Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-pppext-pppmib


                        Definitions of Managed Objects for
                           the Point-to-Point Protocol

                                  30 March 1992

                               Frank J. Kastenholz

                             Clearpoint Research Corp
                                35 Parkwood Drive
                            Hopkinton, Mass 01748 USA


          Status of this Memo

          This document will be submitted to the Internet Activities
          Board as a Draft Standard. This document defines an
          experimental extension to the SNMP MIB.  Upon publication as a
          Draft Standard, a new MIB number will be assigned.  This is a
          working document only, it should neither be cited nor quoted
          in any formal document.  This document will expire before 30
          September 1992.

          Distribution of this document is unlimited.

          Please send comments to

          1.  Abstract

          This memo defines a portion of the Management Information 
          Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in 
          TCP/IP-based internets.  In particular, it describes managed 
          objects used for managing subnetwork interfaces using the family 
          of Point-to-Point Protocols[8, 9, 10, 11, & 12].


          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          This memo does not specify a standard for the Internet

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          2.  Changes

          This section will be deleted from the standardized version of
          the MIB.

          At the IETF meeting in San Diego it was decided that the MIB
          was too large. The previous version of the MIB had almost 200
          objects in it, making it larger than MIB-2. As a result of the
          discussion at the IETF Meeting, the following changes have
          been made in the MIB:

          (1)  The PPP Extended Link Group was deleted.  It was decided
               that this Broup primarily was useful for implementation
               debug. This group contained the following significant
               variables: pppLinkExtendedLastUnknownProtocol,
               pppLinkExtendedLastBadAddress, and

          (2)  The groups that applied to the Finite State Machine were
               deleted.  It was decided that this Broup primarily was
               useful for debugging implementations. These groups
               contained the following significant variables:
               pppFsmCurrentState, pppFsmStatusChangeTime,
               pppFsmLogChangeTime, pppFsmLogPreviousState,
               pppFsmLogNewState, pppFsmLogEvent, pppFsmExtnsOutCRs,
               pppFsmExtnsInCRs, pppFsmExtnsOutCAs, pppFsmExtnsInCAs,
               pppFsmExtnsOutCNs,, pppFsmExtnsInCNs,
               pppFsmExtnsCOutRejs, pppFsmExtnsCInRejs,
               pppFsmExtnsOutTRs, pppFsmExtnsInTRs, pppFsmExtnsOutTAs,
               pppFsmExtnsInTAs, pppFsmExtnsOutCodeRejs,
               pppFsmExtnsInCodeRejs, pppFsmExtnsOutEchoReqs,
               pppFsmExtnsInEchoReqs, pppFsmExtnsOutEchoReps,
               pppFsmExtnsInEchoReps, pppFsmExtnsOutDiscReqs, and

               The current state of the FSM, along with its change time
               may be approximated by ifOperStatus. If ifOperStatus is
               up, then the state of the corresponding FSM is opened, if
               ifOperStatus is down then the state of the corresponding
               FSM is not opened. This granularity of FSM monitoring was
               deemed sufficient by the working group.  ifLastChangeTime
               matches pppFsmStatusChangeTime.

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               It was realized that the FSM Log is really only useful
               when looking at an implementation that is looping in an
               option negotiation that does not converge and does not
               fall back to the default values. This is debugging an

          (3)  The PPP IP Network Protocol Group and the PPP Bridge
               Network Protocol Group were deleted.  These groups
               contained no useful variables.

          (4)  The counters in the CHAP group were deleted.  These
               counters were deemed to contain no information that was
               essential to the management of the network.  The deleted
               counters are: pppChapInChallenges, pppChapOutChallenges,
               pppChapInResponses, pppChapOutResponses,
               pppChapInSuccesses, pppChapOutSuccesses,
               pppChapInFailures, and pppChapOutFailures.

          (5)  The variables defining the last transmitted LQR packet
               (from the LQR Extensions group) were deleted. These
               variables were not deemed to be particularly useful in
               managing a network.  The deleted variables are:
               pppLqrExtnsXmtMagicNumber, pppLqrExtnsXmtLastOutLQRs,
               pppLqrExtnsXmtLastOutOctets, pppLqrExtnsXmtPeerInLQRs,
               pppLqrExtnsXmtPeerInDiscards, pppLqrExtnsXmtPeerInErrors,
               pppLqrExtnsXmtPeerInOctets, pppLqrExtnsXmtPeerOutLQRs,
               pppLqrExtnsXmtPeerOutOctets, pppLqrExtnsXmtSaveInLQRs,
               pppLqrExtnsXmtSaveInDiscards, pppLqrExtnsXmtSaveInErrors,
               and pppLqrExtnsXmtSaveInOctets.

          (6)  The working group recognized that breaking the last
               received LQR packet out into separate MIB objects was not
               very useful. If a manager station wished to access the
               data in the LQR packet, it would most likely want to
               examine the entire packet. Therefore, the working group
               decided to eliminate the separate variables that
               described the last received LQR packet and replace them
               with an OCTET STRING which contained the entire last
               received LQR packet.  The deleted variables are:
               pppLqrExtnsRcvMagicNumber, pppLqrExtnsRcvLastOutLQRs,

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               pppLqrExtnsRcvLastOutOctets, pppLqrExtnsRcvPeerInLQRs,
               pppLqrExtnsRcvPeerInDiscards, pppLqrExtnsRcvPeerInErrors,
               pppLqrExtnsRcvPeerInOctets, pppLqrExtnsRcvPeerOutLQRs,
               pppLqrExtnsRcvPeerOutOctets, pppLqrExtnsRcvSaveInLQRs,
               pppLqrExtnsRcvSaveInDiscards, pppLqrExtnsRcvSaveInErrors,
               and pppLqrExtnsRcvSaveInOctets.

          (7)  The pppLcpStatusConfigureRequestTimeouts and
               pppLcpStatusTerminateRequestTimeouts objects were deleted
               as they do not provide any critical information.

          (8)  pppLcpConfigRestartTimerValue has been deleted.  Changing
               this variable is primarily a debugging function and
               therefore it is not appropriate to include it in the
               standard mib.

          (9)  pppLcpConfigMaxTerminateValue has been deleted.  Changing
               this variable is primarily a debugging function and
               therefore it is not appropriate to include it in the
               standard mib.

          (10) pppLcpConfigMaxConfigureValue has been deleted.  Changing
               this variable is primarily a debugging function and
               therefore it is not appropriate to include it in the
               standard mib.

          (11) pppLcpConfigMaxFailureValue has been deleted.  Changing
               this variable is primarily a debugging function and
               therefore it is not appropriate to include it in the
               standard mib.

          (12) The pppLinkInvalidProtocols object was deleted.  This
               count will be subsumed in the ifInUnknownProtos counter
               that applies to the PPP-Link layer. It was not felt to be
               sufficiently useful to differntiate this count and the
               unknown protocol count.

          (13) The variables for configuring MRU negotiation have been
               rearranged.  Proper MRU values can be determined by
               examination of the protocols that are to operate over the
               link.  pppLcpConfigLocalMinMRU, pppLcpConfigLocalMaxMRU,
               pppLcpConfigRemoteMinMRU, and pppLcpConfigRemoteMaxMRU

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               have been deleted.

          (14) pppLcpConfigAuthenticationProtocol and
               pppLcpConfigQualityProtocol have been deleted.  The
               capabilities provided by these variables are now in the
               PPP Authentication and LQM tables.

          (15) The variables for configuring protocol and
               address/control field compression were deleted. These
               variables were deemed useful only for debugging
               implementations, The purpose of the configuration option
               is merely to inform the remote note that the local node
               can do the compression, if desired by the remote node.
               However, if the noeds can not agree to perform a type of
               compression, then the compression is not done.  If this
               negotiation fails then one, or both, implementations are
               broken.  The deleted variables are:
               pppLcpConfigRequestACCompression, and

          (16) The pppLcpConfigMagicNumberLoopCount variable has been
               deleted.  The function instrumented by this variable is
               the Max-Configure value.  This variable is redundant and

          (17) The semantics of the pppLcpConfigMagicNumber variable
               have been changed.  It now determines whether magic
               number negotiation is attempted by the local node or not.

