Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-pim-mofrr-tilfa


PIM Working Group                                                Y. Liu
Internet Draft                                             China Mobile
Intended status: Informational                               M. McBride
Expires: 28 December 2023                                     Futurewei
                                                               Z. Zhang
                                                                 J. Xie
                                                                 C. Lin
                                                   New H3C Technologies
                                                           28 June 2023

    Multicast-only Fast Reroute Based on Topology Independent Loop-free
                          Alternate Fast Reroute

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   Multicast-only Fast Reroute (MoFRR) has been defined in RFC7431,
   but the selection of the secondary multicast next hop depends on the
   loop-free alternate fast reroute, which has restrictions in
   multicast deployments. This document describes a mechanism for
   Multicast-only Fast Reroute by using Topology Independent Loop-free
   Alternate fast reroute, which is independent of network topology and
   can achieve the coverage of more network environments.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................2
      1.1. Requirements Language.....................................3
      1.2. Terminology...............................................3
   2. Problem Statement..............................................3
      2.1. LFA for MoFRR.............................................3
      2.2. RLFA for MoFRR............................................4
      2.3. TI-LFA for MoFRR..........................................5
   3. Solution.......................................................6
   4. Illustration...................................................7
   5. IANA Considerations...........................................10
   6. Security Considerations.......................................10
   7. References....................................................10
      7.1. Normative References.....................................10
   Authors' Addresses...............................................11

1. Introduction

   As the deployment of video services, operators are paying more and
   more attention to solutions that minimize the service disruption due
   to faults in the IP network carrying the packets for these services.
   Multicast-only Fast Reroute (MoFRR) has been defined in [RFC7431],
   which can minimize multicast packet loss in a network when node or
   link failures occur by making simple enhancements to multicast
   routing protocols such as Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM). But

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   the selection of the secondary multicast next hop only according to
   the loop-free alternate fast reroute in [RFC7431], and there are
   limitations in multicast deployments for this mechanism. This
   document describes a new mechanism for Multicast-only Fast Reroute
   using Topology Independent Loop-free Alternate (TI-LFA) fast
   reroute, which is independent of network topology and can achieve
   covering more network environments.

 1.1. Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

 1.2. Terminology

   This document use the terms defined in [RFC7431], and also use the
   concepts defined in [RFC7490]. The specific content of each term is
   not described in this document.

2. Problem Statement

 2.1. LFA for MoFRR

   In [RFC7431] section 3, the secondary Upstream Multicast Hop (UMH)
   of PIM for MoFRR is a loop-free alternate (LFA). However, the
   traditional LFA mechanism needs to satisfy at least one neighbor
   whose next hop to the destination node is an acyclic next hop,
   existing limitations in network deployments, and can only cover part
   of the network topology environments. In some network topologies,
   the corresponding secondary UMH cannot be calculated, so PIM cannot
   establish a standby multicast tree and cannot implement MoFRR
   protection. Therefore, the current MoFRR of PIM is only available in
   the network topology applicable to LFA.

   The problem of current MoFRR applicability can be illustrated by the
   example network shown in Figure 1. The metric of R1-R4 link is 20,
   the metric of R5-R6 link is 100, and the metrics of other links are

   Towards multicast source S1, the primary path of the PIM join packet
   is R3->R2->R1, and the secondary path is R3->R4->R1, which is the
   same as the LFA path of unicast routing. In this case, the current
   MoFRR can work well.

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   Towards multicast source S2, the primary path of the PIM join packet
   is R3->R2. However, the LFA does not exist. If R3 sends the packet
   to R4, R4 will forward it back to R3, as the IGP shortest path from
   R4 to R1 is R4->R3->R2. In this case, the secondary UMH cannot be
   calculated by the current MoFRR. Similarly for multicast source S3,
   the current MoFRR does not work either.

                    |             |
                    |             |
                    |             |
                    |             |             ------+------
            [S2]---(R2)----------(R3)---[R]     Link  |Metric
                    |             |             ------+------
                    |             |             R1-R4 | 20
                    |             |             R5-R6 | 100
                    |             |             Other | 10
            [S3]---(R5)---(R6)---(R7)           ------+------

                   Figure 1:  Example Network Topology

 2.2. RLFA for MoFRR

   The remote loop-free alternate (RLFA) defined in [RFC7490] is
   extended from the LFA and can cover more network deployment
   scenarios through the tunnel as an alternate path. The RLFA
   mechanism needs to satisfy at least one node assumed to be N in the
   network that the fault node is neither on the path from the source
   node to the N node, nor on the path from the N node to the
   destination node.

