Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-ppsp-survey


PPSP                                                               Y. Gu
Internet-Draft                                              Unaffiliated
Intended status: Informational                              N. Zong, Ed.
Expires: April 30, 2015                                           Huawei
                                                                Y. Zhang
						            China Mobile
                                                              F. Piccolo
                                                                 S. Duan
                                                        October 27, 2014

                  Survey of P2P Streaming Applications


   This document presents a survey of some of the most popular Peer-to-
   Peer (P2P) streaming applications on the Internet.  The main
   selection criteria have been popularity and availability of
   information on operation details at writing time.  In doing this,
   selected applications are not reviewed as a whole, but they are
   reviewed with main focus on the signaling and control protocol used
   to establish and maintain overlay connections among peers and to
   advertise and download streaming content.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 30, 2015.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminologies and concepts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Classification of P2P Streaming Applications Based on Overlay
       Topology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Mesh-based P2P Streaming Applications . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  Octoshape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.2.  PPLive  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.3.  Zattoo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.4.  PPStream  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.5.  Tribler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.6.  QQLive  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   5.  Tree-based P2P Streaming Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     5.1.  End System Multicast (ESM)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   6.  Hybrid P2P streaming applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     6.1.  New Coolstreaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   9.  Author List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   10. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   11. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21

1.  Introduction

   An ever-increasing number of multimedia streaming systems have been
   adopting Peer-to-Peer (P2P) paradigm to stream multimedia audio and
   video contents from a source to a large number of end users.  This is
   the reference scenario of this document, which presents a survey of
   some of the most popular P2P streaming applications available on the
   nowadays Internet.

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   The presented survey does not aim at being exhaustive.  Reviewed
   applications have indeed been selected mainly based on their
   popularity and on the information publicly available on P2P operation
   details at writing time.  In addition, the provided descriptions may
   sometimes appear inhomogeneous from the detail level point of view,
   but this always depends on the amount of available information at
   writing time.

   In addition, the selected applications are not reviewed as a whole,
   but they are reviewed with main focus on signaling and control
   protocols used to construct and maintain the overlay connections
   among peers and to advertise and download multimedia content.  More
   precisely, we assume throughout the document the high level system
   model reported in Figure 1.

           |     +--------------------------------+                  |
           |     |            Tracker             |                  |
           |     |                                |                  |
           |     |  Information on multimedia     |                  |
           |     |     content and peer set       |                  |
           |     +--------------------------------+                  |
           |        ^  |                    ^  |                     |
           |        |  |                    |  |                     |
           |        |  |  Tracker           |  |  Tracker            |
           |        |  | Protocol           |  | Protocol            |
           |        |  |                    |  |                     |
           |        |  |                    |  |                     |
           |        |  |                    |  |                     |
           |        |  V                    |  V                     |
           |   +-------------+         +------------+                |
           |   |   Peer 1    |<--------|   Peer 2   |                |
           |   |             |-------->|            |                |
           |   +-------------+         +------------+                |
           |                Peer Protocol                            |
           |                                                         |

   Figure 1, High level architecture of P2P streaming systems assumed as
                reference model througout the document

   As Figure 1 shows, it is possible to identify in every P2P streaming
   system two main types of entity: peers and trackers.  Peers represent
   end users, which join the system dynamically to send and receive
   streamed media content, whereas trackers represent well-known nodes,
   which are stably connected to the system and provide peers with
   metadata information about the streamed content and the set of active

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   peers.  According to this model, it is possible to distinguish
   between two different control/signaling protocols:

      -the "tracker protocol" for the interaction between trackers and

      -the "peer protocol" for the interaction between peers.

   Hence, whenever possible, we always try to identify tracker and peer
   protocols and we provide the corresponding details.

   This document is organized as follows.  Section 2 introduces
   terminology and concepts used throughout the current survey.  Since
   overlay topology built on connections among peers impacts some
   aspects of tracker and peer protocols, Section 3 classifies P2P
   streaming applications according to the overlay topology: mesh-based,
   tree-based and hybrid.  Then, Section 4 presents some of the most
   popular mesh-based P2P streaming applications: Octoshape, PPLive,
   Zattoo, PPStream, Tribler, QQLive.  Likewise, Section 5 presents End
   System Multicast as example of tree-based P2P streaming applications,
   whereas Section 6 presents New Coolstreaming as example of hybrid-
   topology P2P streaming application.  Finally, Section 7 provides some
   security considerations.

2.  Terminologies and concepts

   Reader is referred to RFC 6972 [RFC6972] for concepts such as chunk,
   live streaming, video-on-demand (VOD), peer, tracker, swarm, which
   will be extensively used throughout the document.

   In addition, reader can refer to this section for the following

   CHANNEL: A CHANNEL denotes a TV channel from which live streaming
   content is transmitted in a P2P streaming application.