          (18) The configuration of the 32 bit FCS has changed.  The old
               variables (pppLcpConfigAccept32BitFCS,
               pppLcpConfigRequest32BitFCS and
               pppLcpConfigRequire32BitFCS) have been deleted.  They
               have been replaced with pppLcpConfig32BitFCS which
               indicates whether the local node will attempt to
               negotiate use of the 32 bit FCS or not.

          (19) The pppLqrTable has been split into two tables, one for
               configuration and one for status and monitoring. This is
               in keeping with the practice used in other parts of the
               MIB and was an oversight in the original version.

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          (20) The pppIpcpTable has been split into two tables, one for
               configuration and one for status and monitoring. This is
               in keeping with the practice used in other parts of the
               MIB and was an oversight in the original version.

          (21) The pppBncpTable has been split into two tables, one for
               configuration and one for status and monitoring. This is
               in keeping with the practice used in other parts of the
               MIB and was an oversight in the original version.

          (22) The pppBncpAcceptRingId, pppBncpAcceptLineId,
               pppBncpAcceptTinygram, and pppBncpAcceptLanId variables
               have been deleted. If an implementation can accept these
               parameters in the packets then it should.

          (23) The security-related objects have been restructured to
               admit a more flexible scheme of defining which protocols
               are to be used and the order in which they are to be

          (24) Adding mib variables for defining IP addresses to be used
               in address negotiation was considered and rejected. There
               were two reasons. If a node has received an IP Address
               from some sort of "dial up network access device" then
               that address is obtainable via the IP Address MIB table.
               If the node is the "dial up network access device" then
               the list of available addresses is really a subset of
               dynamic host configuration and really is not a function
               of the PPP.

          (25) Adding mib variables for the "old" style of IP address
               negotiation was considered and rejected on the basis that
               the "old" style of negotiation was not to be done due to
               severe technical flaws.

          (26) Minor editorial changes have been made.

          (27) Many variables have been deleted from the previous
               version of the MIB. Some of these variables may, in fact,
               be useful in certain circumstances. Implementors are
               encouraged to experiment by adding these variables to
               their private mibs, with a view towards considering these
               variables' utility and possible addition to the MIB in
               the future.

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          3.  The Network Management Framework

          The Internet-standard Network Management Framework consists of
          three components.  They are:

               RFC 1155 which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for
               describing and naming objects for the purpose of
               management.  RFC 1212 defines a more concise description
               mechanism, which is wholly consistent with the SMI.

               RFC 1156 which defines MIB-I, the core set of managed
               objects for the Internet suite of protocols.  RFC 1213,
               defines MIB-II, an evolution of MIB-I based on
               implementation experience and new operational

               RFC 1157 which defines the SNMP, the protocol used for
               network access to managed objects.

          The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the
          purpose of experimentation and evaluation.

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          4.  Objects

          Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store,
          termed the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the
          MIB are defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation
          One (ASN.1) [3] defined in the SMI.  In particular, each
          object has a name, a syntax, and an encoding.  The name is an
          object identifier, an administratively assigned name, which
          specifies an object type.  The object type together with an
          object instance serves to uniquely identify a specific
          instantiation of the object.  For human convenience, we often
          use a textual string, termed the OBJECT DESCRIPTOR, to also
          refer to the object type.

          The syntax of an object type defines the abstract data
          structure corresponding to that object type.  The ASN.1
          language is used for this purpose.  However, the SMI [1]
          purposely restricts the ASN.1 constructs which may be used.
          These restrictions are explicitly made for simplicity.

          The encoding of an object type is simply how that object type
          is represented using the object type's syntax.  Implicitly
          tied to the notion of an object type's syntax and encoding is
          how the object type is represented when being transmitted on
          the network.

          The SMI specifies the use of the basic encoding rules of ASN.1
          [4], subject to the additional requirements imposed by the

          4.1.  Format of Definitions

          Section 5 contains the specification of all object types
          contained in this MIB module.  The object types are defined
          using the conventions defined in the SMI, as amended by the
          extensions specified in [5,6].

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          5.  Overview

          5.1.  Object Selection Criteria

          To be consistent with IAB directives and good engineering
          practice, an explicit attempt was made to keep this MIB as
          simple as possible.  This was accomplished by applying the
          following criteria to objects proposed for inclusion:

          (1)  Require objects be essential for either fault or
               configuration management.  In particular, objects for
               which the sole purpose was to debug applications ware
               explicitly excluded from the MIB.

          (2)  Consider evidence of current use and/or utility.

          (3)  Limit the total of objects.

          (4)  Exclude objects which are simply derivable from others in
               this or other MIBs.

          (5)  Avoid causing critical sections to be heavily
               instrumented.  The guideline that was followed is one
               counter per critical section per layer.

          5.2.  Structure of the PPP

          This section describes the basic model of PPP used in
          developing the PPP MIB. This information should be useful to
          the implementor in understanding some of the basic design
          decisions of the MIB.

          The PPP is not one single protocol but a large family of
          protocols.  Each of these is, in itself, a fairly complex
          protocol.  The PPP protocols may be divided into three rough

          Control Protocols
               The Control Protocols are used to control the operation
               of the PPP. The Control Protocols include the Link
               Control Protocol (LCP), the Password Authentication
               Protocol (PAP), the Link Quality Report (LQR), and the
               Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).

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          Network Protocols
               The Network Protocols are used to move the network
               traffic over the PPP interface.  A Network Protocol
               encapsulates the datagrams of a specific higher-layer
               protocol that is using the PPP as a data link.  Note that
               within the context of PPP, the term "Network Protocol"
               does not imply an OSI Layer-3 protocol; for instance,
               there is a Bridging network protocol.

          Network Control Protocols (NCPs)
               The NCPs are used to control the operation of the Network
               Protocols. Generally, each Network Protocol has its own
               Network Control Protocol; thus, the IP Network Protocol
               has its IP Control Protocol, the Bridging Network
               Protocol has its Bridging Network Control Protocol and so

          5.3.  Structure of the PPP MIB

          The multiplicity of protocols internal to the PPP, along with
          the need for the PPP to be layered above some physical
          interface (such as a synchronous line) poses an interesting
          problem to the MIB developer: How should the MIB be structured
          in order to reflect the richness of PPP implementations.

          In order to properly represent the layering and dependencies
          of all of the components of a PPP entity, a multi-layered
          interface model is adopted.  In this model, each of the PPP
          Network Protocols and Network Control protocols of the PPP
          "interface" will be represented as a separate interface as
          defined in MIB-II[2].  Thus, each component of the PPP
          "interface" will have its own entry in the MIB-II interface
          table (ifTable) and the interface extensions table

          For the purposes of network management, a PPP Link Layer is
          also defined.  This layer contains the Link Control Protocol,
          as well as the ancilliary control protocols (for
          authentication and link quality monitoring).  This layer is an
          "interface", as defined in the previous paragraph, and
          therefore has its own entry in the ifTable and the
          ifExtnsTable.  The Link Layer is logically placed beneath the
          Network and Network Control protocols.  This placement is
          necessary in order to provide the proper MIB hooks for showing

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          the relationship between the several Network and Network
          Control protocols, and the lower layer MIBs (e.g., LAP-B).

          The MIB objects defined in this document reside in the media-
          specific portion of the mib (i.e. in the transmission sub-tree
          of MIB-2).

          The relationship between the PPP MIB objects of a particular
          sub-layer and the interface table entry for that same sub-
          layer is established by two MIB objects: 1) the ifSpecific
          object in the interface table entry, which identifies the
          appropriate subtree in the PPP MIB and 2) the ifIndex object
          in the interface table entry, which identifies which instance
          of a PPP MIB table pertains to the interface table entry.

          Thus, a PPP implementation's MIBs might have the following
          rough structure:
          +------------+---------+ +--------------+---------+
          | PPP-IP MIB | ifEntry | | PPP-IPCP MIB | ifEntry |
          +------------+---------+ +--------------+---------+
                    | PPP Link MIB | ifEntry |
                     | LAP-B MIB  | ifEntry |
                     | RS-232 MIB | ifEntry |

          5.4.  MIB Groups

          Objects in this MIB are arranged into groups.  Each group is
          organized as a set of related objects.  The overall structure
          of the groups is described in following sections.