   [RFC5496] defines the RPF Vector attribute that can be carried in
   the PIM Join packet such that the path is selected based on the
   unicast reachability of the RPF Vector. The secondary multicast tree
   of MoFRR can be established by using the combination of RLFA
   mechanism and RPF Vector, which would cover more network topologies
   than the current MoFRR with LFA.

   For example, in the network of Figure 1, the secondary path of PIM
   join packet towards multicast source S2 cannot be calculated by the
   current MoFRR, as mentioned above. Based on the RLFA mechanism, R3
   sends the packet to R4 along with an RPF Vector containing the IP
   address of R1, which is the PQ node of R3 with respect to the
   protected link R2-R3. Then R4 will forward the packet to R1 through
   the link R1-R4, according to the unicast route for the RPF Vector.
   R1 continues to forward the packet to R2, and the secondary path,
   R3->R4->R1->R2, is established by MoFRR with RLFA.

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 2.3. TI-LFA for MoFRR

   However, RLFA is also topology dependent. In the network of Figure
   1, towards multicast source S3, the primary path of the PIM join
   packet is R3->R2->R5, but the RLFA path does not exist. This is
   because the PQ node of R3 with respect to the protected link R2-R3
   does not exist. If R3 sends the packet to R7 along with an RPF
   Vector containing the IP address of R5, R7 will forward it back to
   R3, since the IGP shortest path from R7 to R5 is R7->R3->R2->R5. Or,
   if R3 sends the packet to R7 along with an RPF Vector containing the
   IP address of R6, R7 will forward it to R6, but then R6 will forward
   it back to R7, since the IGP shortest path from R6 to R5 is
   R6->R7->R3->R2->R5. In this case, the secondary UMH cannot be
   calculated by MoFRR with RLFA.

   RLFA only has enhancement compared to LFA but still has limitations.
   [I-D.ietf-rtgwg-segment-routing-ti-lfa] defines a unicast FRR
   solution based on the TI-LFA mechanism. The TI-LFA mechanism can
   express the backup path with an explicit path, and has no constraint
   on the topology, providing a more reliable FRR mechanism. The
   unicast traffic can be forwarded according to the explicit path list
   as an alternate path to implement unicast traffic protection, and
   can achieve full coverage of various networking environments.

   The alternate path provided by the TI-LFA mechanism is actually a
   Segment List, including the NodeSID of P space node and the
   Adjacency SID(s) of link(s) between the P space and the Q space. PIM
   can look up the corresponding node IP address in the unicast route
   according to the NodeSID, and the IP addresses of the two endpoints
   of the corresponding link in the unicast route according to the
   Adjacency SIDs, but the multicast protocol packets cannot be
   directly sent along the path of the Segment List.

   PIM join messages need to be sent hop-by-hop to establish a standby
   multicast tree. However, not all of the nodes and links on the
   unicast alternate path are included in the Segment List. If the PIM
   protocol packets are transmitted only in unicast mode, then
   equivalently the PIM packets are transmitted through the unicast
   tunnel like unicast traffic, and cannot pass through the
   intermediate nodes of the tunnel. The intermediate nodes of the
   alternate path cannot forward multicast traffic because there are no
   PIM state entries on the nodes. PIM needs to create entries on the
   device hop-by-hop and generate an incoming interface and an outgoing
   interface list. So, it can form an end-to-end complete multicast
   tree for forwarding multicast traffic. Therefore, simply sending PIM
   join packets with the Segment List, like the unicast traffic, cannot
   establish a standby multicast tree.

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3. Solution

   A secondary Upstream Multicast Hop (UMH) is a candidate next-hop
   that can be used to reach the root of the tree.  In this document
   the secondary UMH is based on unicast routing to find the Segment
   List calculated by TI-LFA.

   In principle, the path information of the Segment List is added to
   the PIM packets to guide the hop-by-hop RPF selection. The IP
   address of the node corresponding to the Node SID can be used as the
   segmented root node, and the IP addresses of the interfaces at both
   endpoints of the link corresponding to the Adjacency SID can be used
   directly as the local upstream interface and upstream neighbor.

   For the PIM protocol, the PIM RPF Vector attribute was defined in
   [RFC5496], which can carry the node IP address corresponding to the
   Node SID. The explicit RPF Vector was defined in [RFC7891], which
   can carry the peer IP address corresponding to the Adjacency SID.