   PEER PROTOCOL: PEER PROTOCOL denotes the control and signaling
   protocol for the interaction among peers.

   PULL: PULL denotes the transmission of multimedia content that is
   initiated by receiving peers.

   PUSH: PUSH denotes the transmission of multimedia content that is not
   initiated by receiving peers.

   TRACKER PROTOCOL: TRACKER PROTOCOL denotes the control and signaling
   protocol for the interaction among peers and trackers.

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3.  Classification of P2P Streaming Applications Based on Overlay

   Depending on the topology of overlay connections among peers, it is
   possible to distinguish among the following general types of P2P
   streaming applications:

      -mesh-based: peers are organized in a randomly connected overlay
      network, and multimedia content delivery is pull-based.  This is
      the reason why these systems are also referred to as "data-
      driven".  Due to their unstructured nature, mesh-based P2P
      streaming applications are very resilient with respect to peer
      churn and guarantee high network resource utilization.  On the
      other side, the cost to maintain overlay topology may limit
      performance in terms of delay, and pull-based data delivery calls
      for large size buffers to store chunks;

      -tree-based: peers are organized to form a tree-shape overlay
      network rooted at the streaming source, and multimedia content
      delivery is push-based.  Peers that forward data are called parent
      nodes, and peers that receive it are called children nodes.  Due
      to their structured nature, tree-based P2P streaming applications
      guarantee both topology maintenance at very low cost and good
      delay performance.  On the other side, they are not very resilient
      to peer churn, that may be very high in a P2P environment;

      -hybrid: this category includes all the P2P applications that
      cannot be classified as simply mesh-based or tree-based and
      present characteristics of both mesh-based and tree-based

4.  Mesh-based P2P Streaming Applications

   In mesh-based P2P streaming application peers self-organize in a
   randomly connected overlay graph where each peer interacts with a
   limited subset of other peers (neighbors) and explicitly requests
   chunks it needs (pull-based or data-driven delivery).  This type of
   content delivery may be associated with high overhead, not only
   because peers formulate requests in order to download chunks they
   need, but also because in some applications peers exchange chunk
   availability information in form of buffer-maps (a sort of bit maps
   with a bit "1" in correspondence of chunks stored in the local
   buffer).  On the one side, the main advantage of this kind of
   applications lies in that a peer does not rely on a single peer for
   retrieving multimedia content.  Hence, these applications are very
   resilient to peer churn.  On the other side, overlay connections are
   highly dynamic and not persistent (being driven by content
   availability), and this makes content distribution efficiency

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   unpredictable.  In fact, different chunks may be retrieved via
   different network paths, and this may imply for end users playback
   quality degradation ranging from low bit rates to long start-up
   delays, to frequent playback freezes.  Moreover, peers have to
   maintain large buffers to increase the probability of satisfying
   chunk requests received by neighbors.

4.1.  Octoshape

   Octoshape [Octoshape] is a P2P plug-in that has been realized by the
   homonym Danish company and has become popular for being used by CNN
   [CNN] to broadcast live streaming content.  Octoshape helps indeed
   CNN serve a peak of more than a million simultaneous viewers thanks
   not only to the P2P content distribution paradigm, but also to
   several innovative delivery technologies such as loss resilient
   transport, adaptive bit rate, adaptive path optimization and adaptive
   proximity delivery.

   Figure 2 depicts the architecture of the Octoshape system.

            +------------+   +--------+
            |   Peer 1   |---| Peer 2 |
            +------------+   +--------+
                 |    \    /      |
                 |     \  /       |
                 |      \         |
                 |     / \        |
                 |    /   \       |
                 |  /      \      |
      +--------------+    +-------------+
      |     Peer 4   |----|    Peer 3   |
      +--------------+    +-------------+
                 | Content Server|

      Figure 2, Architecture of Octoshape system

   As it can be seen from the picture, there are no trackers and
   consequently no tracker protocol is necessary.  The content server
   plays indeed the role of tracker and transmits the information on
   peers that already joined the channel in form of metadata when
   streaming the live content.

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   As regards the peer protocol, each peer maintains a sort of Address
   Book with the information necessary to contact other peers who are
   watching the same channel.

   Regarding the data distribution strategy, in the Octoshape solution
   the original stream is split into a number K of smaller equal-sized
   data streams, but a number N > K of unique data streams are actually
   constructed, in such a way that a peer receiving any K of the N
   available data streams is able to play the original stream.  For
   instance, if the original live stream is a 400 kbit/sec signal, for
   K=4 and N=12, 12 unique data streams are constructed, and a peer that
   downloads any 4 of the 12 data streams is able to play the live
   stream.  In this way, each peer sends requests of data streams to
   some selected peers, and it receives positive/negative answers
   depending on availability of upload capacity at requested peers.  In
   case of negative answers, a peer continues sending requests until it
   finds K peers willing to upload the minimum number of data streams
   needed to display the original live stream.  This allows a flexible
   use of bandwidth at end users.  In fact, since the original stream is
   split into smaller data streams, a peer that does not have enough
   upload capacity to transmit the original whole stream can transmit a
   number of smaller data streams that fits its actual upload capacity.