          Several of the MIB groups are "media-specific" MIBs which are
          "hung off" of an ifEntry.  The common use of some of the
          ifTable variables when applied to one of the PPP MIB Groups is
          presented here.  These are all clarifications or additional
          conventions with respect to the text in MIB-II[2]. Variables
          not discussed here or in following sub-sections have usage as
          described in MIB-II[2].

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               This variable contains the enumerated value ppp, which
               identifies this ifTable entry as a component of a PPP
               interface. Further classification may be determined by
               examining ifSpecific.

               This variable represents the actual MTU of the local PPP
               entity. The local MTU may be different than the remote's
               MRU for implementation reasons.

               This variable should contain the HDLC address used on
               this link.  The default value is 0xFF, per [8]. Note that
               this is a broadcast address.

               This variable maintains a count of octets received by the
               PPP sub-entity to which this entry in the ifTable
               applies.  For example, if an entry applies to the PPP-
               IPCP sub-entity, then this count would represent the
               number of PPP-IPCP bytes received.

               Normally, this variable should be zero as the default
               HDLC address used by the PPP is 0xFF, the broadcast
               address.  Only if a link has been locally configured to
               use a non-broadcast address should this variable be non-

               This variable maintains a count of the packets received
               by the PPP sub-entity to which this entry in the ifTable
               applies.  For example, if an entry applies to the PPP-IP
               sub-entity, then this count would represent the number of
               packets received by the PPP-IP sub-entity.

               This variable maintains a count of octets transmitted by
               the PPP sub-entity to which this entry in the ifTable
               applies.  For example, if an entry applies to the PPP-LQR
               sub-entity, then this count would represent the number of
               PPP-LQR bytes transmitted.

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               Normally, this variable should be zero as the default
               HDLC address used by the PPP is 0xFF, the broadcast
               address.  Only if a link has been locally configured to
               use a non-broadcast address should this variable be non-

               This variable maintains a count of the packets
               transmitted by the PPP sub-entity to which this entry in
               the ifTable applies.  For example, if an entry applies to
               the PPP-LCP sub-entity, then this count would represent
               the number of packets transmitted by the PPP-LCP sub-

          Group-specific semantics of interface group variables are
          described in the following sections as needed.

          5.4.1.  The PPP Link Group

          This PPP Link group represents the lowest level of the PPP
          protocol.  The PPP Link Group is primarily a "convergence"
          layer which acts as a common point for non-protocol-specific
          processing (e.g., detecting unknown protocols).

          The PPP Link Group contains one table, the pppLinkTable.  This
          table contains:

          (1)  Counters for a number of PPP link level errors, such as
               FCS errors and the like. These counters provide a more
               specific breakdown of the types of errors that are
               occuring on the link.  The value of ifInErrors is the sum
               of all of these specific error counts plus any other
               receive errors.

          (2)  The ifIndex value of the ifTable entry for the physical
               layer interface.

          (3)  The ifIndex values of the ifTable entries for all of the
               higher interface sub-layers that make up the PPP Mib.

          Implementation of this group is mandatory for all PPP

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  Relation to MIB-II interface Group


               These variables represent the counts of ALL
               octets/packets received or sent on the PPP link. These
               counts are the sum of all the individual PPP modules'

               This variable contains the OBJECT-IDENTIFIER pppLink,
               identifying this interface as a PPP Link.

               Reflects the overall state of the LCP Finite State
               Machine (FSM). If the state of LCP FSM is opened then the
               value of ifOperStatus is up, otherwise, the value of
               ifOperStatus is down or testing, whichever is

               Allows the network manager to inject open and close
               events into the LCP FSM.  Setting ifAdminStatus to down
               will inject a close event into the FSM. Setting
               ifAdminStatus to up will inject an open event into the

          5.4.2.  The PPP LCP Group

          The PPP LCP Group contains basic MIB variables that pertain to
          the configuration, status, and control of the PPP LCP entity.
          This group contains two tables.

          The pppLcpStatusTable table contains current LCP status
          information. This reflects the current state of the LCP,
          including the final negotiated values of the options.

          The pppLcpConfigTable table contains configuration information
          for the LCP.  This table is split off of the pppLcpStatusTable
          so that it may be placed in a separate MIB View for security

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          Implementation of this group is mandatory for all PPP

          5.4.3.  The PPP LQR Group

          This group provides the basic MIB variables that apply to the
          PPP LQR Protocol.  This group provides MIB access to the
          information required for LQR processing. This group contains
          two tables, one containing status information and the other
          configuration information.  The configuration table is split
          off of the status so that it may be placed in a separate MIB
          View for security purposes.

          Implementation of the PPP LQR Group is mandatory for all PPP
          implementations that implement LQR.

          5.4.4.  The PPP LQR Extensions Group

          The PPP LQR Extensions group contains the most recently
          received LQR packet.  This is done in order to facilitate
          external implementations of the Link Quality determination

          It is not practical to examine the relevant MIB objects which
          are used to generate LQR packets since LQR policies may
          require synchronization of the values of all data used to
          determine Link Qualitiy; i.e., the values of the relevant
          counters must all be taken at the same instant in time.  Thus,
          by recording the last received LQR packet, a synchronized
          record of the relevant data is available.

          As this information may not be efficiently maintained on all
          PPP implementations, implementation of this group is optional.

          5.4.5.  The PPP IPCP Group

          The PPP IPCP Group contains configuration, status, and control
          variables that apply to the PPP IPCP.

          Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          implementations of PPP that support the IP Control Protocol.

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  Relation to MIB-II interface Group

               This variable contains the OBJECT-IDENTIFIER pppIpcp,
               identifying this interface as a PPP IPCP entity.

               Reflects the overall state of the IPCP Finite State
               Machine (FSM). If the state of IPCP FSM is opened then
               the value of ifOperStatus is up, otherwise, the value of
               ifOperStatus is down or testing, whichever is

               Allows the network manager to inject open and close
               events into the IPCP FSM.  Setting ifAdminStatus to down
               will inject a close event into the FSM. Setting
               ifAdminStatus to up will inject an open event into the

          5.4.6.  The PPP IP Network Protocol

          There is no MIB Group for the instrumentation of this
          protocol.  However, there IS an ifEntry for this protocol.
          The MIB-II interface group variables have the following
          specific usage:

               This variable contains the OBJECT-IDENTIFIER pppIp,
               identifying this interface as a PPP IP entity.

               Reflects the overall state of the IP Network Protocol
               Finite State Machine (FSM). If the state of IP Network
               Protocol FSM is opened then the value of ifOperStatus is
               up, otherwise, the value of ifOperStatus is down or
               testing, whichever is appropriate.

               Allows the network manager to inject open and close
               events into the FSM.  Setting ifAdminStatus to down will
               inject a close event into the FSM. Setting ifAdminStatus
               to up will inject an open event into the FSM.

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          5.4.7.  The PPP Bridge NCP Group

          The PPP Brodge NCP Group (Bridge Network Control Protocol)
          contains configuration, status, and control variables that
          apply to the PPP Bridge NCP.

          Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          implementations of PPP that support the Bridge Network Control

  Relation to MIB-II interface Group

               This variable contains the OBJECT-IDENTIFIER
               pppBridgeNCP, identifying this interface as a PPP Bridge
               NCP Entity.

               Reflects the overall state of the BNCP Finite State
               Machine (FSM). If the state of BNCP FSM is opened then
               the value of ifOperStatus is up, otherwise, the value of
               ifOperStatus is down or testing, whichever is

               Allows the network manager to inject open and close
               events into the FSM.  Setting ifAdminStatus to down will
               inject a close event into the FSM. Setting ifAdminStatus
               to up will inject an open event into the FSM.

          5.4.8.  The PPP Bridge Network Protocol

          There is no MIB Group for the instrumentation of this
          protocol.  However, there IS an ifEntry for this protocol.
          The MIB-II interface group variables have the following
          specific usage:

               This variable contains the OBJECT-IDENTIFIER pppBridge,
               identifying this interface as a PPP Bridging entity.

               Reflects the overall state of the Bridge Network Protocl
               Finite State Machine (FSM). If the state of Bridge
               Network Protocl FSM is opened then the value of

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 18]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

               ifOperStatus is up, otherwise, the value of ifOperStatus
               is down or testing, whichever is appropriate.

               Allows the network manager to inject open and close
               events into the FSM.  Setting ifAdminStatus to down will
               inject a close event into the FSM. Setting ifAdminStatus
               to up will inject an open event into the FSM.

