Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-ppvpn-as-vr


Provider Provisioned VPN WG                            Ananth Nagarajan
Internet Draft                                               Consultant
Category: Informational
Expiration Date: December 2003                         Junichi Sumimoto
                                                       Muneyoshi Suzuki
                                                        NTT Corporation

                                                            Paul Knight
                                                        Nortel Networks

                                                      Benson Schliesser
                                                  SAVVIS Communications

                                                              July 2003

Applicability Statement for Virtual Router-based Layer 3 PPVPN approaches

Status of this Memo

This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all
provisions of Section 10 of [RFC-2026].

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      This document is an applicability statement for Layer 3 Provider
      Provisioned VPNs (L3 PPVPNs) that is based on Virtual Router (VR)

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      approaches. This document describes how VR-based approaches meet
      the key requirements that are outlined in the PPVPN Applicability
      Statements Guideline document.

Table of Contents

    1.         Introduction  ....................................   3
    2.         SP Provisioning Model  ...........................   4
    2.1.       Auto Discovery  ..................................   4
    3.         Supported Topology and Traffic Types  ............   5
    4.         Isolated Exchange of Routing and
               Data Information  ................................   5
    4.1.       Isolation of Routing Information (constrained
               distribution of reachability information)  .......   6
    4.2.       Isolation of data  ...............................   7
    5.         Access Control and Authentication  ...............   7
    6.         Security  ........................................   8
    6.1.       Protection of User Data  .........................   8
    6.2.       SP Security Measures  ............................   8
    7.         Addressing  ......................................   9
    8.         Interoperability and Interworking  ...............  10
    9.         Network Access  ..................................  10
    9.1.       Physical and Link Layer Topology  ................  10
    9.2.       Temporary Access  ................................  10
    9.3.       Access Connectivity  .............................  10
    10.        Service Access  ..................................  11
    10.1.      Internet Access  .................................  11
    10.2.      Hosting, ASP, other services  ....................  11
    11.        SP Routing  ......................................  11
    11.1.      Core Router Awareness of Mechanisms Used  ........  12
    12.        Migration Impacts  ...............................  13
    13.        Scalability  .....................................  14
    14.        QoS/SLA  .........................................  15
    15.        SLA Monitoring  ..................................  16
    16.        Management  ......................................  16
    16.1.      SP Management of Customer Site  ..................  16
    16.2.      Customer Management of VR ........................  17
    16.3.      SP Network Management ............................  17
    17.        Security Considerations  .........................  18
    18.        Acknowledgments  .................................  18
    19.        References .......................................  18
    19.1.      Normative References  ............................  18
    19.2.      Informative References  ..........................  18
    20.        Authors' Addresses  ..............................  19
    21.        Full Copyright Statement  ........................  20

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1. Introduction

   The virtual router concept for L3 PPVPNs was first introduced in
   [COREVPN].  This was generalized in [PPVPNVR].  A number of
   autodiscovery mechanisms can be used with this approach to L3 PPVPNs,
   and [COREVPN] represents one such approach using IP multicast. Based
   on the taxonomy of PPVPNs described in [FRAMEWORK], Virtual Router
   based approaches are classified as PE-based Layer 3 PPVPNs.

   VR-based PPVPNs are used in the following situations:

   - The customer wishes to outsource the maintenance and management of
   inter-site VPN connectivity to the Service Provider (SP).

   - The SP desires to provide VPN service without upgrading its core
   network to support any specific technology (e.g., MPLS), i.e., the SP
   wants to provide a Layer 3 VPN service over a range of core network
   technologies, including existing IP routed or Layer 2 switched core
   networks, MPLS, or a combination of these technologies.

   - The customer is not aware of the topology or mechanisms used in the
   SP core network and is responsible for routing between customer
   routers, which is independent of the routing used in the SP core.
   Only the customer-facing sides of the PE devices in the SP network
   are visible to the customer.