   In order to mitigate the impact of peer loss, the address book is
   also used at each peer to derive the so called Standby List, which
   Octoshape peers use to probe other peers and be sure that they are
   ready to take over if one of the current senders leaves or gets

   Finally, in order to optimize bandwidth utilization, Octoshape
   leverages peers within a network to minimize external bandwidth usage
   and to select the most reliable and "closest" source to each viewer.
   It also chooses the best matching available codecs and players, and
   it scales bit rate up and down according to the available Internet

4.2.  PPLive

   PPLive [PPLive] was first developed in Huazhong University of Science
   and Technology in 2004, and it is one of the earliest and most
   popular P2P streaming software in China.  To give an idea, PPLive
   website served 50 millions visitors during the Beijing 2008 Olympics
   opening ceremony, and the dedicated Olympics channel attracted 221
   millions of viewers in two weeks.

   Even though PPLive was renamed to PPTV in 2010, we continue using the
   old name PPLive throughout this document.

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   PPLive system includes the following main components:

      -video streaming server, that plays the role of source of video
      content and copes with content coding issues;

      -peer, also called node or client, that is PPLive entity
      downloading video content from other peers and uploading video
      content to other peers

      -channel server, that provides the list of available channels
      (live TV or VoD content) to a PPLive peer, as soon as the peer
      joins the system;

      -tracker server, that provides a PPLive peer with the list of
      online peers that are watching the same channel as the one the
      joining peer is interested in.

   Figure 3 illustrates the high level diagram of PPLive system.

               +------------+    +------------+
               |   Peer 2   |----|   Peer 3   |
               +------------+    +------------+
                  |      |          |       |
                  |      |          |       |
                  |    +--------------+     |
                  |    |    Peer 1    |     |
                  |    +--------------+     |
                  |            |            |
                  |            |            |
                  |            |            |
               |                              |
               |   +----------------------+   |
               |   |Video Streaming Server|   |
               |   +----------------------+   |
               |   |    Channel Server    |   |
               |   +----------------------+   |
               |   |    Tracker Server    |   |
               |   +----------------------+   |
               |                              |

   Figure 3, High level overview of PPLive system architecture

   As regards the tracker protocol, as soon as a PPLive peer joins the
   systems and selects the channel to watch, it retrieves from the
   tracker server a list of peers that are watching the same channel.

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   As regards the peer protocol, it controls both peer discovery and
   chunk distribution process.  More specifically, peer discovery is
   implemented by a kind of gossip-like mechanism.  After retrieving the
   list of active peers watching a specific channel from tracker server,
   a PPLive peer sends out probes to establish active peer connections,
   and some of those peers may return also their own list of active
   peers to help the new peer discover more peers in the initial phase.
   Chunk distribution process is mainly based on buffer map exchange to
   advertise the availability of cached chunks.  In more detail, PPLive
   software client exploits two local buffers to cache chunks: the
   PPLive TV engine buffer and media player buffer.  The main reason
   behind the double buffer structure is to address the download rate
   variations when downloading chunks from PPLive network.  In fact,
   received chunks are first buffered and reassembled into the PPLive TV
   engine buffer; as soon as the number of consecutive chunks in PPLive
   TV engine buffer overcomes a predefined threshold, the media player
   buffer downloads chunks from the PPLive TV engine buffer; finally,
   when the media player buffer fills up to the required level, the
   actual video playback starts.

   Since the protocols and algorithm of PPLive are proprietary, most of
   known details have been derived from measurement studies.
   Specifically, it seems that:

      -number of peers from which a PPLive node downloads live TV chunks
      from is constant and relatively low, and the top-ten peers
      contribute to a major part of the download traffic, as shown in

      -PPLive can provide satisfactory performance for popular live TV
      and VoD channels.  For unpopular live TV channels, performance may
      severely degrade, whereas for unpopular VoD channels this problem
      rarely happens, as it shown in [CNSR].  Authors of [CNSR] also
      demonstrate that the workload in most VoD channels is well
      balanced, whereas for live TV channels the workload distribution
      is unbalanced, and a small number of peers provide most video

4.3.  Zattoo

   Zattoo [Zattoo] is P2P live streaming system that was launched in
   Switzerland in 2006 in coincidence with the EUFA European Football
   Championship and in few years was able to attract almost 10 million
   registered users in several European countries.