          5.4.9.  The PPP CHAP Group

          The PPP CHAP Group contains configuration, status, and control
          variables that apply to the PPP Challange Authentication

          Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          implementations of PPP that support the PPP CHAP.

          5.4.10.  The PPP PAP Group

          The PPP PAP Group contains configuration, status, and control
          variables that apply to the PPP Password Authentication

          Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          implementations of PPP that support the PPP PAP.

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 19]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          6.  Definitions


               experimental, Counter
                    FROM RFC1155-SMI
                    FROM RFC-1212
                    FROM RFC-1215;

               --  PPP MIB

               ppp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { experimental 18 }

               -- The individual Groups within the PPP MIB

               pppLink      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 1 }
               pppLcp       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 2 }
               pppLqr       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 3 }
               pppIpcp      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 4 }
               pppIp        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 5 }
               pppBridgeNCP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 6 }
               pppBridge    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 7 }
               pppSecurity  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 8 }
               pppTests     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 9 }

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 20]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          6.1.  PPP Link Group

          -- The PPP Link Group. Implementation of this
          -- group is mandatory for all PPP entities.

          pppLinkTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLinkEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A table containing PPP-link specific variables
                         for this PPP implementation."
               ::= { pppLink 1 }

          pppLinkEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppLinkEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Management information about a particular PPP
               INDEX     { pppLinkIndex }
               ::= { pppLinkTable 1 }

          PppLinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          pppLinkIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A unique value for each PPP link. Its value
                         ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The
                         interface identified by a particular value of
                         this index is that identified by the same value
                         of an ifIndex object instance. The value for
                         each link must remain constant at least from
                         one re-initialization of the entity's network
                         management system to the next
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 1 }

          pppLinkPhysicalIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifNumber that identifies the
                         interface over which this PPP Link is
                         operating. This interface would usually be an
                         HDLC or RS-232 type of interface."
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 2 }

          pppLinkBadAddresses   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The number of packets received with an
                         incorrect Address Field. This counter is a
                         component of the ifInErrors variable that is
                         associated with the interface that represents
                         this PPP Link."

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 22]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         "Section 3.1, Address Field, of [8]."
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 3 }

          pppLinkBadControls   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The number of packets received on this link
                         with an incorrect Control Field. This counter
                         is a component of the ifInErrors variable that
                         is associated with the interface that
                         represents this PPP Link."
                         "Section 3.1, Flag Sequence, of [8]."
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 4 }

          pppLinkPacketTooLongs   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The number of received packets that have been
                         discarded because their length exceeded the
                         MRU. This counter is a component of the
                         ifInErrors variable that is associated with the
                         interface that represents this PPP Link."
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 5 }

          pppLinkBadFCSs   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The number of received packets that have been
                         discarded due to having an incorrect FCS. This
                         counter is a component of the ifInErrors
                         variable that is associated with the interface
                         that represents this PPP Link."
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 6 }

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 23]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          pppLinkIpcpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the PPP-IPCP entity for this link. If IPCP is
                         not in use or not available on this link then
                         the value of this object will be 0."
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 7 }

          pppLinkIpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the PPP-IP entity for this link. If IP is not
                         in use or not available on this link then the
                         value of this object will be 0."
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 8 }

          pppLinkBncpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the PPP Bridge Network Control Protocol entity
                         for this link. If the BNCP is not in use or not
                         available on this link then the value of this
                         object will be 0."
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 9 }

          pppLinkBridgeIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 24]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the PPP Bridging entity for this link. If
                         Bridging is not in use or not available on this
                         link then the value of this object will be 0."
               ::= { pppLinkEntry 10 }

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 25]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          6.2.  PPP LCP Group

          -- The PPP LCP Group. Implementation of this
          -- group is mandatory for all PPP entities.

          pppLcpStatusTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLcpStatusEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A table containing the operational LCP
                         parameters for this PPP Link."
               ::= { pppLcp 1 }

          pppLCPStatusEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppLCPStatusEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Configuration information about a particular
                         PPP Link."
               INDEX     { pppLcpStatusIndex }
               ::= { pppLcpStatusTable 1 }

          PppLcpStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                    OCTET STRING,
                    OCTET STRING,

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992


          pppLcpStatusIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A unique value for each PPP link. Its value
                         ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The
                         interface identified by a particular value of
                         this index is that identified by the same value
                         of an ifIndex object instance. The value for
                         each link must remain constant at least from
                         one re-initialization of the entity's network
                         management system to the next
               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 1 }

          pppLcpStatusLinkIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the Link entity over which this LCP instance is
               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 2 }

          pppLcpStatusLocalMRU   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The final negotiated MRU value for the local
                         PPP Entity. This value is the MRU that the
                         remote entity has accepted for the local PPP
               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 3 }

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 27]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          pppLcpStatusRemoteMRU   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The final negotiated MRU value for the remote
                         PPP Entity."
               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 4 }

          pppLcpStatusLocalToPeerACCMap   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The ACC Map used by the local PPP entity when
                         transmitting packets to the remote PPP entity."
               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 5 }

          pppLcpStatusPeerToLocalACCMap   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The ACC Map used by the remote PPP entity when
                         transmitting packets to the local PPP entity."
               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 6 }

          pppLcpStatusLocalToRemoteProtocolCompression   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Indicates whether the local PPP entity will
                         use Protocol Compression when transmitting
                         packets to the remote PPP entity. This is the
                         Protocol Compression option that the remote PPP
                         entity has advertised to the local entity and
                         that the local PPP entity has accepted."

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 28]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 7 }

          pppLcpStatusRemoteToLocalProtocolCompression   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Indicates whether the remote PPP entity will
                         use Protocol Compression when transmitting
                         packets to the local PPP entity. This is the
                         Protocol Compression option that the local PPP
                         entity has advertised to the remote entity and
                         that the remote PPP entity has accepted."
               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 8 }

          pppLcpStatusLocalToRemoteACCompression   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Indicates whether the local PPP entity will
                         use Address and Control Compression when
                         transmitting packets to the remote PPP entity.
                         This is the Address and Control Compression
                         option that the remote PPP entity has
                         advertised to the local entity and that the
                         local PPP entity has accepted."
               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 9 }

          pppLcpStatusRemoteToLocalACCompression   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 29]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         "Indicates whether the remote PPP entity will
                         use Address and Control Compression when
                         transmitting packets to the local PPP entity.
                         This is the Address and Control Compression
                         option that the local PPP entity has advertised
                         to the remote entity and that the remote PPP
                         entity has accepted."
               ::= { pppLcpStatusEntry 10 }

          pppLcpConfigTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLcpConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A table containing the LCP configuration
                         parameters for this PPP Link. These variables
                         represent the initial configuration of the PPP
                         Link. The actual values of the parameters may
                         be changed when the link is brought up via the
                         LCP options negotiation mechanism."
               ::= { pppLcp 2 }

          pppLCPConfigEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppLCPConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Configuration information about a particular
                         PPP Link."
               INDEX     { pppLcpConfigIndex }
               ::= { pppLcpConfigTable 1 }

          PppLcpConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                    OCTET STRING,

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992


          pppLcpConfigIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A unique value for each PPP link. Its value
                         ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The
                         interface identified by a particular value of
                         this index is that identified by the same value
                         of an ifIndex object instance. The value for
                         each link must remain constant at least from
                         one re-initialization of the entity's network
                         management system to the next
               ::= { pppLcpConfigEntry 1 }

          pppLcpConfigInitialMRU   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The initial Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) that
                         the local PPP entity will advertise to the
                         remote entity. If the value of this variable is
                         0 then the local PPP entity will not advertise
                         any MRU to the remote entity and the default
                         MRU will be assumed. Changing this object will
                         have effect when the link is next restarted."
                         "Section 7.2, Maximum Receive Unit of [8]."
               DEFVAL    { 1500 }
               ::= { pppLcpConfigEntry 2 }

          pppLcpConfigReceiveACCMap   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         "The Asynchronous-Control-Character-Map (ACC)
                         that the local PPP entity requires for use on
                         its receive side. In effect, this is the ACC
                         Map that is required in order to ensure that
                         the local modem will successfully receive all
                         characters. The actual ACC map used on the
                         receive side of the link will be a combination
                         of the local node's pppLcpConfigReceiveACCMap
                         and the remote node's pppLcpConfigXmitACCMap.
                         Changing this object will have effect when the
                         link is next restarted."
                         "Section 7.3, page 4, Async-Control-Character-
                         Map of [8]."
               DEFVAL    { 'ffffffff'h }
               ::= { pppLcpConfigEntry 3 }

          pppLcpConfigXmitACCMap   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The Asynchronous-Control-Character-Map (ACC)
                         that the local PPP entity requires for use on
                         its transmit side. In effect, this is the ACC
                         Map that is required in order to ensure that
                         all characters can be successfully transmitted
                         through the local modem.  The actual ACC map
                         used on the transmit side of the link will be a
                         combination of the local node's
                         pppLcpConfigXmitACCMap and the remote node's
                         pppLcpConfigReceiveACCMap. Changing this object
                         will have effect when the link is next
                         "Section 7.3, page 4, Async-Control-Character-
                         Map of [8]."
               DEFVAL    { 'ffffffff'h }
               ::= { pppLcpConfigEntry 4 }

          pppLcpConfigMagicNumber   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {false (1), true (2)}
               ACCESS    read-write