   - The customer wishes to exercise control of routing functions at the
   CE routers at each of its VPN sites, while depending on the SP to
   provide transport for data traffic and for the customers routing
   information across the SP core.  From the viewpoint of any of the
   customers routers, there will usually appear to be a single router
   hop to any other VPN site.  The only routes exchanged between the CE
   routers and the PE devices are the customers internal routes (with
   the possible addition of routes desired by the customer for Internet
   access via the SP, such as a default route).

   - The customer sends IP traffic across the VPN, possibly including
   non-IP traffic encapsulated in IP by the customer.

   - The VPN service provider does not own a backbone network but wishes
   to provide PPVPN services over a backbone obtained from some other

   - Several cooperating SPs desire to offer PPVPN service at points
   that span multiple administrataive domains of the backbone, perhaps
   over the public Internet.

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   This document describes how Virtual Router based approaches satisfy
   key requirements and metrics identified in the PPVPN Applicability
   Statements Guideline document [ASGUIDE].  These requirements are a
   subset of the requirements listed in the PPVPN Service Requirements
   document [REQTS].  This document is based on the guidelines specified
   in [ASGUIDE].

2. SP Provisioning Model

   Virtual Routers (VRs) can interact with other routers so as to be
   indistinguishable from an individual physical router.  However,
   multiple instances of VRs can be configured within a single physical
   device, providing a significant improvement in manageability and
   provisioning flexibility, compared with multiple physical routers.
   Each VR can maintain its own separate routing tables, so if  two
   virtual  routers  are  in  the  same  physical  router,  an
   interaction of one VR with one of its peers does not have any effect
   on the interaction of another VR with any of its own peers.  In some
   implementations, VRs may share physical interface bandwidth.

   VPNs are constructed via tunnels connecting VR pairs across the
   service provider backbone network. Per-VR routing protocol
   instantiations are run to distribute VPN reachability information.
   VPN membership information distribution is treated separately, and is
   achieved via sharing a VPN-ID, for example [RFC2685], between VRs
   that are members of a specific VPN.  The detailed VR model is
   described in [PPVPNVR].

2.1. Auto Discovery

   In the VR-based PPVPNS, various auto discovery mechanisms are
   supported.  VPN discovery can be achieved through directory servers
   [RADIUS-DISC], explicit configuration via a management platform,
   using multicast [COREVPN] or by piggybacking VPN membership and
   topology information via routing protocols such as BGP [VPN-BGP]. A
   combination of these mechanisms may also be used on a PE. For
   example, for some VPNs topology discovery is done only through a
   management platform. For others, dynamic topology discovery is
   achieved using existing routing protocol.  BGP-based auto-discovery
   is described in [VPN-BGP], and may be used for membership and
   topology discovery.

   It is important to note that, for the VR architecture, the auto-

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   discovery mechanism is only used to automatically exchange control
   VPN information between VRs. It is not intended for interchange of
   the VPN routing information, which is accomplished by standard
   routing protocols running between the VRs, as discussed in [PPVPNVR].

3. Supported Topology and Traffic Types

   VR-based PPVPNs can be constructed using either MPLS or IP tunnels
   (GRE, IP-in-IP, L2TP, IPSec) in the core network, or Layer 2
   connections such as ATM or Frame Relay.  The choice of the tunneling
   mechanism may impact other properties of the VPN itself, including
   scalability, manageability, QoS, security, etc.   For example, the
   use of IPSec tunnels for encryption may impact forwarding performance
   on some devices, and therefore impact the number of sites or routes
   per VPN, the number of VPNs per PE, etc. The performance of IPSec
   tunnels may be improved through the use of dedicated hardware, which
   allows greater performance and scaling but potentially at increased

   Tunnels are created on a per-VPN basis.  For transport across the
   network, a number of  these tunnels  may be aggregated and carried
   within a PE-PE tunnel.  The SP has a high degree of flexibility in
   configuring the topology of a VPN interconnecting customer sites.
   The topology can be full-mesh, partial-mesh, or any arbitrary
   topology that has been agreed to by the customer and the SP.