   Figure 4 depicts the high level architecture of Zattoo system.  The
   main reference for the information provided in this document is

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      |  -------------------------------  |   +------+
      |  |    Broadcast Server         |  |---|Peer 1|---|
      |  -------------------------------  |   +------+   |
      |  |  Authentication Server      |  |              +-------------+
      |  -------------------------------  |              |Repeater node|
      |  |    Rendezvous Server        |  |              +-------------+
      |  -------------------------------  |   +------+   |
      |  | Bandwidth Estimation Server |  |---|Peer 2|---|
      |  -------------------------------  |   +------+
      |  |      Other Servers          |  |
      |  -------------------------------  |

         Figure 4, High level overview of Zattoo system architecture

   Broadcast server is in charge of capturing, encoding, encrypting and
   sending the TV channel to the Zattoo network.  A number N of logical
   sub-streams is derived from the original stream, and packets of the
   same order in the sub-streams are grouped together into the so-called
   segments.  Each segment is then coded via a Reed-Salomon error
   correcting code in such a way that any number k < N of received
   packets in the segment is enough to reconstruct the whole segment.

   Authentication server is the first point of contact for a peer that
   joins the system, and it authenticates Zattoo users.  Then, a user
   contacts the Rendezvous server and specifies the TV channel of
   interest.  The rendezvous server returns a list of Zattoo peers that
   have already joined the requested channel.  Hence, rendezvous server
   plays the role of tracker.  At this point the direct interaction
   between peers starts using the peer protocol.

   A new Zattoo user contacts the peers returned by the rendezvous
   server in order to identify a set of neighboring peers covering the
   full set of sub-streams in the TV channel.  This process is denoted
   in Zattoo jargon as Peer Division Multiplexing (PDM).  To ease the
   identification of neighboring peers, each contacted peer provides
   also the list of its own known peers, in such a way that a new Zattoo
   user, if needed, can contact new peers besides the ones indicated by
   the rendezvous server.  In selecting which peers to establish
   connections with, a peer adopts the criterion of topological
   closeness.  The topological location of a peer is defined in Zattoo
   as (in order of preference) its subset number, its autonomous system
   number and its country code, and it is provided to each peer by the
   authentication server.

   Zattoo peer protocol provides also a mechanism to make PDM process
   adaptive with respect to bandwidth fluctuations.  First of all, a

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   peer controls the admission of new connections based on the available
   uplink bandwidth.  This is estimated i) at beginning with each peer
   sending probe messages to the Bandwidth Estimation server, and ii)
   while forwarding sub-streams to other peers based on the quality-of-
   service feedback received by those peers.  A quality-of-service
   feedback is sent from the receiver to the sender only when the
   quality of the received sub-stream is below a given threshold.  So if
   a quality-of-service feedback is received, a Zattoo peer decrements
   the estimation of available uplink bandwidth, and if this drops below
   the amount needed to supports the current connections, a proper
   number of connections is closed.  On the other side, if no quality-
   of-service feedback is received for a given time interval, a Zattoo
   peer increments the estimation of available uplink bandwidth
   according to a mechanism very similar to the one of TCP congestion
   window (a mechanism very similar to the one of TCP congestion window
   (double increase or linear increase depending on whether the estimate
   is below or above a given threshold).

   Figure 4 also shows that there exist two classes of Zattoo nodes:
   simple peers, whose behavior has already been presented, and repeater
   nodes, that implement the same peer protocol as simple peers and in
   addition are high-bandwidth peers and are able to forward any sub-
   stream.  In such a way repeater nodes serve as bandwidth multiplier.

4.4.  PPStream

   PPStream [PPStream] is a very popular P2P streaming software in China
   and in many other countries of East Asia.

   The system architecture of PPStream is very similar to the one of
   PPLive.  When a PPStream peer joins the system, it retrieves the list
   of channels from the channel list server.  After selecting the
   channel to watch, a PPStream peer retrieves from the peer list server
   the identifiers of peers that are watching the selected channel, and
   it establishes connections that are used first of all to exchange
   buffer-maps.  In more detail, a PPStream chunk is identified by the
   play time offset which is encoded by the streaming source and it is
   subdivided into sub-chunks.  So buffer-maps in PPStream carry the
   play time offset information and are strings of bits that indicate
   the availability of sub-chunks.  After receiving the buffer-maps from
   the connected peers, a PPStream peer selects peers to download sub-
   chunks according to a rate-based algorithm, which maximizes the
   utility of uplink and downlink bandwidth.

