.6 Set-Profile
7.7 Get-Profile
7.8 Login
7.9 Logout
7.11Simple-Search Operation
7.12Advanced-Search Operation (Not yet ready)
7.13Evaluate Operation
7.14Exchange-Ratings-Data (not yet ready)
8. The SELECT general service description
8.1 Example
9. Example of file structure on a SELECT server
10. Issues for further study
11. The SELECT Agent protocol
12. Protocol Implemtation Status
13. Security considerations
14. Copyright
15. Acknowledgments
16. References
17. Author's Addresses
1. Terminology
Term Description
---- -----------
Aggregate rating A rating, which is computed based on one or more
atomic ratings, combined in some way. A SELECT
server may provide several different aggregate
ratings, computed in different ways, for example
based on only non-anonymous ratings, based on only
ratings by certain experts or members of a
specific peer group. Also different aggregation
methods can be used, such as average, median or
lower quartile. (Using the lower quartile will
favour controversial documents, which may
sometimes be desirable.)
Anonymous rating A rating, where the rater is not idenfied. See
chapter 4.
Atomic rating A rating provided by one user on one document.
Several atomic ratings of the same document can be
combined to produce an aggregate rating. See
chapter 7.2.
Collaborative A rating provider for a user, based on ratings
rating made by other users in a peer group, which has
shown itself to have the same rating values as the
user getting the rating.
ML Machine Learning: Technology where a computer
program learns by itself by observation of
reality, for example by observation of human
NLP Natural Language Processing: Processing of natural
language text with programs, which can in some way
analyze it, for example derive genre information
from the text style.
Non-anonymous A rating, where the rater has to log in and
rating identify itself before being allowed to provide a
non-anonymous rating. See chapter 4.
Rating Ratings are collections of descriptors of
resources, which can be used as a basis for
User An agent providing ratings or using SELECT
services. Can represent a user, but ratings may
also be provided by other ways than direct user
input, such as observation of user behaviour or
linguistic analysis of documents.
2. Definitions
Any occurence of "http://select/" in this document should in actual
usage be replaced by the URL of a particular SELECT service.
3. Protocol elements summary table
The SELECT protocols allow a SELECT server to keep a data base of
ratings made my many different people on a resource, lika a web page.
This data base can be used to find the aggregate ratings on resources
and to search, using the aggregate rating as search criterium. Every
server decides which and how many rating categories it provides.
In addition to manually added ratings, the SELECT data base can also
store ratings made by a machine, such as an NLP engine, and by
automatic observation of user behaviour.
The SELECT protocol can be used by Internet User Agents to submit
ratings, get ratings, search and filter for a user. Such User Agents
can be user-oriented servers, news servers and clients, web browsers,
and plug-ins and client-side and server-side proxies.
The SELECT protocol can also be used by autonomous agents, which can
perform services like NLP rating, finding news of special interest to a
particular user and e-mailing the user with this, etc.
Name Task Client(s)
---- ---- ---------
Get Find out which rating Input reader ratings /
service-descri services are handled by Another SELECT version
ption-list this server. 1.0 server / A
filtering process, a
user or manager
Get-service-de Find out which rating Input reader ratings /
scription descriptors are handled by Another SELECT version
this rating service. 1.0 server / A
filtering process, a
user or manager
Send-rating Send a new atomic rating on Input reader ratings /
a resource. Automatic rating agents
Set-profile Self-register a rater with Input reader ratings, a
a server, as well as user or manager
registering someone else as
a rater for a closed
server, or modifying the
profile of an existing
Get-profile Get the profile of another Input reader ratings, a
user, subject to access user or manager
Login Establish credentials for a All of the above
Logout Waive credentials for a All of the above
Get-atomic-rat Get the ratings made by one All of the above
ings or more named users on one
or more resources.
Simple-Search Make a search for rated Rating search client, a
resources, HTML search user.
query form.
Advanced-Searc Make a search for Rating search client,
h resources, XML query form. NLP module (to find
items which need NLP
Evaluate Get the ratings for a list Rating search client,
of resources. news client, news
server, a user.
Exchange-ratin Mirror ratings data between One SELECT version 1.0
gs-data two SELECT version 1.0 server.
4. Handling of anonymous ratings
Ratings can be either identified or anonymous.
All SELECT services may not allow anonymous ratings.
Anonymous ratings are fully anonymous, no raterid of any kind is
Anonymous ratings are sent to a different URL (see chapter 6),
containing /id/, than the URL for non-anonymous ratings. For anonymous
ratings, the "raterid" has the special value "anonymous".
When combining atomic ratings to aggregate ratings, different weight
may be given to identified, anonymous ratings, including the weight
zero to anonymous ratings.
When retrieving atomic ratings, you will get identified ratings only
for yourself. Other ratings are not returned or are returned only
unidentifiable format.
5. Style sheet information in XML encodings
The XML encodings produced by SELECT agents may contain style sheet
information. An agent which does not use this information, should
ignore it. Such an agent must be capable of receiving and ignoring
style sheet information, but need not do any other processing of style
sheet information.
Such style sheet information may be:
(a) A style sheet reference in the processing instruction head of an
XML document.
(b) A style sheet reference in the DTD file (not valid today, August
1999, but may become valid in the future).
Example: The following two XML data are semantically equal:
Version 1: Version 2:
--------- ---------
<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE send-rating-response <?xml-stylesheet
SYSTEM href="mystyle.css"
"http://select/v1.0/send-rating- type="text/css">
<!DOCTYPE send-rating-response
<send-rating-response SYSTEM
accepted="false" "http://select/v1.0/send-rating-re
refuse-reason="accesscontrol"/> sponse.dtd">
6. Submission points
Below are shown the entry points for access to the SELECT general
service. For a specialised service, the word "general" below should be
replaced by the subdirectory for that service.
Operation Service Submission point
Get-Service-Descri All http://select/v1.0/select-service-description
ption-List services s.xml
Get-Service-Descri General http://select/general/get-services.xml
ption service
Send-Rating General http://select/v1.0/general/id/input-ratings
Note: For use by ratings supplied by
identified raters.
Send-Rating General http://select/v1.0/general/id/input-ratings
Note: For use for ratings supplied by
identified raters.
Send-Rating General
Note: is used to record anonymous
ratings, to record non-anonymous
ratings. The different domain names are
needed to keep the cookies different.
Set-Profile General http://select/v1.0/general/id/profiles
Get-Profile General http://select/v1.0/general/id/profiles
Login General http://select/v1.0/general/id/login
Logout General http://select/v1.0/general/id/logout
Get-Atomic-Ratings General http://select/v1.0/general/id/evaluator
Simple-Search General http://select//v1.0/general/simple-search
Advanced-Search General http://select/search
Evaluate General http://select/evaluator
7. Protocol elements full specifications
7.1 Validation of XML Encodings
The DTDs and XML code in this specification has been validated using
the XML validation service at
7.2 The DTD for an atomic rating
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
<!ELEMENT atomic-rating (rating-value+)>
Start of attribute list for <!ATTLIST atomic-rating
Identification of the rater. For a raterid-or-pseudonym CDATA #REQUIRED
pseudonymous rating, the pseudonym
is specified, for an identified
user the raterid is supplied. For
an anonymous rating, the special
name "anonymous" is entered.
Note: when retrieving ratings made
by other people than yourself, the
raterid is given the special value
"suppressed". You will then get
ratings with the raterid changed to
"suppressed" and with only the year
in the date field.
For aggregate ratings, the
raterid-or-pseudonym has the
special value "derived".
IP adress of machine that generates rated-from-host CDATA #REQUIRED
the rating.
Identification of the software rating-engine CDATA #REQUIRED
which formatted this rating in the
format of an URL of a page
describing this rating-engine.
The URI of the rated resource location CDATA #REQUIRED
The date of the rating. If no date rating-date CDATA #IMPLIED
is specified, the server will give
the record the current date when
storing it. When returning ratings
with the Get-Atomic-Ratings
operation, ratings for other people
than yourself are supplied with
only year, not month or day or
For aggregate ratings, this date
has as value the last time its
value was re-computed.
The rater-competence is an rater-competence ( author | expert |
enumerated XML attribute, which can user | pseudonymous | anonymous |
only take specified values. The un-known | multiple ) 'un-known'
default value, if no tag is
specified, is "un-nown".
"multiple" is used for aggregate
ratings based on multiple user's
atomic ratings.
The verification info for this rater-trust ( signed | registered |
rater, default is "anonymous" pseudonymous | anonymous | multiple )
"multiple" is used for aggregate
ratings based on multiple user's
atomic ratings.
Type of agent producing this rating rater-type (computed | observed |
value. manual) 'manual'
Rating is limited to this context. context (general | business | leisure |
shopping | research | politics | all |
not-available) 'not-available'
The sender can give a globally message-id CDATA #IMPLIED
unique message-id to the rating
sent. If the sender does not give
such an ID, then the recipient will
assign such an ID when storing the
Note: This is not the Message-ID of
the rated resource, it is the ID of
this rating.
End of the list of XML attributes. >
The value for one rating <!ELEMENT rating-value EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST rating-value
The transmit-as or short-name of type CDATA #REQUIRED
the rating category. Note: Only
descriptors which are defined for
the rating service, to which the
connection is made, are allowed!
The value of the rating in the Value CDATA #REQUIRED
format specified for this rating
descriptor. Note: If a user
specifies more than one keywords
for a resource, then each keyword
is sent as a separate rating-value.