4. Isolated exchange of routing and data information

   By definition of a Virtual Private Network, the details of its
   addressing, topology, connectivity, and reachability as well as the
   data that it transports are implicitly considered to be private, and
   should therefore be isolated from other networks, including others
   that may be supported with the PPVPN infrastructure. [FRAMEWORK]

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4.1. Isolation of routing information (constrained distribution of
   reachability information)

   In any PPVPN, the SP is responsible for maintaining isolation between
   networks except as explicitly intended by the VPN owner.

   The VR model of PPVPNs provides for isolation by instantiating
   multiple Virtual Routers (VR) on a single physical platform to
   support multiple VPNs. [PPVPNVR] Each VR has its own logical
   interfaces, routing tables, forwarding tables, and routing protocol
   instances. Note that a VR may share physical interfaces with other
   VRs, depending on the implementation and specific topology. This
   provides for isolated topology, addressing, and reachability for the

   Addressing and Reachability includes the assignment, discovery, and
   distribution of source and/or destination information for the PPVPN.
   The isolation of this information implies that other networks,
   including other VPNs and the Internet, will have no visibility into
   the PPVPN except as explicitly configured.

   Routing information carried between VRs is carried in through the
   same tunnels as data itself, and is therefore segregated from the
   underlying backbone infrastructure by the same mechanisms that
   segregate data between VPNs.

   This model supports arbitrary routing architectures, including
   support for back-door links among customer VPN sites or other
   potentially unique routing architecture requirements.  The support
   for arbitrary routing architectures, however, is accompanied by
   scalability and management issues.  These issues are discussed later
   in this document.

   In the VR approach, virtual routers are connected to the CEs through
   local links, and to each other across the backbone through tunneling
   services provided by the service provider across the backbone. All
   data traffic within the VR-based VPN is isolated from non-VPN traffic
   by these mechanisms.

   Some VR implementations may provide the ability for customers to
   exercise limited management operations upon the VRs which are
   connected to the customer CEs.  This may allow the customer to view
   routing tables, or traffic statistics, or to exercise some control
   over the customers routing.  VRs MUST NOT allow any customer to
   circumvent the isolation of routing or data among VPNs.

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4.2. Isolation of data

   Data for different VPNs in the VR model is segregated through the use
   of different link-layer connections or tunnels over a common SP
   backbone. [PPVPNVR] Examples of such tunnels include GRE, L2TP,
   IPSec, MPLS or Layer 2 connections such as ATM or Frame Relay.  It
   should be noted that this isolation can be impacted by

5. Access Control and Authentication

   CE-PE authentication has not been specified for VR-based VPNs.  PE/CE
   mutual authentication may be done via any mechanism supported by the
   routing protocol in which the CE and PE are peers (e.g., use of the
   TCP MD5 authentication when the CE/PE protocol is BGP), or by any
   other mechanism that may be desired by the customer.

   In order for VR-based PPVPNs to support confidentiality, integrity,
   authentication, and replay attack prevention, mechanisms such as
   IPsec may be used as tunneling mechanism or used over VPN tunnels.
   Even with the use of IPsec, the security level offered is dependent
   on the scope of the IPsec security associations: encrypting on a CE-
   to-CE basis (as in CE-based VPNs) will offer a wider scope of
   protection than only encrypting on a PE-to-PE basis (as in PE-based
   VPNs), since the CE-PE link remains unencrypted in the latter case.
   However, PE-PE IPsec offers substantial advantages in efficiency,
   outsourcing, and integration with the dynamic membership and dynamic
   routing nature of the PPVPN.  CE-PE IPsec can also be used to protect
   traffic on the CE-PE section of the network.  In this case the
   traffic is only unprotected by IPsec within the PE device. Policy-
   based security and access control mechanisms or firewalls may be used
   between sites in the same VPN.  These can be implemented on the PE
   router, or on the CE.

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6. Security

6.1. Protection of user data

   As described above, end-to-end (CE-to-CE) IPSec may be used to
   protect user data.  SPs may choose to provide CE-based IPSec as a
   value added service.  If the SP core network is also part of the
   public Internet, the SP may choose to provide PE-to-PE IPSec as the
   tunneling mechanism between VRs.