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4.5.  Tribler

   Tribler [Tribler] is a BitTorrent [Bittorrent] client that was able
   to go very much beyond BitTorrent model also thanks to the support
   for video streaming.  Initially developed by a team of researchers at
   Delft University of Technology, Tribler was able to both i) attract
   attention from other universities and media companies and ii) receive
   European Union research funding (P2P-Next and QLectives projects).

   Differently from BitTorrent, where a tracker server centrally
   coordinates peers in uploads/downloads of chunks and peers directly
   interact with each other only when they actually upload/download
   chunks to/from each other, there is no tracker server in Tribler and,
   as a consequence, there is no need of tracker protocol.

   This is illustrated also in Figure 5, which depicts the high level
   architecture of Tribler.

                        | Superpeer  |
                         /         \
                        /           \
               +------------+    +------------+
               |   Peer 2   |----|   Peer 3   |
               +------------+    +------------+
                     /   |                \
                    /    |                 \
                   /   +--------------+     \
                  /    |    Peer 1    |      \
                 /     +--------------+       \
                /            /        \        \
       +------------+       /        +--------------+
       |   Peer 4   |      /         |    Peer 5    |
       +------------+     /          +--------------+
              \          /                   /
               \        /                   /
                \      /             +------------+
               +------------+        | Superpeer  |
               | Superpeer  |        +------------+

   Figure 5, High level overview of Tribler system architecture

   Regarding peer protocol and the organization of overlay mesh, Tribler
   bootstrap process consists in preloading well known superpeer
   addresses into peer local cache, in such a way that a joining peer
   randomly selects a superpeer to retrieve a random list of already

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   active peers to establish overlay connections with.  A gossip-like
   mechanism called BuddyCast allows Tribler peers to exchange their
   preference list, that is their downloaded files, and to build the so
   called Preference Cache.  This cache is used to calculate similarity
   levels among peers and to identify the so called "taste buddies" as
   the peers with highest similarity.  Thanks to this mechanism each
   peer maintains two lists of peers: i) a list of its top-N taste
   buddies along with their current preference lists, and ii) a list of
   random peers.  So a peer alternatively selects a peer from one of the
   lists and sends it its preference list, taste-buddy list and a
   selection of random peers.  The goal behind the propagation of this
   kind of information is the support for the remote search function, a
   completely decentralized search service that consists in querying
   Preference Cache of taste buddies in order to find the torrent file
   associated with an interest file.  If no torrent is found in this
   way, Tribler users may alternatively resort to a web-based torrent
   collector server available for BitTorrent clients.

   Tribler supports video streaming in two different forms: video on
   demand and live streaming.

   As regards video on demand, a peer first of all keeps informed its
   neighbors about the chunks it has.  Then, on the one side it applies
   suitable chunk-picking policy in order to establish the order
   according to which to request the chunks he wants to download.  This
   policy aims to assure that chunks come to the media player in order
   and in the same time that overall chunk availability is maximized.
   To this end, the chunk-picking policy differentiates among high, mid
   and low priority chunks depending on their closeness with the
   playback position.  High priority chunks are requested first and in
   strict order.  When there are no more high priority chunks to
   request, mid priority chunks are requested according to a rarest-
   first policy.  Finally, when there are no more mid priority chunks to
   request, low priority chunks are requested according to a rarest-
   first policy as well.  On the other side, Tribler peers follow the
   give-to-get policy in order to establish which peer neighbors are
   allowed to request chunks (according to BitTorrent jargon to be
   unchoked).  In more detail, time is subdivided in periods and after
   each period Tribler peers first sort their neighbors according to the
   decreasing numbers of chunks they have forwarded to other peers,
   counting only the chunks they originally received from them.  In case
   of tie, Tribler sorts their neighbors according to the decreasing
   total number of chunks they have forwarded to other peers.  In this
   way, Tribler peer unchokes the three highest-ranked neighbours and,
   in order to saturate upload bandwidth and in the same time not
   decrease the performance of individual connections, it further
   unchokes a limited number of neighbors.  Moreover, in order to search
   for better neighbors, Tribler peers randomly select a new peer in the

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   rest of the neighbours and optimistically unchoke it every two

   As regards live streaming, differently from video on demand scenario,
   the number of chunks cannot be known in advance.  As a consequence a
   sliding window of fixed width is used to identify chunks of interest:
   every chunk that falls out the sliding window is considered outdated,
   is locally deleted and is considered as deleted by peer neighbors as
   well.  In this way, when a peer joins the network, it learns about
   chunks its neighbors possess and identify the most recent one.  This
   is assumed as beginning of the sliding window at the joining peer,
   which starts downloading and uploading chunks according to the
   description provided for video on demand scenario.

4.6.  QQLive

   QQLive [QQLive] is large-scale video broadcast software including
   streaming media encoding, distribution and broadcasting.  Its client
   can apply for web, desktop program or other environments and provides
   abundant interactive function in order to meet the watching
   requirements of different kinds of users.