   This document can use the above two RPF Vector standards and does
   not need to extend the PIM protocol, to establish the standby
   multicast tree according to the Segment List calculated by TI-LFA,
   and can achieve full coverage of various networking environments for
   MoFRR protection of multicast services.

   Assume that the Segment List calculated by TI-LFA is (NodeSID(A),
   AdjSID(A-B)). Node A belongs to the P Space, and node B belongs to
   the Q space. The IP address corresponding to NodeSID(A) can be
   looked up in the local link state database of the IGP protocol, and
   can be assumed to be IP-a. The IP addresses of the two endpoints of
   the link corresponding to AdjSID(A-B) can also be looked up in the
   local link state database of the IGP protocol, and can be assumed to
   be IP-La and IP-Lb.

   In the procedure of PIM, IP-a can be regarded as the normal RPF
   Vector Attribute and added to the PIM join packet. IP-La can be
   regarded as the local address of the incoming interface, and IP-Lb
   can be regarded as the address of the upstream neighbor. So IP-Lb
   can be added to the PIM join packet as the explicit RPF Vector

   The PIM protocol firstly can select the RPF incoming interface and
   upstream towards IP-a, and can join hop-by-hop to establish the PIM
   standby multicast tree until the node A. On the node A, IP-Lb can be
   regarded as the PIM upstream neighbor. The node A can find the
   incoming interface in the unicast routing table according to the IP-
   Lb, and IP-Lb is used as the RPF upstream address of the PIM join
   packet to the node B.

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   After the PIM join packet is received on the node B, the PIM
   protocol can find no more RPF Vector Attributes and select the RPF
   incoming interface and upstream towards the multicast source
   directly, and then can continue to join hop-by-hop to establish the
   PIM standby multicast tree until the router directly connected the

4. Illustration

   This section provides an illustration of MoFRR based on TI-LFA. The
   example topology is shown in Figure 2. The metric of R3-R4 link is
   100, and the metrics of other links are 10. All the link metrics are

                     <-----Priamry Path--- (S,G) Join

                            |        |
                     <---   |        |   |
                        |   |        |   |
                        |   |       (R5) |
                        |   |        |   |
                        |   |        |   |
                        |   |        |   |
                        | (R3)------(R4) |
                        |                |
                        --Secondary Path--

                    Figure 2:  Example Topology

   The IP addresses and SIDs, which may be involved in the MoFRR
   calculation, are configured as following:

   IPv4 Data Plane (MPLS-SR)

     Node    IP Address   Node SID
     R4      IP4-R4       Label-R4

     Link    IP Address   Adjacency SID
     R3->R4  IP4-R3-R4    Label-R3-R4
     R4->R3  IP4-R4-R3    Label-R4-R3

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   IPv6 Data Plane (SRv6)

     Node    IP Address   Node SID (End)
     R4      IP6-R4       SID-R4

     Link    IP Address   Adjacency SID (End.X)
     R3->R4  IP6-R3-R4    SID-R3-R4
     R4->R3  IP6-R4-R3    SID-R4-R3

   The primary path of the PIM join packet is R6->R2->R1, and the
   secondary path is R6->R5->R4->R3->R2->R1. However, the traditional
   LFA does not work properly for the secondary path, because the
   shortest path to R2 from R5 (or from R4) still goes through R6-R2
   link. In this case, R6 needs to calculate the secondary UMH using
   the proposed MoFRR method based on TI-LFA.

   According to the TI-LFA algorithm, P-Space and Q-Space are shown in
   Figure 3. The TI-LFA repair path consists of the Node SID of R4 and
   the Adjacency SID of R4->R3. On MPLS-SR data plane, the repair
   segment list is (Label-R4, Label-R4-R3). On SRv6 data plane, the
   repair segment list is (SID-R4, SID-R4-R3).

                           .      .
                           .   |  .     |
                           .   |  .  +++|++++
                           .   |  .  +  |   +
                           .   |  .  + (R5) +
                           .   |  .  +  |   +
                           .   |  .  +  |   +
                           .   |  .  +  |   +
                           . (R3)------(R4) +
                           .      .  +      +
                           ........  ++++++++
                           Q-Space    P-Space

                   Figure 3:  P-Space and Q-Space

   In the procedure of PIM, the IP addresses associated with the repair
   segment list are looked up in the IGP link state database.

   On IPv4 data plane, the Node SID Label-R4 corresponds to IP4-R4,
   which will be carried in the RPF Vector Attribute. The Adjacency SID
   Label-R4-R3 corresponds to local address IP4-R4-R3 and remote peer
   address IP4-R3-R4, and IP4-R3-R4 will be carried in the Explicit RPF
   Vector Attribute.