End of the list of XML attributes. >
7.3 Get-Service-Description-List (XML)
The Get service-description-list operation retrieves a list of SELECT
version 1.0 service descriptions and their URIs, but does not retrieve
the actual service descriptions. This will not necessarily be a list of
all SELECT services over the world, it may usually be a list of SELECT
services on this particular host, or a list of services recommended by
the manager of this host.
7.3.1 Query format (get service description-list):
An HTTP GET operation is performed on a URI established to return
SELECT version 1.0 service descriptions.
This description can be requested from at:
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Get the file named GET /v1.0/select-service-descriptions HTTP/1.1
riptions". Preferred
language is in English,
second choice Italian
From the HTTP server Host: select
"select" port 80.
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are
This user has connected to Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
this server before, and a
cookie identifies the
7.3.2 Response format (get service description-list):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Standard reply header HTTP ...
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE send-rating SYSTEM "services-list.dtd">
id = "test"
server = ""
maintainer = "" />
<description language = "en"
text = "SELECT service">
DTD of replied message <!ELEMENT services-list-item (description+)>
<!ATTLIST services-list-item
<!ELEMENT description EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST description
7.4 Get-Service-Description
Summary: The Get service-description operation will query a SELECT
version 1.0 server to get a description of some services. The main
components of this description is a list of descriptors and scales used
by this service.
Access control: None.
Input data: The names of the services.
Output data: A description of the service, and a list of the
descriptors supported for ratings in that group.
Base protocol: HTTP combined with XML.
7.4.1 Query format (get service-description):
An HTTP GET operation is performed on a certainURI.
Example (get service-description):
This example retrieves the service description at the URI:
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Get the file named GET /v1.0/get-service-descriptions HTTP/1.1
on" which contains a description
of the SELECT version 1.0 general
service. The SELECT version 1.0
general service is a service
available to everyone, as
different for service for special
user groups.
Get the file from the HTTP server Host: select
"select" port 80.
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are accepted.
This user has connected to this Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
server before, and a cookie
identifies the session.
Request of SELECT test service <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE get-services SYSTEM
<service-name name = "test"/>
<service-name name = "iscn"/>
DTD of message <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!ELEMENT get-services (service-name+)>
<!ELEMENT service-name EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST service-name
7.4.2 Response format (get-service-description):
The response is an XML [XML1], [XML2] resource, containing a SELECT
version 1.0 service description. The XML Resource Type Declaration for
this XML page is described in chapter 0
The SELECT general service description.
7.5 Send-Rating
Summary: The send-rating operation will send one or more ratings to a
SELECT version 1.0 server. This operation can be used both for explicit
ratings provided by users, for implicit ratings derived by observing
user behaviour, and for ratings derived through automatic analysis of
documents using NLP methods.
Access control: If the rater is not identified by a cookie (created by
a login operation), then either this rating will be handled as
anonymous or the user will be instructed to login first, or to send the
ratings to the separate entry-point for anonymous ratings. Some SELECT
servers may not accept anonymous ratings.
Input data: Information about the rated resource, the rater and the
rating values.
Output data: Acceptance or rejection.
Base protocol: XML transported through HTTP.
7.5.1 Transmit-Format (send-rating):
A HTTP POST operation, with the content the XML-formatted rating.
The send-rating is an HTTP POST operation, whose body is an XML
resource containing the rating. Below is a POST sent to the URI
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Connect to the SELECT server. The POST /v1.0/general/id/input-ratings
URI used identifies the rating HTTP/1.1
service, to which this rating is
To the HTTP server "select" port Host: select
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are accepted.
The format of the query is XML. Content-Type: Application/xml
This user has connected to this Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
server before, and a cookie
identifies the session.
The body of the query is an XML [XML1], [XML2] resource. The XML
Resource Type Declaration for this XML resource is as follows. Note
that no Rater-ID is included, because this ID can be derived from the
Cookie. And no rating-service-description is referred to, because the
URI, to which this rating is sent, implies a particular rating-service.
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- ---------------------------
Reference to data structure defined <!ENTITY % atomic-rating SYSTEM
in a separate DTD file. Further
information, see section 7.2 "http://select/v1.0/atomic-rating.dtd">
A list of ratings are sent. <!ELEMENT send-rating (atomic-rating+)>
Import DTD from separate DTD file %atomic-rating;
Example (send-rating):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP header POST /v1.0/general/id/input-ratings HTTP/1.1
Host: select
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: Application/xml
Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
A blank line to mark the end of
the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE send-rating SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/send-rating.dtd">
specifying the syntax for this
XML resource.
Start with information about <atomic-rating
the resource rated and about raterid-or-pseudonym=""
the rater. rating-engine="http://select/proxy-1"
rating-date="31 Jul 1999"
First rating descriptor <rating-value
Second rating descriptor, note <rating-value
that decimal values are allowed type="select-reader-quality-rating"
Third rating descriptor <rating-value
Fourth rating descriptor <rating-value
End of data </atomic-rating></send-rating>
7.5.2 Response format (send-rating-response):
The response is an XML [XML1], [XML2] resource. The XML Resource Type
Declaration for this XML resource is:
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
The evaluations are <!ELEMENT send-rating-response (rating-value*)>
returned, one rating
service at a time.
Whether all the rating <!ATTLIST send-rating-response
labels were accepted, accepted (all | some | none) 'all'
or some of them, or
none of them.
ID of the set-rating. Message-id CDATA #REQUIRED
If no message-id was
given in the
set-rating operation,
this ID will tell the
client which ID the
set-rating operation
got assigned by the
If rating was Refuse-reason (accepted | bad-syntax |
rejected, explanation Missing-info | unknown-descriptors | wrongtype |
why. See chapter Wrong-competence | wrong-trust | wrong-rater-type | Refusal Wrong-context | access-control | other |
reasons for the Wrong-type) 'accepted'
send-rating operation.
End of XML attribute >
If only some of the <!ELEMENT rating-value EMPTY>
rating values were
rejected, this element
is used to list the
rejected rating
<!ATTLIST rating-value
See send-rating type CDATA #REQUIRED
See send-rating value CDATA #REQUIRED
End of XML attribute >
list Refusal reasons for the send-rating operation
The following refusal reasons may be used in rejecting a send-rating
operation by a SELECT server:
Refuse-reason Explanation
------------- -----------
none Operation was not rejected.
bad-syntax Wrong syntax of HTTP header or XML data sent.
missing-info Mandatory-information missing from sent data.
unknown-descriptors Trying to store a rating for a descriptor not
supported by this server.
wrongtype Wrong type of a descriptor value, for example text
for a descriptor which must have a numerical value.
wrong-competence This rater is not allowed to send ratings with this
competence to this service.
wrong-trust This rater is not allowed to send ratings with this
trust to this service.
wrong-rater-type This service does not accept ratings of this
rater-type from this user.
wrong-context This service does not accept ratings with this
context from this user.
access-control This user is not allowed to send ratings to this
service. (There are no operations in this
specification to give people access rights. Some
SELECT services may want to give only certain people
the right to perform various operations, such as send
ratings. How to do this is not described in this
not-logged-in The user performed an operation which requires login,
but was not logged in.
other Other errors.
Example 1 (positive send-rating response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate the
end of the HTTP header
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE send-rating-response SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/send-rating-response.dtd"
specifying the syntax for this >
XML resource.
Accepted is default. <send-rating-response
Example 2 (negative send-rating response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate the
end of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE send-rating-response SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/send-rating-response.dtd"
specifying the syntax for this >
XML resource.
All ratings were not accepted. <send-rating-response accepted="some"
Rating-label rejected, this <rating-value
server does not accept ratings type="context"
in the leisure context. value="leisure"/>
End of send-rating-response. </send-rating-response>
7.6 Set-Profile
Summary: The set-profile operation can be used for a rater to register
him/herself (for services which allow this) and can be used by
administrators to register raters (for services which do not allow
self-registration). It can also be used to modify existing
Issues: The format of interest-profile is not specified. The format of
reward-account is not specified.
Access control: The profile of a person is not modifiable by other
people, only by that person him/herself, or an agent for that person,
or certain certified SELECT processes, who will not divulge the profile
to other people. A SELECT administrator may also usurp super-user
privileges and perform this operation on anyone.
Input data: User identification and some profile attributes to be set
or changed.
Output data: Accepted or rejected.
Base protocol: XML
7.6.1 Transmit format (set-profile):
The set-profile operation is an HTTP POST operation, whose body is an
XML resource containing the profile, sent to the profiles cgi-script in
the server for this particular rating service. Example:
Note that a user, who is registered in more than one rating service,
has a separate profile and a separate cookie for each of them.
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Connect to the SELECT server POST /v1.0/general/id/set-profile
To the HTTP server "select" port Host: select
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are accepted.
The format of the query is XML. Content-Type: Application/xml
This user has connected to this Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
server before, and a cookie
identifies the session.
The body of the operation is an XML [XML1], [XML2] resource. The XML
Resource Type Declaration for this XML resource is:
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
Reference to data structure <!ENTITY % profile SYSTEM
defined in a separate DTD file. "http://select/v1.0/profile.dtd">
Further information, see section
7.6.2 The XML DTD for the user
The set-profile consists of a <!ELEMENT set-profile (profile)>
profile plus two attributes.
Start of XML attribute list. <!ATTLIST set-profile
Is this a new registration of a new (true | false) 'false'
not-yet-registered user?