   QQLive adopts Content Delivery Network (CDN) [CDN] and P2P
   architecture for video distribution and is different from other
   popular P2P streaming applications.  QQLive provides video by source
   servers and CDN, and the video content can be push to every region by
   CDN throughout China.  In each region, QQLive adopts P2P technology
   for video content distribution.

   One of the main aims for QQLive is to use the simplest architecture
   to provide the best user experience.  So QQLive takes some servers to
   implement P2P file distribution.  There are two servers in QQLive:
   Stun Server [RFC5389] and Tracker Server.  Stun Server is responsible
   for NAT traversing.  Tracker Server is responsible for providing
   content address information.  There are a group of these two Servers
   for providing services.  There is no Super Peer in QQLive.

   Working flow of QQLive includes startup stage and play stage.

      -Startup stage includes only interactions between peers and
      Tracker servers.  There is a built-in URL in QQLive client
      software.  When the client startups and connects to the network,
      the client gets the Tracker's address through DNS and tells the
      Tracker the information of its owned video contents.

      -Play stage includes interactions between peers and peers or peers
      and CDN.  Generally, the client will download the video content
      from CDN during the first 30 seconds and then gets contents from

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      other peers.  If unfortunately there is no peer which owns the
      content, the client will get the content from CDN again.

   As the client watches the video, the client will store the video to
   the hard disk.  The default storage space is one Gbyte.  If the
   storage space is full, the client will delete the oldest content.
   When the client does VCR operation, if the video content is stored in
   hard disk, the client will not do interactions with other peers or
   CDN.  If there are messages or video content missing, the client will
   take retransmission and the retransmission interval is decided by the
   network condition.  The QQLive does not take care of the strategy of
   transmission and chunk selection, which is simple and not similar
   with BT because of the CDN support.

5.  Tree-based P2P Streaming Systems

   In tree-based P2P streaming applications peers self-organize in a
   tree-shape overlay network, where peers do not ask for a specific
   chunk, but simply receive it from their so called "parent" node.
   Such content delivery model is denoted as push-based.  Receiving
   peers are denoted as children, whereas sending nodes are denoted as
   parents.  Overhead to maintain overlay topology is usually lower for
   tree-based streaming applications than for mesh-based streaming
   applications, whereas performance in terms of delay is usually
   better.  On the other side, the greatest drawback of this type of
   application lies in that each node depends on one single node, its
   parent in overlay tree, to receive streamed content.  Thus, tree-
   based streaming applications suffer from peer churn phenomenon more
   than mesh-based ones.

5.1.  End System Multicast (ESM)

   Even though End System Multicast (ESM) project is ended by now and
   ESM infrastructure is not being currently implemented anywhere, we
   decided to include it in this survey for a twofold reason.  First of
   all, it was probably the first and most significant research work
   proposing the possibility of implementing multicast functionality at
   end hosts in a P2P way.  Secondly, ESM research group at Carnegie
   Mellon University developed the first P2P live streaming system of
   the world, and some members founded later Conviva [conviva] live

   The main property of ESM is that it constructs the multicast tree in
   a two-step process.  The first step aims at the construction of a
   mesh among participating peers, whereas the second step aims at the
   construction of data delivery trees rooted at the stream source.
   Therefore a peer participates in two types of topology management
   structures: a control structure that guarantees peers are always

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   connected in a mesh, and a data delivery structure that guarantees
   data gets delivered in an overlay multicast tree.

   There exist two versions of ESM.

   The first version of ESM architecture [ESM1] was conceived for small
   scale multi-source conferencing applications.  Regarding the mesh
   construction phase, when a new member wants to join the group, an
   out-of-bandwidth bootstrap mechanism provides the new member with a
   list of some group members.  The new member randomly selects a few
   group members as peer neighbors.  The number of selected neighbors
   never exceeds a given bound, which reflects the bandwidth of the
   peer's connection to the Internet.  Each peer periodically emits a
   refresh message with monotonically increasing sequence number, which
   is propagated across the mesh in such a way that each peer can
   maintain a list of all the other peers in the system.  When a peer
   leaves, either it notifies its neighbors and the information is
   propagated across the mesh to all the participating peers, or peer
   neighbors detect the condition of abrupt departure and propagate it
   through the mesh.  To improve mesh/tree quality, on the one side
   peers constantly and randomly probe each other to add new links; on
   the other side, peers continually monitor existing links in order to
   drop the ones that are not perceived as good-quality links.  This is
   done thanks to the evaluation of a utility function and a cost
   function, which are conceived to guarantee that the shortest overlay
   delay between any pair of peers is comparable to the unicast delay
   among them.  Regarding multicast tree construction phase, peers run a
   distance-vector protocol on top of the tree and use latency as
   routing metric.  In this way, data delivery trees may be constructed
   from the reverse shortest path between source and recipients.