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   On IPv6 data plane, the End SID SID-R4 corresponds to IP6-R4, which
   will be carried in the RPF Vector Attribute. The End.X SID SID-R4-R3
   corresponds to local address IP6-R4-R3 and remote peer address IP6-
   R3-R4, and IP6-R3-R4 will be carried in the Explicit RPF Vector

   Then, R6 installs the secondary UMH with these RPF Vectors.

             |Type = 0 |
             |IP4-R4   |
             +---------+    +---------+
             |Type = 4 |    |Type = 4 |
             |IP4-R3-R4|    |IP4-R3-R4|
             +---------+    +---------+   No RPF Vector


    Figure 4:  Forwarding PIM Join Packet along Secondary Path (IPv4)

   On IPv4 data plane, the forwarding of PIM join packet along the
   secondary path is shown in Figure 4.

   R6 inserts two RPF Vector Attributes in the PIM join packet, which
   are IP4-R4 of Type 0 (RPF Vector Attribute) and IP4-R3-R4 of Type 4
   (Explicit RPF Vector Attribute). Then R6 forwards the packet along
   the secondary path.

   When R5 receives the packet, R5 performs a unicast route lookup of
   the first RPF Vector IP4-R4 and sends the packet to R4.

   R4 is the owner of IP4-R4, so it removes the first RPF Vector from
   the packet and forwards according to the following RPF Vector. R4
   sends the packet to R3 according to the next RPF Vector IP4-R3-R4,
   since its PIM neighbor R3 corresponds to IP4-R3-R4.

   When R3 receives the packet, as the owner of IP4-R3-R4, it removes
   the RPF Vector. Then the packet has no RPF Vector, and will be
   forwarded to the source through R3->R2->R1 according to unicast

   After the PIM join packet reaches R1, a secondary multicast tree,
   R1->R2->R3->R4->R5->R6, is established hop-by-hop for (S, G) by
   MoFRR based on TI-LFA.

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             |Type = 0 |
             |IP6-R4   |
             +---------+    +---------+
             |Type = 4 |    |Type = 4 |
             |IP6-R3-R4|    |IP6-R3-R4|
             +---------+    +---------+   No RPF Vector


    Figure 5:  Forwarding PIM Join Packet along Secondary Path (IPv6)

   On IPv6 data plane, the forwarding of PIM join packet along the
   secondary path is shown in Figure 5. The procedure is similar with
   IPv4 data plane.

5. IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

6. Security Considerations

   This document does not change the security properties of PIM. For
   general PIM-SM protocol Security Considerations, see [RFC7761].

7. References

 7.1. Normative References

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC5496] Wijnands, IJ., Boers, A., and E. Rosen, "The Reverse Path
             Forwarding (RPF) Vector TLV", RFC 5496, March 2009

    [RFC7431] Karan, A., Filsfils, C., Wijnands, IJ., Ed., and B.
             Decraene, "Multicast-Only Fast Reroute", RFC 7431, August

   [RFC7490] Bryant, S., Filsfils, C., Previdi, S., Shand, M., and N.
             So, "Remote Loop-Free Alternate (LFA) Fast Reroute (FRR)",
             RFC 7490, April 2015

   [RFC7761] Fenner, B., Handley, M., Holbrook, H., Kouvelas,
             I.,Parekh, R., Zhang, Z., and L. Zheng, "Protocol
             IndependentMulticast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol
             Specification(Revised)", RFC 7761, March 2016

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   [RFC7891] Asghar, J., Wijnands, IJ., Ed., Krishnaswamy, S., Karan,
             A., and V. Arya, "Explicit Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF)
             Vector", RFC 7891, June 2016

   [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
             2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, May 2017

   [I-D.ietf-rtgwg-segment-routing-ti-lfa] Litkowski, S., Bashandy, A.,
             Filsfils, C., Francois, P., Decraene, B., and D. Voyer,
             "Topology Independent Fast Reroute using Segment Routing",
             draft-ietf-rtgwg-segment-routing-ti-lfa-10, work-in-
             progress, April 2023


   Mengxiao Chen
   New H3C Technologies

Authors' Addresses

   Yisong Liu
   China Mobile

   Mike McBride
   Futurewei Inc.

   Zheng(Sandy) Zhang
   ZTE Corporation

   Jingrong Xie
   Huawei Technologies

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   Changwang Lin
   New H3C Technologies

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