Whether you are setting the self (true | false ) 'true'
registration for yourself, or,
since you are a superuser, for
someone else.
Profile is taken from the external %profile;
ENTITY declared in the first row.
Further information, see section
section 7.6.2 The XML DTD for the
user profile.
Note: All attributes of a user profile are not settable for ordinary
users (example: no-of-docs-rated). They should thus not be used when
setting a profile.
Pseudonym should include the domain name of the SELECT server. Thus, if
a user wants the pseudonym foobar, the user should request the
pseudonym foobar@select when connecting to any of the SELECT servers at
select. Note that this means that the same pseudonym is not allowed in
more than one SELECT service, if all the services are on the same
server. The SELECT server must check suggested pseudonyms in a data
base which is common to all SELECT services on a particular host.
7.6.2 The XML DTD for the user profile
Profile is an XML [XML1], [XML2] resource. The XML Resource Type
Declaration for profile:
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
<!ELEMENT profile (language*,
keyword-manual*, keyword-automatic*,
interest-profile?, query-history*,
<!ATTLIST profile
E-mail address of the rater. This raterid CDATA #IMPLIED
can be omitted for a person who
is only going to submit
pseudonymous ratings. One of the
two values raterid and pseudonym
must be specified.
A globally unique identification pseudonym CDATA #IMPLIED
of the rater, from which the real
person cannot be found except
through the SELECT server data
base. (Such lookups are forbidden
except when needed to fight
illegal or harmful usage.)
Password is mandatory except that password CDATA #IMPLIED
a new user can omit the password
at registration, the server will
then assign a password to that
user and send it back.
A question to answer for a user remember-phrase-question CDATA #IMPLIED
who has forgotten his/her
password, example "What is my
mother's maiden name".
The correct answer to this remember-phrase-answer CDATA #IMPLIED
A non-unique, user-friendly name name CDATA #IMPLIED
of this rater.
Wanted maximum validity time of a cookie-life-time CDATA #IMPLIED
session before time out, in
seconds. Both the client and the
server are responsible for not
allowing further interactions
before logout when the validity
time has expired. This value is
dependent on the setting, which
the user makes on a "Remember my
password" checkbox in the user
profile settings user interface.
Open key for signatures. May be signature-open-key CDATA #IMPLIED
mandatory, optional or not used,
depending on SELECT service.
URL of certificate authority, certificate-authority CDATA #IMPLIED
with which the signature-open-key
can be verified.
A user does not have to specify birthyear CDATA #IMPLIED
birthyear or gender. Some SELECT
services may however require such
specifications. Birthyear is the
year AD (counted from the
commonly assumed birthyear of
gender (male | female ) #IMPLIED
Some users may not have mayrate (true | false) 'true'
permission to rate.
Whether other people can search secret (true | false) 'false'
for this user's name in the
SELECT data base.
Latest date when this rater made latest-rating-date CDATA #IMPLIED
any rating in this rating
Number of docs rated by this no-of-docs-rated CDATA #IMPLIED
rater in this rating service.
Algorithm not yet defined for how average-ratings-given CDATA #IMPLIED
to compute this.
End of the list of XML attributes >
Language code of languages <!ELEMENT language (#PCDATA)>
understood by this user in
priority order. May be repeated
once for every language. Language
codes are taken from RFC 1766 and
ISO 639.
Keywords specified by this user <!ELEMENT keyword-manual (#PCDATA)>
to identify his/her interests.
Keywords automatically derived by <!ELEMENT keyword-automatic (#PCDATA)>
observation of this user to
identify his/her interests.
This syntax is preliminary. We <!ELEMENT interest-profile (#PCDATA)>
may assign a more complex syntax
to this later on, with defined
subelements and structure like a
set of instructions in some
filtering language.
List of previous queries made by <!ELEMENT query-history (#PCDATA)>
this user. May influence
filtering procedure.
To be defined. <!ELEMENT reward-account (#PCDATA)>
Example (set-profile):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP header. POST /v1.0/general/id/set-profile HTTP/1.1
Host: select
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: Application/xml
Cookie: session="012345678901234354"
A blank line to mark the
end of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in <?xml version="1.0"?>
XML format.
References the Resource <!DOCTYPE set-profile SYSTEM
Type Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/set-profile.dtd">
specifying the syntax for
this XML resource.
Setting the profile for <set-profile self="false">
someone else.
Start of the profile to be <profile
List of attributes and raterid=""
values. pseudonym="xavier-xantico"
remember-phrase-question="mother's maiden name"
remember-phrase-answer="von Vegesack"
name="Jacob Palme"
End of profile attributes >
Embedded elements <keyword-manual>standards</keyword-manual>
<keyword-manual>computers </keyword-manual>
<keyword-manual>fiction </keyword-manual>
<interest-profile> Do not filter away any
document containing "IETF"</interest-profile>
End of set-profile </profile></set-profile>
7.6.3 Response format (set-profile):
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
The evaluation are returned, one <!ELEMENT set-profile-response
rating service at a time.
Whether all the new user settings <!ATTLIST set-profile-response
were accepted, or some of them, accepted (all | some | none) 'all'
or none of them.
XML attributes for refuse-reason. reason (cannot-set-for-yourself |
cannot-set-for-other-user |
raterid-or-pseudonym-in-use |
invalid-session-id | not-logged-in |
database-error | failure | success)
Example 1 (positive set-profile response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate the
end of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE set-profile-response SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/set-profile-response.dtd"
specifying the syntax for this >
XML resource.
The set-profile was accepted. <set-profile-response
accepted = "all"
reason = "none"
Example 2 (negative set-profile response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate the
end of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE set-profile-response SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/set-profile-response.dtd"
specifying the syntax for this >
XML resource.
The set-profile was not fully <set-profile-response
accepted. accepted="none"
7.7 Get-Profile
Summary: The get-profile operation can be used to get the profile
settings for a particular user in a particular SELECT server. It can be
used to retrieve a profile, and then send in a modified profile using
(to the extent this is allowed) using the set-profile operation.
Filtering agents may use get profile to get information used in the
filtering for a certain user. ML algorithms may automatically modify a
user's profile, the profile may indicate limits on what ML algorithms
may do to it. (Example: "ML may not filter out any articles in
newsgroup X, since it is very important to me".)
Access control: The profile of a person is not accessible by other
people, only by that person him/herself, or an agent for that person,
or certain certified SELECT processes, who will not divulge the profile
to other people. A SELECT administrator may also usurp super-user
privileges and perform this operation on anyone.
Input data: Identification of the user or search-info for the user,
whose profile is wanted.
Output data: The profile of this user, or a rejection error.
Base protocol: application/x-www-form-urlencoded for the request, XML
for the response.
7.7.1 Query format (get-profile):
The get-profile operation is an HTTP GET operation, with an HTML form:
<title>SELECT Login</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<h1><font>Get SELECT User
Info </h1>
<form method="get" action="">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5">
<td rowspan="2">Fill
in either an e-mail<br>
address or a search string:</td>
<div align="right">The
e-mail address<br>
of the user:</div>
<input type="text" name="e-mail-address"
size="50" maxlength="80">
<div align="right">Search
<input type="text" name="search-string"
size="50" maxlength="80">
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<input type="submit" name="Get" value="Get user info">
<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">
Response format:
<input type="radio" name="responseformat" value="html"
<input type="radio" name="responseformat" value="xml">
XML </td>
Example: "http://select/v1.0/general/id/profiles?e-mail-address=&search
Example (get-profile):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Connect to the SELECT server. GET
To the HTTP server "select" port Host: select
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are accepted.
7.7.2 Response format (get-profile):
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
Reference to data structure <!ENTITY %profile SYSTEM
defined in a separate DTD "http://select/v1.0/profile.dtd">
file. Further information,
see section 0.
The evaluation are <!ELEMENT get-profile-response ( profile+ |
returned, one rating error )>
service at a time.
<!ATTLIST get-profile-response
Partial means that some, success ( full | partial | none ) 'full'
but not all the requested
data is returned.
Profile is taken from the %profile;
external ENTITY declared in
the first row. Further
information, see section 0.
Profile may be incomplete,
in case only some
attributes are retrievable
for this requestor (if you
get profile for someone
else than yourself).
<!ELEMENT error (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST error
Reject reason, no default reason ( not-logged-in | bad-syntax |
value. not-found | authorisation-failure |
Note: Data for secret other-reason )
users, whom the requestor #IMPLIED
are not allowed to see, are
treated as non-existing. A
search for such a user
might thus return
Example 1 (positive get-profile response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate
the end of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in <?xml version="1.0"?>
XML format.
References the Resource <!DOCTYPE get-profile-response SYSTEM
Type Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/get-profile-response.dtd">
specifying the syntax for
this XML resource.
The get-profile was <get-profile-response>
Start of the profile to be <profile
List of attributes and raterid=""
values. pseudonym="xavier-xantico"
Note: Password is never remember-phrase-question="mother's maiden name"
returned. remember-phrase-answer="von Vegesack"
name="Jacob Palme"
End of profile attributes >
Embedded elements <keyword-manual>standards</keyword-manual>
<keyword-manual>computers </keyword-manual>
<keyword-manual>fiction </keyword-manual>
<interest-profile> Do not filter away any
document containing "IETF"</interest-profile>
End of get-profile </profile></get-profile-response>
Example 2 (negative get-profile response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 17 August 1999 12:22:46 +0200
A blank line to indicate the end
of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE get-profile-response SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/get-profile-response.dtd
specifying the syntax for this ">
XML resource.