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

               STATUS    mandatory
                         "If true(2) then the local node will attempt to
                         perform Magic Number negotiation with the
                         remote node. If false(1) then this negotiation
                         is not performed. In any event, the local node
                         will comply with any magic number negotiations
                         attempted by the remote node, per the PPP
                         specification. Changing this object will have
                         effect when the link is next restarted."
                         "Section 7.6, Magic Number, of [8]."
               DEFVAL    { false }
               ::= { pppLcpConfigEntry 5 }

          pppLcpConfig32BitFCS   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {false (1), true (2)}
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "If true(2) then the local node will attempt to
                         perform 32 Bit FCS negotiation with the remote
                         node. If false(1) then this negotiation is not
                         performed. In any event, the local node will
                         comply with any 32 Bit FCS negotiations
                         attempted by the remote node, per the PPP
                         specification. Changing this object will have
                         effect when the link is next restarted."
                         "Section 7.9, 32 Bit FCS, of [8]."
               DEFVAL    { false }
               ::= { pppLcpConfigEntry 6 }

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 33]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          6.3.  PPP LQR Group

          -- The PPP LQR Group.
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          -- PPP implementations that implement LQR.

          pppLqrTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLqrEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the LQR parameters and
                         statistics for the local PPP entity."
               ::= { pppLqr 1 }

          pppLqrEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppLqrEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "LQR information for a particular PPP link. A
                         PPP link will have an entry in this table if
                         and only if LQR Quality Monitoring has been
                         successfully negotiated for said link."
               INDEX     { pppLqrLinkIndex }
               ::= { pppLqrTable 1 }

          PppLqrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992


          pppLqrLinkIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the PPP Link entity over which this LQR is
               ::= { pppLqrTable 2 }

          pppLqrQuality   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The current quality of the link as declared by
                         the local PPP entity's Link-Quality Management
                         modules. No effort is made to define good or
                         bad, nor the policy used to determine it."
               ::= { pppLqrEntry 1 }

          pppLqrInGoodOctets   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The LQR InGoodOctets counter for this link."
                         "Section 2.2, Counters, of [12]."
               ::= { pppLqrEntry 2 }

          pppLqrLocalPeriod   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         "The LQR reporting period that is in effect for
                         the local PPP entity. The local entity received
                         a configure-ack for this value from the remote
                         PPP entity."
                         "Section 2.5, Configuration Option Format, of
               ::= { pppLqrEntry 3 }

          pppLqrRemotePeriod   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The LQR reporting period that is in effect for
                         the remote PPP entity. The local entity sent a
                         configure-ack for this value in response to the
                         configure-req from the remote PPP entity."
                         "Section 2.5, Configuration Option Format, of
               ::= { pppLqrEntry 4 }

          pppLqrOutLQRs   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of the OutLQRs counter on the local
                         node for the link identified by
                         "Section 2.2, Counters, of [12]."
               ::= { pppLqrEntry 5 }

          pppLqrInLQRs   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of the InLQRs counter on the local

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         node for the link identified by
                         "Section 2.2, Counters, of [12]."
               ::= { pppLqrEntry 6 }

          -- The PPP LQR Configuration table.

          pppLqrConfigTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLqrConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the LQR Configuration
                         parameters for the local PPP entity."
               ::= { pppLqr 2 }

          pppLqrConfigEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppLqrConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "LQR configuration information for a particular
                         PPP link."
               INDEX     { pppLqrConfigIndex }
               ::= { pppLqrConfigTable 1 }

          PppLqrConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

          pppLqrConfigIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 37]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         "A unique value which ranges between 1 and the
                         value of ifNumber. The interface identified by
                         a particular value of this value is that
                         identified by the same value of an ifIndex
                         object instance. The value for each link must
                         remain constant at least from one
                         re-initialization of the entity's network
                         management system to the next
                         re-initialization.  This object identifies the
                         ifTable entry that is associated with this
                         instance of the LQR Protocol."
               ::= { pppLqrConfigEntry 1 }

          pppLqrConfigPeriod   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..2147483648)
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The LQR Reporting Period that the local PPP
                         entity will attempt to negotiate with the
                         remote entity, in units of seconds. Changing
                         this object will have effect when the link is
                         next restarted."
                         "Section 2.5, Configuration Option Format, of
               DEFVAL    { WHAT IS THE DEFAULT }
               ::= { pppLqrConfigEntry 2 }

          pppLqrConfigStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {disabled (1), enabled (2)}
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "If enabled(2) then the local node will attempt
                         to perform LQR negotiation with the remote
                         node. If disabled(1) then this negotiation is
                         not performed. In any event, the local node
                         will comply with any magic number negotiations
                         attempted by the remote node, per the PPP
                         specification. Changing this object will have
                         effect when the link is next restarted.

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 38]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         Setting this object to the value disabled(1)
                         has the effect of invalidating the
                         corresponding entry in the pppLqrConfigTable
                         object. It is an implementation-specific matter
                         as to whether the agent removes an invalidated
                         entry from the table. Accordingly, management
                         stations must be prepared to receive tabular
                         information from agents that corresponds to
                         entries not currently in use."
                         "Section 7.6, Magic Number, of [8]."
               DEFVAL    { enabled }
               ::= { pppLqrConfigEntry 3 }

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 39]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          6.4.  PPP LQR Extensions Group

          -- The PPP LQR Extensions Group.
          -- Implementation of this group is optional.
          -- The intent of this group is to allow external
          -- implementation of the policy mechanisms that
          -- are used to declare a link to be "bad" or not.
          -- It is not practical to examine the MIB objects
          -- which are used to generate LQR packets since
          -- LQR policies tend to require synchronization of
          -- the values of all data used to determine Link
          -- Qualitiy; i.e. the values of the relevant counters
          -- must all be taken at the same instant in time.

          pppLqrExtnsTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLqrExtnsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing extended LQR parameters local
                         PPP entity."
               ::= { pppLqr 3 }

          pppLqrExtnsEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppLqrExtnsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Extended LQR information for a particular PPP
                         link. Assuming that this group has been
                         implemented, a PPP link will have an entry in
                         this table if and only if LQR Quality
                         Monitoring has been successfully negotiated for
                         said link."
               INDEX     { pppLqrExtnsIndex }
               ::= { pppLqrExtnsTable 1 }

          PppLqrExtnsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                    OCTET STRING(SIZE(68))

          pppLqrExtnsIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    Counter
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A unique value which ranges between 1 and the
                         value of ifNumber. The interface identified by
                         a particular value of this value is that
                         identified by the same value of an ifIndex
                         object instance. The value for each link must
                         remain constant at least from one
                         re-initialization of the entity's network
                         management system to the next
               ::= { pppLqrExtnsEntry 1 }

          pppLqrExtnsLastReceivedLqrPacket   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING(SIZE(68))
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "This object contains the most recently
                         received LQR packet. The format of the packet
                         is as described in the LQM Protocol
                         specificiation. The LQR packet is stored in
                         network byte order. The LAP-B and PPP headers
                         are not stored in this object; the first four
                         octets of this variable contain the Magic-
                         Number field, the second four octets contain
                         the LastOutLQRs field and so on."
               ::= { pppLqrExtnsEntry 2 }