   If inter-SP VPNs are to be provided, IPSec tunnels may be used.  The
   impact on QoS and SLAs in this case will have to be studied.

   In general, user data is protected via the inherent isolation
   provided by the inter-VR tunnels.  Varying levels of security of user
   data may be provided based on the type of tunnel that is used.

6.2. SP Security Measures

   In general, the SP should ensure that non-VPN traffic does not
   accidentally or maliciously enter a VPN.  Since VRs can be configured
   very specifically for a customer, the SP can offer customers anti-
   spoofing or other traffic or route filtering services tailored for
   the customers network. The SP's PE and P devices should be protected
   against intrusion or denial of service attacks.  This is especially
   important because the SP core network may be used to provide general
   Internet services apart from VPN services.  Therefore any Denial of
   Service attack or misconfiguration that impacts other VPN services
   and Internet services should be prevented. Since most of the traffic
   from CE to PE, apart from control (routing and network management)
   traffic, gets encapsulated to be carried across the SP network, the
   possibility of users sending traffic to other (non-PE) systems in the
   core network is minimized or eliminated. The inherent isolation of VR
   mechanisms helps provide this protection against attacks from
   customer sites, but additional specific measures are available:

   - VR routing sessions can be authenticated between the PE and CE, and
   among PEs.

   - If BGP is used as an auto-discovery mechanism between VRs, it
   should be further authenticated using mechanisms such as TCP MD5.

   - Filtering of any management data entering the PE should be

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   performed in order to prevent the acceptance of unauthorized packets
   from  customers or other SPs into that PE.

   Denial of Service attacks may occur via routing traffic or network
   management traffic, either intentionally or accidentally via routing
   instabilities or misconfigurations in the VPN.  With Virtual router
   VPNs, in many cases a dynamic routing protocol will be run between CE
   routers and VRs within PE routers. Either the same or a different
   dynamic routing protocol may be run between VR instances in each PE
   associated with a VPN. If routing is unstable in the private network,
   it is possible for this instability to propagated to the PE routers.
   For example, in some cases a large number of routing updates could be
   sent from the CE router to a VR within a PE router, or between VR
   instances in different PE routers. This could potentially place a
   major or excessive processing load on the PE routers.

   This issue can be mitigated via resource partitioning in the PE, in
   order to limit the amount of resources (e.g., CPU and memory) which
   any one VR is permitted to use in PE routers. Also, rate limits may
   be applied to the routing traffic sent from the CE to the PE.
   Alternately, when this problem is detected on the CE to PE link, the
   CE to PE interface may be shut down.

   In order to prevent DoS attacks due to network management traffic,
   the functions available to the customer need to be strictly
   controlled. It may also be useful to limit the resource use of this
   capability. Resource partitioning may be appropriate internal to PE
   routers, and network management traffic from the CE to the PE may be
   rate limited (for example,to prevent network management traffic from
   CE to PE to be used in a DOS attack).

7. Addressing

   Virtual routers may provide any or all of the services which are
   provided by a physical router, including Network Address Translation
   (NAT), packet filtering, etc.  These VR capabilities can simplify the
   process of joining previously independent site networks, which may
   have overlapping address spaces.  NAT can be used to satisfy intra-
   VPN non-unique addressing requirements. This facilitates the
   construction of short-term or ad-hoc VPNS.  It should be noted,
   however, that NAT has accompanying scaling problems, and other
   mechanisms are needed to ensure proper routing updates, when two
   sites share the same routing domain.

   Non-unique and private customer addresses may be supported by using
   encapsulation within the tunneling mechanisms employed between VR
   pairs (e.g., GRE, IP-in-IP etc.).  As such, support for private

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   addressing as specified in [RFC1918] allows for non-unique addresses
   between different VPNs.

8. Interoperability and Interworking

   Interoperability and Interworking of VR-based VPNs with other L3
   PPVPN mechanisms such as 2547bis is for further study.  Since VRs
   provide all IP router functionalities, various VR-based solutions
   interwork and interoperate to the extent that IP networks
   interoperate and interwork.