The get-profile did not succeed. <get-profile-response success="none">
<error reason="not-logged-in">
You cannot do this without first logging in.
7.8 Login
Summary: The login operation is used to identify a user, and cause a
cookie value to be set, which allows this user to perform certain
access-controlled operations during the validity time of this cookie.
Access control: E-mail address and password. May not be required for
sending anonymous ratings.
Input data: User identification by either e-mail address or pseudonym
combined with password or an IMAP authentication.
Output data: Acceptance or rejection.
Base protocol: application/x-www-form-urlencoded for the request, HTML
or XML for the response.
7.8.1 Query format (login):
The same as if the user has filled in the following HTML form:
<title>SELECT Login</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<h1>SELECT Login </h1>
<form method="get" action="">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5">
<div align="right">Your e-mail address<br>or pseudonym:</div>
<input type="text" name="e-mail-address" size="50"
<div align="right">Your password:</div>
<input type="password" name="password">
<td> </td>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Login">
Response format:
<input type="radio" name="responseformat" value="html" checked>
<input type="radio" name="responseformat" value="xml">
Example (login):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Connect to the SELECT server GET /v1.0/general/id/login?e-mail-address=jp HTTP/1.1
To the HTTP server "select" port Host: select
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are accepted.
7.8.2 Response format (login):
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
Response to a login <!ELEMENT login-response EMPTY>
If ok <!ATTLIST login-response
Session-id for the newly accepted (ok | wrong_password |unknown_user
created session | failed) 'failed'
Rater-id of the newly logged in session-id CDATA #REQUIRED
user rater-id CDATA #REQUIRED
End of XML attribute list >
Example (login response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP header. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 13:32:18 +0200
Server: Apache/1.2.4
Last-Modified: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 13:32:18 +0200
ETag: "437e5-98-3531f2e3"
Content-Length: 152
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/xml
Set the cookie. Set-cookie: session="1234567890123456";Domain="select
A blank line to mark
the end of the HTTP
Identifies that this <?xml version="1.0"?>
is in XML format.
References the <!DOCTYPE login-response SYSTEM
Resource Type "http://select/v1.0/login-response.dtd">
Declaration (DTD) file
specifying the syntax
for this XML resource.
Start and end of <login-response
login-response for a accepted="true"
rejected login. session-id="1234567890123456"
rater-id = "jpalme"
7.9 Logout
Summary: The logout operation removes the cookie, which gave the user
privileges to perform certain commands in logged-in state.
7.9.1 Query format (logout):
The same as if a user clicks on an HTML link:
<A HREF="http://select/v1.0/general/id/logout;">Log out</A>
Example (logout):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
An ordinary HTTP connection. GET /v1.0/general/id/logout;
To the HTTP server "select" port 80. Host: select
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are accepted.
This user has connected to this Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
server before, and a cookie
identifies the session.
7.9.2 Response format (logout):
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
The evaluation are returned, one <!ELEMENT logout-response EMPTY>
rating service at a time.
Whether all the rating labels <!ATTLIST logout-response
were accepted, or some of them, accepted (true | false) 'true'
or none of them.
You tried to logout, but you not-logged-in (true | false) 'false'
were not logged in.
End of XML attribute list >
Example (logout response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP header HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 13:32:18 +0200
Server: Apache/1.2.4
Last-Modified: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 13:32:18 +0200
ETag: "437e5-98-3531f2e3"
Content-Length: 152
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/xml
Max-age="0" resets the Set-cookie: session="1234567890123456";Domain="se
cookie. lect";Path="/v1.0/general/id/";Max-age="0"
A blank line to mark the
end of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in <?xml version="1.0"?>
XML format.
References the Resource <!DOCTYPE logout-response SYSTEM
Type Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/logout-response.dtd">
specifying the syntax for
this XML resource.
Start and end of <logout-response accepted="false"/>
login-response for a
rejected login.
7.10 Get-Atomic-Ratings
Summary: The get-atomic-ratings operation retrieves atomic ratings done
by one or more named raters on one or more resources. It can be used by
a user agent to find out if this user has already rated this resource.
It might also be used in peer rating, where person A wants to find
items rated highly by named individuals B and C.
Access control: The ratings made by a certain user can only be seen by
that user, i.e. after logging in as that user. A person may however, in
his/her personal profile, specify that other people can see his/her
ratings. Get-atomic-ratings on a list of people may only be done in the
following cases (i) all the people have specified in their profile that
their ratings may be seen by other people, or (ii) the requestor is a
certified filtering agent which will not divulge the personal ratings
to a person, or (iii) the list of users is larger than ten, in this
case, the atomic ratings are returned without identification of who
made which rating.
Input data: A URI for the rated resource, and a list of one or more
people, whose atomic ratings on this resource are wanted.
Output data: A list of atomic ratings, with or without identification
of who made them, or an error code.
Base protocol: XML.
7.10.1 Query format (get-atomic-ratings):
The get-atomic-ratings query is an HTTP POST operation, whose body is
an XML resource containing the query, sent to
Note: You must be logged in, to perform this operation, even if you
only are going to retrieve anonymous ratings.
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Connect to the SELECT server POST /v1.0/general/id/get-ratings HTTP/1.1
To the HTTP server "select" Host: select
port 80.
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are
The format of the query is Content-Type: Application/xml
This user has connected to Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
this server before, and a
cookie identifies the
The body of the query is an XML [XML1], [XML2] resource. The XML
Resource Type Declaration for this XML resource is:
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
<!ELEMENT get-atomic-ratings
(location+, rater+, labelname*)>
Start of attribute list for <!ATTLIST get-atomic-ratings
Restrict the retrieval to only ratings context (general | business |
done in a certain context. leisure | shopping | research |
politics | all) 'all'
Whether only ratings made by this rater whose-ratings ( own | all )
(identified or pseudonymous) can be 'own'
retrieved. Note: If you set this setting
to "all" then you will get back ratings
without identity or date on them.
End of the list of XML attributes. >
Each URI to be evaluated is a free text <!ELEMENT location EMPTY>
field containing the URI of the resource
to be evaluated.
Start of attribute list for rater. <!ATTLIST location
Raterid or pseudonym. If Raterid is given, uri CDATA #REQUIRED
only ratings made non-anonymously for this
user are returned, if pseudonym is given,
only ratings made under this pseudonym are
returned. Thus, raterid and pseudonym are
treated as two different raters. One
exception: A rater has access rights to
retrieve own ratings made both anonymously
and non-anonymously, but the rater must
then list both raters in two "rater"
elements in the request.
Note: Possibly, processes with special
privileges may be allowed to retrieve
ratings made by different people and
anonymous ratings?
End of the list of XML attributes. >
Identify whose ratings are requested. <!ELEMENT rater EMPTY>
Start of attribute list for rater. Omitted <!ATTLIST rater
if you want all ratings, made by anyone,
in un-identified format.
Raterid or pseudonym or the fixed string raterid CDATA #REQUIRED
"anonymous" to retrieve anonymous ratings.
If Raterid is given, only ratings made
non-anonymously for this user are
returned, if pseudonym is given, only
ratings made under this pseudonym are
returned. Thus, raterid and pseudonym are
treated as two different raters. One
exception: A rater has access rights to
retrieve own ratings made both anonymously
and non-anonymously, but the rater must
then list both raters in two "rater"
elements in the request.
End of the list of XML attributes. >
List of requested rating descriptors. If <!ELEMENT labelname EMPTY>
no list is specified, this means that all
available ratings are requested.
Start of attribute list for rater. <!ATTLIST labelname
Raterid or pseudonym. If Raterid is given, name CDATA #REQUIRED
only ratings made non-anonymously for this
user are returned, if pseudonym is given,
only ratings made under this pseudonym are
returned. Thus, raterid and pseudonym are
treated as two different raters. One
exception: A rater has access rights to
retrieve own ratings made both anonymously
and non-anonymously, but the rater must
then list both raters in two "rater"
elements in the request.
To retrieve ratings made by other people
in de-identified format, enter the name as
the string "other".
End of the list of XML attributes. >
Example of a body (get-atomic-ratings):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Start. <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE get-atomic-ratings SYSTEM
<get-atomic-ratings context="leisure">
List of locations, for <location uri=""/>
which ratings are <location uri=""/>
Raters, whose ratings <rater raterid=""/>
are requested. <rater raterid=""/>
Which rating labels <labelname name="select-reader-interest-rating"/>
are requested. <labelname name="keywords"/>
End of </get-atomic-ratings>
7.10.2 Response format (get-atomic-ratings-response):
The response is an XML [XML1], [XML2] document. The XML Resource Type
Declaration for this XML resource is:
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
Reference to data structure <!ENTITY % atomic-rating SYSTEM
defined in a separate DTD file. "http://select/v1.0/atomic-rating.dtd">
Further information, see section
Import DTD from separate DTD %atomic-rating;
file atomic-rating.dtd.
The evaluation are returned, one <!ELEMENT get-atomic-ratings-response
rating service at a time. (rejection+ | atomic-rating+)>
If only some of the settings <!ELEMENT rejection (#PCDATA)>
were accepted, here is a list of
those not accepted. The #PCDATA
can contain a human-readable
description of the refusal
reason in the preferred language
of the user doing the
registration (not always the
language of the user being
XML attributes for <!ATTLIST rejection
Why the attribute was rejected. refuse-reason (
authorisation | bad-syntax |
no-such-attribute | no-ratings-available |
not-logged-in | other-reason
End of refuse-reason. ) #REQUIRED
Refused value of this attribute. refused-value CDATA #IMPLIED
End of XML attribute list. >
Example 1 (get-atomic-ratings-response):
Note: This response is sent in the case where the ISCN server had no
ratings for any of the resources requested, so that only ratings from
the select general ratings server are returned.