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 41]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          6.5.  PPP IPCP Group

          -- The PPP IPCP Group.
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          -- PPP implementations that support operating IP over PPP.

          pppIpcpTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppIpcpEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the IPCP parameters and
                         statistics for the local PPP entity."
               ::= { pppIpcp 1 }

          pppIpcpEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppIpcpEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "IPCP information for a particular PPP link. A
                         PPP link will have an entry in this table if
                         and only if running IP over the PPP link  has
                         been successfully negotiated for said link."
               INDEX     { pppIpcpIndex }
               ::= { pppIpcpTable 1 }

          PppIpcpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992


          pppIpcpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the ifTable that is associated with the
                         local IPCP entity."
               ::= { pppIpcpEntry 1 }

          pppIpcpLinkIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the ifTable that is associated with the PPP
                         Link over which this IPCP entity is operating."
               ::= { pppIpcpEntry 2 }

          pppIpcpLocalToRemoteCompressionProtocol   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The IP compression protocol that the local
                         PPP-IP entity uses when sending packets to the
                         remote PPP-IP entity."
               ::= { pppIpcpEntry 3 }

          pppIpcpRemoteToLocalCompressionProtocol   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         "The IP compression protocol that the remote
                         PPP-IP entity uses when sending packets to the
                         local PPP-IP entity."
               ::= { pppIpcpEntry 4 }

          pppIpcpRemoteMaxSlotId   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..255)
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The Max-Slot-Id parameter that the remote node
                         has advertised and that is in use on the link."
               ::= { pppIpcpEntry 5 }

          pppIpcpLocalMaxSlotId   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..255)
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The Max-Slot-Id parameter that the local node
                         has advertised and that is in use on the link."
               ::= { pppIpcpEntry 6 }

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          -- The PPP IPCP Configuration table.
          -- This is a separate table in order to facilitate
          -- placing these variables in a separate MIB view.

          pppIpcpConfigTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppIpcpConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the IPCP parameters and
                         statistics for the local PPP entity."
               ::= { pppIpcp 2 }

          pppIpcpConfigEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppIpcpConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "IPCP information for a particular PPP link. A
                         PPP link will have an entry in this table if
                         and only if running IP over the PPP link  has
                         been successfully negotiated for said link."
               INDEX     { pppIpcpConfigIndex }
               ::= { pppIpcpConfigTable 1 }

          PppIpcpConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

          pppIpcpConfigIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 45]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         in the ifTable that is associated with the
                         local IPCP entity."
               ::= { pppIpcpConfigEntry 1 }

          ppIpcpConfigCompression   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "If none(1) then the local node will not
                         attempt to negotiate any IP Compression option.
                         Otherwise, the local node will attempt to
                         negotiate compression mode indicated by the
                         enumerated value Changing this object will have
                         effect when the link is next restarted."
                         "Section 4.0, Van Jacobson TCP/IP Header
                         Compression of [9]."
               DEFVAL    { none }
               ::= { pppIpcpConfigEntry 2 }

          ppIpcpConfigStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "If enabled(2) then the local node will allow
                         IP traffic to flow across the link. If
                         disabled(1) then IP traffic will not be allowed
                         to flow across the link.  Setting this object
                         to the value disabled(1) has the effect of
                         invalidating the corresponding entry in the
                         pppIpcpConfigTable object. It is an
                         implementation-specific matter as to whether
                         the agent removes an invalidated entry from the
                         table. Accordingly, management stations must be
                         prepared to receive tabular information from

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         agents that corresponds to entries not
                         currently in use."
               ::= { pppIpcpConfigEntry 3 }

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          6.6.  PPP Bridge NCP Group

          -- The PPP Bridge NCP Group.
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          -- PPP implementations that support MAC Bridging  over
          -- PPP (RFC1220).

          pppBncpTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppBncpEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the parameters and statistics
                         for the local PPP entity that are related to
                         the operation of Bridging over the PPP."
               ::= { pppBridgeNCP 1 }

          pppBncpEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppBncpEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Bridging NCP information for a particular PPP
                         link. A PPP link will have an entry in this
                         table if and only if Bridging over PPP has been
                         successfully negotiated for said link."
               INDEX     { pppBncpIndex }
               ::= { pppBncpTable 1 }

          PppBncpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992


          pppBncpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the local PPP Bridging NCP entity."
               ::= { pppBncpEntry 1 }

          pppBncpLinkIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the PPP-Link entity over which this PPP-Bridge
                         NCP instance is operating."
               ::= { pppBncpEntry 2 }

          pppBncpLocalToRemoteTinygramCompression   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER { false(1), true(2) }
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Indicates whether the local node will perform
                         Tinygram Compression when sending packets to
                         the remote entity. If false then the local
                         entity will not perform Tinygram Compression.
                         If true then the local entity will perform
                         Tinygram Compression."
                         "Section 6.7, Tinygram Compression Option, of
               ::= { pppBncpEntry 3 }

          pppBncpRemoteToLocalTinygramCompression   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER { false(1), true(2) }

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               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Indicates what the local node believes to be
                         the remote node will perform Tinygram
                         Compression when sending packets to the local
                         node. If false then the remote entity is not
                         expected to perform Tinygram Compression. If
                         true then the remote entity is expected to
                         perform Tinygram Compression."
                         "Section 6.7, Tinygram Compression Option, of
               ::= { pppBncpEntry 4 }

          pppBncpLocalToRemoteLanId   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER { false(1), true(2) }
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Indicates whether the local node will include
                         the LAN Identification field in transmitted
                         packets or not. If false(1) then the local node
                         will not transmit this field, true(2) means
                         that the field will be transmitted."
                         "Section 6.8, LAN Identification Option, of
               ::= { pppBncpEntry 5 }

          pppBncpRemoteToLocalLanId   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER { false(1), true(2) }
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Indicates whether the remote node has
                         indicated that it will include the LAN
                         Identification field in transmitted packets or
                         not. If false(1) then the field will not be
                         transmitted, if true(2) then the field will be
                         "Section 6.8, LAN Identification Option, of

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

               ::= { pppBncpEntry 6 }

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          -- The PPP Bridge NCP Configuration table

          pppBncpConfigTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppBncpConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the parameters and statistics
                         for the local PPP entity that are related to
                         the operation of Bridging over the PPP."
               ::= { pppBridgeConfigNCP 2 }

          pppBncpConfigEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppBncpConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Bridging NCP information for a particular PPP
                         link. A PPP link will have an entry in this
                         table if and only if Bridging over PPP has been
                         successfully negotiated for said link."
               INDEX     { pppBncpConfigIndex }
               ::= { pppBncpConfigTable 1 }

          PppBncpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

          pppBncpConfigIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory

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                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the local PPP Bridging NCP entity."
               ::= { pppBncpConfigEntry 1 }

          pppBncpConfigTinygram   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER { false(1), true(2) }
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "If false then the local BNCP entity will not
                         initiate the Tinygram Compression Option
                         Negotiation. If true then the local BNCP entity
                         will initiate negotiation of this option."
                         "Section 6.7, Tinygram Compression Option, of
               DEFVAL    { true }
               ::= { pppBncpConfigEntry 2 }

          pppBncpConfigRingId   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER { false(1), true(2) }
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "If false then the local PPP Entity will not
                         initiate a Remote Ring Identification Option
                         negotiation. If true then the local PPP entity
                         will intiate this negotiation. This MIB object
                         is relevant only if the interface is for 802.5
                         Token Ring bridging."
                         "Section 6.4, IEEE 802.5 Remote Ring
                         Identification Option, of [10]"
               DEFVAL    { false }
               ::= { pppBncpConfigEntry 3 }

          pppBncpConfigLineId   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER { false(1), true(2) }
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory

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                         "If false then the local PPP Entity is not to
                         initiate a Line Identification Option
                         negotiation. If true then the local PPP entity
                         will intiate this negotiation. This MIB object
                         is relevant only if the interface is for 802.5
                         Token Ring bridging."
                         "Section 6.5, IEEE 802.5 Line Identification
                         Option, of [10]"
               DEFVAL    { false }
               ::= { pppBncpConfigEntry 4 }

          pppBncpConfigLanId   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER { false(1), true(2) }
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "If false then the local BNCP entity will not
                         initiate the LAN Identification Option
                         Negotiation. If true then the local BNCP entity
                         will initiate negotiation of this option."
                         "Section 6.8, LAN Identification Option, of
               DEFVAL    { false }
               ::= { pppBncpConfigEntry 5 }