9. Network Access

9.1. Physical and Link Layer Topology

   VR-based mechanisms do not affect the choice of physical and link
   layer technologies or topologies.

9.2. Temporary Access

   Temporary access for a dial-up user to a VR can be provided via PPP
   and AAA, using a Remote Access Server.  Other access mechanisms such
   as IPSec can also be used.  Thus, it is possible provide login and
   password based access to a VR-based VPN from an authorized user
   connected to the Internet.

9.3. Access Connectivity

   Multi-homing of CEs to multiple VRs (within the same or different
   PEs) is supported.  The PEs (and consequently the VRs) may belong to
   different SPs.

   Load sharing based on IGP or other traffic engineering mechanisms
   used in the SP core are naturally supported by VR-based VPNs.

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10. Service Access

10.1. Internet Access

   Simultaneous VPN and Internet Access can be supported via various
   mechanisms.  A specific VR may be assigned as a default VR that is
   connected to the Internet.   If a single VR is to be used to carry a
   customer's VPN as well as Internet traffic, Internet traffic can be
   distinguished from VPN traffic by associating a default VPN-ID with
   Internet traffic and pointing it to a default route to the Internet.
   This default route to the Internet need not be direct, but may
   instead point to a firewall or other security device which may use
   different interfaces for VPN access and Internet access.

10.2. Hosting, ASP, other services

   All of the above "external" services can be supported by associating
   a separate address for every service that is not being used within
   the VPN.  If a single server (for example, a web hosting server) is
   used to provide a particular service to all VPNs, NAT may be used to
   provide a unique address for clients to access that particular
   service.  NAT can be performed either at the customer site or can be
   integrated into the PE.  The scaling impacts of adding NAT to the PE
   will have to be considered.

11. SP Routing

   VR-based PPVPNs do not impose any additional requirements on the IGP
   used in the service provider core network.  However, if the customer
   VPN runs an IGP, the VRs (and consequently the PEs) must support that
   IGP. This customer IGP need not be the same as the IGP running in the
   Service Provider's core network.

   >From the customers viewpoint of its VPN IGP routing topology (if it
   uses one), the SPs network topology appears much simpler than it may
   actually be.  Depending on the VR implementation, the SPs service
   offering, and the SPs physical topology, it may appear as either a
   single large router with interfaces for each VPN site, as a full
   mesh, with two routers between any two sites, as a hub-and spoke
   topology (when the customer wants all inter-site traffic to pass
   through one or more specific sites, for application of services such
   as security filtering), or other arbitrary topology. In general, the
   SP's actual core routing topology is invisible to the customer.

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   Fault handling is a specific problem when the timers used for the VR-
   to-VR routing peering are shorter than the timers used for the
   routing peering within the service provider(s) network. In this case
   a single failure within a service provider network may look like a
   collection of un-correlated failures in the VPN.

   Moreover, since a VR doesn't really "know" what causes the failure,
   the VR may react to such a failure by re-routing along some other
   tunnel, while this other tunnel may be also affected by the same
   failure. As a result, this would slow down routing convergence within
   the VPN.

   To avoid the problems mentioned above one may consider making the
   timers used for the VR-to-VR peering longer than the timers used for
   the routing peering within the service provider network (so that
   failures within the service provider network would be "invisible" to
   the VR-VR tunnels).  But that has its own set of problems.  While
   this may be possible to accomplish within a single routing domain
   (one needs to appropriately set the IGP timers within the domain),
   doing this in a network that includes more than one routing domain
   may be difficult (as timers include both IGP and BGP timers, and
   moreover, timers include IGP timers in several routing domains).
   Another consequence of making the timers used for the VR-to-VR
   peering over the tunnels longer than the timers used for the routing
   peering within the service provider network is that it would increase
   the amount of traffic that will be "black holed" in the case of VR

   A key aspect of the issue here is that layer  3 problems in the SP
   network may appear as layer 2 problems in the VPN.  Thus stability of
   the SP network, with an emphasis on quick recovery, is a key element
   in delivering satisfactory service.