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to
indicate the end of
the HTTP header
Identifies that this <?xml version="1.0"?>
is in XML format.
References the <!DOCTYPE get-atomic-ratings-response SYSTEM
Resource Type "http://select/v1.0/get-atomic-ratings-response.dtd">
Declaration (DTD) file
specifying the syntax
for this XML resource.
Start of <get-atomic-ratings-response>
ponse for one
First rating returned. <atomic-rating
rating-date="31 Jul 1999"
First rating <rating-value
descriptor. type="select-reader-interest-rating"
Second rating <rating-value
descriptor. type="adult"
Third rating <rating-value
descriptor. type="context"
End of data. </atomic-rating>
Second rating <atomic-rating
rating-date="17 Aug 1999"
First rating <rating-value
descriptor. type="select-reader-interest-rating"
Second rating <rating-value
descriptor. type="adult"
Third rating <rating-value
descriptor. type="context"
End of data </atomic-rating>
Example 2 (get-atomic-ratings-response rejection):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate the end
of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE get-atomic-ratings-response
Declaration (DTD) file specifying SYSTEM
the syntax for this XML resource. "http://select/v1.0/get-atomic-ratings-res
Start of server list. <get-atomic-ratings-response>
Start of ratings for one resource <rejection refuse-reason="not-logged-in"/>
to be rated.
End of evaluate-response report </get-atomic-ratings-response>
and end of file.
7.11 Simple-Search Operation
Issue: Should this really be in the standard? Is this not a user
interface issue, since it is specified as an HTML search form below?
Summary: Find web pages satisfying a query and which are highly rated.
Access control: No access control for basic rating. Rating based on a
particular users interest and values may be available only if preceded
by a login operation for this particular user.
Input data: The user specifies the query by filling in a query form.
Simple search, when the personalised checkbox is unchecked, is always
made on the general-rating derived descriptor. When the Personalized
search checkbox is checked, the general-rating is made using a default
personal-rating derived descriptor, which actually returns different
values for each user. If the user is unknown, Personalized search will
return an error message.
Output data: A HTML page or an XML document with a list of found pages
sorted according to rating and relevance.
Base protocol: HTML application/x-www-form-urlencoded for the request,
and HTML or XML for the response.
7.11.1 Query format (simple-search-query):
The simple-search query is an HTTP GET operation with the query after
"?" in the URI.
The query is the same as would be sent with the following HTML form:
<style type="text/css">
p { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt}
td { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt}
<BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="center">
<tr bgcolor="#6633CC" align="center">
<td rowspan=5 valign="top" width="121" align="center">
<div align="left"><font color='white'> Search: <br>
<input type="checkbox" name="search"
value="internet" checked>
Internet <br>
<input type="checkbox" name="search" value="select"
Select directory <br>
<input type="checkbox" name="search" value="news"
News </font></div>
<font color='white'>
<hr width="70" align="left">
<div align="left">
<input type="checkbox" name="unseen" value="yes">
Only unseen</div>
<td colspan=5 rowspan="2"><font color='white'>
Search query:
<INPUT SIZE=54 MAXLENGTH=256 NAME="query" value="">
<input type="submit" name="Search" value="Search">
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFCC">
<td width="21"><font color="#FFFFFF"></font></td>
<tr bgcolor="#CCFF99">
<td valign="top" width="163" align="center" > Limit to
<input type="text" name="textfield">
<td valign="top" width="122" > <b>Limit to Language:</b><br>
<select name="lang" size=1>
<option value="world" selected>Any
<option value="welsh">Cymraeg
<option value="dansk">Dansk
<option value="deutsch">Deutsch
<option value="english">English
<option value="español">Español
<option value="français">Français
<option value="italiano">Italiano
<option value="magyar">Magyar
<option value="nederlands">Nederlands
<option value="norsk">Norsk
<option value="português">Português
<option value="suomi">Suomi
<option value="svenska">Svenska
<td valign="top" width="109" >
<p align="center"> <b>Result format:</b><br>
<input type="radio" name="resultformat"
value="html" checked>
<input type="radio" name="resultformat" value="xml">
XML </p>
<td valign="top" width="24">
<div align="right">
<input type="checkbox" name="personalized" value="yes">
<td valign="top" width="145" >
<p>Peer search</p>
<p><b>Max no of docs:</b>
<input type="text" name="maxno" size="4"
maxlength="20" value="50">
<td width="21" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFCC">
<td valign="middle" colspan="5" align="center"> Context:
<input type="checkbox" name="context" value="yes" checked>
<input type="checkbox" name="business" value="yes" checked>
<input type="checkbox" name="leisure" value="yes" checked>
<input type="checkbox" name="shopping" value="yes" checked>
<input type="checkbox" name="research" value="yes" checked>
<input type="checkbox" name="politics" value="yes" checked>
<td width="21" rowspan="2"><font color="#FFFFFF"></font></td>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFCC">
<td valign="middle" colspan="5" align="center"
bgcolor="#6633CC"> <font color="#FFFFFF">
<input type="checkbox" name="Use my keywords"
value="Keyworduse" checked>
Use my interest profile
<input type="checkbox" name="usekeywords"
value="usemykeywords" checked>
Use my keywords
<input type="checkbox" name="onlymanual"
Use only manual keywords and profile</font></td>
If the user check to "Use my interest profile" or "Use my keywords",
then that user can, but need not fill in any "Search query". If the
user does not fill in any "Search Query" but checks "Only unseen" and
"Use my interest profile" or "Use my keywords", then this will be a
search for highly-rated new, by this user unseen information. Note that
by checking "News", a search for news articles is done and the result
may be presented on the web, even though the rating of these web
articles was done through a newsreader and not through a web interface.
By "Peer search" is meant search, where higher value is given to
ratings provided by people with similar interests and values as
Example of query string:
(filter OR "SELECT rating") AND EU&domain=world&language=world
which with URI encoding will become:
Example of a simple-search query
Query is sent to the following URL for the SELECT general service:
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Connect to the SELECT GET /v1.0/general/simple-search?search=internet&searc
server h=select&search=news&query=%28filter+OR+%22SELECT+rat
"format" can be either resultformat=html&context=yes&business=yes&leisure=ye
"xml" or "html" and s&shopping=yes&research=yes&politics=yes HTTP/1.1
specifies in which
format the response is
to be delivered
To the HTTP server Host: select
"select" port 80.
Only files in the Accept: application/xml
format application/xml
are accepted.
This user has Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
connected to this
server before, and a
cookie identifies the
7.11.2 Response format (simple-search-response):
The simple-search response can be in either XML or HTML format
depending on the request. If no format was specified in the request,
HTML is the default format. The response contains a list of resources
matching the query and sorted by rating-value. This standard only
specifies the XML response format, the HTML response format is not
The XML Resource Type Declaration for this XML resource is:
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
The evaluation are returned, <!ELEMENT simple-search-response
one rating service at a time. (error | resource+)>
<!ELEMENT error (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST error
If rating was rejected, refuse-reason ( bad-syntax |
explanation why. See access-control | other) 'access-control'
Refusal reasons, chapter
End of XML attribute list. >
If only some of the rating <!ELEMENT resource (#PCDATA)>
values were rejected, this
element is used to list the
rejected rating values. The
#PCDATA contains the summary or
keywords or some other
description of the found
<!ATTLIST resource
Some kind of computed rating rating CDATA #REQUIRED
URI of the found resource. uri CDATA #REQUIRED
End of XML attribute list. >
Example 1 (positive simple-search response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate the
end of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE simple-search-response SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/simple-search-response.dt
specifying the syntax for this d">
XML resource.
<resource rating="88"
title="Kenyan flowers"
An overview of flowers found in Kenya.
<resource rating="78"
title="Kiwi flowers"
An overview of flowers found in Kiwi.
Example 2 (negative simple-search response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate the
end of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE simple-search-response SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/simple-search-response.dt
specifying the syntax for this d">
XML resource.
All ratings were not accepted. <simple-search-response>
Rating-label rejected, this <error>You are not allowed to make this
server does not accept ratings search.</error>
in the leisure context.
End of simple-search-response. </simple-search-response>
7.12 Advanced-Search Operation (Not yet ready)
Summary: Find web pages satisfying a query and which are highly rated.
Access control: No access control for basic rating. Rating based on a
particular users interest and values may be available only if preceded
by a login operation for this particular user.
Input data: Some general-purpose search format, based on SQL or some
other search language. The advanced search should especially allow the
needs of other modules.
Required functionality:
1. It should be possible to search on all derived and
atomic ratings. Example of use: The NLP modules need
a way of getting a list of which documents are to be
rated by the NLP modules. Can this be done through a
variant of the advanced-search operation?
2. It should be possible to retrieve all ratings on
resources with a particular author, including ratings
with a particular author sent to a particular
Output data: A HTML page or an XML document with a list of found pages
sorted according to rating and relevance.
Base protocol: HTML application/x-www-form-urlencoded for the request,
and HTML or XML for the response.