   The second and subsequent version of ESM architecture [ESM2] was
   conceived for an operational large scale single-source Internet
   broadcast system.  As regards the mesh construction phase, a node
   joins the system by contacting the source and retrieving a random
   list of already connected nodes.  Information on active participating
   peers is maintained thanks to a gossip protocol: each peer
   periodically advertises to a randomly selected neighbor a subset of
   nodes he knows and the last timestamps it has heard for each known
   node.  The main difference with the first version is that the second
   version constructs and maintains the data delivery tree in a
   completely distributed manner according to the following criteria: i)
   each node maintains a degree bound on the maximum number of children
   it can accept depending on its uplink bandwidth, ii) tree is
   optimized mainly for bandwidth and secondarily for delay.  To this
   end, a parent selection algorithm allows identifying among the
   neighbors the one that guarantees the best performance in terms of
   throughput and delay.  The same algorithm is also applied either if a

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   parent leaves the system or if a node is experiencing poor
   performance (in terms of both bandwidth and packet loss).  As loop
   prevention mechanism, each node keeps also the information about the
   hosts in the path between the source and its parent node.

   This second ESM prototype is also able to cope with receiver
   heterogeneity and presence of NAT/firewalls.  In more detail, audio
   stream is kept separated from video stream and multiple bit-rate
   video streams are encoded at source and broadcast in parallel though
   the overlay tree.  Audio is always prioritized over video streams,
   and lower quality video is always prioritized over high quality
   video.  In this way, system can dynamically select the most suitable
   video stream according to receiver bandwidth and network congestion
   level.  Moreover, in order to take presence of hosts behind NAT/
   firewalls, tree is structured in such a way that public hosts use
   hosts behind NAT/firewalls as parents.

6.  Hybrid P2P streaming applications

   This type of applications aims at integrating the main advantages of
   mesh-based and tree-based approaches.  To this end, overlay topology
   is mixed mesh-tree, and content delivery model is push-pull.

6.1.  New Coolstreaming

   Coolstreaming, first released in summer 2004 with a mesh-based
   structure, arguably represented the first successful large-scale P2P
   live streaming.  Nevertheless, it suffers poor delay performance and
   high overhead associated with each video block transmission.  In the
   attempt of overcoming such a limitation, New Coolstreaming
   [NEWCOOLStreaming] adopts a hybrid mesh-tree overlay structure and a
   hybrid pull-push content delivery mechanism.

   Like in the old Coolstreaming, a newly joined node contacts a special
   bootstrap node and retrieves a partial list of active nodes in the

   The interaction with bootstrap node is the only one related to the
   tracker protocol.  The rest of New Coolstreaming interactions are
   related to peer protocol.

   The newly joined node then establishes a partnership with few active
   nodes by periodically exchanging information on content availability.
   Streaming content is divided in New Coolstreaming in equal-size
   blocks or chunks, which are unambiguously associated with sequence
   numbers that represent the playback order.  Chunks are then grouped
   to form multiple sub-streams.

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   Like in most of P2P streaming applications information on content
   availability is exchanged in form of buffer-maps.  However, New
   Coolstreaming buffer-maps differ from the usual format of strings of
   bits where each bit represents the availability of a chunk.  Two
   vectors represent indeed buffer-maps in New Coolstreaming.  The first
   vector reports the sequence numbers of the last chunk received for a
   given sub-stream.  The second vector is used to explicitly request
   chunks from partner peers.  In more details, the second vector has as
   many bits as sub-streams, and a peer receiving a bit "1" in
   correspondence of a given sub-stream is being requested from the
   sending peer to upload chunks belonging to that sub-streams.  Since
   chunks are explicitly requested, data delivery may be regarded as
   pull-based.  However, data delivery is push-based as well, since
   every time a node is requested to upload chunks, it uploads all
   chunks for that sub-stream starting from the one indicated in the
   first vector of received buffer-map.  Hence, the overall overlay
   topology is mesh-based, but it is also possible to identify as many
   overlay trees as sub-streams.

   In order to improve quality of mesh-tree overlay, each node
   continuously monitors the quality of active connections in terms of
   mutual delay between sub-streams.  If such quality drops below a
   predefined threshold, a New Coolstreaming node selects a new partner
   among its partners.  Parent re-selection is also triggered for a peer
   when its previous parent leaves.

7.  Security Considerations

   Security in P2P streaming applications may be addressed at two
   different levels: on the one side, at the control protocol level, on
   the other side, at streamed multimedia content level.