   Prevention of Denial of Service attacks caused by routing
   instabilities has been discussed in Section 6.2.

11.1. Core router awareness of mechanisms used

   Since tunnels are established between VR pairs, the core router (P
   router) does not have any information of the mechanisms used to
   construct the VPN.  If MPLS is the tunneling mechanism that is used
   between the VRs, the core routers may have to be MPLS enabled in
   order to leverage the benefits of MPLS tunnels (e.g., traffic
   engineering).  As such, while the core routers are not aware of VPN-
   specific information, they should support requirements to meet

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   relevant SLAs. (e.g., for guaranteed QoS, the core routers may need
   to support appropriate QoS mechanisms).

12. Migration impacts

   Similar to other Layer 3 PPVPN architectures, any CE using services
   provided using the VR approach can access a PE similar to the way it
   would access another CE router in a private network using leased
   lines.  As the VR approach makes use of standard routing protocols
   without any extensions, there is no requirement for additional
   capabilities on the part of CEs in order to interoperate with a VR-
   based PPVPN.

   Key design considerations include:

   - The PEs will introduce extra router hops

   - If the VR-VR backbone routing protocol differs from the sites, then
   IGP metric implications should be carefully evaluated.  This would be
   particularly true for multihomed VPN sites.

   In general, a VR-based PPVPN offers the customer a greatly simplified
   network topology compared to a customer-managed private network,
   since each CE router sees a single link as the next-hop route to all
   other VPN sites.  There is no need to configure multiple physical or
   logical interfaces on the CE routers.

   Multi-homed VPN sites or sites with back-door connections will
   involve design decisions as to whether each of the multiple links
   should operate as a backup link or as a load-sharing link.

   Also, since the VR approach does not depend on the backbone
   architecture in terms of routing protocols, a VR-based L3 PPVPN can
   be offered on a service provider core network without the need for
   specific core technologies.  For example, the core network does not
   need specific mechanisms like MPLS to be implemented on the P
   routers.  Similarly, if the core network is a Layer 2 network based
   on ATM or Frame Relay, VR-based VPNs can still be constructed.

   It should be noted, however, that core network mechanisms would
   determine the overall properties and services that may be provided
   over the VPN.  For example, in order to support customer QoS SLAs,
   the core network should be robustly engineered or should support QoS
   mechanisms, in addition to SLA marking at the PE.

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   Thus, while migration impacts in the case of basic VPN functionality
   using VR are minimal from the customers' or providers' point of view,
   appropriate core mechanisms may be necessary for certain services.

13. Scalability

   PE-based PPVPNs have better scalability than CE-based PPVPNs, because
   the total number of VPN tunnels that need to be managed are far fewer
   in the service provider backbone, than between CEs.  Addition of a
   new CE in a CE-based PPVPN would require O(N^2) tunnels to be set up
   where N represents the total number of CEs.  In comparison, addition
   of a new CE for a specific customer, in the case of a PE-based PPVPN,
   would simply require an additional connection between the new CE and
   the PE, because inter-PE tunnels already exist per VPN.

   VR is a technology for implementing logical routing instances in a PE
   device. A PE device may contain more than one VR and a VR supports
   one VPN. Therefore, scalability of a VR and conventional physical
   router are basically the same, e.g., if different routing protocols
   are used for customer and network sides of a VR or physical router,
   the load is increased compared with the case when the same protocols
   are used.

   The major factor contributing to scalability constraint in the VR
   approach is the number of VRs which can be supported by a PE. This is
   because, the number of VRs in a PE device is equal to the number of
   VPNs which are supported by the PE.

   Resources used by a VR instance include memory and processor
   resources, used to support VPN tunnel mechanisms, routing protocol
   instances, route tables, interface management, etc.  The extent to
   which these resources are utilized impact scalability.

   Much of the resource utilization for a given VPN will be affected by
   the topology of the VPN. For instance, a VPN with a full-mesh
   topology will require that VRs have more peers for the VPN tunneling
   mechanism, for routing protocol adjacencies, for security protocols,
   etc., while a hub-and-spoke model will constrain the resources
   required for 'spoke' PE routers.