7.12.1 Query format (advanced-search-query):
The advanced-search query is an HTTP POST operation, whose body is an
XML resource containing the profile, sent to the profiles cgi-script in
the server for this particular rating service. Example:
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Connect to the SELECT server POST /v1.0/general/id/search HTTP/1.1
To the HTTP server "select" port Host: select
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are accepted.
The format of the query is XML. Content-Type: Application/xml
This user has connected to this Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
server before, and a cookie
identifies the session.
The body of the operation is an XML [XML1], [XML2] resource. The XML
Resource Type Declaration for this XML resource is:
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
Not yet ready
Example of a advanced-search query
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
HTTP header. POST /v1.0/general/id/advanced-search HTTP/1.1
Host: select
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: Application/xml
Cookie: session="012345678901234354"
A blank line to mark
the end of the HTTP
Identifies that this <?xml version="1.0"?>
is in XML format.
References the <!DOCTYPE advanced-search SYSTEM
Resource Type "http://select/v1.0/advanced-search.dtd">
Declaration (DTD) file
specifying the syntax
for this XML resource.
Not yet ready
7.12.2 Response format (advanced-search-response):
The response format for the advanced-search is the same as the response
format for the simple search, described in section 0.
7.13 Evaluate Operation
Summary: Get the ratings for a list of URIs.
Access control: No access control for basic rating. Rating based on a
particular user's interest and values may be available only if preceded
by a login operation for this particular user.
Input data: A list of URIs and a list of services. For each service, a
list of aggregate rating labels are listed. Note that only aggregate
ratings, not atomic ratings, can be found with this operation. If N
URIs, M services and V label types are listed, then NxMxV rating labels
are returned.
Output data: A list of rating labels.
Base protocol: HTTP and XML.
Issue: Is a "streaming" version of this operation needed? By streaming
is meant a version in which the URIs to process are sent to the server
in parallel with the server returning responses, so that responses for
the first URIs are returned before the last URIs have been sent to the
server for evaluation.
7.13.1 Query format (evaluate-query):
The evaluate query is an HTTP POST operation, whose body is an XML
resource containing the query, sent to
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Connect to the SELECT server. POST /v1.0/general/evaluator HTTP/1.1
To the HTTP server "select" port Host: select
Only files in the format Accept: application/xml
application/xml are accepted.
The format of the query is XML. Content-Type: Application/xml
This user has connected to this Cookie: session="1234567890123456"
server before, and a cookie
identifies the session.
The body of the query is an XML [XML1], [XML2] resource. The XML
Resource Type Declaration for this XML resource is:
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
A list of locations to be <!ELEMENT evaluate-query (location+,
evaluated, followed by a list service+)>
of services to evaluate these
locations. The returned
response will be L x S rating
labels, if L is the number of
locations and S the number of
Start of attribute list for <!ATTLIST evaluate-query
Whether rating are to be personal (true | false)'false'
personalised by comparison to
other people with similar
views to myself.
True means that the responses sort (true | false)'true'
are sorted in rating priority
order. False means that the
responses are returned in the
order they were given in the
Restrict the evaluation to context (general | business | leisure
only ratings done in a shopping | research | politics | all) 'all'
certain context.
End of the list of XML >
Each URI to be evaluated is a <!ELEMENT location (#PCDATA)>
free text field containing
the URI of the resource to be
Each service description is a <!ELEMENT service (label* | collection-name)>
free text field containing
the URI of the service.
Start of attribute list for <!ATTLIST service
Identification of the service location CDATA #REQUIRED
by its URI.
End of the list of XML >
List of requested <!ELEMENT label (#PCDATA)>
descriptors. If no list is
specified, this means that
all available descriptors are
requested. Only aggregate
ratings can be requested, not
atomic ratings.
Start of attribute list for <!ATTLIST label
If match is true, then all match ( false | true ) 'false'
labels whose name begin with
the given string are
retrieved. For example, with
match=true and the label
value "keywords", labels of
derived descriptors like
"keywords-tropical" and
"keywords-flowers" might be
End of the list of XML >
Instead of listing the labels <!ELEMENT collection-name EMPTY>
to be retrieved, it is
possible to just specify the
name of a collection, to
retrieve the labels specified
in this collection.. The
collection must be a
collection specified in the
service-description of the
service used.
<!ATTLIST collection-name
Example of a body (evaluate-query):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Start. <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE evaluate-query SYSTEM
List of locations to <location></location>
be evaluated. <location></location>
List of services whose <service
evaluations are
requested. For each location="http://select/v1.0/general/general-service-
service, the description.xml">
descriptors requested <label>select-reader-quality-rating</label>
are listed. For the <label>select-reader-interest-rating</label>
general service, <label match="true">keywords</label>
reader-quality and </service>
reader-interest-rating <service
s are requested, for
the iscn service, all location="http://select/v1.0/general/iscn-service-des
available descriptors cription.xml"
are requested. />
<collection-name name="instant-ratings"/>
End of evaluate-query. </evaluate-query>
7.13.2 Response format (evaluate-response):
The response is an XML [XML1], [XML2] document. The XML Resource Type
Declaration for this XML resource is:
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
The evaluation are <!ELEMENT evaluate-response (rejection |
returned, one rating resource+)>
service at a time.
Start of list of attributes <!ATTLIST evaluate-response
for the evaluate-service
URI of the service, only service CDATA #IMPLIED
used if all ratings
returned are from the same
Whether rating are to be personal (true | false) 'false'
personalised by comparison
to other people with
similar views to myself.
True means that the sort (true | false) 'true'
responses are sorted in
rating priority order.
False means that the
responses are returned in
the order they were given
in the request.
End of the list of XML >
<!ELEMENT rejection EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST rejection
Reject reason, no default reject-reason ( not-logged-in | bad-syntax |
value. not-found | authorisation-failure |
other-reason )
End of XML attributes for >
<!ELEMENT resource (label*)>
URI of the rated resource. <!ATTLIST resource
End of XML attributes for >
Start of a ratings label. <!ELEMENT label EMPTY>
Note: If no label is
available, then no labels
are specified.
Start of attribute list for <!ATTLIST label
URI of the service service CDATA #IMPLIED
providing this label.
This attribute may be
omitted in the following
two cases:
(a) if all ratings come
from the same service, and
this service was specified
as an attribute to the
(b) in a series of labels
from the same service on
the same resource, only the
first need specify the
Default descriptor format format (numerical | words | text | date)
is numerical. Alternative 'numerical'
descriptors are words (list
of keywords etc.) or text
(any plain UTS-8 text) or
date (in mail header
format, for example "29 Jul
Name of a descriptor, name CDATA #REQUIRED
either its transmit-as or
short-form name, as
specified in the rating
service description for the
rating service used.
The format of the value value CDATA #REQUIRED
depends on the type, as
specified in the rating
service description.
The confidence (number of confidence CDATA #IMPLIED
evaluators) behind this
This rating value is only context ( general | business | leisure |
valid in a certain context. shopping | research | politics | all )'all'
End of attribute list. >
Example 1 (evaluate response):
Note: This response is sent in the case where the ISCN server had no
ratings for any of the resources requested, so that only ratings from
the select general ratings server are returned.
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate the
end of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE evaluate-response SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file "http://select/v1.0/evaluate-response.dtd">
specifying the syntax for this
XML resource.
Start of evaluate-response for <evaluate-response>
one resource.
Start of ratings for one <resource
resource to be rated. location="">
One rating descriptor value for <label
this resource.
Confidence of this value. confidence="12"
Type of label value. format="numerical"
Name of this label (either name="select-reader-quality-rating"
transmit-as or short-name).
Value of this descriptor. value="88"
Restricted context of this context="leisure"
rating value.
End of this label. />
Another rating descriptor <label
Confidence of this label. confidence="57"
Type of label value. format="numerical"
A derived attribute containing name="keywords-tropical"
a frequency count.
Number of people who have value="3"
assigned the keyword "tropical"
to this resource.
Restricted context of this context="leisure"
rating value.
End of this label. />
Another rating descriptor <label
Confidence of this label. confidence="33"
Type of label value. format="numerical"
Name of this label (either name="select-reader-interest-rating"
transmit-as or short-name).
Value of this label. value="78"
Restricted context of this context="leisure"
rating value.
End of this label. />
One rating descriptor value for <label
this resource.
Type of label value. format="numerical"
Confidence of this value. confidence="12"
Name of this label (either name="scientific-relevance"
transmit-as or short-name).
Value of this descriptor. value="88"
Restricted context of this context="research"
rating value.
End of this label. />
End of list of all labels for </resource>
this resource.
Start of ratings for one <resource
resource to be rated. location="">
One rating descriptor value. <label
Confidence of this label. confidence="55"
Type of label value. format="numerical"
Name of this label (either name="select-reader-quality-rating"
transmit-as or short-name)
Value of this label. value="88"
End of this label. />
One rating descriptor value. <label
Confidence of this label. confidence="33"
Default descriptor format is format="numerical"
numerical. Alternative
descriptors are words (list of
keywords etc.) or text (any
plain UTS-8 text) or date (in
mail header format, for example
"29 Jul 1999".
Name of this label (either name="select-reader-interest-rating"
transmit-as or short-name).
Value of this label. value="78"
End of this label. />
End of list of all labels for </resource>
this resource.
End of evaluate-response report </evaluate-response>
and end of file.
Example 2 (evaluate response rejection):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
HTTP response header. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Select 1.0
Date: 7 July 1999 19:58:23 +0200
A blank line to indicate the end
of the HTTP header.