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          6.7.  PPP Security Configuration Group

          -- The PPP Security Configuration Group
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          -- PPP implementations that support a PPP security
          -- protocol.
          -- The table in this group allows the network manager
          -- to configure which security protocols are to be
          -- used on which link and in what order of preference
          -- each protocol is to be tried.

          pppSecurityConfigTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppSecurityConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the configuration and
                         preference parameters for PPP Security."
               ::= { pppSecurity 1 }

          pppSecurityConfigEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppSecurityConfigEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "CHAP information for a particular PPP link."
               INDEX     { pppSecurityConfigLink,
                         pppSecurityConfigPreference }
               ::= { pppSecurityConfigTable 1 }

          PppSecurityConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

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          pppSecurityConfigLink   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..2147483648)
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the local PPP entity's link for which this
                         particular security algorithm shall be
               ::= { pppSecurityConfigEntry 1 }

          pppSecurityConfigPreference   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..2147483648)
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The relative preference of the security
                         protocol identified by
                         pppSecurityConfigProtocol. Security protocols
                         with lower values of
                         pppSecurityConfigPreference are tried before
                         protocols with higher values of
               ::= { pppSecurityConfigEntry 2 }

          pppSecurityConfigProtocol   OBJECT-TYPE
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Identifies the security protocol to be
                         attempted on the link identified by
                         pppSecurityConfigLink at the preference level
                         identified by pppSecurityConfigPreference.
                         Setting this object to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER {
                         0 0 }, which is a syntatically valid object
                         identifier, has the effect of invalidating the
                         corresponding  entry in this table.  It is an
                         implementation-specific matter as to whether
                         the agent removes an invalidated entry from the
                         table. Accordingly, management stations must be
                         prepared to receive tabular information from

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         agents that corresponds to entries not
                         currently in use."
               ::= { pppSecurityConfigEntry 3 }

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          6.8.  PPP CHAP Group

          -- The PPP CHAP Group.
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          -- PPP implementations that support the CHAP protocol.
          -- pppSecurityConfigProtocol takes the OBJECT IDENTIFIER
          -- pppChap to indicate that the Challenge Handshake
          -- Authentication Protocol is to be used.
               pppChap             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pppSecurity 2 }

          pppChapTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppChapEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the Chap parameters and
                         statistics for the local PPP entity."
               ::= { pppChap 1 }

          pppChapEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppChapEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "CHAP information for a particular PPP link and
                         preference level."
               INDEX     { pppChapIndex }
               ::= { pppChapTable 1 }

          PppChapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

          pppChapLink   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..2147483648)

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               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of pppSecurityConfigLink that
                         identifies the entry in the pppSecurityConfig
                         table to which this entry in the pppChapTable
               ::= { pppChapEntry 1 }

          pppChapPreference   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..2147483648)
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of pppSecurityConfigPreference that
                         identifies the entry in the pppSecurityConfig
                         table to which this entry in the pppChapTable
               ::= { pppChapEntry 2 }

          pppChapDigestType   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER  {
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The CHAP Digest format  to use in attempting
                         the CHAP authtentication as defined by the
                         corresponding entry in the pppSecurityConfig
                         "Section 4.1, Configuration Option Format, of
               DEFVAL    { md5-chap-digest }
               ::= { pppChapEntry 3 }

          pppChapSecretsTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppChapSecretsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory

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                         "Table containing the secret CHAP parameters
                         for the local PPP entity. As this table
                         contains secret information, it is expected
                         that access to this table be limited to those
                         SNMP Party-Pairs for which a privacy protocol
                         is in use for all SNMP messages that the
                         parties exchange. This table contains a Name
                         and its associated Digest secret. The
                         parameters in this table are used by the local
                         entity when generating CHAP Response packets.
                         The table allows for multiple name/secret pairs
                         to be specified for a particular link by using
                         the pppChapSecretIdIndex object. These
                         parameters are used by a node when it attempts
                         to authenticate itself."
               ::= { pppChap 2 }

          pppChapSecretsEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppChapSecretsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Secret CHAP information to generate a single
               INDEX     { pppChapSecretsIndex, pppChapSecretsIdIndex }
               ::= { pppChapSecretsTable 1 }

          PppChapSecretsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                    OCTET STRING,
                    OCTET STRING

          pppChapSecretsIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory

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                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the local PPP CHAP Entity."
               ::= { pppChapSecretsEntry 1 }

          pppChapSecretsIdIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A unique value for each Name/Secret pair that
                         has been defined for use on this link. This
                         allows multiple Name/Secret pairs to be defined
                         for each link. How the local entity selects
                         which pair to use is a local implementation
               ::= { pppChapSecretsEntry 2 }

          pppChapSecretsName   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A name."
               ::= { pppChapSecretsEntry 3 }

          pppChapSecretsSecret   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(16)) when MD5
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The digest secret to be associated with the
               ::= { pppChapSecretsEntry 4 }

          pppChapPeerSecretsTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppChapPeerSecretsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory

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                         "Table containing the secret PAP parameters
                         that are expected of remotes that may attempt
                         to authenticate themselves to the local PPP
                         entity. Received CHAP Responses are expected to
                         match one of the entries in this table. As this
                         table contains secret information, it is
                         expected that access to this table be limited
                         to those SNMP Party-Pairs for which a privacy
                         protocol is in use for all SNMP messages that
                         the parties exchange."
               ::= { pppChap 3 }

          pppChapPeerSecretsEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppChapPeerSecretsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Secret remote CHAP information for a
                         particular Peer Name/Secret and link."
               INDEX     { pppChapPeerSecretsLink,
                         pppChapPeerSecretsIndex }
               ::= { pppChapPeerSecretsTable 1 }

          PppChapSecretsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                    OCTET STRING,
                    OCTET STRING

          pppChapPeerSecretsLink   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the local PPP Link for which this Name/Secret

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

                         pair will be evaluated as valid. A particular
                         Name/Secret pair is valid only for the link(s)
                         for which there is a pppChapPeerSecretsTable
                         entry containing said Name/Secret pair. By
                         convention, a value of 0 for this object
                         indicates all links on the local PPP entity."
               ::= { pppChapPeerSecretsEntry 1 }

          pppChapPeerSecretsIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A unique value for each Name/Secret pair that
                         has been defined for use on this link. This
                         allows multiple Name/Secret pairs to be defined
                         for each link."
               ::= { pppChapPeerSecretsEntry 2 }

          pppChapPeerSecretsName   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A Peer-Name which may attempt to connect over
                         the link identified by pppChapPeerSecretsLink."
               ::= { pppChapPeerSecretsEntry 3 }

          pppChapPeerSecretsSecret   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(16)) when using MD5
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The Secret associated with the Peer-Name
                         identified in pppChapPeerSecretsName."
               ::= { pppChapPeerSecretsEntry 4 }

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          6.9.  PPP PAP Group

          -- The PPP PAP Group.
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          -- PPP implementations that support the PAP protocol.
          -- pppSecurityConfigProtocol takes the OBJECT IDENTIFIER
          -- pppPap to indicate that the Password
          -- Authentication Protocol is to be used.
               pppPap              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pppSecurity 3 }

          pppPapSecretsTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppPapSecretsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the secret PAP parameters for
                         the local PPP entity. As this table contains
                         secret information, it is expected that access
                         to this table be limited to those SNMP Party-
                         Pairs for which a privacy protocol is in use
                         for all SNMP messages that the parties
                         exchange. This table contains the Peer-ID and
                         Password that this PPP entity will advertise to
                         the remote entity when sending PAP Authenticate
                         Request packets. The table allows for multiple
                         id/password pairs to be specified for a
                         particular link by using the
                         pppPapSecretIdIndex object."
               ::= { pppPap 1 }

          pppPapSecretsEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppPapSecretsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Secret PAP information."
               INDEX     { pppPapSecretsIndex, pppPapSecretsIdIndex }
               ::= { pppPapSecretsTable 1 }