   In PPLive and PPStream control protocol messages are sent over HTTP,
   UDP and TCP mostly in plain text, and this can allow malicious users
   to interfere with the normal operation of the system and can lead to
   malicious attacks that can make key components of the system

   In Zattoo authentication server authenticates Zattoo users and
   assigns them with a limited lifetime ticket.  Then, a user presents
   the tickets received by the authentication server to the rendezvous
   server.  Provided that the presented ticket is valid, the rendezvous
   server returns a list of Zattoo peers that have already joined the
   requested channel and a signed channel ticket.

   In Tribler authentication of peers is based on secure, permanent peer
   identifiers called PermIDs.  PermID maps to a single IP address and
   port number and is initially used to identify users.  The idea is to

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   have each Tribler user assigned with a public/private keypair based
   on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), where public key acts as the
   PermID for the user.  Users distribute their PermID to their friends
   out-of-band to establish trusted friend relationships.  When two
   peers connect as part of a download, they authenticate each other
   using the standard ISO/IEC 9798-3 [ISO/IEC 9798-3] challenge/response
   identification protocol.  If the peer is successfully authenticated
   but not a friend of the user (i.e., does not appear in the list of
   friends' PermIDs), the Tribler client will allow it to request non-
   privileged operations, such as exchanging file preferences.  If the
   peer is a friend, it may request privileged operations such as
   coordinating a friends-assisted download.  Moreover, Tribler provides
   security at streamed content level too.  In the video on demand
   scenario torrent files include a hash for each chunk in order to
   prevent malicious attackers from corrupting data.  In live streaming
   scenario torrent files include the public key of the stream source.
   Each chunk is then assigned with absolute sequence number and
   timestamp and signed by source public key.  Such a mechanism allows
   Tribler peers to use the public key included in torrent file and
   verify the integrity of each chunk.

   In QQLive both tracker and peer protocol are fully private and
   encrypt the whole message.  The tracker protocol uses UDP and the
   port for the tracker server is fixed.  For the streamed content, if
   the client gets the streaming from CDN, the client use the HTTP with
   port 80 and no encryption.  If the client gets the streaming from
   other peers, the client use UDP to transfer the encrypted media
   streaming and not RTP/RTCP.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no actions for IANA.

9.  Author List

   Other authors of this document are listed as below.

   Hui Zhang, NEC Labs America.

   Jun Lei, University of Goettingen.

   Gonzalo Camarillo, Ericsson.

   Yong Liu, Polytechnic University.

   Delfin Montuno, Huawei.

   Lei Xie, Huawei.

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10.  Acknowledgments

   We would like to acknowledge Jiang xingfeng for providing good ideas
   for this document.

11.  Informative References

   [RFC6972] RFC 6972, "Problem Statement and Requirements of the Peer-
   to-Peer Streaming Protocol (PPSP)".

   [Octoshape] Alstrup, Stephen, et al., "Introducing Octoshape-a new
   technology for large-scale streaming over the Internet".

   [CNN] CNN web site,

   [PPLive] PPLive web site,

   [P2PIPTVMEA] Silverston, Thomas, et al., "Measuring P2P IPTV
   Systems", June 2007.

   [CNSR] Li, Ruixuan, et al., "Measurement Study on PPLive Based on
   Channel Popularity", May 2011.

   [Zattoo] Zattoo web site,

   [IMC09] Chang, Hyunseok, et al., "Live streaming performance of the
   Zattoo network", November 2009.

   [PPStream] PPStream web site, http://

   [Tribler] Tribler Protocol Specification, January 2009, on line
   available at

   [Bittorrent] BitTorrent web site, http://

   [QQLive] QQLive web site,

   [CDN] CDN wiki,

   [RFC5389] RFC5389, "Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)".

   [conviva] Conviva web site,

   [ESM1] Chu, Yang-hua, et al., "A Case for End System Multicast", June
   2000.  (

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   [ESM2] Chu, Yang-hua, et al., "Early Experience with an Internet
   Broadcast System Based on Overlay Multicast", June 2004.

   [NEWCOOLStreaming] Li, Bo, et al., "Inside the New Coolstreaming:
   Principles,Measurements and Performance Implications", April 2008.

   [ISO/IEC 9798-3] ISO web site,

Authors' Addresses

   Yingjie Gu


   Ning Zong (editor)
   101 Software Avenue
   Nanjing  210012

   Phone: +86-25-56624760
   Fax:   +86-25-56624702

   Yunfei Zhang
   China Mobile

   Francesca Lo Piccolo
   Via del Serafico 200
   Rome  00142

   Phone: +39-06-51645136

Gu, et al.               Expires April 30, 2015                [Page 21]
Internet-Draft    Survey of P2P Streaming Applications      October 2014

   Shihui Duan
   No.52 HuaYuan BeiLu
   Beijing  100191

   Phone: +86-10-62300068

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