Identifies that this is in XML <?xml version="1.0"?>
References the Resource Type <!DOCTYPE evaluate-response SYSTEM
Declaration (DTD) file specifying "http://select/v1.0/evaluate-response.dtd"
the syntax for this XML resource. >
Start of server list. <evaluate-response>
Start of ratings for one resource <rejection reject-reason="not-logged-in"/>
to be rated.
End of evaluate-response report </evaluate-response>
and end of file.
7.14 Exchange-Ratings-Data (not yet ready)
Summary: This operation is used between two select servers, in order to
replicate information in their data bases.
Access control:
Input data:
Output data:
Base protocol:
7.14.1 Query format (exchange-ratings-data):
Example (replicate-ratings):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Not ready
7.14.2 Response format (exchange-ratings-data):
Explanation Format of information sent
----------- --------------------------
Not ready
Example (replicate-ratings response):
Explanation Information sent
----------- ----------------
Not ready
8. The SELECT general service description
A SELECT general service description file contains
- A list of services
- Per service
- Admistrative information about the service accessible on the
- Name
- Maintainer
- Website about the service
- Textual description in natural language (possible in multiple
- A list of categories
- Per category
- A textual description of the category (possible in multiple
- A name for the category
- Rater type (human or computer generated rating)
- The datatype of the ratings for this category (a label,
keyword, value or derived category)
- Depending on the datatype
- Value:
How the category should be displayed on screen ("none" if not
The calculationmethod used to calculate the instant rating
value of a resource for this category
A minimum and maximum value for the rating values in this
- Label :
How the category should be displayed on screen ("none" if
not possible)
The calculationmethod used to calculate the instant rating
value of a resource for this category
A list of labels for the category. Per Label
- A value that corresponds to the description contained in the
textual or iconic labels.
- A list of Textual and/or Iconic labels (possible in multiple
- Derived:
The calculationmethod used to calculate the instant rating
value of a resource for this category
A number of categories from which the value of an instant
rating of this category is derived.
A list of labels that describe how to map the value of an
instant rating of this category back to natural language.
Per label
- A minumum and maximum value. If the rating falls between these
2 values, the associated textual label is selected.
- Keyword:
The calculationmethod used to calculate the instant rating
value of a resource for this category
- A list of imported categories : categories of other services
that are imported into this service
- The classname of the Java class that starts the agents
associated with the service.
All this translates to the XML document type definition looks like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!ELEMENT services (service*)>
<!ELEMENT description EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST description
<!ATTLIST import
<!ELEMENT service (description+, category+, import*, agentinit?)>
<!ATTLIST service
maintainer CDATA #REQUIRED
anonymous (allowed | forbidden) 'allowed'
<!ELEMENT agentinit EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST agentinit
<!ELEMENT category (description+, (labelcategory | valuecategory |
keywordcategory | derivedcategory))>
<!ATTLIST category
rater-type (human | computer) 'computer'
type (label | value | keyword | derived) 'label'
<!ELEMENT labelcategory (label+)>
<!ATTLIST labelcategory
gui (buttons | radiobuttons | list | icons | none) 'none'
calculation CDATA #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT label (description*, icon*)>
<!ATTLIST label
<!ATTLIST icon
<!ELEMENT valuecategory EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST valuecategory
gui (slider | buttons | none) 'none'
upperlimit (yes | no) 'no'
calculation CDATA #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT keywordcategory EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST keywordcategory
calculation CDATA #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT derivedcategory (derivedfrom+, derivedlabel*)>
<!ATTLIST derivedcategory
calculation CDATA #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT derivedfrom EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST derivedfrom
<!ELEMENT derivedlabel (description*)>
<!ATTLIST label
8.1 Example
An example of all this is the service description file of the SELECT
test server:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE services SYSTEM "services.dtd">
<!-- The SELECT test service -->
<!-- *********************** -->
id = "test"
URI = ""
server = ""
maintainer = ""
anonymous = "allowed">
<description language = "en" text = "SELECT test service">
<description language = "nl" text = "SELECT test dienst">
<!-- Quality of the document according to the user -->
id = "contents"
rater-type = "human"
type = "label">
<description language = "en"
text = "Quality of the content of the document">
<description language = "nl"
text = "Kwaliteit van de inhoud van het document">
gui = "buttons"
calculation = "average">
<label value = "1">
<description language = "en"
text = "Awful"></description>
<description language = "nl" text = "Verschikkelijk">
<icon language = "en" text =
<label value = "2">
<description language = "en"
text = "Mediocre"></description>
<description language = "nl"
text = "Middelmatig">
<icon language = "en" text =
<label value = "3">
<description language = "en" text = "OK"></description>
<description language = "nl" text = "OK"></description>
<icon language = "en" text =
<label value = "4">
<description language = "en" text = "Good"></description>
<description language = "nl" text = "Goed"></description>
<icon language = "en" text =
<label value = "5">
<description language = "en" text = "Great">
<description language = "nl" text = "Geweldig">
<icon language = "en" text =
<!-- Style of the document according to NLP -->
id = "style"
rater-type = "computer"
type = "value">
<description language = "en" text =
"The quality of the document according to the NLP modules">
<description language = "nl" text =
"De kwaliteit van het document volgen de NLP modules">
gui = "none"
min = "0"
max = "10"
upperlimit = "yes"
calculation = "NLP"/>
<!-- Time spent reading the document -->
id = "readtime"
rater-type = "computer"
type = "value">
<description language = "en" text =
"The time spent reading this document in seconds">
<description language = "nl" text =
"De tijd waarin het document gelezen werd in seconden">
gui = "none"
min = "0"
max = "600"
upperlimit = "no"
calculation = "median"/>
<!-- Human added keywords -->
id = "keywords"
rater-type = "human"
type = "keyword">
<description language = "en"
text = "Human added keywords"></description>
<description language = "nl"
text = "Kernwoorden die door de gebruiker werden toegevoegd">
calculation = "count"/>
<!-- Overall quality of the document -->
id = "quality"
rater-type = "computer"
type = "derived">
<description language = "en"
text = "Overall quality of the document"></description>
<description language = "nl" text =
"Algemene kwaliteit van het document"></description>
calculation = "statistics">
<derivedfrom service = "test" category = "contents"/>
<derivedfrom service = "test" category = "style"/>
<derivedlabel min = "0" max = "1">
<description language = "en"
text = "Awful"></description>
<description language = "nl"
text = "Verschrikkelijk"></description>
<derivedlabel min = "1" max = "2">
<description language = "en"
text = "Mediocre"></description>
<description language = "nl"
text = "Middelmatig"></description>
<derivedlabel min = "2" max = "3">
<description language = "en" text = "OK"></description>
<description language = "nl" text = "OK"></description>
<derivedlabel min = "3" max = "4">
<description language = "en" text = "Good"></description>
<description language = "nl" text = "Goed"></description>
<derivedlabel min = "4" max = "5">
<description language = "en"
text = "Great"></description>
<description language = "nl"
text = "Geweldig"></description>
<!-- The Java class that will start the Agents associated
with the service -->
<agentinit classname = "select.agent.test.TestInit">
<!-- The ISCN test service -->
<!-- ************************* -->
id = "iscn"
URI = ""
server = ""
maintainer = ""
anonymous = "allowed">
<description language = "en" text = "ISCN test
<!-- A simple category -->
id = "contents"
rater-type = "human"
type = "value">
<description language = "en" text = "Example
gui = "slider"
format = "integer"
min = "1"
max = "5"
calculation = "mean"/>
<!-- Imported categories -->
<import service = "test" category = "quality"/>
9. Example of file structure on a SELECT server
Here is an example of a file structure for a SELECT server:
URL Content
--- -------
http://select/v1.0/ Repository of XML format
specifications (DTDs)
for SELECT version 1.
http://select/v1.0/services.dtd XML format the list of
http://select/v1.0/service.dtd XML format for the
description of one
SELECT service.
http://select/v1.0/send-rating.dtd XML format for the
send-rating operation.
http://select/v1.0/send-rating-response.dt XML format for the
d responses of the
send-rating operation.
http://select/v1.0/evaluate-query.dtd XML format for the
evaluate query request.
http://select/v1.0/evaluate-response.dtd XML format for the
response of the evaluate
http://select/v1.0/select-service-descript List of SELECT services
ions.xml in version 1 of SELECT,
see 0
The SELECT general
service description on
page 73.
http://select/v1.0/general/ Version 1 of the select
general service.
http://select/v1.0/general/common-service- Description of common
description.xml descriptors to several
SELECT services.
http://select/v1.0/general/general-service Description of the
-description.xml general SELECT service.
The general service is
for everyone, not for
specialised groups.
http://select/v1.0/general/id/input-rating Entry point for incoming
s non-anonymous
(registered or
pseudonymous) ratings to
the select general
http://select/v1.0/general/ano/input-ratin Entry point for incoming
gs anonymous ratings to the
select general service.
http://select/v1.0/general/search?query= Entry point for the
web-based search
http://select/v1.0/general/evaluator Entry point for the
evaluate operation.
http://select/v1.0/iscn/ Version 1 of the select
ISCN service.
http://select/v1.0/iscn/iscn-service-descr Description of the
iption.xml special SELECT service
for ISCN.
10. Issues for further study
These issues are items which are not needed for the base system
implementations, and which may be modified by experience from the first
implementation efforts.
1. The Advanced Search facility should be specified, based on query
by example, SQL or some other standard query language methodology.