   >From a VR perspective, scalability also depends on whether the same
   routing protocols are used between VRs as in the backbone network. If
   the inter-VR routing protocols are different from the backbone IGP,
   the scaling and management impacts for configuring routing protocols
   on a per-VR basis may be significant.  For example, it may be
   necessary to maintain OSPF databases for the entire customer VPN
   topology, as opposed to maintaining information for only directly

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   connected customer sites.  Additionally, the customer IGP may need to
   maintain information about the entire VR topology, for the VRs which
   are connected to the customer's CEs.  Other concerns include routing
   loop avoidance, route redistribution, etc. Thus, while the VR model
   allows the routing protocols between customers and VRs to be
   different than the backbone IGP, this flexibility can be accompanied
   by scalability concerns.  Mechanisms such as OSPF areas may be used
   to circumvent such scaling issues.

   It is normal in many cases for a VR located in a PE router to run a
   routing instance with each other VR which is part of the same VPN. In
   some cases this could result in a large number of routing
   adjacencies. The number of routing adjacencies could aggravate the
   impact of instability in routing in the private network, or aggravate
   the impact of routing protocol DOS attack described in Section 6.2.

   As mentioned in Section 6.2, this can be mitigated by appropriate
   resource partitioning in the PE, and by rate limiting of routing
   packets,including packets from CE to PE and well as packets from PE
   to PE. Also, while this consideration may limit the number of VRs
   which may potentially be supported from a single PE device, it does
   not have any significant effect on the overall scaling of a network
   implementing the VR approach.

14. QoS/SLA

   VR-based PPVPNs support any kind of QoS that the core network and the
   tunneling mechanism used support.

   VR-based VPNs can utilize different quality of service mechanisms.
   QoS mechanisms developed for physical routers can be used with VRs,
   on a per-VR basis. e.g. classification, policing,  drop policies,
   traffic shaping and scheduling/bandwidth reservation. The
   architecture allows separate quality of service engineering of the
   VPNs and the backbone.  However, the tunneling mechanisms themselves
   should support relevant QoS mechanisms.

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15. SLA Monitoring

   VR-based VPNs can implement a variety of methods to monitor
   compliance with Service Level Agreements.  Since the links between
   VRs make use of tunnels across the underlying backbone network, the
   SLA monitoring capabilities of the backbone network can be used to
   monitor the performance of the inter-VR links.  Because the inter-VR
   links are tunnels, and the SLA monitoring capabilities of  the
   backbone network may not include "per tunnel" monitoring
   capabilities, some VR implementations support additional SLA
   monitoring mechanisms. Performance to SLA requirements within the PEs
   hosting the VRs is typically monitored via internal processes to
   ensure compliance from end to end.  In addition, either the service
   provider or the VPN customer can use all existing SLA tracking tools
   (round trip time measurement, traceroute mapping, etc.) within the
   VR-based VPN.

16. Management

16.1. SP Management of customer site

   The SP may choose to manage the customer site (i.e., the CE devices)
   for added revenue.  If the SP uses a centralized customer management
   system, care should be taken to uniquely identify various CEs
   belonging to different VPNs, so that CE devices from different VPNs
   do not reach each other.

   The customer may desire to have access to the PE device for
   monitoring purposes (e.g., ping, traceroute).  Providing such access
   is at the discretion of the SP.

   Traffic statistics in order to prove SLAs to customers may be
   provided on a periodic basis.  Other statistics that can show
   enhanced SP capabilities, including protection against Denial of
   Service attacks, failure etc., can be provided to the customer.

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16.2. Customer Management of VR

   Some VR implementations may provide the ability for customers to
   exercise limited management operations upon the VRs which are
   connected to the customer CEs.  This may allow the customer to view
   routing tables, or traffic statistics, or to exercise some control
   over the customers routing.