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          PppPapSecretsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                    OCTET STRING,
                    OCTET STRING

          pppPapSecretsIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the local PPP Password Authentication Protocol
               ::= { pppPapSecretsEntry 1 }

          pppPapSecretsIdIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A unique value for each ID/Password pair that
                         has been defined for use on this link. This
                         allows multiple ID/Password pairs to be defined
                         for each link. How the local entity selects
                         which pair to use is a local implementation
               ::= { pppPapSecretsEntry 2 }

          pppPapSecretsId   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A Peer ID."
               ::= { pppPapSecretsEntry 3 }

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          pppPapSecretsPassword   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The password to be associated with the Peer
               ::= { pppPapSecretsEntry 4 }

          pppPapPeerSecretsTable   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppPapPeerSecretsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Table containing the secret PAP parameters
                         that are expected of remotes that may attempt
                         to authenticate themselves to the local PPP
                         entity. As this table contains secret
                         information, it is expected that access to this
                         table be limited to those SNMP Party-Pairs for
                         which a privacy protocol is in use for all SNMP
                         messages that the parties exchange."
               ::= { pppPap 3 }

          pppPapPeerSecretsEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    PppPapPeerSecretsEntry
               ACCESS    not-accessible
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "Secret remote PAP information for a particular
                         remote ID/password and link."
               INDEX     { pppPapPeerSecretsLink, pppPapPeerSecretsIndex
               ::= { pppPapPeerSecretsTable 1 }

          PppPapSecretsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

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                    OCTET STRING,
                    OCTET STRING

          pppPapPeerSecretsLink   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The value of ifIndex that identifies the entry
                         in the interface table that is associated with
                         the local PPP Link for which this ID/Password
                         pair will be evaluated as valid. A particular
                         ID/Password pair is valid only for the link(s)
                         for which there is a pppPapPeerSecretsTable
                         entry containing said ID/Password pair. By
                         convention, a value of 0 for this object
                         indicates all links on the local PPP entity."
               ::= { pppPapPeerSecretsEntry 1 }

          pppPapPeerSecretsIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    INTEGER
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A unique value for each ID/Password pair that
                         has been defined for use on this link. This
                         allows multiple ID/Password pairs to be defined
                         for each link."
               ::= { pppPapPeerSecretsEntry 2 }

          pppPapPeerSecretsId   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "A Peer-ID which may attempt to connect over
                         the link identified by pppPapPeerSecretsLink."
               ::= { pppPapPeerSecretsEntry 3 }

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          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          pppPapPeerSecretsPassword   OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
               ACCESS    read-write
               STATUS    mandatory
                         "The Password associated with the Peer-ID
                         identified in pppPapPeerSecretsId."
               ::= { pppPapPeerSecretsEntry 4 }


          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 68]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          6.10.  PPP Tests

          The extensions to the interface table in [7] define a table
          through which the network manager can instruct the managed
          object to perform various tests of the interface. This is the

          The PPP MIB defines one such test.

          6.10.1.  PPP Echo Test

          The PPP Echo Test is defined as

               pppEchoTest    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pppTests 1 }

          Invoking this test causes a PPP Echo Packet to be sent on the
          line. ifExtnsTestResult returns success(2) if the echo
          response came back properly. It returns failed(7) if the
          response did not properly return. The definition of "proper"
          in this context is left to the discretion of the implementor.

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 69]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          7.  Acknowledgements

          This document was produced by the PPP working group.  In
          addition to the working group, the author wishes to thank the
          following individuals for their comments and contributions:

          Bill Simpson
          Glenn McGregor
          Jesse Walker -- DEC
          Chris Gunner -- DEC

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 70]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          8.  References

          [1]  M.T. Rose and K. McCloghrie, Structure and Identification
               of Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets,
               Internet Working Group Request for Comments 1155.
               Network Information Center, SRI International, Menlo
               Park, California, (May, 1990).

          [2]  K. McCloghrie and M.T. Rose, Management Information Base
               for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets - MIB-2,
               Internet Working Group Request for Comments 1213.
               Network Information Center, SRI International, Menlo
               Park, California, (March, 1991).

          [3]  Information processing systems - Open Systems
               Interconnection - Specification of Abstract Syntax
               Notation One (ASN.1), International Organization for
               Standardization.  International Standard 8824, (December,

          [4]  Information processing systems - Open Systems
               Interconnection - Specification of Basic Encoding Rules
               for Abstract Notation One (ASN.1), International
               Organization for Standardization.  International Standard
               8825, (December, 1987).

          [5]  Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Editors, Concise MIB
               Definitions, RFC 1212, Performance Systems International,
               Hughes LAN Systems, March 1991.

          [6]  Rose, M., Editor, A Convention for Defining Traps for use
               with the SNMP, RFC 1215, Performance Systems
               International, March 1991.

          [7]  K. McCloghrie, Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB,
               RFC1229, Hughes LAN Systems, May 1991.

          [8]  PPP-LCP

          [9]  PPP-IPCP

          [10] F. Baker, Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions for
               Bridging, RFC1220, ACC, April 1991.

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 71]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          [11] PPP Authentication Protocols.

          [12] PPP Link Quality Monitoring.

          [13] New SNMP Administrative Model

          [14] SNMP Security Protocols

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 72]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          9.  Security Considerations

          The PPP MIB affords the network operator the ability to
          configure and control the PPP links of a particular system,
          including the PPP authentication protocols. This represents a
          security risk.

          These risks are addressed in the following manners:

          (1)  All variables which represent a significant security risk
               are placed in separate, optional, MIB Groups. As the MIB
               Group is the quantum of implementation within a MIB, the
               implementor of the MIB may elect not to implement these

          (2)  The implementor may choose to implement the variables
               which present a security risk so that they may not be
               written, i.e., the variables are READ-ONLY. This method
               still presents a security risk, and is not recommended,
               in that the variables, specifically the PPP
               Authentication Protocols' variables, may be easily read.

          (3)  Using the new SNMP administrative framework[13,14], the
               operator can place the variables into MIB views which are
               protected in that the parties which have access to those
               MIB views use authentication and privacy protocols, or
               the operator may elect to make these views not accessible
               to any party.  In order to facilitate this placement, all
               security-related variables are placed in separate MIB
               Tables. This eases the identification of the necessary
               MIB View Subtree.

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 73]

          Internet Draft             PPP MIB                  March 1992

          Table of Contents

           Status of this Memo ....................................    1
          1 Abstract ..............................................    1
          2 Changes ...............................................    3
          3 The Network Management Framework ......................    8
          4 Objects ...............................................    9
          4.1 Format of Definitions ...............................    9
          5 Overview ..............................................   10
          5.1 Object Selection Criteria ...........................   10
          5.2 Structure of the PPP ................................   10
          5.3 Structure of the PPP MIB ............................   11
          5.4 MIB Groups ..........................................   12
          5.4.1 The PPP Link Group ................................   14
 Relation to MIB-II interface Group ..............   15
          5.4.2 The PPP LCP Group .................................   15
          5.4.3 The PPP LQR Group .................................   16
          5.4.4 The PPP LQR Extensions Group ......................   16
          5.4.5 The PPP IPCP Group ................................   16
 Relation to MIB-II interface Group ..............   17
          5.4.6 The PPP IP Network Protocol .......................   17
          5.4.7 The PPP Bridge NCP Group ..........................   18
 Relation to MIB-II interface Group ..............   18
          5.4.8 The PPP Bridge Network Protocol ...................   18
          5.4.9 The PPP CHAP Group ................................   19
          5.4.10 The PPP PAP Group ................................   19
          6 Definitions ...........................................   20
          6.1 PPP Link Group ......................................   21
          6.2 PPP LCP Group .......................................   26
          6.3 PPP LQR Group .......................................   34
          6.4 PPP LQR Extensions Group ............................   40
          6.5 PPP IPCP Group ......................................   42
          6.6 PPP Bridge NCP Group ................................   48
          6.7 PPP Security Configuration Group ....................   55
          6.8 PPP CHAP Group ......................................   58
          6.9 PPP PAP Group .......................................   64
          6.10 PPP Tests ..........................................   69
          6.10.1 PPP Echo Test ....................................   69
          7 Acknowledgements ......................................   70
          8 References ............................................   71
          9 Security Considerations ...............................   73

          Frank J. Kastenholz                                  [Page 74]