2. The format of the personal interest profile, and keywords is not
ready. In particular, should there be a split between profile set by
the user him/herself and set by automatic methods, such as ML
algorithms on the user's rating and behaviour. Also, to what extent
should this profile be specified in a formal, logical language, like
"If newsgroup is alt.culture.sweden then do not filter away anything",
etc. In the first implementations, we will just use a simple set of
unordered keywords as the personal profile.
3. Is security enough? Do we need more security features? If so,
which and how?
4. Is there a need for NNTP versions of some or all of the
5. Is a streaming version needed for the evaluate operation?
6. Privacy and security issues for Get-Atomic-Ratings.
7. Is more needed for ML support?
8. Is more needed for NLP support?
9. Exchange-Ratings-Data not ready. No great priority.
10. Set-Service-Description not ready. No great priority. Can be done
using local or web-based interface.
11. Is more needed for thesauri support?
12. Should the SELECT protocols be based on SOAP in order to base it
on something existing? SOAP is described at (quick
intrduction), and (useful links).
11. The SELECT Agent protocol
The advanced SELECT platform now supports an agent architecture that
makes it easy to integrate collaborative or information filtering
algorithms. The agents can run in the Select server or on a client
machine over the Network and can perform tasks as maintaining
datastructures that can speed-up collaborative filtering algorithms,
perform collaborative filtering, notifying other agents of a change in
the Select database or using machine learning at the client to derive
useful user-profile information. The agents can communicate with one
another and with the Select server using an extension of the original
XML Select protocol. They can request certain services to be executed
or can send a notification about the occurrence of a certain event.
The introduction of agent means that the protocol had to be extended to
support this. This appendix gives an overview of the necessary
11.1.1 Entry points
Following new entry points in the Select server have been made:
Entry Function
----- --------
/agent/register-agent.xml Register an agent with the AgentList
/agent/deregister-agent.xml Deregister an agent with the
/agent/list-agents.xml Request a remote AgentList
In addition to this, every remote agent and the server have the
following entry points:
Entry Function
----- --------
/agent/request/"name" Request an agent a service
"name" is the name of the agent
/agent/notify/"name" Notify an agent of an event.
"name" is the name of the agent
11.1.2 XML Extensions
This is an overview of the new XML document type definitions.
Registering an agent with the server-side AgentList.
Register Agent Request (register-agent.dtd)
<!ELEMENT register-agent (notification*)>
name of the agent
<!ATTLIST register-agent network location for
notifications and requests
id CDATA #REQUIRED description of the request
parameters (not used)
name of the notification
parameters CDATA #REQUIRED type of notification
> depends on the type e.g. if
type is
<!ELEMENT notification EMPTY> "update-in-category" it's a
string of format
<!ATTLIST notification "service,category". If type
is "changing-profile" it's
id CDATA #REQUIRED the raterid of the user
whose profile is monitored
type (new-rate-in-category |
new-rate-by-user | changing-profile |
update-in-category | alarm ) 'alarm'
Register Agent Reply (register-agent-reply.dtd)
<!ELEMENT register-agent-reply EMPTY>
Positive or negative
<!ATTLIST register-agent-reply outcome of the register
ok (yes | no) 'no'
Deregister an agent with the server-side AgentList
Deregister Agent Request (deregister-agent.dtd)
<!ELEMENT deregister-agent EMPTY>
Name of the agent to
<!ATTLIST deregister-agent deregister
Deregister Agent Reply (deregister-agent-reply.dtd)
<!ELEMENT deregister-agent-reply EMPTY>
Possible or negative
<!ATTLIST deregister-agent-reply outcome of the deregister
ok (yes | no) 'no'
Get a remote AgentList for use in a remote agent
List Agents Request (list-agents-request.dtd)
<!ELEMENT list-agents-request (session+)> A list of one or more
session identifiers
<!ELEMENT session EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST session Identifier of a session
List Agents Reply (list-agents.dtd)
<!ELEMENT list-agents (agent*)> A list of data for one or
more agents
<!ATTLIST agent
name of the agent
id CDATA #REQUIRED network location
URL CDATA #REQUIRED description of the request
parameters (not used)
parameters CDATA #REQUIRED
session-id of the owner of
session-id CDATA #REQUIRED the agent
Notify a remote agent of the occurrence of a certain event
Notify Agent Request (notify-agent.dtd)
<!ELEMENT notify-agent EMPTY>
name of the agent
<!ATTLIST notify-agent
name of the notification
data of the notification
notify-id CDATA #REQUIRED (depends on type)
Request an agent for some service
Agent Request (agent-request.dtd)
<!ELEMENT agent-request EMPTY>
name of the agent
<!ATTLIST agent-request
request string (depends on
id CDATA #REQUIRED type of agent)
request CDATA #REQUIRED request parameters (depends
on type of agent)
parameters CDATA #REQUIRED
e.g. request =
> "get-n-closest-neighbors"
parameters = "raterid"
Agent Reply (agent-reply.dtd)
<!ELEMENT agent-reply EMPTY>
Agent request was
<!ATTLIST agent-reply successful or not
ok (yes | no) 'no' if ok is "yes" then data
contains the requested data
data CDATA #REQUIRED (depends on type of agent)
11.1.3 Privacy and security policy for agents
When dealing with an architecture where agents can run on the Select
server or client machines and can communicate and request services of
one another, it is necessary to have a system in place that limits the
access to the agents in order to avoid abuse of machine resources
(server or client) or the exposure of personal profile or other
database information to unauthorized persons.
First of all, remote agents can only be registered and controlled by
users that are registered with the Select Server. The user first logs
in and receives a session-id. This ID is associated with every agent
the user registers with the AgentList. It's used for authentication in
a number of cases:
- A remote agent only accepts requests if the requesting agent
knows this agent's session id.
- When a remote agent requests a remote AgentList, it must include
the session-id(s) of the agents it wants access to. This way, the
server only returns information about agents for which the remote
agent has proven it's authority of access.
Local agents can be "private" or "public". Private local agents do not
accept requests from remote agents, only from other local agents.
Public local agents can accept requests from remote agents. Both local
agent types can themselves request information from remote agents.
- A public local agent only accepts request when the session-id
associated with the request is present in the server. This means
that the session that created the agent has not ended yet.
12. Protocol Implemtation Status
Here we provide an overview of the implementation status of the SELECT
protocol as done by the SELECT EU project.
Compelety implemented
Completely implemented
Completely implemented exept for the
fields of the rating. These are not used anywhere.
Implemented except for
- The pseudonymous related thing. Pseudonyms are never used in the
present system.
- Multiple profiles per user. Every user has 1 profile for all the
services, it contains its unique data (name, password,...,languages
spoken, reward account) and some data for the SELECT test service
filtering algorithms (keywords,...)
- The reward account that is never used.
- A profile must always be replaced as a whole. Single fields
cannot be changed separately.
Completely implemented.
Login & Logout
Completely implemented?
Get Atomic Ratings
Implemented except the only the first combination of rater/URL/category
is used in the lookup.
All other requested combinations are ignored.
Simple-Search Operation
Completely implemented but the search query is a regular expression.
This gets matched against the keywords stored with the rated URI's and
the ones with the best instant ratings are returned.
Implemented except the
fields that are ignored and used nowhere
13. Security considerations
Not yet ready.
14. Copyright
Copyright (C) The Internet Society 2000. All Rights Reserved.
This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or
assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and
distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind,
provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the
copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing
Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined
in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to
translate it into languages other than English.
The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
15. Acknowledgments
Michel Claude, Christopher Lueg, David Mason, Andras Micsik, Massimo
Vanocchi and Richard Wheeler have participated in the production of
this document. An earlier attempt to encode PICS in XML format was made
by O. Lassila as described in [PICS3].
16. References
Ref. Author, title
--------- --------------------------------------------------------
[PICS1] Rating Services and Rating Systems (and Their Machine
Readable Descriptions)
[PICS2] PICS Distribution Label Syntax and Communication Protocols
[COOKIES] RFC 2109 HTTP State Management Mechanism. D. Kristol, L.
Montulli. February 1997.
[HTTP] RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. R.
Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, T. Berners-Lee.
January 1997.
[IMAP] IMAP4 Authentication Mechanisms. J. Myers. December 1994,
RFC 1731.
[IMAP] RFC 2045-2049 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME).
N. Freed & N. Borenstein, November 1996., rfc2046.txt, rfc2047,
rfc2048, rfc2049
[URI] RFC 1738 Uniform Resource Locators (URI).T. Berners-Lee et
al, December 1994.
[XML1] Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0. W3C REC-xml-19980210,
T. Bray, J. Paoli, C.M. Sperberg-McQueen.
[XML2] A Technical Introduction to XML, N. Walsh, Oct 1998,
[PICS3] PICS-NG Metadata Model and Label Syntax, O. Lassila,
[SELFUNC] SELECT, Telematics Application Programme, RE4008,
Deliverable 2.1 Draft, Functional Specifications Report, by
Roland Alton-Scheidl and Richard Wheeler.
[SELARCH] SELECT System Architecture, by Richard Wheeler
17. Author's Addresses
Jacob Palme Phone: +46-8-16 16 67
Stockholm University and KTH Fax: +46-8-783 08 29
Electrum 230 Email:
S-164 40 Kista, Sweden
Johan Kaers Phone: +32-2-7400794
S T A R L A B Research Laboratories Fax: +32 2 7429654
Sint-Michielslaan 47 Email:
B-1040 Etterbeek (Brussels), Belgium