   Customer network management and troubleshooting systems will
   generally have less ability to gather information from the VRs than
   from the customers own routers, and will also have little or no
   ability to directly change VR configurations.  The customers systems
   should be planned so as to accommodate the restricted capabilities of
   the VRs to respond to customer network management processes.

   Prevention of Denial of Service attacks due to network management
   traffic originating from customer management of the VR has been
   discussed in Section 6.2.

16.3. SP Network Management

   When an SP provides VR-based VPN services, it is highly likely that
   the PE devices used are complex because of the number of VRs
   supported, the number of routing adjacencies between VR pairs,
   maintenance of tunnel and VPN-specific information and possibly other
   information such as QoS.  Thus the management of the PE is extremely
   critical for the SP.  If the SP core is also used to provide Internet
   services, adequate mechanisms should be in place in order to not
   allow misconfigurations or instabilities in the PE control plane to
   affect the general Internet operations or impact other VPN customers.
   In addition to normal SP network management, prevention of Denial of
   Service attacks must be in place in the PEs.  Resource partitioning
   and rate limiting, as described in Section 6.2 are examples of such

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17. Security considerations

   There are no additional security considerations besides those already
   addressed in the document in Section 6.

18. Acknowledgments

   The authors of this draft would like to acknowledge the suggestions
   and comments received from the entire Layer 3 Applicability Statement
   Design Team formed in the PPVPN working group.  Besides the authors,
   the members of the design team include Marco Carugi, Eric Rosen,
   Jeremy De Clercq, Luyuan Fang, Dave McDysan, Cliff Wang, Olivier
   Paridaens, Tom Nadeau, Yakov Rekhter and Rick Wilder. Thanks are also
   due to the authors of [PPVPNVR], especially Hamid Ould-Brahim.  Many
   thanks are due to the constructive comments made by Ross Callon and
   Mark Duffy.


19.1. Normative References

         [PPVPNVR] Ould-Brahim, H., et al., "Network based IP VPN Architecture
         using Virtual Routers", work in progress.

         [RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision
         3", RFC   2026, October 1996.

19.2. Informative References

         [ASGUIDE] Sumimoto, J., et al., "Guidelines of Applicability
         Statements for PPVPNs," work in progress.

         [FRAMEWORK] R. Callon, et al., "A Framework for Layer 3 Provider
         Provisioned Virtual Private Networks," work in progress.

         [REQTS] McDysan, D., et al., "Service requirements for Layer 3
         Provider Provisioned Virtual Private Networks", work in progress.

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         [RFC2764] Gleeson, B., et al., "A Framework for IP Based Virtual
         Private Networks", RFC 2764, February 2000.

         [RFC1918] Rekhter, Y. et al., "Address Allocation for Private
         Internets," RFC 1918, February 1996.

         [RFC2685] Fox B., et al, "Virtual Private Networks Identifier", RFC
         2685, September 1999.

         [COREVPN] Muthukrishnan, K., Malis, A., "Core MPLS IP VPN
         Architecture", work in progress.

         [RFC2547bis] Rosen E., et al, "BGP/MPLS VPNs", work in progress.

         [VPN-BGP] Ould-Brahim, H., et al, "Using BGP as an Auto-Discovery
         Mechanism for Network-based VPNs", work in progress.

         [RADIUS-DISC] Heinanen J., "Using Radius for PE-Based VPN Discovery",
         work in progress.

20. Authors' Addresses

         Ananth Nagarajan

         Muneyoshi Suzuki
         Junichi Sumimoto
         NTT Information Sharing Platform Labs.
         3-9-11, Midori-cho,
         Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8585, Japan

         Paul Knight
         Nortel Networks
         600 Technology Park Drive
         Billerica, MA 01821

         Benson Schliesser
         SAVVIS Communications
         717 Office Parkway
         St. Louis, MO 63141
         Phone: +1-314-468-7036

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21. Full Copyright Statement

      Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  All Rights Reserved.

      This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
      others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
      or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
      and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
      kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
      included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
      document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
      the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
      Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
      developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
      copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
      followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

      The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
      revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

      This document and the information contained herein is provided on an

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